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Plank: n. a long narrow flat piece of wood that is used for making floors; 木板,板条: a plank of wood

Row: n. ~(over sth.) a serious disagreement between people, organizations etc. about sth. A row has broken out over education.

Stake: a wooden post that sb. could be tied to in former times before being burnt to death(=killed by fire) as a punishment火刑柱He was burnt at the stake

Tray: n. a flat piece of wood, metal or plastic with raised eages, used for carrying or holding things, especially food盘,托盘,碟:He brought her breakfast in bed on a tray.

sentimental: adj. 1.connected with your emotions rather than reason情感的(而非理性的):He has a strong sentimental attachment to that place 2.(often disapproving) producing emotions such as pity, romantic love or sadness, which may be too strong or not appropriate; feeling these emotions too much(失之过度或不恰当地)伤感的,充满柔情的,多愁善感的Her book is honest without being sentimental.

n. 1.a short period of enjoyment when you do not allow yourself to worry or think seriously about anything一阵尽情欢乐;一时的放纵:He was determined to have one last fling before retiring. 2. ~(with sb.) a short sexual relationship with sb.短暂的风流韵事:

We had a brief fling, but it’s over now.

break sth off: to end sth. suddenly突然终止:Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations. They have broken off their engagement. Track (keep /lose track of sb/sth) to have/not have information about what is happening or where sb/sth is了解/不了解。。。。的动态;与。。。。保持/失去联系Bank statements help you keep track of where sb/sth is.

Terrific: adj. (informal)excellent; wonderful 极好的;绝妙的;了不起的I feel absolutely terrific today! She is doing a terrific job.

Swell: v (~up) to become bigger or rounder膨胀,肿胀:Her arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her.

n (old-fashioned, informal) an important or fashionable person重要人士;时髦人物

Commute:n. the journey that a person makes when they commute to work 上下班路程I have only a short commute to work. I plan my day’s work during the morning commute.(我在早晨上班的路上计划我一天的工作)

Switch: . n. /v. to change or make sth. change from one thing to another(使)改变;转变;突变Press these two keys to switch between documents on screen.

v. to exchange one thing for another交换;转换;对调

Do you think she’ll notice if I switch my glass with hers? Turn around: to change position or direction so as to face the other way; to make sb./sth. do this(使)翻身;转身;翻转:Turn around and let me look at your back.

Bargain: n. a thing bought for less than the usual price减价品;便宜货:I picked up a few good bargains in the sale.

v. ~(with sb.) (about/over/for sth.) to discuaa prices, conditions, etc. with sb. in order to reach an agreement that is satisfactory(和某人就某事)讨价还价,商讨条件:He said he wasn’t prepared to bargain

admission: n. ~(to sth.) the act of accepting sb. into an institution or organization(机构、组织等的)准许加入,加入权,进入权:Hospital admission is not necessary in most cases

seal: n. sea animal 海豹;印章;玺;印记:The letter bore the president’s seal

elope:v. ~(with sb.) to run away with sb. in order to marry secretly 私奔n.:elopement

petrified: adj. ~(of sth.) extremely frightened非常害怕;恐慌的:a petrified expression I’m petrified of snakes. colonial: adj. connected with or belonging to a country that controls another country殖民的;殖民国家的a colonial power provoke: v to cause a particular reaction or have a particular effect

激起,引起,引发:The announcement provoked a storm of protest.

cozy: adj. warm comfortable and safe, especially because of being small or enclosed暖和舒适的:a cozy little room

brunch: n.(informal) a meal that you eat in the late morning as a combination of breakfast and lunch早午餐psychoanalyst:精神分析学家(或医生)

divine:adj. coming from or connected with a god or a god天赐的,上帝的,神的:divine law/love/will

whore : n. a woman who has sex with man for money娼妓;妓女sample: n. a number of people or things taken from a larger group and used in tests to provide information about the group(抽查的)样品,样本

v.to try a small amount of a particular food to see what it is like; to experience sth. for a short time to see what it is like品尝;体验;尝试:I sampled the delights of Greek cooking for the first time. toss: v. to throw sth.lightly or carelessly扔,掷;抛I tossed the book aside and got up.

torture:n. the act of causing sb. severe pain in order to punish them or make them say or do sth拷打;拷问;酷刑:Many of the refugees have suffered torture

v. to make sb. feel extremely unhappy or anxious使苦恼;使

受煎熬;使焦急:He spent his life tortured by the memories of his childhood.

get off sb.: especially to tell sb. to stop touching you or another person别碰,走远点get off me

outburst:n. a sudden strong expression of an emotion(感情的)爆发,迸发an outburst of anger/laugher

enrollment: n. the act of officially joining a course,school,etc. the number of people who do this入学,注册,登记(人数):Enrollment is the first week of September.

brochure:n. a small magazine or book containing pictures and information about sth. or advertising sth.资料(或广告)手册: a travel brochure

looker:n. a way of describing an attractive person, usually a woman美人;靓女:She is a real looker.

incredible: adj .impossible or very difficult to believe难以置信的:an incredible story

straighten sth. out: to deal with a confused situation by organizing things that are causing problems清理;整顿:I need time to straighten out my finances .

hunt sb. down:to search for sb. until you catch or find them, especially in order to punish or harm them追捕,缉捕(某人)conditional: adj. ~(on /upon sth.) depending on sth.附带条件的;

依。。而定的Payment is conditional upon delivery of the goods. syllabus: n. a list of the topics ,books, etc. that students should study in particular subject at school or college教学大纲。submit:v. to give a document, proposal etc. to sb. in authority so that they can study or consider it. 提交,呈递(文件,建议等)to submit an application/a claim/a complaint

revision:n. a change or set of changes on sth.修订,修改n:He made some revisions to the report before printing it out. subjective: adj. based on your own ideas or opinions rather than facts and therefore sometimes unfair主观的(非客观的)a highly subjective point of view

file : ~(for sth.) to present sth. so that it can be officially recorded and dealt with.提起(诉讼);提出(申请);送交(备案)to file for divorce/bankruptcy

drop by : 顺便拜访

keep sb. on their toes(通过出其不意的行动)使保持警觉compromise n/v:妥协,折中;互让;和解reach a compromise ~(withsb.) (on sth.) to give up some of your demands after a dispute with sb. in order to reach an agreement. Neither side is prepared to compromise.

compel: to force sb. to do sth.; to make sth. necessary强迫,迫使;使必须The law can compel fathers to make regular payments for

their children。

quitter:n. a peson who gives up easily and doesn’t finish a task they have started有始无终的人;半途而废的人



abnormal 不α.正常的absurd α . 荒缪的current a. 当前的 decent a. 体面的像样的还不错的 abundant α . 丰富的 acute α . 敏锐的锋利的 aggressive α . 侵略的好斗的 ambiguous α . 模棱两可的模糊的 ambitious α. 有雄心的 有抱负的 appropriate α . 合适的恰当的 authentic α. 可靠的可信的 average α . 一般的普通的barren α . 贫瘠 的不毛的bound α . 一定的chronic α . 慢 性的commentary α . 实况报道compact α . 紧凑的小巧的competitive α . 竞争性的 有竞争力的compact a. 紧凑的小巧的 compulsory a. 强迫的强制的义务的 confidential a. 机紧的秘密的 conservative a. 保守的传统的 consistent a. 和??一致 conspicuous a. 的 显而易见的引人注目crucial a. 关键的current a. 当前的 delicate a. 精细的微妙的精心处理的 destructive a. 毁灭的 economic a. 经济的 elegant a. 优雅的优美的精致的embarrassing a. 令人尴尬的 energetic a . 精力充沛的 equivalent a. 相等的 eternal a. 永恒的无休止的 exclusive a . 独有的排他的 extinct a. 灭绝的 extinct a. 灭绝的绝种的0 fatal a. 假的冒充的 fatal a. 致命的毁灭性的 feasible a. 可行的 feeble a. 脆弱的虚弱的rough a. 粗略的不精确的rude a. 粗鲁的不礼貌的sensitive a. 敏感的sheer a. 完全的十足的shrewd a. 精明的stationary a. 固定的subordinate a. 次要的从属的


小学必备英语单词1600个 单词是英语学习的基础,根据单词的类别整理了1600个小学必学单词,方便孩子系统的学习。 1.家庭与人物称呼及职业职务 ①家庭人员 aunt姨母;姨母姑母;伯母;婶母brother兄;弟cousin堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹 couple夫妇dad(daddy)爸爸daughter女儿family家;家庭;家人;亲属;家族 father爸爸;父亲grandchild孙子/女,外孙子/孙女granddaughger孙女,外孙女grandfather祖父;外祖父 grandma(口)奶奶;外婆grandmother祖母;外祖母 grandpa(口)爷爷;外公grandparent祖父母;外祖父母 grandson孙子,外孙子granny老奶奶 husband丈夫Mom(美Mum)妈妈 mother母亲;妈妈parent父母亲 relation关系;亲属关系sister姐;妹 son儿子uncle叔;伯;舅;姨夫;姑夫 wife(pl.wives)妻子 ②人物称呼 adult成年人Asian亚洲人;亚洲的adj. baby婴儿;小孩boy男孩 child(复数children)孩子classmate同班同学 elder长者;前辈enemy敌人 European欧洲人;欧洲的adj. fan迷(热情崇拜者);扇 foreigner外国人friend朋友 girl女孩gentleman绅士 god神;(God)上帝guest客人,来宾 hero英雄human人类 kid小孩lady女士,夫人 madam=madame夫人,女士man(pl.men)成年男人;人,人类 member成员,会员Miss小姐,女士 Mr.(mister)先生Mrs.(mistress)夫人,太太(称呼已婚妇女)Ms.女士(用于婚姻状况不明的女子姓名前)neighbor(美neighbor)邻居


英语单词分类汇总表 1、性别及家庭成员 boy 男孩girl 女孩mother 母亲father 父亲 grandpa 爷爷(口语)grandma 奶奶(口语)grandmother 祖母[‘ɡr?nd?m?e?] grandfather 祖父[‘ɡr?nd?fɑ:e?] dad 爸爸(口语)[d?d] mum 妈妈(口语)[m?m] uncle 叔叔[‘??kl] aunt 阿姨[ɑ:nt] sister 姐妹[‘sist?] brother 兄、弟[‘br?e?] Ms 女士[miz] Mr 先生[‘mist?] Miss 小姐[mis] 2、动物animal [‘?nim?l] panda 熊猫[‘p?nd?] monkey 猴子[‘m??ki] dog 狗[d?ɡ] cat 猫[k?t] bird 鸟[b?:d] bee 蜜蜂[bi:] bear 熊[b??] horse 马[h?:s] pig 猪[piɡ] duck 鸭子[d?k] rabbit 兔子[‘r?bit] tiger 老虎[‘taiɡ?] lion 狮子[‘lai?n] chick 小鸡[t?ik] fox 狐狸[f?ks] hen 母鸡[hen] cow 奶牛[kau] cock 公鸡[k?k] 3、数字 one 一[w?n] two 二[tu:] three 三[θri:] four 四[f?:] five 五[faiv] six 六[siks] seven 七[‘sevn] eight 八[eit] nine 九[nain] ten 十[ten] eleven 十一[i’levn] twelve 十二[twelv] thirteen 十三[?θ?:’ti:n] fourteen 十四[‘f?:’ti:n] fifteen 十五[‘fif’ti:n] sixteen 十六[sik’sti:n] seventeen 十七[?sevn’ti:n]eighteen 十八[?ei’ti:n] n ineteen 十九[‘nain’ti:n] twenty 二十[‘twenti] twenty-one 二十一thirty 三十[‘θ?:ti] forty 四十[‘f?:ti] fifty 五十[‘fifti] sixty 六十[‘siksti] seventy 七十[‘sevnti] eighty 八十[‘eiti]


一、学习用品 (school things) pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 pencil-case铅笔盒 ruler尺子 book书 bag包comic book漫画书 post card明信片 newspaper报纸 schoolbag书包 eraser橡皮 crayon蜡笔 sharpener卷笔刀 story-book故事书 notebook笔记本 Chinese book语文书 English book英语书 math book数学书 magazine杂志 dictionary词典 二、人体(body)foot脚 head头 face脸 hair头发nose鼻子 mouth嘴 eye眼睛 ear耳朵 arm手臂 hand手 finger手指 leg腿 tail尾巴 三、颜色(colours)red红 blue蓝 yellow黄green绿 white白 black黑 pink粉红 purple紫 orange橙 brown棕 grey 灰 四、动物(animals)cat猫 dog狗 pig猪 duck鸭 rabbit兔 horse马 elephant大象 ant蚂蚁 fish鱼 bird鸟 eagle鹰 beaver海狸 snake蛇mouse老鼠 squirrel松鼠 kangaroo袋鼠 monkey猴 panda熊猫 bear熊 lion狮子 tiger老虎 fox狐狸 zebra斑马 deer鹿 giraffe长颈鹿 goose鹅 hen母鸡 turkey火鸡 lamb小羊 sheep绵羊 goat山羊 cow奶牛 donkey驴 squid鱿鱼 lobster龙虾 shark鲨鱼 seal海豹 sperm whale抹香鲸 killer whale虎鲸


一、学习用品(school things) pen钢笔pencil铅笔pencil-case铅笔盒ruler尺子book书bag包comic book漫画书post card明信片newspaper报纸schoolbag书包eraser橡皮crayon蜡笔sharpener卷笔刀story-book故事书notebook笔记本Chinese book语文书English book英语书math book数学书magazine杂志dictionary词典 二、身体(body) foot脚head头face脸hair头发nose鼻子mouth嘴eye眼睛ear耳朵arm手臂hand手finger手指leg腿tail尾巴 三、颜色(colours) red红blue蓝yellow黄green绿white白black黑pink粉红purple紫orange橙brown棕 四、动物(animals) cat猫dog狗pig猪duck鸭rabbit兔horse马elephant大象ant蚂蚁fish 鱼bird鸟eagle鹰beaver海狸snake蛇mouse老鼠squirrel松鼠kangaroo袋鼠monkey猴panda熊猫bear熊lion狮子tiger老虎fox狐狸zebra斑马deer鹿giraffe长颈鹿goose鹅hen母鸡turkey火鸡lamb小羊sheep绵羊goat山羊cow奶牛donkey驴squid鱿鱼lobster龙虾shark鲨鱼seal海豹sperm whale抹香鲸killer whale虎鲸 五、人物(people) friend朋友boy男孩girl女孩mother母亲father父亲sister姐妹brother 兄弟uncle叔叔;舅舅man男人woman女人Mr.先生Miss小姐lady女士;小姐mom妈妈dad爸爸parents父母grandparents祖父母robot机器人grandma/grandmother(外)祖母grandpa/grandfather(外)祖父aunt姑姑


六级单选正确选项高频词汇 以下整理的词汇,是在六级考试中曾经作为正确选项出现的单词。鉴于六级的考点重复率较高,以往考察过的,意味着接下来的考试中依然可能重复考到。望考生在最后几天复习中多加借鉴。 考过四次的 1.obscure(99-12,02-12,03-6,05-6 2.transition(00-6,01-6,03-6,05-6) https://www.doczj.com/doc/8418609226.html,patible(01-6,02-12,02-12,05-6) 4.cherish(03-6,04-12,05-6,05-12) 考过三次的 1.dominate(99-12,04-6,05-6) 2.ascribe(99-12,03-12,05-12) 3.mingle(99-12,00-6,05-6) 4.dilemma(99-12,01-12,05-6) 5.allege(00-6,02-6,03-6) 6.conform(00-6,00-12,02-12) 7.hamper(00-12,02-6,03-9) 8.assurance(00-12,01-12,03-9) 9.ambiguous(01-6,03-9,05-12) 10.explicit(01-6,03-12,04-12) 11.acknowledge(01-6,02-6,04-6) 12.absurd(01-12,02-6,05-12) 13.coincide(03-12,03-9,05-6) 14.impose(03-12,04-12,05-12) 考过两次的 1.anticipate(99-12,03-12) 2.feasible(99-12,03-12) 3.respectable(99-12,00-12) 4.revenge(99-12,03-12) 5.haul(99-12,03-12) 6.negligible(99-12,03-6) 7.ambitious(99-12,00-12) 8.trivial(99-12,03-6) 9.intiution(99-12,04-12) 10.facet(99-12,03-12) 11.threshold(99-12,03-6) 12.decent(99-12,05-12) 13.extinct(99-12,00-12) 14.indignant(00-6,01-12) 15.eternal(00-6,03-12) 16.simultaneously(00-6,05-6) 17.expenditure(00-6,04-12) 18.deprive(00-6,00-12)


N B A必备英文词汇Last revision on 21 December 2020

看NBA必备的篮球词汇大全球队一览: Eastern Conference 东部联盟 Boston Celtics 波士顿凯尔特人 New Jersey Nets 新泽西网 New York Knicks 纽约尼克斯 Philadelphia 76ers 费城76人 Toronto Raptors 多伦多猛龙 Chicago Bulls 芝加哥公牛 Cleveland Cavaliers 克里夫兰骑士 Detroit Pistons 底特律活塞 Indiana Pacers 印第安纳步行者 Milwaukee Bucks 密尔沃基雄鹿 Atlanta Hawks 亚特兰大老鹰 Charlotte Bobcats 夏洛特山猫 Miami Heat 迈阿密热火 Orlando Magic 奥兰多魔术 Washington Wizards 华盛顿奇才 Western Conference 西部联盟 Denver Nuggets 丹佛掘金 Minnesota Timberwolves 明尼苏达森林狼Oklahoma City Thunder 俄克拉何马城雷霆

Portland Trail Blazers 波特兰开拓者 Utah Jazz 犹他爵士 Golden State Warriors 金州勇士 Los Angeles Clippers 洛杉矶快船 Los Angeles Lakers 洛杉矶湖人 Phoenix Suns 菲尼克斯太阳 Sacramento Kings 萨克拉门托国王 Dallas Mavericks 达拉斯小牛 Houston Rockets 休斯敦火箭 Memphis Grizzlies 孟菲斯灰熊 New Orleans Hornets 新奥尔良黄蜂 San Antonio Spurs 圣安东尼奥马刺 球队组成: assistant coach:助理教练 backcourt:后卫组(包括控球后卫及得分后卫) backup:后备(替换,支持)球员 bench:(指全体)后备(替换,支持)球员 bench player:(指个人)后备(替换,支持)球员center:中锋(又称5号位置球员) coach:教练 frontline:锋线(包括大前锋,小前锋,中锋) GM(general manager):球队经理


1.数字Number eight8eighteen18hundred百nine9nineteen19thousand千 ten10twenty20million百万序数词 first第一fifth第五ninth第九second第二sixth第六tenth第十third第三seventh第七eleventh第十一fourth第四eighth第八twelfth第十二 2.服饰Clothes

裤子pants长裤shorts短裤ers jeans牛仔裤vest背心pocket口袋 shoe鞋sneakers网球鞋sandals凉鞋 slippe 拖鞋boots靴子sock袜子rs cap鸭舌帽hat有沿帽gloves手套 tie领带sunglasses太阳镜 3.食物food 面 bread noodles面条rice米饭包 meat肉pork猪肉chicken鸡肉 牛 beef mutton羊肉fish鱼肉肉

汁 eggplant 茄 子 cucumber 黄瓜 greenbeans 青豆 tomato 红 柿 potato 土豆 onion 洋葱 carrot 胡 萝 cabbage 卷心菜 soup 汤

香 banana orange橙子watermelon西瓜蕉 葡 grape peach桃子strawberry草莓萄 菠 pineapple 萝 4.生活类 kitchen厨房house房屋table桌子floor地板wall墙壁shelf架子door门window窗户curtain窗帘bed床endtable床头柜closet壁橱sofa沙发trashbin垃圾箱mirror镜子doorbell门铃key钥匙lock锁


一、学习用品 (school[sku:l] things) Pen钢笔[pen] Pencil铅笔['pens?l] pencil-case铅笔盒['pens?l-keis] ruler尺子['ru:l?] book书[buk] bag包[b?ɡ] comic book漫画书['k?mik-buk] post card明信片[p?ust-kɑ:d] newspaper报纸 ['nju:s,peip?, 'nju:z-] schoolbag书包['sku:lb?ɡ] eraser橡皮 [i'reiz?] crayon蜡笔['krei?n] sharpener卷笔刀 story-book故事书['st?:ri-buk] notebook笔记本['n?utbuk] Chinese book语文书 English book英语书 math book数学书[m?θ-buk] magazine杂志[,m?ɡ?'zi:n] dictionary词典['dik??n?ri] 二、人体(body)['b?di] foot脚[fut] head头[hed] face脸[feis] hair头发[hε?] nose鼻子[n?uz] mouth嘴[mauθ] eye 眼睛[ai] ear耳朵[i?] arm手臂[ɑ:m] hand手[h?nd] finger手指['fi?ɡ?] leg腿[leɡ] tail尾巴[teil] 三、颜色(colours) red红[red] blue蓝[blu:] yellow黄['jel?u] green绿[ɡri:n] white白[hwait] black黑 [bl?k] pink粉红[pi?k] purple紫['p?:pl] orange橙['?rind?, '?:-] brown棕[braun] 四、动物(animals)animal ['?nim?l] cat猫[k?t] dog狗[d?ɡ, d?:ɡ] pig猪[piɡ] duck鸭[d?k] rabbit兔['r?bit] horse马[h?:s] elephant 大象['elif?nt] ant蚂蚁[?nt] fish鱼[fi?] bird鸟[b?:d] eagle鹰['i:ɡl] beaver海狸['bi:v?] snake蛇[sneik] mouse老鼠[maus, mauz] squirrel松鼠['skw?:r?l, 'skwi-, 'skw?-] kangaroo袋鼠[,k?nɡ?'ru:] monkey猴['m??ki] panda 熊猫['p?nd?] bear熊[bε?] lion狮子['lai?n] tiger老虎['taiɡ?] fox狐狸[f?ks] zebra斑马 ['zi:br?] deer鹿[di?] goose鹅[ɡu:s] giraffe长颈鹿[d?i'rɑ:f]hen母鸡[hen] turkey火鸡['t?:ki] lamb小羊[l?m] sheep绵羊[?ip] goat山羊[ɡ?ut] cow奶牛[kau] donkey驴['d??ki] squid鱿鱼[skwid] lobster龙虾['l?bst?] shark鲨鱼[?ɑ:k] seal 海豹[si:l] sperm whale抹香鲸[sp?:m-hweil] killer whale虎鲸['kil?-hweil] 五、人物(people)['pi:pl] friend朋友[frend] boy男孩[b?i] girl女孩[ɡ?:l] mother母亲['m?e?] father父亲['fɑ:e?] sister姐妹['sist?] brother兄弟['br?e?] uncle叔叔;舅舅['??kl] man男人[m?n] woman女人['wum?n] Miss小姐[mis] Mr.先生 lady女士;小姐['leidi] mom妈妈[m?m] dada爸爸[d?d, 'dɑ:dɑ:] parents父母parent['pε?r?nt] son 儿子[s?n] grandparents祖父母['ɡr?nd,pε?r?nt] grandma/grandmother(外)祖母['ɡr?nd,m?e?] aunt姑姑[ɑ:nt, ?nt] cousin堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹['k?z?n] daughter女儿['d?:t?] baby婴儿['beibi] kid小孩[kid] queen 女王[kwi:n] classmate同学['klɑ:smeit]visitor参观者['vizit?] neighbour邻居['neib?] principal校长 ['prins?p?l] university student大学生[,ju:ni'v?:s?ti-'stju:d?nt]pen pal笔友[pen-p?l] tourist旅行者['tu?rist] people人物['pi:pl] robot机器人['r?ub?t, -b?t, 'r?b?t] grandpa/grandfather(外)祖父['ɡr?ndpɑ:] / ['ɡr?nd,fɑ:e?] 六、职业(jobs)[d??bs] teacher教师['ti:t??] student学生['stju:d?nt, 'stu:-] doctor医生[d?kt?] nurse护士[n?:s] driver 司机[n?:s] farmer农民['fɑ:m?] singer歌唱家['si??] writer作家['rait?] actor男演员['?kt?] actress女演员['?ktris] artist画家['ɑ:tist] TV reporter电视台记者[ri'p?:t?] engineer工程师[,end?i'ni?] accountant会计[?'kaunt?nt] policeman(男)警察[p?'li:sm?n] salesperson销售员['seilz,p?:s?n]cleaner清洁工['kli:n?]police警察[p?'li:s] baseball player棒球运动员['beisb?:l-'plei?] assistant售货员[?'sist?nt] 七、食品、饮料(food & drink) rice米饭[rais] bread面包[bred] beef牛肉[bi:f] milk牛奶[milk] water水['w?:t?, 'w?-] egg蛋[eɡ] fish 鱼[fi?] tofu豆腐['t?ufu:] cake蛋糕[keik] hot dog热狗[h?t-[d?ɡ] hamburger汉堡包['h?mb?:ɡ?] jam果酱 [d??m] French fries炸薯条[fraids] cookie曲奇['kuki] biscuit饼干['biskit] noodles面条['nu:dl] meat肉[mi:t] chicken鸡肉['t?ikin] pork猪肉[p?:k] mutton羊肉['m?t?n] vegetable蔬菜['ved?it?bl]salad沙拉 ['s?l?d] ice冰[ais] soup汤[su:p]ice-cream冰淇淋['aiskri:m]Coke可乐 juice果汁[d?u:s] tea茶[ti:] coffee咖啡['k?fi] breakfast早餐['brekf?st] lunch午餐[l?nt?] dinner/supper晚餐['din?] /['s?p?] meal一餐[mi:l] 八、水果、蔬菜 (fruit/ vegetables) [fru:t]['ved?it?bl] apple苹果['?pl] banana香蕉[b?'nɑ:n?, -'n?-] pear梨[pε?] orange橙['?rind?, '?:-] watermelon 西瓜['w?:t?-'mel?n] grape葡萄[ɡreip]eggplant茄子['eɡplɑ:nt,-pl?nt] green beans青豆[ɡri:n-bi:n] tomato西红柿[t?'mɑ:t?u] potato土豆[p?'teit?u] peach桃[pi:t?] strawberry草莓['str?:b?ri] cucumber黄瓜['kju:k?mb?] onion 洋葱['?nj?n] carrot胡萝卜['k?r?t] cabbage卷心菜['k?bid?] 九、衣服(clothes)[kl?ues] jacket夹克衫['d??kit] shirt衬衫[??:t] T-shirt丅恤衫skirt短裙子[sk?:t] dress连衣裙[dres] pants 长裤[p?nts] jeans牛仔裤[d?i:n, d?ein] socks袜子[s?k]s shoes鞋子[?u:]sweater毛衣['swet?] coat上衣[k?ut] cap 便帽[k?p]


英语六级考试听力高频词汇 以下30个词汇都是我的老师精心整理出来的,都是常出现于大学英语六级考试听力题里的高频词汇,希望能对大家的英语学习有所帮助,谢谢大家的支持,希望大家多多提出宝贵意见,以便于我们一起更好的交流与进步。 以下单词均有多种含义,给出的只是最为常见的,未做标注的即为依具体语境而定。 〔.schedule 时间表 2. skip 跳,略过 3. make sen se 讲得通,有意义 4. fall shorts of on e's expectation 出乎某人的意料 5. cater to 迎合,款待 6. supervisor 监督者,管理者 7. speak highly of 评价高

8. a millio n thi ngs to do 许多事情要做 9. discou nt 折扣 10. co undn't have played worse/could n't agree more 玩得不能再差一点了/不能再多同意一点了 11.1 un dersta nd the way you feel 我了解你的感受 12. go in one ear and out the other 一个耳朵听另一个耳朵冒出 来 13. distractio ns 分心 14.1 wish I could help 但愿我能帮助 15. submit 屈从,忍受 16. staff/stuff n.全体职员vt.为…配备人员/材料 17. register 登记,注册 18. deadli ne 最后期限 19. be nefit 受益

20. Are you kiddi ng 你在开玩笑吗 21. credit 信用,信誉 22.otherwise 否则 23. budget your money 预算开支 24. put in(a lot hours) 花费,支出 25.it's up to you 取决于你,由你决定 26. deserve(ho nor) 应受,应得,值得 27. ma intenance man 维修工 28. stack of papers 很多文件 29.out of the way(remote) 30.do with/do without abno rmal a. 异常的,反常的 abolish vt.废止 absurd a.荒唐


Words 七上 Unit 1 address magazine hobby own architect physics engineer photograph table tennis partner pioneer primary difficult handwriting coach *Walker *Newcastle *UK *penfriend *form *keen *rugby *captain *Canberra Unit 2 business discuss achieve grade fail twice collect violin continue junior n. 地址 n. 杂志 n. 业余爱好 v. 拥有 n. 建筑师 n. 物理学 n. 工程师 n. 照片 n. 乒乓球运动 n. 搭档;同伴 n. 先锋队员 adj. 小学教育的 adj. 困难的;麻烦的 n. 笔迹;书法 n. 教练 n. 沃克 n. 纽卡斯尔 n. 英国 n. 笔友 n. 年级 adj. 喜爱的;着迷的 n. 橄榄球运动 n. 队长;组长;船长 n. 堪培拉 n. 公司;生意 v. 讨论 v. 达到;完成 n. 成绩等级 v. (考试)不及格 adv. 两次 v. 接走;收集 n. 小提琴 v. 继续做 adj. 初级的 comb arrive once spend brush hold except biology *client *attend *club *nearby *honestly *physical *Superman Unit 3 argue show stare steal purse follow ring hurry report sigh project complete cycle hurt wonder rush bicycle newspaper button lift v. 梳,梳理(头发) v. 到达 adv. 一次 v. 花费(时间) v. 用刷子刷 v. 抱住;拿着;举行 prep. 除了……之外 n. 生物学 n. 客户 v. 参加 n. 俱乐部;社团 adv. 在附近 adv. 诚实地 adj. 身体的 n.(特指电影人物)超人 v. 争论;吵架 v. 出示;给……看 v. 盯着 v. 偷 n.钱包 v. 跟随 v. (铃)响 v. 匆忙;赶快(做某事) v. 举报;报告 v. 叹气 n. 课题 v. 完成 v. 骑(自行车) v. 受伤;伤害 v. 想知道 v. 冲;奔 n. 自行车 n. 报纸 n. 按钮 v. 抬起


一、数字三、水果 apple n. 苹果one num 一 banana n. 二香蕉two num.pear three num.三n. 梨子 peach n. 桃子four num.四 grape 五num. n. 葡萄five lychee six num.六n. 荔枝 orange num.七n. 橙子seven fruit n. eight num 八水果 num 九nine 四、文具ten num.十 bag n. eleven num.十一书包 pencil n. 十二twelve num. 铅笔 pencil case 铅笔盒thirteen num.十三 pen n. fourteen num.十四钢笔 ruler fifteen num.十五n. 尺子 eraser 十六num. n. 橡皮sixteen storybook 十七seventeen num. n. 故事书 Discman n. CD唱机num.eighteen 十八 computer game 电子游戏nineteen num.十九 CD twenty num.二十n. 激光唱片 circle n. 圆圈三十thirty num. square n. 正方形forty num.四十 triangle 五十fifty num. n. 三角形 star n. num.sixty 六十星;星形 seventy num.七十五、动物eighty num.八十 elephant n. 象九十ninety num.panda n. 一百hundred num. 熊猫one lion n. 狮子 giraffe n. 二、颜色长颈鹿 monkey n. a. red 红色猴子 zoo n. 蓝色a. blue 动物园 fish n. a. yellow 黄色鱼 bird 绿色green a. n. 鸟 rabbit 橙色a. orange n. 兔 dog 褐色的,棕色的brown a. n. 狗 a. gray 猫灰色n. cat n. 龟(尤指海龟)turtle a. black 黑色n. 白色a. white 鸭子duck 紫色的n. purple n. 绵羊sheep pink 马粉红色的a. horse n. n. 鸡;鸡肉颜色n. colour chicken 奶牛n. cow pig n. 猪light n. 灯,灯光


第一节六级核心形容词 abnormal α.不正常的 absurd α.荒缪的 abundant α.丰富的 acute α.敏锐的,锋利的 aggressive α.侵略的,好斗的ambiguous α.模棱两可的,模糊的ambitious α.有雄心的,有抱负的appropriate α.合适的,恰当的authentic α.可靠的,可信的 average α.一般的,普通的 barren α.贫瘠的,不毛的 bound α.一定的 chronic α.慢性的 commentary α. 实况报道 compact α.紧凑的,小巧的 competitive α.竞争性的,具有竞争力的compact a. 紧凑的,小巧的 competitive a. 竞争性的,具有竞争力的compulsory a. 强迫的,强制的,义务的confidential a. 机紧的,秘密的conservative a. 保守的,传统的consistent a. 和……一致 conspicuous a. 显而易见的,引人注目的crucial a. 关键的 current a. 当前的 current a. 当前的 decent a. 体面的,像样的,还不错的delicate a. 精细的,微妙的,精心处理的destructive a. 毁灭的 economic a. 经济的 elegant a. 优雅的,优美的,精致的embarrassing a. 令人尴尬的 energetic a. 精力充沛的 equivalent a. 相等的 eternal a. 永恒的,无休止的 exclusive a. 独有的,排他的 extinct a. 灭绝的 extinct a. 灭绝的,绝种的 fatal a. 假的,冒充的 fatal a. 致命的,毁灭性的


1.水果类(fruits): 西红柿tomato 菠萝pineapple 西瓜watermelon 香蕉banana 柚子shaddock (pomelo) 橙子orange 苹果apple 柠檬lemon 樱桃cherry 桃子peach 梨pear 枣Chinese date (去核枣pitted date ) 椰子coconut 草莓strawberry 树莓raspberry 蓝莓blueberry 黑莓blackberry 葡萄grape 甘蔗sugar cane 芒果mango 木瓜pawpaw/papaya 杏子apricot 油桃nectarine 柿子persimmon 石榴pomegranate 榴莲jackfruit 槟榔果areca nut ( 西班牙产苦橙)bitter orange 猕猴桃kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry 金橘cumquat 蟠桃flat peach 荔枝litchi 青梅greengage 山楂果haw 水蜜桃honey peach 香瓜,甜瓜musk melon 李子plum 杨梅waxberry red bayberry 桂圆longan

沙果crab apple 杨桃starfruit 枇杷loquat 柑橘tangerine 莲雾wax-apple 番石榴guava 2.肉、蔬菜类(livestock家畜): 南瓜(倭瓜)pumpkin cushaw 甜玉米Sweet corn 牛肉beef 猪肉pork 羊肉mutton 羔羊肉lamb 鸡肉chicken 生菜莴苣lettuce 白菜Chinese cabbage (celery cabbage)(甘蓝)卷心菜cabbage 萝卜radish 胡萝卜carrot 韭菜leek 木耳agarics 豌豆pea 马铃薯(土豆)potato 黄瓜cucumber 苦瓜balsam pear 秋葵okra 洋葱onion 芹菜celery 芹菜杆celery sticks 地瓜sweet potato 蘑菇mushroom 橄榄olive 菠菜spinach 冬瓜(Chinese)wax gourd 莲藕lotus root 紫菜laver 油菜cole rape 茄子eggplant 香菜caraway 枇杷loquat 青椒green pepper 四季豆青刀豆garden bean


一、学习用品(school things) pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 pencil-case铅笔盒 ruler尺子 book书 bag包comic book漫画书 post card明信片 newspaper报纸 schoolbag书包 eraser橡皮 crayon蜡笔 sharpener卷笔刀 story-book故事书 notebook笔记本 Chinese book语文书 English book英语书 math book数学书 magazine杂志 dictionary词典 二、人体(body)foot脚 head头 face脸 hair头发nose鼻子 mouth嘴 eye眼睛 ear耳朵 arm手臂 hand手 finger手指 leg腿 tail尾巴 三、颜色(colours)red红 blue蓝 yellow黄green绿 white白 black黑 pink粉红 purple紫 orange橙 brown棕 四、动物(animals)cat猫 dog狗 pig猪 duck鸭 rabbit兔 horse马 elephant大象 ant蚂蚁 fish鱼 bird鸟 eagle鹰 beaver海狸 snake蛇mouse老鼠 squirrel松鼠 kangaroo袋鼠 monkey猴 panda熊猫 bear熊 lion狮子 tiger老虎 fox狐狸 zebra斑马 deer鹿 giraffe长颈鹿 goose鹅 hen母鸡 turkey火鸡 lamb小羊 sheep绵羊 goat山羊 cow奶牛 donkey驴 squid鱿鱼 lobster龙虾 shark鲨鱼 seal海豹 sperm whale抹香鲸 killer whale虎鲸 五、人物(people)friend朋友boy男孩 girl女孩 mother母亲 father父亲


可编辑 Words 七上 Unit 1 address magazine hobby own architect physics engineer photograph table tennis partner pioneer primary difficult handwriting coach *Walker *Newcastle *UK *penfriend *form *keen *rugby *captain *Canberra Unit 2 business discuss achieve grade fail twice collect violin continue junior n. 地址 n. 杂志 n. 业余爱好 v. 拥有 n. 建筑师 n. 物理学 n. 工程师 n. 照片 n. 乒乓球运动 n. 搭档;同伴 n. 先锋队员 adj. 小学教育的 adj. 困难的;麻烦的 n. 笔迹;书法 n. 教练 n. 沃克 n. 纽卡斯尔 n. 英国 n. 笔友 n. 年级 adj. 喜爱的;着迷的 n. 橄榄球运动 n. 队长;组长;船长 n. 堪培拉 n. 公司;生意 v. 讨论 v. 达到;完成 n. 成绩等级 v. (考试)不及格 adv. 两次 v. 接走;收集 n. 小提琴 v. 继续做 adj. 初级的 comb arrive once spend brush hold except biology *client *attend *club *nearby *honestly *physical *Superman Unit 3 argue show stare steal purse follow ring hurry report sigh project complete cycle hurt wonder rush bicycle newspaper button lift v. 梳,梳理(头发) v. 到达 adv. 一次 v. 花费(时间) v. 用刷子刷 v. 抱住;拿着;举行 prep. 除了……之外 n. 生物学 n. 客户 v. 参加 n. 俱乐部;社团 adv. 在附近 adv. 诚实地 adj. 身体的 n.(特指电影人物)超人 v. 争论;吵架 v. 出示;给……看 v. 盯着 v. 偷 n.钱包 v. 跟随 v. (铃)响 v. 匆忙;赶快(做某事) v. 举报;报告 v. 叹气 n. 课题 v. 完成 v. 骑(自行车) v. 受伤;伤害 v. 想知道 v. 冲;奔 n. 自行车 n. 报纸


List 01 Abandon Abate Ability Abolish Abound Absent Absenteeism Absorb Abstract Absurd Abuse Academic Accelerate Access Accessible Accessory Accommodation Accompany Accomplish Account Accountant Accreditation Accumulate Accuracy Accurate Achievement Acid Acknowledge Acoustic Acquaint Acquaintance Acquire Acquisition Acrobat Activate Actual Acumen Acute Adapt Adaptation Addict Addict Addition Additional Address Adequate Adhere Adjacent Adjust Administer Administration Admission Admit Adolescence Adopt Advance Advanced Advantage advent Adventure Adverse Advertise Advocate Aeration Aerobics Aeronautics Aeroplane Astrospace Aesthetic Affect Afflict List 02 afford agency agenda aggravation aggressive aggressiveness agriculture ailment airtight aisle alarm alchemist alcohol alert alienation alight alinement alley allocate allowance alluvial almond alter alternant alternate alternative altitude aluminium amass amateur amaze ambassador ambiguous ambition ambulance amorphous amount amplify analogous analyze anatomy ancient and so forth anecdotal Announce Annoy Annual Anthropologist Anticipate Antidote Antiquity Anxious apace apart ------- Apparatus Apparent Apparently Appeal Appearance Appetite Applaud Appliance Applicant Application Apply Appoint Appointment Appraise Approach Appropriate appropriate List 03 Approvable Approve Approximate Apt apt aptitude aquarium ---- ----- Architect Architecture Archives Argue Argument Aridity Arithmetic Arrange Arrangement Array Arrogant Artifact Artery Arthritis Artificial As for / as to As if / as though Ashes Aspect Aspiration Assemble Assess Asset Assign Assignment assimilate assist assistant associate associate association assume assumption assurance asthma astonish astound astray astrology astronaut asymmetry at least at random

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