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The Development of The Renaissance


Renaissance is a period between 14th and 17th century which is a historical period that the European humanist thinkers and scholars made attempts to get rid of conservatism in feudalist Europe and introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of rising bourgeoisie , to lift the restrictions in all areas placed by the roman church authorities.

As we all know, The Renaissance started in Italy, and then spread throughout the whole Europe. The Renaissance had made so many contributions to the world in several different fields, such as the art and the literature. The old sciences revived and new sciences emerged. people had freedom and was not controlled by the papal authority in Rome anymore. The absolute authority of the Roman catholic church was shaken and people in Europe came to a new awareness which was to help shape what Europe is today. The core concept is humanism.

1.historical background

In the 12th century. a rediscovery of Greek and Roman literature occurred across Europe tha t eventually led to the development of the humanist movement in the 14th cent. In addition to emp hasizing Greek and Latin scholarship, humanists believed that each individual had significance wit hin society. The growth of an interest in humanism led to the changes in the arts and sciences that form common conceptions of the Renaissance.

The 14th century. through the 16th cent. was a period of economic flux in Europe; the most e xtensive changes took place in Italy. After the death of Frederick II in 1250, emperors lost power i n Italy and throughout Europe; none of Frederick's successors equaled him. Power fell instead into the hands of various popes; after the Great Schism (1378–1415; see Schism, Great), when three p opes held power simultaneously, control returned to secular rulers.

During the Renaissance small Italian republics developed into despotisms as the centers of po wer moved from the landed estates to the cities. Europe itself slowly developed into groups of self -sufficient compartments. At the height of the Renaissance there were five major city-states in Ital y: the combined state of Naples and Sicily, the Papal State, Florence, Milan, and Venice. Italy's ec onomic growth is best exemplified in the development of strong banks, most notably the Medici b ank of Florence. England, France, and Spain also began to develop economically based class syste ms.

2.the four stages

According to the development process, people accustomed to divide Renaissance into four parts.

2.1 The Primitive Renaissance Period

Early 14th century, is the period of "primitive Renaissance " , also known as the beginning period. During this period, the ideological field was influenced by radicalism ,and it broke the feudalism and praised the natural beauty and human values. Representative of this period is Petrarch, Giotto.Petrarch , Boccaccio and Dante are known as "the former three heroes of the Renaissance ".

2.1.1 Petrarch

Petrarch, who perfected the sonnet form and was often regarded as the first modern poet, was also one of the first humanists. Petrarch’s love for the classics and his belief in the value of human experience influenced his own writing and inspired other humanists. In 1333 at liege, Belgium, he discovered cicero’s oration pro arochia, a rome defense of poetry, which was a great

contribution to western civilization.


Giotto is the father of European painting . he is an Italian painter ,is highly regarded as the artist who moved away from the traditional medieval technique which portrayed the human figure as a stiff, flat and two-dimensional character. As an artist far ahead of his time, Giotto began to portray humans as rounded, proportioned and naturalistic. His work influenced the development of Renaissance arts for more than one century after his death in Florence in 1337.


The first master to sound the horn is an excellent poet--Dante, his poem 《Divine Comedy》shined dawn of humanism, focused on the darkness of the church, and conducted a ruthless expose of corruption and criticism. He denounced the church “to do business in the name of Christ,”“make the world into a tragic situation,”“the church is garbage .”Furthermore, Dante expressed humans’wisdom and pursuit of ideals . The hell in《Divine Comedy》is the actual situation in the real world, paradise is the ideal and hope of mankind, purgatory (炼狱)is the ideal from reality to be suffering through the course.

2.2 The Early Stages Of The Renaissance

From the Late 14th century to the 15th century, humanism and literature, art has been further developed, laid good foundation for the later development of the Renaissance . At this time, Italy has produced many first-class painters, sculptors and architects. The representative figures are the famous painter Masaccio, the sculptor Donatello, and the architect Brunelleschi.

2.2.1 Masaccio

Masaccio is ranked the greatest master of the Early Italian Renaissance painting, whose application of scientific perspective and depiction of natural lighting represent an important step in the development of modern painting. He was born in San Giovanni Valdarno, near Florence. Together with architect Brunelleschi and sculptor Donatello, Masaccio was a founder of Renaissance art and architecture. Only five works unquestionably attributed to him survive.

2.2.2 Donatello

Italian sculptor Donatello executed his David, the first nude statue of the Renaissance, about 1430-1435. This nearly life-size bronze image of David was also the first statue since classical antiquity to be cast in the round. Its realism marked a departure from the Gothic conventions of sculpture.

2.2.3 Brunelleschi

Brunelleschi was an architect who began as a goldsmith like many other renaissance artists. He made several trips to rome where he devoted himself to the study of classical building. In his designing of the churches he showed a systematic use of perspective. He also introduced motif that was widely imitated during the renaissance. In 1420 he began to build the dome for the cathedral in Florence and it became the most original construction in the building of domes in the world history of architecture.

2.3 the peak of the renaissance

late15th to half of the 16th century is the peak for the Renaissance. The artists also had a great personal charm, and nowadays people still appreciate that. After 37 years of this period, the main representative of the Renaissance is the post three heroes, Their art reached an unprecedented height. They are Da Vinci ,Michelangelo, and Raphael.

2.3.1 Da Vinci

Leonardo da vinci was a painter,a sculpture, an architect, a musician, an engineer, and a scientist. He was a man of many talents, a renaissance man in the true sense of the world.

his master piece , Mona Lisa has been smiling for 500 years, but until the 21st century, people still make special trips to the Louvre in Paris to see the beauty of her smile.

2.3.2 Michelangelo

He was Italian sculptor, painter, architect and poet.he was a towering figure of the renaissance. His drawings were influenced by giotto and his sculpture showed the influence of Donatello.

The Creation,is quiet classic, now even advertisers have borrowed to make advertisements. David ,a sculpture ,it was commissioned when the artist was only 26 years old. It was the result of his studies in rome of ancient sculpture,but it could never be taken for an ancient statue.

2.3.3 Raphael

Raphael was best known for his Madonna. He painted his madonnas in different postures, against different backgrounds. Among them were Madonna del granduca, madonna with the fish, the Sistine madonna, Madonna of the chair, Madonna on the lawn.

Raphael's painting 《School of Athens》painted the ancient philosophers lifelike , which was known all over the world.

2.4 The Late Renaissance

The late renaissance is in half of the 16th century to 17th century. In 1527, Rome was sacked, which became a symbol of the ending of Renaissance.

Outstanding representatives of the late Renaissance were three famous painters standing for Venetian school: Giorgione, Titian, Tintoretto.

Three prominent scientists and thinkers: Bruno, Galileo and Campanella.


The Renaissance was a period that people had freedom and was not controlled by religion anymore. People felt free to do anything they wanted at that time. So during that time, more people’s explorations happened and the science, the art grew quickly.

The Renaissance also emancipated the mind of people,they started to resist the bourgeoisie, the wars broke out frequently. The feuds of families, the conflicts of classes and the rivalry between the city-states kept the economic structure of italy in the traditional local order, making it impossible for italy to compete with the countries in northern Europe that were uniting themselves and expanding their economy.

However what is the most important thing is that The Renaissance has made so many contributions to the world in several different fields. During this time, artists and musicians produced works that displayed more artistic freedom and individualism. This creativity allowed artists to abandon the stricter ways of the Medieval Era. Their art forms rediscovered the ancient Greek ideals. The great masters of the Renaissance were revered in their own lifetimes (rather than after their deaths), which was different from most of their Medieval predecessors. With the new printing techniques, music and musical ideas were able to be preserved and distributed to the people.



西方文化概论课程论文参考选题 一、说明: 1. 论文题目只做参考,具体题目请自行拟定。 2. 请选择工作量适中的题目,切忌空泛大。 2. 论文题目可以与教师协商,教师会给与一定指导。 3. 论文具体要求请见论文摸版。 二、参考选题 1.浅析古希腊与古罗马的政治体系与法律体系 2. 雅典的兴衰和古希腊的反民主思想 3. 西方“爱智求真”的传统与西方文明的发展 4. 西方理性传统与浪漫主义 5. 西方“怀疑批判”精神与科学理论的创新 6.中西方“以人为本”理念对比分析 7.西方中世纪文化的功过评说 8.西方文化传统与西方后现代思潮 9. 全球化与西方文明 10. 西方文化与中国文化在思维方式上的重大区别 11. 关于堂吉诃德的反思与断想 12. 20世纪西方企业“”文化的渊源 13. 中古西欧骑士文学的爱情婚姻观 14. 奥古斯丁的基督教幸福观辨正 15. 伊壁鸠鲁学派与老庄学说功过分析

16. 解读伯里克利的政体:三权分立的雏形 17. 谈东西方文化差异以及对国际贸易的影响 18. 谈宗教宽容与科学理性的勃兴 19. 谈王朝国家与民族国家 20. 论文艺复兴与宗教改革的殊路同归 21. 浅析奥林匹克精神 22. 西方海外扩张与殖民主义 23. 论古希腊神话的童稚情趣 24. 浅析西方的神权与王权 25. 再论苏格拉底之死 26. 论古罗马的英雄主义 27. 论地理大发现极其影响 28. 论伏尔泰的启蒙思想之现实意义 29. 浅析中古世界的骑士文学效忠主题 30. 浅析基督教在中国的传播的途径 31. 中西方之“和谐”概念辨析 32. 论西方“海盗”情结 33. 西方科学的文化基因初探 34. 犹太人对西方中世界文化复兴的贡献之我见 35. 明末清初传教士来华对西方科技文化的影响 36. 西方主要发达国家文化政策对我国的启示 37. 郑和下西洋与哥伦布发现新大陆对比分析


西方发达国家的文化和影响 关键词:西方文化特征民主与东方文化的比较优劣影响 摘要:西方文化是西欧、北美人民长期历史活动的产物。它起源、发展、成熟于欧洲。介绍了西方文化的特征,以民主显著。对东西方文化进行对比,由此推出西方文化对我们生活以及思想的影响,并要以积极地态度去面对。取其精华,去其糟粕。 正文:工业革命爆发以后,欧美国家的社会在经济增长和技术创新的推动下逐步进入现代化。20世纪欧美发达国家文化的种种表现,也是在现代社会体制的建立和社会生活的现代化基础上形成的。【1】我们中国的文化博大精深,而西方文化对于我们来说无疑是一种吸引。经过这门课的学习,我们对西方发达国家文化有了更深一步的了解。无论在思想,科技,生活方式,文学,艺术,还是教育等各个方面。 文化是一个民族得以产生形成的前提和理由,他是这一民族对天地及人自身的绝对终极认知,并由此根本而产生出人们在天地间的生存生活的价值取向和活动规范(道德也就产生了),也就是说只有人们对天地及人自身的本原这一终极问题有了相同的认知并由此产生共同的价值取向和活动规范(道德)才能在生命历史的长河中产生形成一个民族。【2】民族一旦形成,那么各民族本着民族文化核心问题这一根本,相应的社会制度也就建立了。当今世界上不同的民族对这一终极认知的回答及由此而产生的价值取向和行为规范(道德)是不尽相同的,因而社会制度也不尽相同。

法兰克福学派思想家将现代资本主义社会称为“民主-法制” 国家。从政治制度上来看,这的确抓住了欧美国家进入现代化进程之后的社会特征。英国资产阶级革命,法国大革命,美国独立战争之后,欧美国家逐步摆脱君主制和封建制,向现代民主和法制化发展。而民主造成的宽容和法制带来的稳定性往往是文化进步的催生因素。在经济上,第二次世界大战之后,欧美各大国都小心谨慎地维护经济方面的平衡,以此保证世界的和平,也是因为自由市场经济才有当代欧美发达国家社会生活的规则化和富裕化。以现代性为特征的欧美20世纪文化,正是建立在社会生活的现代化和富裕化基础之上的。【3】正如世界上其他种类一样,人类也有着不同的形态和性情。从广义上讲,不同的民族之间有既有共性也有个性,而个性在其中扮演了重要的角色,尤其是文化的角色。正如大家耳熟能详的一句话:“越是民族的就越是世界的”,有个性才有魅力和存在的价值。中国和西方有着不同的地理环境、历史源流和文化传统。这就注定了他们的背向和发展的异途。 相对于中国文化精神而言,西方文化精神所呈现出来的则是异样的色彩。如果说中国文化表现出来的是一种向内探求的生命活力,那么,西方则表现为一种向外扩张的生命张力,无论是其科学还是其民主。如果说中国文化精神的倾注的对象更多的“人”的话,那么,西方更多的关注“物”,由于西方“人”与“物”的对立,所以,人要想方法认识客观事物,正是基于这种精神,才逐步诞生了科学精神。西方文化的另一核心“民主精神”在中国为什么没有生根发芽呢?其实中国并


细说欧洲国家的文化差异 我们华人移民到欧洲,对于人家的风俗习惯与禁忌最好是应该了解一些的,这样在交往的过程中就会占据主动。俗话说“国有国法,家有家规民俗文文化也各有各的禁忌。” 今天就让我给大家详细说一下这方面的知识。欧洲国家有关于数字、颜色、花卉及动物的许多忌讳。西方人普遍忌讳13及星期五,其原因都源于基督教传说;西方许多国家都把黑色作为葬礼的表示;在国际场合,忌用菊花、杜鹃花、石竹花,黄色的花献给客人,已成为惯例;另外,在我国分被认为代表吉祥、喜庆、长寿的大象、孔雀、仙鹤(范冰冰)等动物图案在一些西方国家也被列于忌用之列,被分别视为蠢笨(英国)、淫妇(英、法国)和蠢汉(法国)的代称。 由于民族文化的差异,欧洲各国都拥有许多各自的特点。以下是欧洲国家的一些风俗习惯: 法国在博物馆和教堂不要用带有闪光灯的相机拍照。女士优先的礼仪起源于法国,旅行中要注意为女性让道、开门、让座,上下车让女性先行。巴黎女子很少穿牛仔裤,大多数巴黎女郎的上班裤装都是宽松有致的,她们排斥紧绷在腿上的裤子,认为破坏秀腿那纯洁细腻的美。 德国在德国用餐,不要用吃鱼的刀叉来吃肉。如果同时要饮用啤酒和葡萄酒,宜先饮啤酒,后饮葡萄酒。在自助餐的发明国里吃自助,尤其注意不要在食盘中堆积过多的食物。(迪士尼趣闻)德国人守纪律,讲整洁;守时间,喜清静;待人诚恳,注重礼仪。 瑞士与瑞士人共餐,通常在开始时互相敬酒一次,之后则不需频频敬酒,各自随意饮用即可。用餐过程中,不宜直接用嘴去吹凉过热、过烫的菜肴或汤,更不能在咀嚼食物、使用餐具时发出声。

英国英国人最忌讳别人谈论男人的工资和女人的年龄,就连他家的家具值多少钱也不该问的,这些都是他个人生活的秘密,决不允许别人过问。在英国,请千万记住不能像国内一样,问人家“你去哪儿”,“吃饭了吗?”等问题,他们讨厌别人过问他们的个人生活。并且英国人,凡事都须循规蹈矩,他们的汽车行使方向和欧洲其他国家正好相反。在英国旅游,切记不要当众打喷嚏,翘二郎腿;不要从梯子下面走过,或在屋子里撑伞。在谈话时,不要以皇室的家事作为笑料。 西班牙女同胞上街需要戴耳环,若没有戴耳环,则就像一个正常人没有穿衣服一样,被人笑话(欧洲人用香水)。西班牙人强调个人信誉,宁愿受点损失也不愿公开承认失误。如果无意中帮助了他们而使他们免受损失,那么你便永久地赢得了友谊和信任。 匈牙利不论住店还是用餐,千万别弄碎玻璃器皿,否则,就会被人认为是交逆运的先兆,将成不受欢迎的人。匈牙利人,较迷信,新年的餐桌上不许摆放禽类制成的菜肴,认为那样的话,好运会随禽类飞走。 荷兰荷兰人,曾是欧洲最正统的民族,爱清洁、讲秩序、做生意时希望你在到达荷兰前就事先约定。性格坦率,开诚布公。爬楼梯或搭升降电扶梯的时候,女性通常跟在男性的后面。 俄罗斯在俄罗斯,被视为光明象征的向日葵最受人们喜爱,她被称为太阳花,并被定为国花,拜访俄罗斯人时,送给女士的鲜花宜为单数。在数目方面,俄罗斯人最偏爱7 ,认为它是成功、美满的预兆。对于13 与星期五,他们则十分忌讳。俄罗斯人非常崇拜盐和马,主张“左主凶,右主吉”。 葡萄牙葡萄牙人重视礼节,通常在礼貌性寒暄之后都会互相交换名片,但不太守时. 与葡萄牙人洽谈生意,勿让葡萄牙友人有被推销产品的压力。通常葡萄牙人喜欢在旧式、气氛庄严、亲切的咖啡屋洽谈生意,花费不多但效果好。葡萄牙人,很像希腊


对欧洲文化的认识 2012-8-14 14:20:02 来源:中国社会科学院欧洲研究所 时间:2011年10月13日 江时学:感谢各位在百忙中参加我们所网站主办的讨论会。网站搞这个活动的目的是想活跃我们的学术空气和丰富网站的内容。十七届六中全会的主题是如何推动中国文化大发展和大繁荣。作为研究欧洲文化的科研人员,我们有义务搞清楚欧洲文化是怎么回事?首先,我们来回答这样一个看起来十分简单的问题:什么是文化? 在座的各位都知道,文化是一个无所不在、妇孺皆知的词。我在 (A. L.Kroeber A?克鲁伯和C?克拉克霍恩撰写的《评文化的概念和定义》 (1952年) and C. Kluckhohn: Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions, Cambridge, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, Vol., XLVII - No. 1, 1952, pp. 41-79. )一书中看到,1871~1951年期间出现了164种关于文化的定义。我还在I?贾米森撰写的《资本主义与文化:英、美制造业企业的比较分析》(1980年)(Ian Jamieson:Capitalism and Culture: A Comparative Analysis of British and American Manufacturing Organizations, Gower, 1980, p. 9. )一书中看到,被人类学家、社会学家、心理学家和其他领域的学者使用的定义,也有160种之多。你们在研究欧洲文化时,究竟是如何定义文化的? 邝杨:文化的概念应从两个角度看。从一般的学科角度看,特别是社会学,文化主要体现为价值观、规范、认同以及符号体系。从历史的角度看,应特别注意到文化是一个被使用的概念,含义有变化。从英语词源学上看,文化起初有“培育、培养”之意,后来,在浪漫主义时期,又着重指精神层面的发展,再到后来,文化概念又包含了传统、生活方式的含义。因此,文化概念从历史角度来说不


第三章 1、the Middle ages名词解释 In European history, the thousand-year period following the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century is called the Middle Ages. 2、The middle ages is so called because it came between ancient times and modern times. To be specific (具体说来), from the 5th century to 15th century. 3、The transitional (过渡时期) period is called the middle ages, between ancient times and modern times. 4、The transitional (过渡时期) period is called the 17th century, between the middle ages and modern times. 5、In 476 A.D. a Germanic (日耳曼) general killed the last Roman emperor and took control of the government. 西 罗马476灭,东罗马1653年灭 6、Feudalism名词解释Feudalism in Europe was mainly a system of land holding (土地所有) — a system of holding land in exchange for military service (军事力量)。The word “feudalism” was derived (来源) from the Latin “feudum”,a grant (许可的) of land. 7、fiefs(次划分)名词解释In Feudalism, the ruler of the government redivided the large lands into small pieces to be given to chancellors (有功的大臣) or soldiers as a reward (奖赏) for their service. The subdivisions were called fiefs. 8、vassals (占有fiefs的人)名词解释 In Feudalism, the ruler of the government redivided the large lands into


西方文化史课外阅读书目 (带★者为必读书目) ★1.《圣经》(和合本) ★2.李泽厚著《美的历程》,文物出版社1989年版。 ★3.姜守明、洪霞著《西方文化史》,北京:科学出版社2004年版。 4.陈启能主编《西方历史名著提要》,江西人民出版社2001年版。 5.〈古希腊〉希罗多德著《历史》(王以铸译)商务印书馆1959年版。 ★6.〈法〉伏尔泰著《风俗论》,商务印书馆,上册(梁守锵译)1996年版;中册(梁守锵等译)1997年版;下册(谢戊申等译)1997年版。 ★7.〈英〉汤因比着《历史研究》上、中、下(曹未风等译),上海人民出版社1986年版。 8.裔昭印著《世界文化史》,上海:华东师范大学2000年版。 ★9.王佐良等主编《欧洲文化入门》,外语教学与研究出版社1992年版。10.〈荷兰〉彼得·李伯庚著《欧洲文化史》(赵复三译),上、下,上海社会科学院出版社2004年版。 11.郑敬高编著《欧洲文化的奥秘》,上海:上海人民出版社1999年版。12.〈德〉古斯塔夫·施瓦布著《希腊古典神话》(曹乃之译),南京:译林出版社1996年版。 ★13.〈美〉G. F. 穆尔著《基督教简史》(福建师范大学外语系编译室译),北京:商务印书馆1981年版。 14.张久宣编《圣经故事》,北京:中国社会科学出版社1982年版。15.〈苏〉苏联艺术科学院美术理论与美术史研究室编《文艺复兴欧洲艺术》上册(严摩罕等译),北京:人民美术出版社1985年版。 16.〈苏〉苏联艺术科学院美术理论与美术史研究室编《文艺复兴欧洲艺术》下册(严摩罕等译),北京:人民美术出版社1985年版。 ★17.〈英〉阿伦·布洛克著《西方人文主义传统》(董东山译),北京:三联书店1997年版。 ★18.〈德〉马克斯·韦伯著《新教伦理与资本主义精神》(于晓等译),三联书店1987年版。 19.〈美〉贝尔著《后工业社会的来临》(高铦、王宏周、魏章玲译),新华出版社1997年版。 ★20.〈美〉贝尔著《资本主义文化矛盾》(赵一凡等译),北京:三联书店1989年版。 21.〈德〉利奇德著《古希腊风化史》(杜之、常鸣译),辽宁教育出版社2000年版。 22.〈德〉奥托·基弗著《古罗马风化史》(姜瑞璋译),辽宁教育出版社2000年版。 23.〈德〉爱德华·傅克斯著《欧洲风化史·文艺复兴时代》(侯焕闳译),辽宁


欧洲文化史 欧洲文化略分五个时期。 一、古典时期( the Classic Age, 1200 B.C~476 A.D) 主要是古希腊文明(the Ancient Greek Civilization)及古罗马文明(the Ancient Roman Civilization)。奉行的是异教徒的信仰和实践(Paganism)。异教徒指非基督教徒,非犹太教徒,非伊斯兰教徒。理念上鲜有束缚,实践中享受人生,个性突出,热情奔放,创造力旺盛,风格多姿多彩。 二、中世纪时期(the Middle Ages, 476~1453) 主要是罗马天主教的教会文化(the Church Culture),强调人的原罪(the original sin),人性受到压抑(inhibited),文化上是一泓死水(cultural backwater)。这一时期的主流是对古典时期的反动。 反主流的代表人物是但丁( Alighier,Dante,l265~1321),杰作是史诗《神曲》(Divine Comedy)。 三、文艺复兴时期(the Renaissance, 15~16C) 古典主义的复兴,遵循的是人文主义(Humanism),这是对中世纪经院哲学(Scholasticism)的对抗(reaction)。 代表人物有: 1. 米开朗琪罗(Michelangelo Buonarroti,1475~1564): 代表作有梵蒂冈教皇(Pope,pontiff)专用西斯庭小教堂(The Sistine chapel)穹顶上的壁画《创世纪》,(Genesis)以及圣坛后的壁画《最后的审判》(The Last Judgment),雕塑《大卫》(David)等。米氏又是建筑师、诗人。 2. 达芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci,1452~1519): 代表作有《蒙娜丽莎》(Mona Lisa),《最后的晚餐》,(The last Supper)。是画家,又是雕塑家、建筑师、音乐家、工程师,确是多才多艺(versatile)。 3. 拉斐尔(Raphael,1483~1520):代表作有《圣礼之辩》,(The Triumph of Religion,又名Disputa),《雅典学派》(the School of Athens)。他所设计的52幅梵蒂岗壁画世称“拉斐尔圣经”(Raphael's Bible)。 4. 提香(Titian,1490~1576):威尼斯画派中的调色大师。代表作有《乌尔宾诺的维纳斯》(venus of Urbino)等。


欧洲文化鉴赏 期末课程论文2015—2016第二学期题目:欧洲文明发展与建筑特点 姓名:鲍鹏 学号:14L1251036 班级:环艺L141

European civilization development and architectural features From the earliest European civilizations: the Minoan and Mycenaean civilization, history of European civilization has more than four thousand years the European civilization originated in the Aegean Sea in ancient Greece and, here, a pleasant climate, convenient transportation, for the creation of the civilization provides a prerequisite. Europe has a long history of civilization development. Ad of 4000 to 2500 years ago in southern and Western Europe had been widely distributed megalithic culture and subsequently located in the Aegean region of southeastern Europe grew vigorously is one of the birthplace of the ancient civilizations of the world, said the Aegean civilization, left a rich cultural heritage to mankind. In the 6th century BC, the rise of the Roman state, and gradually developed into a include semi Europe (Great Britain islands to the Danube River line to the South) and North Africa, West Asia, the Empire, and Italy where the Italian peninsula has been the core area of the political and economic. The early era, Europe has a population of about 32 million, which more than half of the distribution in southern Europe, and Eastern Europe, northern Europe and the British Isles together is less than 1 / 10. After the 3rd century AD, the Roman Empire is gradually weak, originally living in the Germanic people of northern Europe and living in the eastern Slavs have a large number of intrusion, accompanied with this historical process of population migration and economic and cultural exchange, which greatly promoted the European fully, the middle of the 14th century Europe as a whole population


河北大学工商学院添些学校 《xxx》结课论文 题目:欧洲文化之哥特式建筑 姓名:黄文泽 性别:男 专业:xxx 班级:xxx 学号:xxx

欧洲文化之哥特式建筑 欧洲文化博大精深历史悠久,无论是其人文艺术方面的发展还是其自然科学的严谨都吸引了广大的研究者和历史文化爱好者,经过本学期老师对欧州文化的讲解,我对本来就很感兴趣的欧洲建筑有了更深的了解和认识,下面我从其起源、建筑特点以及对现代建筑的影响简述下我眼中的欧洲建筑的代表——哥特式建筑。 哥特式建筑是中世纪下半叶起源于法国13——15世纪流行于欧洲的一种建筑风格。主要见于天主教堂也影响到世俗建筑。哥特式建筑以其超高的技术和艺术成就,在建筑史上占有重要是地位。 其特点主要是尖塔高耸,尖形拱门,大窗户及绘有圣经故事的花窗玻璃.营造出轻盈修长的飞天的感觉.以及新的框架结构以增加支撑顶部的力量.使整个建筑以直线线条,宏伟的外观和教堂内空阔的空间, 再结合镶着彩色玻璃的长窗,使教堂里产生一种浓厚的宗教气氛.教堂的平面仍是基本的拉丁十字型,但是其西端门的两侧增加一对高塔。 哥特式建筑结构也十分多样,主要有尖肋拱顶,飞扶壁,花窗玻璃等,下面就各国建筑代表为例来介绍哥特式结构在建筑上的体现。 意大利的哥特式建筑于十二世纪由国外传入,主要影响于北部地区.意大利没有真正接受哥特式建筑的结构体系和造型原型,只是把它当做是一种装饰风格,所以在意大利很难找到纯粹的哥特式建筑.威尼斯的世俗建筑有很多的杰作,圣马可广场上的总督宫被认为是中世纪的世俗建筑中最美丽的作品之一,成为广场的标志.城市里一般

建有许多高塔,总体轮廓线很美. 德国最早的哥特式教堂之一的科隆主教堂于1248年兴工,由建造过亚眠主教堂的法国人设计,有法国盛行的哥特式建筑的风格. 德国的教堂很早就形成了自己的形制和风格,如德国的马尔堡的圣伊莉莎白教堂的建筑结构体现了德国教堂建筑的最早特点:屋顶平缓,陡坡屋面罩在拱顶上,高度相等的教堂中厅和侧厅,教堂内部采光是依靠端体墙上高窄普通的窗户,全然去除尖顶、高侧窗、飞扶壁等等之类的样式,可谓一大创新。 以挺拔、动感、飞扬而著称的哥特式建筑艺术,在欧洲各地流行了近四个世纪之久,虽然走向了落寞,并曾经一度被文艺复兴时期的的艺术家们评为是野蛮的象征,但哥特式建筑艺术给欧洲各国带来的巨大影响却是不容忽视的,那一座座哥特式教堂以及具有哥特式风格的绘画和雕塑便是最好的证明。 综上所述,探讨哥特式建筑建筑艺术不仅仅是对建筑,建筑艺术的研究,更有助于我们了解其背后的宗教,历史,人文背景。对于我们更好的解读中世纪那段特殊的历史进程有着极其深远的意义。 由于哥特式建筑艺术本身就是西方文明的产物,存在语言方面的差距,再加上所学知识有限使得本文得出的结论具有局限性对于所取得的成就认识也较肤浅。更深层次的探讨和论证还有待继续深入的研究,我会在今后的学习中继续关注哥特式建筑艺术。


2015春欧洲文化入门选择题 欧洲文化入门选择题 1( Which one of the following statements about “Jacques rebellion” is NOT true? A.The peasants involved in the rebellion had a clear political program and organization. B.The rebellion took its name from a contemptuous nickname used by the French nobles for any peasant. C.Rebellious peasants burned down castles, murdered their lords, and raped their lords’ wives. D.Within a month the rebellion was suppressed by French nobles. 您的答案:A 2( The following kings were called “new monarchs”, EXCEPT A.Louis XI of France B.Friedrich I of Germany C.Henry VII of England D.Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain 您的答案:B 3( Of the following orders of columns, which one is more formal and dignified and mainly used in mainland Greece? A.Doric B.Ionic C.Corinthian https://www.doczj.com/doc/9114894002.html,posite 您的答案:A 4( Which of the following statements about Western Schism is NOT true? A.France recognized the French antipope Clement.


Greek Culture: Two Major Elements of European Culture ?The Greco-Roman Element Parthenon:the chief temple of the goddess Athena( the goddess of wisdom, arts and warfare) built on the acropolis at Athens She-wolf: Romulus & Remus the Colosseum: gladiator ?The Judeo-Christian Element menorah Greek Culture ?Historical Context ?Social and Political Structure ?Literature ?Philosophy ?Lasting Effect Historical Context: Trojan War (1,200 B.C.) The Trojan War broke out at the end of the Mycenaean Civilization. All the city-states in Mycenae sent troops to help form a coalition army for the battles. Not long after the war, the Dorians from the northwest of Greece invaded and destroyed Mycenae in about the 12th–11th centuries BC. The war originated from a quarrel between the goddesses Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite, after Eris, the goddess of strife and discord, gave them a golden apple, sometimes known as the Apple of Discord,


他山之石,可以攻玉 ——当前西方主要发达国家的文化政策对我们的启示 霍桂桓 【专题名称】文化研究 【专题号】G0 【复印期号】2004年02期 【原文出处】《民族艺术研究》(昆明)2003年05期第30~33页 【作者简介】霍桂桓,男,中国社会科学院文化研究中心研究员北京100732 【内容提要】20世纪70年代以来,西方各主要发达国家进入第二次现代化进程,文化要素逐步进入经济活动领域,全球文化市场正在形成。西方发达国家已充分认 识到文化产业研究与开发在国际竞争中的重要意义,制定了灵活多样的文化 政策。在加入WTO、文化市场开放的情况下,我国应借鉴其经验,全面推进 社会经济文化的转型,在继续完成第一次现代化的同时,研究二次现代化的 新情况,奠定文化政策基础,实现文化观念的转型与文化管理体制的转轨。【关键词】第二次现代化/全球文化市场/文化政策/文化转型/体制转轨 中图分类号:G11 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-840X(2003)05-0030-04 当前,在以胡锦涛同志为核心的新一届中央领导集体的领导和大力支持下,国内的文化研究、文化产业研究与开发,以及文化管理体制改革的研究和探索,不仅已经在有关学术研究部门开展起来,也得到了从中央到地方各级领导的高度重视和积极的参与及合作。在这种形势下,翻译和引介西方主要国家的文化政策,并结合其具体国情现状对这些文化政策进行比较全面和准确的理解、探讨及研究,对我们目前正在进行的文化、文化产业研究和文化管理体制改革探索,显然都具有非常重要的理论意义和现实借鉴价值,因而也成为中国社会科学院文化研究中心目前正在大力实施的重要科研项目之一。 一、西方主要国家的社会文化现状和文化政策特征 根据我们通过互联网和其他渠道掌握的资料(注:需要说明的是,其中的某些材料和数据已经刊登在中国社会科学院文化研究中心编印的《文化政策调研》上,但读者可能由于保密方面的原因无法看到这份刊物;需要这些材料的读者,请直接与该文化研究中心办公室联系索取。)来看,当前西方主要发达国家虽然都在关注文化研究和文化产业的研究与开发,但由于它们的历史文化传统不同,当前的经济、政治和社会发展水平各异,其社会文化管理体制和相应的文化政策侧重点也有所不同。综合看来,我们可以把当前西方主要发达国家的社会文化现状和文化政策特征分为以下四种基本类型: 第一种类型:美国 它是目前世界上最发达、已经全面市场化、市场化程度最高的资本主义国家。基于这样的社会文化发展水平,国家对文化发展的管理和协调机制以“无为而无不为”为特征,具体管理方式以各州政府为核心协调单位并且灵活多样;而其文化政策重点则是,一方面,就发展信息化高科技手段而言,通过颁布各种政策法规促成软件硬件的剥离、使硬件生产归于传统产业,进一步促进、保护和开发国内外文化资源(特别是开发国外文化资源),在使“文化资源


古希腊是欧洲文化的发源地。古代希腊人在科学、哲学、文学、艺术上都创造了辉煌的成就,对欧洲文化的发展产生了深远的影响。 古希腊艺术的形成、发展与其社会历史、民族特点、自然条件有着密切的关系。城邦国家的奴隶主民主政体为文化艺术的发展提供了有利的条件,城邦国家要求公民具有健壮的体格和完美的心灵,这也成为艺术创造的理想形象。贸易和航海业的发展造就了希腊人的坚强意志、机智灵活以及勇于追求理想的积极性格,也使希腊人得到接触两河、埃及等地区文化的机会。希腊神话是希腊艺术的土壤,希腊神话包含着人们对自然奥秘的理性思索,它蕴育着历史和哲学观念的萌芽。希腊神话中“神人同形同性”的特点使神祇具有人的面貌和情感,成为促使艺术与生活息息相通的有利因素。温和的希腊气候使希腊人有广阔的露天活动和运动的场所。四年一度的奥林匹克运动会上,运动员裸体竞技为艺术家提供了塑造健美人体的条件,使他们对于人体美有较早的领悟和表现。希腊艺术家正是在这种环境下创造出古代世界最杰出的艺术,给人类宝库留下了最珍贵的遗产。 古代希腊文化是现代欧美文化的重要渊源,它不仅反映在建筑、雕塑等有形迹可循的那些领域,尤其深刻地反映在宗教、哲学、诗歌、戏剧等意识形态领域。爱琴文明是希腊文明的发祥期,其总体特征(或曰类型)近似于同时期的古西亚、埃及的宫殿文化。希腊语文化勃兴于古风时代。随着城邦的繁荣、大殖民运动的拓展,进入公元前7—前6世纪,各种文化门类、职业逐渐形成,到公元前5—前4世纪古典时代达到鼎盛。 古希腊美术的地理范围以爱琴海为中心,因此也被视为爱琴美术的延续。雪莱曾在诗中吟道:“我们都是希腊人。”希腊是欧洲文明的发源地和摇篮,没有希腊,无法想像欧洲文明会是什么样子,今日西方世界无处不遗存着希腊文明的传统。可是除了居住在希腊半岛上的公民自认为希腊人外,很少有人像雪莱那样以哲理的想像认为自己是希腊人。那么究竟谁是希腊人呢?历史表明,克里特的征服者、特洛伊城的毁灭者——迈锡尼人,是希腊最早的居民之一。后来沦为北方蛮族的奴隶,并逐渐分流为多立克人和爱奥尼亚人,他们都有共同的信仰和语言,所以称他们为希腊人。“希腊”一词意为典雅、优美。后来创造出许多雕刻艺术杰作的希腊人正与这典雅、优美之名相称,可谓名副其实。 希腊三面临海,北面连接欧洲大陆。境内多天然良港,可以经过地中海通向世界各地,为航海和对外贸易提供了极为有利的自然环境,内陆多山,土地贫瘠,但是盛产大理石,为雕刻艺术提供了极方便的物质材料。到了公元前12世纪,爱琴海文明受到北方蛮族入侵的严重破坏。但不屈的希腊人在这块曾经有过丰厚文明的废墟上重新建立了灿烂的希腊文明,成为欧洲文明的真正始祖。进入奴隶社会的希腊半岛,建立了200多个奴隶制城邦国家,每一城邦以城市为中心连同城郊农村组成大小不等的国家,各自为政。其中最强大的是雅典和斯巴达。由于国穷民贫,为了生存和发展,各城邦国家之间不断发生战争,弱肉强食,为了保存自己,掠夺财富,城邦国家实行强国强兵政策,在城邦内部实行民主政治,自由民直接参与城邦治理,十分重视民族体格素质的锻炼,所以管理国家、锻炼身体是每个公民的神圣职责。 希腊本土气候宜人,阳光充足,温度适中,在这样的自然条件下适宜于户外裸体锻炼和比赛。由于裸体运动,改变了人们的观念,不以露体为耻,反以健美身体为荣光,这引起美学家们的关注和艺术家的表现,美学家们发现人体美,艺术家们创造美的人体。大政治家伯里克利斯说:“我们是爱美的人。”希腊民族是爱美、创造美的民族。希腊人在民主自由和激烈竞争的环境中不仅发现、孕育和创造了美,而且也创造了神,在希腊人的心目中最完美的人就是神,因此希腊人尊重人,把人提高到神的高度加以肯定,神和人是同形同性,希腊人把强健的身体看成是一切善与美的本原,而把希腊神话视为艺术的精神本源,正如马克斯所指出的:“希腊神话不仅是希腊艺术的武库,而且是它的土壤”。所以希腊艺术主要成就表现在神与人合一的雕刻和神庙建筑。希腊美术的主要特点是无所不包的和谐与规律性,还有庄严与静穆。它的主要标志是人体美,希腊人为人类贡献了高不可及的艺术典范之作。


2010年10月高等教育自学考试北京市命题考试 欧洲文化入门试卷 第一部分选择题 (共40分2 points each) 1(The Romans conquered Greece in ( A(146 B(C( B(500 B(C( C(700 B(C( D(1200 B(C( 2(The playwright who contributed greatly to Greek tragic art was A(Sophocles B(Aristophanes C(Herodotus D(Homer 3(The greatest of Latin poets was A(Horace B(Virgil C(Homer D(Cicero 4(Daniel was taken prisoner to after the fall of Jerusalem. A(Egypt B(Persia C(Babylon D(Assyria 5(David was ( A(a Hebrew king B(the boy who killed Goliath C(the man who made Jerusalem the capital D(all of the above 6(In the formative period of feudalism, the bishops were themselves A(scholars B(hermits C(feudal lords D(knights 7(As a result of the Crusades,luxuries of the East poured into the West(They were spices( perfume(hand(woven carpets and ( A(tea B(Chinaware C(silk D(silverware 8(Martin Luther held that was the supreme authority( A(the Church B(the Bible C(the Pope D(Jesus 9(Ophelia is a character in Shakespeare’s ( A(Hamlet B(Othello C(Macbeth D(Merchant of Venice 10(The Reformation shattered Medieval Church’s stifling control over man(thus paving the


第27 卷第6 期潍坊工程职业学院学报Vol.27 No.6 2014 年11 月JOURNAL OF WEIFANG ENGINEERING VOCATIONAL COLLEGE Nov.2014 doi: 10.3969 / j.issn.1009 - 2080. 2014. 06.022 欧洲文化教学的经典之作 ———评李正栓《欧洲文化简明教程》 张瑞民,谢捷,郭志斌 ( 衡水学院,河北衡水053000) 摘要:《欧洲文化简明教程》是一本有着深厚学术背景的经典教材,是作者多年教学的积累。该书内容丰富,层次分明,是一部编者与读者讨论与沟通,具有独特视角的、实用性很强的关于欧洲文化的著作。从古希腊罗马开始,到当代结束,涉及欧洲文化的各个方面,包括历史、哲学、宗教、文学、艺术、建筑等,处处闪现着欧洲文化过往的灵动之光。更重要的是,《欧洲文化简明教程》语言简练,易学易懂,设计巧妙,融会贯通,符合学生的发展心理特点和学习心理规律。 关键词:《欧洲文化简明教程》; 欧洲文化; 经典 中图分类号: K500 文献标志码: B 文章编号: 1009 -2080( 2014) 06 -0078 -03 大学的英语课程不仅是旨在提高语言技能的语 言课程,也是旨在拓宽知识、了解世界文化知识和提 高人文素养的素质教育课程。早在2011 年,全国人 大常委会副委员长王光英指出: 中华文化和西方文化 可以互相吸取,受中华文化熏陶的中国人,能够根据民族和国家的根本利益,主动吸取西方文化的营养, 推动民族的强盛和国家的兴旺。因此,大学课程体系的设计应注重培养学生的文化素质和传授国际文化知识。“欧洲文化”是一门重要的语言和文化高度融合的知识 型课程,也是学习英语文学和其他专业知识的辅助课程,更是培养完人不可或缺的重要组成部分。通过 这门课的学习,学生可以了解欧洲国家的历史、社会、经济、政治、教育、文学、艺术及其文化传统,提高文化素养,增强对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性和处理文化差异的灵活性,培养跨文化交际能力。在这一背景下,如何 规划、设计简明易懂、接近学生认知水平的语言文化课 程显得尤为重要,这是对学界具有重要意义的研究课题。李正栓主编的《欧洲文化简明教程》( 以下 简称《简明教程》) 正是这样一部极具学术价值和指 导意义的应时之作。2014 年5 月,商务印书馆出版了李正栓主编的 《欧洲文化简明教程》,这是中国外国文化教学界的 一件幸事。作者李正栓早年北京大学博士毕业,在诗 歌翻译、诗歌研究等方面造诣颇深,出版过多部学术 著作。《简明教程》是他多年教学研究的成果,融知 识性、新颖性和应用型为一体,在国内外也是不多见 的。该部著作依据但不照搬国内外已有研究,结合学 生语言接受水平和欣赏水平,科学并客观地讲述欧洲 文化历史发展脉络; 从历史发展的角度,阐述欧洲文 化上下数千年的发展过程; 站在人类总体文学的高 度,把欧洲文学放在它们所处的文化体系中加以考 察,肯定其特征与意义。在此基础上,再通过清晰 的脉络,相互比照,总结出基本规律,描绘出总体发 展走向。从全书构架上看,是极具开拓性,集指导 性、实用性、综合性和应用性于一身的不可多得的高 等学校专业或拓展课教材。 该书在内容编排上很有特色,是一部编者与读者 讨论与沟通,实用性很强的学习欧洲文化的教材。全 书共分十章,从古希腊罗马开始,到当代结束,涉及欧 洲文化的各个方面,包括历史、哲学、宗教、文学、艺 收稿日期: 2014 -09 -27 作者简介: 张瑞民( 1962 -) ,男,河北新河人,衡水学院教授; 谢捷( 1970 -) ,女,河北阜城人,衡水学院教授; 郭志斌( 1972 -) ,男,河北衡水人,衡水学院教授。 78

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