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IV. Spell the following words with the help of their meanings and first letters.

1.c_______ v. to exchange information or conversation with other people ,using words,


2.r_______ ad not l o ng ago

3.c_______ v. to press a button on a computer MOUSE to choose something from the

screen that you want the computer to do,or to press a button on a REMOTE CONTROL

4.i_______ n.. facts or details that tell you something about a situation ,person ,event,etc.

5.c_______ a. useful to you because it saves your time ,or does not spoil your plans or

cause you problems ; close and easy to reach

6.p_______ a. able to be seen ,touched ,or felt

7.i_______ a. giving a lot of information in a helpful way

8.v_______ a. having many different uses

9.f_______ a. a person ,plan ,etc . that is flexible can change or be be changed easily to

suit any new situation

10.l_______ a. the most recent or the newest

https://www.doczj.com/doc/924019802.html,plete each of the following statements with words you have learned in the text .

1.People are interested in i________education with audio and visual effects .

2.In a silver f_________on the table there is photograph of her boyfriend .

3.Living in the big city is c________.

4.The youth like to follow the l________trends in fashion .

5.I cant?t say for ________when he will arrive .

VI.Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below ,changing the form if necessary.

1.The landing on the moon was telecast__________.

2.Sheep __________us__________wool.

3.He has an apartment that is__________to shopping and transportation .

4.The Minister for Foreign Affairs has already __________on this event with the American

President .

5.When you __________, you should enter into a computer the information required to begin a

session .

6.__________ , you are correct about this matter .

7.This toy robot is the _________thing all over the world .

8.I was __________very glad to hear the news .

9.Reporters should __________investigating the facts .

10.Things got so bad __________that he decided to go on a diet .

VII.Word building .

Now add im- or in- to each of the words below and then complete each of the following sentences with one of the finished words .

patient________ direct_______ polite _______valuable _______possible _______

convenient _______mature_______active _______perfect_______experienced_______

1.The children were __________to start.

2.It is __________to have no telephone in the kitchen .

3.This is an __________mission .

4.We went to the house by an __________road .

5.He is retired but not __________.

6.This painting is an __________treasure of our human beings .

7.He pretends he?s been around but he?s really very __________.

8.We live in an __________society.

9.We don?t want to hire __________workers.

10.It is __________for children to cut in when their seniors are talking .

VIII.Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences .

1.Surfing on the Internet is no longer something strange .

He no longer indulged himself in smoking .

Now you try:

留声机(phonograph) 现在已经不使用了。

___________________________________________________________________________ 这个小岛不再是美国的属地。

___________________________________________________________________________ 2.We can do a lot of things online ,such as searching for information and communicating with friends no matter how far .

No mater how hard I work , there is always more to do .

Now you try:


_____________________________________________________________________________ 无论他说什么,都别相信他。


3.But recently another useful online service has become very popular .

The company has recently acquired a new office building in central Boston .

Now you try:


______________________________________________________________________________ 这家公司最近在北京市中心建了一幢新的办公楼。

______________________________________________________________________________ 4.The reasons why online education is so popular within such a short period of time are as follows .

My house is within walking distance of my university .

Now you try:


______________________________________________________________________________ 现在成功已经在望(within one?s grasp )。


5.This new form of education is indeed more successful than the traditional education .

I was indeed very glad to hear the news .

Now you try :


_____________________________________________________________________________ 这些问题固然是些难题,但我相信是够解决的。


IX.Translate the following sentences into English .


_______________________________________________________________________________ 2.一定程度上我同意他的意见,但不全是这样。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 3.不管你说什么,我都会坚持我的计划。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 4.在线教育最近很流行,因为它的信息量大,又十分有趣。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 5.它可以为不同的工人提供更加灵活多样的工作方式。


X.Translate the following sentences into Chinese .

1.We can just click our way into education ,communication ,and information without leaving the house .

_______________________________________________________________________________ 2.Some classes may require students to all log in at the same time so they can attend live lectures by a professor.

_______________________________________________________________________________ 3.It can provide different learners with more flexible and versatile ways of learning ,and at the same time allows some learners to stick to their present jobs while studying the latest knowledge online .

_______________________________________________________________________________ 4.The classes are highly interactive ,where students communicate with each other and their teachers .


5.It helps students who take classes by computer over the Internet to learn certain courses and earn

a degree.

_______________________________________________________________________________ Unit 2 (P40)

IV. Spell the following words with the help of their meanings and first letters .

1.c________ n. something you decide after considering all the information you have .

2.t________ ad. as a result of something that has just been mentioned .

3.m_______ v. to be very good at doing something because you have done it a lot .

4.i________ a. having a high degree of intelligence ;mentally acute .

5.d________v. to find out something that you did not know about before .

6.i________ a. confident and able to do things by yourself in your own way ,without needing

help or advice from other people .

7.p________n. something that is intended to achieve ;a paln or aim

8.r________ad. at the same time each day ,week , month ,etc.

9.o________v. to describe something in a general way,giving the main points but not the


10.p________ad. with considerable certainty;without much doubt

V. Complete each of the following statements with the words you have learned in the text .

1. The student gave an i________answer .

2. Take the medicine r________ three times a day .

3. She seems to do these things on p________ .

4. Columbus is said to have d________ America in 1492 .

5. The lazy girl is dreaming of marrying a millionaire and t________ won?t do any work .

VI. Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below,changing the form if necessary .

2.Take the medicine ________,three times a day .

3.What ________ did you come to ?

4.I?ll no longer ________ my father .

5.Columbus is said to have ________ America in 1492 .

6.It?s not easy to ________ a foreign language .

7.________ your price list again .

8.She is so ________ that she refused all help .

9.The new president ________ plans to deal with crimes .

10.That hotel ________ costs no less than 20 dollars a night .

VII. Word building .

Now add ir- or il- to each of the words below and then complete each of the following sentences with one of the finished words .

regular________ legal________ rational________ logical________ relevant________ legible________ religious________ legitimate________ reparable________ liberal________

1.The coastline in this area is quite ________ .

2.Extensive mining will cause damage to the area .

3.It?s ________ to kill a panda .

4.It seems ________ to change the timetable so often .

5.He?s becoming increasingly ________ .

6.That is another issue and ________ to our discussion .

7.He is father of an ________ child .

8.He is ________ with his money .

9.She is ________ and never goes to church .

10.The sign was ________ because much of the lettering had worn away .

VIII. Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences .

1.Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain,they try to find the patterns and the rules for

themselves .

I made this cake specially,with brown sugar instead of white .

Now you try:


___________________________________________________________________________ 经济正在萎缩(shrink)而不是正在增长。

___________________________________________________________________________ 2. If you are a successful learner,you have probably been learning independently,actively,and

purposefully .

W e?re going on holiday soon,probably next month .

Now you try:


___________________________________________________________________________ 嗯,你大概是对的。

_________________________________________________________________________ 3.On the other hand,if your language learning has been less than successful,you might do well

to try some of the techniques outlined above .

On the other hand,natural gas is still ncheaper than other energy sources .

Now you try:


___________________________________________________________________________ 另一方面,我必须工作。


4.They find it easy to practice using the language regularly because they want to learn with it .

I find it pleasant to work with him .

Now you try:


___________________________________________________________________________ 汤姆发现用汉语写信不难。

___________________________________________________________________________ Some people seem to have their own ability in learning language .

The children seem unaffected emotionally by their parent?s divorce .

Now you try:


___________________________________________________________________________ 他似乎什么都懂。


IX. Translate the following sentences into English .


___________________________________________________________________________ 2.应该这样做工作,所以你的结论是错的。

___________________________________________________________________________ 3.从下午四点钟到现在,她一直在写信。

___________________________________________________________________________ 4.这个项目的成功依赖于每位相关人士的支持。




X. Translate the following sentences into Chinese .

1. If you are a successful learner, you have probably been learning independently,actively,and

pueposefully .

___________________________________________________________________________ 2.On the other hand,if your language learning has been less than successful,youmight do well to

try some of the techniques outlined above .

___________________________________________________________________________ 3.Therefore successful for a chance to use the language,but they ask these people to correct

them when they make a mistake .

___________________________________________________________________________ 4.They are good guessers who look for clues and form their own conclusion .

___________________________________________________________________________ 5.It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of

every word .

___________________________________________________________________________ Unit3 (P64)

IV. Spell the following words with the help of their meanings and first letters.

1.l__________n. time when you are not working or studring and can relax and do things you


2.r__________n. an activity that you do for pleasure ir amusement .

3.e__________n. things such as films ,television,performances ,etc. that are intended to amuse

or interest people .

4.p__________n. someon?s character ,especially the way they behave towards other people .

5.p__________n. a feeling of likeing or wanting someone or something more than someone or

something else .

6.p__________n. the process of trying to achieve something

7.b__________ad. used for saying that you are talking about the most important aspects of

something and not mentioning the specific details

8.o__________ad. in a way that is clear for almost anyone to see or understand

9.c__________v. to help to make something happen

10.r__________a. giving you satisfaction ,pleasure ,or profit

https://www.doczj.com/doc/924019802.html,plete each of the following statements with words you have learned in the text .

1. As you get older ,your a ____________towards death changes .

2. The f______________of an adjective is so describe or add to the meaning of a noun.

3. Television provides universial e____________.

4. He exercises everday in p_____________of health .

5. O____________he is interested in music as well as (in )painting .

VI.Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below ,changing the form if necessary.

1.All roads __________________Rome.

2.The teo cars are _________________the same .

3.How do you usually spend your _______________time ?

4.I expect they can ________________these instructions .

5.He was chosen to _________________the discussion .

6.Each __________________receives genes from his own parents .

7._________________expect opinions ,they gave up the experiment immediately .

8.His life is spend in the __________________of pleasure.

9.I don?t know your ________________, so please help yourself .

10.Honesty and hard work ________________success and happiness.\

VII.Word building .

Now add un- or dis- to each of the words below and then complete each of the following sentences with one of the finished words .

able_________agree__________certain___________appear__________easy____________ order_________lucky__________obey___________usual___________close___________

1.I?m _____________whether to go or not .

2.My wallet has ______________from the able .

3.It?s considered _______________to walk under a ladder.

4.I__________with you on this point .

5.Snow is an _____________sight in this warm place .

6.I am _____________to cycle to school because my bicycle is broken .

7.The authorities finally __________the truth to the press .

8.The capital is calm ,but continuing ____________has been reported elsewhere.

9.I feel ______________to make you injured .

10.He ___________his mother and went to the party .

VIII.Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences .

1.With the working hours becoming shorter and shorter and holidays becoming longer and

longer ,how to spend the leisure time has become a hot topic.

The teacher came into the classroom with a book under his arm.

Noe you try :


___________________________________________________________________________ 随着科技的发展,中国变得越来越强大。


2.The important of these factors changes according to the nature of one?s job and one?s

life-style .

You will be paid according to the amount of work you do .

Noew you try:


___________________________________________________________________________ 根据专家(expert)的意见,他们马上放弃了这项实验。

___________________________________________________________________________ 3.Bacically , such attitudes mean a belief that leisure is an important area of life and that leisure

can and should be put to good use.

Basically ,it was because of weal leadership.

Now you try:


___________________________________________________________________________ 在日程问题上,我们基本上意见一致了。


4.Obviously ,all things people do in leisure hours enable them to satisfy theor wishes .

I gave him full directions to enable him to find the houde .

Now you try:


___________________________________________________________________________ 这本词典使你能理解英语词汇。

___________________________________________________________________________ 5.Some may choose literature ,magic ,art,or they might be interested in movies and

television .Others take part in sports ,politics,charities or hobbies at home .

Some of us like singing and dancing ;others go in for sports .

Now you try:


___________________________________________________________________________ 有些人经常来,另外一些人偶尔(occasionally)才来。


IX.Translate the following sentences into English .


_______________________________________________________________________________ 2.适当(proper)的休息和足够的睡眠有助于长寿。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 3.园艺劳动是非常有益的消遣。

______________________________________________________________________________ 4.一个人的品味、价值、兴趣和个性与他的社会环境和学习经验有关。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 5.休闲具有以下功能:放松、消遣和娱乐,以及个人发展。


X.Translate the following sentences into Chinese .

1.The use of leisure time is different from individual to individual.

_______________________________________________________________________________ 2.We find interests in a lot of things and subjects from our families ,schools ,jobs ,and the mass media .


3.The importance of these factors changes according to the nature of one?s job and one?s life-style. _______________________________________________________________________________

4.The use of leisure time often shows much about one?s tastes ,values ,interesrs ,and personality. _______________________________________________________________________________

5.Obviously,all things people do in leisure hours enable them to satisfy their wishes .

_______________________________________________________________________________ Unit 4 (P95)

IV. Spell the following words with the help of their meanings and first letters .

1.a___________ad. out of one?s own country .

2.i____________n. an authoritative direction to be obeyed ;an order

3.a____________v. to stay clear of ;to shun ; to keep from happening

4.f____________a. of ,in ,from ,another country ,not one?s own

5.d____________n. deduction or subtraction from a cost or price

6.a____________n. room and board ;lodgings

7.v____________n. a period of time devoted to pleasure ,rest ,or relaxation

8.m___________ ad . beyond what has been stated;besides

9.d____________n. the place to which one is going or derected

10.d____________n. a business transaction

V. Complete each of the following statements with the words you have learned in the text .

1. If you warn me in a________,I will have your order ready for you .

2. The tourists eventually arrived at their d________ .

3. I don?t like skating,m________,the ice is too thin .

4. The train is a safe means of t________ .

5. They a________ punishment by running away .

VI. Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expression give below,changing the form if

1.People do not know the value of health ________ they lose it .

2.They give 10% ________ for cash payment .

3.You must pay for the book ________ .

4.I ________ reading until midnight .

5.He?s going away for ________ a week .

6.The poet ________ his lover to a rose in his poems .

7.All the children were ________ in the school play .

8.It was an ________ hunt,but the fox escaped .

9. A ________ of humor is a great asset for a person .

10.These difficulties are caused by natural ________ .

sentences with one of the finished words .

fame______ occasion______ origin______ nature______ danger______

nerve______ courage______ emotion______ person______ courtesy______

1.Who was the ________ owner of this house ?

https://www.doczj.com/doc/924019802.html,k is the ________ food for young babies .

3.There will be ________ rains during the day .

4.This town is ________ for its beautiful buildings .

5.I felt very ________ when I went into his office .

6.This lake is ________ for swimmers .

7.He fought a ________ battle against cancer .

8.Choosing a new car is a matter of ________ preference .

9.Hotel staff must be ________ at all times .

10.We are in need of ________ support .

VIII. Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences .

1. Planning for a trip is not the most enjoyable part of a vacation .

Reading English aloud in the morning will do you a lot of good .

Now you try :


_____________________________________________________________________________ 集邮是他的一个个人爱好。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 2. But you shouldn?t wait until the night before you leave to start packing .

He did not remember to do his homework until it is time to go to bed .

Now you try :


_____________________________________________________________________________ 我将一直在这儿等到音乐会结束。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Moreover,you should also find out the best time of year to go .

The composition is a not well written,and moreover,there are many spelling mistakes in it . Now you try :


_____________________________________________________________________________ 房价太高,而且房屋的地点也不太合适。

____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Do not book the first flight you find .

Find out more information about your traveling destination .

Now you try :


_____________________________________________________________________________ 不要在那条河上滑冰,因为那的冰太薄了。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Bad weather can quickly turn your exciting vacation into a week spent indoors watching foreign television .

He doesn?t spend much time on his homework .

Now you try :


_____________________________________________________________________________ 她每天晚上都花两个小时看电视。


IX. Translate the following sentences into English .

1. 你花费许多时间在各字典中寻找要用的字吗?

_____________________________________________________________________________ 2. 听说可以上大学的消息时,他心里充满了喜悦和激动。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 3. 警察直到一年后才查明事实的真相。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 4. 如果温度达到0摄氏度,水会结成冰。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 5. 许多学生喜欢熬夜复习迎考。


X. Translate the following sentences into Chinese .

1. Travel planning involves hours and hours of searching for airfare,arranging

transportation,accommodations and packing .

___________________________________________________________________________ 2. The Internet is filled with airfare discounts and cheap air tickets .

___________________________________________________________________________ 3. If you don?t,you could end up spending hundreds of dollars more than you should have .

____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Because you don?t want to stay up all night packing and wear yourself out before you even

leave for the trip .

___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Bad weather can quickly turn your exciting vacation into a week spent indoors watching

foreign television .

___________________________________________________________________________ Unit5 (P121)

IV. Spell the following words with the help of their meanings and first letters .

1.s________ ad. to some extent or degree;rather

2.o________ v. to present for sale .

3.s________ a. not involved or complicated;easy

4.o________ n. a favorable or appropriate time or juncture;an opportunity

5.a________ a. having knowledge or cognizance

6.w________ prep. in the inner part or parts of;inside

7.o________ ad. now and then;form time to time

8.h________ v. to be slow to act,speak,or decide

9.m________ n. one who receives or entertains guests in a social or an official capacity

V. Complete each of the following statements with the words you have learned in the text .

1. We are invited to a small s________ gathering .

2. He listened with p________ to the beautiful music .

3. I?ve met her on several o________ recently .

4. The price was s________ higher than I?d expected .

5. All passengers are r________ to show their tickets .

VI. Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below , changing the form if necessary.


2.Everybody is __________________of the important of the Four Modernizations .

3.I must _______________them an apology for not going to attend their party.

4.I am glad to find myself ______________accord with your opinions .

5.Some people _______________believe that everthing will turn out all right by itself.

6.I am ________________tired of this work.

7.As a head of the company ,he has to _______________many meertings every week.

8.He ________________before he answered because he didn?t know what to say.

9.He is _________________a workman .

10.The temperature __________________from time to time .

VII.Word building .

Now add -ment or -ness to each of the words below and then complete each of the following sentences with one of the finished words .

busy__________arrange___________kind_____________employ____________happy________ excite__________tired ___________good_____________move____________achieve_________

1.______________does not always go with money.

2.______________has been bad this year .

3.He left his home to look for _____________.

4.She is busy making _______________for a party .

5.The _____________of the games has made them tired.

6.You must thank him for his _______________.

7.There have been several civil rights ________________over the last century.

8.He acted out of the _________________of his heart .

9.It is hard work ,but the sense of __________________is huge .

10.Stress and ________________often result in a lack of concentration .

VIII. Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences .

1.In the United States ,you can feel free to visit in people …s homes ,share their holidays ,enjoy

their children and their lives without having to continue a lifetime relationship .

He left the room without waiting for any reply .

Now you try :


___________________________________________________________________________ 他们一见面就要吵嘴。

___________________________________________________________________________ 2.Occasionally ,for a formal party or dinner ,an invitation requires an answer ,either in writing

or by telephone .

You can select either this blue jacket or that green one as a present to your father .

Now you try :


___________________________________________________________________________ 要么我们现在走,要么我们永远在这待下去。

___________________________________________________________________________ 3.In the United States ,whethe r for business or pleasure ,people are very aware of the time and

as a result are usually on time for business meeting and social activities .

Whether we go or stay ,the result is the same .

Now you try :


___________________________________________________________________________ 无论是对是错,在争论中获胜的通常总是他。

___________________________________________________________________________ 4.Occasionally ,for a formal party or dinner ,an invitation requires an answer ,either in writing

or by telephone .

We all make mistakes occasionally .

Now you try :


________________________________________________________________________ 他们偶尔顺便来看望我们。

________________________________________________________________________ 5.You will notice that American use more ice than those in other countries .

The stadium in our school is much larger than that in their school.

Now you try :




________________________________________________________________________ IX. Translate the following sentences into English .


_________________________________________________________________________ 2.大致看来,他的计划是成功的。

_________________________________________________________________________ 3.植物若在炎热的天气下不浇水就容易枯死。

__________________________________________________________________________ 4.服务员过来时他要了一杯咖啡和一块面包。

__________________________________________________________________________ 5.饮食习惯在不同的地方可能会有很大的差异。


X. Translate the following sentences into Chinese .

1. Do not hesitate to accept invitations from American simply because you cannot invite them to your home in return .

____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Social customs vary somewhat aross the country ,but in general ,people tend to be friendlier and more information as they invite you as a guest .


3. In the United States ,whether for business or pleasure ,people are very aware of the time and as

a result are usually on time for business meeting and social activities .

_____________________________________________________________________________ 4. If you do not get used to American cocktails ,you can ask for something else .


5. Occasionally ,for a formal party or dinner ,an invitation requires an answer ,either in writing or by telephone .


Unit 6 ( P145)

IV. Spell the following words with the help.

1 c__________ n. a test of skill or ability ; a contest

2 n__________ a. amounting to a large number ; many

3 c__________ n. a group of people having common interests

4 a__________ n. one who has attained maturity or legal age

5 n__________ a. in agreement with what is representative , usual , or regular

6 a__________ v. to take and follow (a course of action , for example) by choice or


7 p__________ a. widely liked or appreciated

8 p__________ ad. to a greet degree ; especially

9 l__________ n. an ardent follower and admirer ; a couple in love with each other

10. f__________ a. causing laughter or amusement

V. Complete each of the following statements with the the words you have learned in the text.

1.He is very interested in what are called p__________ songs.

2.Politicians should not e__________ in business affairs that might affect their political


3.The story is based m__________ on trsdition.

4.She a__________ happiness with having money.

5.These films are suitable for a__________ only.

VI. Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below . changing the form if necessary.

adopt take place claim fond desirable

competitive care about engage associate bet

1.The old lady likes all her grandchildren ,but she?s especially __________ of Helen.

2.She thinks only of herself ; she doesn?t __________ other people.

3.The concert will __________ next Friday evening at the city center.

4.I have no time to___________in gossip (闲谈),so please don?t come to me with your rumors

and complaints.

5.Did you _________on the insurance after your house fire.

6.The girls __________the boys a big fancy cake on their winning the game.

7.Foreigners usually ___________America with the Statue of Liberty.

8.The resolution was ___________by a vote of 180 in favor to 10 against it.

9.In teaching it is highly ___________to know exactly what one is hoping to achieve.

10.An athlete (运动员)must have a __________spirit.

VII.Wording building.


tree→treeless meaning →meaningless


care→careful meaning→meaningful

Now add –less or –ful to each of the words below and then complete each of the following sentences with one of the finished words.

care_______ tire______ beauty______ power______ peace______ color______ fault______ hand______ fruit______ land______

1.She was ___________in her attempts to help the poor.

2.It?s __________at home when the children are at school.

3.The car went out of control,and the driver was ___________to stop it.

4.He failed his math examination because of his ___________work..

5.We are now living in a __________new house in the country.

6.Mary always likes wearing some __________clothes.

7.Their performance was___________.

8.They have had a friendly and very ___________disussion.

9.The ___________people are poor and do not own any land.

10.Only a ___________of people attended the party yesterday.

VIII. Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.

1.Boys usually play soccer in winter and cricket in summer as a normal school activity ,while

girls play tennis and a sort of baseball in summer and hockey in winner.

While their country has plenty of oil,ours has none.

Now you try:


___________________________________________________________________________ 有的人浪费食物,而有的人还吃不饱。

___________________________________________________________________________ 2.They not only like playing or watching games,but also like talking about them,or even

thinking about them.

She is not only good at mathematics,but (also) interested in English as well.

Now you try:


___________________________________________________________________________- 她在学校是个好老师,在家是个好妻子。


3. The game particularly associated with England is cricket.

The bridge completed a few days ago is the largest one in our city.

Now you try:

该交响乐团(symphony orchestra)举行的音乐会大获成功。




4. For example ,it is very desirable f or bank managers to play golf.

It is desirable that you should be there by two o?clock. .

Now you try:





5. Cricket is only popular in the countries which were once the British colonies such as Australia

and India.

This is the most beautiful place which I have ever been to .

Now you try:





IX. Translate the following sentences into English.





3. 他正忙于处理一个棘手的问题。


4. 因为她喜欢读书,渴求知识,所以经常去图书馆。

______________________________________________________________________________ 5. 他从不关心周围发生的一切。


X. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1.The English cannot claim that they have excellent skills in any form of sport when they

engage in international competition,but they care strongly about the “sporting spirit”.


2.The game particularly associated with England is cricket.


3.Many other games too are English in origin ,but have been popularly adopted in other



4.The more social adult games of golf and tennis are played by a great number of people.


5.Boys usually play soccer in winner and cricket in summer as a normal school activity ,while

girls play tennis and a sort of baseball in summer and hockey in winter.


Unit 7 (P179)

IV. Spell the following words with the help of their meanings and first letters.

1.t______ v. to change from one form to another.

2.d______ v. to give completely to;to set apart for

3.s______ n. a degree of succeeding ;a good result

4.p______ a. concerning ,belonging to ,or for the use of a particular person ;private

5.e______ v. to use the services of (a person or group );to perform work in return for

pay;to give a job to

6.a______ v. to let (someone) do something without opposing them or trying to prevent

them ;to let (something )be done;to permit

7.f______ n.. a great amount of money,possessions,etc.

8. i______ v. to believe or have an idea about something ;to form (a picture or idea) in the mind

9. p______ v. to cause or arrange for (someone)to have or use (something needed or

useful);to supply

10. b______ v. to gain advantage ;to receive benefit (as a result of something )

V . Complete each of the following statements with the words you have lesrned in the taxt.

1. Scientists have already u______the secrets of the atom.

2. Human beings are much more i________than animals .

3.Men must wear a jacket and tie ;s_______,women must wear a skirt or dress,not trousers .

4.Don ?t play with that gun ;it ?s not a t_______.

5.The company is an international one and has got a s________of about one thousand .

VI.Fill in the fill blanks with the proper words and expressions given below ,changing the

form if necessary .

translate bennefit imagine provide grow up

discourage employ devote drop out of such as

1. We ?ve planted lots of different flowers ,__________roses ,carnations ,and tulips .

2. I leave a light on when I ?m out to _________burglars from breaking in .

3. As we all know ,we will _________from daily exercises .

4. What do you want to be when you are ________?

5. He was ________politics because of tiredness .

6. The new contract will enable us to _________about 50 extra people .

7. I don ?t speak Greek so Diana offered to __________for me .

8. The hospital has a commitment to __________the best possible medical care .

9. Can you _________what it will be like to lose your job after 20 years .

10. I don ?t think we should _________any more time to this question .

VII.Word building .

Now add –tion or –ation to each of the words below and then complete each of the following sentences with one of the finished words .

consider_________intive__________indicate_________imagine_________produce__________ apply________combine________inform__________celebrate __________interrupt_________

1. Can you give me any _______of how I did in the test ?

2. Your teacher will take your recent illness into ________when judging your examination .

3. When will the new range of computers go into full_________?

4. Have you filled in the ________form for a new passport ?

5. Their ambassador has accepted an ________to meet with the president and discuss



过程控制系统习题 答案

什么是过程控制系统?其基本分类方法有哪几种? 过程控制系统一般是指连续生产过程的自动控制,是自动化技术中最重要的组成部分之一。基本分类方法有:按照设定值的形式不同【定值,随动,程序】;按照系统的结构特点【反馈,前馈,前馈-反馈复合】。 热电偶测量的基本定律是什么?常见的冷端补偿方式有哪些 均质材料定律:由一种均匀介质或半导体介质组成的闭合回路中,不论截面和长度如何以及沿长度方向上的温度分布如何,都不能产生热电动势,因此热电偶必须采用两种不同的导体或半导体组成,其截面和长度大小不影响电动势大小,但须材质均匀; 中间导体定律:在热电偶回路接入中间导体后,只要中间导体两端温度相同,则对热电偶的热电动势没有影响; 中间温度定律:一支热电偶在两接点温度为t 、t0 时的热电势,等于两支同温度特性热电偶在接点温度为t 、ta和ta、t0时的热电势之代数和。只要给出冷端为0℃时的热电势关系,便可求出冷端任意温度时的热电势,即 由于冷端温度受周围环境温度的影响,难以自行保持为某一定值,因此,为减小测量误差,需对热电偶冷端采取补偿措施,使其温度恒定。冷端温度补偿方法有冷端恒温法、冷端补偿器法、冷端温度校正法和补偿导线法。 为什么热电阻常见三线制接法?试画出其接线原理图并加以说明。

电阻测温信号经过电桥转换成电压时,热电阻的接线如用两线接法,接线电阻随温度变化会给电桥输出带来较大误差,必须用三线接法,以抵消接线电阻随温度变化对电桥的影响。 对于DDZ-Ⅲ型热电偶温度变送器,试回答: 变送器具有哪些主要功能? 变送器的任务就是将各种不同的检测信号转换成标准信号输出。 什么是变送器零点、零点迁移调整和量程调整? 热电偶温度变送器的输入电路主要是在热电偶回路中串接一个电桥电路。电桥的功能是实现热电偶的冷端补偿和测量零点的调整。 大幅度的零点调整叫零点迁移。实用价值是:有些工艺的参数变化范围很小,例如,某设备的温度总在500~1000度之间变化。如果仪表测量范围在0 ~1000度之间,则500℃以下测量区域属于浪费。因为变送器的输出范围是一定的。可经过零点迁移,配合量程调整,使仪表的测量范围在500~1000℃之间,可提高测量精度。


统计过程控制(SPC 课程培训测试题 部门:___________ 姓名:______________________ 分数:__________________ 一、名词解释: 1变差:过程的单个输出之间不可避免的差别;变差的原因可分为两类:普通原因和特殊原因。 3.1固有变差:仅由普通原因造成的过程变差,由? = R/d 2来估计。 3.2总变差:由普通原因和特殊原因共同造成的变差,用?S来估计。 2、特殊特性:可能影响安全性或法规的符合性、配合、功能、性能或产品后续生产过程 的产品特性或制造过程参数。 3、标准差:过程输出的分布宽度或从过程中统计抽样值(例如:子组均值)的分布宽度的 量度,用希腊字母或字母s(用于样本标准差)表示。 4、控制限:控制图上的一条线(或几条线),作为制定一个过程是否稳定的基础。如有超 出了控制极限变差存在,则证明过程受特殊因素的影响。控制限是通过过程数据 计算出来的,不要与工程的技术规范相混淆。 5、过程能力:一个稳定过程的固有变差(6? : R/d2 )的总范围。 6、C pk (稳定过程的能力指数):为一稳定过程【某一天、某一班次、某一批、某一机台 其组內的变差(R-bar/d2 or S-bar / C4 )】下的“能力指数”,计算时须同 时考虑过程数的趋势及该趋势接近于规格界限的程度。即:通常定义为CPU 或CPL中的最小值。 7、P pk(性能指数,即初期过程的性能指数):为试生产阶段一项类似于Cpk的能力指数, 某一产品长期监控下的“能力指数”;但本项指数的计算,是以新产品的初期过程 性能研究所得的数据为基础。即:通常定义为PPU或PPL中的最小值。 8 PPM(质量水准,即每百万零件不合格数):指一种根据实际的有缺陷材料来反映过程能力 的一种方法。PPM数据常用来优先制定纠正措施。


线性代数考试题库及答案 一、单项选择题(共5小题,每题2分,共计10分) 1.在111 ()111111 x f x x x -+=-+-展开式中,2x 的系数为 ( ) (A) -1 (B) 0 (C) 1 (D) 2 2.A 是m ×n 矩阵,(),r A r B =是m 阶可逆矩阵,C 是m 阶不可逆矩阵,且 ()r C r <,则 ( ) (A) BAX O =的基础解系由n-m 个向量组成 (B) BAX O =的基础解系由n-r 个向量组成 (C) CAX O =的基础解系由n-m 个向量组成 (D) CAX O =的基础解系由n-r 个向量组成 3.设n 阶矩阵,A B 有共同的特征值,且各自有n 个线性无关的特征向量,则( ) (A) A B = (B) ,0A B A B ≠-=但 (C) A B (D) A B 与不一定相似,但 A B = 4.设,,A B C 均为n 阶矩阵,且AB BC CA E ===,其中E 为n 阶单位阵,则 222A B C ++= ( ) (A) O (B) E (C) 2E (D) 3E 5.设1010,0203A B ???? == ? ????? ,则A B 与 ( ) (A)合同,且相似 (B)不合同,但相似 (C)合同,但不相似 (D )既不合同,又不相似

二、填空题(共 二、填空题(共10小题,每题 2分,共计 20 分) 1.已知11 122 233 30a b c a b c m a b c =≠,则1111 22223333 232323a b c c a b c c a b c c ++=+ 。 2.设 1 010 2010 1A ?? ?= ? ?? ? ,若三阶矩阵Q 满足2,AQ E A Q +=+则Q 的第一行的行向量是 。 3.已知β为n 维单位列向量, T β为β的转置,若T C ββ= ,则 2C = 。 4.设12,αα分别是属于实对称矩阵A 的两个互异特征值12,λλ的特征向量,则 12T αα= 。 5.设A 是四阶矩阵,A * 为其伴随矩阵,12,αα是齐次方程组0AX =的两个线 性无关解,则()r A *= 。 6.向量组1 23(1,3,0,5,0),(0,2,4,6,0),(0,3,0,6,9)T T T ααα===的线性关系 是 。 7.已知三阶非零矩阵B 的每一列都是方程组1231231 23220 2030 x x x x x x x x x λ+-=?? -+=??+-=?的解,则 λ= 。 8.已知三维向量空间3R 的基底为123(1,1,0),(1,0,1),(0,1,1)T T T ααα===,则向量 (2,0,0)T β=在此基底下的坐标是 。 9.设21110012100,112004A a a ?? ?? ? ?== ? ? ? ????? 则 。 10.二次型2 2 2 123123121323(,,)222222f x x x x x x x x x x x x =++++-的秩为 。


经济法试题库(一) 一、填空题(每题1分,共10分) 1、是世界上唯一的颁布了经济法典的国家。 2、合伙企业的合伙人对合伙企业债务承担责任;个人独资企业的投资人 期。 A、蒲鲁东 B、德萨米 C、摩莱里 D、鲁姆夫 2、股份有限公司的经营决策和业务执行机构是() A、股东大会 B、总经理 C、监事会 D、董事会

3、下列关于中外合作经营企业法律地位的表述中,正确的表述是() A、依法成立即取得中国法人资格 B、企业债券由合作各方承担连带责任,是合伙型企业 C、符合中国法人条件的,依法取得中国法人资格 D、依法成立即取得外国法人资格 7、依照《产品质量法》的规定,下列何种产品属于该法所称的产品?() A、芝麻油 B、大坝 C、冰毒 D、电力 8、某热水器厂将一批“阳光”牌热水器交给某商场销售,孙某从商场购得一台热水器,安装使用不到两天,由于热水器内部线路问题引起短路,发生

火灾,致孙某财产损失8万元。孙某遂向该生产厂家要求赔偿,但热水器厂能够证明引起短路的缺陷于投入流通时尚不存在。此时()。 A、热水器厂无权拒绝赔偿 B、热水器厂有权拒绝赔偿 C、孙某只能要求该商店赔偿 D、孙某只能要求热水器厂赔偿 9、()不属于不正当竞争行为。 A B 侵权 C 当竞争 D、两种商品装潢虽外观近似,但常喝“太岁康”的人仔细辨认可以加以区别,故乙厂的行为不受法律禁止 11、我国明确规定“商店提供商品应当明码标价”的法律是()。 A、产品质量法 B、消费者权益保护法

C、反不正当竞争法 D、广告法 12、某商场的店堂告示声明“商品离柜,概不负责”,该行为违反了经营者的什么义?() A、接受监督义务 B、提供信息义务 C、承担责任义务 D、实现公平、合理交易义务 A B C D A、《产品质量法》 B、《农业法》 C、《标准化法》 D、《消费者权益保护法》 17、甲与乙是好朋友。一日,甲对乙表示,愿以300元的价格将自己一辆八成新的自行车出卖给乙。因为乙不需要,遂将这一消息告知丙,丙向甲表示愿以300元买下甲的自行车。丙的行为属于()。


第七章过程控制控制系统习题及答案 一、填空 1. 单回路控制系统由传感器、调节器、执行器和被控对象组成。 2. 一个包含伺服放大器的电动调节阀,实际上是一个以调节器送来的信号为给定值、阀门位置信号为被控参数的单回路控制系统,该系统所采用的调节规律是位式调节规律。 3. 单回路控制器常见的五种控制规律是位式控制规律、比例控制规律、比例积分控制规律、比例微分控制规律及比例积分微分控制规律。 4. 当对象调节通道和测量元件的时间常数T 0较大,纯滞后τ很小,即τ/ T 很 小时,应用微分作用可以获得相当良好的效果。 5. 当对象调节通道时间常数T 较小,系统负荷变化较大时,为了消除干扰引起的余差,除了比例作用外还应采用积分作用。 6. 串级控制系统有两个控制回路。 7. 串级控制系统的内回路是一个随动控制系统,其给定值为外回路中的主调节器输出。 8. 串级控制系统主要用于控制通道时间常数太大的被控系统。 9. 串级控制系统副调节器一般选择比例调节规律,最好不采用积分调节作用,他会牺牲副回路的快速性,彻底消除偏差也不是副回路的职责,微分调节作用也是不能采用的,否则一旦主调节器的输出稍有变化就会引起执行机构的大幅度动作,加大其磨损。 10. 串级控制系统的主调节器最好包含积分控制作用,以保证干扰被彻底克服。 11. 某个干扰能否用前馈控制系统来克服的前提条件是该干扰信号可测量。 12. 单纯的前馈控制系统能实现良好控制效果的前提是能获得相应干扰通道精确的数学模型。 二、选择 1. 串级控制系统的副回路一般采用的调节规律是(A)。 (A)比例调节规律(B)比例积分微分(C)比例微分(D)比例积分2. 对串级控制系统副回路的要求是(B)。 (A)消除稳态误差(B)快速克服主要干扰(C)消除所有干扰(D)消除主干扰3. 单回路控制系统由(A)组成。 (A)控制器、执行器、变送器和被控对象(B)控制器、执行器和变送器(C)输入、反馈、控制器和执行器(D)PID调节器、变送器和电动调节阀 三、判断 1. 串级控制系统有内外两个控制回路,主副两个调节器、两个执行器和两个被控对象。(×) 只有一个执行器,一个被控对象被分为了主对象和副对象。 2. 采用一步整定法对串级控制系统进行参数整定是考虑到对副变量控制的要求不高,允许它在一定范围内变化这一前提,根据经验先将副调节器一次放好,不再变动,然后按一般单回路控制系统的整定方法直接整定主调节器参数。(√) 3. 由于串级控制系统副回路具有快速性的特点,所以应将所有干扰包含在副回路中,以使干扰被快速克服。(×) 如果要将副回路包含所有的干扰,则副回路必然变得冗长而失去其快速性的优点,违背了串级控制系统设计的原则。 4. 串级控制系统中,副回路的控制目的就是稳定副变量。(×)


过程控制期末试题及 其答案

1.控制系统对检测变送的基本要求是___准确___、__迅速__和可靠 2.从理论上讲,干扰通道存在纯滞后不影响系统的控制质量。 3.离心泵的控制方案有直流节流法、改变泵的转速n 改变旁路回流量。效 率最差的是改变旁路回流量。 4.随着控制通道的增益K o的增加,控制作用___增强_______,克服干扰能 力___最大______,最大偏差_____减小_____系统的余差减小 5.控制器的选择包括结构材质的选择、口径的选择、流量特性的选择和正 反作用的选择。 6.防积分饱和的措施有对控制器的输出限幅、限制控制器积分部分的输出 和积分切除法。 7.如果对象扰动通道增益K f增加,扰动作用__增强__,系统的余差__增大__,最 大偏差_增大___。 8.简单控制系统的组成,各部位的作用是什么? 解答: 简单控制系统由检测变送装置、控制器、执行器及被控对象组成。 检测变送装置的作用是检测被控变量的数值并将其转换为一种特定输出信号。 控制器的作用是接受检测装置送来的信号,与给定值相比较得出偏差,并按某种运算规律算出结果送往执行器。 执行器能自动地根据控制器送来的控制信号来改变操纵变量的数值,以达到控制被控变量的目的。 被控对象是指需要控制其工艺参数的生产设备或装置

9.气动执行器由__调节__机构和执行机构两部分组成,常用的辅助装置有 __阀门__定位器和手轮机构。 10.调节系统中调节器正反作用的确定依据是保证控制系统成为负反馈。 11.被控变量是指工艺要求以一定的精度保持__恒定 _或随某一参数的变化而 变化的参数。 12.反应对象特性的参数有放大倍数、时间常数、和纯滞后时间。 13.自动调节系统常用参数整定方法有哪些?常用的参数整定方法有!经验法*衰 减曲线法*临界比例度法*反应曲线法) 动态特性参数法,稳定边界法,衰减曲线法,经验法。 14.检测变送环节对控制系统的影响主要集中在检测元件的滞后和信号传递 的滞后问题上。 15.什么是对象数学模型,获取模型的方法有哪些? 答:对对象特性的数学描述就叫数学模型。 机理建模和实验建模系统辨识与参数估计。解析法)和(实验辨识法) 机理建模:由一般到特殊的推理演绎方法,对已知结构、参数的物理系统运用相应的物理定律或定理,根据对象或生产过程的内部机理,经过合理的分析简化而建立起描述系统各物理量动静态性能的数学模型。 实验建模步骤:1确定输入变量与输出变量信号;2测试;3对数据进行回归分析。 16.简述被控量与操纵量的选择原则。. 答:一、(1) 被控量的选择原则: ①必须尽可能选择表征生产过程的质量指标作为被控变量;


WORD 格式整理 2009-2010学年第一学期期末考试 《线性代数》试卷 答卷说明:1、本试卷共6页,五个大题,满分100分,120分钟完卷。 2、闭卷考试。 评阅人:_____________ 总分人:______________ 一、单项选择题。(每小题3分,共24分) 【 】1.行列式=----3111131111311113 (A)0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D)3 【 】2.设A 为3阶方阵,数2-=λ,3=A ,则=A λ (A) 24 (B) 24- (C) 6 (D) 6- 【 】3.已知,,B A 为n 阶方阵,则下列式子一定正确的是 (A)BA AB = (B)2222B)(A B AB A ++=+ (C)BA AB = (D) 22))((B A B A B A -=-+ 【 】4.设A 为3阶方阵, 0≠=a A ,则=*A (A) a (B) 2a (C) 3a (D) 4a __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ 系_ __ __ ___ __ 专业_ __ __ ___ __ _班级 姓名_ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ 学号__ ___ __ __ ___ __ _ ………… … … … … … … … … ( 密) … … … … … … … … … … … … ( 封 ) … … … …… … … … … … … … ( 线 ) … … … … … … … … … … … …

(A) )()(B R A R < (B) )()(B R A R > (C) )()(B R A R = (D) 不能确定)(A R 和)(B R 的大小 【 】6.设n 元齐次线性方程组0=Ax 的系数矩阵A 的秩为r ,则0=Ax 有非零解 的充分必要条件是 (A) n r = (B) n r ≥ (C) n r < (D) n r > 【 】7. 向量组)2(,,,21≥m a a a m 线性相关的充分必要条件是 (A) m a a a ,,,21 中至少有一个零向量 (B) m a a a ,,,21 中至少有两个向量成比例 (C) m a a a ,,,21 中每个向量都能由其余1-m 个向量线性表示 (D) m a a a ,,,21 中至少有一个向量可由其余1-m 个向量线性表示 【 】8. n 阶方阵A 与对角阵相似的充分必要条件是 (A)n A R =)( (B)A 有n 个互不相同的特征值 (C)A 有n 个线性无关的特征向量 (D)A 一定是对称阵 二、填空题。(每小题3分,共15分) 1.已知3阶行列式D 的第2行元素分别为1,2,1-,它们的余子式分别为2,1,1-,则=D 。 2.设矩阵方程??????-=???? ??12640110X ,则=X 。 3.设*=ηx 是非齐次线性方程组b Ax =的一个特解,21,ξξ为对应齐次线性方程组 0=Ax 的基础解系, 则非齐次线性方程组b Ax =的通解为 . 4.设n m ?矩阵A 的秩r A R =)(,则n 元齐次线性方程组0=Ax 的解集S 的最大无关组S 的秩=R 。


一、单项选择题( 本大题共 3 0 小题,每小题 1 分,共 3 0 分) 1.在市场经济国家的经济法体系中,关于市场管理的经济法律、法规主要是( A公司法B.限制垄断法和反不正当竞争法C ?财政税收法D ?银行法 2.只可能成为经济法律关系的参加者而不可能作为民法或行政法的主体的是( A国家机关B ?企业和其他社会组织C.企业的内部组织和有关人员D ?农户、个体经营户和公民 3.对国有独资公司的合并、分立、解散、增减资本和发行公司债券等事项有决定权的是( ) A股东会B ?董事会C ?董事长D.国家授权投资的机构或者国家授权的部 4.全民所有制工业企业职工代表大会的性质是( ) A企业的决策机构B ?职工行使民主管理权力的机构C ?职工行使民主管理的权力机构D ?协助厂长决策的咨询机构 5.城镇集体所有制企业的权力机构是( ) A厂长(经理)B ?董事会C.股东会D.职工(代表)大会 6.某甲、某乙与某丙按照合伙协议共同出资设立合伙企业,某甲任合伙企业事务执行人。依照我国《合伙企业法》的规定,关于合伙人对企业承担的责任的正确表述是( ) A全体合伙人均承担有限责任B ?某甲作为合伙企业事务执行人负无限责任,其他合伙人均负有限责任 C.合伙人的责任分别由合伙协议约定 D.全体合伙人承担无限连带责任 7 申请设立中外合营企业,由中国合营者负责向审批机关报送的正式文件包括营企业协议、合同和章程。当合营企业协议与合营企业合同有抵触时,( ) A 以合营企业协议为准 B 以合营企业合同为准 C 合营各方再协商确定 D 由审批机关认定 8 我国《外资企业法》规定,国家对外资企业不实行国有化和征收;在特殊情况下,根据社会公共利 益的需要,对外资企业可以依照法律程序实行征收,( ) A 并给予相应的补偿 B 并给予相等的补偿 C 并给予相当的补偿 D 并给予适当的补偿 9 应当从破产财产中优先拨付的是( ) A 破产企业所欠职工工资和劳动保险费用 B 破产企业所欠税款 C 破产债权 D 破产费用? 10 . A企业在市场上推出一种多功能遥控器,名为“一按达”,产品设计成适应操作者手型的曲线外观;并配以反传统的香槟色。—该多功能遥控器销售地区甚广,辅之大量的较长时间的广告宣传,使其在相关市场广为消贸者欢迎。B企业仿冒A企业产品,也在市场推出“易安达”多功能摇控器,其外观、色彩与A企业的“一按达”相仿,引起混淆。该侵权行为属于() A 假冒、仿冒他人注册商标 B 擅自使用知名商品特有的名称、包装、装潢C. 侵犯外观设计专利权 D 引人误解的虚假宣传 11.公用企业或者其他依法具有独占地位的经营者,限定他人购买其指定的经营者的商品,以排挤其他经营


《过程控制系统》思考题 一. 1.什么叫串级控制系统?绘制其结构方框图。 串级控制系统是由两个控制器的串接组成,一个控制器的输出做为另一个控制器的设定值,两个控制器有各自独立的测量输入,有一个控制器的给定由外部设定。 2.与单回路控制系统相比,串级控制系统有哪些主要特点? 多了一个副回路,形成双闭环。特点:主控制器输出改变副控制器的设定值,故副回路构成的是随动系统,设定值是变化的。在串级控制系统中,由于引入了一个副回路,不仅能及早克服进入副回路的扰动,而且又能改善过程特性。副调节器具有“粗调”的作用,主调节器具有“细调”的作用,从而使其控制品质得到进一步提高。 3.为什么说串级控制系统由于存在一个副回路而具有较强的抑制扰动的能力? ①副回路的快速作用,对于进入副回路的干扰快速地克服,减小了干扰对主变量的影响; ②引入副回路,改善了副对象的特性(减小副对象的相位滞后),提高

了主回路的响应速度,提高了干扰的抑制能力; ③副回路可以按照主回路的要求对副变量进行精确控制; ④串级系统提高了控制系统的鲁棒性。 4.串级控制系统在副参数的选择和副回路的设计中应遵循哪些主要原则? ①将主要干扰包括在副回路; ②副回路尽量包含多的干扰; ③为保证副回路的快速响应,副对象的滞后不能太长; ④为提高系统的鲁棒性,将具有非线性时变部分包含于副对象中; ⑤需要对流量实现精确的跟踪时,将流量选为副对象。 5.串级控制系统通常可用在哪些场合? * 应用于容量滞后较大的过程 * 应用于纯时延较大的过程 * 应用于扰动变化激烈而且幅度大的过程 * 应用于参数互相关联的过程 * 应用于非线性过程 6.前馈控制与反馈控制各有什么特点?绘制前馈控制系统结构方框图。 前馈:基于扰动来消除扰动对被控量 的影响; 动作“及时” ;


线性代数(A 卷) 一﹑选择题(每小题3分,共15分) 1. 设A ﹑B 是任意n 阶方阵,那么下列等式必成立的是( ) (A)AB BA = (B)222()AB A B = (C)222()2A B A AB B +=++ (D)A B B A +=+ 2. 如果n 元齐次线性方程组0AX =有基础解系并且基础解系含有()s s n <个解向量,那么矩阵A 的秩为( ) (A) n (B) s (C) n s - (D) 以上答案都不正确 3.如果三阶方阵33()ij A a ?=的特征值为1,2,5,那么112233a a a ++及A 分别等于( ) (A) 10, 8 (B) 8, 10 (C) 10, 8-- (D) 10, 8-- 4. 设实二次型11212222(,)(,)41x f x x x x x ?? ??= ? ?-???? 的矩阵为A ,那么( ) (A) 2331A ??= ?-?? (B) 2241A ??= ?-?? (C) 2121A ??= ? -?? (D) 1001A ?? = ??? 5. 若方阵A 的行列式0A =,则( ) (A) A 的行向量组和列向量组均线性相关 (B)A 的行向量组线性相关,列向量组线性无关 (C) A 的行向量组和列向量组均线性无关 (D)A 的列向量组线性相关,行向量组线性无关 二﹑填空题(每小题3分,共30分) 1 如果行列式D 有两列的元对应成比例,那么该行列式等于 ; 2. 设100210341A -?? ? =- ? ?-?? ,*A 是A 的伴随矩阵,则*1()A -= ; 3. 设α,β是非齐次线性方程组AX b =的解,若λαμβ+也是它的解, 那么λμ+= ; 4. 设向量(1,1,1)T α=-与向量(2,5,)T t β=正交,则t = ; 5. 设A 为正交矩阵,则A = ;


2018年《经济法基础》真题及答案 一、单项选择题 1、2017年7月1日,李某到甲公司工作,按月领取工资3000元。同年9月1日,甲公司与李某签订书面劳动合同。已知:当地月最低工资标准为1800元,当地上年度职工月平均工资为3500元。因未及时与李某签订书面劳动合同,甲公司应向其补偿的工资数额为( )。 A、7000元 B、1800元 C、3500元 D、3000元 【答案】D 【解析】用人单位自用工之日起超过1个月不满1年未与劳动者订立书面劳动合同,应当向劳动者每月支付2倍的工资。起算时间为用工之日起满1个月的次日,截止时间为补订书面劳动合同的前1日。 2、根据劳动合同法律制度的规定,对负有保密义务的劳动者,用人单位可以在劳动合同或者保密协议中与劳动者约定竞业限制条款,但竞业限制不得超过一定年限。该期限为( )。 A、1年 B、2年 C、3年 D、5年 【答案】B 【解析】从事同类业务的竞业限制期限,不得超过2年。 3、甲贸易公司位于市区,实际占地面积为5000平方米,其中办公区占地4000平方米,生活区占地1000平方米。甲贸易公司还有一个位于农村的仓库,实际占地面积为1500平方米。已知城镇土地使用税适用税率每平方米税额为5元,计算甲贸易公司全年应缴纳城镇土地使用税税额的下列算式中,正确的是( )。 A、5000×5=25000元 B、(5000+1500)×5=32500元 C、(4000+1500)×5=27500元 D、4000×5=20000元 【答案】A 【解析】城镇土地使用税是国家在城市、县城、建制镇和工矿区范围内,对使用土地的单位和个人,以其实际占用的土地面积(生产、办公及生活区)为计税依据,按照规定的税额计算征收的一种税。征税范围不包括农村。 4、根据支付结算法律制度的规定,下列支付工具中,可以透支的是( )。 A、储值卡 B、信用卡 C、储蓄卡 D、预付卡 【答案】B 【解析】信用卡可以透支。 5、2017年12月甲啤酒厂生成150吨啤酒,销售100吨,取得不含增值税销售额30万元、增值税税额5.1万元。甲啤酒厂当月销售啤酒消费税计税依据为( )。 A、35.1万元 B、30万元


过程控制期末试题库 (适用于沈阳建筑大学自动化专业期末考试) 一、填空题(本题共计10分,包括3小题,10个填空,每空1分) 1.一般一个简单控制系统由(检测/变送)装置、(被控对象)、(调节)器和(执行)机构组成。 2.过程控制系统常用的参数整定方法有:(经验法)、(衰减曲线法)、(稳定边界法/临界比例度法)和(响应曲线法)。 3.在PID调节器中,调节器的Kc越大,表示调节作用(越强),Ti值越大,表示积分作用(减弱),Td值越大表示微分作用(增强)。 4.常见的过程计算机控制系统分为下列几种典型形式:(操作指导控制系统)、直接数字控制系统、(监督计算机控制系统)、(集散控制系统)和现场总线控制系统。 5.在闭环控制系统中,根据设定值的不同形式,又可分为定值控制系统,随动控制系统和程序控制系统。 1)定值控制系统 特点:设定值是(固定不变); 作用:保证在(扰动)作用下使被控变量始终保持在设定值上。 2)随动控制系统 特点:设定值是一个(变化量); 作用:保证在各种条件下系统的输出(及时跟踪设定值变化)。 3)程序控制系统 特点:设定值是一个(按一定时间程序变化的时间函数); 作用:保证在各种条件下系统的输出(按规定的程序自动变化)。 6.热电偶温度计的基本组成部分部分是(热电偶)、(测量仪表)、(连接热电偶)和(测量仪表的导线)。 7.串级控制系统能迅速克服进入(副)回路的扰动,改善(主)控制器的广义对象特性,容许(副)回路内各环节的特性在一定的范围内变动而不影响整个系 统的控制品质。 8.定值控制系统是按(偏差)进行控制的,而前馈控制是按(扰动)进行控制的;前者是(闭)环控制,后者是(开)环控制。 二、选择题(本题共计10分,包括5小题,每题2分) 1.由于微分调节规律有超前作用,因此调节器加入微分作用主要是用来(C):


过程控制系统试卷C卷 一、填空题(每空1.5分)(本题33分) 1、过程控制系统一般由控制器、执行器、被控过程和测量变送等环组成。 2、过程控制系统由工程仪表和被控过程两部分组成。 3、压力检测的类型有三种,分别为:弹性式压力检测、应变式压力检测、压阻式压力检测。 4、气动执行结构主要有薄膜式和活塞式两大类。 5、根据使用的能源不同,调节阀可分为气动调节阀、电动调节阀和液动调节阀三大类。 6、过程数学模型的求取方法一般有机理建模、试验建模和混合建模。 7、积分作用的优点是可消除稳态误差(余差),但引入积分作用会使系统稳定性下降。 8、在工业生产中常见的比值控制系统可分为单闭环比值控制、双闭 环比值控制和变比值控制三种。 9、造成积分饱和现象的内因是控制器包含积分控制作用,外因是控制器长 期存在偏差。 二、名词解释题(每小题5分)(本题15分) 1、过程控制:指根据工业生产过程的特点,采用测量仪表、执行机构和计算机等自动化工具,应用控制理论,设计工业生产过程控制系统,实现工业生产过程自动化。 2、串级控制系统:值采用两个控制器串联工作,主控制器的输出作为副控制器的设定值,由副控制器的输入去操纵调节阀,从而对住被控变量具有更好的控制效果。 3、现场总线:是指将现场设备与工业控制单元、现场操作站等互联而成的计算机网络,具有全数字化、分散、双向传输和多分枝的特点,是工业控制网络向现场级发展的产物。 三、简答题(每小题8分)(本题32分) 1、什么是PID,它有哪三个参数,各有什么作用?怎样控制? 答:PID是比例-积分-微分的简称。其三个参数及作用分别为:(1)比例参数KC,作用是加快调节,减小稳态误差。(2)积分参数Ki,作用是减小稳态误差,提高无差度(3)微分参数Kd,作用是能遇见偏差变化趋势,产生超前控制作用,减少超调量,减少调节时间。 2、前馈与反馈的区别有哪些? 答:(1)控制依据:反馈控制的本质是“基于偏差来消除偏差”,前馈控制是“基于扰动消除扰动对被控量的影响”。


线性代数期末考试试卷 答案合集 文档编制序号:[KKIDT-LLE0828-LLETD298-POI08]

×××大学线性代数期末考试题 一、填空题(将正确答案填在题中横线上。每小题2分,共10分) 1. 若02 2 1 50 1 31 =---x ,则=χ__________。 2.若齐次线性方程组??? ??=++=++=++0 00321 321321x x x x x x x x x λλ只有零解,则λ应满足 。 3.已知矩阵n s ij c C B A ?=)(,,,满足CB AC =,则A 与B 分别是 阶矩阵。 4.矩阵??? ? ? ??=3231 2221 1211 a a a a a a A 的行向量组线性 。 5.n 阶方阵A 满足032=--E A A ,则=-1A 。 二、判断正误(正确的在括号内填“√”,错误的在括号内填“×”。每小题2分,共10分) 1. 若行列式D 中每个元素都大于零,则0?D 。( ) 2. 零向量一定可以表示成任意一组向量的线性组合。( ) 3. 向量组m a a a ,, , 21中,如果1a 与m a 对应的分量成比例,则向量组s a a a ,,, 21线性相关。( ) 4. ? ? ??? ???? ???=010********* 0010 A ,则A A =-1。( ) 5. 若λ为可逆矩阵A 的特征值,则1-A 的特征值为λ。 ( )

三、单项选择题 (每小题仅有一个正确答案,将正确答案题号填入括号内。每小题2 分,共10分) 1. 设A 为n 阶矩阵,且2=A ,则=T A A ( )。 ① n 2 ② 12-n ③ 12+n ④ 4 2. n 维向量组 s ααα,, , 21(3 s n )线性无关的充要条件是( )。 ① s ααα,, , 21中任意两个向量都线性无关 ② s ααα,, , 21中存在一个向量不能用其余向量线性表示 ③ s ααα,, , 21中任一个向量都不能用其余向量线性表示 ④ s ααα,, , 21中不含零向量 3. 下列命题中正确的是( )。 ① 任意n 个1+n 维向量线性相关 ② 任意n 个1+n 维向量线性无关 ③ 任意1+n 个n 维向量线性相关 ④ 任意1+n 个n 维向量线性无关 4. 设A ,B 均为n 阶方阵,下面结论正确的是( )。 ① 若A ,B 均可逆,则B A +可逆 ② 若A ,B 均可逆,则 A B 可逆 ③ 若B A +可逆,则 B A -可逆 ④ 若B A +可逆, 则 A ,B 均可逆 5. 若4321νννν,,,是线性方程组0=X A 的基础解系,则4321νννν+++是0=X A 的( ) ① 解向量 ② 基础解系 ③ 通解 ④ A 的行向量 四、计算题 ( 每小题9分,共63分) 1. 计算行列式 x a b c d a x b c d a b x c d a b c x d ++++。


经济法练习题(全,含答案) 单项选择题 题型:单项选择题,分值:每一小题1分 第一章经济法的概念及其调整对象 1、经济法这一概念,是法国空想共产主义者()在其1755年出版的《自然法典》一书中首先提出来的。(D)(难易:简单;知识点:经济法的概念) A、普鲁东 B、德萨米 C、凯恩斯 D、摩莱里 2、经济法的调整对象是(B )(难易:简单;知识点:经济法的调整对象) A、经济关系 B、特定的经济关系 C、法律关系 D、特定关系 3、市场管理关系应该由(C )调整(难易:一般;知识点:同上) A、民法 B、商法 C、经济法 D、公司法 4、市场管理法是调整在市场管理过程中发生的经济关系的法律规范的总称,其中包括(C)(难易:一般;知识点:经济法的特征对象) A.税法 B.政府采购法 C.产品质量法 D.财政法 5、有关投资、金融以及税收的法律规定,体现了经济法对(C)的调整(难易:一般;知识点:经济法的调整对象) A、企业组织管理关系 B、市场管理关系 C、宏观经济调控关系 D、社会经济调控关系的调整 第二章经济法的地位

6、经济法的地位是经济法在(A )中的地位(难易:一般;知识点:经济法的地位) A、法的体系 B、法的结构 C、法的概念 D、法的功能 7、经济法在法的体系中的独立地位,在于经济法有自己(B)(难易:简单;知识点:经济法的地位;) A.特定的调整程序 B.特定的调整对象 C.特定的发展历程 D.特定的法律渊源 第三章经济法律关系 8、经济权利是由经济法律、法规所确认的一种(A )(难易:简单;知识点:经济法律关系) A.资格B、行为C、权利D、利益 9、.经济法主体依法必须为一定行为和不为一定行为的责任,属于经济法主体的(B)(难易:简单;知识点:经济法律关系) A.经济权利 B.经济义务 C.经济职权 D.经营管理权 10、以下可以作为经济法律事件的是(D)(难易:一般;知识点:经济法律关系) A、公司的设立 B、税务征收 C、确定利率 D、突发洪水 11、以下不能作为经济法律关系主体的是(D)(难易:一般;知识点:经济法律关系) A、国家检察机关 B、学校 C、厂长 D、学生会 12、经济法律关系最主要参加者是(B )(难易:一般;知识点:经济法主体) A、国家机关 B、企业 C、企业的内部组织 D、公民 13、以下不是民法主体而不是经济法主体的是(C )(难易:复杂;知识点:同上) A、国家机关 B、企业 C、企业的内部组织 D、公民 14、享有经济职权的主体是(A )(难易:一般;知识点:同上)


三:简答题32分 1.什么是PID,它有哪三个参数,各有什么作用?怎样控制? 答: PID是比例-积分-微分的简称。其三个参数及作用分别为: (1)比例参数KC,作用是加快调节,减小稳态误差。 (2)积分参数Ki,作用是减小稳态误差,提高无差度 (3)微分参数Kd,作用是能遇见偏差变化趋势,产生超前控制作用,减少超调量,减少调节时间。 2.正反方向判断气开气关,如何选择?P84 答:所谓起开式,是指当气体的压力信号增大时,阀门开大;气关式则相反,压力增大时,阀门关小。气动调节阀气开气关形式的选择,主要从工艺生产的安全来考虑的。详见例题3-5 气开气关调节阀的选择主要是从生产安全角度和工艺要求考虑的,当信号压力中断时应避免损坏设备和伤害操作人员。如阀门处于开的位置时危害性小,则应选气关式反之选用气开式。 3.控制器正反方向判断 P133 答:所谓作用方向,就是指输入作用后,输出的变化方向。当输入增加时,输出也增加,则成该环节为“正环节”,反之,当输入增加时,输出减少,则称“反作用”。具体步骤 (1),判断被控对象的正/反作用那个方向,主要由工艺机理确定。 (2)确定执行器的正/反作用方向由安全工艺条件决定。 (3)确定广义对象的正/反作用方向 (4)确定执行器的正/反作用方向 4.串级系统方框图P176及特点是什么? 答:特点(1)减小了被控对象的等效时间常数;(2)提高了系统工作频率;(3)对负载变化有一定的自适应能力。 5.前馈反馈的区别有哪些? 答:(1)控制依据:反馈控制的本质是“基于偏差来消除偏差”,前馈控制是“基于扰动消除扰动对被控量的影响”。 (2)控制作用发生时间方面:反馈控制器的动作总是落后于扰动作用的发生,是一种“不及时”的控制;扰动发生后,前馈控制器及时动作。


线性代数期末考试题样卷 一、填空题(将正确答案填在题中横线上。每小题2分,共10分) 1. 若02 2 1 50 1 31 =---x ,则=χ__________。 2.若齐次线性方程组??? ??=++=++=++0 00321 321321x x x x x x x x x λλ只有零解,则λ应满足 。 3.已知矩阵n s ij c C B A ?=)(,,,满足CB AC =,则A 与B 分别是 阶矩阵。 4.矩阵??? ? ? ??=32312221 1211 a a a a a a A 的行向量组线性 。 5.n 阶方阵A 满足032 =--E A A ,则=-1A 。 二、判断正误(正确的在括号内填“√”,错误的在括号内填“×”。每小题2分,共10分) 1. 若行列式D 中每个元素都大于零,则0?D 。( ) 2. 零向量一定可以表示成任意一组向量的线性组合。( ) 3. 向量组m a a a ,, ,Λ21中,如果1a 与m a 对应的分量成比例,则向量组s a a a ,,,Λ21线性相关。( ) 4. ? ? ??? ???? ???=010********* 0010 A ,则A A =-1。( ) 5. 若λ为可逆矩阵A 的特征值,则1 -A 的特征值为λ。 ( ) 三、单项选择题 (每小题仅有一个正确答案,将正确答案题号填入括号内。每小题2分,共10分) 1. 设A 为n 阶矩阵,且2=A ,则=T A A ( )。 ① n 2 ② 1 2 -n ③ 1 2 +n ④ 4 2. n 维向量组 s ααα,,,Λ21(3 ≤ s ≤ n )线性无关的充要条件是( )。 ① s ααα,, ,Λ21中任意两个向量都线性无关 ② s ααα,, ,Λ21中存在一个向量不能用其余向量线性表示 ③ s ααα,, ,Λ21中任一个向量都不能用其余向量线性表示


《经济法》考试题库及答案 一、单项选择题(本题型共 24 小题,每小题 1 分,共 24 分。每小题只有一个正确答案,请从每小题的备选答案中选出一个你认为正确的选项。) 1.根据反垄断法律制度的规定,下列各项中,属于界定相关商品市场的基本标准的是( )。 A.商品的外形、特性、质量和技术特点等总体特征和用途 B.商品的运输成本和运输特征 C.商品间较为紧密的相互替代性 D.商品的使用期限和季 节性【答案】A 【解析】(1)选项 B:属于界定相关地域市场的基本标准;(2)选项 CD:属于界定相关时间市场的基本标准。 【知识点】相关市场界定(P475、P476) 2.2017 年,甲有限合伙企业实现利润 300 万元。2018 年初,合伙企业向普通合伙人乙、丙及有限合伙人丁各分配利润 100 万元。根据合伙企业法律制度的规定,就上述可分配利润应缴纳所得税的主体是( )。 A.乙和丙 B.乙、丙和丁 C.丁 D.甲、乙、丙和丁 【答案】B 【解析】合伙企业的生产经营所得和其他所得,按照国家有关税收规定,由合伙人分别缴纳所得税。合伙企业不缴纳企业所得税。 【知识点】合伙企业法律制度概述(P135) 3.根据物权法律制度的规定,下列各项中,属于动产的是( )。 A.房屋 B.林木 C.海域 D.船舶 【答案】D 【解析】选项 ABC 属于不动产。 【知识点】物的概念与种类(P41) 4.根据对外贸易法律制度的规定,下列关于国营贸易和国营贸易企业的表述中, 正确的是 ( )。 A.实行国营贸易管理的货物的目录,由海关总署会同其他有关部门确定

B.实行国营贸易管理的货物的进出口业务一概由授权企业经营 C.国营贸易是世界贸易组织明文允许的贸易制度 D.判断一个企业是不是国营贸易企业,关键是看该企业的所有制形式 【答案】C 【解析】(1)选项 A:实行国营贸易管理的货物和经授权经营企业的目录,由商务部会同国务院其他有关部门确定、调整并公布。(2)选项 B:实行国营贸易管理货物的进出口业务只能由经授权的企业经营,但国家允许部分数量的国营贸易管理货物的进出口业务由非授权企业经营的除外。(3)选项 D:判断一个企业是不是国营贸易企业,关键是看该企业是否在国际贸易中享有专营权或特许权,与该企业的所有制形式并无必然联系。 【知识点】对外贸易经营者(P532) 5.根据涉外投资法律制度的规定,外国投资者以股权作为支付手段并购中国境内企业的审批机关是( )。 A.国家发改委 B.省级商务主管部门 C.商务部 D.国家市场监督管理总局 【答案】C 【解析】外国投资者以股权并购境内公司应报送商务部审批。 【知识点】外国投资者并购境内企业(P518) 6.下列各项法律规范中,属于确定性规范的是( )。 A.供用水、供用气、供用热力合同,参照供用电合同的有关规定 B.法律、行政法规禁止或者限制转让的标的物,依照其规定 C.国务院反垄断委员会的组成和工作规则由国务院规定 D.因正当防卫造成损害的,不承担民事责任 【答案】D 【解析】(1)确定性规范是指内容已经完备明确,无须再援引或者参照其他规范来确定其内容的法律规范。选项 D 属于确定性规范。(2)选项 AB:属于准用性规范。 (3)选项 C:属于委任性规范。 【知识点】法律规范的种类(P10、P11) 7.根据证券法律制度的规定,首次公开发行股票数量在 2000 万股(含)以下且无老股转让计划的,其发行价格的确定方式是( )。 A.直接定价 B.竞价定价 C.网下询价

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