当前位置:文档之家› 英语常用专有名词




中华文明 Chinese civilization[sivilai`zei??n]

文明摇篮 cradle[`kreidl] of civilization

华夏祖先 the Chinese ancestors[`?nsist?]

秦始皇帝 First Emperor[`emp?r?], Emperor Chin

皇太后 Empress['empr?s]女皇;皇后 Dowager[`da??d??(r)]皇太后;太后

汉高祖刘邦 founder of the Han Dynasty['d?n?st?] (206BC-220AD)

成吉思汗 Genghis Khan[ge?g?s `kɑ:n] ; Temujin

夏朝 Xia Dynasty

明清两代 (of) Ming and Qing dynasties


四川 Sichuan, Szechwan, Szechuan

陝西 Shaanxi

四大发明 the four great inventions[?n`ven?n] of ancient['e?n??nt]China

火药 gunpowder[`g?npa?d?(r)]

印刷术 printing[`pr?nt??]

造纸术 paper-making

指南针 the compass

汉字 Chinese character['k?r?kt?(r)]

单音节 single syllable['s?l?bl] n. 音节

汉语四声调 the four tones[t?un] of Chinese characters

阳平 level['levl] tone

阴平 rising tone

上声 falling-rising tone

去声 falling tone

四书 the Four Books

《大学》 The Great Learning

《中庸》 The Doctrine[`d?ktr?n] of the Mean

《论语》 The Analects['?n?lekts]文选,论集 of Confucius[k?n`fju:??s]

《孟子》 The Mencius[men???s]

《春秋》 the Spring and Autumn Annals[‘?n?lz]编年史

《史记》 Historical[h?’st?r?kl] Records['rek?:d]

《诗经》 The Books of Songs; The Book of Odes[??dz]颂诗,颂歌

《书经》 The Books of History['h?str?]

《易经》 I Ching[t???]; The Book of Changes[t?end?s]

《礼记》 The Book of Rites[ra?ts]仪式,典礼

《孝经》 Book of Filial[‘f?li?l]子女的 Piety['pa??t?]虔诚,虔敬

《孙子兵法》 The Art of War

《三字经》 The Three-Character Scripture['skr?pt??(r)]经文,圣典; The Three-Word Chant[t?ɑ:nt]吟颂,咏唱

《三国演义》 Three Kingdoms

《西游记》 Journey to the West; Pilgrimage['p?lɡr?m?d?]朝圣之旅 to the West 《红楼梦》 Dream[dri:m] of the Red Mansions[‘m?n?n]大厦;宅第

《山海经》 The Classic of Mountains and Rivers

《资治通鉴》 History['h?str?] as a Mirror['m?r?(r)]; Comprehensive History Retold as a Mirror for Rulers

《西厢记》 The Romance of West Chamber['t?e?mb?(r)]

《水浒传》 Heroes['h??r??] of the Marshes[mɑ:?]沼泽,湿地; Tales of the Water Margin

《聊斋志异》 Strange Tales of a Lonely['l??nl?] Studio['stju:d???]工作室,画室;

Strange Tales from Make-Do代用的;权宜的 Studio

《围城》 Fortress['f?:tr?s]堡垒,要塞 Besieged[b?'s?d?d]包围,围困

《阿Q正传》 The True Story of Ah Q

五言绝句 five-character quatrain[‘kw?tre?n]四行诗

七言律诗 seven-character octave['?kt?v]高八度音;八度和音

八股文 eight-part essay['ese?]散文;随笔; stereotyped[‘steri:?ta?pt]套用陈规的 writing 重要文化遗产 major cultural heritage['her?t?d?]

优秀民间艺术 outstanding folk[f??k] arts

文物 cultural relics[‘rel?k]遗物,遗迹

中国画 traditional Chinese painting

书法 calligraphy[k?’l?gr?fi]

水墨画 Chinese brush[br??] painting; ink[??k] and wash painting

工笔 traditional Chinese realistic painting

中国结 Chinese knot[n?t]

旗袍 Cheongsam[`t??:?`s?m]

中山装Chinese tunic['tju:n?k]长袍suit[su:t]

唐装 traditional Chinese garments (clothing); Tang suit

朝廷使者 royal['r???l] court envoy[`env??]使节,外交官;

文人 men of letters

雅士 refined[r?`fa?nd]经过改良的;举止优雅的 scholars['sk?l?(r)]奖学金获得者;学者

表演艺术 performing art

现代流行艺术 popular art, pop art

纯艺术 high art

高雅艺术 refined art

电影艺术 cinematographic[`s?n?m?t?'ɡr?f?k]电影的 art

戏剧艺术 theatrical[θi`?tr?kl]戏剧的 art

才子佳人 gifted scholars['sk?l?(r)] and beautiful ladies

生 (男性正面角色) male (the positive male role)

旦 (女性正面角色) female (the positive female role)

净 (性格鲜明的男性配角) a supporting male role with striking[`stra?k??] character

丑 (幽默滑稽或反面角色) a clown[kla?n] or a negative role

花脸 painted role

歌舞喜剧 musical

滑稽场面, 搞笑小噱头 shtick[?t?k]

滑稽短剧 skit[sk?t]

京剧人物脸谱 Peking[pi:`ki?] Opera['?p?r?] Mask

皮影戏 shadow['??d??] play; leather['lee?(r)]-silhouette[s?l?'et]轮廓,剪影 show

说书 story-telling

叠罗汉 make a human pyramid['p?r?m?d]

折子戏 opera['?p?r?] highlights

踩高跷 stilt[st?lt]支柱;高跷 walk

哑剧 pantomime['p?nt?ma?m]; mime[ma?m]

哑剧演员 pantomimist['p?nt?ma?m?st]

戏剧小品 skit[sk?t]

马戏 circus['s?:k?s] show

单口相声 monologue['m?n?l?ɡ]独白;独角戏 comic talk, standup comedy['k?m?d?]

特技表演 stunt[st?nt]

相声 witty dialogue comedy['k?m?d?], comic cross talk

杂技 acrobatics[?kr?`b?t?ks]

京韵大鼓 the traditional story-telling in Beijing dialect with drum accompaniment[?`k?mp?nim?nt]伴奏;伴随物


秦腔 Shaanxi opera['?p?r?]

武术 martial[`mɑ:??l]军事的;战争的 art

功夫 kung fu[k?? `fu:]

武术门派 styles or schools of martial[`mɑ:??l] art

习武健身 practice martial art for fitness

气功 qigong[k?'ɡ??], deep breathing[bri:e] exercises['eks?sa?z?z]

拳击 boxing

篆刻seal[si:l]密封;印章;海豹 cutting upriteous

工艺, 手艺 workmanship / craftsmanship[`krɑ:ftsm?n??p]

卷轴 scroll[skr??l]

蜡染 batik[b?`ti:k]

泥人 clay[kle?] figure

漆画 lacquer['l?k?(r)]漆,天然漆painting

唐三彩 Trio['tri:??]-colored glazed[gle?zd]像玻璃的pottery['p?t?r?]陶器of the Tang Dynasty


文房四宝 The four stationery[`ste???nri]文具;办公用品treasures[`tre??z] of the Chinese study --- a writing brush, an ink stick, an ink stone

and paper

民间传说 folklores[`f??kl?:(r)]

寓言 fable['fe?bl]

传说 legend

神话 mythology[m?'θ?l?d??]

古为今用,洋为中用 make the past serve the present and the foreign serve china

赋诗 inscribe[?n'skra?b]题写,题献a poem['p???m]

对对联 matching an antithetical[?nt?'θet?kl]正相反的,对立的couplet[`k?pl?t]对联

阳历 solar calendar

公历 Gregorian calendar['k?l?nd?(r)]

阴历 lunar['lu:n?(r)] calendar

天干 heavenly[`hevnli]天国的;庄严的stem

地支 earthly branch

闰年 leap[li:p]跳;冲动的行动year

二十四节气 the twenty-four solar terms

十二生肖 the twelve Chinese zodiac['z??d??k]黄道带;黄道十二宫图signs

本命年 one's year of birth considered in relation to the 12 Terrestrial[t?'restr??l]地球的;人间的Branches

传统节日 traditional holidays

春节 the Spring Festival

元宵节 the Lantern[`l?nt?n] Festival (15th day of the first lunar['lu:n?(r)] month)

清明节 the Pure Brightness Festival / the Tomb-sweeping Day (April the 5th)

端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival (5th of the fifth lunar month)

中秋节 the Moon Festival / the Mid-Autumn Day (15th of the eight lunar month)

重阳节 the Double Ninth Day / the Aged Day


CIA--Central Intelligence Agency中央情报局

ABC—American Broadcasting Corporation[k?:p?·re??n]美国广播公司CCTV--China Central Television

FBI--Federal Bureau ['bj??r??] of Investigation联邦调查局

NSA--National ['n??n?l] Security [s?'kj??r?t?] Agency 国家安全局NASA--National Aeronautics [e?r?`n?:t?ks] and Space Administration国


APEC--Asian-Pacific[`e??n] Economic [i:k?`n?m?k] Cooperation [k???


ATM--Automatic[`?:t?'m?t?k] Teller['tel?(r)] machine自动取款机BBS--Bulletin['b?l?t?n] Board System电子公告板

CEO--Chief[t?i:f] Executive[?ɡ'zekj?t?v] Officer首席执行官

CFO--Chief Financial[fa?`n?n?l] Officer 首席财务官

CPI--Consumer Price Index全国居民消费价格指数

CPU--Central Processing Unit微处理器

GDP--Gross Domestic[d?`mest?k] Product国内生产总值

GNP--Gross National ['n??n?l] Product国民生产总值

GPS--Global Position System全球定位系统

OTC--Over the Counter非处方药

SUV--Sport-utility[ju:`t?l?ti] vehicle 多用途跑车


英语语法专业术语 语法grammar 句法syntax 词法morphology 结构structure 层次rank 句子sentence 从句clause 词组phrase 词类part of speech 单词word 实词notional word 虚词structural word 名词noun 专有名词proper noun 普通名词common noun 可数名词countable noun 不可数名词uncountable no 抽象名词abstract noun 具体名词concrete noun 物质名词material noun 集体名词collective noun 个体名词individual noun 介词preposition 连词conjunction 动词verb 主动词main verb 及物动词transitive verb 不及物动词intransitive verb 系动词link verb 助动词auxiliary verb 情态动词modal verb 规则动词regular verb 不规则动词irregular verb 短语动词phrasal verb 限定动词finite verb 非限定动词infinite verb 使役动词causative verb 感官动词verb of senses

动态动词event verb 静态动词state verb 感叹词exclamation 形容词adjective 副词adverb 方式副词adverb of manner 程度副词adverb of degree 时间副词adverb of time 地点副词adverb of place 修饰性副词adjunct 连接性副词conjunct 疑问副词interrogative adverb 关系副词relative adverb 代词pronoun 人称代词personal pronoun 物主代词possessive pronoun 反身代词reflexive pronoun 相互代词reciprocal pronoun 指示代词demonstrative pronoun 疑问代词interrogative pronoun 关系代词relative pronoun 不定代词indefinite 物主代词possessive pronoun 名词性物主代词nominal possessive 形容词性物主代词adjectival possessive pronoun 冠词article 定冠词definite article 不定冠词indefinite article 数词numeral 基数词cardinal numeral 序数词ordinal numeral 分数词fractional numeral 形式form 单数形式singular form 复数形式plural form 限定动词finite verb form 非限定动词non-finite verb form


《英语语法大全》 1.名词 名词可以分为专有名词(Proper Nouns)和普通名词(Common Nouns). 专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China等。 普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadness等,普通名词又可分为下面四类: 1)个体名词(Individual Nouns):表示某类人或东西中的个体,如:gun。 2)集体名词(Collective Nouns):表示若干个个体组成的集合体,如:family。 3)物质名词(Material Nouns):表示无法分为个体的实物,如:air。 4)抽象名词(Abstract Nouns):表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念,如:work。 个体名词和集体名词可以用数目来计算,称为可数名词(Countable Nouns) 物质名词和抽象名词一般无法用数目计算,称为不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns)。 归纳一下,名词的分类可以下图表示:

1.2其它名词复数的规则变化 1)以y结尾的专有名词,或元音字母+y结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s变复数: 如:two Marys the Henrys monkey---monkeys holiday---holidays 比较:层楼:storey---storeys story---stories 2)以o结尾的名词,变复数时: a.加s,如:photo---photos piano---pianos radio---radios zoo---zoos; b.加es,如:potato--potatoes tomato--tomatoes c.均可,如:zero---zeros/zeroes 3)以f或fe结尾的名词变复数时: a.加s,如:belief---beliefs roof---roofs safe---safes gulf---gulfs; b.去f,fe加ves,如:half---halves knife---knives leaf---leaves wolf---wolves wife---wives life---lives thief---thieves; c.均可,如:handkerchief:


一、引出开头 1:It is well-known to us that……(我们都知道……)==As far as my knowledge is concerned, …(就我所知…) 2:Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus. ==Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……(最近……问题引起了关注) 3:Nowadays(overpopulation)has become a problem we have to face.(现今,人口过剩已成为我们不得不面对的问题) 4:Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.(互联网已在我们的生活扮演着越来越重要的角色,它给我们带来了许多好处但也产生了一些严重的问题)5:With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that……(随着科技的迅速发展,越来越多的人认为……) 6:It is a common belief that……==It is commonly believed that……(人们一般认为……)7:A lot of people seem to think that……(很多人似乎认为……) 8:It is universally acknowledged that + 句子(全世界都知道...) 二、表达不同观点 1:People's views on……vary from person to person. Some hold that……However, others believe that……(人们对……的观点因人而异,有些人认为……然而其他人却认为……)2:People may have different opinions on……(人们对……可能会持有不同见解) 3:Attitudes towards (drugs)vary from person to person.==Different people hold different attitudes towards(failure)(人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异) 4:There are different opinions among people as to……(对于……人们的观点大不相同) 三、表示结尾 1:In short, it can be said that……(总之,他的意思是……) 2:From what has been mentioned above, w e can come to the conclusion that……(从上面提到的,我们可以得出结论……) 3:Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally/reasonably come to the conclusion that……(把所有的这些因素加以考虑,我们自然可以得出结论……) 4:Hence/Therefore, we'd better come to the conclusion that……(因此,我们最好的出这样的结论……) 5:There is no doubt that (job-hopping)has its drawbacks as well as merits.(毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点) 6:All in all, we cannot live without……,but at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.(总之,我们没有……无法生活,但同时我们必须寻求新的解决办法来面对可能出现的新问题) 四、提出建议 1:It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).(该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了)2:There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of……(毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够重视) 3:Obviously ,if we want to do something … it is essential that……(显然,如果我们想要做么事,很重要的是……) 4:Only in this way can we ……(只有这样,我们才能……) 5:Spare no effort to+V(不遗余力的) 五、预示后果


英语口语常用词汇分类表 一、学习用品 (school things) ruler (尺子) post card (明信片) comic book (漫画书) newspaper (报纸) schoolbag (书包) story-book (故事书) notebook (笔记本) math book (数学书) magazine (杂志) dictionary (词典)calendar(日历) 二、人体(body) foot (脚) nose (鼻子) head (头) face (脸) hair (头发) mouth (嘴) eye (眼睛) ear (耳朵) arm (手臂) hand (手) finger(手指) leg (腿) tail (尾巴) tooth牙齿 back 后背 neck脖子 stomach胃throat喉咙heart心脏 knee膝盖finger手指 toe脚趾beard胡子 三、颜色(colours) colour (颜色) red (红) blue (蓝) yellow (黄) green (绿) white (白) black (黑) pink (粉红) purple (紫) orange (橙) brown (棕) 四、动物(animals) cat (猫) dog (狗) pig (猪) duck (鸭) rabbit (兔) horse (马) elephant (大象) fish (鱼) kangaroo (袋鼠) ant (蚂蚁) bird (鸟) eagle (鹰) beaver (海狸) snake(蛇) mouse(老鼠) squirrel(松鼠) monkey(猴) panda(熊猫) bear(熊) lion(狮子) tiger(老虎) fox(狐狸) zebra(斑马) deer(鹿) giraffe(长颈鹿) goose(鹅) hen(母鸡) turkey(火鸡) lamb(小羊) sheep(绵羊) goat(山羊) cow(奶牛) donkey(驴) squid(鱿鱼) lobster(龙虾) shark(鲨鱼) seal(海豹) whale(鲸) dolphin海豚camel 骆驼koala考拉penguin企鹅 parrot鹦鹉 ant蚂蚁 mouse老鼠 spider蜘蛛 goldfish金鱼chimpanzee(黑猩猩) 五、人物(people) friend(朋友) mother(母亲) father(父亲) sister(姐妹) brother(兄弟)uncle(叔叔,舅舅)man(男人) woman(女人) Mr(先生) Miss(小姐) lady(女士,小姐) mom(妈妈)dad(爸爸) parents(父母) grandma/ grandmother(祖母,外祖母) grandpa/ grandfather(祖父,外祖父) aunt(姑姑) cousin(堂表兄弟,堂表姐妹)son(儿子) baby(婴儿) kid(小孩) classmate(同学) queen(女王) visitor(参观者) neighbour(邻居) principal(校长) university student(大学生) pen pal(笔友) net friend(网友) tourist(旅行者) people(人物) robot(机器人) 六、职业(jobs) teacher(教师) student(学生) doctor(医生) nurse(护士) driver(司机) farmer(农民) singer(歌唱家) writer(作家) actor(男演员) actress(女演员) artist(画家) TV reporter(电视台记者)engineer(工程师)accountant(会计)policeman(警察) salesperson(销售员)cleaner(清洁工) baseball player(棒球运动员) assistant(售货员)reporter记者 inventor发明家 scientist科学家guide导游 waiter男服务生waitress女服务生 assistant助手businessman生意人 psychologist,心理学家author作家 photographer摄影师 musician音乐家violinist小提琴手pianist钢琴家coach教练clerk职员dentist牙科医生director导演 translator翻译 pilot飞行员 lawyer律师sailor水手 tutor家教collector收藏家 七、食品、饮料(food & drink) rice(米饭) bread(面包) beef(牛肉) milk(牛奶)water(水)egg(蛋)fish(鱼)tofu(豆腐) chicken(鸡


常见的语法术语摘要 1.名词noun 动词verb 形容词adjective 数词numeral 代词 pronoun 2.介词preposition 副词adverb 连词conjunction 冠词article 感叹词 interjection 3.结构:structure 简单句simple sentences 并列句compound sentences 4.复合句complex sentences 倒装句inverted sentences 省略句elliptical sentences 5.陈述句declarative sentences 疑问句interrogative sentences 6.祈使句imperative sentences 感叹句exclamatory sentences 7.否定句negative sentences 被动句passive sentences 8.虚拟语气句subjunctive sentences 同义句synonymous sentences 9.歧义句ambiguous sentences 委婉句euphemisms 强调句emphasis 10.疑难句difficult sentences 叙述句narrative sentences 说明句expository sentences 11.议论句argumentative sentences 人物描写句descriptive sentences of people 12.动作描写句:descriptive sentences of actions 13.环境描写句descriptive sentences of environment 14.名人语句quotations 格言句maxims 谚语句proverbs 15.状语adverbial 补语complement 宾语object 宾语补助语objective complement 16.表语predicative 主语subject 谓语predicate 谓语动词finite verb 17.非谓语动词non-finite verb 情态动词modal verb 18.并列coordination 选择alternative 转折transition 对比contrast 19.原因cause 结果effect 20.动词时态verb tenses 21.一般现在时simple present (tense) 22.一般过去时simple past (tense) 一般将来时simple future (tense) 23.过去将来时future (tense) in the past 现在完成时present perfect (tense) 24.过去完成时past perfect (tense) 将来完成时future perfect (tense) 25.现在进行时present continuous (tense) 过去进行时past continuous (tense) 26.将来进行时future continuous (tense) 27.现在完成进行时present perfect continuous (tense) 28.主句main clause 从句subordinate clause 29.限定性定语从句restrictive attributive clause 30.非限定性定语从句non-restrictive attributive clause 31.宾语从句object clause 壮语从句adverbial clause 主语从句subject clause 32.表语从句predicative clause 同位语从句appositive clause 33.双重复合句double complex sentences 34.多重复合句multiple complex sentences 35.插入语parenthesis 36.IT引导的句子IT sentences


2014年英语口语必备2000词汇表 亲爱的各位同学,你只需要熟练背诵以下2000个英语分类词汇,即可轻松确保获得雅思口语单项6分以上的分数。你也可以轻松实现与老外的自由交谈。 目录 1、姓名与个人介绍 2、教育背景 3、家庭 4、天气 5、职业 6、环境污染 7、语言 8、科技 9、地点与城市 10、公园 11、广告 12、交通运输 13、移民与留学 14、音乐 15、图书馆 16、住宅 17、体育与健身 18、旅游 19、业余时间 20、食品与烹饪 21、宠物 22、婚礼庆典 23、朋友 24、年龄代沟 25、电影电视 26、购物 27、社会问题

姓名与个人介绍 确认confirm 市city 全名full name 直辖市municipality 姓surname/last/family name 县county 名first name 住宅电话home phone 身份证明identification/ID 专区prefecture 出生地birth place 自治区autonomous region 笔名pen name 民族;国籍nationality 别名alias 目前住址current address 姓名name 国籍citizenship 英寸inch (in.) 籍贯native place 英尺feet (ft.) 邮政编码postal code 厘米centimeter 双重国籍duel citizenship 街street 健康状况health condition 路road

健康状况health 区district (身体)极佳excellent 门牌house number 近视short-sighted 胡同,巷lane 远视far-sighted 年龄age 身份证ID card 身高height 会长president 血型bloodtype 副会长vice-president 体重weight 理事director 地址address 常务理事standing director 生于(地点/时间)born in/at 社团society 永久住址permanent address 协会association 生日birthday 秘书长secretary-general 出生日期birthdate 研究会research society 省province 坦率的frank 温柔体贴的gentle and understanding 好学的hardworking


BE-subjunctive be-型虚拟式object complement 宾语补语 noun phrase of amount or quantity 表示数量概念的名词词组 infinitive 不定式full sentence完全句headword中心词dynamic verb 动态动词cleft sentence 分裂句main clause主句nominative absolute construction 独立主格结构direct object 直接宾语present perfective progressive现在完成进行体subject complement主语补语predicate verb 谓语动词determiner限定词ordinal numeral序数词verbless clause 无动词分句finite verb phrase限定动词词组 possessive pronoun 物主代词gender性main verb 主动词 antecedent先行项subjunctive mood 虚拟式 irregular verb 不规则动词root 词根demonstrative pronoun指示代词semi-auxiliary 半助动词compound complex sentence 并列复杂句passive voice 被动态coordinate construction 并列结构comparative clause 比较分句indefinite pronoun 不定代词 intransitive verb不及物动词vocabulary词汇bound morpheme粘附词素uncountable noun不可数名词morpheme词素central determiner中位限定词indicative mood 陈述式affix 词缀proper noun专有名词 abstract noun 抽象名词phrasal verb 词组动词 notional concord 意义一致原则auxiliary助动词active voice主动态 open class 开放词类linking verb 连系动词 historical present 历史性现在时conjunction 连词 unit noun 单位名词reflexive pronoun 反身代词 second person 第二人称unemphatic use非强调性用法 definite article 定冠词basic clause type分句基本类型 fractional numeral分数词closed class封闭词类 generic reference 类指derivative noun 派生名词 old English古英语complex sentence复杂句 relative clause 关系分句adverb phrase 副词词组 function word 功能词compound word复合词 countable noun 可数名词genitive noun 名词属格 article 冠词notional subject实义主语interjection 感叹词regular plural 规则复数transitive verb 及物动词 past perfective progressive 过去完成进行体mood 语气 implied conditional 含蓄条件句suffix后缀feminine gender阴性collective noun集体名词post-determiner后位限定词 indirect object 间接宾语principle of proximity就近原则 primary auxiliary 基本助动词sentence 句子 concord一致voice 语态common gender通性 question 疑问句base form原形SVOC主—动—宾—补结构imperative mood 祈使式predeterminer前位限定词 inflectional affix 屈折词缀number数voice态 personal pronoun 人称代词double genitive 双重属格 tense 时mood式ditransitive verb双宾语及物动词


God works. 上帝的安排。 Not so bad. 不错。 No way! 不可能! Don't flatter me. 过奖了。 Hope so. 希望如此。 Go down to business. 言归正传。 I'm not going. 我不去了。 Does it serve your purpose?对你有用吗? I don't care. 我不在乎。 None of my business. 不关我事。 It doesn't work. 不管用。 Your are welcome. 你太客气了。 It is a long story. 一言难尽。 Between us. 你知,我知。 Sure thin! 當然! Talk truly. 有话直说。 I'm going to go. 我這就去。 Never mind. 不要緊。 Why are you so sure?怎么这样肯定? Is that so?是这样吗? Come on, be reasonable. 嗨,你怎么不讲道理。When are you leaving?你什么时候走? You don't say so. 未必吧,不至于这样吧。Don't get me wrong. 别误会我。 You bet! 一定,当然! It's up to you. 由你决定。 The line is engaged. 占线。 My hands are full right now. 我现在很忙。Can you dig it?你搞明白了吗? I'm afraid I can't. 我恐怕不能。 How big of you! 你真棒! Poor thing! 真可怜! How about eating out?外面吃饭怎样? Don't over do it. 别太过分了。 You want a bet?你想打赌吗? What if I go for you?我替你去怎么样? Who wants?谁稀罕? Follow my nose. 凭直觉做某事。 Cheap skate! 小气鬼! Come seat here. 来这边坐。 Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请。 You ask for it! 活该! You don't say! 真想不到! Get out of here! 滚出去!


英语语法专有名词中英文对照说法 最近有同学反应,上外教课时,有些语法问题要和老师沟通,却不知道一些语法专有名词的英文怎么说,于是,只能用一大串英语来描述一个专有名词。例如,同学想问形容词的用法时,不会“形容词” 的英语说法,只好把问题这么描述::“What are the rules of the words that are used to describe a person or thing?” 其实,the words that are used to describe a person or thing 指的就是形容词, 形容词的英文说法是“adjective”. 有鉴于此,现在把英文语法的专有名词说法,整理如下,同学花个几分钟的时间把他们记起来,下次再想问外教语法问题时,就不用那么麻烦啰! 中文英文全称及缩写中文英文全称及缩写 名词Noun (n.) 时态Tense 代词Pronoun (pron.) 一般式Simple tense 形容词Adjective (adj./a.) 进行式Progressive tense 动词Verb (v.) 完成式Perfect tense 数词Numeral (num.) 完成进行式Perfect Progressive tense 副词Adverb (adv./ad.) 现在时Present tense 冠词Article (atr.) 过去时Past tense 介词Preposition (prep.) 将来时Future tense 连词Conjunction (conj.) 过去将来时Past future tense 感叹词Interjection (interj.) 标点符号Punctuation Mark 词法Morphology 句号(.) Period (full stop) 句法Syntax 问号(?) Question mark 句子成分Members of the 惊叹号(!) Exclamation mark Sentence 主语Subject 逗号(,) Comma 谓语Predicate 分号(;) Semicolon 表语Predicative 冒号(:) Colon


(一)第一部分: 中华文明 Chinese civilization [sivilai`zei??n] 文明摇篮 cradle of civilization 华夏祖先 the Chinese ancestors 秦始皇帝 First Emperor, Emperor Chin 皇太后 Empress 女皇;皇后Dowager 太后;太后 汉高祖刘邦 founder of the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD) 成吉思汗 Genghis Khan ; Temujin 夏朝 Xia Dynasty 明清两代 (of) Ming and Qing dynasties 地名:特别注意四川和陕西拼法 四川 Sichuan, Szechwan, Szechuan 陕西 Shaanxi 四大发明 the four great inventions of ancientChina 火药 gunpowder 印刷术 printing 造纸术 paper-making 指南针 the compass 汉字 Chinese character 单音节 single syllable n. 音节 汉语四声调 the four tones of Chinese characters 阳平 level tone 阴平 rising tone 上声 falling-rising tone 去声 falling tone 四书 the Four Books 《大学》 The Great Learning 《中庸》 The Doctrine of the Mean 《论语》 The Analects 文选,论集of Confucius 《孟子》 The Mencius 《春秋》 the Spring and Autumn Annals 编年史 《史记》 Historical Records 《诗经》 The Books of Songs; The Book of Odes 颂诗,颂歌 《书经》 The Books of History 《易经》 I Ching; The Book of Changes 《礼记》 The Book of Rites 仪式,典礼 《孝经》 Book of Filial 子女的Piety 虔诚,虔敬 《孙子兵法》 The Art of War 《三字经》 The Three-Character Scripture 经文,圣典 ; The Three-Word Chant 吟颂,咏唱 《三国演义》 Three Kingdoms 《西游记》 Journey to the West; Pilgrimage 朝圣之旅 to the West 《红楼梦》 Dream of the Red Mansions 大厦;宅第 《山海经》 The Classic of Mountains and Rivers


英语语法专业术语 本次听写要求:挑选部分英语术语打在PPT上,学生按序号写出相应中文术语。(一)词类part of speech 实词notional word ['n?u??n?l] 虚词structural word/ form word (e.g. article preposition conjunction interjection) 派生词derivative [di'riv?tiv, d?'riv?tiv] 复合词compound ['k?mpaund,k?m'paund] 词性part of speech 名词noun 专有名词proper noun 普通名词common noun 可数名词countable noun 不可数名词uncountable noun 单数形式singular form 复数形式plural form ['plu?r?l, 'plur?l] 抽象名词abstract noun [?b'str?kt,'?bstr?kt] 具体名词concrete noun ['k?nkri:t] 物质名词material noun 集体名词collective noun 个体名词individual noun 动词verb 主动词main verb 及物动词transitive verb ['tr?nsitiv, 'tr?ns?tiv] 不及物动词intransitive verb [in'tr?nsitiv, in'tr?ns?tiv] 系动词link verb 助动词auxiliary verb [?:g'zilj?ri] 情态动词modal verb 规则动词regular verb 不规则动词irregular verb 短语动词phrasal verb ['freizl, 'freiz?l] 限定动词finite verb ['fainait] 非限定动词infinite verb ['infinit, 'inf?nit] 使役动词causative verb ['k?:z?tiv] 感官动词verb of senses 动态动词event verb 静态动词state verb 形容词adjective 比较等级degrees of comparison ☆原级positive degree ☆比较级comparative degree


英语口语词汇归类表 一、学习用品 ruler (尺子) post card (明信片) comic book (漫画书) newspaper (报纸) schoolbag (书包) story-book (故事书) notebook (笔记本) math book (数学书) magazine (杂志) dictionary (词典) 二、人体(body) foot (脚) nose (鼻子) head (头) face (脸) hair (头发) mouth (嘴) eye (眼睛) ear (耳朵) arm (手臂) hand (手) finger(手指) leg (腿) 三、颜色(colors) color (颜色) red (红) blue (蓝) yellow (黄)green (绿)white (白) black (黑) pink (粉红) purple (紫) orange (橙) brown (棕) 四、动物(animals) cat (猫)dog (狗)pig (猪)duck (鸭)rabbit (兔)horse (马)elephant (大象)fish (鱼) bird (鸟) monkey(猴) panda(熊猫) tiger(老虎) 五、人物(people) friend(朋友) mother(母亲)father(父亲)sister(姐妹) brother(兄弟) uncle(叔叔,舅舅) man(男人) woman(女人) Mr(先生) Miss(小姐) lady(女士) parents(父母) grandmother(祖母) grandfather(祖父) aunt(姑姑) cousin(堂表兄弟姐妹)son(儿子) baby(婴儿) kid(小孩) classmate(同学) 六、职业(jobs) teacher(教师)student(学生)doctor(医生)nurse(护士)driver(司机)farmer(农民)singer(歌唱家) writer(作家)actor(男演员)actress(女演员)artist(画家)reporter(记者)engineer(工程师) 七、食品、饮料(food & drink) rice(米饭)bread(面包) beef(牛肉) milk(牛奶) water(水) egg(蛋) fish(鱼) chicken(鸡肉) cake(蛋糕) hamburger(汉堡包) noodles(面条) meat(肉) vegetable(蔬菜) Coke(可乐) juice(果汁) tea(茶) coffee(咖啡) breakfast(早餐) lunch(中餐) dinner(晚餐) chocolate 巧克力 八、水果、蔬菜(fruit & vegetables) apple(苹果) banana(香蕉) pear(梨)orange(橙)watermelon(西瓜) grape(葡萄) tomato(西红柿) potato(土豆) peach(桃) strawberry(草莓) peach桃子 九、服饰(clothes) jacket(夹克衫)shirt(衬衫) T-shirt(T恤衫)shirt(短裙子)dress(连衣裙)jeans(牛仔裤) shoes(鞋子) sweater(毛衣) coat(上衣) shorts(短裤) hat(帽子) ring戒指 十、交通工具 bike(bicycle自行车) bus(公共汽车) train(火车) boat(小船) ship(轮船) car(小汽车) plane(飞机) subway(地铁) 十一、地点 home(家) room(房间)bedroom(卧室) bathroom(卫生间) living room(起居室,客厅) study(书房) kitchen(厨房) classroom(教室) school(学校)park(公园) library(图书馆) post office(邮局)


Acronyms Acronyms is a word coined by putting together the initial letters of a group of words. Affixation A word formation approach that attaches morpheme – an affix to a base,which is a word with 1 or more affixes in it. Anaphoric reference前照应A demonstrative determiner with anaphoric reference is more likely to go with a non-restrictive relative clause Cataphoric reference 后照应A demonstrative determiner with cataphoric reference,which goes with a restrictive relative clause Collective nouns These are generally countable nouns,but even in the singular they refer to groups of people,animals or things. Compound A compound,the product of composition,and it is a lexical unit consisting of more than one base and functioning both grammatically and semantically as a single word. Conversion The derivational process whereby an item is adapted or converted to a new word class without the addition of an affix. Coordination并列词Realized by coordinators (also termed coordinating conjunctions)which join units at the same level. Countable nouns Nouns that can take plural. Dangling participle:When the subject of participle is not expressed, it is normally to be the subject of the clause. It is usually poor grammar, and sometimes absurd, if this rule is broken: Trying to be quiet, the floor board creaked. But the rule is often broken when the subject is vaguely understood to be “one”, “we”, “you”, people in general. Determiner Words used in the premodification of noun phrase and put before any adjectives that premodify the head word of noun. Dynamic adjectives Many adjectives can also be used in the dynamic sense (be being a.)in predicative position to show subjective measurement or suggest a temporary state,implying the qualities can be controlled or restricted. (e.g. he is being rude) end-focus 尾部焦点under neutral conditions,the nucleus falls on the last element of the sequence as it is common that we process the information in a message to achieve a linear presentation form low to high information value. We refer to this as the principle of end-focus. ellipsis:省略leaves out the redundant/wordy part and do not provide a substitute. Exclamation Express our impression,especially our surprise,excitement,amazement,etc. It doesn…t take S-V inversion.

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