当前位置:文档之家› 船舶常用英语






一、舵令英语(Wheel Order)

二、车钟命令(Engine Order)

三、缆令(Line Order)

四、锚令(Anchor Order)

五、检查及其他常用语——(Inspection and other Useful Words)

六、梯口值班(Gangway Watching)

七、劳保用品(Working Protection Gears)

八、绑扎用具(Lashing and Securing Appliance)

九、消防救生设备(Fire Fighting and Life Saving Equipment)

十、船上工具和设备(Equipment and Facilities on board)

十一、电气设备和部件(Electric Appliance and Elements)

十二、主机和辅机(Main and Auxiliary Engine)

十三、各种表(Meters, Gauges and others)

十四、各种船名(different Types of Vessels)

十五、伙食和蔬菜名称(Vegetable, Food and Dishes)

一、舵令英语(Wheel order)

1. Port ten (five, fifteen, sixteen degrees) 左舵十(五、十五、十六)度。

2. Starboard ten 右舵十度。

3. Hard port 左舵满

4. Hard starboard 右舵满

5. Midship or amidships 正舵

6. Steady or steady on course. 或Steady as she goes. 把定当时的舵向。

7. Nothing to port/starboard. 不要偏左/右

8. Steer XXX (course XXX). 走XXX 度

9. What is the course? 航向多少?

10. Course now. 现在航向。

11. How is the ru dder’s answer? 舵效如何?

12. Keep buoy/mark/beacon/on port side. 反浮筒/标志/浮标让到左舷

13. Finish with wheel. 结束用舵。

14. Report if she does not answer wheel. 船没有舵反映请报告。

二、Engine order (车种命令)

1. Full ahead 全速前进(前进四)

2. Half ahead 半速前进(前进三)

3. Slow ahead 慢速前进(前进二)

4. Dead slow ahead 微速前进(前进一)

5. Stop engines 停车

6. Dead slow astern 微速后退(后退一)

7. Half astern 半速后退(后退二)

8. Full astern 全速后退(后退四)

9. Emergency full ahead 应急全速前进

10. Emergency full astern 应急全速后退

11. Stand by engine 备车

12. Finished with engine 用车完毕

13. Bow thrust full to port side 船首推测器全速向左

14. Bow thrust half to port side 船首推测器半速向左

15. Bow thrust full starboard side 船首推测器全速向右

16. Bow thrust half to the starboard side 船首推测器半速向右

17. Stem thrust full to port side 主推测器全速向左

18. Stem thrust half to port side 主推测器半速向左

19. Stem thrust full to starboard side 主推测器全速向右

20. Bow thrust stop 前推测器停

21. Stem thrust stop 主推测器停

三、缆令(line order)

1. Which side is alongside? Alongside is port/ starboard? 哪舷靠码头?左舷还是右舷?

2. Heave up the line! 撇缆

3. Send out the heaving line/ fore line/ stern line/ aft spring line. 带头缆/带首缆/尾缆/尾倒缆。

4. Heave away. 绞缆

5. Stop heaving. 停缆。

6. Heave tight. 收绞。

7. Make fast. 挽牢。

8. Head off/ stern off. 首先离/尾先离。

9. Single up 单绑

10. Let go 解掉

11. Let go head line/ stern line/spring line/towing line. 解首缆/尾缆/拖缆

12. Clear aft. 船尾清爽。

四、锚令(anchor order)

1. Stand by port anchor. 准备左锚。

2. Stand by starboard anchor. 准备右锚。

3. Both anchors 双锚

4. Let go the anchor 抛锚

5. Let go port anchor. 抛左锚。

6. Let go starboard anchor. 抛右锚

7. One/two/three shackles in water 一/两节入水。

8. Four shackles on deck 四节在甲板上。

9. Slack away the anchor. 松锚。

10. Hold on the shackles 锚链刹住

11. Check the cable 止住锚链

12. Stop heaving 停绞

13. Stand by heave up anchor. 准备收锚

14. Anchor is aweigh 锚离底

15. Anchor is up 锚出水

16. Anchor foul 锚交缠

17. How is the chain leading? 锚连在什么方向?

18. Leading forward/ahead 锚链向前

19. Leading afterward (leading after) 锚链向后

20. Leading to port 锚链向左

21. Leading to the starboard side 锚链向右

22. Chain across ship’s head. 链过船头

五、检查及其他常用语——(inspection and other related useful words)

1. Inspect the pumps please. 请检查一下泵。

2. Check the bearing. 检查一下轴承。

3. Check the whole system for leakage. 整个系统查漏。

4. Check the temperature of … 检查…的温度。

5. It is necessary to check and examine the oil separator at once. 有必要立即检查分油机。

6. Check the oil level in the lubricator. 检查注油器的油位。

7. Examine inside of the crankcase. 检查一下曲柄箱内部。

8. Examine/ test the main engine/ auxiliary engine/ steering gear every four hours. 每四个小时检查一下主机/辅机/舵机。

9. Please measure the depth of the fuel oil. 请测量一下燃油的深度。

10. Please measure the clearance between the piston and the cylinder. 请测量活塞与气缸之间的间隙。

11. Keep the engine room clean and tidy. 保持机舱清洁。

12. Clean the inside of the condenser. 清洁冷凝器内部。

13. Clean the cargo tanks of sludge. 清洁货舱中的油污。

14. Please make adjustment and correction. 请做调整和校正。

15. Adjust the derrick/the safety valve. 调整吊杆/安全阀。

16. Set the fuel pump. 调定燃油泵。

17. Correct the regulating valve. 校正调节阀。

18. Carry out the bridge order at once. 迅速执行驾驶台命令。

19. Keeping water system running. 保持水系统运行。

20. Make sure that everything is correct/ in order. 确保一切正常。

21. Record the water level of the tank. 记下水箱的位置。

22. Inform the duty officer on the bridge. 通知驾驶台值班驾驶员。

23. Should we reply? 我们可以回令吗?

24. Star the engine please. 启动发动机。

25. Shut down the engine. 停车。

26. Warm the engine. 暖机。

27. Open the air cock/valve. 打开空气旋塞/阀门。

28. Turn on/off 或switch on/off 开/关……

29. What do you want/ 你要什么东西?

30. May I use your spanner? 我可以用一下你的扳手吗?

31. Wait a moment, I will get tools for you. 稍等,我拿给你。

32. Ladder is ready. 梯子准备好了。

33. Please lend us some safety caps. 请借给我们一些安全帽。

34. Please help me lift up the cover. 请帮我抬起一下盖子。

35. You could ask for the second engineer for tools if necessary. 如有必要,你可以向二管轮


36. Take your positions please. 请大家各就各位。

37. All hands, assemble for rollcall.


38. Fall in again. 全体集合。

39. You are dismissed from your position. 解散。

40. Listen to me, I’m giving you some precautions to be observed by all ship’s crew in this port.大家留神听我说,我讲说一下全体船员在本港口应该遵循的几点注意事项。

六、梯口值班(gangway watching)

1. Excuse me, who are you? 对不起,您是谁?

2. I am the XXX. 我是XXX。A gent(代理),c hief tallyman(理货组长),foreman(工头),s tevedore worker (码头工人),c ustoms officer (海关官员),immigration officer (移民局官员),PSC officer (港口国检查官员),surveyor (验船师、检验师),ship supplier (船舶供应商),harbor master (港监、驻港船长)、superintendent (公司


3. Who are you looking for? 你找谁?

4. I want to see the master/captain/chief engineer/chief officer. 我想找船长/轮机长/大副。

5. Please adjust the gangway. 请调整船舷梯。

6. Open the cover of the hatch No. 1. 打开1 号船舱盖。

7. Close the cover of hatch No.5 关上5 号船舱盖。

8. Swing the derrick to the portside/starboard side. 将吊杆甩到左舷/右舷。

9. Lower a little. 降低一点。

10. Higher a little. 升高一点。

11. Scaled and chipped to bare mental. 敲铲除白。

12. Rusty part 生锈的部位。

13. A/C paint = anticorrosive

paint 除锈漆。

14. A/P paint = antipollutant

paint. 防污漆。

15. Red lead primer. 红防锈漆。

16. Varnish 清漆

17. Ready mixed paint. 调和漆。

18. Enamel 磁化漆。

19. Painting stage. 油漆用的脚手架。

20. Paint brush. 油漆刷。

21. Paint gun. 喷气枪。

22. Paint locker. 油漆间。

23. Paint remover. 油漆水。

24. Paint roller. 滚筒漆刷。

25. Paint thinner. 油漆稀释剂。

26. Block 滑车。

27. Chain blocker. 神仙葫芦。

28. Sheave 滑车。

29. Welder, 焊工;welding 焊接。

30. Welding machine. 电焊机。Welding wire. 焊条。Welding torch. 焊接喷灯。

31. Deck paint. 甲板漆;Topside paint 船壳漆;Boot topping paint 水线漆

32. Ship bottom paint. 船底漆;Aluminum primer. 银粉漆;Funnel paint. 烟窗漆

33. Oil tanker paint. 油舱漆。

七、劳保用品(working protection gears)

1. working suit 单工作服

2. mask 面罩

3. safety shoes 工作鞋

4. sea boots, gumboots 雨靴

5. raincoat 雨衣

6. parka 防寒工作服

7. safety helmet (cap) 安全帽

八、集装箱船绑扎用具(lashing and securing appliance on container ship)

1. lashing/securing 绑扎/加固

2. lashing bar/chain 拉杆/链条

3. bridge fitting 桥索

4. twist lock 扭锁

5. turnbuckle 松紧丝

6. foot lock 底锁

7. operating rod 角锁杆

8. locking plate 锁板

9. Single/double/twist stacker 单锥/双锥/带锥

九、消防救生设备(fire fighting and life saving equipments)

1. life jacket 救生衣

2. life buoy 救生圈

3. life raft 救生筏

4. life boat 救生艇

5. rescue boat 救助艇

6. fire fighting equipment 消防器材

7. hose box 消防箱

8. hose pipe 消防管

9. fire axe 消防斧

10. fire hook 消防钩

11. fire plug 消防栓

12. fire pump 消防泵

十、船上工具和设备(equipment and facilities on board)

1. cargo hatch 舱口

2. cargo hold 货舱

3. cargo mat 隔离席

4. cargo net 吊货网

5. windlass 锚机

6. cargo separate net 隔票网

7. cargo runner 吊货钢丝

8. cargo winch 起货机

9. cotton canvass 棉帆布

10. cotton gloves 棉手套

11. hand fid 木笔

12. spike 铁笔

13. hand lead 水多hand lead line 水多线

14. please follow me/come on please. 请跟我来

15. grain elevator 吸粮机,粮食传送带

16. convey belt 输送带

17. hand cart 手推车

18. flexible ruler 卷尺

19. seal tape 封舱交代

20. mallet 木槌

21. palm 掌盘

22. canvas needle 帆针

23. shovel 铲子

24. hacksaw 钢锯

25. oil can 油壶

26. shackle 卸扣,锚链的节

27. broom 扫帚;swap/mop 拖把

28. chipping gun 敲锈枪

29. oil jack 油压千斤顶

30. pad locker 挂锁

31. box spanner socket 套筒扳手

32. ring spanner 梅花扳手

33. adjustable spanner 活络扳手

34. double end spanner 双头呆板手

35. single end spanner 单头呆扳手

36. pipe wrench 管子钳

37. bench vice 台钳

38. hammer 锤子

39. file 锉刀

40. chisel 凿子

41. scrapper 刮刀

42. lathe 车床

43. planer 刨床

44. saw 锯子

45. axe 斧子

46. electric welding machine 电焊机

47. gas welding machine 气焊机

48. screw driver 螺丝刀

49. flat screw driver 平头螺丝刀

50. grease gun 牛油枪

51. lifting gear 起吊工具

52. flash torch 手电筒

53. oil sounding tap 量油尺

54. caliper 卡钳

55. ruler 尺子

56. crow bar 撬棒

57. wire brush 钢丝刷

58. copper brush 铜丝刷

59. saw blade 锯条

60. trolley 天车

十一、医疗卫生(hygiene and sanitation)

1. ache 痛;headache 头痛

2. toothache 牙痛

3. stomached 胃痛

4. fracture 骨折

5. shock 休克

6. hypertension 高血压

7. cholera 霍乱

8. malaria 疟疾

9. bronchitis 支气管炎

10. asthma 哮喘

11. pneumonia 肺炎

12. nephritis 肾炎

13. anemia 糖尿病

14. fever 发烧

15. cold 感冒;bad cold 重感冒;flu 流感

16. throat aching 嗓子痛

17. sea sickness 晕船;air sickness 晕机;homesick 想家;

18. acute cholesystitis 激性胆囊炎

19. acute appendicitis 激性阑尾炎

20. to have blood/stool/urine/alcohol test 验血/验大便/验小便/验酒精

21. injection 注射

22. pain killer 止痛片

十二、主机和辅机(Main and auxiliary engine)

1. two stroke engine 二冲程发动机

2. four stroke engine 四冲程发动机

3. diesel engine 柴油机

4. sump 油底壳

5. foundation 底座

6. bed plate 机座

7. crankcase 曲柄箱

8. cover inspection 检查盖板

9. frame 机架

10. cylinder 气缸/桶;drum 桶;

11. cylinder jacket 气缸套;cylinder cover 气缸盖;

12. stuffing box 填料箱

13. exhaust port 排气口

14. piston 活塞

15. piston head 活塞头

16. piston rod 活塞杆

17. cross head 十字头

18. connecting rod 连杆

19. exhaust gas turbine 废气涡轮

20. turning gear 盘车机

21. flying wheel/ turning wheel 飞轮

22. propeller 螺旋桨

23. fuel valve 油头

24. spray nozzle 油嘴

25. sprayer/ atomizer 雾化器

26. governor 调速器

27. regulator 调节器

28. alarm 警报器

29. exhaust valve 排汽阀

30. boiler 锅炉;main boiler 主锅炉;donkey boiler 辅锅炉;exhaust gas boiler 废气锅炉

31. water gauge 炉水表

32. starting valve 启动阀;sa fety valve 安全阀;re ducing valve 减压阀;e mergency valve 应急阀;threeway

valve 三通阀;by pass valve 旁通阀;change valve 转换阀

33. oil purifier 分水机

34. clarifier 分杂机

35. oil water separator 分油机

36. refrigerator 制冷机

37. compressor 压缩机

38. fresh water generator/ distillation plant 造水机

39. air conditioning plant 空调

40. steering gear 舵机

41. winch 缆机

42. incinerator 焚烧炉

43. pipe tunnel 管子弄

44. sewage tank 粪便柜

45. stern shaft 尾轴

46. air bottle 空气瓶

47. heat water well 热水井

48. sky light 天窗

49. bilge well 污水井

50. cofferdam tank 干隔舱

51. scupper 下水道

52. daily service oil tank 日用油柜;fuel oil settle tank 燃油沉淀柜十三、油料(fuel supplies)

1. crude oil 原油

2. fuel oil 重油

3. marine diesel oil 船用柴油

4. heavy diesel 重柴油

5. light diesel oil 轻柴油

6. sludge 油污sludge oil tanker 污油柜

7. lube oil 滑油

8. bearing oil 轴承油

9. crankcase oil 曲柄箱油

10. gear oil 齿轮油

11. steering gear hydraulic oil 船机液压油

12. turbine oil 透平油

13. anticorrosive

oil 防腐油

14. preventive oil 保护油

15. kerosene 柴油

16. petrol oil 汽油

17. gasoline 汽油

18. grease 牛油

十四、电气设备和部件(electric appliance and elements)

1. generator 发电机

2. alternator 交流发电机

3. dynamo 直流发电机

4. emergency generator 应急发电机

5. motor 马达

6. electric heater 电加热

7. direct current 直流电

8. alternating current 交流电

9. transformer 变压器

10. voltage regulator 电压调节器

11. switch 开关switch button 开关按钮

12. knife switch 刀形开关

13. rotary switch 旋转开关

14. push (press)button 按开关

15. fuse 保险丝

16. pilot lamp 指示灯

17. socket 插头

18. plug 插头

19. cable 电缆

20. projector 探照灯、放映机、幻灯机

十五、各种表(meters, gauges and others)

1. pressure gauge 压力表

2. vacuum gauge 真空表

3. barometer 气压表

4. thermometer 温度表

5. hydrometer 湿度表

6. viscometer 粘度剂

7. speedometer 转速表

8. revolution counter 计数器

9. indicator 示功器

10. water gauge 水位表

11. oil lever gauge 油位表

12. frequency meter 频率表

13. fire extinguisher 灭火器

14. fire main hole 消防总管

15. fire hose valve 消防栓

十六、各种船名(different types of vessels)

1. diesel ship 柴油机船

2. motor ship 内燃机船

3. steam ship 蒸汽机船

4. cargo ship 货船

5. general cargo ship 杂货船

6. bulk carrier/ bulker vessel 散货船

7. cargo liner 定期班轮

8. tramp ship 不定期船

9. tanker 油船

10. liquefiers natural gas tanker / LPG tanker 液化天然气船

11. container ship 集装箱船

12. roll on/off ship 或roro

vessel 滚装船

13. lift on/off ship 吊货船

14. light board ship 载驳船

15. fruit carrier 水果船

16. lumber ship 木材船

17. ore carrier 矿砂船

18. supply ship 补给船

19. water boat 加水船

20. repair ship 修理船

21. lumber/timber/log ship 木材船

22. tank cleaning ship 洗船船

23. tug/tug boat 拖船

24. fire boat 消防船

25. life boat 救生船

26. ice breaker 坡冰船

27. ferry boat 轮渡船

28. sailing boat 帆船

29. air/hovercraft cushion 气垫船

30. barge boat 驳船

十七、伙食和蔬菜和其他常用英文名称(vegetable, food, dishes and others)

1. Chinese cabbage 大白菜

2. Cabbage 卷心白菜

3. Potato 土豆

4. Carrot 胡萝卜

5. Cauliflower 菜花

6. Celery 芹菜

7. Cucumber 黄瓜

8. Chili/pepper 辣椒;green pepper 青椒

9. Egg plant 茄子

10. Ginger 生姜

11. Beetroot 甜菜

12. Garlic 大蒜

13. Lettuce 莴苣

14. Onion 洋葱

15. Pumpkin 南瓜

16. Spinach 菠菜

17. Tomato 番茄,西红柿

18. Taro 芋头

19. French bean 四季豆

20. Mushroom 蘑菇;white mushroom 白蘑菇;black mushroom 黑蘑菇

21. Bean sprout 豆芽

22. Chinese parsley 香菜

23. Leek 韭菜

24. Balsam pear 苦瓜

25. White gourd 冬瓜

26. Bean curd 或tofu 豆腐

27. Beef steak 牛排

28. Mutton 羊肉

29. Chicken 鸡肉;chicken egg 鸡蛋;c hicken leg 鸡腿;c hicken wing 鸡翅;c hicken claw 鸡爪


一、船舶类型常用英语 ship, vessel 船,船舶 boat, craft 艇 sampan 舢板, 小船manpowered boat 人力船 sailor; sailing boat 帆船 motor sailor 机帆船 power-driven ship 机动船 paddle steamer, paddle wheel vessel 明轮船 screw ship; propeller vessel 螺旋桨船airscrew ship; aerial propeller vessel 空气螺旋桨船hovercraft; aircushion craft 气垫船hydrofoil 水翼船 hydrojet propelled boat, water jet boat 喷水船steamship; steamer 蒸汽机船 motor ship 内燃机船 diesel ship 柴油机船electrically-propelled ship 电力推进船 steam turbine ship 汽轮机船 gas turbine ship 燃气轮机船nuclear-power ship 核动力船 deck ship 甲板船 flush deck ship 平甲板船 raised quarter-deck ship 尾升高甲板船 well-deck ship 半舱船 single side ship 单舷长大舱口船three-island ship 三岛式船 double shell ship 双壳船 riveted ship 铆接船 welded ship 焊接船transversely framed ship 横骨架式船longitudinally framed ship 纵骨架式船combined framed ship 混合骨架式船 sea-going vessel 海船 ocean-going vessel 远洋船 coaster 沿海船 channel ship 海峡船 inland waterway vessel 内河船 civil ship; merchant ship 民用船;商船transport ship 运输船pleasure yacht 游艇passenger ship 客船 coasting passenger and cargo ship沿海客货船passenger and auto-car carrier 旅客及汽车运输船tourist ship; passenger carrier 旅游船 cargo ship; freighter 货船 cargo liner 定期货船tramp ship 不定期货船container ship 集装箱船full-container ship 全集装箱船semi-container ship 半集装箱船multi-purpose container ship 多用途集装箱船general cargo ship/vessel/carrier 杂货船 bulk (cargo) carrier 散货船 ore carrier 矿砂船 grain carrier 运粮船 coal carrier; coaler 运煤船lumber(timber) carrier 运木船 cattle carrier 运牲畜船multi-purpose ship 多用途船 liquid cargo ship 液体货货船chemical tank 化学品液货船 liquid chemical tanker 液体化学品船 liquefied gas carrier 液化气体船 liquefied petroleum gas tanker (LPG) 液化石油气运输船 liquefied natural gas tanker (LNG) 液化天然气运输船tanker; oil tanker 油轮 super tanker 超级油轮 VLCC (very large crude carrier) (吨位在20万至30 万吨之间的) 巨型油轮 ULCC (ultra-large crude carrier) (吨位在30万至50万吨之间的) 超巨型油船 refrigerated ship; cold storage ship 冷藏船roll-on/roll-off ship (RO/RO ship) 滚装船 ferry 渡船passenger ferry 旅客渡船 freight ferry 货物渡船 fishing vessel(boat) 渔轮 trawler 拖网渔轮 barge carrier; lighter aboard ship(LASH)载驳船barge; lighter 驳船 deck barge 甲板驳 well-deck barge 半舱驳 double shell barge 双壳驳 single side barge 单舷长大舱口驳 oil barge 油驳container barge 集装箱驳船 RO/RO barge 滚装驳船 liquefied gas barge 液化气体驳 hopper barge 开底泥驳 split hopper barge 对开泥驳pusher; pushboat 顶推船;推船 working ship 工程船 tug; tugboat; towboat 拖船


Lesson Three Tug Assistance: 拖带协助 Dialog A: Tug Ordering 对话1:叫拖船 Yong Men/BOCV: Avonport Port Control. This is M/V Yong Men. I am anchor at Lambs Roadstead. I require tugs. Over. “永门”船:爱汶港调度,我是“永门”船。我在莱姆斯港外 开敞锚地抛锚。我需要拖船,请讲。 Avonport P.C: Roger. How many tugs do you require? Over. 爱汶港口调度:信息已清楚。你需要多少拖船?请讲。 Yong Men/BOCV: I will order two tugs. When will tugs expect to meet me? Over. “永门”船:我要两艘拖船,拖船几点到,请讲。 Avonport P.C: The tugs expect to meet you in half an hour. Out. 爱汶港口调度:拖船半小时到,完毕。 Dialog B: Tug Operation 对话2:拖船在工作 M/V Eternal Glory: Hold on your towing line. Make fast please. Forward tug. Over.

“永恒光荣”船:请拉紧拖缆,绑牢,前拖船。请讲。 Forward tug: M/V Eternal Glory. This is tug forward. The current is too rough. I suggest the aft tug single up. Over. 前拖船:“永恒光荣”船,这是前拖船。水流太不平稳了, 我建议后面的拖船单绑,请讲。 Eternal Glory: Affirmative. Single up. Aft tug. Over. “永恒光荣”船:同意,后拖船单绑,请讲。 Aft tug: Yes, sir. Single up. 后拖船:遵命。单绑。 Dialog C: Completion Work 对话3:结束工作 Chang Ting Bridge: Chang Ting. Let go fore and aft. Over. “长亭”驾驶台:“长亭”船注意。前后松绑,请讲。 Chang Ting aft: Chang Ting Bridge. This is tug aft. I will let go. Over. “长亭”船尾:驾驶台,这是船尾拖船,我将松绑,请讲。Chang Ting forward: Chang Ting Bridge. This is tug forward. I will let go. Over. “长亭”船头:驾驶台,这是船头拖船,我将松绑,请讲。 Tug 1: Let go my towing line. Chang Ting aft. Over.


船舶制造英语日常用语好东西大家分享啊 船舶制造英语日常用语 一.? ? ? ? 船体 1.? ? ? ? You must weld and grind this area before painting. 在油漆之前你必须把这个地方电焊修补、打磨好。? 2.? ? ? ? This welding line should be gouged and welded again before tightness inspection. 这条焊缝在密性检查前要碳刨、再焊。 3.? ? ? ? The structure of the starboard side is different from the port side. 右舷的结构跟左舷的不一样。 4.? ? ? ? We should reinforce the downside of the windlass. 我们应该在锚机的反面加强。 5.? ? ? ? The navigation deck is not plain,? we will fair the deck by hot working. 驾驶甲板不平,我们要火工校正。 6.? ? ? ? There are two pieces of stiffeners and brackets must be replaced. 有两块加强筋和肘板要换新。 7.? ? ? ? Two more footrests and handgrips should be installed at the entrance of the small hatchcover. 在小舱口盖的进口处再安装两只踏步和拉手。 8.? ? ? ? Checking the joint accuracy and structure integrity between and block after closed. 与No9分段合拢后大接头装配精确性和结构完整性检查。 9.? ? ? ? Checking structure integrity of superstructure(deckhouse)after welding. 上层建筑焊后结构完整性检查。 10.? ? ? ? Inspecting fitting accuracy of hatch coaming on board. 货舱口围板船上安装精度检查。 11.? ? ? ? Inspection air pressure test(with water head) for No1. water ballast tank(No15 block). No1压载水舱(分段)气压试验(压头试验)检查。 12.? ? ? ? Inspection hosing test for upper deck. 上甲板冲水试验检查。 13.? ? ? ? Measuring hull’s main dimensions: length overall(LOA.),lengt h between perpendiculars(LPP.),breath molded(B.),depth molded(D.) and deflection before launching. 下水前测量船体主尺度:总长、两柱间长、型宽、型深、基线挠度。 14.? ? ? ? Inspection distance between draught marks and keel plate after marking out. 划线后检查吃水标尺至平板龙骨之间的距离。 15.? ? ? ? Inspecting fitting accuracy of draught mark(loading line mark). 吃水标志(载重线标志)安装精确性检查。 16.? ? ? ? Inspection welding seam and dimension of cargo hatch cover. 货舱舱口盖焊缝和尺度检查。 二.? ? ? ? 轮机 1.? ? ? ? Inspection machining dimension of propeller shaft(intermediate shaft or counter shaft).


General arrangement 总布置 Interior arrangement 舱室布置 Engine room arrangement 机舱布置 Compass deck 罗经甲板 Navigation deck, bridge deck 驾驶甲板 Boat deck 艇甲板 Promenade deck 游步甲板 Accommodation deck 起居甲板 Helicopter deck 直升机甲板 Upper deck 上甲板 Winch platform 起货机平台 Passage , passage way 通道 Wheel house 驾驶室 Chart room 海图室 Radio room 报务室 Radar room 雷达室 Engine room 机舱 Centralized control room for machineries 机舱集控室Reactor room 反应堆舱 Boiler room 锅炉舱 Pump room 泵舱 Chain locker 锚链舱 Steering engine room, steering gear room 舵机舱Fan room 通风机室 Air conditioning unit room 空调机室 Refrigerator room 冷冻机室 Fire-smothering unit room 灭火装置室Emergency generator room 应急发电机室Commutator room 变流机室 Battery room 蓄电池室 Gyro-compass room 陀螺罗经室 Mast room 桅室 Sonar transducer space 声纳舱 Log room 计程仪舱 CO2 room CO 2室 Paint room 油漆间 Lamp room 灯具间 Windlass room 起锚机室 Anchor winch, anchor windlass 起锚机 Mooring winch 拖缆机,系泊绞车


船舶专业英文词汇No.1船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(一) a faired set of lines 经过光顺处理的一套型线 a stereo pair of photographs 一对立体投影相片 abaft 朝向船体 abandonment cost 船舶废置成本费用 accommodation 居住(舱室) accommodation ladder 舷梯 adjust valve 调节阀 adjustable-pitch 可调螺距式 admiralty 海军部 advance coefficient 进速系数 aerostatic 空气静力学的 aft peak bulkhead 艉尖舱壁 aft peak tank 艉尖舱 aileron 副鳍 air cushion vehicle 气垫船 air diffuser 空气扩散器 air intake 进气口 aircraft carrier 航空母舰 air-driven water pump 气动水泵 airfoil 气翼,翼剖面,机面,方向舵 alignment chock 组装校准用垫楔 aluminum alloy structure 铝合金结构 American Bureau of Shipping 美国船级社 amidships 舯 amphibious 两栖的 anchor arm 锚臂 anchor chain 锚链 anchor crown 锚冠 anchor fluke 锚爪 anchor mouth 锚唇 anchor recess 锚穴 anchor shackle 锚卸扣 anchor stock 锚杆 angle bar 角钢 angle of attack 攻角 angle plate 角钢 angled deck 斜角甲板 anticipated loads encountered at sea 在波浪中遭遇到的预期载荷



一、船舶类型常用英语 ship, vessel 船,船舶 boat, craft 艇 sampan 舢板, 小船 manpowered boat 人力船 sailor; sailing boat 帆船 motor sailor 机帆船 power-driven ship 机动船 paddle steamer, paddle wheel vessel 明轮船screw ship; propeller vessel 螺旋桨船 airscrew ship; aerial propeller vessel 空 气螺旋桨船hovercraft; aircushion craft 气垫船hydrofoil 水翼船 hydrojet propelled boat, water jet boat 喷水船steamship; steamer 蒸汽机船 motor ship 内燃机船 diesel ship 柴油机船 electrically-propelled ship 电力推进船steam turbine ship 汽轮机船 gas turbine ship 燃气轮机船 nuclear-power ship 核动力船 deck ship 甲板船 flush deck ship 平甲板船 raised quarter-deck ship

cargo liner 定期货船 tramp ship 不定期货船 container ship 集装箱船full-container ship 全集 装箱船semi-container ship 半集装 箱船multi-purpose container ship 多用途 集装箱船 general cargo ship/vessel/carrier 杂货船 bulk (cargo) carrier 散货船 ore carrier 矿砂船 grain carrier 运粮船 coal carrier; coaler 运煤船lumber(timber) carrier 运木船 cattle carrier 运牲畜船 multi-purpose ship 多用途船 liquid cargo ship 液体货货船 chemical tank 化学品液货船 liquid chemical tanker 液体化学品船liquefied gas carrier 液化气体船 liquefied petroleum gas tanker (LPG) 液化石 油气运输船 liquefied natural gas tanker (LNG) 液化天 然气运输船 tanker; oil tanker 油轮 super tanker 超级油轮


阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作使人精确。 一、船舶类型常用英语 ship, vessel 船,船舶 boat, craft 艇 sampan 舢板, 小船manpowered boat 人力船 sailor; sailing boat 帆船 motor sailor 机帆船 power-driven ship 机动船 paddle steamer, paddle wheel vessel 明轮船 screw ship; propeller vessel 螺旋桨船airscrew ship; aerial propeller vessel 空气螺旋桨船hovercraft; aircushion craft 气垫船hydrofoil 水翼船 hydrojet propelled boat, water jet boat 喷水船steamship; steamer 蒸汽机船 motor ship 内燃机船 diesel ship 柴油机船electrically-propelled ship 电力推进船 steam turbine ship 汽轮机船 gas turbine ship 燃气轮机船nuclear-power ship 核动力船 deck ship 甲板船 flush deck ship 平甲板船 raised quarter-deck ship 尾升高甲板船 well-deck ship 半舱船 single side ship 单舷长大舱口船three-island ship 三岛式船 double shell ship 双壳船 riveted ship 铆接船 welded ship 焊接船transversely framed ship 横骨架式船longitudinally framed ship 纵骨架式船combined framed ship 混合骨架式船 sea-going vessel 海船 ocean-going vessel 远洋船 coaster 沿海船 channel ship 海峡船 inland waterway vessel 内河船 civil ship; merchant ship 民用船;商船transport ship 运输船pleasure yacht 游艇passenger ship 客船 coasting passenger and cargo ship沿海客货船passenger and auto-car carrier 旅客及汽车运输船tourist ship; passenger carrier 旅游船cargo ship; freighter 货船 cargo liner 定期货船 tramp ship 不定期货船container ship 集装箱船full-container ship 全集装箱船semi-container ship 半集装箱船multi-purpose container ship 多用途集装箱船general cargo ship/vessel/carrier 杂货船 bulk (cargo) carrier 散货船 ore carrier 矿砂船 grain carrier 运粮船 coal carrier; coaler 运煤船lumber(timber) carrier 运木船 cattle carrier 运牲畜船multi-purpose ship 多用途船 liquid cargo ship 液体货货船chemical tank 化学品液货船 liquid chemical tanker 液体化学品船 liquefied gas carrier 液化气体船 liquefied petroleum gas tanker (LPG) 液化石油气运输船 liquefied natural gas tanker (LNG) 液化天然气运输船tanker; oil tanker 油轮 super tanker 超级油轮 VLCC (very large crude carrier) (吨位在20万至30 万吨之间的) 巨型油轮 ULCC (ultra-large crude carrier) (吨位在30万至50万吨之间的) 超巨型油船 refrigerated ship; cold storage ship 冷藏船roll-on/roll-off ship (RO/RO ship) 滚装船 ferry 渡船passenger ferry 旅客渡船 freight ferry 货物渡船 fishing vessel(boat) 渔轮 trawler 拖网渔轮 barge carrier; lighter aboard ship(LASH)载驳船barge; lighter 驳船 deck barge 甲板驳 well-deck barge 半舱驳 double shell barge 双壳驳 single side barge 单舷长大舱口驳 oil barge 油驳container barge 集装箱驳船 RO/RO barge 滚装驳船 liquefied gas barge 液化气体驳 hopper barge 开底泥驳



用舵完毕finished with the wheel 走082 steer zero eight two 朝……走steer on …… 2.车钟口令Engine Orders 备车stand by engine 微速前进dead slow ahead 前进一(慢速)slow ahead 前进(半速)half ahead 前进三(全速)full ahead 停车stop engine(s) 微速后退dead slow astern 后退一(慢速)slow astern 后退二(半速half astern 后退三(全速)full astern 紧急进三emergency full ahead 紧急退三emergency full astern 用车完毕,完车finished with engine(s) 主机定速ring off engine 首侧推全速向左bow thrust full to port 首侧推全速向右bow thrust full to starboard 首侧推半速向左bow thrust half to port

首侧推半速向右bow thrust half to starboard 常用船舶会话 1.what is your ETA at bohai 9? 预达渤九时间? 2.I’d like to know how much fuel and fresh water have you transfered to me? 请告诉我你给我打了多少油和水? 3.advice you to heave up the anchor 建议你现在起锚 4.my ETA at bohai 9 is 2200 hours 预达渤九时间22:00 5.what is your distance from me? 你距我有多远? 6.what is the position of you?你的位置在哪? 7.what is your freeboard?你的干舷是多少? 8.how long do you come over to bohai 9 from heave up?起锚到渤九 需多长时间? 9.Is extra power available in emergency?有其他应急电源吗? 10.d o you have bow thruster or stern thruster?你有艏推和尾推吗? 11.d o you have automatic pilot?你能自航吗? 12.w hat is your full speed?最大航速是多少? 13.h ow many tugs do you require?你需要几艘拖轮? 14.w hen will tugs expect to meet me?拖轮何时到? 15.t he current (sea)is too rough海况很糟 16.l et go my towing line PLS请给我解拖缆 17.w e finished our job. Can we leave now?工作结束了,可以离开吗? 18.s lack down on tug towing line解掉拖缆


主船体main hull 上层建筑superstructure 上甲板/上层连续甲板upper deck 船底bottom 舷侧broadside 艏艉fore and aft 舱壁bulkhead 水密watertight 艏部bow 艉部stern/quarter 二层甲板second deck 平台甲板platform deck 桅屋masthouse 罗经甲板compass deck 驾驶甲板bridge deck 船长甲板master deck 高级船员甲板office deck 艇甲板boat deck 船员甲板crew deck 机舱engine room 货舱cargo hold 货舱口cargo hatch 压载舱ballast tank 深舱deep tank 燃油舱fuel oil tank 滑油舱lubricating oil tank 淡水舱fresh water tank 污油水舱slop tank 隔离空舱/干隔舱caisson 球鼻艏标志bulbous bow mark/BB mark 首侧推器标志bow thruster mark/BT mark 吃水标志draft mark 甲板线deck line 干舷甲板freeboard deck 载重线标志load line mark 热带淡水载重线tropical fresh water load line/TF 夏季淡水载重线fresh water load line/F 热带载重线tropical load line/T 夏季载重线summer load line/S 冬季载重线winter load line 北大西洋冬季载重线winter North Atlantic load line/WNA 国际船舶载重线证书international load line certificate 吃水指示系统draft indicating system 船舶尺度ship dimension 最大尺度/全部尺度/周界尺度overall dimension


第一部分 1 A/B Above Base Line 基准线以上 2 A/C Anticorrosive Paint 防腐涂料 3 A/F Antifouling Paint 防污漆 4 ABS American Bureau of Shipping 美国船级社 5 Abt Abt (About ) 大约,关于 6 ACCOM. Accommodation 船室,居住区 7 ACCM.L Accommodation Ladder 舷梯 8 ACCU Automatic control system certified for unattended eng. Room 无人机舱自动控制系统鉴定 9 AFRAMAX Average Freight Rate Assessment at the max. of Deadweight C.O.T 最大负载时平均运费率评估 10 A.P Bhd After Peak Bulkhead 船尖舱舱壁 11 ANSI American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准协会 12 AP After Perpendicular 艉垂线 13 API American Petroleum Institute 美国石油组织 14 APT After Peak Tank 尾尖舱 15 ARPA Automatic Rader Plotting Aids 自动雷达测图仪 16 ASTM American Society of Testing Materials 美国材料实验协会 17 B mld Moulded Breadth 型宽 18 B/C Bulk Carrier 散货船 19 B.L Base line 基线 20 Basic Design 基本设计 21 Ballast Control Room 压载控制室 22 BHP Brake Horse Power 制动马力 23 BOG Boil-off Gas 蒸发气体 24 BOM Bill of Material 材料清单 25 Bkt Bracket 支架,肘板 26 BHD Bulkhead 隔壁, 防水壁 27 C/H Cargo Hold 货舱 28 C.T Cable Trunk 电缆管道 29 CCI Class Comment Item 船级社说明项目


船舶图纸常用英语词汇1 1. abrasive blasting (磨料)喷砂法, 喷砂 2. access n.通路, 访问, 入门;vt.存取, 接近 3. acknowledge vt. 承认, 答谢, 报偿 4. alignment n.排列成行;排列成的行列;结盟;合作(亦作: alinement); n.队列, 结盟 5. annex n. 附件 vt. 并吞, 附加 6. anti slip n.防滑 7. application n.请求, 申请, 申请表, 应用, 运用, 施用, 敷用;应用,应 用程序,应用软件 8. argument n.争论,辩论,论据,论点,~(for,against),意见 9. assembly装配,安装,组装组装件,总成机组,集合,装配,集会,集结,汇 编【机】装配;装配车间; 部件, 组(合)件; 成套件; 联合装置 10. attachment strap 搭接带, 搭接板 11. available adj.可用到的, 可利用的, 有用的, 有空的, 接受探访的 12. back strap 背垫条, 衬垫, 垫里, 垫座 13. bar 杆,棒,棒材,钢筋,型材,型钢;炉条,(锚链的)横档,闩;【电气】汇流排;柜台,酒吧,快餐柜台;阻拦,禁止aitch bar工字(形)钢,宽缘工字材anchor bar 撬锚棒angle bar 角材,角钢back(ing) bar 【焊接】垫板,背垫短角材batten(ing) 舱口压条bearer bar 托梁,支承梁bearing (steel) bar 支承钢筋,受力(钢)筋; 承重杆,承压条bolt bar 插销,驻栓;螺柱杆bounding bar 缘周角材brass bar 黄铜棒bulb bar 球缘材,球缘钢bulb flat bar 球扁钢bulb-angle bar 球缘角材,球缘角钢bulb-tee bar 丁字形球缘材,丁字形球缘钢bulb bus bar 【电气】汇流条,汇流排,母线channel bar 槽材,槽钢copper bar 紫铜棒crow bar 起货钩;橇杆,撬棒deep (frame) bar 强肋骨equal-angle bar 等边角材,等边角 钢face bar 面材,缘边角材fender bar 护舷材(小艇的),护舷木filler bar 焊条flat bar 扁材forged stem bar 锻造首柱frame bar 肋骨角材,肋骨 钢guard bar 栏杆,扶手,扶栏H bar 宽缘工字钢,工字钢half-round bar 半圆钢,半圆材I bar (窄缘)工字钢iron bar 扁材,铁条,钢条L bar 不等边角钢,不等边角材mo(u)d bar 型材,型棒pinch bar 撬杆,撬棍,绞盘棒plain bar 普通角材,平角钢plain bulb bar 球缘扁材,球扁钢rack bar 齿条,齿 杆reinforcing bar 钢筋,加强筋round bar 圆材,圆钢sectional bar 型材,型钢square bar 方材,方钢stop bar 止动条T bar “T”形材,“T”形钢tooth(ed) bar 齿条,齿杆,齿闩unequal angle bar不等边角钢,不等边角材unequal flange[unequal leg] bar 不等边角钢,不等边角材


Lesson Twenty-four Handover 交接班 Dialog A: Chief/Second Mates Handover 对话1:大副、二副交接 Second Mate: Did you have a nice dream? 二副:你做好梦了吗? Chief Mate: Oh, at the mid-way. A/B wakes me. 大副:刚到一半,一水叫我。 Second Mate: Course 275°. A passing vessel is on our port bow. The compass error has been adjusted. Dead racon is on the chart. Captain orders that call him if there is something abnormal. 二副:航向275°,左舷船头有一艘对驶船,罗经差 已校正,海图上已画出推算船位。船长命令有异 常时叫他。 Chief Mate: OK, have a nice dream. 大副:现在,你去睡个好觉吧。 Dialog B: Second/Third Mates Handover 对话2:二副、三副交接 Second Mate: What’s the matter? 二副:出什么事了?

Third Mate: The wind is so strong. Sea rough. Captain orders: Alter course if necessary. Present course 202°, speed 10.5 knots. 三副:风太强了,海面大浪。船长命令:必要时可转向。 现在航向202°,航速10.5节。 Second Mate: OK. The movie shown in saloon is wonderful. Won’t you watch? 二副:好,大台放的电影太好了,你不想看吗? Third Mate: A good sleep is number one choice. 三副:睡个好觉是最佳选择。 Dialog C: Handover alongside 对话3:系泊交接 Third Mate: The dock side crane is not working. The stevedores used our cranes one hour ago. No.1 crane motor is inoperative as well. 三副:岸吊不好用,1小时前装卸工用我们吊。1舱吊 的电机也不好用。 Second Mate: Call electrician and report to Chief, Third Mate. 二副:三副,叫电机员并报告大副。 Third Mate: I did. The electrician is repairing. The Chief is consulting with harbour master. I reported to


船体 aircraft carrier 航母submarine 潜艇 air cushion vehicle 气垫船longitudinal strength 总纵强度transverse strength 横向强度local strength 局部应力 hull 主船体superstructure 上层建筑stem 船首 midship 船中 stern 船尾 forecastle 首楼 brige 桥楼 poop 尾楼 deck house 甲板室 ship bottom 船底 ship side 舷侧 upper deck 上甲板 lower deck 下甲板transverse bulkhead 横舱壁longitudinal bulkhead 纵舱壁forepeak bulkhead 首尖舱壁afterpeak bulkhead 尾尖舱壁shell plate 外板 seam 边接缝 butt 端接缝 strake 列板 bottom plate 底板 plate keel 平板龙骨 bilge strake 舭列板 side plate 舷侧外板 sheer strake 舷顶列板second deck 第二甲板 third deck 第三甲板platform deck 平台甲板 deck plate 甲板板 deck stringer 甲板边板sponson deck 舷伸甲板center keelson 中内龙骨 side keelson 旁内龙骨 T-bar T型材 web 腹板 bracket 肘板

face plate 面板 flange 折边板 floor 肋板 bilge bracket 舭肘板 bulb plate 球扁钢 angle bar 角钢 bottom center girder 中底桁bottom side girder 旁底桁 solid floor 主肋板 watertight floor 水密肋板 bracket floor 框架肋板 lightened floor 轻型肋板stiffener 加强筋 reverse frame 内底横骨 bottom frame 船底肋骨 inner bottom plate 内底板 man hole 人孔 margin plate 内底边板 duct keel 箱型中底桁 pipe tunnel 管隧 longitudinal 纵骨 bottom longitudinal 船底纵骨inner bottom longitudinal 内底纵骨bottom side tank 底边舱foundation seating 基座 shaft tunnel 轴隧 tunnel recess 尾室 emergency exit 应急出口 bilge keel 舭龙骨 frame 肋骨 integrated barge 分节驳 main frame 主肋骨 tweendeck frame 甲板间肋骨intermediate frame 中间肋骨 web frame 强肋骨 side stringer 舷侧纵桁 side longitudinal 舷侧纵骨 cross tie 撑杆 wing tank 舷边舱 ballast water tank 压载水舱torsion box 抗扭箱 bulwark 舷墙


1 A/B Above Base Line 基准线以上 2 A/C Anticorrosive Paint 防腐涂料 3 A/F Antifouling Paint 防污漆 4 ABS American Bureau of Shipping 美国船级社 5 Abt Abt (About ) 大约,关于 6 ACCOM. Accommodation 船室,居住区 7 ACCM.L Accommodation Ladder 舷梯 8 ACCU Automatic control system certified for unattended eng. Room 无人机舱自动控制系统鉴定 9 AFRAMAX Average Freight Rate Assessment at the max. of Deadweight C.O.T 最大负载时平均运费率评估 10 A.P Bhd After Peak Bulkhead 船尖舱舱壁 11 ANSI American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准协会 12 AP After Perpendicular 艉垂线 13 API American Petroleum Institute 美国石油组织 14 APT After Peak Tank 尾尖舱 15 ARPA Automatic Rader Plotting Aids 自动雷达测图仪 16 ASTM American Society of Testing Materials 美国材料实验协会 17 B mld Moulded Breadth 型宽 18 B/C Bulk Carrier 散货船 19 B.L Baseline 基线 20 Basic Design 基本设计 21 Ballast Control Room 压载控制室 22 BHP Brake Horse Power 制动马力 23 BOG Boil-off Gas 蒸发气体 24 BOM Bill of Material 材料清单 25 Bkt Bracket 支架,肘板 26 BHD Bulkhead 隔壁, 防水壁 27 C/H Cargo Hold 货舱 28 C.T Cable Trunk 电缆管道 29 CCI Class Comment Item 船级社说明项目 30 CCR Cargo Control Room 货舱控制室 31 C, C/L Center Line 中心线 32 C.G Center of Gravity 重心 33 Cert. Certificate 证书 34 CFR Code of Federal Regulations 联合代码 35 CGT Compensated Gross Tonnage 补偿总吨 36 C.L Chain Locker 锚链舱 37 C/Eng. Chief Engineer 轮机长 38 C/D Cofferdam 隔离舱,围堰 39 COLREG International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 国际海上避碰规则

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