当前位置:文档之家› 江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Bird watching Reading教案1

江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Bird watching Reading教案1

江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Bird watching Reading教案1
江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Bird watching Reading教案1

Unit 6 Bird watching

教学内容8Aunit6 Birdwatching Reading1二次备课

教学目标1. To develop the ability to infer the general meaning from title and context.

2. To reinforce students ability to skim text for

overal l meaning

and scan for details

重点难点Key points:

To develop the ability to infer the general meaning from title and context.

Difficult points:

To reinforce students ability to skim text for overall meaning and scan for details

教学流程设计Step1 Revision

1. Ask the students to talk about their fa vorite birds.

2. Have a dictation of the new words and phrases

Step2 Presentation

1. Talk about a picture of Zhalong.

e.g. What can you see in the picture? ( Birds, water

and land

with plants)

Why are so many birds here? ( They can swim and find food here.)

What birds, do you think, are they?

2. Talk about a picture of ‘red-crowned cranes’ and learn the new words, like wetland/cove r/crane/rare…

教学流程设计Step3 Practice

1.Listen to the tape and find the answers to the



What and where is Zhalong?

Is it a great place for wildlife? Why?

2. Read the passage silently and focus on the questions:

(1) Why is Zhalong a special place?

(2) What animals live in the special place? Why?

(3)Why are birds and wildlife in danger?

(4) What do many tourists do there?

(5)What do the members of the Birdwatching Society do?

(6) What actions can we take to protect birds?

3. L isten to the tape and practice reading the passage..

Step4 Production


江苏省初中牛津英语 Unit 6 Outdoor fun ReadingⅠ Down the rabbit hole 教学设计 Teaching aims: By the end of this class, students are expected to be able to: The knowledge aims: ● Understand the beginning of the story “Alice in wonderland”. ● Know some new important words and expressions. The ability aims: ● Grasp more details with different reading reading tasks. ● Know how to retell something interesting according to key words and pictures. The emotional aims: ● Arouse and keep their interest in reading fairy tales. Teaching procedures: Step Ⅰ Guide-reading 1.Talk about the famous stories the students have read recently in their Reading Club. (Introduce some main characters in them, and then arouse their interest about Alice and her story.) 2.Enjoy a short video about Alice in Wonderland (Introduce more clues and main characters to the students.) Step Ⅱ Pre-reading 1.Learn some new words (notice, pass by, hole, fall, hit, lock, alone) (Show students some pictures about part of this story and present some new words.) https://www.doczj.com/doc/9612524641.html,anize a competition between Rabbit group and Alice Group.


1. 时间状语从句 1.连词:when, as, while, before, after, since,till, until, as soon as。 2.主将从现,主情从现,主祈从先现 3. till或until “一直到……时”,谓语动词只能用延续性动词。 not…until “直到……才……”, 谓语动词可用瞬间动词。 2. 条件状语从句 1.if,unless除非,如果不(=if…not) 2.在条件状语从句里,谓语动词通常用一般现在时表示将来(即主将从现)。 3. 原因状语从句 1.because,since, as引导。 2.Because和so不能出现在一个句子里。 4. 结果状语从句 1.so…that, such…that, so that引导。 2.So+adj+that, such+n+that 5. 目的状语从句 1.so that, in order that引导。 6. 让步状语从句 1.让步状语从句通常由although,though,even if , even though引导 Although和but不能出现在同一个句子里。 2. --- Li Lin, is it OK for you to go to your grandpa's house alone? --- No problem. I you as soon as I there. A. call; get B. call; will get C. will call; get D. will call; will get 3. The ice cream is delicious I want to eat a second one. A. too; to B. such; that C. so; that D. very; that 4. The teacher speaks very loudly all the students can hear her. A. so that B. because C. since D. In order to 6. Father won't allow me to play outside I wash up the dishes. A. if not B. if C. unless D. because 5. Jerry realize the importance of English he found a job. A. won't; before B. didn't; until C. will; before D. did; until 2. You must hand in your paper as soon as you it. A. will finish B. finishes C. finish D. finished

江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级语文下册《写作 写简单的议论文》教案 苏教版

训练目的 1、学会写简单的议论文来阐明自己的观点。 2、学会写议论文的常用的两种方法;摆事实和讲道理。 训练题目 [见课文] 训练指导 第一题 1、题目说:中华民族有许多优良的传统美德。 讨论具体表现在哪里?⑴父慈子孝,兄友弟悌;⑵为人谦和,礼貌待人; ⑶诚实可信,知恩图报;⑷爱国爱民,心忧天下; ⑸克己奉公,廉洁公正;⑹修身养性,君子慎独; ⑺见利思义,以义制利;⑻勤劳俭朴,艰苦奋斗; ⑼质朴求实,宽容大度;⑽勇敢刚毅,身体力行。 2、题目问:你认为当今最值得发扬和提倡的传统美德是什么? 学生讨论,归纳: 联系实际谈,如青少年学生对孝敬父母的意义——不仅继承了传统美德,而且只是报答父母养育之恩于万一,更是热爱祖国、忠于人民的思想情感的基础。 3、题目上提出四点要求:⑴观点正确;⑵有自己的见解;⑶例证有说服力; ⑷适当引用格言警句。 例如阐述传统美德中讲究“诚信”的道理,观点可以是:诚信是品德之 瑰宝,是才智之源泉,是成功之前提,是无形之资产。 第二题 阅读一则材料,联系现实生活,议论爷爷剪枝条给我们的启示。 学生讨论,归纳:1、削枝以强干。爷爷剪掉一些枝干,会使果树长得更好。舍弃次要的,是为了保留主要的,有所不为方能有所为。 2、看眼前,果树枝条茂盛,长势很好,看发展,剪掉枝条会使果实丰硕,所以爷爷毫不吝惜。行动服于目的,措施受制于宗旨。这是有远见、有胆识之举。 3、小孩拿起一根枝条,也许长得很好,但从整棵果树权衡,它成了分散营养,影响结果数量与质量的冗枝,必须剪掉。正确处理部分与整体的关系,让部分服务于整体,局部服务于大局。 4、“傻孩子”,傻在何处?傻在只看到一根一根的枝条,忘了它们与整体的联系;只看到它们眼前的长势,忘了它们最终影响的结果。我们切不可一叶障目,而不见全树。 第三题 入选“集锦”的材料,要注意“典型”“精辟”“可靠”;分类制作卡片可以从内容、形式或作者等多角度分类,原则上便于查找。 [例文] 《削枝为了强干》(见参考书) 简评: 这篇简单的议论文,阐明的观点就是题目:削枝为了强干。联系实际,必须减轻作业负担,以保证同学们学得更轻松,更有效。 文章阐明观点的事实,一是所提供的材料爷爷给果树剪枝的故事,一是生活中加重作业负担的事实。所举事例有代表性,能充分证明论点。作者对所举的事实作分析,一是分析爷爷给果树剪枝条的原因,二是分析沉重的作业负担所造成的危害。议论文中的分析,就是讲道


2019-2020学年七上数学期中模拟试卷含答案 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B 铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。 3.请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。 4.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。 一、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,计30分) 1.5 1 - 的相反数为 ( ) A .-5 B .5 C . 51 D .5 1- 2.下列数中,最小的数是( ) A. 0 B. -8 C. 0.001 D. -0.25 3、b a 、两数在数轴上位置如图所示,将b a b a --、、、用“<”连接,其中正确的是( ) A .a <a -<b <b - B .b -<a <a -<b C .a -<b <b -<a D .b -<a <b <a - 4.青藏高原是世界上海拔最高的高原,它的面积是2500000平方千米.将2500000用科学记数法表示应为( ) A .2.5×105 元 B .25×105 元 C .2.5×106 元 D .0.25×107 元 5.若a 、b 互为相反数,x 、y 互为倒数,则xy b a 2 7 )(41++-的值是( ) A .3 B .4 C .2 D .3.5 6.已知 ,则 的值是( ) A.4 B.0 C.0或 4 D. 7、下列结论中,正确的是( ) A .单项式7 32 xy 的系数是3,次数是2 B .单项式m 的次数是1,没有系数 C .单项式z xy 2 -的系数是1-,次数是4 -1 a 0 1 b


9BU3 限时提高训练一 一、词汇运用(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 1. Someone in our company thinks that every decision the _______ (manage) do should be thought twice. 2. How_____________ (smooth) the ball pen I bought yesterday writes! 3. Have they been _________________ (proper) trained? They should finish the task on time. 4. It just looks really terrible, and they are like dancing ___________ (机器人). 5. You’d better give your ________ (大脑) a rest since you two have worked for hours without break. 6. In ___________ (总的), what you give to others will come back to you from the world around you. 7. Parents now will try their best to give their children __________ (一切事物) they want. 8. The government is taking action to satisfy people’s basic _____________ (需要的事物). 9. So far, nobody knows anything about the _________ (病毒) caught by the computer system of the bank. 10. If you want a strong feelings, pick black ______ (套装), matching a leather handbags with dark colors. 11. In the past, teachers were in ___________ (彻底的) control of classes. 12. I have __________ (放置) your clothes on the bed so you can put them away. 13. Your clothes should be _________ (储存) when they are not in use. Don’t litter your bed with them. 14. He always avoided talking about his _________ (私人的) life. It seemed a little bit strange to others. 15. Two Sardars went into a pub and after __________ (订购) two beers took some sandwiches out of their pockets and started to eat them. 二、单项选择(本大题共14小题,每小题1分,共14分) 1. Venice is a wonderful city to ________if you would like to travel abroad. A. expect B. spread C. explain D. explore 2. —What do you hear some of your friends ________about to you all the time? —About their work, their family and the social. Anything they are not satisfied with. A. complain B. complaining C. explain D. explaining 3. A smile ________slowly across her face when she finally won the championship. A. appear B. spread C. store D. cover 4. —I’m so sorry that the summer holiday is ________over—only a week left. —It seems to fly fast. A. as soon as B. as fast as C. as good as D. as well as 5. He was so busy____desks before rushing out because he had only twenty minutes left for his last train. A. to tidy up B. tidying up C. to take up D. taking up 6. —Why didn’t he finish his report? —He couldn’t because his computer ________ for quite a long time. A. has gone wrong B. has been wrong C. went wrong D. was wrong

江苏省永丰初级中学七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Dream homes知识点复习(无答案)(新版)牛津版

Unit 1 Dream homes s ow n invite sb to do sth 6. I have my own

三、重要语法(例句解读) 数词:表示数量和顺序的词叫做数词。数词又分基数词和序数词。 1.基数词:表示数量的数词叫基数词。 基数词的构成: (1)21~99的两位数,十位与个位之间用连字符“-”; (2)101~999的三位数,百位数和后面的数之间用连词and,百、千等数词一律用单数形式; (3)1000以上的多位数字,从右面向左数,每三位中间标“,”,第一个“,”前为“……个thousand”,第二个“,”前为“……个million”,第三个“,”前为“……个billion”。如: 19,958,300可写成:nineteen million nine hundred and fifty-eight thousand three hundred 2.序数词:表示顺序的数词。 序数词的构成: (1)序数词“第一”、“第二”和“第三”表达为first,second和third,其他序数词的构成是在基数词后加-th。如:four--,fourth,si x—sixth,seven--seventh,ten—tenth。(2)fifth(第五)、eighth(第八)、ninth(第九)和twelfth(第十二)是特殊变化。(3)二十、三十等逢整十的基数词变为序数词时,要把y变成ie再加-th。 如:thirty--thirtieth。(4)基数词几十几变成序数词时,表示整十的数词不变,只把个位数的基数词变成序数词。如:twenty-one-twenty-first 一、选择填空: ( )1. Mount Fuji is in_________. A. France B. the UK C. Japan D. the USA ( )2. I live_________ my family________ a flat_______ a busy street. A. in, in, on B. in, with, on C. with, in, on D. with, with, on( )3. I think Kun ming is a good place________. A. going B. goes C. to go to D. go to ( )4. There are_______ days in a year. A. three hundreds and sixty-five B. three hundred and sixty five C. three hundred and sixty-five D. three hundreds and sixty five


序号英语词性中文第四次第三次初三上1eat up吃光 初三上1creative adj.有创造力的;创造性的 初三上1curious adj.好奇的 初三上1energetic adj.精力充沛的 初三上1modest adj.谦虚的 初三上1organized adj.有条理的;有效率的 初三上1order n.顺序 初三上1k eep…in order使…保持井然有序 初三上1show off炫耀 初三上1grammar n.语法 初三上1come up with想出(主意) 初三上1neither conj.(否定句中)两者之一不 初三上1nor conj.也不 初三上1neither…nor…既不…也不… 初三上1accountant n.会计 初三上1born adj.天生的 初三上1impress vt.给…留下印象 初三上1sculpture n.雕塑,雕像 初三上1praise n.赞扬,表扬 初三上1sales department n.销售部 初三上1general adj.总的;普遍的;首席的 初三上1race n.竞赛;赛跑 初三上1either…or…不是…就是…,或者…或者… 初三上1lead n.领先地位;榜样 初三上1take the lead处于领先地位 初三上1fall behind落后 初三上1challenge n.挑战 初三上1chief adj.主要的,首要的 初三上1high-speed adj.高速的 初三上1connect vt.连接 初三上1connect to/with与…相连,连接 初三上1miss n.错误,过失 初三上1as good as和…几乎一样,简直是 初三上1attention n.注意,专心 初三上1pay attention to注意 初三上1standard n.标准 初三上1pioneer n.先锋,开拓者 初三上1surgeon n.外科大夫 初三上1carelessness n.粗心 初三上1extra adj.附加的;额外的 初三上1devote vt.把…贡献,把…专用于 初三上1respect vt.尊敬,尊重 初三上1suitable adj.合适的;适宜的 初三上1partner n.搭档,合作伙伴 初三上1impatient adj.不耐烦的,急燥的 初三上1think twice(about sth)三思而行 初三上1do the dishes洗碗 初三上1lunar adj.月球的 初三上1calendar n.日历;挂历初三上1animal sign生肖 初三上1represent vt.代表;象征初三上1appear vi.出现 初三上1fixed adj.固定的 初三上1cycle n.循环

江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级语文下册《变色龙》第一课时教案 苏教版

19、《变色龙》 教学目标 1、知识目标:了解“变色龙”的表面意思和象征意义; 2、能力目标:通过人物对话来把握人物性格,特别是奥楚蔑洛夫的性格特点; 3、情感目标:认识沙皇专制统治的腐朽黑暗。 教学重点、难点: 1、重点:通过人物对话来把握人物性格,特别是奥楚蔑洛夫的性格特点; 2、难点:理解奥楚蔑洛夫这一人物形象的深刻社会意义。 课时安排: 2课时 教学步骤: 第一课时 一、导入新课 同学们,说起人们眼下追求的个性宠物——蜥蜴,很多人的感觉是丑陋、可怕的,其实蜥蜴中的一种叫变色龙的,它会随着环境颜色的改变而改变皮肤颜色。俄国短篇小说大师契诃夫1884年创作的一篇讽刺小说就叫《变色龙》,其中的奥楚蔑洛夫警官也有善变的技能。今天我们就一起走进小说,去了解那里发生的故事。 二、明确目标 (一)、了解沙皇专制统治的黑暗腐败。 (二)、学习运用精彩的对话刻画人物,理解细节描写对人物刻画的作用。 (三)、进一步理解和学习运用对比进行讽刺的写作方法。 三、简介作者和背景作者简介 契诃夫(1860—1904),19世纪俄国伟大的批判现实主义作家。他出生于小市民家庭,靠当家庭教师读完中学,1879年入莫斯科大学学医,1884年毕业后从医并开始文学创作。 他的短篇小说,采取批判现实主义的创作方法,以犀利的笔锋直刺罪恶社会,揭露小市民的庸俗和丑恶,抨击反动统治,批判黑暗的现实。 2、背景简介 《变色龙》写作于1884年,当时的俄国沙皇亚历山大三世,为了强化反动统治,豢养了一批欺下媚上的走狗,为其镇压人民服务。他也制定了一些掩人耳目的法令,给残暴的专制主义蒙上了一层面纱。沙皇专制警察往往打着遵守法令的官腔,而干的却是趋炎附势、欺下媚上的勾当。《变色龙》中的奥楚蔑洛夫正是其中的典型代表。 四、字词注音 逮住() 逮捕() 盛满() 旺盛() 畜生() 畜牧() 无赖() 戳穿() 坯子()


江苏省泰兴市济川中学2020-2021学年七年级上学期期中数 学试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.1-的倒数为( ) A .1- B .1 C .0 D .不存在 2.单项式2353 x y z 的系数和次数分别是( ) A .53 - ,3 B .53 -,6 C .5-,6 D .5-,3 3.一多项式与2237a a 的和为249a a ,则这个多项式为( ) A .22a a --+ B .2716a a C .2 16a a D .2 32a a 4.已知关于x 的方程3x x a 的解与 11 2 4 x x 的解相同,则a 的值为( ) A .1 B .1- C .2 D .2- 5.如图所示的运算程序中,若开始输入的x 的值为48,第一次输出的结果是24,第二次输出的结果是12,第三次输出的结果是6,…,则第2020次输出的结果为( ) A .24 B .12 C .6 D .3 6.如图,在数轴上标出若干个点,每相邻的两个点之间的距离都是1个单位,点A 、B 、C 、D 表示的数分别是整数a 、b 、c 、d ,且满足2319a d ,则b c +的值为( ) A .3- B .2- C .1- D .0 二、填空题 7.3 2 - 的相反数是_________; 8.一个数的绝对值等于3,则这个数是________. 9.同步卫星在赤道上空大约36000000米处,请将数36 000 000用科学记数法表示为____________. 10.一批大米,每个包装袋上标有:(200.1)±kg ,则任意两袋大米最多相差______kg .


译林 9A Unit 1 Know yourself单元测试卷 15Name:______________ 一、单项选择(分) ()1. My cousin is _______ organized and she always keeps her things ______. A well; in a good order B good; in good order C well; in good order D good; in a good order ()2.“ Running man ” is _____ very popular TV program in China. One of ____ most famous actresses Angelababy, always appe ars in it. A a ; / B the; the C a; the D the; / ()3.. We will have a field trip this afternoon .The news makes everyone A excited B.frightened C. happily D. luckily ()4. Billy has all kinds of different ideas . He is to be a writer. A. enough creative B. creative enough C. energetic enough D. enough energetic ()5. His parents devoted all their energy ________ children. A. to educate B. educate C. to educating D. education ()6.“ 3 × 8=26 ” was a great _____ to a t.stIut dmeenans the student is very ______. A. miss; care B. miss; carelessness C. miss; careless D. miss; careful ()7.. What did he about the picture ? A. talk B. say C. call D. speak ()8. The rich woman always her wealth( 财富) . Nobody is willing to make friends with her. A. shows off B. shows up C. showing up D. showing off ()9. We just need one of you for the game. ______ you ______ your brother can join us. A. Both; and B. Either ;or C. Neither; nor D. Not only; but also ()10. It is necessary you English as often as you can . A. for; to read B. of; to read C. to; to reading D. of; reading ()11. Daniel is_______ to buy gifts_______ all of us. A. generous enough; to B. enough generous; for C. enough generous; to D. generous enough; for ()12. -When did you_______ the pen?-I_______ it for 3 years. A. had; have bought B. buy; have had C. buy; have bought D. had; have had ()13. He speaks_______ English_______ French. Instead, he speaks German. A. either; or B. not only; but also C. both; and D. neither; nor ()14. A year has four seasons and it_______ twelve different star signs. A. divided into B. is dividing into C. divided into D. is divided into ()15. -it's too hard for me to be an excellent speaker.-Never_______. Believe in yourself! A. put up B. give up C. hurry up D. look up 二、完型填空(本题共15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分15 分) Ever since I was a child ,my mouth has caused me trouble.I ’ m not a bad pers;onI have a16time


Unit1 1.吃光,吃完 2.有创造力的;创造性的adj. 3.好奇的adj. 4.精力充沛的adj. 5.谦虚的adj. 6.有条理;有效率的adj. 7.顺序n. 8.使···保持井然有序 9.炫耀 10.语法n. 11.想出(主意) 12.(否定句中)两者之一不conj. 13.也不conj. 14.既不···也不··· 15.会计n. 16.天生的adj. 17.给···留下印象vt. 18.雕塑n. 19.赞扬,表扬n. 20.销售部n. 21.总的;普遍的;首席的adj. 22.竞赛;赛跑n. 23.不是···就是···,或者···或者···24.领先地位;榜样n. 25.处于领先地位 26.落后 27.挑战n. 28.主要的,首要的adj. 29.高速的adj. 30.连接vt. 31.与···相连 32.错误,过失n. 33.和···几乎一样,简直是 34.注意,专心 35.注意n. 36.标准n. 37.先锋,开拓者n. 38.外科大夫n. 39.粗心n. 40.额外的;附加的adj. 41.把···贡献,把···专用于vt. 42.尊敬,尊重vt. 43.合适的;适宜的adj. 44.搭档,合作伙伴n. 45.不耐烦的,急躁的adj. 46.三思而行 47.洗碗 48.月球的adj. 49.日历;挂历n. 50.生肖n. 51.代表;象征vt. 52.出现vi. 53.固定的adj. 54.循环n. 55.有力的;强大的adj. 56.活泼的;生机勃勃的adj. 57.实际的adj. 58.忠诚的adj. 59.总计,总共 60.星座n. 61.分开vt.&vi. 62.把···分成··· 63.使成形,塑造vt. 64.演说,发言;台词n. 65.缺席的adj. 66.班长n. 67.职位;位置;名次n. 68.同意某人(的看法) Unit2 1.靛蓝,靛青n. 2.紫罗兰色n. 3.彩虹n. 4.心情,情绪n. 5.影响vt. 6.是否conj. 7.特征,品质n. 8.平静的,沉着的adj. 9.放松的,自在的adj. 10.安宁;和平;和睦n. 11.悲哀,忧伤n. 12.纯洁n. 13.婚礼,结婚庆典n. 14.宁愿选择,更喜欢vt. 15.造成,引起;创造,创建vt. 16.感觉,感受n. 17.使振作起来 18.提醒,使想起vt.

江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级语文下册《鸟》专题知识点总结练习(无答案) 苏教版

《鸟》专题知识点总结练习 一、完成下列与鸟有关的谜语: 1、空中排队飞行,组织纪律严明。初春来到北方,深秋南方过冬。(大雁) 2、恩爱夫妻喜相逢,说说唱唱打鱼归。芙蓉深处轻舟过,红浆戏水泛光辉。(鸳鸯) 3、背面灰色腹有斑,繁殖习性很罕见。卵蛋产在邻鸟窝,请人孵育自逍遥。(杜鹃) 4、鸟儿当中数它小,针状嘴尾舌尖巧。身子只有野蜂大,飞行本领却很高。(蜂鸟) 5、日在树上,夜到庙堂。不要看我小,我也有心肺肝肠。(麻雀) 6、海上一只鸟,跟着船儿跑。寻找浪中鱼,从不怕风暴。(信天翁) 7、从南来个黑大汉,腰里插着两把扇。走一步,扇一扇,阿弥陀佛好热天。(企鹅) 8、驰名中外一歌手,音韵委婉会多变。能学多种鸟儿叫,祖国内蒙是家园。(百灵鸟) 9、腿儿长背儿驼,长着翅膀飞不过河。风吹草动胆子小,脑袋钻进沙窝窝。(鸵鸟) 10、飞起来像只鸟,坐下像只猫。夜间捉田鼠,眼亮本领高。(猫头鹰) 11、衔树枝,衔泥草,高高树上把房造。好消息,天天报,叫得人们心欢笑。(喜鹊) 12、冬天住在山林里,春天飞到天空中。从早到晚常不停,歌声催人快播种。(布谷鸟) 13、千里飞翔爱热闹,常在空中打呼哨。光送信来不送报,见谁都把姑姑叫。(鸽子) 二、完成下列与鸟有关的成语 1、比喻侍奉尊亲的孝心。【乌鸟私情】 2、形容光阴迅速流逝。【乌飞兔走】 3、像鸟类或鱼类那样聚集在一起。形容聚集得很多。【鸟集鳞萃鳞】 4、比喻事情成功之后,把曾经出过力的人一脚踢开。【鸟尽弓藏】 5、指悼念故人,祭品菲薄。【只鸡絮酒】 6、比喻平凡的人哪里知道英雄人物的志向。【燕雀安知鸿鹄之志】 7、比喻做一件事达到两个目的。【一箭双雕】 8、比喻相爱的男女形影不离。【双宿双飞】 9、形容游子倦游归家.或比喻离开工作岗位太久,倦於在外想回到自己岗位【倦鸟知返】 10、比喻一个人的仪表或才能在周围一群人里显得很突出。【鹤立鸡群】 11、比喻受困而不自由的人,也比喻易于擒拿的敌人。【笼中之鸟】 12、形容春天的景色宜人。【鸟语花香】 13、像聚集的鸟兽受到惊吓飞奔逃散,比喻崩溃逃散的情景。【如鸟兽散】

江苏省泰兴市济川中学牛津版七年级英语下册Reading What a brave young man!教案

Reading: What a brave young man! Xinshi Middle School Wang Jianting Background information: Students: 33 Junior high school, class1, grade 7 Lesson duration: 45mins Teaching aids: blackboard, and PPT Aims: Knowledge: 1. to know the main idea of the text 2. to grasp the important words and phrases Ability: to improve the reading skills: skimming, scanning and reading for details Affection: to know how to protect ourselves from the fire and to be willing to help others. Teaching focus: to comprehend the text Teaching difficulty: to comprehend the text and to protect oneself from the fire New vocabulary: (adj.) brave, glad, dangerous, alone, (n.) fire, smoke, burn, blanket (v.) hurt, pour, rash, save Useful phrases: Help sb. out of sth. 帮助某人逃离

江苏省苏州市区2018届九年级英语上学期期末考试试题 牛津译林版

江苏省苏州市区2018届九年级英语上学期期末考试试题 第Ⅰ卷(客观题共69分) 一、听力测试 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) (一) 听对话回答问题 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选择答案。 ( ) 1. How does Michel learn English? A. B. C. ( ) 2. When is the boy’s birthday? A. B. C. ( ) 3. Which actress does the woman like best? A. B. C. ( ) 4. Who left the watch on the desk? A. B. C. Peter Lucy Tom ( ) 5. What did Millie want to do? A. To go swimming. B. To see a doctor. C. To look after her mother. ( ) 6. What does Amy like better? A. Trousers. B. Jeans. C. Jackets.

( ) 7. What’s the woman’s idea? A. Both sports are exciting. B. Mountain climbing is more exciting. C. He prefers skiing. ( ) 8. Do the boy’s parents support his hobbies? A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t. C. We are not sure. ( ) 9. What does the man mean? A. He’s too nervous to calm down B. The woman shouldn’t wait to be interviewed. C. He should relax for the interview. ( ) 10. How many students are there in the class? A. 40 B. 27 C. 36 (二) 听对话和短文回答问题 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你将有5秒钟的时间选择答案。 听下面一段对话,回答11-12题 ( ) 11. Where does the conversation most likely take place? A. On a train. B. On a bus. C. On a plane. ( ) 12. What does the man probably do? A. A businessman. B. A student. C. A government officer. 听第一篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案,完成13-15题。 ( ) 13. A. homework B. watching TV C. the radio ( ) 14. A. minds B. eyes C. eyes and minds ( ) 15. A. few B. Some C. A lot of 听第二篇短文,回答第16-20题。 ( ) 16. When is Jane with Ann?


牛津初中英语教学设计案 牛津初中英语8B Unit5 International Charities 第二课时Reading 教学设计 ————江苏省沭阳县北丁集中学王利设计的基本理念:根据新课标,突出学生自主学习的主体地位原则,培养学生自主、合作、探究精神、突出语言运用能力培养的理念而设计。 《英语课程标准》是以学生“能做某事”的描述方式来设定各级 目标要求的。这就决定了我们在教学中要尽量采用“任务型”的 教学途径。在这一教学环节中,教师的任务就是根据单元和课 堂教学内容和目标,给学生设计一个阶段、一个单元和每一课 的学习任务、目标,并锁定任务,吸引和组织他们积极参与, 通过思考、调查、讨论、交流和合作等方式,学习和使用英语, 完成学习任务。 一、教材分析 (一)教材的地位和作用 1、单元背景分析:慈善机构在当今人们的生活中,尤其是贫困地区人们的生活中起到了越来越重要的作用。这些机构通过不同的方式帮助世界各地的人们。本单元就是让学生重点了解UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会)、World Vision(世界宣明会)、ORBIS(奥比斯)、Oxfam(乐施会)、Wide fund for Nature(世界自然基金会)五个国际慈善机构。激发学生乐于助人的情怀,激励他们好好学习,为贫困地区的人们贡献自己的一份力量。 2、教材内容分析: 本单元主要谈论有关慈善机构的话题。本课是一篇阅读课文,通过学习对ORBIS一名医生的采访,了解ORBIS医生的基本工作状况。学生通过对比学习,引出新课标语言的学习,并通过一系列的听、说、读、写活动逐步深入,不仅让学生学会用正确的语言介绍ORBIS 医生的工作情况,又能让学生了解更多关于世界贫困人口的情况,激发学生乐于助人的情怀。所以本课是本单元的教学重点。 二、设计特色: 强调学生自主学习、合作讨论和语言表达能力,不同的学生提出不同的要求,让每个层


新江苏译林版初三英语9上单词表默写(全一册) Unit1 1.吃光,吃完 2.有创造力的;创造性的adj. 3.好奇的adj. 4.精力充沛的adj. 5.谦虚的adj. 6.有条理;有效率的adj. 7.顺序 n. 8.使···保持井然有序 9.炫耀 10.语法n. 11.想出(主意) 12.(否定句中)两者之一不conj. 13.也不conj. 14.既不···也不··· 15.会计n. 16.天生的adj. 17.给···留下印象vt. 18.雕塑n. 19.赞扬,表扬n. 20.销售部n. 21.总的;普遍的;首席的adj. 22.竞赛;赛跑n. 23.不是···就是···, 或者···或者··· 24.领先地位;榜样n. 25.处于领先地位 26.落后 27.挑战n. 28.主 要的,首要的adj. 29.高速的adj. 30.连接vt. 31.与···相连 32.错误,过失n. 33.和···几乎一样,简直是 34.注意,专心 35.注意n. 36.标准n. 37.先锋,开拓 者n. 38.外科大夫n. 39.粗心n. 40.额外的;附加的adj. 41.把···贡献,把···专用于vt. 42.尊敬,尊重vt. 43.合适的;适宜的adj. 44.搭档,合作伙伴n. 45.不耐烦的,急躁的adj. 46.三思而行 47.洗碗 48.月球的adj. 49.日历;挂历n. 50.生肖n. 51.代表;象征vt. 52.出现vi. 53.固定的adj. 54.循环n. 55.有力的;强大的adj. 56.活泼的;生机勃勃的adj. 57.实际的adj. 58.忠诚的adj. 59.总计, 总共 60.星座n. 61.分开vt.&vi. 62.把···分成··· 63.使成形,塑造vt. 64.演说,发言;台词n. 65.缺席的adj. 66.班长n. 67.职位;位置;名次n. 68.同意某人(的看法) Unit2 1.靛蓝,靛青n. 2.紫罗兰色n. 3.彩虹n. 4.心情,情绪n. 5.影响vt. 6.是否conj. 7.特征,品质n. 8.平静的,沉着的adj. 9.放松的,自在的adj. 10.安宁;和平;和睦n. 11.悲哀, 忧伤n. 12.纯洁n. 13.婚礼,结婚庆典n. 14.宁愿选择,更喜欢vt. 15.造成,引起;创造,创建vt. 16.感觉,感受n. 17.使振作起来 18.提醒,使想起vt. 19.智慧n. 20.因为conj. 21.妒忌;羡慕n. 22.妒忌的,眼红的 23.需要,要求vt. 24.力量n. 25.热n. 26.困难;费力n. 27.做某事费劲 28.决定n. 29.关系n. 30.必定地,无疑地adv. 31.每天的,日常的adj. 32.个人的,私人的adj. 33.适合vt. 34.庆祝,庆祝活动n. 35.古老的,古代的adj. 36.疗法;治疗n. 37.发觉,发 现vt. 38.十几岁(13至19岁之间)n. 39.承诺,允诺vt.&vi. 40.否则conj. 41.奏效,产生预期的效果vi. 42.从事,执业vt. 43.紧张的,有压力的adj. 44.建议vt.

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