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learn from the movie

learn from the movie

Learn from the movie


1 能够抓住关键词(key words),获取信息。

2 学会使用关键词复述故事。

3 可以模仿剧中人物的语音语调和语气。

4 能够用英语描绘出自己的理想工作,并为此作出计划。]

I. Warming up

What do you think of a rat ? (请用至少两个形容词来描述它)

II. Watch and answer (观看并回答——我们应该注意的词是……?)

1.How manyproblems does Remy have ?

2. What is Remy’s first problem ?

3.What gift(天赋) does Remy have ?

Remy has …… problems. First of all … And second …

IV.Watch and learn 观看视频,看谁能快速学会下列表达?


2.Life is hard.


4. 奇怪的(气味)

5. 没有用的

V. Imitation(模仿朗读) __ 看谁学得最像?


Ho , ho ……. The only one who knew about it was Emile.

Hey , Emile ,Emile , I found a mushroom.

2. R: Remy E: Emile

R: Now, exactly how we cook this is the real question...


R: Yeah.唔…有了!

R: The key is to keep turning it.重点在于要不断地翻烤。

Get the smoky flavor nice and even……烟熏要均匀够味才行

E: That storm's getting closer.暴风雨快来了

Hey, Remy, you think that maybe we shouldn't be so...你不觉得我们太靠近…(BOTH SCREAMING 尖叫)

R: You got to taste this! 你得尝尝这个。

VI. Talk :

What is your dream job ?How can you make your dream come true(实现梦想) ?

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