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Unit2 The Olympic Games



Mytrackandfieldcoach,MrJones,haddecidedtogettheteamtotakepartinthe4×100mra ce.Itwouldbethefirsttimethatwewererunninginsucharace.Weneededtoworkasateamtoimp roveonourspeed.Themostcriticalmomentwasthepassingofthebaton(接力棒)attherighttimetothenextrunner.

MrJoneshadchosenmetostarttherace.ThenextrunnerwouldbeSusan.Inthebeginning,w heneverwepractisedpassingthebaton,somethingwouldgoterriblywrong.Iwouldeitherbeg oingtooslowlyorshewouldbetakingofftoolate.Weneededtoperfectit.Atthesametime,Iha dtomakesurethatIwouldnotgobeyondtheyellowline.

Finallyitwasthedayoftherace.Wewereconfidentthatthegoldmedalwouldbeours.Each ofushadimprovedinourrunningspeed.Ourpassingofthebatonhadbeenperfectedduringthep ractices.

MyreactionswereexactandaccurateasIstartedrunning.Everythingfeltthewayitshou ldasIsprintedtowardsSusan.Iheldthebatoninmysweatypalm,promisingmyselfnottoletgo .MylonglegsmovedmeasfastasIcouldgoroundthecorner.AsIcameclosertomyfinalsteps,my heartwasbeatingfasterthanusual.Thecheeringbythespectators(观众)gotintomeandIbecamenervous. “Whatifwelose?”Ithoughttomyself.ItwasthenthatIsawSusaninthefardistance.

IheldoutthebatonandcontinuedrunningquicklytowardsSusan.Susanyelled “Slowdown,slowdown!”However,itwastoolate.Theofficialhelduptheredflag.ItwasthenthatIrealizedthatIhad gonebeyondtheyellowline.

1.Whatdoestheunderlined “it” inthesecondparagraphreferto?





















JohnUrschelwaslivingalifemanyathletesonlydreamedof.HewasaplayerintheNationa lFootballLeague(NFL).UntilThursday,the26-year-oldUrschelplayedfortheBaltimoreRa

vensfootballteam.Butnotanymore.Heannouncedhewasgivingupfootballtostudymathsatth eMassachusettsInstituteofTechnology.

UrschelplayedintheNFLforthreeyears.HecametotheRavensafterplayingincollegeat PennStateUniversityinStateCollege,Pennsylvania.

UrschelwasknownamongAmericansportsfansforbeingbothagoodfootballplayerandals oamathematician.Urschelstudiedcomplexmaths,likeadvancedalgebraandmachinelearnin g.Hewroteabouthisstudiesina2015articlein ThePlayers Tribune.Itwascalled WhyIStil lPlayFootball.Hewrotethathelovedmaths,butalsolovedtoplayfootball.

Urschelwasanoffensivelineman.Thatmeansheusedhislargebody—over1.9metrestalland136kilograms—tokeeptheopposingteam splayersfromtacklinghisteammates.Butitalsomeansthatheran intootherplayersoverandoveragain.AstudywasreleasedaboutthebrainsofAmerican-styl efootballplayers.Researchersexaminedthebrainsof111formerNFLplayerswhohaddied.Al lbutoneofthemshowedsignsofchronictraumaticencephalopathy.Thatisthebraindiseasek nownasCTE.Itislinkedtohitstotheheadthatarecommoninfootball.

TheBaltimorefootballteampostedthenewsonTwitter.Theteamjuststartedpractising forthenewseason.Baltimore scoachisJohnHarbaugh.Hesaid, “Wewishhimallthebestinhisfutureefforts.”

Urschelisnottheonlyfootballplayertoannouncehisretirementthisweek.AndrewHawk insretiredonTuesdayattheageof31,announcinghisplanstostudybusinesseconomics.






6.CTEisakindofdiseasewhich .





7.Whatdoestheunderlinedpart “tacklinghisteammates” inParagraph4mean?





8.What sthebesttitleforthetext?







Ifyouwalkthroughtheparkinthemorning,youareprobablyusedtoseeing1. seriesofbeautifulmovementsperformedinaslow,focusedmannerwithdeepbreathing.

Today,t aichi https://www.doczj.com/doc/9d10952272.html,lionsofloversoft aichiaroundtheworldareusingtheformofmartialarts(武术)2. animportanthealthcarepracticetogetcontroloftheirhealth,managestressandslowdownt heprocessofgettingold.OnMarch3,anewreportfromLondonshowedthatt aichihadhelpedh

undredsofolderpeopleinBritain scapitaltostay3. (fit)thanever.

IntraditionalChineseculture,oftent aichi4.

(link)totheChineseideaofyinandyang,theideathatonecanseetwosidesineverything.Acc ordingtoalegend,onedayTaoistZhangSanfengsawahawkattackingasnakeintheWudangMount ains.5.(inspire)bythesnake sdefence,hecreatedasetof72movements,6. usedsoftnessandpowerfrominsidetodefeatbruteforce(蛮力).

T aichicanbepractisedanytimeandanywherewithout7.

(equip)orgymnasiums.Ofcourset aichi sbenefitsgobeyondphysical8.

(one).ForMarleniCalcinafromPeru,whohaspractisedt aichiformorethan10years,it s notonlyasport,butalsoawayoflife.It st aichi9.hastaughtherhowto “gainpeaceandinnerharmony”. “Formenow,practisingt aichiislike10. (speak)withmysoul,” shesays.


Kidsexerciseallthetimewithouteventhinkofit.Justbeingactive,likewhenyourunar oundatoutsideorplaybasketballatschool,istypeofexercise.Playingsports,dancingand doingpush-upsalsocountsasexercise.Thesehelpedyoubuildyourstrength.Byusingyourmu sclestodopowerfulthings,youcanmakethemstrongthanbefore.Forteensandadult,thiskin dofworkoutcanmakemusclesbigger,either.Whenyouexercise,you rebuildingastrongbod ywhatwillbeabletomovearoundanddoallthestuffyouneedtodo.Trytodomorephysicallyexe rciseeverydayandyourbodywillthankyoulater.




1.C代词指代题。根据第二段中“Inthebeginning,wheneverwepractisedpassingthebaton,somethingwouldgoterriblywro ng.Iwouldeitherbegoingtooslowlyorshewouldbetakingofftoolate.”可推知, 此处it代指传接力棒的问题,故选C。

2.B 细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句可知,作者自信可以赢得比赛是因为他们团队已经在速度和传接力棒方面做得很完美了,故选B。

3.B 推理判断题。根据第四段倒数第二句和第三句可推知,作者当时分心了,与最后一段的比赛结果呼应,故选B。




5.A 推理判断题。根据对第四段的整体理解可知,美国橄榄球运动员由于职业的原因,几乎都会患一种被称为CTE的脑部疾病。由此可推知,选项A符合文意,故选A。


7.B 词义猜测题。根据第四段第一句“Urschelwasanoffensivelineman.”,并结合语境“tokeeptheopposingteam splayers”可推知,主人公是一个进攻型前锋,任务是不要让对方球员把球从自己队友手中抢走,故选B。

8.C 主旨大意题。根据第一段最后一句的点题,并结合对全文的整体理解可知,本文主要讲述了橄榄球运动员JohnUrschel退役上大学学数学的故事,故选C。


1.a 考查固定搭配。aseriesof为固定搭配,意为“一系列的”。

2.as 考查固定搭配。use…as…为固定搭配,意为“使用……为……,将……作为……”。句意:全世界数百万的太极爱好者将这种武术形式作为一种重要的保健活动。

3.fitter 考查比较级。根据后面的thanever可知,要用比较级。

4.islinked 考查动词时态和语态。句意:在中国的传统文化中,太极往往与中国人的阴阳观念联系在一起……。belinkedto是固定词组,意为“和……有联系”,根据often可知,要用一般现在时,故填islinked。

5.Inspired 考查非谓语动词。句意:受蛇防御的启发,他创造了一套72式的动作……。此句是非谓语动词作状语,由于逻辑主语he和inspire之间是被动关系,故用过去分词inspired。

6.which 考查定语从句。句意:……他创造了一套72式的动作,用内部的柔软和力量打败蛮力。本句是非限制性定语从句。先行词movements指物,并在从句中作主语,故用 which引导非限制性定语从句。

7.equipment 考查词性转换。句意:太极可以随时随地进行练习,不需要设备和体育馆。作介词without 的宾语,故用名词equipment,表示“设备”。

8.ones 考查代词。句意:当然,太极的益处超越了身体方面。用ones 指代前面的名词benefits,表示同类不同物。

9.that 考查强调句型。句意:是太极教会了她如何获得内心的平静和和谐。本句是强调句型,根据“Itis+被强调部分+that+剩余部分.”可知填that。

10.speaking 考查动名词。句意:……练习太极就像和我的灵魂交流。作介词like的宾语,故用动名词speaking。

Ⅲ.Kidsexerciseallthetimewithouteven thinkofit.Justbeingactive,likewhenyourunaro undatoutsideor


typeofexercise.Playingsports,dancinganddoingpush-ups playbasketballatschool,is




Thesehelpedyoubuildyourstrength.Byusingyourmusclestodopowerfulthings,youcanmake them


strongthanbefore.Forteensandadult,thiskindofworkoutcanmakemusclesbigger,either. When

stronger adults too

youexercise,you rebuildingastrongbodywhatwillbeabletomovearoundanddoallthestuf fyouneedto

that which




精锐教育学科教师辅导讲义 学员编号:年级:高三课时数:3 学员姓名:辅导科目:英语学科教师:余英 授课类型C专题—翻译常用句型C专题—成语翻译T能力—综合翻译训练授课日期及时段 教学内容 一.专题知识梳理 知识点1:翻译常用句型 1. As is known ( to us all ), … = It is known (to us all) that … 2. It seems that sb./sth.… =sb./sth. seems to… It appears (to sb) that …=sb./sth. appears to… 3. It (so)happened that sb./sth.…=sb./sth. happened to… 4. There is/are…. There seems to be… There happened to be… There must have been… T here is going to/will be… 5. Sth occurred to sb It (suddenly) occurred to sb that … It never occurred to sb that… = It didn’t occur to sb that… 6. It is said / reported that sb./sth.… = sb / sth is said / reported to do… It is believed that sb./sth.… = sb / sth is believed to do…… 7. It is no good / use doing … 1 / 15


高考试题 考点一记叙文 Cloze 1 (2013新课标全国Ⅰ) I went to a group activity,“Sensitivity Sunday”,which was to make us more 1 the problems faced by disabled people.We were asked to “ 2 a disability”for several hours one Sunday.Some members, 3 ,chose to use wheelchairs.Others wore sound-blocking earplugs(耳塞)or blindfolds(眼罩). Just sitting in the wheelchair was a 4 experience.I had never considered before how 5 it would be to use one.As soon as I sat down,my 6 made the chair begin to roll.Its wheels were not 7 .Then I wondered where to put my 8 .It took me quite a while to get the metal footrest into 9 .I took my first uneasy look at what was to be my only means of 10 for several hours.For disabled people,“adopting a wheelchair”is not a temporary(临时的) 11 . I tried to find a 12 position and thought it might be restful, 13 kind of nice,to be 14 around for a while.Looking around,I 15 I would have to handle the thing myself!My hands started to ache as I 16 the heavy metal wheels.I came to know that controlling the 17 of the wheelchair was not going to be a(n) 18 task. My wheelchair experiment was soon 19 .It made a deep impression on me.A few hours of “disability” gave me only a taste of the 20 ,both physical and mental,that disabled people must overcome. 1.A.curious about B.aware of C.interested in D.careful with 2.A.cure B.adopt C.prevent D.analyze 3.A.instead B.strangely C.as usual D.like me 4.A.learning B.working C.satisfying D.relaxing 5.A.convenient B.awkward C.boring D.exciting 6.A.height B.force C.skill D.weight 7.A.locked B.repaired C.powered D.grasped 8.A.hands B.feet C.keys D.handles 9.A.place B.action C.play D.effect


高考英语专题训练:书面表达1 1.请阅读下面有个龋齿的相关信息: 【参考词汇】 龋齿病 tooth decay 纤维 fiber 2、.书面表达(满分25分) 据报道,我国学生近视率居世界第一。造成这一现象的原因是多方面的, 请你以 "Why are more and more children getting short-sighted?" 为题, 写一篇英语短文。 内容主要包括: 1. 造成学生近视的原因; 2. 如何保护视力? 注意: 1.词数120左右; 2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯; 3.短文的开头已经写好, 不计入总词数。 参考词汇: 近视率 rate of myopia Why are more and more children getting short-sighted? It is reported that the rate of myopia of Chinese students is ranked as the highest in the world ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________


必修4 Unit 1 A STUDENT OF AFRICAN WILDLIFE It is 5:45 am and the sun is just rising over Gombe National Park in East Afri ca. Following Jane's way of studying chimps, our group are all going to visit them in the forest. Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans. Watching a family of chi mps wake up is our first activity of the day. This means going back to the place where we left the family sleeping in a tree the night before. Everybody sits and wa its in the shade of the trees while the family begins to wake up and move off. Th en we follow as they wander into the forest. Most of the time, chimps either feed or clean each other as a way of showing love in their family. Jane warns us that our group is going to be very tired and dirty by the afternoon and she is right. Ho wever, the evening makes it all worthwhile. We watch the mother chimp and her b abies play in the tree. Then we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night. We realize that the bond between members of a chimp family is as strong as in a human family. Nobody before Jane fully understood chimp behaviour. She spent years observi ng and recording their daily activities. Since her childhood she had wanted to work with animals in their own environment. However, this was not easy. When she firs t arrived in Gombe in 1960, it was unusual for a woman to live in the forest. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to be gin her project. Her work changed the way people think about chimps. For exampl e, one important thing she discovered was that chimps hunt and eat meat. Until th en everyone had thought chimps ate only fruit and nuts. She actually observed chi mps as a group hunting a monkey and then eating it. She also discovered how ch


unitl _____ 合计 _________ 心烦意乱的,不安的,不适的___________ 不理睬,忽视 ___________ (使)平静下来,(使)镇定下来 ___________________ 心,挂念,___________ 遛狗 ________ 的,松开的_____________ 经历,经受___________ 记下,放下,登记连串的,一系列,一套在户外,在野外意了在黄昏时刻整个的,完全的,全部的完全地,全然地,能力,力量,权力面对面地窗帘, 积满灰尘的不再伙伴,合作者,合伙人家,解决受,忍受,经历愈,恢复, ___________________ 对...厌烦___________ 将(东西)装箱打包 _____________ 几岁的青少年______________ ...相处,进展 ______________ 目爱,爱上___________ 确实如此,正是, ___________ 感激的,表示谢意的 ____________ 不喜欢,厌恶_____________ 参加,加入 _______________ 示,技巧 ____________ 换 ____________ 项目,条款 1. It was the first time that sb had done the night sth (从句时态用完成时) eg.lt was the sec ond time that he __________ (join) in the discussi on. 2. It's no pleasure doing sth 做某事没有乐趣 It is no pleasure ___ (see)this film.Because it is the third time that I ___ (see) it. 3. It ' s +被强调部分+that/ who … 我喜欢的就是英语。It is En glish ________ I like. 4. have trouble with sth/ have trouble in doing sth I have no trouble _____ m y En glish study. I have much trouble in _____ (speak) En glish. 5. sb find it adj. to do sth


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 高考英语语法总复习(共15个专题附练习及答案) 语法复习专题一——名词.①抽象名词表示具有某种特性、状态、感情情绪的人或事。 如:一、考点聚焦抽象名词(不可数)具体化(个体名词,可数名词)1.可数名词单、复数变化形式in surprise 惊讶地a surprise 一件令人惊讶的事(1)规则变化。 win success 获得成功a success 一个(件)成功的人(事)①单数名词词尾直接加-s。 如:boy — boys, pen — pens。 win honor 赢得荣誉an honor 一个(件)引以为荣的(事)①以 s、x 、ch 、sh 结尾的单词一般加-es。 如:glass —glasses,box—boxes,Failure(失败)is the mother of successa failure 失败者watch —watches, brush —brushes。 失败是成功之母。 特例:stomach — stomaches。 by experience 靠经验an experience 一次经历①以”辅音字母+ y”结尾的变“y”为“i”再加“-es”。 如:youth 青春a youth 一个青年人baby — babies, lady —ladies, fly — flies。 have pity on sb.怜悯某人a pity 可惜的事情①以“o”结尾的多数加-es。 1/ 146


完形填空练习 【考点分析】主要考查语法知识、单词拼写能力和逻辑推理能力等,对基础相对薄弱的学生,尤其是英语语法基础相对薄弱的学生有一定的难度。 【复习策略】掌握句子的基本结构 首先,我们必须熟练掌握简单句的基本句型结构: (1)主语+谓语(+宾语+宾补) (2)主语+系动词+表语 其次,我们要充分了解充当各个句子成分的典型词类: (1)充当主语或宾语的典型词类是名词或代词。此外,还有动名词、不定式短语等。 (2)充当谓语的一定是动词。 (3)充当补语或表语的典型词类是形容词。 (4)在名词前作定语的典型词类是形容词或形容词性物主代词。 (5)作状语的典型词类是副词。 再次,我们还要掌握句子的扩展结构:两个或几个简单句之间若不用句号或分号,就必须要用连词,否则,句子的结构就不完整。连词主要有以下四类: (1)用and,but,or,while(而,却),when(就在这个时候)等构成并列句。用if,unless,before,after,until,although,though,as,since,because,so,so that 等构成含状语从句的复合句(这里要注意区分一下复杂句和复合句,复合句是包含在复杂句这个概念里面的,在下文的基础写作部分有提到)。 (3)用who,which,that,when,where,why等构成含定语从句的复合句。(这里要提醒考生的是往往不给任何提示的空就是填连词或关系词的,但也须结合句子

结构来分析。) (4)用that,if/whether(是否),wh-等构成含名词性从句的复合句。 【解题方法】用句子结构分析法巧解语法填空.分析句子的结构对解答语法填空题很有帮助。在解答语法填空题时,分析句子结构可以迅速确定所要填的词语的词类或大致方向,若再结合语境就可以很快得出具体的词语或词形,结合语境方面要特别注意短文的时态和上下文中的一些提示。 【经典例题】阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入适当的词语,或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡上标号的相应位置。 The Internet has become part of young people’s life. ____1____ report shows that 38% of students often use the Internet . Most of them get _____2____ (use) information on the Internet ____3____ use the Internet to help in their studies. But many students don’t use it _____4____ a good way. Some play games too much, some visit websites ____5____ shouldn’t look at. So bad things may happen ____6___ students spen d too much time on the Internet. _____7____ is important for students to use the Internet properly. Now we have a textbook, _____8____ uses many examples to teach students some good ways to use the Internet. It gives useful advice. Some students also make ____9____ on the Internet. But if you want


必修1 Unit 1 △survey n.调查;测验 add up合计 upset adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的vt. (upset, upset) 使不安;使心烦ignore vt.不理睬;忽视 calm vt. & vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的 calm(…)down(使)平静下来;(使) 镇定下来 have got to不得不;必须 concern vt.(使)担忧;涉及;关系到n.担心;关注;(利害)关系 be concerned about关心;挂念 walk the dog 遛狗 loose adj.松的;松开的 △vet n.兽医 go through经历;经受 △Amsterdam n.阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都)Netherlands n.荷兰(西欧国家) △Jewish 犹太人的;犹太族的 German adj.德国的;德国人的;德语的n.德国人;德语 △Nazi n.纳粹党人 adj.纳粹党的 set down记下;放下;登记 series n.连续;系列 a series of一连串的;一系列;一套△Kitty n.基蒂(女名) outdoors adv. 在户外;在野外 △spellbind vt. (spellbound, spellbound) 迷住;迷惑 on purpose 故意 in order to为了…… dusk n.黄昏;傍晚 at dusk在黄昏时刻 thunder vi.打雷;雷鸣 n.雷;雷声 entire adj.整个的;完全的;全部的entirely adv. 完全地;全然地;整个地power n.能力;力量;权力 face to face面对面地 curtain n.窗帘;门帘;幕布 dusty adj.积满灰尘的 no longer/not…any longer不再……partner n.伙伴;合作者;合伙人settle vi.安家;定居;停留 vt.使定居;安排;解决 suffer vt. & vi.遭受;忍受;经历suffer from遭受;患病 △loneliness n.孤单;寂寞 highway n.公路;大路 recover vi. & vt.痊愈;恢复;重新获得get/be tired of对……厌烦 pack vi. & vt.捆扎;包装;打行李 n.小包;包裹 pack (sth) up将(东西)装箱打包suitcase n.手提箱;衣箱 △Margot n.玛戈(女名) Overcoat n.大衣;外套 teenager n.十几岁的青少年 get along with与……相处;进展 △gossip vi. & n.闲话;闲谈 fall in love相爱;爱上 exactly adv. 确实如此;正是;确切地disagree vi.不同意 grateful adj.感激的;表示谢意的dislike n. & vt.不喜欢;厌恶 join in参加;加入 tip n.提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小费vt.倾斜;翻倒 △secondly adv.第二;其次 swap vt.交换 item n.项目;条款 Unit 2 △subway n.地下人行道;<美>地铁elevator n.电梯;升降机 petrol n. <英>汽油(=<美>gasoline)gas n.汽油;气体;煤气;毒气official adj.官方的;正式的;公务的voyage n.航行;航海 △conquer vt.征服;占领


人教版高三英语总复习知识点归纳 1.a great/good many: a large number of许多。修饰可数名词复数。 I’m quite busy. I have a great many things to do. 我很忙,我有很多事要做。 若复数名词前有限定词或其修饰的为代词时,应加of . ①A great many of the books have been sold out. 已经卖了很多书了。 ②A great many of them are out of work.他们很多人失业了。 2.able(可以的,有能力的,可能的)①He is an able man.那人本事不小。 enable(v)使……能 ②We must learn more to enable us to face all the difficulties.我们要多学知识以便能面对各种困难。 disable:有残疾的,不能干的;the disabled表示一类人(残疾人) able作词辍时 ①可以……的,值得……的(有被动含义) eatable可食用的,measurable可以测量、估计的;readable可读的 ②其他含义:conformable舒适的、安逸的;suitable 合适的,恰当的 3.above, over, on 三个词都可以表示“在……上“,但用法不同。On表示与某物体表面接触;over 表示在某物体垂直的上方,含“布满、覆盖、跨越”之意,与under 相对;above 表示位置高于,但不一定垂直,与below相对。注意:与数字、数量、长度词连用时,多用over,同more than。如:over10,000people一万多人;表示年龄、刻度多用above,如a man above fifty五十开外的人;above zero零度以上。

高考英语 专题冲刺系列同形异义词辨析(九)

2012届高考英语专题冲刺系列同形异义词辨析(九) 1. They the report to the State council for approval. A) made B) submitted C) committed D) admitted 2. We’d like to a table for five for dinner this evening. A) preserve B) reserve C) retain D) sustain 3. The European Union countries were once worried that they would not have supplies of petroleum. (2002.06) A) proficient B) efficient C) potential D) sufficient 4. The life of the vice mayor was exposed in the newspaper. A) corrupt B) bankrupt C) abrupt D) incorrupt 5. Chinese vases are around the gallery according to their authors’ names. A) composed B) disposed C) impose D) expose 解题小贴士 1. 【B】 词根mit意为“送、投掷”;sub-(under)+mit(to send)=(使)服从,(使)顺从(在 下面传递);com-(with)+mit(to send)=委托,犯罪(传送→委托),固定搭配commit a crime 犯罪;ad-(to)+mit(to throw)=承认,允许(送入,移进)。正确答案为B,题目译文为:“他 们把报告上交给州议会批准。” 2. 【B】 词根serv意为“服务,保持”;pre-(before)+serve(to keep)=保存,保管;re-(back) +serve(to keep)=保留,预定(秘密地保留→不出来)。正确答案B,题目译文为:“我们想订 一张今晚5个人吃饭的位置。” 3. 【D】 pro-(forward)+fic(do)+ient(a.)=熟练的,专家(做得更好→进步);efficient有 效率的,能干的;sufficient充分的,足够的。正确答案为D,题目译文为:“欧盟国家曾担 心会没有足够供应的石油供应。” 4. 【A】 词根rupt意为“打破”,cor-(wholly)+rupt(to break)= 腐败的,贪污的(完全受损);bankrupt破产的(银行倒闭的);ab-(off)+rupt(to break)=突然的,陡峭的;incorrupt 为A的反义词。所以正确答案为A,题目译文为:“副市长的腐败生活在报纸上曝了光。” 5. 【B】 词根pos意为“放置”,com-(together)+pose(to place)=构成,作曲; dis-(apart)+pose=陈列,布置(个别分开放置);im-(on)+pose=课税,强使(置于之上); ex-(out)+pose=暴露,使曝光(置于外部)。所以正确答案为B,题目译文为:“根据作者名字 的顺序,中国式样的花瓶被摆放在陈列室的四周。” 1. miss, mit=to send(送),to throw(投;掷) admit v. 容许,承认,接纳【ad-(=to)+mit=送入,移入。名词admission】 commit vt. 犯(错误),干(坏事),把……交托给,提交,答应负责【com-(=to)+mit= 传送→委托。名词commission】 emit vt. 发出,放射【e-(=ex-=out)+mit=送出。名词emission】

2020届高考英语 专题总复习写作习语

2020;2020届高考英语专题总复习写作习语 碍于情面 for fear of hurting sb’s feelings 居安思危 be mindful of possible danger in time of peace 安分守己 act proper to one’s status 安于现状 be content with things as they are 循序渐进 learn to walk before you run 班门弄斧 teach a dog to bark 本末倒置 put the cart before the horse 闭门造车 work on some project without reference to what the world requires 避重就轻 avoid the crucial point and take the minor 标本兼治 put things right once and for all 表里如一 one’s outer and inner selves are in harmony 冰冻三尺非一日之寒 a tree will not fall at one blow 病急乱投医 a drowning man will catch at a straw 不得要领 be beside the point 不分轻重缓急 have no sense of priority 不顾大局 be regardless of the whole situation 不顾事实 have no regard for the truth 不经灾难不知福 misfortune tells us what fortune is 不经一事不长一智 experience is the best teacher 不破不立 there is no making without breaking 不求甚解 be content with a superficial understanding 不以规矩不能成方圆 rules and regulations must be adhered to in handling affairs 操之过急 catch the ball before the bound 差之毫厘谬以千里 one false step will make a great difference


【英语】高考英语翻译专题训练答案 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.我习惯睡前听点轻音乐。(accustomed) 2.将来过怎样的生活取决于你自己。(be up to) 3.没有什么比获准参加太空旅行项目更令人兴奋的了。(than) 4.家长嘱咐孩子别在河边嬉戏,以免遭遇不测。(for fear) 5.虽然现代社会物资丰富,给予消费者更多的选择,但也使不少人变成购物狂。(turn) 【答案】 1.I’m accustomed to listening to some light music before sleep. 2.It’s up to you what kind of life will lead in the future. 3.There is nothing more exciting than being allowed to take part in the space travel programme. 4.Parents ask their kids not to play by the river for fear that something terrible might happen. 5.While modern society, rich in material resources,has given consumers more choice, it turns many of them into crazy shoppers. 【解析】试题分析: 1.翻译这句话的时候,注意词组:be acc ustomed to doing“习惯于做……”。 2.这句话使用了句型:It’s up to you +从句,“做….由某人决定”。这里what kind of life will lead in the future.是主语从句,it是形式主语。 3.这句话使用了There be句型, nothing 后面是形容词做定语,因为是比较的含义用形容词的比较级more exciting,还有词组“被允许做”be allowed to ,以及词组“参加”:take part in 。 4.这句话使用了for fear that 引导目的状语从句,和词组“让某人不要做……”ask sb. not to do. 5.这句话使用了连词While 表示“尽管,虽然”。词组“富含”be rich in ,主句中使用了词组turn…. into …..“将…变成…”。 考点:考查翻译句子 2.高中英语翻译题:Directions:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.任何人都不可能轻而易举获得成功。(ease) ________________________ 2.遇到紧急情况一定要冷静,否则可能会造成严重后果。(or) ________________________ 3.我们只有学会尊重人际间的差异,才能避免误会,与他人建立和谐的关系。(Only) ________________________ 4.令教练欣慰的是,整个辩论队齐心协力,克服了遇到的各种困难,最终所有的努力都得

2020届高考英语 专题总复习精选荟萃

2020;2020届高考英语专题总复习精选荟萃单项选择系列(十三) 1.---We should forgive him for making such mistakes. ---You are right, that he is only a new hand. A.being considered B.considering C.to be considered D.considered 2._____inthegardenforanhour,thegirlsuddenlyrealizedshehadforgotlocking her car door. A.Reading B.Toread C.Havingread D. To have read 3.Weshouldremembertosavewaterresourceandnottoleavethewater_____all the time. A. to be running B. to run C. running D. run 4. ---Would you like something about my foreign teacher? ---Oh,I remember _____ about her yesterday. A. telling B. being told C. to tell D. having told 5. yourself stand out at a party, you should play some funny games.A.Having made B.Make C.MakingD.To make 6.Althoughheisnotrich,he______variousdifferentcharitableorganizations. A. relates to B. subscribes to C. attends to D. agrees to 7. My watch is under______, so they’ll repair it for free. A. protection B. safety C. guarantee D. examination 8.Unfortunately, George cannot be with us today so I am pleased to acceptthis award____ him. A. in honor of B. instead of C. on behalf of D. for lack of


最新高考英语动词专项练习 一、单项选择动词 1.Though Tom was physically challenged, he did not _______ himself to his fate. A.resist B.reserve C.resign D.rescue 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词辨析及固定搭配。动词resist反对,抵制;忍耐,抵抗;reserve预约;保留;储备;resign辞职;放弃;屈从;勉强接受;rescue救援;动词短语resign oneself to...听从,顺从;句意:尽管Tom生理有缺陷,但他没有顺从命运的安排。上下文之间为转折关系,根据句意可知C正确。 考点:考查动词辨析及固定搭配 2.When you’re done, throw it all away and _______ your new assignment. A.break into B.turn into C.dive into D.fit into 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查动词短语辨析。A. break into闯入;B. turn into变成;C. dive into钻研、投入;D. fit into符合、适应。句意:当你完成的时候,将它抛开,投入到你的新任务中去。根据句意可知此处表示“全心投入”,故C项正确。 3.Although the long sentence and difficult structures in this novel have been ______, it still keeps much of the charm and favor of the original. A.occupied B.polished C.simplified D.recited 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然这部小说的长句和难句结构被简化了,但仍然保留了原著的许多魅力和偏爱。A. occupied 占用 B. polished 修改 C. simplified简化 D. recited 背诵。根据句意可知,选C。 4.So ill was she that it seemed unlikely that she would ________. A.pull through B.pull together C.pull out D.pull in 【答案】A 【解析】


人教版高三英语全册教案 目录 Unit 1 That must be a record! (1) Unit 2 Crossing limits (6) Unit 3 The land down under (14) Unit 4 Green World (19) Unit 5 Getting the message (25) Unit 6 Going West (32) Unit7 A Christmas Carol (38) Unit 8 Learning a foreign language (42) Unit 9 Health Care (45) Unit 10 American literature (51) Unit 11 Key to success (65) Unit 12 Education (70) Unit 13 The mystery of the Moonstone (78) Unit 14 Zoology (86) Unit 15 Popular youth culture (89) Unit 16 Finding Jobs (97)

Unit 1 That must be a record! I.单元教学目标 技能目标Goals ▲ Talk about records, adventures and hobbies ▲ Practise mea suring and comparing ▲ Review the subject ▲ Fill in a form II.目标语言 功能句式 1. Talk about records, adventures and hobbies 2. Practise measuring and comparing Typical measurements (m=meters cm=centimeters h=hours) Height of people (When referring to people, ―tall‖ is used, not ―high‖, and measurements are given in feet and inches (but not yards) or meters and centimeters. She is about 5ft 6 in tall. The world‘s tallest man is 2.55m. Speed A speed limit of 30 mph Sound travels 186,300 miles in a second. Measurement of Temperature The normal temperature of the human body is 37°C. The lowest temperature ever recorded on earth is-89.2°C. Crossed the Three Gorge on a high wire, 646 meters long, 402 meters high, time 13 minutes 48 seconds. Walked across Mt Heng, 1,399 meters long, 436 meters high, time 52 minutes 13 second At Tiankeng, walked 687 meters, about 662 meters above the ground 词汇 1. 四会词汇beard, voyager, tight, tightrope, edition, moustache, brewery, conclude, hire, length, athletic, fade, account, attempt, suitable, inspect, confirm, certificate, gradual, blank, enthusiastic, bid, decade, committee, fascinate, burst, underline, globe, bush, skilful, administration, permission, schoolmate, grandparent, recently, familiar, helmet, truly, delight, delighted, energetic, cautious, outgoing, register 2. 认读词汇cheetah, sailfish, gorge, Urumqi, feat, hectare, Lance Armstrong, Juan Antonio Samarranch, spaceman, ramp, skateboarder, skateboard, capture, factor, teenage, skim 3. 词组set down, in a row, in the first place, apply for, burst into sth, center on/ upon, concentrate on 4.重点词汇set down, attempt, suitable, apply for, inspect, confirm, enthusiastic, bid, fascinate, burst into sth. underline, center on/ upon, concentrate on, delight, delighted, cautious, outgoing, register 语法Review the Subject 重点句子 1.Instead, the editors of the book set down the records and keep track of them in other ways. 2.Impressive as the record is, it fades next to the story of Armstrong‘s struggle against disease. 3.These new sports are called ―extreme sports‖ and all center on the ―X-factors‖--- the pure joy of doing something that you did not think you could do and overcoming your fears. III.教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析

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