当前位置:文档之家› Morisky问卷测量维吾尔族慢性心力衰竭患者服药依从性的信度和效度







【摘要】Objective To evaluale the reliability and validity of the Morisky questionnaire of compliance for laking medicine in Uighur palienls with Chronic Heart Failure. Methods 124 Uighur palienls with chronic heart failure were selecled and asked to fill a Morisky queslionnaire about the medication compliance. To evaluale the reliability and validity of the Morisky quest1ionaire. Results The recovery rale was 98. 39%. The Cronbach's α of queslionaire was 0. 759 and the validity on the queslionnaire was also preferable. The test-retesting correlation was 0. 886 ( P ( 0. 05) , Spilit reliability was 0. 733. The whole variance of the factor was 58. 98% . The load — carrying of 5 items were 0. 772, 0. 798, 0. 832, 0. 711 and 0. 732. The correlation coefficient P values between scale scores and all entries 0. 05 ( r = 0. 608, P ( 0. 05) and the content validities was preferable. Conclusion The reliability and validity on the Morisky questionnaire of compliance for taking medicine in Uighur patients with Chronic Heart Failure are preferable, and convenient for the clinical use.%目的探讨Morisky问卷测量维吾尔族慢性心力衰竭患者服药依从性的信度和效度的评价.方法利用Morisky问卷对124例维吾尔族慢性

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