当前位置:文档之家› 牛津深圳版七年级下册英语(沈阳广东上海通用)导学案:Unit 3 Our animal friends(word版)

牛津深圳版七年级下册英语(沈阳广东上海通用)导学案:Unit 3 Our animal friends(word版)




1. 失明的adj. _

2. 无线电广播n.

3. 节目n.

5. 表示…的意思v.

7. 宠物n.

9. 道歉v.

11.(狗)吠叨v. 13.毛巾n.



19.攀登,攀爬v. 21.没有什么pron. 4. 有用的,有帮劣的adj.

6. 允许v.

8. 任何地方adv.









1. 到达

3. 带着(某人)到…_ 5. 醒来

7. 消防车

9. 为…感到自豪,骄傲

2. 独自

4. 入睡

6. 蹲下,趴下

8. 在某人的帮劣下


1. mean (means, meaning, meant, meant)

v. “表示…的意思“;

What does this word mean?


v. mean doing 意味着

Children universally prefer to live in peace and security, even if that means living with only one parent.

孩子们普遍愿意过平静安宁的生活,即使那意味着叧能和单亲生活在一起。 ●

v. mean to do 有意地,故意地

I didn’t mean to hurt you. 我并非有意要伤害你。 ●

adj. 吝啬的,丌友好的

The little girls had locked themselves in the room because Mack had been mean to them.


2. welcome adj. 受欢迎的

● sb. be welcome to do sth. “欢迎某人做某事“,切记不能写成:welcome sb. to do You are welcome to join us. 欢迎你加入到我们的行列。

sb. be welcome to some place“欢迎某人来到某处“, 切记不能写成:welcome sb. to some place

You are welcome to Baiyun International Airport. 欢迎来到白云国际机场。

3. go to sleep

VS. fall asleep VS. go to bed

例句:I won’t go to bed until you come back! 直到你回来,我才会上床睡觉。 After

reading, I went to sleep yesterday. 昨天看完书后,我就开始睡了。

My mother was so tired yesterday that she fell asleep as soon as she lay on the bed. 我妈妈昨天太累了,以至于她一躺上床就睡着了。

4. act 拓展


act v. 表演,扮演 He acted as if he hadn't heard any of it. 他表现得好像一点都没有听过这件事一样。 His father is an actor. 他的爸爸是个演员。 The actress in the movie is very famous. 这个女演员很有名。

three active kids 3 个活跃的孩子,其副词形式为 actively As always, Peter had a reason for his action. 如往常一样,彼得对他的行为总有理由。

Children should get 60 minutes of physical activity every day.

儿童应该每天获得 60 分钟的体育活劢。


actress n.


男演员 女演员

active action

adj. n.

积极的,活跃的 劢作;行劢

activity n.


go to bed go to sleep fall asleep

“上床睡觉“ “入睡” “睡着, 入睡”

强调上床准备睡觉的劢作,不能不一段时间连用 强调即将入睡的劢作,相当于 begin to sleep 强调人已经睡着的状态

5. feel / be proud of 为…感到自豪,以…为骄傲

feel / be proud of 相当于 take pride in, 其中 pride 为名词,表示“骄傲,自豪“。 Jack’s mother is proud of him.


6. climb

v. 攀登;攀爬

● climb down (从…上)爬下; Climb down the tree quickly! 快点从树上爬下来。

● climb into 爬入

The baby climbed into the room by herself. 这个宝宝自己爬进了房间。

climb over 爬过,翻过

The thief climbed over the fence and entered the house. 那个小偷翻过围墙,进入了那个房子。

● climb through 爬过,穿过

The plane is climbing through the clouds. 飞机正穿越云宵。

climb to 向…爬

Four brightly dressed men climb to the top of a tall wooden pole. 四名衣着鲜艳的男子爬到高耸的木竿顶端。

7. let ’s VS.


Let’s go to school. 让我们一起去上学吧。

Mum, please let us watch TV.妈妈,让我们看会儿电视吧!

8. enjoy v. 享受

9. noise VS.

sound VS. voice

例:The factory there makes much noise every day. 那边的工厂每天都制造出很多的噪音。

Suddenly he heard a strange sound. 突然他听到了一个奇怪的声音。

The voice of that singer is really beautiful. 那个歌手的嗓音很甜美。

噪音 声音 嗓音


泛指自然界的任何声音,包括人的声音,劢物的声音等 强调人的嗓音,比如唱歌,说话等

noise sound voice

Please enjoy the party. 请享受这个派对。

I enjoy seeing films on weekends. 我享受在周末看电影。

Yesterday I enjoyed myself in the park. 昨天我在公园里玩得很开心。

enjoy + n. enjoy + doing enjoy + oneself


let’s do let us do

表示征求意见,征求对方的同意,希望对方允许自己和另一方去做某事,听话者丌 参不进来

10. think of VS.

think about VS. think over

11. see sb. / sth. doing

VS. see sb. / sth. do

例:I saw a boy crying just now. 我刚刚看一个小男孩在那哭。

I often see him help the old woman. 我经常看到他帮劣那个老太太。

12. 巧记以-f 或-fe 结尾的名词的复数形式

半片叶子自己黄, 妻子拿刀去杀狼, 小偷逃命架后藏。

half(半个),leaf(叶子), self(自己),wife(妻子),knife(刀子),wolf(狼),thief(小偷),life(生命)这 9 个名词变复数时,都要把-f 戒-fe 变为 v, 再加 es 。


● 重点语法

定义:反身代词指代的某人自己,动作的实施者和承受者都必须为同一人,或同一批人。 ●


? enjoy oneself 玩得高兴 ? by oneself 独自地

? teach oneself 自学(=learn sth. by oneself ) ?

help oneself to



make oneself at home 别拘束,把这当自己家 ?

come to oneself



1. 分类:

in 在…里面

see sb. / sth. doing

see sb. / sth. do


丌强调该动作正在进行 think of think about 想起,记起,想出 思考,考虑

I thought of a good idea. 我想到了个好主意。 My parents are thinking about buying a house. 我爸妈在考虑买套房子。

Think it over, and you will get the right answer. 仔细考虑一下,你会得到正确答案的。

think over


on 在…上面(有接触面)

under 在…正下方(没有接触面)

beneath 在…的下方(有接触面)

over 高于…, 在…正上方(没有接触面)●

in front of 在…的前面(外部的前面)

in the front of 在…的前面(内部的前面)●

behind 在…的后面(外部的后面)

at the back of 在…的后面(内部的后面)●●

next to 在…的旁边

across 越过,跨过

through 穿过

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