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新时代交互英语读写译(第四版)第三册网络学习level test 截图版答案(全)

新时代交互英语读写译(第四版)第三册网络学习level  test 截图版答案(全)
新时代交互英语读写译(第四版)第三册网络学习level  test 截图版答案(全)





4.In addition



7.take place


9.ready for



12.away from





17.In turn






新时代交互英语读写译课文翻译- 哈佛学子的成功之道 1 许多不同类型的自助书籍都给读者提出建议,帮助他们培养一定的技能、目标和态度,以获得成功,并拥有一种健康的生活方式。现在,在采访了 1600 名大学生后,马萨诸塞州波士顿市哈佛大学的研究者们找到了促成哈佛学子学业成功、让他们产生满足感的因素。 2 他们的重要发现让哈佛大学做出了改变其策略的决定,这些变化包括:给学生布且更多的小组作业以及在下午安排课程。目的是为了鼓励学生吃晚餐时可以继续讨论他们的课程。 3 研究者们是如何获得他们所需的信息的呢?首先,他们提出很多问题,涉及学生的课余活动、教学质量和指导质量等方方面面。研究者们通过寻找规律来找出某些课程有用的原因。他们询问学生的感受----对自己所学的东西是否感到高兴、满意或兴奋,然后把得到的答案与学生们在学业方面的成功进行比较。这些问题旨在找出是什么让学生高兴,又是什么在帮助他们学习。 4 以下是他们通过调查研究所提出的建议: (1) 了解任课教师。学生每个学期都要听四到五个教师的课。至少要熟悉其中的一位教师并且也要让他们认识你,这样会有使你感到和学校联系在一起。另一个重要的忠告是:向任课教师请教有关课程学习的建议。问一些有关你要做什么才能得到提高的具体问题。例如,像“怎样才能使我第一段的论证更有效?”这样的问题能让你获得所需的建议。研究表明,大多数寻求帮助的学生都能提高他们的成绩,而那些没有寻求帮助的学生则成绩不好或者不及格。 (2)分小组学习。做作业很重要,但是仅仅如此是不够的。为了真正理解学习内容,在学习之余最好和两三个同学组成学习小组,和他们一起完成作业。能这样做的同学会更好地理解学习内容。他们会觉得与课堂的联系更紧密,从而更积极地参与课堂学习。 (3) 留出足够的时间去做好一件事情。在这次哈佛大学的研究中,学习好的学生比学习不好的学生在学习上花的时间更多。学习好的学生可以不间断地学习两到三个小时,而学习不太好的学生一次只学习、二、三十分钟,往往在一天的某些特定时段学习,如晚费前载体育运动后。几乎没有多少学生能意识到抓有不间断的学习时间的必要性。 (4)参加一项活动。你也许认识不到加入一个俱乐部或加入一个团队的重要性,但这恰恰是很重要的。要参加体育俱乐部,你不必是一名优秀的运动员。没有运动天赋的学生可以在体育俱乐部里给教练帮帮忙,尽自己的一份力,比如在比赛或训练期间给队员准备水瓶或切好橙子给他们吃。 学生只要参加了一 项活动,哪怕参与的方式是微不足道的,他们也会以更积极的心态去面对他们的学业。


新时代交互英语读写译课文翻译- 哈佛学子的成功之道 1 许多不同类型的自助书籍都给读者提出建议,帮助他们培养一定的技能、目标和态度,以获得成功,并拥有一种健康的生活方式。现在,在采访了1600 名大学生后,马萨诸塞州波士顿市哈佛大学的研究者们找到了促成哈佛学子学业成功、让他们产生满足感的因素。 2 他们的重要发现让哈佛大学做出了改变其策略的决定,这些变化包括:给学生布且更多的小组作业以及在下午安排课程。目的是为了鼓励学生吃晚餐时可以继续讨论他们的课程。 3 研究者们是如何获得他们所需的信息的呢?首先,他们提出很多问题,涉及学生的课余活动、教学质量和指导质量等方方面面。研究者们通过寻找规律来找出某些课程有用的原因。他们询问学生的感受----对自己所学的东西是否感到高兴、满意或兴奋,然后把得到的答案与学生们在学业方面的成功进行比较。这些问题旨在找出是什么让学生高兴,又是什么在帮助他们学习。 4 以下是他们通过调查研究所提出的建议: (1) 了解任课教师。学生每个学期都要听四到五个教师的课。至少要熟悉其中的一位教师并且也要让他们认识你,这样会有使你感到和学校联系在一起。另一个重要的忠告是:向任课教师请教有关课程学习的建议。问一些有关你要做什么才能得到提高的具体问题。例如,像“怎样才能使我第一段的论证更有效?”这样的问题能让你获得所需的建议。研究表明,大多数寻求帮助的学生都能提高他们的成绩,而那些没有寻求帮助的学生则成绩不好或者不及格。 (2)分小组学习。做作业很重要,但是仅仅如此是不够的。为了真正理解学习内容,在学习之余最好和两三个同学组成学习小组,和他们一起完成作业。能这样做的同学会更好地理解学习内容。他们会觉得与课堂的联系更紧密,从而更积极地参与课堂学习。(3) 留出足够的时间去做好一件事情。在这次哈佛大学的研究中,学习好的学生比学习不好的学生在学习上花的时间更多。学习好的学生可以不间断地学习两到三个小时,而学习不太好的学生一次只学习、二、三十分钟,往往在一天的某些特定时段学习,如晚费前载体育运动后。几乎没有多少学生能意识到抓有不间断的学习时间的必要性。(4)参加一项活动。你也许认识不到加入一个俱乐部或加入一个团队的重要性,但这恰恰是很重要的。要参加体育俱乐部,你不必是一名优秀的运动员。没有运动天赋的学生可以在体育俱乐部里给教练帮帮忙,尽自己的一份力,比如在比赛或训练期间给队员准备水瓶或切好橙子给他们吃。 学生只要参加了一 项活动,哪怕参与的方式是微不足道的,他们也会以更积极的心态去面对他们的学业。 5 安排好你的时间,这可以帮助你在学习上取得成功;制定好一个计划并严格执行,你就能从中获得乐趣并与班上的同学相处愉快。留够时间,学个彻底,玩个痛快,你就


Unit1奔向更加光明的未来 1 下午好!作为校长,我非常自豪地欢迎你们来到这所大学。你们所取得的成就是你们自己多年努力的结果,也是你们的父母和老师们多年努力的结果。在这所大学里,我们承诺 将使你们学有所成。 2 在欢迎你们到来的这一刻,我想起自己高中毕业时的情景,还有妈妈为我和爸爸拍的合影。妈妈吩咐我们:“姿势自然点。” “等一等 , ”爸爸说,“把我递给他闹钟的情景拍下来。” 在大学期间,那个闹钟每天早晨叫醒我。至今它还放在我办公室的桌子上。 3 让我来告诉你们, 一些你们未必预料得到的事情。你们将会怀念以前的生活习惯,怀念父母曾经提醒你们要刻苦学习、取得佳绩。你们可能因为高中生活终于结束而喜极而泣,你 们的父母也可能因为终于不用再给你们洗衣服而喜极而泣!但是要记住:未来是建立在过 去扎实的基础上的。 4 对你们而言,接下来的四年将会是无与伦比的一段时光。在这里,你们拥有丰富的资源:有来自全国各地的有趣的学生,有学识渊博又充满爱心的老师,有综合性图书馆,有完备的运动设施,还有针对不同兴趣的学生社团——从文科社团到理科社团、到社区服务等等。你们将自由地探索、学习新科目。你们要学着习惯点灯熬油,学着结交充满魅力的人,学着 去追求新的爱好。我想鼓励你们充分利用这一特殊的经历,并用你们的干劲和热情去收获 这一机会所带来的丰硕成果。 5 有这么多课程可供选择,你可能会不知所措。你不可能选修所有的课程,但是要尽可能 体验更多的课程!大学里有很多事情可做可学,每件事情都会为你提供不同视角来审视世 界。如果我只能给你们一条选课建议的话,那就是:挑战自己!不要认为你早就了解自己对什么样的领域最感兴趣。选择一些你从未接触过的领域的课程。这样,你不仅会变得更加博学,而且更有可能发现一个你未曾想到的、能成就你未来的爱好。一个绝佳的例子就是时装设计师王薇薇,她最初学的是艺术史。随着时间的推移,王薇薇把艺术史研究和对时装的热爱结合起来,并将其转化为对设计的热情,从而使她成为全球闻名的设计师。 6 在大学里,一下子拥有这么多新鲜体验可能不会总是令人愉快的。在你的宿舍楼里,住在你 隔壁寝室的同学可能会反复播放同一首歌,令你头痛欲裂!你可能喜欢早起,而你的室友 却是个夜猫子!尽管如此,你和你的室友仍然可能成为最要好的朋友。如果有些新的经历让你感觉不那么舒心,不要担心。我保证快乐的经历会多于不快的经历。而且我保证几乎所有这些经历都会给你带来宝贵的经验教训,从而使你的生活更加丰富多彩。所以,带着热切的目光和欢乐的心情,勇敢向前去拥抱这些新的体验吧! 7 我们相信,你们的自我发现之旅和对爱好的寻求带给你们的将不仅仅是个人的进步。我们相信,当你们成为我们的学者群体中的一员时,你们很快就会认识到,大学不仅提供大量自我充实的机会,同时也带来了责任。一位智者说过:“教育代代相传,它就是社会的灵魂。”你们是你们家庭辛勤劳动成果的传承者,也是无数前辈辛勤劳动成果的传承者。他们积累了知识,并把知识传递给你们,而这些知识正是你们取得成功所必需的。现在轮到你们了。你们会获取什么样的知识?你们会发现什么样的兴趣爱好?你们怎样做才能为你们的子孙后代创造一个强大昌盛的未来? 8 我们很高兴能为你们人生旅途中这一重大阶段开启大门。我们很高兴你们将获得许多机会,也很高兴你们将作为社区、国家乃至世界的公民承担起应有的责任。欢迎你们!


Unit 1 1学习外语是我一生中最艰苦也是最有意义的经历之一。虽然时常遭遇挫折,但却非常有价值。 2我学外语的经历始于初中的第一堂英语课。老师很慈祥耐心,时常表扬学生。由于这种积极的教学方法,我踊跃回答各种问题,从不怕答错。两年中,我的成绩一直名列前茅。 3到了高中后,我渴望继续学习英语。然而,高中时的经历与以前大不相同。以前,老师对所有的学生都很耐心,而新老师则总是惩罚答错的学生。每当有谁回答错了,她就会用长教鞭指着我们,上下挥舞大喊:“错!错!错!”没有多久,我便不再渴望回答问题了。我不仅失去了回答问题的乐趣,而且根本就不想再用英语说半个字。 4好在这种情况没持续多久。到了大学,我了解到所有学生必须上英语课。与高中老师不。大学英语老师非常耐心和蔼,而且从来不带教鞭!不过情况却远不尽如人意。由于班大,每堂课能轮到我回答的问题寥寥无几。上了几周课后,我还发现许多同学的英语说得比我要好得多。我开始产生一种畏惧感。虽然原因与高中时不同,但我却又一次不敢开口了。看来我的英语水平要永远停步不前了。 5直到几年后我有机会参加远程英语课程,情况才有所改善。这种课程的媒介是一台电脑、一条电话线和一个调制解调器。我很快配齐了必要的设备并跟一个朋友学会了电脑操作技术,于是我每周用5到7天在网上的虚拟课堂里学习英语。 6网上学习并不比普通的课堂学习容易。它需要花许多的时间,需要学习者专心自律,以跟上课程进度。我尽力达到课程的最低要求,并按时完成作业。 7我随时随地都在学习。不管去哪里,我都随身携带一本袖珍字典和笔记本,笔记本上记着我遇到的生词。我学习中出过许多错,有时是令人尴尬的错误。有时我会因挫折而哭泣,有时甚至想放弃。但我从未因别的同学英语说得比我快而感到畏惧,因为在电脑屏幕上作出回答之前,我可以根据自己的需要花时间去琢磨自己的想法。突然有一天我发现自己什么都懂了,更重要的是,我说起英语来灵活自如。尽管我还是常常出错,还有很多东西要学,但我已尝到了刻苦学习的甜头。 8学习外语对我来说是非常艰辛的经历,但它又无比珍贵。它不仅使我懂得了艰苦努力的意义,而且让我了解了不同的文化,让我以一种全新的思维去看待事物。学习一门外语最令人兴奋的收获是我能与更多的人交流。与人交谈是我最喜欢的一项活动,新的语言使我能与陌生人交往,参与他们的谈话,并建立新的难以忘怀的友谊。由于我已能说英语,别人讲英语时我不再茫然不解了。我能够参与其中,并结交朋友。我能与人交流,并能够弥合我所说的语言和所处的文化与他们的语言和文化之间的鸿沟。 III. 1. rewarding 2. communicate 3. access 4. embarrassing 5. positive 6. commitment 7. virtual 8. benefits 9. minimum 10. opportunities IV. 1. up 2. into 3. from 4. with 5. to 6. up 7. of 8. in 9. for 10.with V. 1.G 2.B 3.E 4.I 5.H 6.K 7.M 8.O 9.F 10.C Sentence Structure VI. 1. Universities in the east are better equipped, while those in the west are relatively poor. 2. Allan Clark kept talking the price up, while Wilkinson kept knocking it down. 3. The husband spent all his money drinking, while his wife saved all hers for the family. 4. Some guests spoke pleasantly and behaved politely, while others wee insulting and impolite. 5. Outwardly Sara was friendly towards all those concerned, while inwardly she was angry. VII. 1. Not only did Mr. Smith learn the Chinese language, but he also bridged the gap between his culture and ours. 2. Not only did we learn the technology through the online course, but we also learned to communicate with friends in English. 3. Not only did we lose all our money, but we also came close to losing our lives.


Unit 1 College Life Language study of Reading1: Harvard University’s Habits for Success. ①Many different types of self-help books advise the reader to develop the skills, goals, and attitudes that will both promote success and provide for a healthy lifestyle. [= Through self-help books, a reader can learn how to become successful and prepare for a healthy way of living by developing the skills, goals and attitudes. ] 许多不同类型的自助书籍都给读者提出建议,帮助他们培养一定的技能、目标和态度,以获得成功,并拥有一种健康的生活方式。 develop v. 1) to grow or change into something bigger, stronger, or more advanced, or to make someone or something do this [ advance]发展Chicago developed into a big city in the late 1800s. 2)to design or make a new idea, product, system etc over a period of time 发明,设计 Scientists are developing new drugs to treat arthritis关节炎. 3)to start to have a feeling or quality that then becomes stronger: 逐渐产生 The children are beginning to develop a sense of responsibility. 孩子们逐渐产生了一种责任感。 develop a sense of…/develop a awareness of产生一种…意识 It was in college that he developed a taste for (=started to like) rugby football.在大学的时候他开始喜欢上了橄榄球。 4)if you develop a skill or ability, or if it develops, it becomes stronger or more advanced: 进步,提高 The course is designed to help students develop their speaking skills.这门课是为了提高学生演讲能力而设计的。promote v. 1) To help in the growth or development of 促进,推动,增进 e.g. promote foreign trade 促进对外贸易 e.g. Milk can promote health. 牛奶可以增进健康 2) To give (someone) a higher position or rank 提升,晋升(某人) e.g. The instructor was promoted to professor. 那位讲师升为教授。(to 后表示地位之名词不加冠词 3)To bring (goods) to public notice in order to encourage people to buy 推销/促销(货物)promote a new product; promoter:(事业)推动者,赞助人,(公司)创立者 promotion:晋级,促进;促销get/be given a promotion provide for 1) to make the necessary future arrangements for 为…做好准备 It is highly important to provide for the future.预先做好准备非常重要。 2)to support; supply with the things necessary for life供养,抚养 He had to provide for five children.他要供养五个孩子。 3)provide sb. With sth / provide sth for sb. lifestyle n. 生活方式;lifework 一生的事业 Lifetime: the chance of a lifetime;in one’s lifetime; lifetime employment 终生雇佣 ②contribute (to)v. 1)to help in causing a situation, event, or condition起促成作用,有助于,成为(---的)原因 e.g.A proper amount of exercise contributes to good health. Various factors contributed to his downfall.各种因素导致了他的垮台 2) to join with others in giving (money, help, etc) 捐献;捐助;贡献出;提供(时间,精力等) e.g. He contributed a lot of money to the charity. e.g. She contributed many good ideas to the discussion. Contribution n. make great contributions to --- ③tip n. 1) a helpful piece of advice 小建议,小窍门,劝告,告诫 Take my tip and keep well away from that place. The manual手册,指南is full of useful tips. 2) a small amount of money given as a gift, usually in addition to the official price, for a small service performed 小费Shall I leave a tip for the waiter? 3) the usually pointed end of something (某物的)尖端 a town at the southern tip of India on/at the tip of one's tongue: not quite able to be remembered 就在嘴边,但记不起来了 Now what's her name? It's on the tip of my tongue. the tip of the iceberg: a small sign of a much larger situation, problem, etc.冰山一角;重大情况(问题等)露出表面的极小一部分;The official statistics on drug addiction are only the tip of the iceberg; the real figure may well be much higher. ④specific adj. 1) detailed and exact; clear in meaning or explanation 明确的,具体的e.g. He came here for a specific aim. 2) particular;fixed, determined, or named 特定的,一定的,(至于名词前) e.g. a specific sum of money 一定金额 3) limited to;found only in 仅限于----的;特有的;固有的 e.g. This disease is specific to horses. ⑤effective adj.


Unit 1 Script 1 Talia: It's all so incredible, Mom. I’m working on a story about one of the national soccer players, Nick Crawford… No, that's the thing. He knows that one of his teammates has framed him. And I believe he's innocent. Talia: Look, Mom, I have to go. I’II call you tomorrow, OK? Bye. Yes, yes, me, too. Bye.Nick:Hi.I came as soon as I could.What’s up? Talia:I’ve been thinking about this all day…. Now tell me, again:When and how did you meet this Jackie Baker woman? Nick:I’ve already told you.She came up to me at the juice bar.We set up a meeting.Talia:Right.At her office.Except you never went up to her office.Nick:Right, so she meets me in the lobby, we shake hands , and she takes me to lunch.Talia:Yes, to a little place around the corner, as I recaII. Nick:Right. And then she asks me to endorse a new pair of shoes. Talia:Yeah. You told me they’re called Kicks. Nick:Right. And she explains that I’ll have to wear the shoes when I play. And the company will use my name in the ads. Talia:OK. Can you think of anything else? Nick:Well, we did talk about an idea for a Kicks commercial. Talia:A commercial? What commercial? Nick:I told you about that, didn’t l? They wanted me to be in a commercial. Script 2 Talia:Hang on a second. You never said anything about a commercial. I wanna hear more about this. Don’t leave out any details. This could be important.Nick:OK. So, over lunch she describes the deal… Jackie:So,you’ll wear our shoes when you play. And we’ll use y our name in ads. Do that and fifty thousand dollars is yours. Nick:Sounds good. And this will be sometime next year? Jackie:Uh, yeah, that’s right. We can work out the details later for this, but we’ll probably want you to appear in a commercial.i Nick:Cool! Jackie:In fact. I'm working on an idea for a commercial right now. Do you wanna hear about it? Nick:Sure. Jackie:OK. Picture this. You’re sitting in a park. On a bench. It’s a beautiful spring day. Nick:So far, So good. Jackie:OK. A young kid comes up to you and says, ―Hey! Aren’t you Nick Crawford, the soccer star?‖ Nick:Uh—huh. Jackie:And you say, ―That’s me. ‖Or something like that. Nick:Right.


第一单元 注:第一单元当时做的时候没有留截图,大家做的时候一定要认真,否则分数就很低,后面就没什么问题了,谢谢! (1)overt factor ethnic boundary marker cultural trait primary indicator more or less as we mentioned earlier physical characteristic in long association with one another personal adornment in the not-too-distant past (2)distinct has transcended overt complex ethnic conversely sufficient demonstrates correspond has been granted (3)assimilating physical characteristic however loose-fitting blouse non-native American women (4)distinguish appearance share former Conversely encompass ethnic cases difference impossible relocation globalization identity costume remote (5)A Native American woman often wears a huipil,aloose-fitting blouse that slips over the head,which is a symbol to distinguish ethnicity. Because they serve to distingush menbers from all other groups,a single boundary markerseldom is sufficient. But in many cases, religion and ethnic group more or less correspond. The Jews may be categorized


新视野大学英语读写教程第二版第一册翻译题汇总 汉译英 UNIT ONE 1、对于网络课程,学生不仅可以选择何时何地学习,在回答问题之前他们还可以有时间思考答案。 Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply. 2、网上学习的想法使她非常兴奋,而他认为网上学习毫无意义和用处。(while) She is excited by the idea of online learning while he considers it meaningless and useless. 3、与以英语为母语的人交流是非常有益的体验,从中我们能学到许多东西。(communicate with) Communicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot. 4、如今,越来越多的人可以利用互联网查找他们需要的信息。(have access to) Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need. 5、他要她放弃工作在家照顾孩子,但她觉得这个要求太过分了。(give up) He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is too much for her. 6、既然我们已经学完这门课程,就应该多做些复习。(now that) Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work. UNIT TWO 1. 当她要关掉音乐时,她父亲冲进她的房间,朝着她喊道:“难道你就不能把音乐关小一点?” (Use “as” clause to introduce an action happening at the same time) As she was about to turn off the music, her father burst into he room and shouted at her, “Can’t you turn down the music a little bit?” 2、酒吧的老板一直在看那个姑娘跳舞,一面却装作没有看。(Use “While + doing” structure) The owner of the bar kept watching the girl dancing while pretending not to. 3、桑迪如此喜欢摇滚音乐以致不顾父亲的反对而将音量放大。(appeal to) Rock music appealed to Sandy so much that she turned it up, paying no attention to her father’s objection. 4、像往常一样,当他的父母不喜欢他的衣着时,便开始唠叨他。(as usual) As usual, when his parents don’t like what he wears, they start bugging him. 5、在会上,他们讨论了如何保持师生间的沟通渠道畅通。(keep … open) At the meeting they discussed how to keep the lines of communication open between teachers and students. 6、一想到这些年幼的男孩和女孩被父母强迫沿街讨钱我就生气。(make one’s blood boil) It makes my blood boil to think of these young boys and girls who are forced by their parents to beg for money along the streets. UNIT THREE 1、即使报酬并不优厚,我还是决定接受那个新职位。(even though) I have decided to accept the new post, even though the job is not very well paid. 2、这项工作在实际开始之前,一直被认为是十分简单的。(until + non-finite clause) The job has been taken to be very simple until (it is) actually started. 3、既然你计划移居加拿大,你就必须努力适应冬季的严寒天气。(now that, adjust to) Now that you are planning to move to Canada, you must try to adjust to cold weather in winter. 4、他承诺帮助我们买下那幢房子,但有点勉强。(with reluctance) He promised to help us to buy the house, but with a little reluctance.


Unit 1 移民的挑战 人们远离家乡侨居国外的原因很多。对有些人来说,是出于经济上的考虑。他们觉得在别的地方会有更多赚钱机会。对另一些人来说,是出于冒险,想尝试别样的生活。还有一些人移居国外是因为他们认为那儿的价值观与他们的理想比较吻合。 那些出于经济原因移民的人常被误导。他们可能听说过无数发财致富的故事,但事实绝非如此简单。要果真如此,他们要去的那个国家的人早就赚了上百万了。移民到国外的人通常要辛苦工作,可能要比在本国辛苦得多。 有时候,人们对该不该移民基本没有多少主动权。例如在爱尔兰饥荒期间,数百万的爱尔兰人把移民看成是去国外(生存)还是在家里等死的选择。大部分人一路艰辛,冒着危险来到美国,干着最脏的活,拿着比其他美国人低得多的工资。移民遭受的此类歧视和亏待在历史上早已司空见惯了。 而且,许多移民发现他们手艺不被认可。许多越南或巴基斯坦的医生、律师、工程师发现一旦离开祖国,他们的资历就一钱不值。他们达不到移民国家设定的标准。结果,他们就干起了打扫办公室地板、晚上守夜值班的活。而他们在移民前有可能就是在这样的办公室工作。这种二等公民的感觉既屈辱又让人压抑。 还有一些人可能发现他们的语言能力使得他们既不好找工作又不被社会认可。那些出于冒险而移居国外的人不在乎这一点,但学一门新的语言要占用他们为过上好生活而挣钱的时间。我们常常见到,移居到多元文化国家里的移民们找不到自己的位置,而最终总是在自己老乡圈里活动,并为充分抓住新的机会。 人们可能因为不喜欢自己国家的条件而决定离开。在美国对越作战期间,数以万计的美国年轻人离开美国去加拿大,以逃避去为一场毫无意义的战争当炮灰。这些人与他们的朋友、家人切断联系,不能回归祖国。 人们移民总是期望为孩子们营造更好的将来,过上更好的生活。但情形往往是父母做出的牺牲并没有得到子女的回报,因为他们在父母的娇宠中长大成人,不懂得惜哺双亲。 但是,人们仍然克服重重困难移民,尤其是去那些经济增长快的国家,如澳大利亚、加拿大和美国。这些国家历史不长,但正是靠那些为逃避祖国的灾荒或战乱而背井离乡的一批批农民、工人和商人建设起来的。其中少数的移民,通过一两代人的努力,实现


UNIT1 12/12 1、Hi, my name is Emily. And the reason I took this class is because I sort of thought it might help me with my public speaking.I'm kind of nervous when it comes to speaking in front of crowds. And I thought maybe a drama class would help me get more comfortable in front of a lot of people. I'm pretty uncomfortable right now because this is really my very first time speaking in front of a lot of people. But I thought I'm going to take the class, and then maybe, if I really get brave I might even try out for maybe a play, or [or] a musical ...I'm not a very good singer, [but] but I maybe would be a good actor. And, I think if I take the class, and maybe play some theater games and learn some lines and practice some scenes that maybe, maybe I would become good. 1B/5


Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most <2>rewarding experiences of my life. Although at times learning a language was <3>frustrating, it was well worth the effort. My experience with learning a foreign language began in <4>junior middle school, when I took my first English class. I had a kind and patient teacher who often praised all of the students. Because of this <5>positive method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never worrying much about making mistakes. I was at the top of my class for two years. When I went to <6>senior middle school, I was eager to continue studying English; however, my experience in senior middle school was very different from before. While my <7>former teacher had been patient with all of the students, my new teacher quickly punished those who gave incorrect answers. Whenever we answered incorrectly, she pointed a long stick at us and, shaking it up and down, shouted, "No! No! No!" It didn't take me long to lose my eagerness to answer questions. Not only did I lose my joy in answering questions, but I also lost my desire to say anything at all in English. However, that state didn't last long. When I went to college, I learned that all students were required to take an English course. <8>Unlike my senior middle school teacher, my college English teachers were patient and kind, and none of them carried long, pointed sticks! The situation was far from perfect, though. As our classes were very large, I was only able to answer a couple of questions in each class period. Also, after a few weeks of classes, I noticed there were many students who spoke much better than I did. I began to feel <9>intimidated. So, once again, although for different reasons, I was afraid to speak. It seemed my English was going to stay at the same level forever. That was the situation until a couple of years later when I was offered an <10>opportunity to study English through an <11>online course. The <12>communication <13>medium was a computer, a phone line, and a <14>modem. I soon got <15>access to the necessary equipment, learned how to use the technology from a friend and <16>participated in the <17>virtual classroom 5 to 7 days a week. Online learning is not easier than regular classroom study; it requires a lot of time, <18>commitment and <19>discipline to keep up with the flow of the course.

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