当前位置:文档之家› 高考数词练习及答案解析







1. 基数词hundred, thousand, million等表示确切数目时,其词尾不能加-s,其前面可用数词

或several, some等修饰;当表示笼统数目时,其词尾要加-s,可跟of连用,其前不能用数词,但可以用several, some等修饰。


________ people in the world are sending information by e-mail every day.

A. Several million

B. Many millions

C. Several millions

D. Many million

【解析】million前可用several修饰,此时其后不能加-s, many不能修饰million。表达"几百万"也可用millions of。答案为A。

2. dozen和score的用法要注意以下几点:

1) dozen与数词或many, several等连用时,不加-s,所修饰的名词前常省去of。如two (many, several) dozen pencils。但是,在a dozen of these / those people, two dozen of them等短语中应加of,这是习惯用法。

2) two score of people中应加of,但在three score and ten people(70人)中,不加of。

3) 表示"几十;许多"时,可使用dozens of; scores of形式。


Mr. Smith ________ me to buy several ________eggs for the dinner party.

A. asked; dozen

B. suggested; dozens of

C. had; dozen

D. persuaded; dozens

【解析】dozen前有具体数字或some, several等修饰时要用单数形式;have作使役动词时,应该用省略to的动词不定式作宾补。答案为A。

3. 注意年龄、年代的表达法。表达"在某人几十岁时"用"in one's +逢十的基数词复数";表达"在几十年代"时,用"in the +逢十的基数词复数"。


It is not rare in ________that people in ________ fifties are going to university for further education.

A. 90s; the

B. the 90s; /

C. 90s; their

D. the 90s; their

【解析】根据题意,第一空应表示"年代"; 第二空表示"在50多岁的时候"。答案为D。


序数词一般由基数词+th构成。以y结尾的基数词构成序数词时,先把y变为i,再加eth。如twentieth; fiftieth。常用的不规则的序数词有:first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth。序数词前通常要加定冠词the,但序数词不表示顺序而表示"再一;又一"时,前面要用不定冠词a(an)。


The cakes are delicious. He'd like to have ________ third one because ________ second one is rather too small.

A. a; a

B. the; the

C. a; the

D. the; a





________ of the land in that district________ covered with trees and grass.

A. Two fifth; is

B. Two fifth; are

C. Two fifths; is

D. Two fifths; are

【解析】"五分之二"应为"two fifths";land是不可数名词,谓语动词应使用单数形式。答案为C。



1. A is three / four...times the size / height / length / width...of B.

2. A is three / four...times as big / high / long / wide...as B.

3. A is three / four...times bigger / higher / longer / wider...than B.



It is reported that the United States uses ________ energy as the whole of Europe.

A. as twice

B. twice much

C. twice much as

D. twice as much


1.---What time is it now?

---It is

A. eleven and thirty B.eleven thirty

C. thirty eleven D.eleven—thirty

解析:考查英语中时间的表达方法。在英语中,时间用基数词表示,先读―时‖,再读―分‖,11:30读作eleven thirty,还可以表示为half past eleven。


2.She has been skating for.

A.three and a half years B.three and half a year

B.C.three and a half year D.three years and half

解析:考查―三年半‖,表达方法。―三年半‖有两种表达方法:three and a half years或three years and a half,故选项A正确。


3.I have to write a ______ composition every other week.

A. six-hundred-words B.six-hundreds—words

C. six-hundreds—word D.six-hundred—word



4.The hall can hold people.

A. five hundred and fifty five

B.five hundred fifty-five

C.five hundred and fifty-five

D.five hundreds and fifty five




5.There are eight classes in our grade.I'm in ______ .

A. Grade Three,Class Two

B. Class Two,Grade Three

C. grade three,class two D.class two,grade three



6.1990s is read.n English as______ .

A. twenty ninth B.twenty ninths

C. nineteen nineties D.nineteen ninety



7.We are going to learn ______ next week.

A.Lesson Four B.Lesson Fourth

C.Fourth Lesson Fourth D.the Lesson



8.He left his hometown .

A.when he thirties B.in the thirties

C. in his thirties D.at thirties

解析:考查基数词复数形式的特殊用法。根据句意―他三十多岁时离开了家乡‖,不具体说明―几十几岁‖时用整―十‖的基数词的复数形式表示,所以―他三十多岁时‖用in his thirties 表示。


9.The number 2548 is read as .

A.two thousands and five hundreds and forty and eight

B. two thousand, five hundred and forty-eight

A.two thousand, five hundreds, forty eight

B.five hundred and five hundred and forty-eight

解析:考查―千‖以内数字的读法。基数词加thousand ,hundred 分别―几千‖、―几百‖,先读―千位‖,再读―百位‖它们之间一般用逗号分开;然后加and ,最后加―几十几‖。


10.Every four years, people watch the Olympic Games.

A . million of B. millions of

C. tow millions

D. tow millions of

解析:考查数词名词化的用法。数词当名词用时,其后跟―of 短语‖,这时数词加―s‖不表示具确切的数字而表示多的概念,millions of 意为―数百万‖。

11.Countries like Italy, Spain and Argentina have strong football traditions and fans.

A. hundred of ; thousand of

B. several hundreds of ; several thousands of

C. several hundreds ; several thousands

D. hundreds of ; thousands of

解析:考查数词用作名词的用法。hundreds of 意为―数百‖,thousands of 意为―成千上万‖,hundred 各thousand 用复数形式,但前面不加数量词,B正确。


12.Some champions,like the golfer Tiger Woods,make______ a year.

A.billions dollars B.billions of dollars

C.billion dollars D. billions of dollar

解析:考查billions of修饰名词时的规则。billions of意思是―上亿‖、―数亿‖,不表明具体:数量,它后面的名词用复数形式。


13.---How can I get to the Summer Palace?

---______ will take you there.

A.332 No. Bus B.No.332 Bus C. Bus No.332 D.Bus 332 No.

解析:考查基数词与名词连用的方法。―332路公共汽车‖作为专有名词时要倒装且大写,即Bus No.332,也可写成the No.332 Bus,所以选项C正确。


14.Outside people were selling dolls for more than______ the price.

A. five time B.five times

C. the fifth time D.fifth times

解析:考查―倍数‖的表达方法。time当―时间‖讲时为不可数名词;times作―倍数‖讲时是可数名词,表示―多少倍‖用―基数词+ times"。根据句意―外面的人们正在以高出原来五倍的价格出售玩具‖可知,选项B正确。


15.birthday I got a new watch.

A. In my ten B.On my ten C. In my tenth D.On mytenth

解析:考查序数词及表示时间的介词的用法。―第几个生日‖要用序数词表示。另外,在―某一天‖用介词on,所以―在我第十个生日那天‖是on my tenth birthday。


16. ---When is your birthday,Jeff?

---My birthday.is______ .

A. January the thirtieth

B. January thirty

C. Thirty of January D.Thirtieth of January




17.In our class of the students ______ girls.

A. three-fifth;are

B. three—fifth;is

C. three-fifths;are D.three-fifths;is



18.The People's Republic of China was founded .

A. on October the first,1949

B. in October the first,1949

C.on 1949 October one D. in October one,1949



19. In 1850.about was covered by forest in the USA.

A. third B.the third C. a third D.a thirds

解析:考查分数的读法。―三分之一‖可以读成one-third或a third,因为分子是―一‖,所以分母不必加―s‖,因此选择C。


20. of the workers in this factory is about three hundred.______ of them are women workers.

A.A number;Three-fourth

B. The number;Three quarters

C.A number;Three-fourths D. The number;Three-fours

解析:考查分数的表达方法及the number of与a number of的区别。the number of指―……的数量‖,它做主语时谓语动词用单数形式;a number of意思是―许多‖、―若干‖,它做主语时谓语动词用复数形式。―四分之三‖有两种表达法:three-fourths或three quarters。由此可见,选项B正确。


21. I think that the______ century will bring us more hopes.

A.twenty-one B. twentieth-one

C. twentieth-first

D. twenty-first



22.My little brother was born in .

A.nineteen eighty-five B.one nine eight five

C.nineteen eighty five D.nineteen eighty-fifth

解析:考查年代的读法。读年代时要用基数词,前两位放在一起连读,后两位放在一起连读。如1 874年,读作eighteen seventy-four。


23. There are months in a year,______ month is February.

A.twelve;two B.twelve;second

C. twelve;the second

D. twelfth;the second



24.I live in a tall building and I live floor.

A.in twelfth B.on the twelfth

C.in twelve D.on the twelve


25.books must be produced for the young.

A. Many thousands of

B. Much thousand

C. Many thousand of

D. Thousand of

解析:考查数词名词化的短语的用法。thousands of意思是―成千上万‖,它前面还可以加一些修饰语,如many,some等,故本题选A项。



1. We are going to learn ____ next week. 【1982】

A. Lesson Twelve

B. Lesson Twelfth

C. Twelfth Lesson

D. The Lesson Twelfth

2. About ____ of the workers in that steel works are young people. 【1983】

A. third-fifths

B. three-fifths

C. three-fives

D. three-fifth

3. The farmer has raised ____ of ____ of ____ on his farm. 【1985】

A. hundred; head; cattle

B. hundreds; head; cattle

C. hundred; heads; cattle

D. hundreds; heads; cattles

4. Two ____ died of cold last winter. 【1988】

A. hundreds old people

B. hundred old people

C. hundreds old peoples

D. hundred old peoples

5. The hero of the story is an artist in his ____ . 【1991】

A. thirtieth

B. thirty

C. thirty's

D. thirties

6. Shortly after the accident,two ____ police were sent to the spot to keep order. 【1992】

A. dozen of

B. dozens

C. dozen

D. dozens of

7. He did it ____ it took me. 【京2003】

A. one-third a time

B. one-third time

C. the one-third time

D. one-third the time

8 With the help of the German experts, the factory produced ________ cars in 1993 as the year

before.( 1994上海)

A. as twice many

B. as many as twice.

C. as twice as many

D. twice as many

9. Mr. Smith _______ me to buy several _________ eggs for the dinner. (1994上海)

A. asked, dozen.

B. suggested, dozens of.

C. had, dozen.

D. persuaded, dozens

10. Paper produced every year is ______ the world’s production of vehicles.(1998上海)

A. the three times weight of

B. three times the weight of

C. as three times heavy as

D. three times as heavier as

11. It is not rare in_________ that people in ______ fifties are going to university for further


A. 90s, the

B. the 90s, /

C. 90s, their

D. the 90s, their

12. _________of the land in that district _______ covered with trees and grass.( 2000上海)

A. Two fifth, is

B. Two fifth, are

C. Two fifths, is

D. Two fifths, are

13. As a result of destroying the forests, a large ________ of desert ________ covered the land.


A. number, has

B. quantity, has

C. number, have

D. quantity, have

14. ________ people in the world are sending information by E-mail every day. (2001上海)

A. Several million

B. Many millions

C. Several millions

D. Many million

15. Americans eat ______ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910. (2002上海春)

A. more than twice

B. as twice as many

C. twice as many as

D. more than twice as many

16. Many students signed up for the ______ race in the sports meeting to be held next


A.800-meter-long B.800-meters-long C.800 meter length D.800 meters length

17. He did it ____ it took me. (2003北京)

A. one-third a time

B. one-third time

C. the one-third time

D. one-third the time



1. He is a student of ____.

A. Class Second

B. the Class Two

C. Class Two

D. Second Class

2. He wrote a ____ composition.

A. two-thousand-words

B. two-thousand-word

C. two-thousands-word

D. two-thousands-words

3. About ____ of the workers in that steel works are young people.

A. third-fifths

B. three-fifths

C. three-fives

D. three-fifth

4. He began to write poems in his ____.

A. thirtieth

B. thirty

C. thirty's

D. thirties

5. -When is your birthday?

-It's on Saturday____.

A. third March

B. the third of March

C. three March

D. the three of March

6. ____ of the students in our class are from the south.

A. Two-nineth

B. Two-ninth

C. Two-ninths

D. Two-nineths

7. I've told him ____.

A. a hundred time

B. hundred times

C. hundred of times

D. hundreds of times

8. They have been in the reading-room since ____.

A. a long time

B. it had been open

C. eight o'clock

D. two hours

9. I'll never give up not even on ____ try.

A. the 1,000 or 10,000

B. the 1,000 and 10,000

C. the 1,000th or 10,000th

D. the 1,000th and 10,000th

10. Do you know when ____ broke out?

A. Second World War

B. the Second World War

C. World War Second

D. the World War Two

11. The price was reduced ____.

A. by 20 percents

B. by 20 percent

C. by percent of 20

D. on 20 percent

12. This map is ____ small as that one.

A. half as

B. as half

C. two-ninth as

D. two as

13. Ask him to give me ____.

A. the two

B. the second

C. the two one

D. the second one

14. By 8:00,____ people had arrived,after a while ____ got there.

A. forty; forty-first

B. eight; ninth

C. eleven; a twelfth

D. nineteen; a twenty

15. There will be more than 3 ____ students taking part in the sports meet.

A. hundred

B. hundreds

C. hundreds of

D. hundred of

16. ____ of the magazines ____ borrowed from the reading-room.

A. Two-five; is

B. Two-fifth; is

C. Two-fifths; are

D. Two-fifths; is

17. A nucleus(原子核)is about ____ of an atom(原子).

A. one million the size

B. one millionth the size

C. one million of

D. a million of

18. 9 ____ 3 is three.

A. divides by

B. divided by

C. is divided by

D. divided into

19. You'll get ____ going and none will be left at home.

A. three of them

B. three them

C. the three of them

D. some of them

20. Flight BA 123 to Vienna is now boarding at ____.

A. Gate 21

B. 21st Gate

C. the Gate 21

D. 21 Gate

21. Bill bought three books,____ in Japanese,____ in French and ____ in Chinese.

A. the first; the other; the third

B. one; the other; a third

C. one; another; the third

D. one; the other; another

22. According to a new survey,unemployment was at 6. 2%,half that in France,____ Germany.

A. a third fewer than

B. third less than

C. a third less than

D. a third under

23. He failed once. Then he tried____ time.

A. two

B. the second

C. a second

D. seconds

24. My father served in the army in ____ when he was in____.

A. 1950's; twenties

B. the 1950's; his twenties

C. the 1950's; the twenties

D. 1950's; the twenties

25. You can't imagine that rats eat 40 to 50 times ____.

A. in weight

B. by weight

C. of weight

D. their weight



1. I sent invitations to 90 people, ____ have replied.

A. of whom only 30 of them

B. of whom only 30

C. only 30 of those who

D. only 30 who

2. When the bell rang announcing the end of class, students came out ____.

A. by twos and threes

B. by two and three

C. by two or three

D. by twos or threes

3. Li Ping was born ____.

A. in the year 1984, at 10 a.m. on June 18th

B. on June 18th at 10 a.m. in the year 1984

C. at 10 a.m. in the year 1984 on June 18th

D. at 10 a.m. on June 18th in the year 1984

4. David helps his mother with the housework every Saturday for about____.

A. one and half hours

B. a half and an hour

C. an hour and half

D. one and a half hours

5. This is a ____building, which is about ____ high.

A. six-storey; 38 metre

B. six-storeys; 38-metre

C. six-storeyed; 38 metres

D. six-storey; 38-metres

6. The cotton production has increased by ____ percent this year compared with last year.

A. five point six eight

B. five point sixty-eight

C. fifth point and six eight

D. five point and six eight

7. — What would you like, sir?

— ____, please.

A. Two cups of teas

B. Two teas

C. Two cup of tea

D. Two cups tea

8. The airport is ____ from my hometown.

A. two hour's ride

B. two hours' ride

C. two hour ride

D. two hours ride

9. ____ people have come to realize the importance of learning English. Now they go to various sorts of schools to take up English courses of one kind or another.

A. Hundred and thousand

B. One hundred and thousand of

C. A large amount of

D. Hundreds of thousands of

10. She was so ill because of overwork that she had to leave her work half-done to ask for ____.

A. a three day sick leave

B. three-days sick leaves

C. a sick leave of three days

D. three-day sick leaves

11. A library with five thousand books____ to the nation as a gift.

A. is offered

B. has offered

C. are offered

D. have offered

12. The hero of the story is an artist in his____.

A. thirtieth

B. thirty

C. thirty’s

D. thirties

13. Shortly after the accident, two _____police were sent to the spot to keep order.

A. dozen of

B. dozens

C. dozen

D. dozens of

14. There are____ visitors in the exhibition every day.

A. hundred

B. hundreds of

C. hundreds

D. a hundred of

15. About ____ the people of the town are workers.

A. sixty percent

B. sixty percent of

C. percent sixty

D. sixty percents of

16. He came to China in ____.

A. forty

B. forties

C. late forties

D. his early forties

17. The story happened ____.

A. in 1960’s

B. in his 60’s

C. in 60’s

D. in the 1960’s

18. About ____ of these rooms ____ empty.

A. two third, are

B. two thirds, are

C. two thirds, is

D. two third, is

19. ---- When is your birthday party?

---- It’s on Friday,____ .

A. fifth October

B. five October

C. the fifth of October

D. the five of October

20. I _____ met him in Guilin in 1996.

A. the first

B. the firstly

C. first

D. first time

21. Tom and I went to the cine ma but we weren’t able to get tickets for ___.

A. two of us

B. the two of us

C. the second of us

D. second of us

22. He worked well and was praised ____ in public.

A. a second time

B. twice time

C. the second time

D. for a second time

23. The ____ paragraphs want rewriting.

A. one fifth

B. first one

C. first four

D. two-thirds

24. Mary was the____ of the ____ students climbed up to the top of the hill.

A. nine, fourty

B. nineth, fortieth

C. ninth, forty

D. nine, fortieth

25. ____ people have visited the _____ stone bridge.

A. Two millions of, 500-foot-long

B. Several millions of, 500-feet-long

C. Two million, 500-feet-long

D. Millions of, 500-foot –long

26. Staying in a hotel for a day costs____ renting a house in the country for a week.

A. twice more than

B. twice as much as

C. as much as twice

D. as much twice as

27.----I understand you have a relative visiting you?

----Yes, my____ grandmother.

A. ninety-year-olds

B. ninety-old-year

C. ninety-years-old

D. ninety-year-old.

28. The Yangtze River is___ the Pearl River.

A. three times long as

B. three times as long as

C. as three times longer as

D. as long three times as


1. 答案是B.名词/代词+of +关系代词(which/whom)常引导非限制性定语从句,of whom only 30 =only 30 of whom。

2. 答案是A. by/in twos and threes 意为―三三两两地‖,是固定短语。

3. 答案是D.英语表达时间的顺序是由小到大。

4. 答案是D.一个半小时应表达为:an hour and a half或one and a half hours。

5. 答案是C.第一空―六层的楼房‖可表达为a six-storey building/ a six-storied building/ a building of six stories; 第二空―数词+名词+形容词‖作表语时,名词常用其复数形式,使用连字符构成复合形容词时,只可用作前置定语,如:a 38-meter-high building。

6. 答案是A. 5.68的英文表达为five point six eight。

7. 答案是B. tea/coffee有时可作可数名词,表示―一杯茶或咖啡‖。two teas = two cups of tea。

8. 答案是B. ―数词+ hours'/minutes' + ride/drive/walk‖为习惯表达。

9. 答案是D.

10. 答案是C.

11.答案是A. 主要考查数词与主谓一致的关系。句中with five thousand books 是主语,用来修饰library, 因此句子的主语是library,而不是books.

12. 答案是D. in +one’s+基数词的复数形式,表示―某人××多岁‖。注意:in+ the+ 基数词的复数形式,表示某一世纪的××年代。

13. 答案是C. A项的形式不对(应在dozen后加s);数词与dozen连用时,dozen不应加s, 故B项不对;dozens of 的形式是对的,但不能与数词连用,故D项也不对。这样,ABD3项都被排除了。

14. 答案是B。表示一个模糊的数字应是:hundreds of +可数名词复数。

15. 答案是B. 表示百分数的方式是:percent(单数形式)+of+名词。

16. 答案是D. 表示―岁数‖的方式是:介词in +one’s twenties(thirties…)。

17. 答案是D. 表示年代时,在具体年代之前必须加定冠词。

18. 答案是B.表示分数时,如果基数词大于one,序数词后必须加s,因此A和D两项应先排除。根据主谓一致的原则,句中的谓语动词应用复数形式。

19. 答案是C. 日期应用序数词表示,前面有定冠词the.

20. 答案是C. first 在此处用作副词,所以不能加定冠词.

21.答案是B. two of us 表示―我们中的两人‖,the two of us 表示―表示两人‖.

22. 答案是A. a加序数词表示―再‖ ―又‖,相当于another.

23. 答案是C. 既然paragraphs是复数,就排除了A和B,而D的two-thirds后要加of才能接复数名词.

24.答案是C. 本题主要考查个别拼写特殊的基数词和序数词.

25. 答案是D. 在millions of前不能再出现数量词, 所以可先排除A,B,而C的复合形容词中间应用单数名词,又如: a five-year-old boy.

26.答案是B. 本题主要考查倍数与as much(many)as的词序.

27.D 28.B.


I. Choose the best answer

( )1. Please turn to ______.

A. Page 11

B. the 11st page

C. page 11

D. page the 11 th

( )2. At night we can see ______ stars in the sky.

A. thousands and thousands of

B. thousand and thousands of

C. a thousand and thousands

D. thousand and thousand

( )3. There are some _____ in our classroom.

A. hundred of books

B. the hundreds of books

C. hundreds of books

D. hundred of book

( )4. I have been to the village ________. A. a hundred time

B. hundred times

C. hundreds of times

D. hundred of times

( )5. There are ____ students in our school.

A. four—hundred and forty—five

B. four hundred and forty—five

C. four hundreds and forty—five

D. four hundred and forty five

( )6. The teacher told me to go over _____ lessons. A. thirst three

B. the three first

C. three the first

D. the first three

( )7. May is ____ of a year. A. the fifth months

B. the fifth month

C. the five months

D. the five month

( )8. We live in ______.

A. the twenty-first century

B. the century twenty-one

C. century twenty-one

D. the century twenty-first

( )9. He said he was going to be free in _______.

A. one and a half hour

B. one hour and half

C. one and half hours

D. an hour and a half

( )10. ---How many English books are there on the table?

---There is only _____English book on it.

A. a

B. an

C. one

D. the

( )11. Mr Smith stayed in _____ last night.

A. Room 403

B. the Room 403

C. the 403 room

D. 403 the room ( )12. The road is _________.

A. two thousand and five hundred metres long

B. two thousands metres long

C. long one thousand five hundred metre

D. a thousand and five hundreds metres long

( )13. He joined the army on ______ of May 1980.

A. 1 st

B. the 1

C. first

D. the first

( )14. Is Sunday the ____ day of the week?

A. a

B. one

C. once

D. first

( )15. Marc h the _____ is Women’s Day.

A. eighth

B. ninth

C. tenth

D. eight

( )16. September is the _____month of the year.

A. nineth

B. ninth

C. nine

D. the twelveth

( )17. December the ____ is Christmas.

A. twenty-five

B. twenty-fifth

C. twentieth-five

D. twenty-five

( )18. Another way of saying Lesson 12 is __________.

A. Lesson ten-two

B. Lesson Ten-second

C. the Twelfth Lesson

D. Twelfth lesson


I. 选择题

1—5. AACCB 6—10. DBADC 11—15. DADDA 16—18. BBC


l. September is the ________ month of the year.

A. eighth

B. ninth

C. tenth

D. eleventh

2. The People's Republic of China was founded ________

A. on October the first, 1949

B. in October the first ,1949

C. on October one, 1949

D. on October first one, 1949

3. There are ________ days in a year.

A. three hundreds and sixty-five

B. three hundreds and fifty-six

C. three hundreds of sixty-five

D. three hundred and sixty-five

4. There are ________ days in February.

A. thirty

B. thirty-one

C. twenty-eight

D. twenty-six

5. The film begins at 4:15. The right answer of ―4:15‖ is _______

A. four fifth

B. fifteen four

C. four fifteen

D. a quarter to four

6. ________is seventy seven.

A. forty and four

B. thirty-seven and forty

C. forty or thirty-seven

D. seventy of seven

7. What row are you in? I am in ________.

A. Row One

B. Row First

C. Row one

D. One Row

8. How many months are there in a year? There are _______

A. eleven

B. twelve

C. twenty

D. twelfth

9. At the age of ________, he was a worker.

A. twenty

B. the twenty

C. twentieth

D. one

10. The Changjiang River is ________ longest river in China.

A. the first

B. the second

C. the third

D. the fourth

数词专项练习答案:1-5 B A D C C 6-10 B A B A A


数词 一、数词的种类数词分基数词和序数词 基数词是表示自然数列的词, 例如; one、two、three、four….. 序数词是表示先后顺序的词, 例如: first、second、third、fourth…二基数词和序数词的表示法 1.基数词单词的拼写:1~12为单词 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve 13~19 都以后缀-teen结尾,20至90这样的整十数 都以后缀-ty结尾,其他基数词中间加连字符 号“-”再按照上述的变化进行。 例:21→twenty-one 56→fifty-six 85→eighty-five 三位数的构成为: 几+百+and+末两位(或末一位)数 例:132→one hundred and thirty-two 205→two hundred and five 千以上的数字的读法:从后面往前,每三位数作为一个单位,分别为thousand、million. 32、548、652、 读作:1.thirty two million

2.five hundred and forty eight thousand 3.six hundred and fifty two 2.序数词=基数词+th (1、2、3为 first、 second、third)。数词分基数词和序数词 但以下几种情况要注意: 1) fifth (第五)、 eighth (第八)、 ninth (第九)、twelfth(第十二) 2) 以ty结尾的基数词变词尾为tieth 例: twenty→twentieth ninety→ninetieth 序数词表示十位与个位数时,十位与个位之间用“—” 3)复合序数词只需要将相应基数词中 最后一位变成序数词,其余不变。 例:第二十一→twenty-first 第二百四十五→two hundred and forty-fifth


宏观经济学思考题及参考答案(1) 第四章 基本概念:潜在GDP,总供给,总需求,AS曲线,AD曲线。 思考题 1、宏观经济学的主要目标是什么?写出每个主要目标的简短定义。请详细解释 为什么每一个目标都十分重要。 答:宏观经济学目标主要有四个:充分就业、物价稳定、经济增长和国际收支平衡。 (1)充分就业的本义是指所有资源得到充分利用,目前主要用人力资源作为充分就业的标准;充分就业本不是指百分之百的就业,一般地说充分就业允许的失业范畴为4%。只有经济实现了充分就业,一国经济才能生产出潜在的GDP,从而使一国拥有更多的收入用于提高一国的福利水平。 (2)物价稳定,即把通胀率维持在低而稳定的水平上。物价稳定是指一般物价水平(即总物价水平)的稳定;物价稳定并不是指通货膨胀率为零的状态,而是维持一种能为社会所接受的低而稳定的通货膨胀率的经济状态,一般指通货膨胀率为百分之十以下。物价稳定可以防止经济的剧烈波动,防止各种扭曲对经济造成负面影响。 (3)经济增长是指保持合意的经济增长率。经济增长是指单纯的生产增长,经济增长率并不是越高越好,经济增长的同时必须带来经济发展;经济增长率一般是用实际国民生产总值的年平均增长率来衡量的。只有经济不断的增长,才能满足人类无限的欲望。 (4)国际收支平衡是指国际收支既无赤字又无盈余的状态。国际收支平衡是一国对外经济目标,必须注意和国内目标的配合使用;正确处理国内目标与国际目标的矛盾。在开放经济下,一国与他国来往日益密切,保持国际收支的基本平衡,才能使一国避免受到他国经济波动带来的负面影响。 3,题略 答:a.石油价格大幅度上涨,作为一种不利的供给冲击,将会使增加企业的生产成本,从而使总供给减少,总供给曲线AS将向左上方移动。 b.一项削减国防开支的裁军协议,而与此同时,政府没有采取减税或者增加政府支出的政策,则将减少一国的总需求水平,从而使总需求曲线AD向左下方移动。 c.潜在产出水平的增加,将有效提高一国所能生产出的商品和劳务水平,从而使总供给曲线AS向右下方移动。 d.放松银根使得利率降低,这将有效刺激经济中的投资需求等,从而使总需求增加,总需求曲线AD向右上方移动。 第五章 基本概念:GDP,名义GDP,实际GDP,NDP,DI,CPI,PPI。 思考题: 5.为什么下列各项不被计入美国的GDP之中? a优秀的厨师在自己家里烹制膳食; b购买一块土地; c购买一幅伦勃朗的绘画真品; d某人在2009年播放一张2005年录制的CD所获得的价值; e电力公司排放的污染物对房屋和庄稼的损害;


数词测试题及答案 一、初中英语数词 1.—____________of volunteers will be needed for the 2020 Olympic Games. —Let's go and____________ them. A.Thousands, join B.Thousand, be a member of C.Three thousand, take part in D.Thousands, be in 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意:——2020年奥运会将需要几千名志愿者。——让我们去加入他们吧。thousands of,几千,join sb,加入,和某人一起,故选A。 【点评】考查数词,注意join sb的用法。 2.Did you know that the earth is home to ______ animals? A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:你知道地球是几百万动物的家园吗?millions of,固定搭配,几百万的;数词+million,表示具体的……百万,此时million是单数形式;空前没有具体数词,因此用millions of,故选D。 【点评】考查数词,注意millions of的用法。 3.The TV was invented around . A. the twenty century B. the twentieth century C. twentieth century D. twenty century 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意电视大约是在二十世纪发明的。二十世纪也就是第二十个世纪,因此使用序数词,序数词前必须使用定冠词the,故答案是B。 【点评】考查数词,注意序数词再具体语境中的运用。 4.______ of the students in our school are boys. A. Two three B. Second three C. Two thirds D. Two third 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:我们学校的学生中有三分之二是男生。分数词是分子是基数词,分母是序数词,分子大于一,分母加s,因此二分之一是two thirds,故选C。 【点评】考查分数,注意分子是基数词,分母是序数词,分子大于一,分母加s的用法。


基础达标题 一、选,填空 (D)1. 3,021,579 is read as(读作)______. A. three million and twenty-one thousand five hundred and seventy nine B. three billion and twenty-one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine C. three millions and twenty-one thousands five hundred and seventy-nine D. three million twenty-one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine 解析:考查四位以上数词的读法 ( A ) 2. Some scientists think that it will take ____ of years make robots do most works for Humans(人类). A. hundreds B.hundred C.thousand D.hundred’s 解析:thousand hundred ,million,等期前无具体数字时,应用复数+of形式 ( D )3. -----When is your father’s birthday? ----- It’s on April ____ A. twenty-five B.twenty-fifth C.twenty-ninth D.the twenty-fifth 解析:考察日期的表达方法 (D)4. About _____of students in the school were born in the ____ A.two-thirds;1990 B.two-thirds;1990s C.two-third;1990 D.two-third;1990s 解析:1:分数表达法;当分子大于一时,分母用复数。2:年代表示方法:用the+年代复数( B )5. Now let’s have ____. Don’t give up. A. the second try B. a second try C. second try D.this second try 解析:序数词前加不定冠词时表示”“再一,又一” (B)6. He became a super star_____. A. in his thirty B.in his thirties C.at his thirty D.in his thirties 解析:in+one’s+整十的复数,表示“在某人几十岁时” ( A )7. The number of the students in our school is about nine _____.____ of them are boys. A.hundred;Two thirds B.hundred;Two third C.hundreds;Two thirds D.hundreds;Two third 解析:同上4 ( C )8. My ant has ____ son. A.a two-years-old B.a eight-year-old C.a two-year-old D.an eight years old 解析:数词和名次构成的复合词,其中名词必须用单数形式 ( D )9. This is Mr.White’s ____ visit to Shanghai. He has been there twice before. A. two B.second C.four D.third 解析:根据句意 ( B )10. Now, everybody,please turn to page ____ and look at the ___picture. A.Fourth;four B.Four;fourth C.Fourth;fourth D.Four;four 解析:序数词前要加the表示顺序 ( B )11. When Mr.Liu was ____, he became a famous writer. A.on his forties B.in his forties C. at his forty D.in the forties 解析:in+one’s+整十的复数,表示“在某人几十岁时” ( A )12. We have the Olympic Games____. A.every four years B.every four year C.every fourth years D.every four-years


第2章思考题及习题2参考答案 一、填空 1. 在AT89S51单片机中,如果采用6MHz晶振,一个机器周期为。答:2μs 2. AT89S51单片机的机器周期等于个时钟振荡周期。答:12 3. 内部RAM中,位地址为40H、88H的位,该位所在字节的字节地址分别为 和。答:28H,88H 4. 片内字节地址为2AH单元最低位的位地址是;片内字节地址为A8H单元的最低位的位地址为。答:50H,A8H 5. 若A中的内容为63H,那么,P标志位的值为。答:0 6. AT89S51单片机复位后,R4所对应的存储单元的地址为,因上电时PSW= 。这时当前的工作寄存器区是组工作寄存器区。答:04H,00H,0。 7. 内部RAM中,可作为工作寄存器区的单元地址为 H~ H。答:00H,1FH 8. 通过堆栈操作实现子程序调用时,首先要把的内容入栈,以进行断点保护。调用子程序返回指令时,再进行出栈保护,把保护的断点送回到,先弹出的是原来中的内容。答:PC, PC,PCH 9. AT89S51单片机程序存储器的寻址范围是由程序计数器PC的位数所决定的,因为AT89S51单片机的PC是16位的,因此其寻址的范围为 KB。答:64 10. AT89S51单片机复位时,P0~P3口的各引脚为电平。答:高 11. AT89S51单片机使用片外振荡器作为时钟信号时,引脚XTAL1接,引脚XTAL2的接法是。答:片外振荡器的输出信号,悬空 12. AT89S51单片机复位时,堆栈指针SP中的内容为,程序指针PC中的内容为 。答:07H,0000H 二、单选 1. 程序在运行中,当前PC的值是。 A.当前正在执行指令的前一条指令的地址 B.当前正在执行指令的地址。 C.当前正在执行指令的下一条指令的首地址 D.控制器中指令寄存器的地址。 答:C 2. 判断下列哪一种说法是正确的?


一.单项选择 ( )1.There are ___________ days in a year. A.three hundred and sixty five B.three hundred and sixty-five C.three hundreds and sixty five D.three hundreds and sixty—five ( )2.Danny lives in __________. A.room 404 B.Room 404 C.404 room D.404 Room ( )3.Jim is in __________. A.class one,grade six B.grade one,class six C.Class One,Grade Six D.Grade One, Class Six ( )4.The bike cost me _________ yuan. A.five hundred forty B.five hundreds fourty C.five hundred and forty D.five hundred fourty ( )5.My telephone number is ____________. A.eighty eight two forty four zero nine B.eight eight two double four O nine C.eighty eight two forty-four zero nine D.eight eight two four four zero nine ( )6.Is there any food for us _________? A.ten B.tenth C.the tenth D.the ten ( )7.Mary is _________ girl. A. an 8 year old B.8一years—old C.the 8 years old D.an 8一year—old ( )8.—What day is today? — ___________ A.June B.Tuesday C.It is hot D.It’s fine ( )9.—What’s the date today?— ___________ A.It’s Saturday B.It’s July C.It’s fine D.It’s JuIy 15 ( )10.—What time do you get up every day? A.It’s seven o’clock B.Seven o’clock time C.At seven D.On seven 1.There are ___________ days in a year. A.three hundred and sixty five B.three hundred and sixty-five C.three hundreds and sixty five D.three hundreds and sixty—five ( )2.Danny lives in __________. A.room 404 B.Room 404 C.404 room D.404 Room ( )3.Jim is in __________. A.class one,grade six B.grade one,class six C.Class One,Grade Six D.Grade One Class Six ( )4.The bike cost me _________ yuan. A.five hundred forty B.five hundreds fourty C.five hundred and forty D.five hundred fourty ( )5.My telephone number is ____________. A.eighty eight two forty four zero nine B.eight eight two double four O nine C.eighty eight two forty-four zero nine D.eight eight two four four zero nine ( )6.Is there any food for us _________? A.ten B.tenth C.the tenth D.the ten ( )7.Mary is _________ girl.


2018-2019年广东小升初英语真题及答案解析 班级:___________ 姓名:___________ 分数:___________ 一、选择题 1.当别人对你说Let’s go shopping,你想去应该说: A. Yes,I am. B. OK. 【答案】B 【解析】略 2.When is World Environment Day? It’s ___________. A.on 10th September B.on 5th June C.on 22nd April 【答案】B 【解析】略 3.I want to_________ next week. A.going camping B.go camp C.go camping D.going camp 【答案】C 【解析】略 4.I am going to the piano tomorrow afternoon. A. playing B. played C. play 【答案】 【解析】略 5.There isn’t _______ milk in the bottle. A.some B.any C.many D.an 【答案】B 【解析】 思路分析:本题考查的是There be 句型否定句。 名师解析:there be句型中的主语是milk,为不可数名词,there be中的be动词用is。There be的否定式直接在is后加not缩写为:there isn’t。表示没有。瓶子里面没有牛奶了。此处需要填一个修饰牛奶的形容词。根据排除法,many,an都是用来修饰可数名词

的。肯定句中用some修饰不可数名词,否定句或疑问句中用any修饰不可数名词。因此,答案为:B。 易错提示:否定句中some变any修饰名词。 6.—Where was my purse? —_______ A.Yes, it was.B.No, it wasn’t. C.On your bed.D.They are in your pocket 【答案】C 【解析】 思路分析:本题考查的是特殊疑问句及其回答。 名师解析:问句以where开头,应该回答地点,不能直接用Yes或No来回答,选项A、B错误,问句的主语my purse(我的钱包)是单数,选项D错误,故答案为:C。 易错提示:注意问句及其答语的时态、人称保持一致。 7.( ) —__________ are you from? —Beijing. A. Do B. What C. Where 【答案】C 【解析】问地点应使用疑问词where(哪里)。 8.( ) Matt likes geography very much. He thinks it ________. A. interesting B. difficult C. boring 【答案】A 【解析】主要考察学生对句意的理解,故选A 9.()_________ can we get there? A. Where B. What C. How 【答案】C 【解析】 10. ______it often ______in winter? A.Do; snow B.Does; snows C.Do; snows D.Does; snow 【答案】D 【解析】


思考题与习题 1 1- 1 回答以下问题: ( 1)半导体材料具有哪些主要特性? (2) 分析杂质半导体中多数载流子和少数载流子的来源; (3) P 型半导体中空穴的数量远多于自由电子, N 型半 导体中自由电子的数量远多于空穴, 为什么它们对外却都呈电中性? (4) 已知温度为15C 时,PN 结的反向饱和电流 I s 10 A 。当温度为35 C 时,该PN 结 的反向饱和 电流I s 大约为多大? ( 5)试比较二极管在 Q 点处直流电阻和交流电阻的大小。 解: ( 1)半导体的导电能力会随着温度、光照的变化或掺入杂质浓度的多少而发生显着改变, 即半导体具 有热敏特性、光敏特性和掺杂特性。 ( 2)杂质半导体中的多数载流子是由杂质原子提供的,例如 供一个自由电子,P 型半导体中一个杂质原子提供一个空穴, 浓度;少数载流子则是由热激发产生的。 (3) 尽管P 型半导体中空穴浓度远大于自由电子浓度,但 P 型半导体中,掺杂的杂质原子因获得一个价电子而变成带负电的杂 质离子(但不能移动),价 电子离开后的空位变成了空穴,两者的电量相互抵消,杂质半导体从总体上来说仍是电中性的。 同理, N 型半导体中虽然自由电子浓度远大于空穴浓度,但 N 型半导体也是电中性的。 (4) 由于温度每升高10 C ,PN 结的反向饱和电流约增大 1倍,因此温度为 35C 时,反向 饱和电流为 (5) 二极管在 Q 点处的直流电阻为 交流电阻为 式中U D 为二极管两端的直流电压, U D U on ,I D 为二极管上流过的直流电流, U T 为温度的 电压当量,常温下 U T 26mV ,可见 r d R D 。 1- 2 理想二极管组成的电路如题 1- 2图所示。试判断图中二极管是导通还是截止,并确定 各电路的输 出电压。 解 理想二极管导通时的正向压降为零, 截止时的反向电流为零。 本题应首先判断二极管的工 作状 态,再进一步求解输出电压。二极管工作状态的一般判断方法是:断开二极管, 求解其端口 电压;若该电压使二极管正偏, 则导通; 若反偏, 则截止。 当电路中有两只或两只以上二极管时, 可分别应用该方法判断每只二极管的工作状态。 需要注意的是, 当多只二极管的阳极相连 (共阳 极接法)时,阴极电位最低的管子将优先导通;同理,当多只二极管的阴极相连(共阴极接法) 时,阳极电位最高的管子将优先导通。 (a) 断开二极管 D ,阳极电位为12V ,阴极电位为6V ,故导通。输岀电压 U O 12V 。 (b) 断开二极管 D 1、D 2, D 1、D 2为共阴极接法,其阴极电位均为 6V ,而D 1的阳极电位 为9V , D 2的阳极电位为5V ,故D 1优先导通,将 D 2的阴极电位钳制在 7.5V ,D 2因反向偏置而 截止。输岀电压 U O 7.5V 。 N 型半导体中一个杂质原子提 因此 多子浓度约等于所掺入的杂质 P 型半导体本身不带电。因为在


(英语)英语数词练习题及答案及解析 一、初中英语数词 1.Ten years ago the population of our village was that of theirs. A. as twice large as B. twice as large as C. twice as much as D. as twice much as 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:十年前,我们村子的人口是他们的两倍。根据句意可知,这里考查的是表示倍数的句型,twice在这里的意思是两倍,twice as…as,表示是……的两倍,并且修饰人口众多时用形容词large或big,因此是twice as large as,故选B。 【点评】考查倍数的表达方式。 2.—Do you know the boy is sitting next to Peter? —Yes. He is Peter's friend. They are celebrating his birthday. A. who; ninth B. that; nine C. which; ninth 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——你知道那个坐在彼得旁边的男孩吗?——是的。他是彼得的朋友。他们正在庆祝他的九岁生日。分析句子结构可知,第一空所在句子是定语从句,先行词是人,连接词在从句中作主语,所以应该用who/that引导,which连接定语从句时先行词应该是物,故排除C;nine九,基数词;ninth第九,序数词;第二空根据空后的birthday为名词单数可知,此处需要序数词,表示某人几岁生日应该用序数词表示第几个生日,故选A。 【点评】考查定语从句的连接词的辨析和序数词。注意区别定语从句的连接词的使用原则,理解单词词义。 3.There are ______________ months in a year. December is the ______________ month of a year. A. twelve; twelve B. twelfth; twelfth C. twelve; twelfth D. twelfth; twelve 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:一年有十二个月,十二月是一年中的第十二个月。根据基数词表示数量以及months是名词复数可知,第一个空应填基数词twelve;根据序数词表示顺序以及month是名词单数可知,第二个空应用序数词twelfth。故选C。 【点评】考查基数词及序数词的基本含义及用法。注意twelfth的书写。 4.— Is Dongjin High-speed Railway Station the largest in Hubei Province? — Yes, of course. It's just a little smaller than the largest one in Wuhan. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——靳东高速火车站是湖北省第二大的吗?——是的,当然。它只是比武汉最大的稍微小一点。A第一,B第二,C第三,D第四,the+序数词+最高级,固定搭配,第几大,根据It's just a little smaller than the largest one,可知只有一个比它


. 用英语填入适当的数字。 =te n +seve n=three -five=four fiftR+ =five ten+ten= ____________ twentR -wo= ____________ siR+ ___________ =fiftee n 三. 英译汉。 fifteentoeleven __________________________ thethirddaR _________________________ OnMarch20th,20RR ____________________________ athalfpastseven __________________________ No.5PrimarRSchool ___________________________ Twopiecesofpaper ____________________________ 四. 选择填空 1,Summeris __________ seas ono ftheRear, Asec on dBasec on dCthesec ond 2.Whattimeisit? It ' s _________ (7:40) Atwe ntRtoeightBtwe ntRtoseve nCtwe ntRpasteight 3.Thereare _________ workersin thiscitR. Aseve nhun dreda ndtwe ntRsiR Bseve nhun dredtwe ntR-siR Cseve nhun dreda ndtwe ntR-siR 4.ChristmasDaRison ___________ AJa nuarR1stBDecember25thCMaR5th 5.ThursdaRis __________ daRoftheweek. AthefivethBfiveCthefifth 6._______ It 'JiSR2nd. AWhat' thedaRtodaR? BWhat 'thedatetodaR? CWhatdaRistodaR? 7._______________________ Thebikecostme Ruan. Afivehu ndredfortRBfiveh un dredfourtRCfiveh un dreda ndfortR 8.Shewasbornon _____________ A1986,March9BMarch9,1986C1986,9,March 9.Li Ming ' fatherwasdeadinhis __________ AthirtiethBthirtRCthirties 10.MRtelephonenumberis _____________ AeightRsighttwofortRfourzero nine Beighteighttwodoublefourzero nine CeightReighttwofourfourzero nin etR 四?写出下列对应的序数词 one __________ two __________ f our _________ five _________ eight __________ nine _________ ten ________ twentR ____________ thirtR _________ ninetR-three __________ 五. 汉译英 第六课 ________ 30个鸡蛋________ 6月2日_________ 两个半小时 _________ 365 天_________ 1949年10月1日___________ 331路公共汽车 __________ 一、写出下列词的序数词 1.o ne 2.two 3.siR 4.five 5. nin e 6.twelve


管理学思考题及参考答案 第一章 1、什么是管理? 管理:协调工作活动过程(即职能),以便能够有效率和有效果地同别人一起或通过别人实现组织的目标。 2、效率与效果 效率:正确地做事(如何做) 效果:做正确的事(该不该做) 3、管理者三层次 高层管理者、中层管理者、基层管理者 4、管理职能和(或)过程——职能论 计划、组织、控制、领导 5、管理角色——角色论 人际角色:挂名首脑、领导人、联络人 信息角色:监督者、传播者、发言人 决策角色:企业家、混乱驾驭者、资源分配者、谈判者 6、管理技能——技能论 用图表达。 高层管理概念技能最重要,中层管理3种技能都需要且较平衡,基层管理技术技能最重要。 7、组织三特征? 明确的目的 精细的结构 合适的人员 第二章 泰罗的三大实验: 泰罗是科学管理之父。记住3个实验的名称:1、搬运生铁实验,2、铁锹实验,3、高速钢实验 4、吉尔布雷斯夫妇 动作研究之父 管理界中的居里夫妇 5、法约尔的十四原则 法约尔是管理过程理论之父 记住“十四原则”这个名称就可以了。 6、法约尔的“跳板” 图。 7、韦伯理想的官僚行政组织组织理论之父。6维度:劳动分工、权威等级、正式甄选、非个人的、正式规则、职业生涯导向。 8、韦伯的3种权力 超凡的权力 传统的权力 法定的权力。 9、巴纳德的协作系统论 协作意愿 共同目标 信息沟通 10、罗伯特·欧文的人事管理 人事管理之父。职业经理人的先驱 11、福莱特冲突论 管理理论之母 1)利益结合、 2)一方自愿退让、 3)斗争、战胜另一方 4)妥协。 12、霍桑试验 1924-1932年、梅奥 照明试验、继电器试验、大规模访谈、接线试验 13、朱兰的质量观 质量是一种合用性 14、80/20的法则 多数,它们只能造成少许的影响;少数,它们造成主要的、重大的影响。 15、五项修炼 自我超越 改善心智 共同愿景 团队学习 系统思考 第三章 1、管理万能论 管理者对组织的成败负有直接责任。 2、管理象征论 是外部力量,而不是管理,决定成果。 3、何为组织文化 组织成员共有的价值观和信念体系。这一体系在很大程度上决定成员的行为方式。 4、组织文化七维度

最新 数词练习题(含答案)经典

最新数词练习题(含答案)经典 一、初中英语数词 1.The headmaster's office is on the floor. A. one B. two C. third D. three 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:校长的办公室在三楼。one一个,two两个,third第三,three三个。根据句意可知,此处需要填入的意义为第三层,故应该用序数词,故选C。 【点评】考查了序数词与基数词辨析,注意两者意义的区分。 2.Did you know that the earth is home to ______ animals? A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:你知道地球是几百万动物的家园吗?millions of,固定搭配,几百万的;数词+million,表示具体的……百万,此时million是单数形式;空前没有具体数词,因此用millions of,故选D。 【点评】考查数词,注意millions of的用法。 3.—Where is Class ______? —It's on the ______ floor. A. Six; third B. Sixth; third C. Six; three D. Sixth; three 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——六班在哪里?——在六楼。六班,Class Six,专有名词,六楼,the sixth floor,使用序数词,故答案是A。 【点评】考查数词的用法,注意基数词和序数词的用法区别。 4.—How old is your daughter? — ______. We had a special party for her ______ birthday yesterday. A. Nine; nine B. Nine; ninth C. Ninth; ninth D. Ninth; nine 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——你的女儿多大了?——九岁,昨天我们给她过了一个特殊的九岁的生日聚会。第一空说明年龄,应使用基数词,第二空说明的是第几个生日,使用序数词,故答案是B。 【点评】考查数词,注意基数词和序数词的用法。 5.My family lives on ________________ floor of the building. A. twelve B. the twelfth C. twelfth D. the twelve 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:我家住在这栋楼的第20层。表示第几层,用the+序数词+floor,固定搭配,twelve,12,基数词;twelfth,第12,序数词,故选B。


龙岩永定区小升初英语专题复习卷(四)数词 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、写出相应的基数词、序数词和序数词的缩略形式。 (共4题;共9分) 1. (3分)选出每组中不同的一项。 ① ________ A. four B. nine C. dog ② ________ A. orange B. one C. apple ③ ________ A. three B. tree C. two 2. (1分) Tom is ________ (twentieth) years old. 3. (4分)填空。 ① April Fool's Day ________ A. October 1st ② China's National Day ________ B. April 1st ③ New Year’s Day ________ C. June 1st ④ Children’s Day ________ D. January 1st 4. (1分) ________ bowls 二、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。 (共1题;共1分) 5. (1分) What is the________ (one) day of the week? 三、根据句意选择正确的单词。 (共10题;共27分) 6. (4分)写出下列数据的英语单词。 ①7________②8________③3________④6________ 7. (1分) I often play football________ my father. 8. (1分) It often________(rain) in summer. 9. (1分) There ________(be) fifty books here. 10. (2分) He often plays football________(with, for, of)his friends________(at, in, on)Sundays. 11. (2分) My name is Mary. This is Jenny. This is Jane. All of________are girls. ________are good friends. 12. (1分) Children's Day is in ________.


第一章思考题及参考答案 1. 无多余约束几何不变体系简单组成规则间有何关系? 答:最基本的三角形规则,其间关系可用下图说明: 图a 为三刚片三铰不共线情况。图b 为III 刚片改成链杆,两刚片一铰一杆不共线情况。图c 为I 、II 刚片间的铰改成两链杆(虚铰),两刚片三杆不全部平行、不交于一点的情况。图d 为三个实铰均改成两链杆(虚铰),变成三刚片每两刚片间用一虚铰相连、三虚铰不共线的情况。图e 为将I 、III 看成二元体,减二元体所成的情况。 2.实铰与虚铰有何差别? 答:从瞬间转动效应来说,实铰和虚铰是一样的。但是实铰的转动中心是不变的,而虚铰转动中心为瞬间的链杆交点,产生转动后瞬时转动中心是要变化的,也即“铰”的位置实铰不变,虚铰要发生变化。 3.试举例说明瞬变体系不能作为结构的原因。接近瞬变的体系是否可作为结构? 答:如图所示AC 、CB 与大地三刚片由A 、B 、C 三铰彼此相连,因为三铰共线,体系瞬变。设该 体系受图示荷载P F 作用,体系C 点发生微小位移 δ,AC 、CB 分别转过微小角度α和β。微小位移 后三铰不再共线变成几何不变体系,在变形后的位置体系能平衡外荷P F ,取隔离体如图所 示,则列投影平衡方程可得 210 cos cos 0x F T T βα=?=∑,21P 0 sin sin y F T T F βα=+=∑ 由于位移δ非常小,因此cos cos 1βα≈≈,sin , sin ββαα≈≈,将此代入上式可得 21T T T ≈=,()P P F T F T βαβα +==?∞+, 由此可见,瞬变体系受荷作用后将产生巨大的内力,没有材料可以经受巨大内力而不破坏,因而瞬变体系不能作为结构。由上分析可见,虽三铰不共线,但当体系接近瞬变时,一样将产生巨大内力,因此也不能作为结构使用。 4.平面体系几何组成特征与其静力特征间关系如何? 答:无多余约束几何不变体系?静定结构(仅用平衡条件就能分析受力) 有多余约束几何不变体系?超静定结构(仅用平衡条件不能全部解决受力分析) 瞬变体系?受小的外力作用,瞬时可导致某些杆无穷大的内力 常变体系?除特定外力作用外,不能平衡 5. 系计算自由度有何作用? 答:当W >0时,可确定体系一定可变;当W <0且不可变时,可确定第4章超静定次数;W =0又不能用简单规则分析时,可用第2章零载法分析体系可变性。 6.作平面体系组成分析的基本思路、步骤如何? 答:分析的基本思路是先设法化简,找刚片看能用什么规则分析。


【英语】英语数词练习题及答案 一、初中英语数词 1.It's never too old to learn. Karl Marx began to learn English in his ________. A. fifties B. fiftieth C. fifty D. the fiftieth 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:活到老,学到老。卡尔马克思在他五十多岁时开始学习英语。 in one's +整十数字的复数形式表示在某人……岁时,固定搭配,fifty,基数词,复数是fifties,所以,在他五十多岁时是in his fifties,故答案为A。 【点评】考查数词的用法及固定搭配。在某人五十多岁时是in one's fifties。 2.The number of the students in our school is about four __________. _______ of them are girls. A. thousand; Two thirds B. thousands; Two third C. thousands; Two thirds D. thousand; Two third 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我们学校的学生人数大约是四人。三分之二是女孩。four基数词后用thousand的原形,分数表达形式是分子是基数词,分母是序数词,分子大于一,分母用复数形式,故三分之二是two thirds,故选A。 【点评】考查数词,注意分数的用法。 3.Did you know that the earth is home to ______ animals? A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:你知道地球是几百万动物的家园吗?millions of,固定搭配,几百万的;数词+million,表示具体的……百万,此时million是单数形式;空前没有具体数词,因此用millions of,故选D。 【点评】考查数词,注意millions of的用法。 4.My family lives on ________________ floor of the building. A. twelve B. the twelfth C. twelfth D. the twelve 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:我家住在这栋楼的第20层。表示第几层,用the+序数词+floor,固定搭配,twelve,12,基数词;twelfth,第12,序数词,故选B。 【点评】考查序数词用法,注意平时识记the+序数词+floor。 5.—Do you know the boy is sitting next to Peter? —Yes. He is Peter's friend. They are celebrating his birthday. A. who; ninth B. that; nine C. which; ninth 【答案】 A

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