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【2018-2019】户籍证明 户口本-范文模板 (8页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 户籍证明户口本 第一篇:户籍证明户口本 户籍证明户口本 户籍证明户口本 研究生毕业搞了上海集体户口,可惜现在跑杭州了,这上海户口变成了累赘了。经常办手续要跑上海开证明,我是走了好多弯路,还总不记路,于是乎,赶紧 总结出来一些tips没准大家能用得着~~ 话说开户籍证明,之前我以为只有一个途径,那就是先在上海市高校毕业生就 业指导中心(“高教中心”)网站上申请,每次最多只能申请2张,然后第2/3 个工作日去拿,地址是冠生园路401号(原来的延安西路900号)。 但是~~,其实这个可以更简单:直接去新华路派出所去开户籍证明。 tip1:拿着《户籍档案受理凭证》(俗称“白卡”)和身份证。而且户籍证明没 有张数限制,当场可龋(事实上高教中心网站上收到申请后,会统一去新华路派出所开证明,所以网上申请后要隔日才能领龋) tip2:新华路派出所地址受理地址:新华路590弄21号。如果百度,会发现上 海新华路派出所的地址是:法华镇路475号。事实上我们应该去的不是新华路 派出所,而是上海市学生事务中心驻新华路派出所业务点。这个点之前是在新 华路派出所隔壁,但是现在搬家了!(话说我误去了这个旧地址好几次。) tip3:地铁延安西路站前往新华路590弄21号方便快捷。乘坐地铁3/4号线, 从延安西路站2号出口出来,过天桥,来到对面的凯旋路,直走,不一会就可 以看到新华路。新华路590弄进去是个挺长的弄堂,入口路边就有引导到办事 处的标牌。标牌相当清楚的。根据标牌,从新华路590弄进去后,一直走,会 看到南洋新华公寓,往里走,走到底,右转会看到这个业务点,一间小屋子, 边上是卫生间:) 对了,网上申请后,只要拿着白卡,不用本人也可以去高教中心领户籍证明。 但是去新华路590号现场申请是否可以代办,这个就不是很清楚了,需要考证。oh,yeah!下次再去开证明俺就记得了。。


篇一:户籍分户申请书 分户申请书 xx派出所: 本人 xxx,男,xx年xx月xx日生,xx文化。身份证号码:xxx,户籍所在地为xxx,农业(城 镇)户口,户主为本人父亲xxx,身份证号码:xxxxxxxxxx,另有家庭成员x名,分别是: 本人母亲xxx,身份证号码:xxxxxxxx;本人奶奶xxx,身份证号码:xxxxxxxxxx;本人 妻子xxx,身份证号码:xxxxxxxxxx;本人女儿(儿子)xxx,身份证号码:xxxxxxxxxx。 鉴于 本人现已结婚成家并已有小孩,经济已独立,加之四代同堂,不同时代的人生活习惯、消费观 念等难免存在代沟,不利于家庭和谐。经与全体家庭成员协商一致,同意本人(xxx)及本人 妻子(xxx)和女儿(xxx)从原户中分出,另行立户,户主为本人,特向贵所提出分户申 请,落户仍在xxxxxxx。敬请批准予以分户为谢。 请人及家庭成员(签字): xxx年xx月xx日 篇二:户口分户申请书 口分户申请书 敬的村委、派出所领导: 本人 系***********村民***,*,****年**月**日出生,户籍地址为**************,身 份证号码为********。目前户口薄成员共*人,分别是户口:***(户主)、***(户主妻 子)、***(户主长子)、***(户主儿子)、鉴于本人***已结婚,经济已独立,并拟在外 购置房产,长期与原来家庭分开居住,现为了解决工作、生活等问题,经与全体家庭成员协商 一致,同意本人从原户中分出,另行立户。 此申请! 敬请 予以批准,为谢! 请人:***

**** 年**月**日 篇三:户口分户申请表 四:户口分户申请书 口分户申请书 x派出所: 本人 xxx,男,xx年x月xx日出生,现居住在xxxxxx,目前户口成员共x人。鉴于本人已结 婚,并育有一子,经济以独立,现为了解决工作、生活等问题,经与全体家庭成员协商一致, 同意本人xxx、妻子xxx及儿子xxx从原户中分出,另行立户。特此申请! 敬请 予以批准,为谢! 请人:xxx xxxx 年xx月xx日 篇五:入户申请书 入户申请书 请准 予入户。 申请 人xxx xx年 xx月xx日 落户 申请书 xxx公安局(或派出所): 本人 xxx,xx岁,xxxxxx人,于xx年x月x日于贵辖区xx处购买了xxx平方xx元的住房一 套。根据xxx规定和本人需要,特申请将在xxx处的本人及妻子x孩子x的户口迁到贵辖区 xx路xx号x小区xx楼xx单元xxx室。望领导早日批复!


户籍证明书标准模板 1、法定的户籍证明是指公民的《中华人民共和国居民身份证》和户口本。假如是集体户,或身份证、或户口本遗失,则派出所能够出具你的“户籍证明”。 2、目前有些场合,需要户籍证明,你能够凭本人的身份证或户口本去你的户口所在地派出所申请。不收任何手续费,可能有些派出所会收取一定的工本费(一张纸)假如采纳“鸿达”户籍治理系统的,则那个户籍证明叫“户籍证明书”,其他版本的也类似。户籍证明仅证明某人的户籍,因此是不另贴像片的,但有个人像片在电脑内的,在打印户籍证明的同时,会打在证明书上。假如不注明有效期的话,该证明没有有效期限制,使用时依旧以公安机关登记为准,并不是以你提供的为准,这只能证明至你申请的当天。 3、这种户籍证明是为公民应急所使用,不是法定的证明。我们理解,不因为需要你户籍证明的人不想复印你的身份证或户口,这即可能复制到假的,也废纸张,因此叫你自己到派出所出具一份,而且是派出所盖章的原件,这更具真实性。 4、按照你咨询题上的描述,那个“户籍证明”仅指“户口本”复印件,不是上面所述“户籍证明书”。 户籍证明书标准模板 __-_,男(女),系__省__市__镇__村村民,身份证号__-___-___-___-___-___ 特此证明。 户籍证明 常住人口编号:091-70110104 户口类不:城镇居民家庭户 户主或与户主关系:之子 姓名:张三性不:男 曾用名:民族:汉婚姻状况:未婚 出生日期:1988年02月15日职业:(无/不填) 文化程度:高中 公民身份证号码:324156************ 籍贯:柿市镇

工作单位:(无/不填) 家庭住址:柿市镇路号公安局 盖章 备注: 有效期限两个月


Registered Permanent Residence (Translations) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Household Register Notice 1. Permanent residential book has the force and effect that can certify the citizen’s identity and relations between family members. It’s also the main gist for the census of permanent residence registration authority. The householder and family member have the liability to present the permanent residential book to the officer when the census is being taken. 2. The householder should keep the permanent residential book properly and it’s prohibited to have any modification, transfer and lend out which is not authorized. Also the householder shall report to the permanent residence registration authority immediately for the losing of the book. 3. The permanent residence registration authority is the only one who has the authority for the registration, any other unit of person is not allowed to write anything on the book. 4. The householder shall come to the permanent residence registration authority with for re-registering if there are any changes about the family members and other recorded items. 5. The householder shall go to the permanent residence registration authority to revoke the book if the family moves out the dominated district. Address changing records


户口本 Type of Household Non Agricultural Residence Name of Householder**** Residence Number **** Address **** Certified Seal of Guangdong Province Public Security Bureau For Hukou certificate only Certified Seal of Household Registration Office **** Local Police Station Guangzhou Public Security Bureau Seal of Registrar:****e Issuing Date: ****,**** Register of Residence Change New Address Date of registration update Registrar 1

Registration card for permanent residence Name****Householder or Relation with the householder Householder herself Former name (if available) Sex Female Place of birth *****District, Guangzhou Ethnicity Han Ancestral native place****,Guangdong Date of birth**** Other residential address in this city (county) Religious belief Citizen ID card number4***** Stature*** cm Blood group Educational degree Marital status Married Military service status Employer Occupation When and from where immigrated to this city (county) Registered on ****, **** When and from where moved in current residential address Seal of Registrar:**** Date of register:**** Registration card for permanent residence Name****Householder or Relation with the householder Son Former name (if available) Sex Male Place of birth ****District, Guangzhou Ethnicity Han Ancestral native place Guangzhou Date of birth ** Other residential address in this city (county) Religious belief Citizen ID card number Stature Blood group Educational degree Marital status Military service status Employer Occupation When and from where immigrated to this city (county) ****District, Guangzhou When and from where moved in current residential address Seal of Registrar: **** Date of register: **** 2


1. Household Register has legal force to identify the status of citizens and the relationships between household members. It is an important gist for the Registration Organ of Household Register to take census and check. When the working personnel of the Registration Organ of Household Register take census and check, householder or members of the household shall hand up the Household Register for check actively. 2. The householder shall keep the Household Register carefully, which cannot be altered, transferred or lent in private. If lost, he shall report to the Registration Organ of Household Register immediately. 3. The registration right of Household Register belongs to the Registration Organ of Household Register. Any other unit or individual cannot take any record in the register. 4. If the household members are increased or decreased, or the registered affairs are changed, the householder shall apply to Registration Organ of Household Register for registration with the Household Register. 5. In case that the household move out of the administrative district, the Household Register shall be returned to the Registration Organ of Household Register for cancellation. Type of the Household Nonagricultural Family Name of Householder LI Xiulan Household Number Domicile Room 2,Unit 3 Building 2, Huanhualu. Qingyang District .Chnegdu

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