当前位置:文档之家› 安徽省“合肥十校”2016届九年级中考大联考(三)英语试题









1.A.invent B invention C.invite

2.A.quite B. quiet C.quick

3.A.finish B.fish C.rubbish

4.A.month B.mouth C.south

5.A.pull off B. put up C.put off



6.Which are they talking about in the museum?

7.What is David allowed to do at the weekend?

8.Who is Nacy's brother?

9.What's on the floor?

10.What sport does the man probably like better?

11.What is Tony going to do this weekend?

A.Go cam ping. B.Do homework. C.Do housework.

12.Why does Helen come to the man's house?

A.To ask for help. B. To say“hello” C.To visit her friend.

13.What time is it now?

A.It's 2:30. B It's 3:00. C.It's 2:00.

14.What Will the mother give Dave?

A.A cup of coffee. B.An orange. C.Some salt.

15.How do they keep in touch with each other?

A.By telephone. B. Sending emails. C.Paying a visit.




16.What is the probable job of the woman?

A.She is a film star. B.She is a musician. C.She is a football Player.17. What are they going to do?

A.They are going to see a film.

B.They are going to have dinner together.

C.They are going to enjoy a concert.


18.What sport can't people d。now at the sports centre?

A.Table tennis. B.Volleyball. C.Swimming.

19.How much should you pay for a year if you are 16?

A.$40. B.$50. C.$60.

20.Why Will they go to the sports centre next Friday?

A.They won't have any classes.

B.They can stay there longer.

C.The tickets will be cheaper.




2l.Which city is Cindy's favorite?

A.Beijing. B.Hangzhou. C.Shanghai.

22.When did she go there?

A.In January. B.In May. C.In October.

23.Who did she visit there?

A.Her friends. B.Her teachers. C.Her grandparents.

24.How was the weather?

A.Hot and windy. B.Sunny and hot. C.Sunny but cool_

25.What didn't she do there’

A.She didn't go shopping B.She didn't go fishing. C. She didn't go boating.V.信息转换(共5小题,每小题1分;满分5分)





31.Learning ____________ country's language is a better way of knowing_________

culture behind it.

A.the;a B. a;the C.不填;the D. a;不填

32. --- __________do you like best?

---Orange.because orange can bring me success.

A.What B.Why C.Which D. What colour

33.---What does the lady 1ook like?


A.She's fine and well B. She's really a nice lady

C.She's tall and thin D.She 1ikes wearing skirts

34.Lorna usually thinks _________her own language first.Then she turns her words into Chinese.

A.by B.in C.with D.through

35.--- When shall we meet again next time?

---__________ day is all right.

A.Any B. None C.Either D.Neither

36.一一I don't like chicken ____________ fish.

一一I don't like chicken. I like fish.

A.but;but B.and;and C.or;but D.or;land

37.一一 Excuse me,is this seat taken?

一一_______.That man got his books and left a few minutes ago.

A.I'm afraid so B.I don't think so

C.I don't know D.I hope not

38.一一How does he usually go to school?

一一He _______ ride a bike,but now he ___________ walking to lose his weight. A.used to;used to B.was used to;is used to

C.used to;is used to D.is used to:used to

39.一一Listen! Is Professor Johnson giving a report in the hall?

一一No,it________ be him.He has gone to Japan.

A.needn't B.may not C.mustn't D.can't

40.I hear someone ___________at the door.P1ease go and see who ___________is.

A.knock;he B.knocking;he C.knock;it D. knocking;it

41.If the(1uestlon ___________ incorrectly(错误地), ___________question Wi11 be given to you.

A.is answered;other B.answers;other

C.is answered;another D.answers;another

42.一We need to ___________a time to have a talk now.

一What about tomorrow? I'm too busy today.

A.put up B. fix up C.use up D.1ook up

43.一 Would you please bring your CDs bought in HongKong to me tomorrow? I'd 1ike to have a look.

一___________ I will introduce something to you.

A.Not at a11 B. N0 problem C.No way D.Never mind

44.一 How do you like the concert given by New Ocean Waves?

一Exciting,___________ one piece of the music wasn't played quite well.

A.so B.because C.though D.and

45.There are a lot ___________people today than yesterday.

A.0f B. most C./ D.more



A 段婧语法填空

It was an unusual time with so much happening in my 1ife.I was on my 46 to the hospital to visit my sick mom,who passed away shortly after my visit.So 47 was going on and I arrived earlier than usual at the airport.

When I arrived at the airport,I went to get some breakfast.After getting breakfast.I fell on the 48 because of some water and the food was dropped all over.I was

embarrassed(尴尬)and feeling down because of the situation with my mom.I 49 all

the people were 1ooking at me.I just wanted to 50 in a different part of the airport.Sitting there,I began to 51 without a sound.In a short time,a man came

toward me and said that he wanted to buy me 25 .I said it wan not necessary.but

he still wanted to.He came back with some warm food,a bottle of drink and a big smile.

I thanked him 53 his kindness.My thanks to him were praying(祈祷)for him and

his family.That breakfast gave me not only physical strength(力量), 54 moral(精


1 want to do the same for another human being(人类).I will 55 forget that

morning at the airport.

46.A.road B.way C.street D. sky

47.A.more B.most C.much D.many

48.A.bed B.seat C.floor D.desk

49.A.heard B.felt C.smelt D.tasted

50.A.sit B.1ie C.sing D.laugh

5l. A.shout B.cry C.smile D.talk

52.A.dinner B.1unch C.breakfast D.supper

53.A.with B.on C.to D.for

54.A.and B.or C.but D.if

55.A.usually B.always C.sometimes D.never


Manners(礼貌)are important in our lives.Everyone likes a person 56 good

manners.As parents,you should teach your children manners as soon as they can 57

what you're saying.

Here are some basic manners for children.

⊙Don't talk when other people are 58 .Gently(轻轻地)tell your children to wait

until someone finishes his words.

⊙A1ways greet someone when they 59 your house.You can teach your children to

shake hands with adults(成年人).but it's not 60 to shake hands with other

children.And your children should always say“Hello”to those who visit you 61 they

feel welcome.

⊙Say“Please”and“Thank you”often.If someone 62 them,tell them to say

“You're welcome.”

⊙ Have good sportsmanship(运动品德).After playing a game,no matter what the 63

will be,be pleasant.If your children win,tell them not to 64 the others.If they

1ose,tell them not to get mad.

⊙0pen doors for others.When going into buildings,they should 65 the elders(长

辈)to go first and open the door for them.

56.A.to B.with C.on D.for

57.A.hear B.guess C.understand D. remember

58.A.speaking B.sleeping C.working D. reading

59.A.come out B.come over to C.come up with D. come back from 60.A.good B.useful C.right D. necessary

61.A.until B. so that C.because D. even if

62.A.thanks B helps C.hates D. agrees

63.A.reason B. things C.position D. result

64.A.talk about H laugh at C.1lsten to D.play with

65.A.a11ow B.watch C.stop D.teach



根据对活内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两个为多余选项。 (At a friend's house)

A:This is a 1ovely house!

B:Thank you.

A. 66

B:Yes,it is.I always walk to work—even when it rains! Well,would you like some cakes?

A:Yes,hmm…They're very delicious! 67

B:Yes,I usually do some baking on weekends.All of us 1ike eating sweets

A:You're a wonderful cook!

A:I never cook.My husband David

usually does all the cooking

B: 69

A: Yes.

To cook,we go out to eat


B: 70

A:Yes,too many! You cad eat at a different restaurant each time.




Two months before Christmas,my little gir l Alice told her father and me that she

wanted a new bike.Her bike was lust too old.As Christmas came nearer,she sti11 didn't

get a new bike but she didn't say it again.Then on December 24.she said she really

wanted a bike more than anything else.Now we didn't know what to do.It was just too

late.There was no time to buy the“right bike”for our little girl

When we thought about we would make our child unhappy,we felt guilty and sad.

Suddenly my husband thought of an idea.“We can make a little bike out of clay(泥

土)and write a note to tell her that she could trade in(交换)the model bike for a real

one.”So he spent five hours making a model bike.

On Christmas morning,A1ice opened the little box with the beautiful red and white

bike and the note.She opened and read the note 1oudly.She looked at me and my husband and said,“So,does this mean I can trade in this bike for a real one?”Smiling,I said,“Yes.”Alice cried when she said,“I would never trade in this beautiful bike that Daddy made me.I want to keep it.”

7l. Alice's wish was to __________on Christmas Day.

A.get a new bike B.have a clay bike

C.receive a doll house D.keep her old bike

72.A1ice's parents didn't buy her a bike because she____________.

A.didn't want a bike any more

B.wanted some storybooks

C. didn't say it again in the last two months

D.asked for it only on December 24

73.The underlined word“guilty”means _____________.

A.unhappy B wrong C.happy D.sorry

74.Alice's father got a good idea to________________.

A.take five hours to play with clay B.make a small bike out of clay

C. make her old bike red and white

D. put the present in a box

75.From Alice's words in the last paragraph,we know that she _____________.

A.still wanted to get a real bike

B didn't know the meaning of the note

C.preferred a real bike to the model one

D. was greatly moved by what her father had done


Hobbles are a great way to have fun, learn,and make friends.Most hobbles have clubs and you can join or you can just do a hobby by yourself.Pick up a hobby that interests you and start today.Here are some interesting hobbles for you to choose from. Stamp collecting can be a fun hobby.There are thousands of colorful stamps from different countries.This makes stamp collecting both interesting and useful.You can learn about different parts of the world through co11ecting stamps from other countries.Most stamp collectors collect stamps just for the fun of gathering them.You can begin collecting with little or no money just by getting stamps off your everyday mails.

Coin collecting can be another interesting hobby.Collecting coins from a11 over the world can be very interesting.You can also try to find and collect coins from past history.These coins can be hard to find,but they are important.

Collecting Barbie Dolls(芭比娃娃)is popular with many women and girls around the world.Since Barbie was born in 1959,she has become the most popular doll in the world.Most collectors of Barbie Dolls collect the dolls just for fun.

76.If you want to pick up a hobby,you __________.

A.should travel to other countries B. can join a club

C.Wi11 spend a lot of money D. must do it by yourself

77.What does the writer think of stamp collecting?

A.Stamp collecting is interesting but useless(无用的).

B.We can get a lot of money from stamp collecting

C.We can't learn about other countries through stamp collecting.

D. You can begin this hobby by collecting used stamps from your everyday mails.78.The coins from _______can be hard to find.

A.daily life B. other countries C. China D. past history 79.From the passage,We know that many women and girls collect Barbie Dolls because they __________.

A.want to know history B. can join clubs C.1ike them D.can make money


The following are four kinds of medicine at home.We should know how to use them.Never

80.If a person takes the medicine,he can't rest and sleep very well,he should _____. A.take 1ess dosage B.take more dosage

C.take two pills at bed time D. take it again without water

81.If a middle-age person with a cough wants to be well at home he'd better_______. A.take three pil1s before sleep B.stop to take more pills

C.go to see the doctor D.take two pills before sleep

82.When an adult has a cold,he had better ___________.

A.have twice a day B. have about over l4 pi11s a day

C.have pills four times a day D.have nine pills a day

83.How many kinds of medicine can be taken by the six-yea-old children?

A.All of them B.Three kinds of medicine

C.Two kinds of medicine D. Almost not any medicine


We use our bodies for everything.We need our bodies for exercise, for 1earnlng,for playing with our friends and many more things.If we want to be able to do all of these activities and have lots of fun.we need to 1ook after ourselves.If we don't look after ourselves then we start to feel gloomy(沮丧的).we can't run around as much,or concentrate as hard. We wouldn't even be able to play with friends for very long before we get tired.

However,there is one way to make sure that we feel very good and full of energy all the time.If we eat healthy food then our bodies are happy and we have more energy.This means we can work properly,making us strong and ready for anything.

It call be hard to eat healthy food all the time,but with a delicious school 1unch it couldn't be easier.We make all the food and you just choose what you want.You can try lots of new.delicious and exciting foods with your friends too.

We prepare our meals very carefully to make sure that everything is delicious and full of a11 the goodness that your body needs to stay healthy and happy.This way,you can run around and have more fun and you won't find yourself feeling sleepy in the afternoons--you will feel great all the time.By eating healthily now, you can also help protect your body from health problems when you get older.

84.From the passage we can know the author may be __________.

A.a PE teacher B.a doctor C.a nurse D.a cook

85.Why do we need to 1ook after ourselves?

A.Because we get tired.

B. Because we use our bodies for everything.

C.Because we are worn out.

D.Because we don't want to be 1ooked after by others,

86.What does the underlined word“goodness”mean in Chinese?

A.上帝 B.美德 C.养分 D.善良

87.The passage mainly wants to tell us_____________.

A.the author and his(her)workmates can make delicious and healthy food

B.healthy food is important for getting high grades

C.it can be hard to eat healthy food all the time

D. if we don't look after ourselves then we start to feel gloomy



Have you ever dreamed of going to the moon? In July 1969,two American astronauts walked on the moon.Their names were Neil Armstrong and Buzz A1drin.If you visited the moon today,you would Sti11 be able to see their footprints! They also left behind the American flag and the little car they drove Called the Lunar Rover.

When the astronauts went to the moon,they needed to wear spacesuits and helmets

to protect them,because sometimes the moon is very cold and sometimes it is very hot.The helmets helped them breathe because there is no air on the moon.

Did you know if you weighed 70 pounds on the earth。you would weigh only 11.5 pounds on the moon? And if you went for a walk on the moon,you would bounce(弹起)with each step.Some people say the moon is made out of Swiss cheese because there are holes,called craters(环形山),on the moon.The craters were caused by large rocks from space,called meteorites(陨石),hitting the moon.Here is another Interesting thing about the moon:Did you know that moon is like a mirror? It reflects(反射)the light of the sun and sends it to the earth and makes the moon look bright and beautiful Don't you agree we have a beautiful moon?

88.What did the astronauts leave on the moon when they walked on it?(不超过13个单词)

___________________________________________________________________________ 89.Why do astronauts need spacesuits?(不超过10个单词)


90.If you weighed 70 pounds on the earth,how much would you weigh on the moon?






9l. Did you kno w who d_______(发现)America?

92.This kind of book always p___________(提供)useful information about local service, 93.“The c_________(顾客)is always right,”the manager said.

94.He's always c__________(抱怨)that nobody listens to him.

95.I'm e__________(期盼)a letter from my sister.


在学习有关环境保护的话题后,英语老师让大家展开课堂讨论。请你以“What Can We Do for the Environment”为题,写一篇保护环境的英语讨论稿,为参加讨论活动做准备。





3.参考词汇:布袋子cloth bag

能源energy 课本textbook

What Can We Do for the Environment

Hello,everyone.It's nice to speak about what we can do for the environment.And I think each of us can do a little bit to help with this problem.



_________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your listening!


第一部分听力部分 (共五大题,满分30分)

1-5. BBCAB 6-10. AACCC 11-15 CBCBB 16-20. BACAB 21-25 BCACB

26.library 27.April 28.history 29.80/eighty 30. photos



31. B【解析】考查冠词的用法。句意为:学习一个国家的语言是一种更好了解它的文化的方式。


32. D【解析】“What color…?”是询问颜色的交际用语。本题中的orange有“桔色”和“桔子”两种

意思,根据“because orange can bring me success”一句可知orange在这里指颜色。故答案D。

33. C【解析】“What … sb. look like?”常用来询问某人的外貌特征,意思是“……长得什么样子


34. B【解析】题干的意思是:洛娜通常是先用母语思考,然后翻译成汉语。该题测试介词的用


35. A【解析】这组对话的意思是:“我们下次什么时候再次见面?”“任何一天都行。” 该题测试

不定代词的用法,用直接法。根据答语中的day是单数可数名词以及all right可确定答案选A。

36. C【解析】肯定句中连接两个并列宾语的and再变为否定句时,要将其变为or。答语中两个


37. B【解析】I don’t think so是表达个人看法的用语,多用在表示不同意别人的观点,其肯定形

式是“I think so”,意为”我认为如此”。根据语境可知B选项为正确答案,而其它的三个选项都不符合题意。

38. C 【解析】used to do sth表示“过去常常做某事”;be used to doing sth表示“习惯于做某事”。


39. D【解析】考查情态动词的用法。表示肯定的推测,can’t表示怀疑、猜测、惊异(主要用于


40. D【解析】此题容易误选A或B。这是由于汉语思维的影响引起的。大家都知道hear sb. do sth.

意为“听见某人做某事”,hear sb. doing sth. 意为“听见某人正在做某事”,这样一来很多人就会选择A或B,因为后面“去看看他是谁”从汉语的角度来看是没有错的。其实,在英语中常常用it来指代身份(姓名、职业等)不详的人。有人敲门时我们常常用英语问“Who is it?”正确答案为D。

41. C 【解析】考查语态和不定代词的用法。主语是物应用被动语态,排除B、D;other可作形


42. B【解析】本题考查在具体语言环境下动词词组的辨析。题干理解:现在我们需要安排一个


43. B【解析】That’s no problem.还可以说成No problem.,意为“没问题”,用来接受他人的请求。


44. C【解析】本题考查连词用法。Exciting与后文中所讲的内容之间为转折关系,故选C。

45. D【解析】有的同学一看此题,就会认为选A,因为是固定搭配a lot of。如果我们仔细分析

一下题干可知,此句有一连词than引导的比较状语从句,这是个比较结构,排除A、C项,B是最高级应排除,故答案理所当然应选D。本题的考查点应是副词a lot修饰比较级more,意为“多得多”。



46. B[解析]本题在语境中考察名词的用法和意义区别,根据语境应该是on one’s way to .

47. C[解析]本题根据语境:这一切还在继续,根据上文第一行第一句可以找到暗示,或者是提示。

48. C[解析]根据语境,由于地面散落很多潮湿的东西,因此的摔倒在地上。

49. B[解析]根据语境,作者摔倒,因此感觉到很多人都在看他。因此选择felt. 表示内心感觉到,其他没有这个意思。

50. A[解析]根据句意:我想找另外一个地方坐下,因此选sit。

51. B[解析]根据全文提供的语境,应该是无声的哭泣,因为母亲病重的原因。

52. C[解析]根据第二段的第一行可以得知作者的早饭因为摔倒而散落满地的,因此没有吃过早点。

53. D[解析]本题考查介词,for 表示原因。因为他的好意,谢谢他。

54. C[解析]本题根据语境,上文有not only 下文应该是but 或者是but also.

55. D[解析]根据全文语境应该作者难以忘记在机场的一个上午。


56. B[解析] 本题考查介词with的用法,表示伴有……

57. C[解析] 本题考查动词意义和用法区别,此处指,孩子理解父母说什么的时候。

58. A[解析] 本题考查动词意义和用法区别,根据语境得知是说,因此选speaking.

59. B[解析] 本题考查动词短语在语境中的使用,根据句意是指到你家来的客人,因此选:come over to .

60. D[解析] 本题在语境中考查形容词意义和区别,根据语境是指,不必要的,因此选necessary.

61. B[解析] 本题考查连词so that 引导目的状语从句,表示:目的是……

62. A[解析] 根据句子意思可知,回答,Thanks 需要You are welcome.因此本题选择A。

63. D[解析] 本题语境中考查名词的意义和用法区别,根据句意应该是:result.

64. B[解析] 本题考查动词短语的用法,根据句子意思,当别人胜利了,我们不能嘲笑他们,因此选择laugh at.

65. A[解析] 本题语境中考查动词的意义区别使用,根据句意,应该选allow, allow sb. to do something, 其他动词不符合意思。






71.A【解析】该问题的意思是Alice的愿望是什么?细读全文第一句Two months before Christmas,

my little girl Alice told her father and me that she wanted a new bike.可找到正确答


72.C【解析】该问题的意思是Alice的父母亲为什么没给她买自行车?第一段中的she still didn’t

get a new bike but she didn’t say it again.可提供答案。








76.B【解析】该问题的意思是:如果你想有个爱好,你能做什么?由第一段中Most hobbies have

clubs and you can join一句可知应加入俱乐部。

77. D【解析】该问题的意思是:作者对邮票收集的想法是什么?理解第二段最后一句可做出答


78.D 【解析】根据第三段中You can also try to find and collect coins from past history. These

coins can be hard to find, but they are important. 可做出答案。


collectors of Barbie Dolls collect the dolls just for fun. 句可提供答案。



第一幅广告Take less(更少的)dosage if restlessness or sleeplessness(失眠)happens句



告是咳嗽药。Once two pills a day before sleep for adult句是答案。



83.C【解析】该问题是问:6岁的孩子能吃哪几种药?第一、二幅广告分别有For children under

six years old,go to ask your doctor Not for children under six years old说明,是儿童不



84.D[解析] 由最后一段的“We prepare our meals very carefully to make sure that…”可推断出答


85.B[解析] 由第一段的前3句话,我们可找出正确答案。

86.C[解析] 把四个词义带入原句中,再结合上下文,可知正确选项是“养分”。

87.A[解析] 最后一段表明了作者的目的:为大家提供有营养的食物。


88.They left footprints, an American flag and a little car on the moon.

89. Because they can protect them from the cold and heat.

90. I would weigh 11.5 pounds.



91.discovered 92.provides 93.customer https://www.doczj.com/doc/a32001410.html,plaining 95.expecting


What Can We Do for the Environment

Hello, everyone. It's nice to speak about what we can do for the environment. And I think each of us can do a little bit to help with this problem.

First, we can use cloth bags instead of plastic bags when we go shopping. It helps to protect the environment. Next,we need to reuse the old textbooks as possible as we can so that more paper can be saved. Also, we should never forget to turn off the lights when we leave the classrooms in order to save energy. What's more, it would be better if we walk or ride a bike to school. We must try our best to reduce pollution.

In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment. I believe we can make the world a better place to live in.

Thank you for your listening!



1. What do you think is the most useful invention?

2. Be quiet, children. Let’s begin our lesson.

3. Could you help me with the yard rubbish?

4. It took me over a month to finish the drawing.

5. Please put up your hands if you’ve got the answer.


6. W: Don’t smoke in the museum. Please look at the si gn.

M: Oh, sorry. I didn’t see it.

7. W: Are you allowed to go to parties at the weekend, David?

M: No, but I’m allowed to do sports.

8. W: Jack, could you please tell me who is Nancy’s brother?

M: He’s wearing a pair of glasses, and his hair is short and black. He’s wearing a black T-shirt today and he’ll be standing beside a white car. You can’t miss him.

9. W: There might be a watch on the floor. But I’m not sure.

M: Let me have a look. Oh, no! It’s a phone.

10. W:What’s your favorite sport?

M: Soccer. And I always play soccer in my spare time.

11. W: Can you go camping with us this weekend, Tony?

M:I’m afraid not. I have to help my mother do some housework at home.

12. W: I’ve come over to say “hello”. I’m Helen. My family has just moved into the ho use next


M: Great! Nice to meet you, Helen.

13. W: Hurry up. The football game begins at two thirty.

M: No hurry. We still have thirty minutes.

14. W: Would you like some fruit or food, Dave?

M: I don’t care. Eithe r is OK. Thanks, mum.

15. W: How will you keep in touch with your friends after graduation?

M: Oh, we used to write but now we can e-mail each other.

Ⅲ、长对话理解(共5小题,每小题1分; 满分5分)


M: Anna, there is a really good film at the cinema this week. It’s called Sounds Fore ver. Would you like to come and see it with me on Wednesday evening?

W: Sorry. I’m afraid I can’t. I’m going to play at a concert at London University on Wednesday.

M: What about Friday then?

W: Great! I’d love to. What time does it start?

M: Seven o’clock.

W: OK, fine. See you on Friday then. Bye.


M: Hello, Jane. Have you ever been to the new sports centre?

W: No, never! Bob, Is it good?

M: Yes, it’s great! You can do lots of sports there. Last week I went there with my father and we played table tennis and volleyball.

W: What about swimming?

M: Not yet. They are going to build a swimming pool next year.

W: Is it expensive?

M: Not really, Jane. It’s$60 a year if you are over 18, and $40 if you are 15 to 18.

W: Oh, that’s good because I’m 16.

M: And on Saturday and Friday it stays open late till 10 o’clock. Why don’t we go on Friday next week? Then we can stay late.

W: OK. Let’s meet after school.

Ⅵ、听短文,选答案。(共5小题,每小题1分; 满分5分)

I’m Cindy. I like traveling. I have traveled to many cities in C hina. But my favorite city is Hangzhou. It was October 1st. I went to Hangzhou to visit my friends. I felt very happy when I saw them. The weather was great. The sun shone in the blue sky but it was not hot. The wind was really cool. After lunch, we went out and bought lots of nice things in the big s tores in Hangzhou. We also went to the beautiful West Lake and boated in the lake. How relaxing and exciting! We really enjoyed



An art exhibition will be held in the library on April 14th. Many students and teachers will be there. If you love painting or want to learn how to paint, you can also come and take part in the event. If you want to go, don’t forget to take your paint brushes and paper with you. At 11 o’clock, an art ist will give a talk about the history of painting and teach the skills of painting there. You can also see over 80 famous paintings there. Taking photos isn’t allowed. And please keep quiet.

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