当前位置:文档之家› 四川省乐山市高中2016届高三英语第二次调查研究试题









1. What did the speakers plan to do?

A. Go sailing.

B. Read some books .

C. See a film.

2. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a store.

B. In the street.

C. On the phone.

3. Why is the woman studying English?

A. To find a good job.

B. To help her with her job.

C. To go to America.

4. What does the woman want to do ?

A. Put an ad to sell a house.

B. Have a look at the houses.

C. Get some information to take a trip.

5. When is the clinic open?

A. From Monday to Friday.

B. At weekends

C. During the whole week




6. Why does the woman have to put off the meeting?

A. Because she couldn’t get in touch with h er cousin.

B. Because she has another more important meeting.

C. Because her plane is delayed by the fog,

7. What does the woman ask Mr.Smith to do?

A. To attend her cousin’s party.

B. To send her cousin a message.

C. To find out her cousin’s telephone number for her.


8. How does the man feel?

A. Upset.

B. Nervous.

C. Sick.

9. What’s wrong with the man?

A. He was knocked down by a car

B. He had a car accident that moring.

C. He had an accident while walking.


10. Why does the woman like going to the beach?

A. To sit in the sun.

B. To watch the waves

C. To observe sea birds.

11. When do the speskers plan to meet again?

A. On Friday

B. On Saturday

C. On Sunday.

12. What is the main topic of the conversation?

A. Friends

B. A trip

C. Sea birds


13. Where did George go?

A. An art exhibition.

B. An art lecture

C. An art museum.

14. What is true about George?

A. He is a good painter.

B. He has artistic ability

C. He loves art very much.

15. What paintings dose George prefer?

A. Watercolours.

B. Oil paintings

C. Portraits.

16. What is Mary going to do for the weekend?

A. Buy a ticket for the exhibition.

B. Paint a picture.

C. Go to the art exhibition. 听第10段材料,回答第17至第20题。

17. What difficulty did the speaker have when starting to learn French?

A. Vocabulary.

B. Grammar.

C. Pronunciation

18. Why did the speaker go to France?

A. To settle there.

B. To continue her studies.

C.To look for a job.

19. What did the speaker think of her French after she arrived in France?

A. Poor.


C. Excellent.

20. What is the most important in learning a language according to the speaker?

A. Mastering the grammer rules.

B. Knowing a large number of words.

C Using the language in real life.




When I was young, my father had one of the first telephones m our neighborhood. I remember the

shiny box on the wall. But I was too little to reach it. I could only listen to my mother talk on it.

I discovered that inside the-wonderful box lived an amazing person whose name was Information Please. There was nothing she did not know.

One day my mother went out. I accidentally hurt my finger when I was playing with a hammer. I walked around the house sucking my finger, finally seeing the telephone. Quickly I dragged a chair over and climbed up.

“Information Please, ”I spoke into the receiver. A click or two and a small clear voice spoke into my ear. “Information.”

“I hurt my finger…”I cried into the phone.

“Isn’t your mother home?” came the question.

“Nobody’s home but me.” I sobbed.

“Are you bleeding?” the voice asked.

“No,” I replied, “I hit my finger with the hammer and it hurts.”

“Can you open your icebox?” she asked. I sai d I could.

“Then take a little piece of ice and hold it to your finger.” said the voice.

After that, I called “Information Please” for everything. I asked her for help with my geography and she told me where Philadelphia was. She helped me with my math. She told me her name was Sally.

Then, there was the time my pet canary(金丝雀)died. I called “Information Please” and told Sally the sad story. “Why is it that birds sing so beautifully and bring joy to all families , only to end up as a pile of feathers?” She listened, then said quietly, “Paul, always remember that there are other worlds to sing in.” Somehow, I felt better.

One day when I called “Information Please” again, a different voice answered “Information.”

I asked for Sally. “Are you a friend?” she said.

“Yes,” I answered.

“I’m sorry to have to tell you this,” she said. “She died five days ago.” Before I could hang up she said, “Wait a minute. Did you say your name was Paul?”


“Well, Sally left a message for you. The note said, ‘Tell him I still sa y there are other worlds to sing in. He’ll know what I mean.’” I thanked her and hung up. I knew what Sally meant. 21.When the author hurt his finger, he rang because __________.

A.he believed that the telephone knew everything

B.the telephone could tell h im a doctor’s number

C.his mother was on the other end of the telephone

D.he was once told to ask for help in this way

22.Through the help from Sally, it can be inferred that __________.

A.Sally was a geography teacher

B.Sally was the author’s friend

C.Sally was a considerate person

D.Sally was an imaginary person

23.What did Sally really mean by her message?

A.She was sure that she could sing in other worlds.

B.She didn’t want Paul to be sad about her death.

C.Singing helped Paul to face death more easily.

D.There was no need for Paul to call her anymore.

24.What is the best title for this passage?

A.My Pet’s Death

B.An Amazing Woman

C.A Healing Message

D.My Magic Box


Many of us are used to hearing stories of people being pickpocketed in busy places. But most of us are aware of the dangers, so we are safe – at least, we think we are.

According to a BBC report, a growing number of thieves are trying to “hack (侵入) our mind’s weaknesses” to get their hands on our possessions.

“In fact, the key requirement for a successful pickpocket isn’t having quick fingers,” said the report. By using psychology, some pickpockets are taking advantage of the loopholes(漏洞) in our brains.

Our lack of ability to multitask is one of the most important loopholes used by pickpockets, the report explains. While this can often be a good trait(特点), allowing us to focus on the most important details in our surroundings, “a good trickster can use it against you, ”said neuroscientist Auzana Martinez-Conde.

“It’s all about directing people’s attention toward something else,” said James Brown, who studies the tricks of pickpocketing. Confidence, the power of suggestion, and certain hand movements such as moving your hands in an arc (弧形) are all said to be things that fool us.

Groups of pickpockets use a common trick designed to create a scene and confuse victims.

The first gang member, a “blocker”, walks in front of the victim and suddenly bumps into them.

A second member of the gang then bumps into both of them from behind and stages an argument with the “blocker”. In the confusion, both men steal what they can and pass it to a third thief who quickly runs off with the stolen goods.

Some thieves go even further to exploit our psychology by hanging out near signs reading “beware of pickpockets”. Since this is one of the last places people expect to be robbed, many check where their valuables are, giving away their location to thieves.

But according to Brown, as long as we don’t daydream in public, we shouldn’t be worried.

“A street thief will avoid like the plague(瘟疫)” people who are demonstrating(展现)a very open awareness of their environment,” he said.

25.According to the BBC report, the main strategy of a successful pickpocket is________.

A. to distract victims

B. to give themselves multiple tasks to do

C. to focus on the most important details

D. to use swift hand movements

26.When groups of pickpockets use their common trick, ________.

A. it is the third thief’s task to steal what they can from the victim

B. the victim usually doesn’t dare to argue with them

C. the victim usually gets confused and lets down his or her guard

D. two members bump into the victim from different directions at the same time

27.Why do some thieves hang out near signs saying things like “beware of pickpocketers”?

A. They think it is more thrilling to steal in those areas.

B. Normally there are no police officers around.

C. They don’t know common people’s psychology.

D. They have a better chance of locating people’s valuables there.

28.According to James Brown, which of the following types of person is more likely to be pickpocketed?

A. People who look weak.

B. People who are walking slowly.

C. People who are absent-minded.

D. People who are alert to their surroundings


Whether it’s joining a school club, going to a friend’s birthday party, or travelling by train, we can meet new people anywhere and anytime in our lives. However, many of us feel awkward when meeting people for the first time, especially when we aren’t quite sure what to say. The situation feels cold, even icy.

“Breaking the ice” is a term widely used in the English-speaking countries to describe a small talk technique that can help rescue a conversation from certain failure.

So where do you even begin? Well, a good start is to accept that it is perfectly normal to feel a little nervous when talking to someone for the first time. They might look grumpy or scary, but they could turn out to be the nicest person you’ve ever met.

You might think th at breaking the ice is difficult. But sometimes just a simple “hello”, followed by a three-second smile, can make all the difference.

Complimenting someone on their garment or accessories(饰品) is also a great, easy way to break the ice. You might say: “I love your jacket. Where did you buy it from?”

Being in an uncomfortable or unpleasant situation with someone new might feel terrible, but it can actually be one of the best icebreakers. By focusing on the situation, you come together to

fight the common enemy: the long bathroom queue, for example, or the overcrowded bus.

You can make observations too. “What kind of drink is that?” “That’s a lovely name. What does it mean?” “Do you study here too?” There are opportunities all around you to ask questions that don’t seem weird, as long as you have some follow-up questions in mind.

If you’re feeling extra bold, make a joke. Jokes can be difficu lt to master but if you get them right, they show the likeable, witty side of your character. “What’s your name?” “Well, people usually call me Mike, but you can call me tonight.”

29.Which is the best title for the passage?

A. How to develop friendship with a stranger

B. Advice on breaking the ice when we communicate with a stranger

C. How to become a successful public speaker

D. How to start a conversation with a person

30.The underlined word “grumpy” can be replaced by______.

A. easily annoyed

B. gentle

C. low-spirited

D. cheerful

31. What can we learn from the passage?

A. “Breaking the ice” is a small talk technique widely used in our daily communication all

over the world.

B. As long as you can smile at others, you will make some friends.

C. Realizing that it’s normal to feel nervous in front of a stranger is a good start to break

the ice.

D. Being in an uncomfortable situation with some strangers can be the best icebreakers.

32. According to the passage, making a joke________.

A. can be done with ease.

B. leads to many new friends.

C. can show your wisdom and lovely character.

D. makes you enjoy your life happily.


If you live in a big city, there are many things to drive you crazy on your daily route, and it’s not just overcrowded subway trains.

Vicky Zhao is a mainlander working in Hong Kong. For her, one thing she can’t put up with is people standing on the wrong side of the escalator(自动扶梯)in subway stations. “Escalators help us move faster and save time. It isn’t a place to rest,” the 24-year-old says. “I often see tourists block the way with their suitcases or chatting on the escalators during rush hours. It annoys me to no end.”

Admitting she is not the patient type, Zhao says things are much better in Hong Kong than in cities on the mainland where “stand right, walk left” signs are often ignored.

The logic behind the “stand right, walk left” escalator etiquette(礼仪)seems obvious. Even

though you may want to catch your breath while you’re transported up or down, you should still consider others and leave enough space for people in a hurry, so that they can run and catch the train.

Many cities’ escalators, including London’s and Beijing’s, use the “stand right, walk left” system to speed up the flow of people.(Australia is an exception and you should stand on the left side instead.)But some cities discourage people from moving on escalators out of safety reasons. In Hong Kong’s subway stations there are regular announcements asking people to “stand still” on escalators. Even so, most people in this fast-paced city observe the “stand right, walk left” etiquette.

But the people who stand on escalators defend themselves by telling the walkers not to be so impatient. The BBC quotes one stander as saying:“If the person is in such a rush, why not just take the stairs? Even when the escalator is packed and there’s nowhere to move, I see these sam e people complaining about not being able to pass.

Whatever the escalator etiquette is in the place you live or visit, do what most people are doing and always be mindful of others: leave enough space between each other, don’t stay at the end of the escala tor, and if someone is blocking your way, a simple “excuse me” is enough.

33.In the second paragraph, the underlined word It refers __________.

A.the author’s living in the big city of Hong Kong

B.being crowded on the subway trains m rush hours

C.people’s blocking the way or chat on the escalators

D.people’s standing on the right side resting

34.What can be inferred from the 6th paragraph?

A.Not everyone follows the “stand right, walk left” etiquette.

B.The BBC is against the “stand right, walk left” etiquette.

C.People should be patient and take the stairs if possible.

D.People sh ouldn’t complain about the crowded escalators.

35.Which of the following statements is t he writer’s opinion?

A.People should stand right no matter where they are.

B.People should do as the Romans do and consider others.

C.People should do as they like on the escalators.

D.People. should be seriously critisized when they block the way.



It’s the time of year when graduates are looking forward to putting constant exams behind and moving on to a more exciting stage of their lives. But in the digital age, not everything is so easily left behind, because they have created a digital footprint that’s often not easy to cover up. However, t h e r e a r e v a r i o u s a c t i o n s t h e y c a n t a k e t o m a k e that online presence more appearing 36

Clean up your Facebook account

Clean up your Facebook page and get rid of anything that could be considered offensive or held against you. Remember, the test is no longer “Would you want grandma to see it?” but“ 37 ”

Use a professional looking photo

38 , so make sure that first impression is a good one. Again, what worked at school is unlikely to impress the employers. Also, be consistent and use the same photo on all your online platforms.


W hile it’s important to make the transition(过渡)from school to the workplace, you don’t want to leave everything behind. Make a point of keeping in touch with your school friends, teachers, professors, sports coaches, or anyone who could be helpful to you as you establish a career.

Be yourself

Nobody can be more like you than you. 40 Turn your social networking pages into your own personal website, and start marketing your own individual ,brand!

A.Grow your network

B.Search your memory

C.A picture is worth a thousand words

D.Whom would you want to see it?

E.Would you want a future employer to see it?

F.Make sure your online presence is representative of who you really are.

G.Here are a few suggestions that you might want to pass on.





We humans love to make comparisons. On the market, we 41 o find the best ones. In the classroom teachers compare their students to the 42 . And parents compare their child to his or her peers to 43 an idea of what is “normal”.

44 , comparisons of any kind come with a sting(刺痛) for everyone. When parents make it clear to anyone that their child is 45 to all other children in all ways, they put their child under 46 . Some children will obey when they are pressured to 47 their parents’need for perfection; others may 48 , trying to be just like any other kid, or, better still, to be just who they are. In other 49 , parents who compare their child to other children might end up 50 their child is somehow “deficient(有缺点的)” . And, again, they pressure their child to be 51 enough.

A most disturbing 52 of all this comparing is that it pushes children into the destructive world of competition. “In a 53 culture, a child is told that it isn’t enough to be good---he or she must 54 others,” writes Alfie Kohn, a parenting expert.

According to Kohn, research doesn’t 55 the theory that competition brings success. One

after another, researchers have concluded that children don’t learn better 56 education is changed into a competitive struggle. Competition prevents a child’s ability 57 not only educationally but socially, too.

So, 58 competition, cooperation! Instead of 59 other people’s children, parents need to pay close attention to their own, learn who they are, discover their interests and talents, and teach them how to cooperate with others. They will need role models to 60 them.

41. A. see B. touch C. sell D. compare

42. A. mature B. new C. model D. overseas

43. A. get B. use C. share D. explain

44. A. Therefore B. However C. Otherwise D. Besides

45. A. harmful B. superior C. responsible D. thankful

46. A. pressure B. control C. discussion D. consideration

47. A. express B. prove C. satisfy D. create

48. A. disappear B. wait C. resist D. rest

49. A. cases B. words C. ways D. nations

50. A. denying B. deciding C. predicting D. concluding

51. A. honest B. good C. patient D. polite

52. A. process B. consequence C. purpose D. method

53. A. traditional B. scientific C. political D. competitive

54. A. defeat B. accept C. recognize D. choose

55. A. test B. challenge C. support D. change

56. A. since B. until C. when D. unless

57. A. losing B. progressing C. showing D. reducing

58. A. apart from B. because of C. as for D. instead of

59. A. shouting at B. laughing at C. looking at D. striking at

60 A. guide B. force C. invite D. expect




People do have different ideas about what 61 (wear). While young people tend to consider more about fashion, personality and how they look when 62 (choose)clothes, elderly people pay 63 (great)attention to whether they appear right, they feel comfortable as well as whether the material is worth 64 price.

How people get dressed also changes over time. Take China 65 an example. In the 1960’s and 1970’s , there wer e practically only two or three colors people wore-blue, green and gray. The styles of the clothes 66 (be)also very dull. In the 1980’s young people would only wear 67 was

in fashion. 68 (recent), we have come to understand that the way you dress 69 (you)is a reflection of your occupation, your background and your personality. So we see different people wear different clothes according to occasions, their likes and 70 (feel)










The famous person I would really like to interview him is Yang Liwei. He is not only the first Chinese to going to space but also one of the greatest astronaut in the world. I have longinterested

in space

exploration and I believe I could learn a great deal by him about it.

If I could interview him, I will ask him what made him an astronaut and how he was training. I’d

also like to know how he felt in space and whether space travel is so great fun as I have read. Finally,

I would like to ask a few questions about his personally life, that must be very interesting.










Dear friends, we’re honored to welcome you to our school. Today,






1—5 ACBBA 6—10 CBABC 11—15 ABACB 16—20 CABAC



21—25 ACBDA 26—30 CDCBA 31—35 CCCAB


36-40 GECAF



41-45 DCABB 46-50 ACCAD 51-55 BBDAC 56-60 CBDCA



61. to wear 62. choosing 63. greater 64. the 65. as

66. were 67. what 68. Recently 69. yourself 70. feelings



The famous person I would really like to interview him is Yang Liwei. He is not only the first Chinese

to going to space but also one of the greatest astronaut in the world. I have long∧interested in space

go astronauts been

exploration and I believe I could learn a great deal by him about it.


If I could interview him, I will ask him what made him an astronaut and how he was training. I’d also

would trained

like to know how he felt in space and whether space travel is so great fun as I have read. Finally, I would


like to ask a few questions about his personally life, that must be very interesting.

personal which





3. 评分时,原则上按文章所表达的要点数归档。如语言错误多,可降一档,如语言表达较好,可打该档最高分或上升一档。










7. 如果累计要点数出现半点的情况,可根据语言质量进行归档。


3—4 个错误,将其归入上一档取其低线。

5—6 个错误,将其归入本档取其高线。

7—8 个错误,将其归入本档取其中线。
















五.One Array possible

version: Dear friends, we’re honored to welcome you to our school. Today, we’d like to share our culture with you by introducing the art of Jianzhi, Chinese paper-cutting, which is for celebrations, festivals and home decoration. Two Chinese characters—Fu, good fortune, and Xi, happiness—are our student Jianzhi club’s focus this week. Fu is always posted upside down, which is homophonic with “Fu comes” in Chinese. And Xi often appears in pairs at weddings because double Xi represents double happiness. In a moment, we’ll break you into mixed groups to experience firsthand the joy and history of the traditional craft. After today, I hope you’ll each have a piece of fortune and happiness to keep you company. So please enjoy yourselves!


Text 1

W: There was a storm warning on the radio this morning.

M: Oh, no. I guess we’ll have to change our sailing plans then. Would you rather go to the library? W: That’s OK, but I thought you wanted to go to see a film.

Text 2

W: Hello. Thank you for calling Spend Mart. How can I help you?

M: I bought a sweater from your store a week ago. It says size 12. But actually, it is a size 10.

Can I exchange it?

W: Of course.

Text 3

M: Why are you study English?

W: I work at the front desk in a big hotel here. We have a lot of guests from America. So I want to

improve my listening and speaking.

Text 4

M: This article is nothing but advertising for housing developers. I don’t think the houses they sell are half as good.

W: Come on, David. Why so negative? We are thinking of buyi ng a house, aren’t we? Just a trip to look at the place won’t cost us much.

Text 5

M: Hello, Doctor Green’s office.

W: Hello, I’d like to know what time the clinic is closed?

M: We start from 9 am and close 7pm on weekdays. We don’t work at weekends.

W: I’d prefer a later time this Friday. Is 6:15 OK?

M: No problem.

Text 6

W: Hello, Mr. Smith. This is Ellen speaking.

M: Who? Just a minute. Let me turn down the TV. Who? Oh, Ellen. I can hear you now, not well though. W: I’ve been delayed here. The plane won’t take off because of the fog, and I’d like to put off our meeting till Thursday at the same hour, if it is convenient for you.

M: Sure. That will be all right.

W: Oh, that’s great. Could you get in touch with my cousin, Alfred Black, 26 Brown Street and tell him that I won’t be able to attend his party tomorrow because of the delay?

M: Certainly, with pleasure.

W: He has a phone, but I can’t remember the number right now. Thank you very much.

M: You are welcome.

W: I’ll be seeing you on Thursday. Goodbye.

Text 7

W: Hi, David, you look awful. What’s the trouble?

M: Well, believe it or not, I had an accident in the car this morning. Someone drove into the back of my car.

W: No! How did it happen?

M: I was just turning into my drive when another car came round the corner and drove into the back of mine.

W: Didn’t you see him?

M: No, I didn’t. I looked in my driving mirror and there was no one coming. Not only that, I also looked in the big mirror on the other side of the road.

M: That’s right.

Text 8

M: Hi, Lily. Where are you going this weekend?

W: Hi, Tiger. I’m going to the beach with some friends. Do you want to come, too?

M: Yeah, that sounds like fun. Which beach are you going to?

W: We were thinking about driving north to the Big Beach. I like to watch the sea birds and wildlife there.

M: That sounds great! When do you plan to leave?

W: Well, I think at about 4:00 on Friday.

M: Do you have space for me in one of the cars?

W: Sure, we’ll fit you into a car.

M: Great. Where should we meet?

W: Meet on Friday in front of my house.

M: Ok, I’ll see you then. Bye.

Text 9

W: Hey, George! Where are you heading?

M: Hey, it’s you, Ma ry. I just came back from an exhibition.

W: A what?

M: An exhibition. To be exact, a fine art exhibition.

W: Really? Is it any good?

M: Yeah, pretty good, I should say. You know I don’t have any artistic ability, but I can appreciate the stuff there. There are portraits, oil paintings and watercolours. It’s really amaz ing.

Sometimes they can fool your eyes—you have to look really closely to see that’s not a photo or something real. It’s a great exhibition.

W: What paintings do you prefer?

M: I would have to say the oil paintings. They’re just so colourful and aliv e.

W: Yeah, that’s one thing that I like about oil paintings. But I can’t stand the traditional style.

I find it so boring.

M: Yeah, I’m a little tired of that style, too. I’m crazy about art, and I wish that I were able to paint as well as these artists. You should go and have a look at this exhibition if you can afford a day. It’s really delightful.

W: Well, I was just thinking about what to do for the weekend. Now you’ve given me a good idea.

I’m really looking forward to it!

M: Trust me, it’s worthwhile and the ticket is not expensive.

W: OK. See you. I’ve got to go and get the tickets.

T ext 10

W: Pleased to be here today. My name’s Joan,and I’d like to share with you something about my French learning. I still remember whe n I first started to learn the language I didn’t really have a problem with the pronunciation. I just had a hard time memorizing words. But I made a great effort and soon I was scoring ten out of ten in all of the tests. By the time I got to university, I could do some writing and translations without much difficulty, and I actually enjoyed learning the grammar rules. Then as part of my university course I had to go and live in France for a year. As soon as I arrived, I realized I didn’t know how to order the type of coffee I liked, and trying to find somewhere to live or stay was something difficult to deal with. I called people about information in the paper, but I had to keep putting the phone down because I couldn’t understand a word they were saying--they all spoke so quickly! I could see then that there’s no point in just knowing words if you can’t hold a conversation with a native speaker. The ability to speak freely is what helps you get a job, hold a conversation or just buy the things you need.


苏州市2016届高三调研测试 一、填空题:本大题共 14小题,每小题5分,共计70分.不需要写出解答过程,请把答 案直接填在答题卡相应位置上 . 设全集 u ={ x | x > 2, x € N },集合 A ={ x | x 2 > 5, x € N },贝 V e u A = _________ 复数z ^(a 0),其中i 为虚数单位,⑺一5,则a 的值为—— 2 2 双曲线——1的离心率为 4 5 若一组样本数据9, 8, x , 10, 11的平均数为10,则该 组 样本数据的方差为 ___________ . 已知向量 a=(1 , 2), b=(x , -2),且a 丄(a-b),则实数 x= . 阅读算法流程图,运行相应的程序,输出的结果 为 . 2x x < 0 函数f(x) ' '的值域为 _________ . x 2 1,x 0 连续2次抛掷一枚骰子(六个面上分别标有数字 1,2,3,4,5,6),则事件“两次向上的数字之和等于 7”发生的概率为 __________ 将半径为5的圆分割成面积之比为1:2:3的三个扇形作为三个圆锥的侧面,设这三个 圆锥的底面半径依次为 _____________________________ r 1,r 2, r 3,则n r 2 r 3 = . 已知是第三象限角,且 sin 2cos -,贝U sin cos 5 已知{a n }是等差数列,a 5= 15, a 10=— 10,记数列{a n }的第n 项到第n+5项的和为 T n ,贝y T n 取得最小值时的n 的值为 ________ 若直线h :y x a 和直线 dy x b 将圆(x 1)2 (y 2)2 8分成长度相等的四段 弧,贝V a 2 b 2 = __________ 已知函数f(x) = |sinx| — kx (x >0, k € R)有且只有三个零点,设此三个零点中的最大 值为 x °,则(1 x ^)sin2x 0 已知ab 丄,a,b (0,1),则丄 —的最小值为 ______________ 4 1 a 1 b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. & 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. (第6题图)


四川省乐山市2020年中考物理试卷 一、单选题(共16题;共32分) 1.下列数据中,最接近生活实际的是() A. 人体的正常体温为38.5℃ B. 一个鸡蛋的质量约为0.5kg C. 中学生的正常步行速度约为1.1m/s D. 一本中学物理教科书的厚度约为5cm 2.在疫情防控期间,人们通过手机传递信息实现在线教育、视频会议、无线对讲等办公服务,避免了人与人之间的直接接触,手机传递信息是利用了() A. 红外线 B. 电磁波 C. 超声波 D. 次声波 3.在“探究凸透镜成像的规律”实验中,下列说法正确的是() A. 将蜡烛移至a处时,移动光屏,可看见放大、正立的实像 B. 将蜡烛移至b处时,移动光屏,可看见缩小、倒立的实像 C. 将蜡烛移至c处时,移动光屏,可看见放大、倒立的实像 D. 将蜡烛移至d处时,移动光屏,可看见放大、正立的虚像 4.下列光现象中,由光的直线传播形成的是() A. 电视塔在水中的倒影 B. 演员对着镜子画脸谱 C. 水中的筷子发生“折断” D. 日偏食的形成 5.下列说法中正确的是() A. 焦耳用实验确定了电流产生的热量跟电流、电阻和通电时间的定量关系 B. 帕斯卡首先用实验的方法测出了大气压强的数值 C. 法拉第首先发现了电流的磁效应 D. 牛顿第一定律是直接由实验得出的 6.下列实例中,属于减小压强的是()

A. 锋利的篆刻刀 B. 骆驼宽大的脚掌 C. 注射器的针头 D. 切菜的菜刀 7.如图所示,在两个靠得较近的小车上分别放一块磁体甲和乙,松手后() A. 由于甲先对乙施加了斥力,然后乙再对甲施加斥力,所以乙先向右运动 B. 由于甲、乙两磁体间存在相互作用的引力,所以甲、乙相互靠近 C. 甲对乙的斥力与乙对甲的斥力是一对平衡力 D. 甲对乙的斥力与乙对甲的斥力是一对相互作用力 8.下列实例中,目的是为了增大摩擦的是() A. 滚动轴承 B. 给木箱加装轮子 C. 自行车车轮有凹槽 D. 磁悬浮列车与轨道不接触 9.如图所示,小林静止站在商场的电梯上,随电梯匀速向上运动,下列说法正确的是() A. 小林受到重力、支持力作用 B. 小林受到重力、支持力和水平向右的摩擦力作用 C. 以地面为参照物,小林是静止的 D. 小林受到的支持力大于重力 10.2020年6月17日15时19分,我国在酒泉卫星发射中心用长征二号丁运载火箭,成功将高分九号03星送入预定轨道,发射获得圆满成功。在运载火箭加速升空的过程中,下列说法正确的是()


英语试卷 第1页(共26页) 英语试卷 第2页(共26页) 绝密★启用前 江苏省苏州市2016年中考英语试卷 英 语 本试卷满分100分,考试时间100分钟。 第一部分 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 ( )1. Edward and William are brothers. There is ________ uncommon similarity between ________ two boys. A. an; / B. an; the C. a; / D. a; the ( )2.—Here’s a box of chocolate on our desk. For me or for your mom? — It’s ________, Dad. Happy Father’s Day! A. hers B. her C. yours D. you ( )3.—What does Justin Bieber’s song Never Say Never impress you most? —It tells us that we ________ do almost anything if we never give up. A. can B. have to C. should D. need ( )4. A good student connects what he reads ________ what he sees around him. A. for B. with C. in D. on ( )5.— Oh, dear! A power cut! —Sorry, I didn ’t know you ________ the washing machine. A. are using B. used C. use D. were using ( )6. To make your DIY work perfect, you’d better not start ________ you get all the tools ready. A. when B. while C. before D. after ( )7. If the customer rings up for me again, please ________ the call to the sales department. A. run through B. look through C. go through D. put through ( )8.—________ pale you look! Are you feeling all right? —I’m not feeling well. I’ve got toothache. A. How a B. How C. What a D. What ( )9. Steve Jobs was full of ________—always coming up with new ideas which led to great changes in society. A. instruction B. invitation C. introduction D. invention ( )10. Our teacher often advises us ________ the habit of making notes while reading. A. to develop B. develop C. to developing D. developing ( )11. —Playing video games is a waste of time. —I can’t agree more. There are ________ meaningful things to do. A. the most B. the least C. more D. less ( )12. There’s no ticket left for Lang Lang’s piano concert. ________ you ________ your sister can go to it. A. Both; and B. Not only; but also C. Either; or D. Neither; nor ( )13. —Hobo and Eddie ________ the cinema to watch the film Zootopia . —Oh, that’s why I can’t find them now. A. have gone to B. have been to C. has gone to D. has been to ( )14. —Daniel, could you tell me ________? —Certainly, in Brazil. A. when the 2016 Olympics will be held B. when will the 2016 Olympics be held C. where the 2016 Olympics will be held D. where will the 2016 Olympics be held ( )15. —I ’d like to choose yellow as the colour of our bedroom. —________. The colour brings me a warm and comfortable feeling. A. No way B. Sounds great C. In your dreams D. I can’t decide 二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 The earliest maps were probably drawn in the Middle East. Some of these maps have 16 and they show us the people at that time thought the earth flat (平的). As time went by, the pictures became more detailed and maps were more 17 made. Later on, ancient Greeks (希腊人) used their 18 of math and science to make maps. Greek maps tell us the Greeks knew the world was 19 . From simple pictures, mapmaking has turned into a science. Maps are made 20 surveying (勘测) land. In the 1900s, people around the world started to share -------------在 --------------------此-------------------- 卷-------------------- 上-------------------- 答-------------------- 题-------------------- 无-------------------- 效 ---------------- 毕业学校_____________ 姓名________________ 考生号________________ ________________ ___________


2020年四川省成都市石室中学高考数学一诊试卷(理科) 一.选择题: 1.(5分)已知集合{|1}A x N x =∈>,{|5}B x x =<,则(A B = ) A .{|15}x x << B .{|1}x x > C .{2,3,4} D .{1,2,3,4,5} 2.(5分)已知复数z 满足1iz i =+,则z 的共轭复数(z = ) A .1i + B .1i - C D .1i -- 3.(5分)若等边ABC ?的边长为4,则(AB AC = ) A .8 B .8- C . D .-4.(5分)在6(21)()x x y --的展开式中33x y 的系数为( ) A .50 B .20 C .15 D .20- 5.(5分)若等比数列{}n a 满足:11a =,534a a =,1237a a a ++=,则该数列的公比为( ) A .2- B .2 C .2± D . 1 2 6.(5分)若实数a ,b 满足||||a b >,则( ) A .a b e e > B .sin sin a b > C .11a b a b e e e e + >+ D .))ln a ln b > 7.(5分)在正四棱柱1111ABCD A B C D -中,14AA =,2AB =,点E ,F 分别为棱1BB ,1CC 上两点,且114BE BB = ,11 2 CF CC =,则( ) A .1D E AF ≠,且直线1D E ,AF 异面 B .1D E AF ≠,且直线1D E ,AF 相交 C .1D E AF =,且直线1D E ,AF 异面 D .1D E AF =,且直线1D E ,AF 相交 8.(5分)设函数2 1()92 f x x alnx = -,若()f x 在点(3,f (3))的切线与x 轴平行,且在区间[1m -,1]m +上单调递减,则实数m 的取值范围是( ) A .2m … B .4m … C .12m <… D .03m <… 9.(5分)国际羽毛球比赛规则从2006年5月开始,正式决定实行21分的比赛规则和每球得分制,并且每次得分者发球,所有单项的每局获胜分至少是21分,最高不超过30分,即先到21分的获胜一方赢得该局比赛,如果双方比分为20:20时,获胜的一方需超过对方2


四川省成都市树德中学2020级高三物理期中考试卷 考试时间120分钟,分值150分 第I卷(选择题共60分) 一、不定项选择题:(60分)本题共12小题,在每小题给出的四个选项中,有的小题只有一个选项正确,有的小题有多个选项正确。全部选对的得5分,选不全的得2分,有选错或不答的得0分。 1、下列说法中正确的是() A、跳高时,在沙坑填沙,是为了减小冲量 B、推小车时推不动,是因为合外力冲量为零 C、小船过河,船头垂直河岸正对对岸航行时,如果河水流速加快,则横渡时间将变长 D汽车拉拖车沿平直路面加速行驶,汽车拉拖车的力大于拖车拉汽车的力 2、下列关于机械能的说法中正确的是() A、在物体速度减小的过程中,其机械能可能反而增大 B物体所受的合力做功为零,它的机械能一定守恒 C物体所受的合力不等于零,它的机械能可能守恒 D改变物体速度的若是摩擦力,则物体的机械能一定改变 3、如图所示,甲、乙、丙三个轮子依靠摩擦传动,相互之间不打滑,其半径 分别为「1、「2、「3。若甲轮的角速度 为速度为() " 「1 1 f 「3 1 —「31 A、 B 、 C 、 r 3 「1 r2 4、如图,位于水平桌面的物块P, 由跨过定滑轮的轻绳与物块Q相连, 从定滑轮到P和Q的两段绳都是水平


间的动摩擦因数都是卩,两物块的质量都是m,滑轮的质量、滑轮轴上的摩擦都不计, 若用一水平向右的力F 拉P 使它做匀速运动,则力F 的大小为 ( ) A 、4 ii mg B 、3 fl mg C 、2 卩 mg D 、卩 mg 5、如图,一物体从半圆形光滑轨道上边缘处由静止开 滑,当它滑到最低点时,关于动能大小和对轨道最低点压 说法中正确的是( ) A 、轨道半径越大,动能越大,压力也越大; B 轨道半径越大,动能越小,压力越大; C 轨道半径越小,动能越小,压力与半径大小无关; D 轨道半径越大,动能越大,压力越小; 7、如图所示,小球从a 处由静止自由下落,到b 点时与弹簧接触,到c 点时弹 簧被压缩到最短,若不计弹簧的质量和空气阻力,在小球由 ( ) A 、小球的机械能守恒 B 小球在b 点时的动能最大 C 、从b 到c 运动过程中小球的机械能逐渐减小 D 小球在C 点的加速度最大,大小一定大于 g 8假设一小型宇宙飞船沿人造地球卫星的轨道在高空中做匀速圆周运动, 若从 飞船上将一质量不可忽略的物体向飞船运动相反的方向抛出,以下说法错误的有 ( ) A 、 物体和飞船都可能按原轨道运动 B 、 物体和飞船可能在同一轨道上运动 6、 一根长为L 的细绳一端固定在0点, 为m 的小球A ,为使细绳与竖直方向夹角为 处于静止状态,对小球施加的最小力等于: A 、 3 mg B 、-3mg 2 a — b — c 运动过程中 mg 2 A

江苏省苏州市2016届高三第一学期期末调研测试 物理试卷(含答案)

苏州市2016届高三调研测试 物理2016.01 本试卷共18小题,满分120分,考试用时100分钟. 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必用黑色签字笔将自己的姓名和考试号填写在答题卷上,并用2B铅笔填涂考试号下方的涂点. 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卷上对应的答案信息点涂黑.如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案.答案写在试题卷上无效. 3.非选择题必须用0.5mm黑色签字笔作答,必须在答题卷上各题目的答题区域作答.超出答题区域书写的答案无效.在试题纸上答题无效. 一、单项选择题:本题共7小题,每小题3分,共计21分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意. 1.校运会上,某同学在100m短跑比赛中以11.90s的成绩获得第1名.关于该同学在比赛中的运动,下列图象中最接近实际情况的是( ) 2.如图所示,虚线是用实验方法描绘出的某一静电场中的一簇等势线.若不计重力的带电粒子从a点射入电场后恰能沿图中的实线运动到b点,则下述判断正确的是( ) A.带电粒子在b点的速率一定小于在a点的速率 B.带电粒子一定带正电 C.b点的电势一定高于a点的电势 D.b点的电场强度一定大于a点的电场强度 3.为研究平抛运动的规律,某同学使小球沿课桌面水平飞出,用具有摄像功能的数码照相机来拍摄小球做平抛运动的录像(每秒25帧照片),并将小球运动的照片按帧打印出来.他大约可以得到几帧小球在空中运动不同位置的照片( ) A.5帧B.10帧C.15帧D.20帧 4.如图所示,一只原、副线圈分别是200匝和100匝的理想变压器.副线圈的两端连接两个阻值均为20Ω的电阻,原线圈接频率为50Hz的正弦交流电源,电压表的示数为 5V.电流表、电压表均为理想交流电表,则下列说法正确的是年() A.电流表的读数为0.5A B.流过电阻的交流电频率为100Hz


乐山市实验中学半期测试 九年级物理试题(2014.11) 一、选择题。(每题3分,共45分) 1、下列现象中,不属于扩散现象的是( ) A 、往一杯热水中放些糖,过段时间整杯水变甜 B 、海绵吸水 C 、炖汤时,老远就能闻到香味 D 、把一块铅和一块金的接触面磨平后紧压在一起,几年后发现铅中有金 2、LED 发光二极管的主要材料是( ) A 、纳米材料 B 、超导体 C 、导体 D 、半导体 3、一段镍铬全金丝的电阻为500Ω,若把另一段长度相同、更细的镍铬合金丝与它绞在一起,绞在一起后的这段镍铬合金丝的电阻( ) A 、因长度不变,电阻仍为500Ω B 、因材料不变,电阻仍为500Ω C 、因合金丝变粗了,电阻小于500Ω D 、因合金丝变粗了,电阻大于500Ω 4、下列生活场景中,通过做功来改变物体内能的是( ) A 、搓动双手感到暖和 B 、用嘴向手“哈气”感到暖和 C 、冬天晒太阳身体感到暖和 D 、围坐火炉旁烤火感到暖和 5、关于导体和绝缘体,下列说法正确的是( ) A 、通常情况下,液体都是导体 B 、绝缘体在一定条件下可以变成导体 C 、非金属物质一定是绝缘体 D 、导体导电都是靠电子 6、对式子R=U/I 的理解,下面的说法中正确的是( ) A 、导体的电阻跟它两端的电压成正比 B 、导体的电阻跟通过它的电流成反比 C 、导体的电阻跟它两端的电压和通过它的电流无关 D 、加在导体两端的电压为零,则通过它的电流为零,此时导体的电阻为零 7、如图1所示,电源电压为6V ,闭合开关后发现电流表的指针几乎不偏转,电压表的示数为6V ,两表接法均正确,可能出现的故障是( ) A 、灯泡的灯丝熔断 B 、开关接触不良 C 、灯泡被短路 D 、电流表被烧毁 8、如图2所示是一个电冰箱的简化电路图。M 是压缩机用的电动机,L 是电冰箱内的照明灯泡。关于电冰箱内电动机和照明灯的工作情况,下列说法正确的是( ) A 、电冰箱门关上时,S 1就自动闭合 B 、电冰箱门打开时,S 1就自动闭合 C 、电冰箱门打开时,S 2就自动闭合 D 、电动机与照明灯不可以同时工作 9、如图3所示的电路中,电源电压恒定,R 1为定值电阻,闭合开关S ,滑动变阻器R 2的滑片P 由B 端移到a 端的过程中、下列说法正确的是( ) A 、电压表的示数变小,电流表的示数变大 B 、电压表和电流表的示数都变小 C 、电压表的示数变大,电流表的示数变小 D 、电压表和电流表的示数都变大 10、下列图象中,能正确表示定值电阻上的电流与两端电压关系的是( ) A B C D 11、如果铁丝的温度升高了,则( ) A 、铁丝一定吸收了热量 B 、铁丝一定放出了热量 C 、外界可能对铁丝做了功 D 、外界一定对铁丝做了功 12、如图4所示,四冲程汽油机的工作过程按顺序排列正确的是( ) A 、甲、乙、丙、丁 B 、乙、丁、甲、丙 C 、丙、乙、甲、丁 D 、乙、丙、甲、丁 图4 图5 13、如图5所示为路口交通指示灯的示意图,交通指示灯可以通过不同颜色灯光的变化指挥车辆 和行人,根据你对交通指示灯的了解,可以推断( ) A 、红灯、黄灯、绿灯是并联的 B 、红灯、黄灯、绿灯是串联的 C 、红灯与黄灯并联后,再与绿灯串联 D 、绿灯与黄灯并联后,再与红灯串联 14、如图6所示,将两个滑动变阻器串联起来,将a 端和b 端接入电路中,要使两个滑动变阻器 的总电阻最大,那么这两个变阻器的滑片的位置为( ) A 、P 1在最左端,P 2在最右端 B 、P 1在最右端,P 2在最左端 C 、P 1在最右端,P 2在最右端 D 、P 1在最左端,P 2在最左端 图6 15、保密室有两道门,只有当两道门都关上时(关上一道门相当于闭合一个开关),值班室内的 指示灯才会发光,表明门都关上了。下图所示的电路中,符合要求的电路是( ) 二、填空题。(每空1分,共14分) 16、把两块表面干净的铅块压紧,下面吊一个重物也不能把它们拉开,说明分子间存在 。 17、用气筒给自行车轮胎打气,一会儿筒壁变热。这主要是由于迅速压缩活塞时,活塞对筒内空 气 ,使空气的内能 ,温度 ,并传热给筒壁的缘故。 图1 图3 图2



2016普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷) 英语 注意事项: 1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。用2B铅笔将答题卡上试卷类型A后的方框涂黑。 2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。 3.非选择题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。 4.考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分) 做题时,现将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

例:How much is the shirt? A.£ 19.15. B.£ 9.18. C.£ 9.15. 答案是C。 1. What are the speakers talking about? A. Having a birthday party. B. Doing some exercise. C. Getting Lydia a gift. 2. What is the woman going to do? A. Help the man. B. Take a bus. C. Get a camera. 3. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Tell Kate’s to stop. B. Call Kate’s friends. C. Stay away from Kate. 4. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a wine shop. B. In a supermarket. C. In a restaurant. 5. What does the woman mean? A. Keep the window closed. B. Go out for fresh air.


无锡市、苏州市省级重点高中2016届学情调研联考测试(一) 高三语文试题 一、语言文字运用(15分) 1、在下面一段话空缺处依次填入词语,最恰当 ...的一组是(3分) (1)盛唐诗歌和书法的审美实质和艺术核心正是一种音乐性的美。这种音乐性的表现力量▲了盛唐各艺术门类,成为它们美的魂灵。 (2)我们总会被突如其来的缘分砸伤,把这些当做是生活中不可缺少的主题。有些缘分只是▲,瞬间的消逝便成了过往云烟。 (3)要想使自己的生活扁舟轻驶,务必让它承载的仅限于必不可少之物,不然,轻则▲无以进,重则可能压沉自己的生活之舟。道理很明白,什么都舍不得撒手,往往导致什么都不得不割爱。 A.渗透黄粱美梦徜徉 B.渗入南柯一梦徘徊 C.渗入黄粱美梦徜徉 D.渗透南柯一梦徘徊 2、海湾战争前,一中立国外交官与伊拉克外长举行会谈,试图规劝伊拉克撤出被其占 领的科威特。下面语句最得体 ...的一句是(3分) A.贵国若不及早撤出,以美国为首的多国部队就获得了大举进攻的借口,所以萨达姆总统应采取灵活策略,暂时放弃科威特,以避开美国的强大攻势。 B.希望贵国政府切实履行联合国的有关决议,无条件地撤出所占领的科威特领土,以缓和十分紧张的海湾局势。 C.相信伊拉克政府会正视伊拉克所面临的灾难,量力决策,否则,势必会出现后悔莫及的局面。 D.希望萨达姆总统从海湾和平和贵国本身的利益出发,争取主动,避免出现大家都不希望看到的局面。 3、下列对联,用于高中毕业典礼上教师勉励莘莘学子,最.为.恰当 ..的一项是(3分)A.慕师恩众星北拱,瞻学谊群贤南飞。 B.融贯中西学已成,博通古今业无疆。 C.格物致知循大道,求真本信立高标。 D.学富雕龙文修天下,才雄走马星陨人间。 4、在下面两种情境下,用语最.为.得体 ..的一组是(3分) ..恰当


2015江苏高考英语试卷 二、单选 21. The number of smokers, ______ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in the past one year. A. it B. which C. that D. as 22. Schools should be lively places where individuals are encouraged to _____ to their greatest potential. A. accelerate B. improve C. perform D. develop 23. –Jim, can you work…..? --_____? I’ve been working two weeks on end. A. Why me B. Why not C. What if D. So what 24. Much time______ sitting at a desk, office workers are generally trapped by health problems. A. being spent B. having spent C. spent D. to spend 25. _____ Li Hua, a great Chinese poet, was born is known to the public, but…. A. That B. Why C. Where D. How 26. It is so cold that you can’t go outside______ fully covered in thick clothes. A. if B. unless C. once D. when 27. The university started some new language programmes to _______ the


2020届四川省成都市树德中学高三期中考试高中物 理 物理试卷 总分值150分考试时刻120分钟 一、选择题〔此题包括12小题,共48分。每题给出的四个选项中,有的只有一个选项正确,有的有多个选项正确,全部选对的得4分,选对但选不全的得2分,有选错的得0分。〕1.如下图,物体由高度相同、路径不同的光滑斜面静止滑下,物体通过AB的路径l与通过ACD的路径2的长度相等,物体通过C点前后速度大小不变,那么( ) A.物体沿路径1滑下所用时刻较短 B.物体沿路径2滑下所用时刻较短 C.物体沿两条路径滑下的时刻相同 D.路径2的情形不够明确,无法判定哪条路径滑下用的时刻的长或短 2.质点所受的合外力F随时刻变化的规律如图,力的方向始终在一直线上,t=0时质点的速度为零,在图示的t1、t2、t3和t4各时刻中,哪一时刻质点的动能最大〔〕 A.t1B.t2 C.t3 D.t4 3.如下图,细绳的一端固定在O点,另一端拴一个小球,平稳时小球位于A点,在B点有一钉子位于OA两点连线上,M点在B点正上方,且AB=BM,与B点等高有一点N,且BN=AB,现将小球拉到与M点等高的点P,且细线绷直,从静止开释小球后,小球的运动情形是( )

A.小球将摆到N点,然后再摆回 B.小球将摆到M、N之间的圆弧的某点,然后自由下落 C.小球将摆到M点,然后自由下落 D.以上讲法均不正确 4.滑轮A可沿与水平面成θ角的绳索无摩擦地下滑,绳索处于绷紧状态可认为是一直线,滑轮下端通过轻绳悬挂一重为G的物体B,假设物体和滑轮下滑时相对静止,那么( ) A.物体的加速度一定小于gsinθB.轻绳所受拉力为Gsinθ C.轻绳所受拉力为GcosθD.轻绳一定与水平面垂直 5.如下图,A、B两物体的重力分不是G A=3N,G B=4N。A用细线悬挂在顶板上,B放在水平面上,A、B间轻弹簧的弹力为F=2N,那么细线中的拉力T及B对地面的压力N的可能值分不是〔〕 A.7N和0N B.5N和2N C.1N和6N D.2N和5N 6.假如一作圆周运动的人造地球卫星的轨道半径增大到原先的2倍,仍作圆周运动,那么( ) A.依照公式V=ωr,可知卫星的线速度将增大到原先的2倍 1 B.依照公式F=mV2/r ,可知卫星所需的向心力将减小到原先的 2 1 C.依照公式F=GMm/r2,可知地球提供的向心力将减小到原先的 4


苏州市2016届高三调研测试 语文试卷2016.1 语文I试题 一、语言文字运用(15分) 1.在下面一段话空缺处依次填入词语,最恰当的一组是(3分) 80年代,我和周先生是▲。当时,我们在同一所学校教书,我们的教学主张常常▲ ,但这不影响我们做朋友。他热爱学生,有些学生出言不逊,他也不以为忤,依然耐心教导,我相信他的那种精神是会▲ 后世的。 A.紧邻截然相反留传B.芳邻截然相反流传 C.紧邻南辕北辙流传D.芳邻南辕北辙留传 2.下列各句中,没有语病 ....的一项是(3分) A.为解决医疗资源配置严重失衡的困境,浙江省着力开展“医学人才下沉”工程,提升了县域医疗卫生服务能力和群众满意率。 B.中国实行更加积极主动的开放战略,努力构建开放型经济新体制,提高开放型经济水平,将形成深度融合、互利合作的新局面。 C.语文教材的低幼化,很大程度上阻碍了学生心智的发育与成熟,面对这一严峻的现象,人们怎么会无动于衷而不引起深思呢? D.屠呦呦获得诺奖,使一向被质疑的中医终于吐气扬眉,也让世界认识到了中医药这个宝库,更被业界认为是中医发扬光大的最好时机。 3.下列诗句与“落木云连秋水渡”对仗工整的一项是(3分) A.青山聊因美酒横B.晚花幽艳敌春阳 C.乱山烟入夕阳桥D.闲花落地听无声 4.在下面一段文字横线处填入语句,衔接最恰当的一项是(3分) 小船靠近马萨弗埃拉岛。关于这个岛,我手头只有一张信纸大小的地图,很快我就发现,▲ ,▲ 。▲ ,▲ ,▲ ,▲ 。 ①缓坡的地方其实是陡坡 ②我误读了海岛的地形 ③山顶处云腾雾绕 ④十几个捕龙虾人所住的棚屋

⑤峡谷的两边是绿色的山肩 ⑥挤在一个巨大峡谷的底部 A.①⑤④⑥③②B.②①④⑥⑤③ C.②④⑥①⑤③D.①②⑤④⑥③ 5.下列对漫画《跳绳》寓意理解不恰当 ...的一项是(3分) A.换一个角度看问题,长处或许正是短处。 B.要正确认识自己,根据自身条件发展自己。 C.学会扬长避短,才能减少失败的可能性。 D.找到合适的竞争对手,才能砥砺自己成长。 二、文言文阅读(18分) 阅读下面的文言文,完成6~9题。 (韩)滉,字太冲,性强直,明吏事,莅南曹五年,薄最详致。再迁给事中,知兵部选。时盗杀富平令韦当,贼隶北军,鱼朝恩私其凶,奏原.死,滉执处,卒伏辜。 自至德军兴,所在赋税无艺.,帑司给输亁隐。滉检制吏下及四方输将,犯者痛拫以法。会岁数稔,兵革少息,故储积谷帛稍丰实。然覆治案牍,深文钩剥,人亦咨怨。大历十二年秋,大雨害稼什八,京兆尹黎干言状,滉恐有所蠲贷,固表不实。代宗命御史行视,实损田三万余顷。始,渭南令刘藻附滉,言部田无害,御史赵计按验如藻言,帝又遣御史朱敖覆实,害田三千顷。帝怒曰:“县令,所以养民,而田损不问,岂恤隐意邪?”贬南浦员外尉,计亦斥为丰州司户员外参军。方是时,潦败河中盐池,滉奏池产瑞盐。帝疑,遣谏议大夫蒋镇廉.状。 时里胥有罪,辄杀无贷,人怪之。滉曰:“袁晁本一鞭背吏,禽贼有负,聚其类以反,此辈皆乡县豪黠,不如杀之,用.年少者,惜身保家不为恶。”又以贼非牛酒不啸结,乃禁屠牛,以绝其谋。婺州属县有犯令者,诛及邻伍,坐死数十百人。又遣官分察境内,罪涉疑似必诛,一判辄数十人,下皆愁怖。 滉虽宰相子,衣裘茵衽,十年一易。居处陋薄,取庇风雨。门当列戟,以父时第门不忍坏,乃不请。堂先无挟庑,弟洄稍增补之,滉见即彻去,曰:“先君容焉,吾等奉之,常恐失坠。若摧圮,缮之则已,安敢改作以伤俭德?”居重位,清洁疾恶,不为家人资产。自始仕至将相,乘五马,无不终枥下。 (选自《新唐书》,有删节)


2018年四川省乐山市中考化学试卷 一、选择题(本大题共35分,每小题2.5分,每小题只有一个正确选项.) 1. 下列变化中,只发生了物理变化的是() A.植物光合作用 B.苹果腐烂变质 C.矿石研磨成粉 D.酸雨腐蚀建筑 2. 小红在峨眉山旅游到达金顶时,感觉身体不适,可能发生了“高原反应”,主要是因为高海拔地区的空气稀薄,不能给人体提供足量的() A.二氧化碳 B.氧气 C.氮气 D.稀有气体 3. 下列物质中属于纯净物的是() A.石墨 B.西瓜汁 C.豆浆 D.澄清的石灰水 4. 古诗名句“满架蔷薇一院香”,人们能闻到满院花香,主要说明() A.分子的质量和体积都很小 B.分子之间有一定的间隔 C.分子在不停地无规则运动 D.化学变化中分子能分裂,原子不能再分 5. 下图所示的实验操作不正确的是() A. 过滤粗食盐水 B. 熄灭酒精灯 C. 量取液体

蒸发食盐水 6. 水是一种宝贵的自然资源,下列有关水的说法正确的是() A.水的净化过程中用活性炭对水进行杀菌消毒 B.生活中常用煮沸的方法将硬水转化成软水 C.硬水中含较多的钙、镁化合物,长期饮用有益人体健康 D.电解水的实验说明水由氢气和氧气组成 7. 下列物质在氧气中燃烧,出现明亮的蓝紫色火焰的是() A.木炭 B.红磷 C.硫 D.铁丝 8. 下列微粒结构示意图中,其微粒符号可以用形如来表示的是() A. B. C. D. 9. 三硝基胺可用作火箭的燃料,下列关于三硝基胺的说法正确的是() A.三硝基胺由三种元素组成 B.三硝基胺的相对分子质量为 C.一个三硝基胺分子中含有个原子 D.三硝基胺中氮、氧元素的质量比为 10. 除去下列各组物质中的少量杂质,选用的试剂或操作方法不合理的是() 11. 归纳和总结是学习化学常用的方法,下列归纳与总结的化学知识正确的是() A.羊毛、棉花、塑料、橡胶都是有机合成材料 B.、、都具有可燃性和还原性 C.和水都常用来灭火,是利用和水降低可燃物的着火点 D.干冰、生石灰、小苏打都属于氧化物


苏州市2017届高三调研测试英语试卷解读与分析 苏州市教科院刘洪等 苏州市2017届高三调研测试英语试卷的设计是以2015年和2016年江苏省高考试卷为指导思想和命题方向,比较真实地考查高三学生本学期的学习成果和学生的综合英语运用能力。从基础到能力题的选材上尽量体现核心素养内涵,充分展示立德树人和积极向上的正能量引导,同时根据英语课程标准和江苏省高考说明,体现人文关怀和科学情怀。试题的设计没有偏题、怪题,但考虑到为下学期英语学习提出警示和鼓励学生更加努力学习,不盲目乐观,以便能够从容面对2017年高考,因此试卷难度系数定位在略高于2015与2016年江苏省高考题,试卷总词数也大于这两年高考(本卷:4980;2016:4461;2015:4395)。现将试卷各题型作详细解读和分析。 一、听力 听力选材突出时代性和日常性,所设计的情景基本是日常生活常见情景,语言突出原汁原味,并略有一些涉及英美文化和日常语言要素。 1—5题没有拐弯抹角。第1题,刻意加了一点幽默,目的让学生会心一笑,放松心情。第4题谈观看“美国队长”的感受,需要简单推理。第5题有一定难度,需要注意说话者的语气,同时,用阿甘正传的名言来检验学生的知识面,但即使不知道也可以从最后一句判断出正确选项。 按照近八年高考听力第二节每段材料一贯的设题题数,第6、7两段对话各设2道题,第8段对话设3道题,第9、10两段材料各设4道题。第6段对话涉及国外风俗习惯,题目难度不大。第7段对话是家人出游的感受,有人物的关系和事实判断题,直截了当,比较容易。第8段对话是有关邀请的日常交际情景,有简单推算和结果判断,难度中等。第9段对话是朋友在某处相逢并邀请做客的对话,对话相应较长,但信息比较直接,考题的设计有细节题,例如:从picking up some soap要推断出会话的地点,语句较短,容易忽略,有一定难度,其他难度中等。第10段独白有关健康常识,词汇量略大,但题目设计与材料紧密相关,没有深层推断题,但由于有些单词在口语不是很常用,会造成理解有一定困难,也是整套听力最易拉分的一段。 总体来讲,听力试题比较难的题是5、13、19、20,其他均与2016年相仿。 二、单项选择 单项选择的来源主要是第9、10模块、VOA慢速英语、China Daily、https://www.doczj.com/doc/a22110577.html,、CBS news及英语名人名言等。这次考试充分体现与教材的正相关,除了语言点突出了第9、10模块的各类从句和连接词外,一些语言点和词汇的考查也都以教材为主要资源,这一点与近两年高考相似,源于教材而又有别于教材。从题量来看,第21、22、23、24、25、28、29、32、33、34、35等11题都与教材有关,有的是课文的原句或者原句的改编。这样出卷的意图是,让学生能体会到这个学期学习的内容在考试中有所体现,让学生有一定的成就感和学而致用的体验,为今后的课堂上认真学习起到积极推动作用,也改变诸多任课教师所认为的教材与测试毫无联系的错误观念。单项选择总体设计紧随2015与2016高考题,难度紧扣高考,突出“运用语言和词汇的基本知识在真实情景中解决问题”导向,没有故意设计让学生出错的陷阱题,同时也突出语言的“积极阳光的心情”表达,从而起到激励学生奋发向上的积极人生观。然而,由于学生的语言知识一直是学生英语水平和能力提升的瓶颈,有可能该题型的均分不会乐观。但是,如果因为得分不理想,教师就用大量的时间和精力去让学生训练语言知识题,就本末倒置了。因为该题型中很多题目还是考查学生的语言理解能力,而非过多地语法知识,即使存在的一些也具有一定的情景性,且难度也不是太大。因此,当时间


2020年四川省乐山市沐川实验中学中考化学复习试卷(4月份) 1.下列过程属于物理变化的是() A. 粮食酿酒 B. 陶瓷烧制 C. 石油分馏 D. 煤的干馏 2.河南地处中原,物产丰富。下列食材或食品中富含蛋白质的是() A. 黄河鲤鱼 B. 新郑大枣 C. 叶县岩盐 D. 原阳大米 3.2019年北京世园会主题为“绿色生活,美丽家园”。下列做法值得提倡的是() A. 排放未达标的工业废水 B. 露天焚烧树叶、秸秆 C. 选用一次性筷子、塑料袋 D. 将垃圾分类并回收利用 4.如图是甲、乙两种固体物质的溶解度曲线,下列说法正确的是() A. 甲的溶解度大于乙的溶解度 B. t℃时,甲、乙饱和溶液中溶质的质量分数相等 C. 升高温度能使接近饱和的甲溶液变为饱和溶液 D. 10℃时,分别用100g水配制甲、乙的饱和溶液,所需甲的质量大于乙 的质量 5.钠着火不能用二氧化碳灭火。钠在二氧化碳中燃烧生成炭黑和一种白色固体,它可能是() A. 碳酸钠 B. 硫酸钠 C. 碳酸氢钠 D. 氢氧化钠 6.实验室用氯化钠配制50g质量分数为6%的氯化钠溶液。下列说法中不正确的是() A. 所需氯化钠的质量为3g B. 氯化钠放在托盘天平的左盘称量 C. 俯视量筒读数会使所配溶液偏稀 D. 所需玻璃仪器有烧杯、玻璃棒、量筒等 7.工业制镁的方法为:将含碳酸钙的贝壳制成石灰乳;在海水中加入石灰乳,过滤;在氢氧化镁中加入 盐酸,结晶;电解熔融氯化镁。该方法中的化学反应不包括() A. 化合反应 B. 置换反应 C. 分解反应 D. 复分解反应 8.甲、乙、丙有如图所示的转化关系(“→”表示反应一步实现,部分物质和反应条件已略去),下列各 组物质按照甲、乙、丙的顺序不符合要求的是() A. C、CO、CO2 B. H2O2、H2O、O2 C. KOH、K2CO3、KNO3 D. Fe2O3、FeCl3、Fe(OH)3 9.向某氯化钡溶液中加入一定质量的硫酸溶液,二者恰好完全反应,过滤,所得溶液的质量与原氯化钡 溶液的质量相等。则所加硫酸溶液中溶质质量分数的计算式为() A. 98 208×100% B. 98 233 ×100% C. 49 233 ×100% D. 49 73 ×100% 10.高铁快速发展方便了出行。工业上可利用如下反应焊接钢轨:2Al+Fe 2O3? ?高温? ? 2Fe+Al2O3.则该反应 属于() A. 化合反应 B. 分解反应 C. 复分解反应 D. 置换反应 11.空气中含量最多且化学性质不活泼的气体是() A. O2 B. CO2 C. N2 D. Ne 12.下列物品废弃后可能会带来“白色污染”的是() A. 塑料袋 B. 报纸 C. 玻璃瓶 D. 铝制饮料罐 13.下列制作过程中的变化属于化学变化的是() A. 粮食酿酒 B. 石油分馏 C. 铁水铸锅 D. 麦磨成面 14.下列各组物质中,都由分子构成的一组是()

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