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Visa - Visitor Checklist

Visa - Visitor Checklist
Visa - Visitor Checklist


Please note that the Embassy will issue a visa based on the exact dates submitted in your online application, provided that your visa is approved, the application fulfils the requirements for visa approval and you have insurance coverage for these days. If you do not have sufficient insurance coverage for the days requested, the Embassy will issue the visa according to the purchased insurance.

The Embassy recommends that you do not purchase a ticket prior to visa approval, as this approval CANNOT be guaranteed. If your travel dates change from what you submitted in your online application, you must contact the Embassy immediately via email at ottambconsular@um.dk.

If you are visiting several Schengen member states, this must be clearly demonstrated in your documentation in the form of invitations and/or hotel bookings covering every day of your stay within


If you are leaving the Schengen area during your stay and require additional entries on your visa, this must also be clearly stated and documented. If your submitted documentation does not support the need for multiple

entries, a single entry visa will be issued.

If anything is missing from your application, the Embassy will contact you once ONLY. If you do not submit the missing information within 5 calendar days after handing in your application, the Embassy will forward your application to the immigration authorities in the country you plan to visit with a recommendation that your

case be closed due to incomplete documentation.

If your case is closed or you change your travel dates after a visa has been issued, you must re-apply and pay

the processing fee again.

Please note that the items requested on the Embassy’s document checklist are mandatory.

If bringing originals when submitting your application, you must also bring a copy if you wish to keep the

original document.


Please note that your visa application cannot be submitted more than 3 months prior to your arrival date in the

Schengen area.

Only applicants under the age of two years old should bring a photograph. All other applicants will have their

photograph taken when submitting the application.

According to Schengen rules the Embassy retains the right of a 15-day processing time, exclusive of shipping.

The 15-day timeframe may be extended up to 60 days if further examination is needed.

Please scroll down for the document checklist and submit it along with your application


手机结构设计检查表一.通用性项目 二.功能性项目 1.镜片Sub Len s 镜片的工艺(IMD/IML/模切/注塑+硬化/电铸+模切)

镜片的厚度及最小厚度 IMD/IML/注塑镜片P/L,draft,radius? 固定方式及定位方式,最小粘接宽度是否大于1.5mm? 窗口(VA&AA)位置是否正确 镜片本身及固定区域有无导致ESD问题的孔洞存在 周边的电铸或金属件如何避免ESD 小镜片周边的金属是否会对天线有影响(开盖时) 2.转轴Hing e 转轴的直径 转轴的扭力 打开角度(SPEC) 有无预压角度(开盖预压为4-6度,建议5度 装拆有无空间问题? 固定转轴的壁厚是多少,材料(推荐PC GE C1200HF或者三星HF1023IM) 转轴配合处的尺寸及公差是否按照转轴SPEC? 3.连接FLIP(SLIDE)/BASE的FPC 1) FPC的材料,层数,总厚度 2) PIN数,PIN宽PIN距 3)最外面的线到FPC边的距离是多少(推荐0.3mm) 4) FPC内拐角处最小圆角要求大于1mm,且内拐角有0.20mm宽的布铜,防止折裂. 5)有无屏蔽层和接地或者是刷银浆? 6) FPC的弯折高度是多少(仅限于SLIDE类型) 7) FPC与壳体的长度是否合适,有无MOCKUP 验证 8)壳体在FPC通过的地方是否有圆角?多少?推荐大于0.20mm. 9) FPC与壳体间隙最小值?(推荐值为0.5mm) 10) FPC不在转轴内的部分是否有定位及固定措施? 11)对应的连接器的固定方式 12) FPC和连接器的焊接有无定位要求?定位孔? 13)补强板材料,厚度 4.LCD 模组 主副LCD的尺寸是否正确及最大厚度 主副LCD的VA/AA区是否正确 主副LCD视角,6点钟还是12点钟? 副LCD是黑白/OLED/CSTN/TFT?相应的背光是什么? 副板是用FPC还PCB? PCB/FPC的厚度及层数. LCD模组是由供应商整体提供吗? 如果不是,主LCD如何与PCB/FPC连接?连接器类型及高度or HOTBAR? 副LCD如何与PCB/FPC连接?连接器类型及高度or HOTBAR? FPC/PCB上有无接地?周边有无露铜 有无SHIELDING屏蔽?厚度,材料,如何接地? 元件的PLACEMENT图是否确定? 有无干涉? 主副LCD的定位及固定 LCD模组的定位及固定 LCD模组有无CAMERA模组,是否屏蔽?

4 Midnight visitor

Lesson Four Midnight Visitor Teaching Aims: https://www.doczj.com/doc/a13170350.html,nguage points: new words & expressions, word formation, 2.The key elements of the story 3.The structure of the text 4.The theme analysis of the story 5.Grammar points: adverbial clause of time/reason, passive voice Key Points: 1.Understand the work of spies 2.Understand the structure of the text 3.Understand the passive voice 4.Understand the useful suffixes and prefix in the text Difficult Points: https://www.doczj.com/doc/a13170350.html,nguage points 2.The key elements of the story 3.The theme Teaching Materials: Textbook & Reference book Teaching Methods: Lecture, Discussion, Practice, Questions and answers Teaching Hours:16 hours Teaching Process: 1.Warm-up: about James Bond, secret agent 2.Background knowledge: about the cold war 3.Introduction to the text: brief introduction & pre-class discussion 4.Detailed learning of the text: words & expressions, sentences, affixes 5.Detailed analysis of the text: structure, theme, questions & discussion 6.Exercises: oral work, vocabulary & grammar Teaching Reflection:

Unit 4 The Midnight Visitor Key to Exercises

Key to Exercises Unit 4 The Midnight Visitor Robert Arthur Vocabulary ◆1 ◆1 Give the parts of speech ◆1 a. ◆2 a. ◆3 a. ◆4 adv. ◆5 n ◆6 a. ◆7 n. ◆8 a.. ◆ ◆9 a. ◆10 a. ◆11 v. ◆12. a. ◆13. a. ◆14. a. ◆15 a. ◆16. n. ◆17. a. ◆18. a. ◆19. a. ◆20. adv. 2 Guess the meaning of the following words ◆1 不老实的人 ◆2 使人极其失望的人或事 ◆3 对这个结果不满意 ◆4 违抗这一命令

◆5 有严重的不利之处 ◆6 透露他们的业务机密 ◆7 不同意某人 ◆8 一个残疾儿童 ◆9 不喜欢这种天气 ◆10 中断会议 ◆11 不计成本 ◆12 解除警卫的武装 ◆13 切断电源 ◆14 感到泄气 3 ◆1 不幸的生活 ◆2 不必要的规定 ◆3 这不大可能 ◆4 这食物没人碰过 ◆5 做了的事情,后悔也没用(覆水难收) ◆6 打开酒瓶 ◆7 开始脱衣 ◆8 揭露某些重要的事实 ◆9 打开手提包的拉链 4 ◆Tele means “ far” or “over a long distance” 2 ◆1 description/lock/theory ◆2 make/receive/have/get/answer ◆3 make/have/arrange//keep/break ◆4 failure/life/health ◆5 health/future/economy/result/decision ◆6 hell/hands/eyes/a finger/voice/glass/wages/prices/hopes/issues ◆7 time/money/trouble/life/face/country ◆8 arms/hand/flags ◆9 do ◆10 one’s lip, one’s nails, one’s tongue ◆11 take, seize, miss, give, have, get ◆12 a table, one’s body, ground, field, anger, nervousness, all expenses 3 ◆1 where he claimed to have discovered the dead body/ Where he said he had discovered the dead body

3 The Midnight Visitor

The Midnight Visitor Robert Arthur 1 Ausable did not fit the description of any secret agent Fowler had ever read about. Following him down the corridor of the gloomy French hotel where Ausable had a room, Fowler felt disappointed. It was a small room on the sixth floor and hardly a setting for a romantic figure. 2 Ausable was, for one thing, fat. Very fat. And then there was his accent. Though he spoke French and German passably, he had never altogether lost New England accent he had brought to Paris from Boston twenty years ago. 3 "You are disappointed," Ausable said wheezily over his shoulder. "You were told that I was a secret agent, a spy, dealing in espionage and danger. You wished to meet me because you are a writer, young and romantic. You thought you would have mysterious figures in the night, the crack of pistols, drugs in the wine." 4 "Instead, you have spent a dull evening in a French music hall with a sloppy fat man who, instead of having messages slipped into his hand by dark-eyed beauties, gets only an ordinary telephone call making an appointment in his room. You have been bored!" The fat man chuckled to himself as he unlocked the door of his room and stood aside to let his frustrated guest enter. 5 "You are disillusioned," Ausable told him. "But take cheer, my young friend. Before long you will see a paper, a quite important paper for which several men and women have risked their lives, come to me in the next-to-last step of its


模具的checklist表: 产品名称模具编号材料收缩率 序号内容自检确认 1与客户交流清楚外观面位置及外观要求如镜面,皮纹,亚光等。 2清楚产品的安装方向,产品的出模方向及它们之间的关系。 3产品在出模方向无不合理结构。 4壁厚合理,壁厚均匀,没有过薄,过厚及壁厚突变。 5圆角齐全,所有外观面倒圆角(特殊要求除外),所有非外观面倒圆角,非外观面圆角足够大。且圆角处壁厚均匀,无漏掉的圆角。 6脱模斜度齐全,正确,无放反的情况,脱模斜度足够大,已用DRAFTCHECK命令进行检查。7透明件,皮纹处理的外观面,插穿面脱模斜度足够大,满足标准。 8透明件已考虑外观效果,可见结构,并与客户进行交流。 9需贴膜的件已经考虑到膜在实际安装方向的定位, 10电镀件装配考虑到镀层厚度和装配间隙, 11一面用插接,一面用卡爪的结构已考虑到装配过程中是否有与外观干涉,是否有造成外观面破坏的情况,卡爪是否易断 12加强筋高度,宽度,脱模斜度结构及工艺均合理。 13外观件检查产品结构如壁厚,加强筋(尤其是横在制品侧壁的筋考虑与侧壁的防缩)、螺钉柱等不会引起缩水,已采取防缩措施。 14产品变形,收缩等注塑缺陷轻微,且已与客户协商,得到客户的书面认可。 15需出斜顶,滑块,抽芯的结构活动距离及空间足够,结构能否简化。 16产品无引起模具壁薄,尖角等不合理结构。 17带嵌件的产品考虑嵌件在模具中的牢固固定,内桶底的嵌件要求将嵌件和包嵌件的胶位合并到一起作为模具嵌件。 18与客户交流清楚分型面的位置,外观面滑块,抽芯允许的夹线位置。 19备份产品已检查所有修模报告及更改记录并进行了更改,重要装配尺寸进行了样件的实际测绘验证。 笔记本的CHECKLIST DesignCheckListBySub-Assy. 1.U-Case 1-1上下盖嵌合部份 1-1-1上下盖PL是否Match 1-1-2Lip是否完成,是否符合外观要求(修饰沟) 1-1-3侧壁之TAPER/与下盖是否配合/考虑到开模 1-1-4上下盖之配合卡勾共几处,是否位置match 1-1-5卡勾嵌合深度多少 1-1-6卡勾两侧有无夹持Rib,拆拔时是否易断裂 1-1-7卡勾是否造成侧壁缩水(如果太厚) 1-1-8公模内面形状(如各处高度). 1-1-10PL切口处是否有刀口产生(全周Check) 1-2BOSS 1-2-1上下盖BOSS孔位是否相合 1-2-2BOSS尺寸是否标准化,内缘有没有倒角


单板硬件设计审查评审表 文档编号:文档名称: 文档作者:文档完成时间:项目经理: 所属单板名称: 1、可读性评价: □很好□较好□一般□较差 说明:文档是否表达清晰,逻辑条理分明,表达形式通用,使具有一定技术背景的工程师容易读懂。如:在难懂的地方增加注释,在适当时采用图文并茂的方式等。选择认可的项打叉或打勾。 2、准确性评价: □很好□较好□一般□较差 说明:指文档是否对其中的技术内容能表达准确,对其中设计的测试方法有其操作性,并且准确有实效,不应该有关键技术表达错误等。选择认可的项打叉或打勾。 3、规范性评价: □很好□较好□一般□较差 说明:指文档的内容和形式是否是规范的,如:文档是否按模板来写;在特殊的情况下不使用模板而写的文档其封面格式、字体、主要内容顺序是否和相应的文档模板类型的要求是否一致等。选择认可的项打叉或打勾。 4、完备性评价 完备性总评: □很好□较好□一般□较差 说明:指文档包含的测试项目是否完整(即:没有漏测现象等),本次测试总体上对测试指导书的遵从程度和测试深度。可对照附录的内容进行判断。 总评: 说明:概括总结该文档的优点、缺点及改进建议 评审人签字:评审日期:联系电话: 附单板设计审查项目列表:

请参照此表,审查过的项目请打(9),未审查的项目请打(x),单板无此审查项目可不填。 1.单元电路审查: 1.1滤波电路审查 1.审查电路中有无设计电源滤波器。有无审查() 2.审查电路中电源滤波器的形式是否有效,是否为单电 容型或单电感型,而未采用П形电源滤波器。有无审查() 3.对单板的П形电源滤波器参数进行审查。有无审查() 1.2ID电路审查 1.审查ID电路的形式是否符合规范电路的要求。有无审查() 2.审查ID电路的参数是否正确。有无审查() 3.审查ID电路是否有隔离电阻或隔离芯片。有无审查() 4.在沿用未能提供正确ID处理的旧母板时,单板是 否进行相应的处理。有无审查() 1.3主备倒换电路审查 1.审查主备倒换电路是否为主倒备型电路。有无审查() 2.主备电路设计中是否考虑到单板复位后一段时间 内该板一直设为备用,以更有效防止备抢主。有无审查() 3.电路中是否考虑在主板复位时,自动转为备板,两块 板同时复位时,自动将0号板设为主用,1号板设为备用。有无审查() 4.在备板插拔时,由于插针接触或脱离的次序先后 有别,会否导致备抢主现象。有无审查() 5.备板在插入的过程中,会否有可能导致主板的状态不正常。有无审查() 6.是否未将/Reset信号引入主备倒换电路,可否存在隐患。有无审查() 7.主备倒换电路能否在单板所有的故障状态下均 能进行正常的倒换,包括主板通讯中断时的自动倒 换,CPU故障时的自动倒换等情况。有无审查() 8.主备倒换电路与系统的时序配合能否满足系统实时倒换的要求。有无审查() 9.若单板有一一对应关系,有否考虑到相关单板的联动倒换。有无审查() 10.设计中是否考虑到本板通过光纤,双绞线输入的重要信号丢失 时的自动倒换.有无审查() 1.4复位、WDT电路审查 1.硬件设计中不推荐使用可关闭的WDT系统,即计数器清零电路应


仪表板内饰工艺数据checklist 1、是否根据确定方案进行设计; 2、数模分层符合公司标准; 3、零部件编号是否符合标准; 4、电子文档命名、版本编制是否符合规范; 5、零部件坐标系的统一性(模型一律采用整车坐标系); 6、检查**件与点云偏差,车身结构件数模有安全配合是否的面与测量云的偏差± 0.3;自由曲面数模与测量云偏差±1;安装孔位与测量点云的偏差± 0.5; 7、明细表中件号、数模是否对应; 8、零件成型方法是否合格; 9、仪表板最高的及两端点,校核仪表板位置参数,是否满足人机工程要求; 10、各零件的成型工艺是否确定(如注射、挤出、模压、压延、铸型、吹塑等成型的方法); 11、脱模方向是否正确; 12、检查塑料零件壁厚是否均匀一致,壁厚不均匀处易产生气泡和收缩变形,甚至产生断裂; 13、检查数模内部是否有凹陷(即复角部分),凹陷存在不便出模; 14、选用合适的脱模斜度和适当的脱模剂,脱模斜度大小与塑料件材料的性质、厚度、形状等有关;

15、载塑料零件上,是否避免锐角及直角过渡; 16、安装方式是否正确; 17、正确的选择定位尺寸基准,应尽可能使设计基准和工艺基准重合,避免装配过程中,误差的积累过大; 18、经常所装的零部件,为了更换方便,应以螺栓成自攻螺钉和簧片螺母配合紧固连接; 19、明确安装工具,预留所需的被动空间; 20、在安装过程中,需要进行装配调整的零部件要考虑孔位的合理布置及适当地预留间隙调整; 21、考虑到仪表板内线束的固定,明确线卡固定点及固定方式,钣金上的线束的过孔是否加以保护套成翻边结构; 22、检查保险杆外表面在X方向是否有负面保证模具成型后外表面的完整和美观; 23、检查外表面面与面的偏差是否超标; 24、检查外表面可增厚性; 25、检查零件的强度是否适当,是否有强度薄弱的区域(薄弱的区域需增加加强筋); 26、检查零件的材料选用是否适当(如毛面需要镀铬地零件应选用同ABS 等可镀铬材料,不能选用PP难镀的材料; 27、在塑料件结构设计中,为避免转角处应刀集中,应采用圆弧过渡,这对于模具制造及使用寿命足很有利的; 28、对于保险杆要进行相关国家法规的检查(接近角、离车角等);


An uncommon spy——Ausable We have learned the story “Midnight Visitor”and have known three characters: Ausable, Fowler and Max And we knew the main figure Ausable was an uncommon spy. The story telles us: Fowler was a writer, young and romantic. He came to meet Ausable because he was told that Ausable was a secret agent. He hoped to meet a handsome, strong man and see mysterious and exciting actions. But instead of these, Ausable was not handsome, he was very fat and his house was not like the setting for a romantic figure, just was a small house on the sixth floor of a gloomy French hotel And there was nothing exciting. So Fowler was very disillusioned and bored. We know, if we were Fowler, we would feel frustrated too. Of course, Ausable noticed his guest’s frustration, but he was confident and told Fowler to cheer up,because he would receive a very important report. When they came into the house, Max was there and held a gun in his hand. He came to get the report. After a bit start, Ausable became very angry, because he had thought his plan to get rid of Max. He made up a story about his balcony. After that, they heard a knock at the door, Ausable knew it was the waiter who he called, but he said it was police, so Max dropped to the balcony and went forever. Fowler as well as we all felt excited and surprised about the ending of the story. This was Ausable a real spy. He was really uncommon, he’s not strong physically, but he could defeat his enemy. He was fat and slow, but he reacted very quickly. People couldn’t regard him as a spy from his apperance. But in fact, he just was a spy, a wonderful secret agent. Though uncommon, he’s excellent.

现代大学英语精读1 UNIT4 Midnight Visitor 课文翻译

2014101018 第四单元 Translation of Text A 不速之客 1 奥萨博与福勒所读过的书中关于特工的描述并不相副。福勒很失望地跟着他一路走过阴暗的法国旅馆的走廊,在那里奥萨博租了一套房间。那是一个位于六层的小房间,这种环境很难与这样一位传奇人物联系起来。 2 令他失望的是,首先,奥萨博是一个胖子,而且非常胖。其次是他的口音,尽管他的法语和德语都还说的过去,但他仍然带有二十年前带到巴黎的新英格兰口音。 3 “你一定很失望”,奥萨博气喘吁吁的回过头说。“别人说我是一个特工,一名间谍,周旋于间谍和危险之间。你期望能见到我,因为你是一个年轻,浪漫的作家。你本来以为今天晚上回碰见神秘人物,枪声,放在酒里的迷药。 4 “然而事情并不像你相象的那样,你在一个演奏法国音乐的餐厅同一个胖子度过了一个乏味的夜晚,而并没有黑眼睛的美女给他传递情报,只是打了个普通电话,将在他的房间里与人有个约会。你一定已经无聊及了。”胖男人边低声笑着边开门,并且站到一旁让他那位失望的客人进了房间。 5 “你的幻想破灭了,”奥萨博对他说。“但是我年轻的朋友,振作起来。一会儿你就会看到一分文件,这份相当重要的文件曾经让好几个人甘冒生命危险,送到我这儿后,我将把它转交给政府部门。很快这份文件就很影响到历史的进程。有点戏剧化,不是吗?”他边说,边随后关上了门。然后打开灯。 6 当灯亮时,福勒这一天中第一次感到真正害怕了。因为在房间的中间站着一个男人,手里拿着一只小型自动手枪。 7 奥萨博眨眨眼睛楞了一会儿。 8 “马克思”,他喘着气说,“你真让我吃惊,我以为你在柏林呢。你在我房间里做什么?” 9 马克思很单薄,个子不高,脸上的表情回让人想到狐狸。要不是那支枪,他看上去并不是太危险。 10 “那分报告”,他低声说道。“今天晚上将送到你手里的那分报告是有关一些新型导弹的。我想我要把它从你受里拿走,在我手里比在你手里安全。” 11 奥萨博缓慢走到扶手椅,重重地坐在上面。“这次我要对管理人员不客气了,


The Midnight Visitor 深夜访客Ausable did not fit the description of any secret agent Fowler had ever read about . Following him down the corridor of the gloomy French hotel where Ausable had a room , Fowler felt disappointed . It was a small room on the sixth floor ,and hardly a setting for a romantic figure . 奥斯鲍根本不像书中见过的任何特工。跟着他走在这个法国小旅馆昏暗的走廊上,方罗感到很失望。奥斯鲍的房间在六楼,很狭小,一个浪漫的角色不应该是这样的背景。 Ausable was , for one thing , fat . Very fat . And then there was his accent . Though he spoke French and German passably , he had never altogether lost the New England accent he had brought to Paris from Boston twenty years ago . 首先,奥斯鲍很肥,非常肥,讲话还带有浓重的口音。他的法语和德语还说的过去,但二十年前从波斯顿带到巴黎的新英格兰口音还没舍得丢。 "You are disappointed ," Ausable said wheezily over his shoulder . "You were told that I was a secret agent , a spy , dealing in espionage and danger . You wished yo meet me because you are a writer , young and romantic . You thought you would have mysterious figures in the night , the crack of pistols , drugs in the wine ." "你很失望吧,”奥斯鲍边走边气喘吁吁的说。“有人告诉你我是特工,间谍,经常身处险境。而你是作家,年轻,浪漫。你想着今晚会发掘出一个神秘的角色,感受刺激的午夜枪声和葡萄酒里的毒药。” "Instead , you have spent a dull evening in a French music hall with a sloppy fat man who , instead of having messages slipped into his hand by dark-eyed beauties , gets only an ordinary telephone call making an appointment in his room . You have been bored !" The fat man chuckled to himself as he unlocked the door of his room and stood aside to let his frustrated guest enter . “可是,相反,你只是与一个行动迟缓的胖子在法国音乐厅里度过一个乏味的晚上,这个胖子只是通过普通的电话定了个约会,而不是由一个大眼睛的美女把纸条秘密递到他手里。你感到烦了吧!”胖子边笑边打开房门,然后站到一边把他沮丧的客人让了进去。 "You are disillusioned," Ausable told him . "But take cheer , my young friend . Before long you will see a paper , a quite important paper for which several men and women have risked their lives , come to me in the next-to-last step of its journey into official hands . Some day soon that paper may well affect the course of history . There is drama in that thought , don't you think ?" As he spoke , Ausable closed the door behind him. Then he switched on the light . “你的幻想破灭了,”奥斯鲍说道,“但我年轻的朋友,高兴起来吧。马上你就会看到一份文件,一份非常重要的文件,许多人已经为此付出了生命,到我这儿是最后一站了,然后就会交到上级手里。不久,那份文件也许会改写历史。这样想是不是很有戏剧性?”他边说边走了进来,关上门,打开了灯。 And as the light came on ,Fowler had his first real thrill of the day . For halfway across the room , a small automatic pistol in his hand , stood a man . Ausable blinked a few times. 灯亮起的一刹那,方罗终于第一次感受到了这一天中真正的刺激。房间的中间站着一个人,手持一把小巧的自动手枪,正对准他们。 奥斯鲍眨了几下眼。 "Max," he wheezed , " you gave me quite a start . I thought you were in Berlin . What are you doing in my room ?"



43.高级报警显示:红色,1.4Hz~ 2.8Hz,信占比率20%~60%开 44.中级报警显示:黄色,0.4Hz~0.8Hz,信占比率20%~60%开 45.低级报警显示:蓝绿色或者黄色,常开,信占比率100% 46. 高优先级和中优先级的报警上、下限设置值,一旦超出可能引起较严重后果的非合理报警数值区域时,均需加单独的对话弹出框予以提醒操作者 47. 默认的报警预置不允许修改,并提供让用户能恢复到出厂默认报警设置的操作途径 48.做报警日志记录,为以后的故障分析、维修检查或商业纠纷提供依据 与硬件接口的软件49. 数据传输接口的硬件性能限制了数据传输速率的提高,在确定波特率前,要确认硬件所能承受的最高传输率,光耦、485、232、CAN、传输线上有防护 器件(TVS或压敏电阻)的端口 50.硬件端口读进来的数据必须加值域范围的判断 51.硬件端口读取数据,必须加可控时间或次数的有限次限制 52.A/D的位数比前端放大电路的精度要求略高即可,并通过数学计算验证 53. 对运动部件的控制,正向运动突然转向反向运动时,必须控制先正向减速到0,然后再反向加速的控制方式 54. 运动部件停机后、再快速启动的工作控制方式是不允许的。须停机、开机、delay延时、再启动执行机构,以确保执行机构先释放原来运动状态的惯性,然后再从静态下启动 55. 运动部件都有过渡过程特性,软件驱动时的上升沿和下降沿的过渡特性会 直接影响到硬件的安全和执行效果 56. 板卡启动时,先initMCU、然后Delay、然后initIO,以确保各芯片的上电 电源都已经稳定下来再启动工作 57. 对采集自有可能受到干扰的模拟端口输入的数字量数据,一定要加上、下 限、Δ/Δt、规律性干扰的滤波措施三个方面的容错性机制 58. 对数字端口传输数据可以连续传输两遍,以防范随机性偶发干扰,实时性要求较高的,可以连续传三遍,2:1判定 59. 模块之间的数据通信联络,用周期性读取的方式、或请求-应答的方式传送 数据,一旦超出周期性时间要求,或未应答,则判定硬件失效,需有软件的


如果有朋友想到更多的检查项,也希望可以留言大家一起讨论 1. 开发人员是否提交了测试申请? 2. 测试对象是否已经明确? 3. 测试范围是否已经明确? 4. 本次不被测试的范围是否已经明确? 5. 测试目标是否已经明确? 6. 何时开始性能测试? 7. 何时终止一轮性能测试? 8. 性能测试需要做几轮? 9. 所需的测试环境是什么?是否已经到位并配置完成?(包括硬件、软件、网络等10. 所需的测试工具是什么?是否已经到位并保证可以正常使用? 11. 被测系统的版本是否已经明确?是否已发布?从哪里可以获得?是否已经部署成功? 12. 被测系统的相关功能是否已经正确实现? 13. 压力点是否已经明确?响应时间的计算方式是否已经明确? 14. 本次测试工作参考的文档有哪些? 15. 场景是否已经设计完成并记录在场景管理文档中? 16. 每个场景是否有明确的测试意图、前置条件和详细的设置? 17. 脚本是否已经录制并调试通过? 18. 是否已经明确了哪些地方需要参数化?

19. 是否已经明确了各个参数的取值方式? 20. 是否已经为参数化的部分准备了必须的数据? 21. 是否已经准备了相应历史数据量? 22. 是否已经准备了相应的数据恢复方法?(例如准备一个SQL 语句用来恢复数据环境 23. 在Controller 中对多VU 、多次迭代的情况是否已经调试通过? 24. 在Controller 中Result 的路径设置是否正确? 25. 在Controller 中检查脚本选择是否正确? 26. 在Controller 中检查VU 数量设置是否正确? 27. 在Controller 中检查集合点是否禁用/启用? 28. 在Controller 中检查VU 加载策略是否设置正确? 29. 在Controller 中检查迭代次数是否设置正确? 30. 在Controller 中检查迭代间隔设置是否正确? 31. 在Controller 中检查日志是否禁用/启用? 32. 在Controller 中检查Think_Time 是否回放? 33. 在Controller中检查是否为UNIX服务器和Load Generator机添加了资源监视器并确认可以收到性能数据? 34. 在Controller 中检查是否为其他必要的资源添加了资源监视器,并确认可以收到性能数据(例如Oracle , WebSphere ? 35. 在Controller中检查Load Generator机是否可以连上? 36. 检查场景管理文档中是否添加了新的“场景执行情况”并, 记录了运行

完整版手机结构设计检查表 checklist 重要

. 塑胶件 Plastic components 1.有无做干涉检查? If interference test 2.有无做draft 检查? If draft test 3.有无透明件背后丝印/喷涂要求?如果有,不能有任何特征在该面上. If requirements of silk printing or painting in the back of the transparency components, and with no features on it. 4.壳体材料, Housing material 5.壳体最小壁厚, 侧面是否厚度小于 1.2mm. If the least thickness of the side wall of the housing less than 1.2mm 6.设计考虑的浇口位置, 有无避位? If anti-interference according with the gate 7.熔接线位置是否会是有强度要求的地方? If weld line with requirements of intensity 8.壁厚突变 1.6 倍以上处有无逃料措施? If wall thickness break over 1.6 times with slope transition 9.壳体对主板的定位是否足够( 至少四点) If housing locating to main board enough(at least with four points) 10.壳体对主板的固定方式,如果是螺丝柱夹持,是否会影响附近的键盘手感? If the screw nipping method of housing to PCBA affect the near key click 11.壳体之间的固定及定位应该有四颗螺丝+每侧面两个卡扣+顶面两卡扣+周边唇边 If housing fixing and locating with four screws and each side with two snap fits and upper side two snap fits and lip around. 12.螺丝是自攻还是NUT螺径?单边干涉量?配合长度?螺丝头的直径?(机械螺钉锁 3 牙,自攻螺钉 5 牙以上) If screws manner, such as self-tapping or nut, the screw diameter? One side interference quantity? Matching length? The screw cap diameter?(Over 3 pitch assembly length mechanical screw, over 5 self-tapping screw) 13.螺柱的直径?孔的直径?螺柱壁厚? The screw boss diameter? The boss hole diameter? The thickness of boss wall ? 14.螺丝面是定位面吗?测量基准是什么? If screw surface locating surface? The measure benchmark? 15.唇边的宽度(1/2 壁厚左右), 高度?之间的配合间隙是否小于0.10mm? The lip width(about1/2 wall thickness),height? If the assembling clearance less than 0.10mm 16.卡扣壁厚/宽度?公卡扣壁厚是否小于0.70mm?卡扣干涉量是否小于0.5mm? The clip thickness/width? If male clip thickness less than 0.70mm, or clip interference less than 0.5mm 17.卡扣导入方向有无圆角或斜角? If clip guide direction with R or bevel



阶段项 目 序 号 检查内容EDA 设计 EDA 复审 EDA 确认 备注 资料输入阶段1.在流程上接收到的资料是否齐全(包括:原理图、*.brd文件、料单、PCB设计说明以及PCB 设计或更改要求、标准化要求说明、工艺设计说明文件) 2.3确认PCB模板是最新的 3.确认模板的定位器件位置无误 4.PCB设计说明以及PCB设计或更改要求、标准化要求说明是否明确 5.4确认外形图上的禁止布放器件和布线区已在PCB模板上体现 6.比较外形图,确认PCB所标注尺寸及公差无误, 金属化孔和非金属化孔定义准确 7.5 确认PCB模板准确无误后最好锁定该结构文件,以免误操作被移动位置 布局后检查 阶段器 件 检 查 8.确认所有器件封装是否与公司统一库一致,是否已更新封装库(用viewlog检查运行结果)如 果不一致,一定要Update Symbols 9.母板与子板,单板与背板,确认信号对应,位置对应,连接器方向及丝印标识正确,且子板有 防误插措施,子板与母板上的器件不应产生干涉 10.元器件是否100% 放置 11.打开器件TOP和BOTTOM层的place-bound,查看重叠引起的DRC是否允许 12.M ark点是否足够且必要 13.较重的元器件,应该布放在靠近PCB支撑点或支撑边的地方,以减少PCB的翘曲 14.与结构相关的器件布好局后最好锁住,防止误操作移动位置 15.压接插座周围5mm范围内,正面不允许有高度超过压接插座高度的元件,背面不允许有元件或 焊点 16.确认器件布局是否满足工艺性要求(重点关注BGA、PLCC、贴片插座) 17.金属壳体的元器件,特别注意不要与其它元器件相碰,要留有足够的空间位置 18.接口相关的器件尽量靠近接口放置,背板总线驱动器尽量靠近背板连接器放置 2


关于模拟设计的基本考虑 Basic Precautions and Tips that an Analog Designer Should Know. 很多时候,我们在初期设计或者优化电路时,满脑子想的都是性能如何能一点一点提高,而忽略了所谓的模拟设计的一些基本考虑;待到版图设计时已经晚矣。那个时候再去修改基本设计无疑是不值得,要么耗费精力,要们前功尽弃。作为教训,如果我们能够在设计初期,就带着这些基本考虑,那么在选择基本器件的时候,就会有的放矢,知道一个大概的合理的选取范围,有利于版图设计和优化。 1. Minimum channel length of the transistor should be four to five times the minimum feature size of the process. We do it, to make the lambda of the transistor low i.e. the rate of change of Id w.r.t to Vds is low. 晶体管最小沟长为工艺最小特征尺寸的4-5倍,用来减小沟长调制效应。 2. Present art of analog design still uses the transistor in the saturation region. So one should always keep Vgs of the Transistor 30% above the Vt. 目前模拟设计仍然是使晶体管工作在饱和区,故应使Vgs大于Vt约30%。 3. One should always split the big transistor into small transistors having width or length feature size < or = 15um. 应把大管分成小晶体管,使其宽/长特征尺寸<或=15um。 4. W/L Ratio of transistors of the mirror circuit should be less than or equal to 5, to ensure the proper matching of the transistors in the layout. Otherwise, it results to the Systematic Offset in the circuit. 电流镜电路的晶体管的w/l比应小于或等于5,以保证较好的Matching,否则会有系统失调。 5. One should make all the required pins in the schematic before generating the layout view. Because it’s difficult to add a pin in the layout view. All IO pins should be a metal2 pins whereas VDD and Ground should be metal1 pins 在电路中画出所有的管脚(pin),之后才作layout。因为在layout中增加一个pin是比较困难的。所有的IO pin应该用metal2 pin,VDD和GND用metal1。 6. One should first simulate the circuit with the typical model parameters of the devices. Since Vt of the transistor can be anything between Vt(Typical) -/+ 20%. So we check our circuit for the extreme cases i.e. Vt+20%, Vt-20%. A transistor having Vt-20% is called a fast transistor and transistor having Vt+20% is called slow transistor. It’s just a way to differentiate them. So with these fast and slow transistor models we make four combination called nfpf, nfps, nspf, nsps, which are known as process corners. Now, once we are satisfied with the circuit performance with typical models than we check it in different process corners, to take the process variation into account. Vt is just one example of the process variation there are others parameter too. 首先先用tt做电路仿真。考虑Vt有+20% (slow)和-20% (fast),需要对工艺角考虑,FF,SS,FS,SF。除Vt,其他工艺参数也会有变化。 7. Its thumb rule that poly resistance has a 20% process variation whereas well resistance has got 10%. But the poly resistance has got lower temperature coefficient and lower Sheet Resistance

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