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Unit 8 When is your birthday?


本单元主要学习日期的表达方式。本单元主要围绕“谈论日期”这一话题开展听、说、读和写的学习活动,学习序数词的构成以及运用序数词表示日期的方法;学会运用when 引导的特殊疑问句询问日期;通过学习能掌握英语表达年、月、日的单词和句型,能够熟练地谈论各种有关日期的话题。此外,还要学习名词所有格( 's 所有格) 的构成和使用;学习询问表达年龄的句型。能够询问及表达一些常见的节日的日期。


本单元的主题是询问和谈论日期,围绕这一主题进行一系列的交际活动,使学生掌握日期的表达法,正确使用when 引导的特殊疑问句对日期进行询问。在学习日期的表达法时要先学习序数词的构成,学生在以前的课程里已经学习了基数词,对于两种数词之间的区别一定会令学生感到头痛,教师要引导学生运用对比的方法,找出构成规律,总结特殊变化,对比强化记忆。


采用自主学习、小组合作探究、Classifying ,Contrasting 和Role—playing 的学习策略,利用教学图片、幻灯片、实物( 大挂历、日历) 或制作课件( 反映月份特征,课内外活动) 等来展开课堂教学、Pairwork 问答式的口语交际活动或游戏等小组活动,进行“询问和谈论日期”的课堂教学和练习。本单元的教学法建议:语音教学——让学生进行模仿操练;词汇教学——采取情景介绍或演示对比的方式进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义.并学会运用;口语教学——采取pairwork 问答式的口语交际活动或游戏等小组活动互相操练;听力教学——采取图文配对和对话选择的方式;写作教学——以填词、回答问题、写简单的短文为主;语法教学——总结规律、抓住特征、模仿操练。



Section A 1 (1a-2e) 用1课时

Section A 2 (Grammar focus-3c) 用1课时

Section B 1 (1a-2c) 用1课时

Section B 2 (3a-Self check) 用1课时

Section A 1 (1a-2e)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握下列词汇:when, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October,

2) 能掌握以下句型:

①—When is your birthday? —My birthday is on October 2nd.

②—When is Alice's birthday? —It's in September.

③—How old are you? —I'm thirteen.

④—Happy birthday! —Thank you!

3) 能够掌握日期的询问与表达方式;

4) 能通过谈论自己、同学以及父母家人的生日,理解生日更多的含义。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:

1) 询问表达他人、自己及父母家人的生日日期。

2) 理解序数词的构成方法,掌握日期的表达方式。


2. 教学难点:

1) 询问表达他人、自己及父母家人的生日日期。

2) 理解序数词的构成方法,掌握日期的表达方式。


Ⅰ. Warming-up and revision

1. Greet the Ss as usual. Check the homework.

2. Review the numbers 0 ~ 31 in English.

Ⅱ. Presentation

(Sing the song "Happy birthday to you!". )

1. T: When is my birthday? My birthday is on May 2nd. When is your birthday? This class, we'll learn how to express dates.

(Show the pictures of the twelve months on the screen, or show a big calendar to the Ss. Learn the names of the twelve months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December )

2. Work on 1a. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and repeat the new words. Ss read the new words and try


3. T: My birthday is in May. It's on May 2nd. When we talk about months, we use "in"; When we talk about dates, we use "on".


in January/February/March/ April/May/June/July/August/September/October/


on January 1st. on February 2nd, on March 3rd …

讲解:first (1st), second (2nd), third (3rd)这些叫序数词,表示事物的顺序,在表达日期时用序数词。序数词的构成是有规律的,它们是由基数词变化而来,我们先记住下列口诀:

4. Ss read and try to remember the phrases.

5. T: When is your birthday, S1?

S1: My birthday is on March 4th.

T: OK, S2. When is his birthday?

S2: His birthday is on March 4th.

6. Ss read the conversation after the teacher. Then practice the conversation with the partner.

Ⅲ. Listening

1. T: Listening to the conversations in 2b and number them [1-3].

(Play the recording for the Ss to listen and number.)

2. Check the answers.

Ⅳ. Pair work

1. T: Practice the conversations above with your partner.

2. Make a survey about the birthdays in your group.

S1: When is your birthday?

S2: My birthday is January 5th. When is your birthday, S3?

S3: My birthday is on May 16th. When is your birthday, S4?

S4: …

3. Write the birthdays on the chart.

Ⅴ. Listening

1. T: Look at the chart below. Find out the rules.

2. 规则揭示:(学生记忆下列口诀)

3. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and repeat.

4. Then let Ss try to remember them.

Ⅵ. Listening

1. T: In 2b, the teacher is asking some Ss about their birthdays.Listen to the recording and circle the numbers you hear in 2a.

(Play the recording for the first time, Ss only listen. Play the recording again. This time, Ss listen and listen and circle the numbers in 2a)

2. T: In this conversation, the teacher asks four students about their birthdays. Look at the chart below. They are Alice, Frank, Eric, Jane. Now please read the name, months and dates by yourselves.

(Ss read the names, months and dates.)

3. Now, listen to the recording again and match the names, months and dates.

(Play the recording again, Ss listen and match the names, months and dates. Then check the answers.)

Ⅶ. Pair work

1. (Ask some Ss about the birthdays of the four students in 2c.

T: When is Alice's birthday, S1?

S1: Her birthday is on September 5th.

T: When is Frank's birthday, S2?

S2: His birthday is on …

T: Now ask and answer about the birthdays of the four students in 2c with your partner.

(Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about their birthdays.)

2. Do you know your parents' birthday? Ask your partner about the birthday in his or her family?

S1: When is your father's birthday?

S2: His birthday is on September 10th.

S1: When is your mother's birthday?

S2: Her birthday is on August 20th.

(Then S2 ask S1 about the birthdays in his or her family.)

Ⅷ. Role-play

1. Bill and Alan are talking about their ages and birthdays. Now read the conversation and fill the chart below.

2. Check the answers with the class.

3. Practice the conversation with your partner.

4. Let some pairs act out the conversation in front of the class.

5. 评价:(让学生们对自己的表现及语言表达能力进行自我评价,在小组内评价,然后进行评出最优秀的小组。并鼓励学生们下一次争取做最优秀的小组及个人。)

IX. Language points

1. When is your birthday, Linda?

when是疑问副词,意为“什么时候;何时”,常见结构为“When + be/助动词+主语(+其他)?” 用来询问时间,既可询问某个时段或时刻,也可询问具体的日期。如:

— When is the football match?


—It’s on September 15th.


— When do you watch TV?


—At eight o’clock. 在八点钟。

2. My birthday is on May 2nd.

May 2nd(5月2日)是日期的表达法。表达具体日期通常为“月份+ 序数词”,月份为专有名词,首字母必须大写、书写时日期可以是序数词,也可以是基数词。如:

6月8日June 8th 或June 8

8月3日August 3rd 或August 3

[拓展] 英语中表示具体年、月、日的方式通常有两种:“月+ 日+ 年”或“日+ 月+ 年”。年份要用逗号隔开。如:

2014年9月9日可表达为:September 9th, 2014

9th September, 2014

3. It’s on January 5th.

1) 月份后有具体的日期时,前面的介词用on;若只有年、月就用介词in。如:

on May 22nd 在5月22日in October 在10月in 2012 在2012年

2) 该句中的it用来代指时间。如:

It’s August 1st today. 今天是8月1日。

It’s six o’clock now. 现在是6点钟。


it 还可以代指上文中提到的单数名词(事物)。如:

—What’s this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?

—It’s a cup. 这是一个茶杯。

4. Happy birthday! 生日快乐!

句中的happy用于表达祝愿。回答时一般用Thank you!。如:

—Happy Teachers’ Day! 教师节快乐!

— Thank you. 谢谢。

[拓展] happy还可以用作形容词,意为“高兴的,愉快的” 相当于glad。如:

She has a happy party.


5. How old are you?


how old 意为“多大年纪;几岁”,引导特殊疑问句询问年龄。其句型结构为“How old + be + 主语?”答

语通常为“主语+ be + 基数词+ years old”,其中years old 可以省略。如:

— How old is your cousin? 表姐多大了?

—She’s thirteen (years old). 她13岁了。

— How old are your grandparents?


—They’re eighty.


6. At three this afternoon.

介词at 意为“在……”,在本句中表示时间,其后一般跟表示钟点的词。如:

at 6:00 在6点at 7:15 在7点15分

[辨一辨] 表示时间的介词at, in与on

(1) at 常用于时刻前或一些固定的习惯用语中。如:

at 9:00 在9点钟at noon 在中午

(2) in 用在月份、季节、年份等前面,也可以表示“在早上、在下午、在晚上”。如:

in May 在五月

in 2014 在2014年

in the morning/afternoon/evening


(3) on 用在日期、星期几、节日前,也可用来表示具体某一天的上午、下午或晚上。如:

on November 1st 在11月1日

on Children’s Day 在儿童节

on Tuesday evening 在周二晚上

Then make some exercises.


1. 复习记忆本课所学的生词。

2. 用今天所学的句型,询问一下你的两位好朋友的年龄与生日。

Section A 2 (Grammar focus-3c)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 揭示并让学生掌握序数词的构成方式,重点记忆部分特殊的序数词的书写。

2)总结归纳when 引导的特殊疑问句对生日的询问和应答来学习日期的表达法。

3) 能够询问或确认他人的年龄及生日日期。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:



2. 教学难点:



Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision

1. Greeting the Ss as usual. Check their homework.

2. Let's review the cardinal numbers together. Count from first to thirty-first.

3. Play a number game:

T: Your partner says a ordinal number and you say a cardinal number. Then exchange roles.

S1: eleven S2: eleventh; twenty

S1: twentieth; thirteen S2: thirteenth; sixteen

S1: sixteenth; …

4. Ask your partner a question chain like this:

T: How old are you?

S1: I'm thirteen.

T: When is your birthday?

S1: My birthday is October 16th.

T: When is your mother's birthday?

S1: Her birthday is on June 3rd.

T: When is your father's birthday?

S1: His birthday is July 5th.

Ss work with their partner ask and answer in a question chain.

Ⅱ. Grammar Focus.

1. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子:

①你的生日是什么时候?_____ ____ your birthday?

②我的生日是8月2日。My birthday is _____ _____ ______.

③他的生日是什么时候_____ _____ his ________?

④他的生日是在1月17日。His _________is _____ ___________ 17th.

⑤她的生日是在什么时候?When is ____ _______?

⑥是在八月份。______ ______ August.

⑦爱丽丝的生日是什么时候?When is ________ _______?

⑧她的生日在九月五日。____ birthday is ____ ____________ 5th.

⑨你爸爸的生日是什么时候?When _____ _______ _________ birthday?

⑩他的生日是在四月21日。_______ ______ is _______ ________ 21st.

2. 学习指导:

3. 读序数词表,然后写出下列基数词的序数词。

one ______ two ________ three _________ five ________ eight _______ nine __________ twelve _______ fifteen _______ eighteen ________ twenty __________ twenty-one _______________ twenty-two ______________

4. Check the answers.

Ⅲ. Practice

1. Now let's work on 3a. Read the questions and answers then match the questions and answers.

指导:应明确问题是一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句。还要根据问句中物主代词或名词所有格的人称及数来确定答语。比如:第一个问题中名词所有格是Jenny's,而Jenny是女性,可知答语中应用Her birthday来回答,故应选b项。

2. Ss read the questions and answers. Find the answers to the questions. Then check the answers with the class.

3. Ss work with his or her partner. Ask and answer the questions.

IV. Practice

1. T: Grace and her friends are talking about their ages and birthdays. Read the conversation and fill in the blanks.

2. Ss read and complete the conversation.

3. Check the answers with the class.

4. Practice the conversation with your partner.

5. Ask some pairs act out the conversation.

V. Survey

1. T: Do you know your classmates' ages and birthdays. Now let's make a survey of everyone's ages and birthdays. Then line up from the youngest to the oldest.

2. Ss ask and answer about each other's age and birthdays.

—How old are you? —I'm …

—When is your birthday?—My birthday is on…

3. Make a report.

…students' birthdays are in January. …students' birthdays are in February. …students' birthdays are in March…

4. Then line up all the students from the youngest to the oldest.

VI. Language points

1. When are their birthdays?


their birthdays是本句的主语,birthdays是birthday的复数形式,因此be动词应用are。例如:

Their birthdays are in February.


Our birthdays are in May.


2. Is your birthday in July? 你的生日在七月份吗?

这是一个一般疑问句,应以Yes, it is. 或No, it isn’t. 来回答。用it来指代birthday。如:

—Is Linda’s birthday on July 2nd?


— No, her birthday is on July 12th.


—Is your mother’s birthday in August?


— Yes, it is. 是的。

Then do some exercises.


1. 强化记忆所学序数词的形式。

2. Review the Grammar Focus.

Section B 1 (1a-2c)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 掌握下列词汇:test, trip, art, festival, dear, thing, term, month, busy, time, there, Have a good time!

2) 掌握一些常见的学校活动的表达方式,并能熟练询问其日期。



2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:



2. 教学难点:



Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision

1. Greet the Ss as usual and check the homework.

2. Review the cardinal numbers together. Count from first to thirty-first.

3. Play a date game:

T: Your partner says a date in Chinese, you say the date in English quickly. e.g.

S1: 11月7日S2:November seventh; 12月9日

S1: December ninth; 8月30日;S2: August thirtieth; 10月3日

S1: October, third

4. Report some of your family members' birthdays.

S1: My birthday is on January 10th. My father's birthday is on July 23rd. My mother's birthday is on June 7th. My grandfather's birthday is on…

Ⅱ. Presentation

1. (Show some school activities on the screen. Teach Ss the school activities)

basketball game, soccer game, volleyball game, English test, school trip, School Day, English Day, Sports Day, book sale, art festival, party

2. Ss read and try to remember the activities.

3. Look at the activities 1a. Then look at the pictures below. Match the pictures with the events.

4. Ss work on 1a. Then check the answers.

Ⅲ. Listening

1. John and Sally are talking about his calendar. Listen to the recording and circle the events you hear in 1a. (Play the recording for the first time, Ss only listen. Play the recording again. Ss listen and circle the events they hear in 1a.)

2. Check the answers. Let some Ss read the answers.

3. This time let's listen and fill in John's calendar. Write the proper activity in the right date chart.

(Ss listen and write the proper activity in the right date chart.)

4. Play the recording again for the Ss listen and check the answers.

Ⅳ. Pair work

1. Look at the John's calendar. Ask and answer questions about it with your partner.

S1: When is Sally's birthday party?

S2: It's on October 5th.

S1: When is the basketball game?

S2: It's October 2nd.

S1: When is …

S2: …

2. Then exchange roles. S2 ask S1 about John's calendar again.

Ⅴ. Pair work

1. Look at the activities in 2a. First, let some Ss read aloud. Make sure they know the meaning of every activity.

2. Suppose you are a new student here. Ask your partner about these activities likes this?

S1: Do we have a soccer game?

S2: Yes, we do.

S1: When is the soccer game?

S2: It's on October 11th. / I don't know.

S1: Do we have a school trip?

S2: No, we don't.

2. Check (√) the activities you have at your school and write down the dates behind the activities.

3. Then it's your partner's turn to ask you questions. (You must answer the questions according to your partner's answers.)

S2: Do we have a soccer game?

S1: Yes, we do.

S2: When is it?

S1: It's on October 11th.

S2: Do we have a school trip?

S1: No, we don't.

Ⅵ. Reading

1. Scanning

T: Look at 2b. This is a school notice of our school. It tells you about the main events in this term.

Now scanning the notice and find the answer to this question:

Is this a busy term?

(Ss read the notice and find the answer to the questions. Let some Ss say their answers to this question.)

2. Careful reading

T: Read the notice carefully and find the activities they have this term. Then list the activities and the dates.

3. 阅读指导:

该文是按时间顺序,列举了学校一学期的大事活动安排。读短文前浏览表格,由Dates和Activities两词可知,该文的任务是找出活动及举行日期。然后,带着任务快速阅读短文,用下划线画出活动时间,再圈出此活动。如该句“Next month, we have an art festival. It’s on November 3rd.”在November 3rd这天,举行的活动是art festival。最后,按时间的先后顺序,将日期与活动一一列出。

4. Ss read the notice and list the dates and activities in the chart.

5. Check the answers with the class.

Ⅶ. Discussing

1. T: Well, S1, do you like school trip?

S1: Yes, I do.

T: Do you like soccer game?

S1: No, I don't.

T: What other activities in 2b do you like?

S1: Well, I like School Day and art festival.

2. OK. Now discuss the questions with your partner.

1) What activities from 2b do you like?

2) What other activities do you like?

Write down your likes and dislikes on your workbook. I'll let you report it to the class.

You can report like this:

I like…I don't like…

3. Ss discuss with his or her partner and write down their likes and dislikes. Then try to make a report.

4. Let some Ss report their result to the class. e.g.

I like soccer game, school trip, book sale. And I like English day, Sports Day, too.

I don't like party, volleyball game.

VIII. Language points

1. Sally’s birthday party意为“萨莉的生日聚会”, “名词+’s” 是名词的所有格形式,表示人与物的所有或所属


Linda’s room 琳达的房间

the girl’s birthday 那个女孩的生日

[归纳] 名词所有格的构成规则:

(1) 单数名词和不以-s结尾的复数名词,在词尾加“’s”。如:

Alice’s er aser 爱丽丝的橡皮

Children’s Day 儿童节

Men’s room男士洗手间

(2) 以s或es结尾的复数名词,在词尾加“ ’ ”。如:

the teachers’ reading room


(3) 表示几者共同拥有时,只须在最后一个名词后加“’s”;若表示各自所有,则必须在各个名词后加“’s”。


This is Tom and Lucy’s room.


T hese are Tom’s and Lucy’s rooms.


(4) 表示无生命事物的名词所有格需要借助介词of来表示。如:

a photo of my family


the windows of the house


2. Next month, we have an art festival.

have 表示“举行;举办”,后面跟表示活动的名词,指举办某种活动。如:

have a class meeting 开班会

have a music festival 举办音乐节

have tennis games 举办网球赛

have a book sale 举行减价售书活动

[归纳] have的其他用法:

(1) have 有“有;拥有”之意。如:

I have three soccer balls, but my brother doesn’t.


(2) have有“吃;喝”之意。如:

I usually have an apple and a hamburger for breakfast.


(3) have用于某些短语中,如:

have a look 看一看

3. Have a good time! 在课文中一个表示祝福的句子,意为“祝你玩得高兴!”。

have a good time也是一个固定词组,意为“玩得高兴;过得愉快”,相当于have fun或enjoy oneself (oneself 随主语的变化而变化)。如:

Eric has a good time there every day.

= Eric has fun there every day.

= Eric enjoys himself there every day.


Then do some exercises.


1.Remember all the new words and expressions.

2. Review Section B 2b. Try to retell the passage.

Section B 2 (3a-Self check)


1. 语言知识目标:




2. 情感态度价值观目标:


1. 教学重点:



2. 教学难点:



Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision

1. Greet the Ss as usual. Check the homework.

2. Review the school activities. Let some Ss say all the school activities they know.

S1: basketball game, volleyball game, soccer game, tennis game, school trip, art festival…

S2: School Day, Sports Day, English Day, book sale, English test, party…

3. Then let some Ss report what activities they like and dislike.

(Tell Ss to use the sentence structure: I like …, but I don't like…)

S1: I like basketball game, volleyball game and soccer game, but I don't like English Day, book sale, English test or party.

S2: I like tennis game, school trip and art festival, but I don't like Sports Day, English Day or book sale.

4. Ask and answer about the activities in your school like this?

S1:Do you have a soccer game?

S2: Yes, we do.

S1: When is it?

S2: It's on October 28th.

Ss ask and answer about the activities in pairs.

Ⅱ. Writing

1. Guo Pen gives Alan a note, but some of the words are missing. Can you guess what words they are.

Read the note carefully and complete the note with the words in the box. First let's read the words in the box and make you know the meaning of every word.

2. Let some Ss read the words in the box. Then let other Ss say the meaning of the words.

3. 阅读指导:





4. Ss read and fill in the note. Then check the answers.

5. Let Ss try to remember the note and retell it to the class.

Ⅲ. Writing

1. T: Our school has an English party next week. It's on November 12th. Can you write your friend to our school English party? First answer my questions to help you.

①What is your friend's name?

S1: My friend's name is Xiao Fang.

②What does she like to do?

S1: She likes English.

③What activity do you have in your school?

S1: We have an English party.

④When is the party?

S1: It's on November 12th.

2. T: Well, write a note with the help of the answers above.

S1: OK.

Dear Xiao Fang,

Do you like English? Please come to our school next week. We have an English party. It's on November 12th. See you there!

Da Ming.

3. T: Very good. Now, please answer the questions in the chart first. Then with the help of the answers, write your own note to a friend. Invite him/her to an activity in your school.

(Ss write a note by themselves. Then exchange their notes with their partners. Check each other's notes.)

4. Let some Ss read their notes to the class.

Ⅳ. Self Check 1

1. T: Now let's review the cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers. First, let's recite them. Your partner recites the ordinal numbers, you recite the cardinal numbers. Then you recite the ordinal numbers, your partner recites the cardinal numbers. (Ss do as the teacher asks.)

2. T: Now look at Self check 1. Complete the chart with the correct forms of the numbers.

3. Check the answers with the class.

Ⅴ. Self Check 2

1. (Show some pictures of holidays on the screen.)

T: We have many holidays in China. For example:

Picture 1: Children's Day

Ss: 儿童节

T: Picture 2: National Day

Ss: 国庆节

(Show other pictures, let Ss know Women's Day, New Year's Day, Labors' Day, Teachers' Day…)

2. Ask the dates about the holidays.

T: When is Children's Day?

S1: It's on June 1st.

T: When is National Day?

S2: It's on October 1st.

T: Now let's look at Self check 2. Write the dates for these holidays in China.

3. Check the answers with the Ss.

Ⅵ. Survey

T: What other holidays in China or in other foreign countries you know. First, list the holidays you know. Then ask and answer the dates about them with your partner.

S1:the Spring Festival 春节(农历正月初一)

the Lantern Festival 元宵节(农历正月十五)

Army Day 建军节(8月1日)

the Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节(农历八月十五)

S2: St. Valentine’s Day 情人节(2月14日)

April Fool’s Day 愚人节(4月1日)

Mother’s Day 母亲节(5月份的第2个星期天)

Father’s Day 父亲节(6月份的第3个星期天)

Christmas Day 圣诞节(12月25日)

Then ask and answer about the dates of them:

S1: When is Arm Day?

S2: It's on August 1st. When is Christmas Day?

S1: It's on December 25th.




Unit 1 My name’s Gina. Language Goals: Introduce yourself;Greet people;Ask for and give telephone number 语言目标:介绍自己;问候他人;询问和告知电话号码 1a Write English words for the things in the picture. 写出图中物品的英文名称。 _____map________ 1b Listen and number the conversations[1-3].听录音,为对话编号。 □A: What’s your name? □A: Good morning! □A: Hi. My name’s Gina. B: Alan. B: I’m Cindy. B: I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you! A: Hello, Alan. I’m Ms Brown. B: Hello, Cindy. I’m Dale. A: Nice to meet you, too. A: Nice to meet you! 1c Practice the conversations above with your partner. Then greet your classmates.练习上面的对话,然后问候你的同学。

2a Listen to the conversations and number the pictures [1—4]. 听对话,为图片编号。 2b Listen again. Circle the names you hear. 再听一遍录音,圈出你听到的名字。 Eric Tom Alice Bob Mike Jack Mary Ms. Miller 2c Practice the conversations in pairs. 两人一组练习下面的对话。 A: Hello! What’s your name A:What’s his name? B: My name’s… B:His name is… A: I’m…A: And what’s her name? B: Nice to meet you! B: Her nam e is… 2d Role play the conversation. 分角色表演对话 Linda: Good afternoon! My name’s Linda. Are you Helen? Helen: Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, Linda. Linda: Nice to meet you, too. What’s her name? Helen: She’s Jane. Linda: Is he Jack? Helen: No, he isn’t.His name’s Mike.


新人教版七年级上册英语教案 Unit7 How much are these socks? New words: socks, T-shirt, pants, shoes, shorts, sweater, skirt, bag, dollars, black, white, green, red, blue, big, small, short, ling, numbers 10-31 — How much is the blue T-shirt? It’s 10 dollars. OK, I’ll take it. — Thank you.. — You’re welcome. — How much are these sweaters? They’re eight dollars. What color do you want? I want green. Here you are. I’ll take it/them. — How much is the blue T-shirt? It’s 10 dollars. OK, I’ll take it. — Thank you.. — You’re welcome. — How much are these sweaters? They’re eight dollars. What color do you want? I want green. Here you are. I’ll take it/them.

Unit7 How much are these socks? New words: red, green, black, white, blue, yellow -- What color do you want? I want blue. Here you are. Thank you! I’ll take it. …… -- What color do you want? I want blue. Here you are. Thank you! I’ll take it. ……


Starter unit 1 1.短语归纳: good morning 早上好good afternoon 下午好good evening 晚上好 name list 名单an English name 英文名字 2.必背典句: (1)Good morning! 早上好! (2)Good afternoon! 下午好! (3)Good evening 晚上好! 3.英语中常见的问候语 (1)Hello! “你好!”是比较随便、不分时间的一种问候语,通常用于打招呼、打电话。 表示惊讶或引起对方注意。对方应答仍用Hello! (2)Hi! “你好!”的使用比hello!更随便,在年轻人中使用更为普遍。 (3)Nice to meet you! “很高兴见到你!”是两个初次见面、经介绍相识的人互相打招呼的用 于。回答时可以说Nice to meet you, too.或者Me, too.表示“见到你很高兴” (4)How do you do? “你好!”用于初次见面,是非正式的打招呼用语。对方应答语应是“How do you do?” (5)How are you? 表示问候 How are you? 意为“你好吗?”,为询问对方身体状况的问候语,应答语一般是“I’m fine. Thank you. / I’m very well. Thank you. / I’m OK. How are you? 的其他用法:习惯上回答完别人的问候后,常可反问对方的身体状况,此

时可用How are you?也可用And you? “你呢?” 4.大写字母的用法: (1) 在英语中,句子的第一个单词的第一个字母都应大写。Sit down, please. 请坐。 (2)字母I作人称代词时,意为“我”,在句中任何位置都必须大写。日常用语“OK”在句 中任何位置都大写。I’m a student. 我是一名学生。Is everything OK? 一切都好吗?(3)人名、地名、国名、某国人或某种语言等专有名词的第一个字母都必须大写。 Lucy 露西China 中国Beijing 北京Chinese 中国人 (4)表示月份、星期、重要节日的名词的第一个字母必须大写。 May 五月Monday 星期一New Year’s Day 元旦 (5)电影名、书名、报刊、文章的标题等中的每一个实词(如:名词、动词、形容词、副词、 数词)的第一个字母一般大写。English Weekly 《英语周报》 (6)某些缩略词的每一个字母都必须大写。 RMB 人民币CCTV 中国中央电视台PK 挑战,对决 (7)表示职业、头衔和称呼的名词的第一个字母通常要大写。 Uncle Lee 李叔叔Doctor Wang 王医生 5、字母A-H的读音及大小写、A-H的音标 Starter unit 2 1.短语归纳: in English 用英语an orange 一个橙子spell it 拼写它 a ruler 一把尺子

人教版七年级上册英语课文及翻译(所有课文 )

人教版七年级上册英语课文及翻译(所有课文 ) 预习单元1—3 Starter Unit 1 Section A 1a 早上好,海伦!嗨,鲍勃!早上好,艾丽斯!喂,弗兰克!喂, 埃里克!早上好,戴尔! Section B 1 下午好,戴尔!嗨,辛蒂!你好吗?我很好,多谢。你好吗?我很 好。 Self Check 1 嗨喂上午下午晚上好的好谢谢好的 4 年龄手他床 Just for Fun 晚上好! Starter Unit 2 Section A 1b 这用英语怎么说?一张地图。一个橙子。 Section B 1a 用英语说这是什么?一把钥匙。请拼一下。 Self Check 3夹克衫艾丽斯地图钥匙橙子戴尔海伦格雷斯辛蒂鲍勃

钢笔弗兰克被子埃里克尺子 4 名字能他腿美好的牛奶去狗 Starter Unit 3 Section A 1a 这是什么?它是字母V。它是什么颜色的?它是红色的。这是什 么?它是字母Z。它是黑白相间的。 Section B 1b 这把钥匙是黄色的。这把尺子是蓝色的。这支钢笔是红色 的。 Self Check 它是绿色的。 字母意思(铅笔芯)硬黑激光唱片英国广播公司停车(美国)全国篮球协 会千克小号/中号/大号不明飞行物中央电视台联合国 一单元 Section A 1a 我是吉娜。见到你真高兴。 Grammer Foucs 你的名字是什么?我的名字是詹妮。我是詹妮。他的名字是什 么?他的名字是托尼。她的名字是什么?她的名字是吉娜。

Section B 1c 你的电话号码是什么,李欣?是281-6926。 3b 她的电话号码是什么?她的姓氏是什么?她的名字是什么? Self Check 1 我她是身份证什么我的喂你的他的她的名姓电话号 码 Just for Fun你的名是什么?ZIG。你的姓是什么?ZAG。 二单元 Section A 1a 那是你的双肩背包吗?不,不是。它是他的双肩背包。这是你的铅笔吗?是 的,它是。它是我的铅笔。这是你的尺子吗?不,不是。它是她的尺子。 铅笔钢笔书橡皮擦尺子铅笔盒书包卷笔刀词典 2b 请原谅,索尼亚。这是你的铅笔吗?是的,谢谢。那是我的橡皮。简,这是


七年级上册 第一单元 A2d Good afternoon! My name is Linda. Are you Helen Yes, I am. Nice to meet you , Linda. Nice too meet you , too. What’ her name She is Jane。 Is he Jack No, he isn’t .His name’s Mike. B2b name is Jenny Green. My phone number is 281-9176. My friend is Gina Smith. Her phone number is 232-4672. ’m Dale Miller and my friend is Eric Brown. His telephone number is 357-5689. My telephone number is 358-6344. name is Mary Brown. My friend is in China. Her name is Zhang Mingming. My phone number is 257-8900 and her number is 929-3155. 第二单元 A2d Sally: Good morning, Jane Jane: Good morning, Sally. Sally: Oh, Jane, this is my sister Kate .Kate, this is my friend Jane. Kate: Nice to meet you, Jane.


七年级上册英语语法 1.动词be(is,am,are)的用法 我(I)用am, 你(you)用are,is跟着他(he),她(she),它(it)。单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。变否定,更容易,be后not加上去。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。还有一条须注意,句首大写莫忘记。 2.this,that和it用法 (1)this和that是指示代词,it是人称代词。 (2)距离说话人近的人或物用this, 距离说话人远的人或物用that。如: This is a flower. 这是一朵花。(近处) That is a tree. 那是一棵树。(远处) (3)放在一起的两样东西,先说this, 后说that。如: This is a pen. That is a pencil. 这是一支钢笔。那是一支铅笔。 (4)向别人介绍某人时说This is…, 不说That is…。如: This is Helen. Helen, this is Tom. 这是海伦,海伦,这是汤姆。 (5)This is 不能缩写, 而That is可以缩写。如: This is a bike. That’s a car. 这是一辆自行车。那是一辆轿车。 (6)打电话时,介绍自己用this, 询问对方用that。如: —Hello! Is that Miss Green? 喂,是格林小姐吗? —Yes, this is. Who’s that? 是的,我是,你是谁? 注意:虽然汉语中使用“我”和“你”,但英语中打电话时绝不可以说:I am…, Are you…?/Who are you? (7)在回答this或that作主语的疑问句时, 要用it代替this或that。如: ①—Is this a notebook? 这是笔记本吗? —Yes, it is. 是的,它是。 ②—What’s that? 那是什么? —It’s a kite. 是只风筝。 3.these和those用法 this, that, these和those是指示代词,these是this的复数形式,指时间,距离较近的或下面要提到的人或事;those是that的复数形式,指时间、距离较远或前面已经提到过的人或事物。 ①This is my bed. That is Lily’s bed. 这是我的床。那是莉莉的床。 ②These pictures are good. 那些画很好。 ③Are those apple trees? 那些是苹果树吗? 在回答主语是these或those的疑问句时,通常用they代替these或those以避免重复。如: ④Are these/those your apples? 这些(那些)是你的苹果吗? Yes, they are. 是的,他们是。 4.名词+’s所有格 单数名词后直接加“ ’s ”: Jim’s coat 吉姆的外套Jeff’s mother杰夫的妈妈 以s结尾的复数名词,只加“’”


人教版(新目标)初中七上Starter Unit 1 Good morning!教案 教学目标: 1. 学会打招呼的用语:Hello! / Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening! 2. 识别和掌握八个人名: Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 教学重点、难点: 1.词汇:Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 2.句型:Hello! Good morning! 教学过程: Step 1. Warming-up 1. 课前—上课铃响教师就播放Good morning歌曲。 2. 师生初次见面,教师通过自我介绍和问候学生,让学生放轻松,消除与教师间的陌生感,开始亲近教师。教师自我介绍并用Hello! / Good morning! 问候学生。帮助学生用Hello! / Good morning! 作回应。 Step 2. Play a game. 绝大多数学生都会背诵26个字母表,因此学生参与这个游戏会相当积极。通过这个游戏首先可以锻炼他们迅速反应的能力;以英语名字作为奖励(老师提前准备好很多的英文名字),也使学生较有新鲜感,让他们自己选择自己的名字,使他们会更容易记住自己的名字。Play the game like this: Teacher says a letter, for example C, then let the Students tell the letters which is before and after C. The one who says B, D first is the winner. The winner can get a chance to choose an English name first. Step 3. Presentation 1.用预先制作的图片或挂图介绍八个人物和姓名。 2.出示Bob的图片,帮学生说Hello, Bob! 或Good morning, Bob! 然后利用其他图片介绍其他七位人物的名字。 Step 4. Game 在幻灯片上通过闪现头像来测试学生对这八个人物的特征和名字的记忆,然后出示7位人物的头像,让同学们看看少了哪一位人物的头像,有助于锻炼他们的反应力和注意力。获胜者也以英语名字作为奖励。 Step 5. Presentation.


Starter Unit 1 good /gud/ adj 好的 morning /m?:(r)n??/ n 早晨;上午 Good morning 早上好! hi /ha?/ interj (用于打招呼)嗨;喂 hello /h?l?u/ interj 你好;喂 afternoon /?ɑ:ft?nu:n//??ft?rnu:n/ n 下午Good afternoon! 下午好! evening /i:vn??/ n 晚上;傍晚 Good evening! 晚上好! how /ha?/ adv 怎样;如何 are /ɑ: (r)//?: (r)/ v 是 you /ju:/ pron 你;你们 How are you? 你好吗? I /ai/ pron 我 am /?m/ v 是 fine /fa?n/ adj 健康的;美好的 thanks /θ??ks/ interj / n. 感谢;谢谢 OK /??kei/ interj / adv 好;可以 HB /?e?t?bi:/ (铅笔芯)硬黑 CD /?si: di:/ 光盘;激光唱片 BBC /?bi:bi: si:/ 英国广播公司 Alice /?l?s/ 艾丽丝(女名) Bob /b?b//bɑ:b/ 鲍勃(男名) Cindy /s?ndi/ 辛迪(女名) Dale /de?l/ 戴尔(男名) Eric /er?k/ 埃里克(男名) Frank /fr??k/ 弗兰克(男名) Grace /gre?s/ 格雷丝(女名) Helen /hel?n/ 海伦(女名) Starter Unit 2 what /w?t//wɑ:t/ pron / adj 什么 is /?z/ v 是 this /e?s/ pron 这;这个 in /?n/ prep (表示使用语言、材料等)用;以English /??gl??/ n / adj 英语/ 英格兰的;英语的 in English 用英语 map /m?p/ n 地图 cup /k?p/ n 杯子 ruler /ru:l?(r)/ n 尺;直尺 pen /pen/ n 笔;钢笔 orange /?r?nd?//?:r?nd?/ n 橙子 jacket /d??k?t/ n 夹克衫;短上衣 key /ki:/ n 钥匙 quilt /kw?lt/ n 被子;床罩 it /?t/ pron 它 a / an /ei; ?//?n; ?n/ art 用于单数可数名词前,表示未曾提到的一(人、事、物)


句子 (一)句型变化之基石:一般疑问句 A将下列各句变为一般疑问句,并相应回答。 1.I am a student. _____ ______ a student? Yes, ____ _____. 2.My father is a math teacher. _____ ______ father a math teacher? Yes, ____ _____. 3.Our pears are green. ____ _____ pears green.? No, ____ _____ 4.Kate often eats eggs. _____ Kate often _____ eggs? Yes, ___ ____. 5. Those are some English books. ____ those ____ English books ? No, ____ ____. 6.He does sports every day. ____ he ____ ____ every day? No, ____ ____. 7.That looks easy. ______ that ______ easy? Yes, ____ ____ 8. I am free. _____ _____free? Yes, ____ ____. B 翻译“吗”也不难 9..这是你的书吗?不,不是。your book?(=Is this book _____? ) ,it 10. 那是他的橡皮吗?是的。 his ?, it . (=Is that _____ ____? ) 11. 你叔忙吗?______ your ______ ______? 12.他最喜欢打排球吗? _____ his _________ ______playing volleyball? Yes , _____ _____. (=_____ he _____ volleyball _____ ? Yes , _____ _____.) 13.你能拼写它吗? _____ you _______ it? No, ___ _____. 14.你的手表找到了吗?your watch ? 15.你们学校举行校庆吗? ________ you ________ a _________ ________ at your school? No, ___ ____. 16. 他在班上有很多朋友吗?没有。______ he ______ ______friends _____ his class? No, he ______. 17. 你随身带着电脑了吗? _____ you have a _________ _______ you? 18. -- 3月12号是植树节吗?--是的。 --______ March _________ Tree Planting Day? -- Yes, ______ _____. (二) 否定句,挠头不如抓住“not”,按对地儿。

最新人教版七年级英语上册 全套讲义文档

Starter Unit 1 Good morning. 1. Good morning/afternoon/evening. 早上(上午)/下午/晚上好。答语相同。在熟人或家人之间 可省略good。熟人之间的问候可加上称呼语,称呼语放在问候语之后且用逗号隔开。如:Good morning , class!同学们,早上好!△Good night!晚安(晚间告别用语) 2. Hello, Frank! 你好,弗兰克。 3. A: How are you? 你(身体)好吗? B: (I’m) fine/Very well/I’m OK, Thank you./thanks. How are you? / And you? 我很好,谢谢。 你呢? A: (I’m)fine/OK, too.我也很好。 4. thanks = thank you 谢谢 5. HB(铅笔芯)硬黑CD光盘BBC英国广播公司 Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English? 1.What’s this/that? 这/那是什么? It’s a/an + 单数物品(△不说This/That is...) 1) What’s this/that? 这/那是什么?2) What’s this/that? 这/那是什么? It’s a ruler. (这/那是)直尺。It’s an apple. (这/那是)苹果。 2.What’s this/that in English? 这/那用英语怎么说? It’s a/an + 单数物品(△不说This/That is...) What’s this in English? 这用英语怎么说?It’s a jacket. 夹克衫 What’s that in English? 那用英语怎么说?It’s an orange. 橘子。 in + 语言:用某种语言in Chinese/English/Japanese用汉/英/日语 英语中还可用What’s the English for….?表达同样的含义。 What’s the English for直尺?直尺用英语怎么说?It’s a ruler.是ruler 3.a 和an是不定冠词,只用在可数名词单数前面,表示“一”。a用在以辅音音素开头的单词 前;an用在以元音音素开头的单词前。这里的元音音素和辅音音素是指读音,而不是指字母。如: a pen /pen/ 一支钢笔(/p/为辅音音素) an orange /’?rind? / 一个桔子(/? /为元音音素) 4. P停车场;停车位NBA(美国)全国篮球协会kg千克;公斤 5.Spell it, please. = Please spell it. 请拼读它。 K – E - Y. Spell “pen”, please. = Please spell pen. 请拼读“pen”。 P – E - N. 注:please置于句末时,前面要加逗号。 Starter Unit 3 What color is it? 1.这/那是什么? It’s V. 这是V。 V是字母,是专有名词,前面不必加冠词,但表示某一类东西,则在其单数名词前加a或an。 1) Wh at’s this/that? 这/那是什么?2) What’s this/that? 这/那是什么? It’s a ruler. (这/那是)直尺。It’s an apple. (这/那是)苹果。 1


人教版新目标七年级英语上册初一英语上册课文翻译【全册】 预习单元1—3 Starter Unit 1 Section A 1a早上好,海伦!嗨,鲍勃!早上好,艾丽斯!喂,弗兰克!喂,埃里克!早上好,戴尔! Section B 1下午好,戴尔!嗨,辛蒂!你好吗?我很好,多谢。你好吗?我很好。 Self Check 1嗨喂上午下午晚上好的好谢谢好的 4年龄手他床Just for Fun晚上好! Starter Unit 2 Section A 1b这用英语怎么说?一张地图。一个橙子。 Section B 1a用英语说这是什么?一把钥匙。请拼一下。 Self Check 3夹克衫艾丽斯地图钥匙橙子戴尔海伦格雷斯辛蒂鲍勃钢笔弗兰克被子埃里克尺子 4名字能他腿美好的牛奶去狗 Starter Unit 3

Section A 1a这是什么?它是字母V。它是什么颜色的?它是红色的。这是什么?它是字母Z。它是黑白相间的。 Section B 1b这把钥匙是黄色的。这把尺子是蓝色的。这支钢笔是红色的。Self Check它是绿色的。 字母意思(铅笔芯)硬黑激光唱片英国广播公司停车(美国)全国篮球协会千克小号/中号/大号不明飞行物中央电视台联合国 一单元 Section A 1a我是吉娜。见到你真高兴。 Grammer Foucs你的名字是什么?我的名字是詹妮。我是詹妮。他的名字是什么?他的名字是托尼。她的名字是什么?她的名字是吉娜。 Section B 1c你的电话号码是什么,李欣?是281-6926。 3b她的电话号码是什么?她的姓氏是什么?她的名字是什么? Self Check 1我她是身份证什么我的喂你的他的她的名姓电话号码 Just for Fun你的名是什么?ZIG。你的姓是什么?ZAG。 二单元


最新人教版七年级英语上册教案全册 Starter Unit 1 Good morning! 一、单元教材分析 本单元要求学生掌握英文字母A—H,能认读其印刷体和手写体字母的大小写等四种形式。书写(大写和小写,笔顺,笔画)基本合乎要求。学习一些简单的英文名字,注意区别性别,并为自己取一个英文名字。能看、听、说、唱本单元所列的日常交际用语,重点学会打招呼、相互问候并做到语音语调正确。注意一些字母及日常交际用语的发音,总结元音字母a和e的发音规则。 二、单元学情分析 本单元围绕“问候他人”这一话题,展开听、说、读、写的教学活动。为了创设较为真实的语言环境,首先让学生们认识一些较为简单的英文名字,并让学生们为自己取一个英文名字,让学生们感知、认识英语,并尽快进入英语的环境中。在教学过程中应让学生体会打招呼用语的奥妙所在,做到灵活运用。刚开始学习英语,学生们肯定对学习英语的兴趣非常深厚,教师一定要利用好这一点,让学生在学习英语中能获得乐趣。并逐步让学生们形成稳定的学习兴趣。 三、单元教学建议 采用自主学习、小组合作学习、Role playing、pair work等方式开展听、说、读、写的学习活动。教师要尽量利用幻灯片、挂图、实物等给学生创造较为真实的英语情景。在教学中创设切实可行的任务型教学活动、突出交际性。引趣激趣策略,创设情景调节气氛,引发激发学生兴趣。教师可以用手势,表情,动作等示意,帮助学生听懂课堂用语和日常交际用语,不讲或少讲汉语。四、单元课时分配 本单元可用2课时完成教学任务: (1a-2e) 用1课时 (3a-4d) 用1课时 1a-2d 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下词汇:字母Aa ~ Hh, good, morning, Good morning!, hi, hello 2) 能掌握以下句型: ①Good morning, Helen! ②Hello, Frank! ③Hi, Bob!


人教版七年级上册英语课文中文翻译完整版 预习单元1—3 Starter Unit 1 Section A 1a 早上好,海伦!嗨,鲍勃!早上好,艾丽斯!喂,弗兰克!喂,埃里克!早上好,戴尔! Section B 1 下午好,戴尔!嗨,辛蒂!你好吗?我很好,多谢。你好吗?我很好。 Self Check 1 嗨喂上午下午晚上好的好谢谢好的 4 年龄手他床Just for Fun 晚上好! Starter Unit 2 Section A 1b 这用英语怎么说?一张地图。一个橙子。 Section B 1a 用英语说这是什么?一把钥匙。请拼一下。 Self Check 3夹克衫艾丽斯地图钥匙橙子戴尔海伦格雷斯辛蒂鲍勃钢笔弗兰克被子埃里克尺子 4 名字能他腿美好的牛奶去狗 Starter Unit 3 Section A 1a 这是什么?它是字母V。它是什么颜色的?它是红色的。这是什么?它是字母Z。它是黑白相间的。 Section B 1b 这把钥匙是黄色的。这把尺子是蓝色的。这支钢笔是红色的。Self Check 它是绿色的。 字母意思(铅笔芯)硬黑激光唱片英国广播公司停车(美国)全国篮球协会千克小号/中号/大号不明飞行物中央电视台联合国

一单元 Section A 1a 我是吉娜。见到你真高兴。 Grammer Foucs 你的名字是什么?我的名字是詹妮。我是詹妮。他的名字是什么?他的名字是托尼。她的名字是什么?她的名字是吉娜。 Section B 1c 你的电话号码是什么,李欣?是281-6926。 3b 她的电话号码是什么?她的姓氏是什么?她的名字是什么? Self Check 1 我她是身份证什么我的喂你的他的她的名姓电话号码 Just for Fun你的名是什么?ZIG。你的姓是什么?ZAG。 二单元 Section A 1a 那是你的双肩背包吗?不,不是。它是他的双肩背包。这是你的铅笔吗?是的,它是。它是我的铅笔。这是你的尺子吗?不,不是。它是她的尺子。铅笔钢笔书橡皮擦尺子铅笔盒书包卷笔刀词典 2b 请原谅,索尼亚。这是你的铅笔吗?是的,谢谢。那是我的橡皮。简,这是你的尺子吗?不,不是。它是她的尺子。好的,这是我的书。这是你的铅笔盒,简。 Section B 1a 棒球手表电子游戏机身份证钥匙笔记本戒指钢笔 1b 这是什么?一块手表。你怎样拼写它?…… 3a 这是你的手表吗?给艾伦打电话495—3539。艾伦,失物招领箱中的电子游戏是你的吗?尼克招领:笔记本这是你的笔记本吗?请给玛丽打电话。电话#235—0285。寻物:我的学生证。我的名字是托尼。请打电话685


人教版七年级英语上册知识点 Starter unit 1 Good morning! 1. 短语归纳: good morning 早上好good afternoon 下午好good evening 晚上好 name list 名单an English name 英文名字 2. 必背典句: (1))Good morning, Alice! 早上好,艾丽斯! (2))Good afternoon! 下午好! (3))Hi, Bob! 你好,鲍勃! (4))Hello, Frank! 你好,弗兰克! (5))Good evening 晚上好! (6))—How are you? 你好吗? —I ’m fine, thanks. How are you? 我很好,谢谢。你好吗? —I ’m OK. 我很好。 3. 英语中常见的问候语 ①Hello! 你“好!”是比较随便、不分时间的一种问候语,通常用于打招呼、打电话。表示惊讶或引起对 方注意。对方应答仍用Hello! ②Hi! “你好!”的使用比hello!更随便,在青年人中使用更为普遍。 ③ Nice to meet you! ④ How do you do? 很高“兴见到你!”Nice to meet you, to或 o.者Me, too “见到你很高兴”用于初次见面 你“好!”用于初次见面,是非正式的打招呼用语。对方应答语应是“How do you do? ”How are you? 表示问候意为“你好吗?”,为询问对方身体状况的问候语,应答语一般是“I ’fm ine. Thank you. / I ’m very well. Thank you. / I ’m OK. 3. 大写字母的用法: ①在英语中,句子的第一个单词的第一个字母都应大写。Sit down, please. 请坐。 ②字母I 作人称代词时,意为“我”,在句中任何位置都必须大写。日常用语“OK”在句中任何位置都大写。I ’m a studen我t. 是一名学生。Is everything OK? 一切都好吗? ③人名、地名、国名、某国人或某种语言等专有名词的第一个字母都必须大写。 Lucy 露西China 中国Beijing 北京Chinese 中国人 ④表示月份、星期、重要节日的名词的第一个字母必须大写。 May 五月Monday 星期一New Year’s Da元y 旦 ⑤电影名、书名、报刊、文章的标题等中的每一个实词(如:名词、动词、形容词、副词、数词)的 第一个字母一般大写。English Weekly 《英语周报》Titanic 《泰坦尼克号》


新目标初中英语七年级上册 Unit 4 Where is my backpack?测试题 笔试部分(100分) Ⅰ.选择填空。(15分) 从A,B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的正确答案。 1. --Where __ my pictures?--They're on the desk. A. is B. are C. be D. am 答案:B。 解析:my pictures是复数,故be动词用 are。 2. --Is your hat on the sofa? A. Yes, I am B. No, it is C. Yes, she is D. Yes, it is 答案:D。 解析:your hat是物,故用it来代替。 3. We can see__ old bike __the tree. A. a; under B. the; at C. a; on D. an; under 答案:D。 解析:根据句意“我们在树下看见一辆旧的自行车。”可知用under,又因 old是以元音音素开头,其前应用不定冠词an,故选D。 4. Listen! Some birds are singing __ the tree! A. in B. on C. at D. of 答案:A。 解析:长在树上应用on,后进树里的应用in. 5. Please __ your notebook to school. I want to use (用) it. A. have B. bring C. take D. do 答案:B。 解析:bring意为“带来”,take意为“带走”,根据句意应是“请把你的笔记本带到学校来”,故选B。 6. I __ a notebook. Please bring one to me. A. need B. know C. spell D. have 答案:A。 解析:根据前后句意思应是“我需要一个笔记本”。 7. Here __my family photos. A. is B. are C. am D. be 答案:B。 解析:这是一个倒装句,由于my family photos是复数,故选B。 8. -- __ you bring some things for me? --Yes, I can. A. Do B. Are C. Can D. Have 答案:C。 解析:根据答语可知问句是用can提问的。


ENGLISH P4 My name's Daming and I'm in Class One. I'm from and I'm Chinese. I'm from . is a big city. Lingling's in my class. She's my friend. My name's Lingling. I'm not from and I'm not English. I'm Chinese. I'm in Class One. Daming is my friend. We're twelve years old. He's from and he's in my class. We're good friends. My name's Wang Hui and I'm Chinese. I'm from . I'm thirteen years old. I'm in Class One with Daming and Lingling. They are my friends. 我的名字叫大明,和我在一班。我来自中国,和我是中国人。我来自北京。北京是个大城市。玲玲在我的班。她是我的朋友。 我的名字叫玲玲。我不是来自英国,和我也不是英国人。我是中国人。我在一班。大明是我的朋友。我们12岁了。他来自北京,和他在我的班。我们是好朋友。 我的名字叫王辉,和我是中国人。我不是来自北京。我来自上海。我13岁了。我在一班和大明、玲玲。他们是我的朋友。 P8

Betty: Hello. My name's Betty. I'm from . I'm 13 years old and I'm a student. I can play football and I can play basketball. I can speak English but I can't speak Chinese. This is Tony. He's my friend. Tony: Hello. My name's Tony. I'm 11 years old. I'm from and I can speak English. I can play football and table tennis, and I can ride a bike. Lingling: Can you swim? Tony: No, I can't. And I can't speak Chinese! 1 / 12 李小姐:请欢迎贝蒂和托尼来我们学校。他们来自北京国际学校。这是贝蒂。 贝蒂:你好。我的名字叫贝蒂。我来自美国。我十三岁,和我是一个学生。我能踢足球,和我能打篮球。我能说英语但是我不能说汉语。这是托尼。他是我的朋友 托尼:你好。我的名字叫托尼。我十一岁了。我来自英国,和我能说英语。我能踢足球和打乒乓球,和我能骑一辆车。 玲玲:你能游泳吗? 托尼:不,我不能。而且我不能说汉语。 P11 My name's Betty Rixon. I'm American. These are my parents. My father is


七年级上册英语复习 学英语真好玩,一百符号要记全; 字母共计五十二,大写、小写各一半; 音标共计四十八,元音二十,辅音二十八; 学英语,很容易,听说读写和翻译; 多模仿,多记忆,早读晚听别忘记; 只要坚持有毅力,考试定能取得好成绩; 理想大学属于你,将来必定成大器。 在初中各门学科中,英语是最容易两极分化的学科,而词汇学习是学生学英语的一道“门槛”。可以说如果学生学会了如何记忆单词,那么,他就掌握了学习英语特别有利的途径。许多学生因为词汇量小,看不懂课本,听不懂录音,听不懂老师讲课,一些练习无法做,从而丧失了学习英语的兴趣和信心。因而要多运用音标等多种途经加强对单词的识记至关重要。 一、七年级字母教学资料 1.英语中共有26个字母。其中的Aa,Ee,Ii,Oo,Uu 5个字母被称为元音字母。这五个 元音字母是构成英语成千上万单词的核心,除了一些缩略词之外,其它任何一个英语单词,通常都应包含一个或多个元音字母。26个字母中的其它21个字母被称为辅音字母。 2.字母书写的规格 ①斜度:每个字母都要稍向右斜约10°左右,斜度要一致。 ②大写字母的书写规格是:上不顶天下立地。即笔画的上端稍离第一线,笔画的下端必须 紧贴第三线,不许离线也不许出格。 ③占中间格的小写字母有 a,c,e,m,n,o,r,s,u,v,w,x,z 13个,它们笔画的上端必须 紧贴第二线,下端必须紧贴第三线,不许离线也不许出格。 ④占一格、二格的小写字母有b,d,h,k,l共5个,它们笔画的上端必须顶第一线,下端必须顶第三线,不许离线也不许出格。 ⑤小写字母i和t也占一格、二格。但t的上端在第一格中间,短横重合第二线;i 的小圆点在第一格中间稍偏下处。 ⑥占二格、三格的小写字母有g,q,y 3个,它们的笔画的顶端要紧贴第二线,下端要紧

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