当前位置:文档之家› 高级英语第一册课后习题期末考试paraphrase和翻译



Lesson 1 The Middle Eastern Bazaar

II . 1) little donkeys thread their way among the throngs of people.

little donkeys went in and out among the people and from one side to another

2) Then as you penetrate deeper into the bazaar, the noise of the entrance fades away, and you come to the muted cloth-market.

Then as you pass through a big crowd to go deeper into the market, the noise of the entrance gradually disappear, and you come to the much quieter cloth-market.

3) they narrow down their choice and begin the really serious business of beating the price down

they drop some of items that they don't really want and begin to bargain seriously for a low price.

4) he will price the item high, and yield little in the bargaining

He will ask for a high price for the item and refuse to cut down the price by any significant amount.

5) As you approach it, a tinkling and banging and clashing begins to impinge on your ear

As you get near it, a variety of sounds begin to strike your ear.


A zig-zag path loses itself in the shadowy distance of the woods.


At the bazaar there are many stalls where goods of every conceivable kind are sold.

3) 我真不知道到底是什么事让他如此生气。

I really don't know what it is that has made him so angry.


The newly unearthed bronze vase is pleasing in form and engraved with delicate and intricate traditional designs.


Beyond the mountains there is a vast grassland that extends as far as the eye can see.


They decided to buy that house with. a garage attached.


The teachers make a point of being strict with the students.


This little girl is very much attached to her father.

9)为实现四个现代化,我们认为有必要学习外国的先进科学技术。To achieve the four modernization, we make a point of learning from the advanced science and technology of other countries.


As dusk fell, daylight faded away.


The apprentice watched his master carefully and then followed suit.


Frank often took a hand in the washing-up after dinner.

Lesson 2Hiroshima---the “Liveliest”City in Japan


1)Serious looking men spoke to one another as if they were oblivious of the crowds about them.

They were so absorbed in their conversation that they seemed not to pay any attention to the people around them.

2)The cab driver‘s door popped open at the very sight of a traveler.

As soon as the taxi driver saw a traveler, he immediately opened the


3)The rather arresting spectacle of little old Japan adrift amid beige concrete skyscrapers is the very symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimono and the miniskirt.

The traditional floating houses among high modern buildings represent the constant struggle between old tradition and new development.

4)I experienced a twinge of embarrassment at the prospect of meeting the mayor of Hiroshima in my socks.

1 suffered from a strong feeling of shame when I thought of the scene of meeting the mayor of Hiroshima wearing my socks only.

5)The few Americans and Germans seemed just as inhibited as I was. The few Americans and Germans seemed just as restrained as 1 was.

6)After three days in Japan, the spinal column becomes extraordinarily flexible.

After three days in Japan one gets quite used to bowing to people as

a ritual to show gratitude.

7)I was just about to make my little bow of assent, when the meaning of these last words sank in, jolting me out of my sad reverie .

I was on the point of showing my agreement by nodding when I suddenly realized what he meant.His words shocked me out my sad

dreamy thinking.

8)I thought somehow I had been spared.

I thought for some reason or other no harm had been done to me.Ⅲ.Translate the following into Chinese.

1)And secondly, because I had a lump in my throat and a lot of sad thoughts on my mind that had little to do with anything a Nippon railways official might say. The very act of stepping on this soil, in breathing this air of Hiroshima, was for me a far greater adventure than any trip or any reportorial assignment I'd previously taken. Was I not at the scene of the crime?


2)Quite unexpectedly, the strange emotion which had overwhelmed me at the station returned, and I was again crushed by the thought that I now stood on the site of the first atomic bombardment, where thousands upon thousands of people had been slainin one second, where thousands upon thousands of others had lingered on to die in slow agony .



3)There are two different schools of thought in this city of oysters, one that would like to preserve traces of the bomb, and the other that would like to get rid of everything, even the monument that was erected at the point of impact.


4)If you bear any visible scars of atomic burns, your children will encounter prejudice on the par t of those who do not.


5) each day of suffering that helps to free me from earthly cares, I make a new little paper bird, and add it to the others. This way I look at them and congratulate myself of the good fortune that my illness has brought me. Because, thanks to it, I have the opportunity to improve my character.


Ⅸ.Translate the following into English.


There is not a soul in the hall.The meeting must have been put off.


The book looks very much like a box. (The book looks much the same as a box. )


Sichuan dialect sounds much the same as Hubei dialect. It is sometimes difficult to tell one from the other.


The very sight of the monument reminds me of my good friend who was killed in the battle.


He was so deep in thought that he was oblivious of what his friends were talking about.


What he did had nothing to do with her.


She couldn't fall asleep as her daughter's illness was very much on her mind.


I have had the matter on my mind for a long time.


He loves such gatherings at which he rubs shoulders with young people and exchange opinions with them on various subjects.


It was only after a few minutes that his words sank in.


The soil smells of fresh grass.


Could you spare me a few minutes?


Could you spare me a ticket?


That elderly grey-haired man is a coppersmith by trade.

Lesson5 Speech on Hitler's Invasion of the U.S.S.R.

Ⅱ1) Hitler was counting on enlisting capitalist and Right Wing sympathies in this country and the U. S. A.

Hitler was hoping that if he attacked Russia, he would win in Britain and the U.S. the support of those who were enemies of Communism.

2) Winant said the same would be true of the U. S. A.

Winant said the United States would adopt the same attitude.

3) My life is much simplified thereby.

In this way, my life is made much easier in this case, it will be much easier for me to decide on my attitude towards events.

4) I will unsay no word that I have spoken about it.

I will not take back a single word of what I have said about Communism.

5) I see the German bombers and fighters in the sky, still smarting from many a British whipping, delighted to find what they believe is an easier and a safer prey.

I can see the German bombers and fighters in the sky, who, after suffering severe losses in the aerial battle of England, now feel happy because they think they can easily beat the Russian air force without heavy loss.

6) We shall be strengthened not weakened in determination and in resources.

We shall be more determined and shall make better and fuller use of our resources.

7) Let us redouble our exertions, and strike with united strength while life and power remain..

Let us strengthen our unity and our efforts in the fight against

Nazi Germany when we have not yet been overwhelmed and when we are still powerful.

XI. 1)这对农村和城市都一样适用。

This is true of the rural area as well as of the urban area.


He was counting on their support.


I don't remember his exact words, but I'm sure he did say something to that effect.


Churchill said, "Tell Stalin that Britain has but one desire --to crush Hitler.


Only 9% of the population in that country remains illiterate.


This leaves them no choice but to rely on his efforts.


The guests were overwhelmed by the warm reception.


They overwhelmed the enemy by a surprise attack.



Their difficulty is our difficulty just as we view their victory as our own victory.


It is clear that German fascists were trying to put the people in that region under their domination.

Lesson 6 Blackmail


1) The house detective‘s piggy eyes surveyed her sardonically from his gross jowled face .

The house detective's small narrow eyes looked her up and down scornfully from his fat face with a heavy jowl.

2) Pretty neat sit-up you folks got.

This is a pretty nice room that you have got.

3) The obese body shook in an appreciative chuckle.

The fat body shook in a chuckle because the man was enjoying the fact that he could afford to do whatever he liked and also he was appreciating the fact that the Duchess knew why he had come.

4)He lowered the level of his incongruous falsetto voice.

He had an unnaturally high-pitched voice. When he spoke now, he

lowered the pitch.

5) The words spat forth with sudden savagery, all pretense of blandness gone.

Ogilvie spat out the words, throwing away his politeness. pretended 6) The duchess of Croydon—three centuries and a half of inbred arrogance behind her --did not yield easily.

The Duchess was supported by her arrogance coming from parents of noble families with a history of three centuries and a half. She wouldn't give up easily.

7) ―It is no go, old girl. I ?m afraid. It was a good try.‖

It's no use. What you did just now was a good attempt at trying to save the situation.

8) ― That‘s more like it,”Ogilvie said. He lit the fresh cigar, ―now we are getting somewhere.‖

"That's more acceptable," Ogilvie said. He lit another cigar, "Now we're making some progress. "

9) ...his eyes sardonically on the Duchess as if challenging her objection. ...he looked at the Duchess sardonically as if he wanted to see if she dared to object to his smoking.

10) The house detective clucked his tongue reprovingly.

The house detective made noises with his tongue to show his disapproval.


"I'll tell you, Duke – I've been in this town and this hotel a long time. I got friends all over. I oblige them; they do the same for me, like letting me know what gives, an‘ “公爵,我跟你说实话吧。我在这个镇上生活了很长时间了,对这个旅馆熟的不能再熟了。这儿到处都有我的朋友。我给他们好处,他们也同样帮我的忙,比如说告诉我谁做了些什么事,在哪儿做的,等等。虽然我自己并没有亲眼所见,但是凡是住在这家旅馆的人,他们干的那些违法的勾当,很少有能瞒过我的。他们中大多数人都不知道我知道他们的事,甚至压根儿就不认识我。她们以为自己的那些小秘密不为人所知——的确有瞒住的时候,但是现在这件开车肇事逃逸的事却瞒不住了。”

1.where. There ain't much, out of the way, which people who stay in this hotel do, I don't get to hear about. Most of ‘em never know I know, or know me. They think they got their little secret tucked away , and so they have – except like now."

2."Well now, there's no call for being hasty ." The incongruous falsetto voice took on a musing note. "What's done's been done. Rushing any place ain't gonna bring back the kid nor its mother neither. Besides, what they'd do to you across at the headquarters, Duke, you wouldn't like. No sir, you wouldn't like it at all. " The other two slowly raised their eyes. “我看,这是也不必太着急。”他那刺耳难听的嗓音里透着一种老谋深算,胸有成竹的腔调。“发生的事已经发生了,慌也没有用,再怎


3. The Duchess of Croydon kept firm, tight rein on her racing mind. It was essential, she knew, that her thinking remain calm and reasoned. In the last few minutes the conversation had become as seemingly casual as if the discussion were of some minor domestic matter and not survival itself. She intended to keep it that way. Once more, she was aware, the role of leadership had fallen to her, her husband now a tense but passive spectator of the exchange between the evil tat man and herself. No matter. What was inevitable must be accepted. The important thing was to consider all eventualities. A thought occurred to her.



1) 不用着急,慢慢来。

There is no call for hurry. Take your time.


Are you suggesting that I am telling a lie?

3) 他企图尽一切办法掩盖事情的真相。

He tried every means to conceal the fact.

4) 虽然成功的机会很少,我们仍然要竭尽全力去干。

Our chance to succeed is very slim. Nevertheless we shall do our utmost.

5) 如不另行通知,我们的会在明天上午十点开。

We will have our meeting at 10 tomorrow morning unless notified otherwise.

6) 我们俩谁也不善于计算数字。

Neither of us is adept at figures.

7) 假定五点出发,我们在黄昏前能到达那里吗?

Assuming we set out at 5 o’clock in the morning, would it be possible to reach that place before dark?

8) 他不愿意依从她的要求。

He was reluctant to comply with her request.

9) 我知道你是南方人,一听你的口音就知道了。

I know you are from the South. Y our accent has betrayed you.

10) 在这件事情上,我们没有任何选择的余地。

We have no alternative in this matter.

Lesson 9 Mirror of America


1) A man who became obsessed with the frailties of the human race.

A man who became constantly preoccupied by the moral weaknesses of mankind.

2) Mark Twain digested the new American experience before sharing it with the world as writer and lecturer.

Mark Twain first observed and absorbed the new American experience, and then introduce it to the world in his books or lectures.

3) The cast of characters set before him in his new profession was rich and varied-- a cosmos.

In his new profession he could meet people of all kinds.

4) Broke and discouraged, he accepted a job as reporter with the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise .

With no money and a frustrated feeling, he accepted a job as reporter with Territorial Enterprise in Virginia City.

5) Mark Twain began digging his way to regional fame as a newspaper reporter and humorist.

Mark Twain began working hard to became well known locally as

a newspaper reporter and humorist.

6)"and when she projects a new surprise, the grave world smiles as usual,

and says 'Well, that is California all over‘ '

" and when California makes a plan for a new surprise, the solemn people in other states of the U.S. smile as usual, making a comment "that's typical of California"

7) Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh.

The man who had made the world laugh was himself consumed by bitterness.



He was obsessed with fear of poverty.


Dongting Lake teems with fish and shrimps.


Tom was every bit as intelligent as the top boy in his class.


He is an acquaintance of mine, but not a friend.


Under pressure, he had no other choice but quit office.


In the end he succumbed to her persuasion and decided to change his original plan.


Many children succumbed to small pox then.


Much to his horror, he found the cabin flooded.


The kids did extremely well in their exam, to the great satisfaction of both parents and teachers.


That's Peter all over.


Not until midnight did the surgeon finish the operation.


The history course has acquainted me with ancient civilizations.


The old writer shaped the folktale into a film scenario.

14)新上演的那出话剧充分表现了中国人民大无畏的革命精神。The dauntless revolutionary spirit of the Chinese people finds full expression in the new play.

Lesson10 The Trial That Rocked the World

II. Paraphrase:

1) We‘ll show them a few tricks.

We have some clever and unexpected tactics and we will surprise

them in the trial.

2) The case had erupted round my head

The case had come down upon me unexpectedly and violently.

3) The fundamentalists adhered to a literal interpretation of the Old Testament.

The fundamentalists believe in a word-for-word acceptance of what is said in the Bible.

4) That all animal life... had evolved from a common ancestor)

That all life had developed gradually from a common original organism.

5) "Let's take this thing to court and test the legality of it."

Let's accuse Scopes of teaching evolution and let the court decide whether he is breaking the law or not.

6) People from the surrounding hills, mostly fundamentalists, arrived to cheer Bryan against the "infidel outsiders."

People from the nearby mountains, mostly fundamentalists, came to support Bryan against those professors, scientists, and lawyers who came from the northern big cities and were not fundamentalists.

7) As my father growled, "That's one hell of a jury!"

As my father complained angrily, "That' s no jury at all. "

8)He is here because ignorance and bigotry are rampant.

He is here because ignorance and prejudice are widespread and


9) Spectators paid to gaze at it and ponder whether they might be related.

People had to pay in order to have a look at the ape and to consider carefully whether apes and humans could have a common ancestry.

10) And the crowd punctuated his defiant replies with fervent "Amens"

And the crowd, who were mainly fundamentalists, took his words showing no fear as if they were prayers, interrupting frequently with "Amen".


1)A lower court ruled in the pa rents‘ favor, but the decision later was reversed.


2) The legislative branch enacts laws; the executive branch enforces them, and the judicial branch interprets them.


3) Three witnesses appeared in court to testify to his innocence.


4)They called for a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury.


5)In US. courts, when witnesses swear to tell the truth, they are asked to place one hand on the Bible.


U n i t1 1. 任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票。(be eligible to, vote) Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote. 2. 每学期开学前,这些奖学金的申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship) A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to every student before the start of every semester. 3. 遵照医生的建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of) On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking. 4. 公园位于县城的正中央。(be located in) The park is located right in the center of town. 5. 这所大学提供了我们所需的所有材料和设备。(facilities) The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire. 1. 他们花了多年的时间寻找内心的平静,但是收效甚微。(search for) They spent many years searching for peace of mind, but with little success. 2. 这种新药的成功研制已经使许多疾病的治疗发生了根本性的变革。


关于希特勒入侵苏联的讲话 二十二日星期天早晨,我一醒来便接到了希特勒入侵苏联的消息。这就使原先意料中的事变成了无可怀疑的事实。我完全清楚我们对此应该承担何种义务,采取何种政策。我也完全清楚该如何就此事发表声明。尚待完成的只不过是将这一切形成文字而已。于是,我吩咐有关部门立即发表通告,我将于当晚九点钟发表广播讲话。不一会儿,匆匆从伦敦赶到的迪尔将军走进我的卧室,为我带来了详细情报。德国人已大规模入侵苏联,苏联空军部队有很大一部分飞机都没来得及起飞便遭到德军的突袭。德军目前似乎正以凌厉的攻势极为迅猛地向前推进。这位皇家军队总参谋长报告完毕后又补了一句,“我估计他们将会大批地被包围。” 一整天我都在写讲稿,根本没有时间去找战时内阁进行磋商,也没有必要这样做。我知道我们大家在这个问题上的立场是完全一致的。艾登先生、比弗布鲁克勋爵,还有斯塔福德?克里普斯爵士——他是十号离开莫斯科回国的——那天也同我在一 起。 那个周末值班的是我的私人秘书科维尔先生。由他执笔记述的下面这段关于那个星期天里切克 尔斯首相官邸发生的情况的文字,也许值得一提: “六月二十一日,星期六。晚饭前我来到切克尔斯首相官邸。怀南特夫妇、艾登夫妇和爱德华?布里奇斯等几位均在那儿。晚饭席上,邱吉尔先生说,德国人人侵苏联已是必然无疑的了。他认为希特勒是想指望博取英美两国的资本家和右冀势力的同情和支持。不过,希特勒的如意算盘打错了。 我们英国将会全力以赴援助苏联。维南特表示美国也会采取同样的态度。 晚饭后,当我同邱吉尔先生在槌球场上散步时,他又一次谈到了这一话题。我当时问他,对于他这个头号反共大将来说,这种态度是否意味着改变自己的政治立场。‘绝非如此。我现在的目标只有一个,即消灭希特勒。这使我的生活单纯多了。假使希特勒入侵地狱,我至少会在下议院替魔 鬼说几句好话的。’ 次日清晨四点钟,我被电话铃惊醒,原来是外交部来的电话,内容是报告德国已开始进攻俄国的消息。首相一向吩咐,只有当英国遭到入侵时才可以叫醒他。因此,我等到八点钟才向他报告这一消息。他听完消息后只说了一句话:‘通知英国广播电台,我今晚九点要发表广播讲话。’他从上午十一点开始撰写讲稿,中间除与斯塔福德.克里普斯爵士、克兰伯恩勋爵和比弗布鲁克勋爵共进午餐外,这一天的全部时间都花在写讲稿上了……讲稿直到九点差二十分才写好。” 在这次广播讲话中,我说道: “纳粹政体与共产主义的最糟糕之处毫无两样。除了贪欲和种族统治外,它没有任何指导思想和行动准则。它在残酷压迫和疯狂侵略过程中所犯下的滔天罪行在人类历史上可谓空前绝后。在过去的二十五年中,我比任何人都更坚定而始终如一地反对共产主义。过去对共产主义所作的批评我仍然一句也不想收回。但现在展现在我们面前的景象已经将那一切冲得烟消云散了。过去的一切,连同它的种种罪恶、蠢行和悲剧全都从眼前乍然消失。此刻我眼前看到的是俄国的士兵昂然挺立于自己的国土,英勇地捍卫着他们祖祖辈辈自古以来一直辛勤耕耘着的土地。我看到他们正在守卫着自己的家园,在那里母亲和妻子正在向上帝祈祷——是啊,任何人都总有祈祷的时候——祈求上帝保佑她们的亲人的平安,并保佑她们的壮劳力、她们的勇士和保护者凯旋归来。我看见成千上万的俄国村庄,那儿的人们虽然要靠在土地上辛勤耕作才能勉强维持生计,却依然能够享受到天伦之乐,那儿的姑娘在欢笑,儿童在嬉戏。我看到这一切正面临着凶暴的袭击,正杀气腾腾地扑向他们的是纳粹的战争机器同它的那些全副武装、刀剑当当有声、皮靴咚咚作响的普鲁士军官以及它的那些奸诈无比、刚刚帮它征服并奴役了十多个国家的帮凶爪牙。我还看到那些呆头呆脑、训练有素、既驯服听话又凶残野蛮的德国士兵像一群蝗虫般地向前蠕动着。我看见天空中那些屡遭英军痛击、余悸未消的德国轰炸机和战斗机此时正庆幸终于找到他们以为是无力反抗、可手到即擒的猎物。“在


第一课中东的集市 中东的集市仿佛把你带回到了几百年、甚至几千年前的时代。此时此刻显现在我脑海中的这个中东集市,其入口处是一座古老的砖石结构的哥特式拱门。你首先要穿过一个赤日耀眼、灼热逼人的大型露天广场,然后走进一个凉爽、幽暗的洞穴。这市场一直向前延伸,一眼望不到尽头,消失在远处的阴影里。赶集的人们络绎不绝地进出市场,一些挂着铃铛的小毛驴穿行于这熙熙攘攘的人群中,边走边发出和谐悦耳的叮当叮当的响声。市场的路面约有十二英尺宽,但每隔几码远就会因为设在路边的小货摊的挤占而变窄;那儿出售的货物各种各样,应有尽有。你一走进市场,就可以听到摊贩们的叫卖声,赶毛驴的小伙计和脚夫们大着嗓门叫人让道的吆喝声,还有那些想买东西的人们与摊主讨价还价的争吵声。各种各样的噪声此伏彼起,不绝于耳,简直叫人头晕。 随后,当往市场深处走去时,人口处的喧闹声渐渐消失,眼前便是清静的布市了。这里的泥土地面,被无数双脚板踩踏得硬邦邦的,人走在上面几乎听不到脚步声了,而拱形的泥砖屋顶和墙壁也难得产生什么回音效果。布店的店主们一个个都是轻声轻气、慢条斯理的样子;买布的顾客们在这种沉闷压抑的气氛感染下,自然而然地也学着店主们的榜样,变得低声细语起来。 中东集市的特点之一是经销同类商品的店家,为避免相互间的竞争,不是分散在集市各处,而是都集中在一块儿,这样既便于让买主知道上哪儿找他们,同时他们自己也可以紧密地联合起来,结成同盟,以便保护自己不受欺侮和刁难。例如,在布市上,所有那1些卖衣料、窗帘布、椅套布等的商贩都把货摊一个接一个地排设在马路两边,每一个店铺门面前都摆有一列商品的搁板桌和一些存放货物的货架。讨价还价是人们习以为常的事。头戴面纱的妇女们迈着悠闲的步子从一个店铺逛到另一个店铺,一边挑选一边问价;在她们缩小选择围并开始正儿八经杀价之前,往往总要先同店主谈论几句,探探价底。 对于顾客来说,至关重要的一点是,不到最后一刻是不能让店主猜到她心里究竟中意哪样东西、想买哪样东西的。假如让店主猜中了她所要买的商品的话,他便会漫天要价,而且在还价过程中也很难作出让步。而在卖主那一方来说,他必须竭尽全力地声称,他开出的价钱使他根本无利可图,而他之所以愿意这样做完全是出于他本人对顾客的敬重。顾客有时来了又去,去了又来,因此,像这样讨价还价的情形有可能持续一整天,甚至好几天。 集市上最引人注目、给人印象最深刻的地方之一是铜器市场。你一走近这里,耳朵里便只听得见金属器皿互相碰击时所发出的一阵阵砰砰啪啪、丁丁当当的响声;走得越近,响声便越来越大,越来越清晰。直待你走到拐角处一转弯,眼前便出现了锃亮的铜器,它们映照着无数盏明灯和火盆,流光飞舞,有如仙境。每个铜匠铺子里都有几个徒工——他们都是一些男性青少年,其中有的年龄小得让人难以置信——在那里不停地锤打着一些形状各异、大小不一的铜器,而铺子的老板则在一旁指点着,有时也亲自操锤敲打几下。铺子的后边,还有一个小不点儿的徒工在那里用一根拴在大脚趾上的绳子鼓动着一个巨大的皮风箱,煽着一大炉炭火——燃烧着的木炭随着风箱的鼓动而有节奏地变得忽明忽暗。 在这里,你会看到许多精美的锅碗瓢盆,上面雕刻着各种精细复杂的传统图案,也能看到一些当地人日常使用的质朴无华的厨房用具,虽无花纹图案,但造形美观,经济实用。再走一处便是地毯市场。这儿有各种质地的地毯,它们色彩斑炯,花纹图案富有地方特色—


Unit 1 From her accent I guess she’s from the Northeast. 从她的口音我猜她是来自东北地区的。 It was very clever of her to turn his argument against himself. 她很聪明,使他对自己的论点 I found a couple of shoes under the bed but they don’t make a pair. 我在床下发现了一双鞋,但他们不做一双 4. Dr. Bright always takes his time as he examines his patients and treats them with extreme care. Bright博士总是把他的时间用于他检查他的病人,并把他们的极端护理 5. British companies are trying to avoid the fate their American counterparts have already suffered. 英国公司正试图避免他们的美国同行已经遭受的命运。 6. Wilfred’s remarks confirmed me in my opinion that he was an honorable young man. 威尔弗雷德的话证实了我在我看来,他是一个光荣的年轻人 7. The key witness for the prosecution was offered police protection after she received death threats. 检察机关的主要证人在收到死亡威胁后提供了警方的保护 8. I thought that was the end of the matter but subsequent events proved me wrong. 我认为这是事情的结束,但随后的事件证明我错了。 9. Having practiced for so long, the New York baseball team stands a chance winning the World Series this year. 经过这么长时间的练习,纽约棒球队赢得了今年的世界系列赛的机会。 10. At the trial , Bob’s teacher, who was called as a character witness, said he was a quiet boy who had never been in trouble before. 在审讯中,鲍伯的老师,被称为证人,说他是个安静的男孩以前从未惹过麻烦。 Unit 2 11. We’ve just had a very fruitful meeting with the management and we’re now much more hopeful about the pay rise. 我们刚刚与管理层有了一个非常富有成效的会议,我们现在对加薪的希望更大了 12. The book I’m reading explains the evolution of plant and animal life on earth. 我读的这本书解释了地球上动植物的进化


1. What he did is always inconsistent with what he said, so on one will take him into confidence. 2. The preface to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English was written by Randolph Quirk. 3. In his article he paid tribute to China’s great achiev ements. 4. Justice prevailed; the guilty man who had killed her father was punished. 5. He is a famous director, but he is always simply dressed, amiable and easy of approach, never using pretentious language in his talk. 6. The food is only so-so in that restaurant; the one redeeming feature is its fine service. 7. Jack said he felt drawn to this singer. 8. Though a bedridden invalid, she remains optimistic about life. 9. We should go ahead defying all difficulties. 10. When he heard the news, the smile faded from his face. 11. Mary intended to expand her article into a book. 12. The plane fully loaded with cargo and passengers took off on time. 13. They are facing unprecedented difficulties, and it is our indispensable duty to help them. 14. He and Jack in the same class for three years, and he took Jack into his confidence, telling him everything concerning his affairs. Lesson 9 1.He was born in a peasant family and grew up in an environment of poverty. 2.Don’t worry. The insurance company will remunerate you for your loss. 3.When people asked me why I would go to study abroad, I was hard put to answer the question. 4.Three people were cruelly killed last night, and the police are trying to ascertain the facts about the murder. 5.Ten years ago Jack made a meager 500 dollars a month. 6.Tom thought it profitable to be in the second-hand car business. Sometimes he bought an old car for 200 dollars, but with a turn of the wrist he could sell it for 400 dollars. 7.The police officer Hunter was on leave, but as soon as he was given the urgent task, he pitched in without the least hesitation. 8.After the death of Mr Johnson, his wife became the company’s president both in name and in reality. 9.His son has a poor physique and is prone to illness. 10.The ruffian dropped his gun and ran down the street, with two policemen in hot pursuit. 11.He gave in to our persuasion and acquiesced in Bill’s suggestion. 12.Mr Brown decided to endow the university where he had studied for four years. 13.Insufficiently trained workers are prone to turn out rejects. 14.She was hard put to find a solution to the domestic financial crisis.


1.我们的计算机系统出了毛病,但我觉得问题不大 We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor. 2.父亲去逝的时候我还小,不能独立生活。就在那时,家乡的父老接过了教育我的责任。My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over my upbringing at that point. 3.这些玩具必须得达到严格的安全要求后才可出售给儿童 The toys have to meet strict safety requirements before they can be sold to children. 4.作为新闻和舆论的载体,广播和电视补充了而不是替代了报纸。 Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of news and opinion. 5.至于这本杂志,它刊载了世界各地许多报纸杂志上文章的摘要 When it comes to this magazine, it is/ carries a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world. 1.虽然受到全球金融危机后果的巨大影响,但是我们仍然相信我们能够面对挑战,克服危机。Though greatly affected by the consequences of the global financial crisis, we are still confident that we can face up to the challenge and overcome the crisis. 2.在持续不断的沙尘暴的威胁下,我们被迫离开我们喜爱的村庄,搬迁到新的地方。 Under threat of constant sand storms, we were compelled to leave our cherished village and move to the new settlement. 3.根据最近的网上调查,许多消费者说他们也许会有兴趣考虑购买电视广告中播放的产品。According to a recent online survey, a lot of consumers say they may be motivated to consider buying products shown in TV commercials. 4.看到卡车司机把受污染的废弃物倒在河边,老人马上向警方报告 Having spotted a truck driver dumping contaminated waste alongside the river, the old man reported to the police at once. 5.一些科学家坚信人们总有一天会喜欢转基因农作物的,因为它们能够提高产量,帮助发展 中国家战胜饥荒和疾病 Some scientists hold to the firm conviction that people will come to like genetically modified crops someday since they can increase yields and help combat hunger and disease in the developing world. 1.无论是在城市还是农村,因特网正在改变人们的生活方式。 The Internet is changing the way people live, whether they are in urban or rural areas. 2.和大公司相比,中小公司更容易受到金融危机的威胁。 Medium-sized and small companies are more vulnerable to the threat of the global economic crisis than large ones. 3.关于期末论文,教授要求我们先分析失业图表,然然后对过家的经济发展提供批评性的见解。 With regard to our term paper, the professor asked us to analyze the unemployment chart first, and then provide critical reflections on the nations economic development. 4.他从来也没有想到他们队会大比分赢得那场篮球赛。 It never occurred to him that their team would win the basketball match by a large margin.


Unit1 1、任何年满18岁得人都有资格投票。(be eligible to, vote) Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote、 2、每学期开学前,这些奖学金得申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship) A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to every student before the start of every semester、 3、遵照医生得建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of) On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking、 4、公园位于县城得正中央。(be located in) The park is located right in the center of town、 5、这所大学提供了我们所需得所有材料与设备。(facilities) The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire、 1、她们花了多年得时间寻找内心得平静,但就是收效甚微。(search for) They spent many years searching for peace of mind, but with little success、 2、这种新药得成功研制已经使许多疾病得治疗发生了根本性得变革。(revolutionize) The successful development of the new drug has revolutionized the treatment of many diseases、 3、由于这个国家得经济不景气,这家公司濒于破产。(on the edge of) The company is on the edge of bankruptcy due to the economic depression in the country、 4、大学毕业后她成为了一名护士。她认为护士这一职业可能很有发展前途。(rewarding) He became a nurse after college、He thought nursing could be a very rewarding career、 5、她像往常一样在文件上签了名。(just as) He signed his name on the paper just as he has always done it、 Unit2


坤塔娜 坤塔娜这一周要满11岁了。她迈入青少年期的过程我只能用神气自信来形容,看着她从襁褓里一路成长,就像看棒球手桑迪·考法克斯投球或是比尔·拉赛尔打篮球那样精彩。他们身上都有着一股不经意的傲气,觉得没有人能够做的比他们更好。然而,对于一个父亲来说,看着女儿一天天成长却不是件容易的事。每一次生日她都变得越来越像我们,一个大人,而我们却还沉浸于她孩提时的记忆。我记得第一次看见她是在圣约翰医院的育儿室。探望时间已经过了,我和妻子站在玻璃隔音墙外张望着,猜想摇篮里的孩子们哪一个是我们的。随后,一个带着口罩的护士从后面的房间出来,手里抱着一个正在张牙舞爪的头上绑着蝴蝶结的黑发婴儿。她才刚出生不到十七个小时,脸上的褶子还没打开、红扑扑的,手腕上的身份证明印的不是我们的名字,而是两个字母“NI”。“NI”代表着“信息不详”,是医院给准备被领养的婴儿的代码。昆塔娜是领养的。 对于我们来说,说出这几个字/公开这一点并不困难,尽管会引来尽管用意善良却让人不爽的赞美之辞。“就算她是你们亲生的,你们也不可能更爱她了。”每当这种时候,我和妻子都沉默不语,勉强从齿缝里挤出一点微笑。然而,我们并不是没有意识到,在不远的将来,我们将会面临只有我们这些养父母才会面临的时刻——我们的女儿要决定是否去寻找她的亲生父母。 我记得在我成长的那个年代,不少广播剧是围绕领养展开的。通常剧情都起因于一个孩子意外得知了自己是被领养的。这些消息只能是意外得知,因为在那些日子里,父母告诉子女他们不是自己的亲生骨肉都被认为是有悖伦常的。

如果这个秘密不得不被泄露,通常都会加上一些似是而非的附加情节,如当孩子还在襁褓时,他的亲生父母就已双亡。一场车祸也被认为是送走双亲最迅速有效的方式。我的一个同龄人,当时是一名年轻的女演员,直到二十二岁成为她生父小笔遗产继承人时才得知自己是被收养的。她的养母无法亲口告诉她遗产的来历,便把这个任务托付给了威廉姆·毛利事务所来完成。 如今,我们对此比以前开明了,心理学也证明了这样一味地隐瞒真相只会带来伤害。当坤塔娜出生时,她是被接生她的妇产科医生私下交给我们的。在加州,这样的私下收养不仅合法,在六十年代中期甚至非常普遍。因为当时堕胎尚未合法化,性解放也未开始,人们还无法接受一个未婚母亲抚养自己的孩子。那天晚上,我们第一次去圣约翰医院看坤塔娜时,我们之间有一个默契:“信息不详”只是一个手链。对于同意如此开诚布公地对待坤塔娜的身世我们感到很自豪,但那纯粹是因为当时我们得知的唯一信息只是她妈妈的年龄,籍贯和健康证明。我们没有想到的是,办事过程中的一个疏忽我们会知道她妈妈的名字,因为同样的疏忽,她也会知道我们的和坤塔娜的。 从我们把坤塔娜从医院抱回家的那天起,我们就努力不对她含糊其辞。她还很小的时候,我们经常雇讲西班牙语的保姆。她最初学的一些词中,有一个就是“领养”,尽管她还不懂这个词的意思。随着她慢慢长大,她开始不知疲惫地问我们为什么我们收养的是她。我们告诉她我们去医院时,医院允许我们选育儿室里的任何一个小孩。“不,不是这个,”我们说:“不是这个,也不是这个。”这些话都伴随着手势,直到:“就是这个!”她脸上会突然一亮,说:“坤塔娜。”每当她问一个关于领养她的问题,我们就回答一个,除非她问起,我们不会主动提起。我们明白随着她长大,她的问题会变得越来越尖锐,越来越复杂。我

高级英语第一册 课后翻译练习汇总

Lesson 1The Middle Eastern Bazaar 1)一条蜿蜒的小路淹没在树荫深处 2)集市上有许多小摊子,出售的货物应有尽有 3)我真不知道到底是什么事让他如此生气。 4)新出土的铜花瓶造型优美,刻有精细、复杂的传统图案。 5)在山的那边是一望无际的大草原。 6)他们决定买那座带有汽车房的房子。 7)教师们坚持对学生严格要求。 8)这个小女孩非常喜欢他的父亲。 9)为实现四个现代化,我们认为有必要学习外国的先进科学技术。 10)黄昏临近时,天渐渐地暗下来了。 11)徒工仔细地观察他的师傅,然后照着干。 12)吃完饭弗兰克常常帮助洗餐具。Frank often took a hand in the washing-up after dinner. Lesson 2 Hiroshima-the Livest city in Japan 1)礼堂里一个人都没有,会议一定是延期了。 2)那本书看上去很像个盒子。

3)四川话和湖北话很相似,有时很难区别。 4)一看见纪念碑就想起了在战斗中死去的好友。 5)他陷入沉思之中,没有例会同伴们在谈些什么。 6)他干的事与她毫无关系。 7)她睡不着觉,女儿的病使她心事重重。 8)这件事长期以来一直使我放心不下。 9)他喜欢这些聚会,喜欢与年轻人交往并就各种问题交换意见。 10)大家在几分钟以后才领悟他话中的含义。 11)土壤散发着青草的气味。 12)我可以占用你几分钟时间吗? 13)你能匀出一张票子给我吗? 14)那个回头发上了年纪的人是铜匠。 Lesson 4 Everyday Use for your grandmama 1.一场大火把贫民区三百多座房子夷为平地。 2.只要你为人正直,不怕失去什么,那你对任何人都不会畏惧。


新视野大学英语课后习 题翻译答案 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

新视野大学英语(第二版)读写教程2 1至7单元课后翻译答案总结 IA:她连水都不愿意喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。 She wouldn’t take a drink , much less would she stay for dinner. 他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。 He thought I was lying to him , whereas I was telling the truth. 这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎样解释 How do you account for the fact you have been late every day this week 他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。 The increase in their profits is due to their new market strategy. 这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率得提高。 Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency.

我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们 只能继续。 We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project , so we have to carry on. IIA: 尽管她是家里的独生女,他父母也从不溺爱她。 Despite the fact that she is the only child in the family , her parents never baby her . 迈克没来参加昨晚的聚会,也没有给我打电话作任何解 释。 Mike didn’t come to the party last night , nor did he call me to give an explanation. 坐在他旁边的那个人确实发表过一些小说,但绝不是什么 大作家。 The man sitting next to him did publish some novels , but he is by no means a great writer. 他对足球不感兴趣,也从不关心谁输谁赢。 He is not interested in football and is indifferent to who wins or loses.


Unit 1 Pub Talk and the King’s English 人类的一切活动中,只有闲谈最宜于增进友谊,而且是人类特有的一种活动。动物之间的信息交流,不论其方式何等复杂,也是称不上交谈的。 闲谈的引人人胜之处就在于它没有一个事先定好的话题。它时而迂回流淌,时而奔腾起伏,时而火花四射,时而热情洋溢,话题最终会扯到什么地方去谁也拿不准。要是有人觉得“有些话要说”,那定会大煞风景,使闲聊无趣。闲聊不是为了进行争论。闲聊中常常会有争论,不过其目的并不是为了说服对方。闲聊之中是不存在什么输赢胜负的。事实上,真正善于闲聊的人往往是随时准备让步的。也许他们偶然间会觉得该把自己最得意的奇闻轶事选出一件插进来讲一讲,但一转眼大家已谈到别处去了,插话的机会随之而失,他们也就听之任之。 或许是由于我从小混迹于英国小酒馆的缘故吧,我觉得酒瞎里的闲聊别有韵味。酒馆里的朋友对别人的生活毫无了解,他们只是临时凑到一起来的,彼此并无深交。他们之中也许有人面临婚因破裂,或恋爱失败,或碰到别的什么不顺心的事儿,但别人根本不管这些。他们就像大仲马笔下的三个火枪手一样,虽然日夕相处,却从不过问彼此的私事,也不去揣摸别人内心的秘密。 有一天晚上的情形正是这样。人们正漫无边际地东扯西拉,从最普通的凡人俗事谈到有关木星的科学趣闻。谈了半天也没有一个中心话题,事实上也不需要有一个中心话题。可突然间大伙儿的话题都集中到了一处,中心话题奇迹般地出现了。我记不起她那句话是在什么情况下说出来的——她显然不是预先想好把那句话带到酒馆里来说的,那也不是什么非说不可的要紧话——我只知道她那句话是随着大伙儿的话题十分自然地脱口而出的。 “几天前,我听到一个人说‘标准英语’这个词语是带贬义的批评用语,指的是人们应该尽量避免使用的英语。” 此语一出,谈话立即热烈起来。有人赞成,也有人怒斥,还有人则不以为然。最后,当然少不了要像处理所有这种场合下的意见分歧一样,由大家说定次日一早去查证一下。于是,问题便解决了。不过,酒馆闲聊并不需要解决什么问题,大伙儿仍旧可以糊里糊涂地继续闲扯下去。 告诉她“标准英语”应作那种解释的原来是个澳大利亚人。得悉此情,有些人便说起刻薄话来了,说什么囚犯的子孙这样说倒也不足为怪。这样,在五分钟内,大家便像到澳大利亚游览了一趟。在那样的社会里,“标准英语”自然是不受欢迎的。每当上流社会想给“规范英语”制订一些条条框框时,总会遭到下层人民的抵制。 看看撒克逊农民与征服他们的诺曼底统治者之间的语言隔阂吧。于是话题又从19世纪的澳大利亚囚犯转到12世纪的英国农民。谁对谁错,并没有关系。闲聊依旧热火朝天。 有人举出了一个人所共知,但仍值得提出来发人深思的例子。我们谈到饭桌上的肉食时用法语词,而谈到提供这些肉食的牲畜时则用盎格鲁一撒克逊词。猪圈里的活猪叫pig,饭桌上吃的猪肉便成了pork(来自法语pore);地里放牧着的牛叫cattle,席上吃的牛肉则叫beef(来自法语boeuf);Chicken用作肉食时变成poultry(来自法语poulet);calf加工成肉则变成veal(来自法语vcau)。即便我们的菜单没有为了装洋耍派头而写成法语,我们所用的英语仍然是诺曼底式的英语。这一切向我们昭示了诺曼底人征服之后英国文化上所存在的深刻的阶级裂痕。 撒克逊农民种地养畜,自己出产的肉自己却吃不起,全都送上了诺曼底人的餐桌。农民们只能吃到在地里乱窜的兔子。兔子肉因为便宜,诺曼底贵族自然不屑去吃它。因此,活兔子和吃的兔子肉共用rabbit 这个词表示,而没有换成由法语lapin转化而来的某个词。 当我们今天听着有关双语教育问题的争论时,我们应该设身处地替当时的撒克逊农民想一想,新的统治阶级把法语用来对抗撒克逊农民自己的语言,从而在农民周围筑起一道文化障碍。当英国人在像觉醒者赫里沃德这样的撒克逊领袖领导下起来造反时,他们一定深深地感受到了文化上的屈辱。“标准英语”——如果那时候有这个名词的话——已经变成法语。而九百年后我们在美国这儿仍然继承了这种影响。 那晚闲聊过后,第二天一早便有人去查阅了资料。这个名词在16世纪已有人使用过。纳什作于1593年的《截获信函奇闻》中就有过“标准英语”(Queen’s English)的提法。1602年德克写到某人时有句话说:

高级英语1翻译解释 答案汇总全

Unit 2 IV Practice with words and expressions A. Look up the dictionary and explain in the meaning of the italicized words. 1. lump: the feeling you get in your throat when you are going to cry. 2. rub shoulders with: (informal)meet and mix with (people) 3. martyred: (the city) that has been made to suffer 4. screech: make a harsh’ piercing sound 5. arresting: striking, attracting and holding the attention 6. stunning: very attractive; delightfully beautiful 7. sink in: (to be) fully absorbed or understood 8. schools: groups of people sharing the same thought 9. by trade: by occupation; by way of making a living V.Translation 1)There is not a soul in the hall.The meeting must have been put off. 2) That modern construction looks very much like a flying saucer. 3)Sichuan dialect sounds much the same as Hubei dialect. It is sometimes difficult to tell one from the other. 4)The very sight of the monument reminds me of my good friend who was killed in the battle. 5)He was so deep in thought that he was oblivious of what his friends were talking about. 6)What he did had nothing to do with her. 7)She couldn't fall asleep as her daughter's illness was very much on her mind. 8)I have had the matter on my mind for a long time. 9)He loves such gatherings at which he rubs shoulders with young people and


新视野大学英语(第二版)读写教程2 1至7单元课后翻译答案总结 IA:她连水都不愿意喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。 She wouldn’t take a drink , much less would she stay for dinner. 他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。 He thought I was lying to him , whereas I was telling the truth. 这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎样解释? How do you account for the fact you have been late every day this week? 他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。 The increase in their profits is due to their new market strategy. 这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率得提高。 Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency. 我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。 We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project , so we have to carry on. IIA: 尽管她是家里的独生女,他父母也从不溺爱她。 Despite the fact that she is the only child in the family , her parents never baby her .

大学英语 课后翻译答案

Unit 1 1.3000多辆汽车因刹车问题昨日被召回(because of;recall) 1. More than 3000 cars were recalled yesterday because of a brake problem. 2.他尽管病得很重,但还是来参加会议了。(despite) 2. He came to the meeting despite his serious illness. 3.要确保同样得错误今后不再发生了。(see it that) 3. See to it that the same mistake won't happen again. 4.现在他们之间的了解多了一些,他们相处得就好些了。(now that) 4. Now that they've got to know more about each other,they get along better. 5.此时我发现自己被五六个男孩子围住了。(find oneself) 5. Then Ifound myself surrounded by five or six boys. 6.在这幸福的时刻,我向你致以最美好的祝愿。(on occasion) 6. I send you my best wishes on this happy occasion. Unit3 1)很多事情导致了我与那家公司断绝关系。(contribute to) A lot of things contributed to the end of my relationship with that company. 2.面对严峻的疾病,她表现出了巨大的勇气。(in the face of) She showed great courage in the face of serious illness. 3.我们得出结论,她讲的是真话。(come to) We came to the conclusion that she was telling the truth. 4他的秘书没有告诉他那次会议的情况。(fail to)

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