当前位置:文档之家› 新版pep六年级上册Unit4教案



Unit 4 I have a pen pal


A Let’s learn & Do a survey


1、能够听、说、认读句子:What are your hobbies? I like reading stories.I also like singing and doing kung fu .

2、能够听、说、读、写动词短语的ing形式:dancing , singing , reading stories , playing football , doing kung fu .



2、教学难点:reading stories, doing kung fu 的拼写,hobbies 的读音。.






Step 1: Warm-up

1.Free talk:

T:How are you ?

S: I’m fine .

T: How do you come to school ?

S: On foot .

2.Let’s chant .

Step 2: Presentation

1.教师呈现单词卡,T:I like swimming and running .Swimming and running are my hobbies .板书并教学生词hobbies和句子What are your hobbies ?


T:What are your hobbies ?

S1: I like ...

3.学生运用新句型问教师,教师回答I like dancing . 通过PPT 出示新单词dancing , 教学新词。

4.运用新句型及PPT教学:singing ,reading stories .

5.运用身势语言及PPT教学:playing football ,doing kung fu .

Step 3: Practice

1.Listen to the tape and read after it .

2.PPT出示Let’s chant ,学生齐拍手练习,如:What are your hobbies? What are your hobbies? Dancing, dancing, I like dancing...


-What are your hobbies ?

-Ilike …

4.Do a survey .

Interview your classmates and then give a report .

5.Read and choose .

Step 4: Extension



I like reading stories .

I also like singing and doing kung fu .

发现规律:like+v-ing .

Step 5:Homework



Unit 4 I have a pen pal

A Let’s learn & Do a survey

-What are your hobbies ?

-I like reading stories .

I also like singing and doing kung fu .


Unit 4 I Have a Pen Pal


A Let’s try & Let’s talk


1.听说、读写句型What are Peter’s hobbies?He likes reading stories.并能在实际情景中灵活运用。

2.能独立完成Let’s try部分的练习。

3.能够唱歌曲My new pen pal.


1.重点:掌握句型What are Peter’s hobbies?He likes reading stories.

2.难点:在实际情景中正确运用句型He/She likes...






1.教师出示动词短语图片,要求学生根据图片内容做动作并说出该短语,然后听写这些短语,可请几名学生在黑板上示范书写。如:visit my grandparents,see a film,take a trip,

go the supermarket...

2.教师播放歌曲My new pen pal,学生先静听感受旋律,教师适当解释学生不理解的如pen pal。然后师生跟着音乐学唱,最后一起合唱。


教师引导学生看问题,并标记出问题中的关键词。然后播放Let’s try问题听录音,回答问题:

①()Peter likes basketball.②()Peter isn’t tall.

教师核对答案,再次播放录音,让学生从录音中找出回答问题的关键语句,尽量让学生听出原文录音。Let’s talk

1.T:From let’s try,who is Zhang Peng’s pen pal?Ss:Peter.

T:Do you want to know more about him?Ss:Yes.

T:Zhang Peng is talking with Oliver about Peter.Let’s listen to the tape.教师播放Let’s talk部分的录音,学生静听。

2.教师展示Let’s talk部分的教学挂图,并令出一本故事书,说:I like reading stories.What are my hobbies?引导学生回答You like reading stories.教师指着教学挂图中的Peter问:What are Peter s hobbies?引导学生回答:He likes reading stories.教师板书并教读:What are Peter’s hobbies?He likes reading stories.注意hobby的复数形式。可

编成chant形式进行操练。如:T:Hobby,hobby,what s your hobby?S:Hobby,hobby,wh at’s your hobby?T:Hobbies,hobbies,what are your hobbies?S: Hobbies,hobbies,what are your hobbies?

学生和自己周围人进行问答练习。每组第一位学生站起来,其余组字生问:What are…’s hobbies?该学生所在组回答:He/She likes reading stories.


3.T:Does Peter have other hobbies?Listen to the tape aga in and find out what are Peter’s hobbies.教师再次播放Let’s talk部分的录音,学生找出问题的相关信息点并画出不理解的单词或句子。教师核对答案,并答疑。重点讲解do kung fu,singing 等,可播放一段功夫的视频帮助学生理解do kung fu。

4.教师播放Let’s talk部分的录音,学生跟读。待学生熟练后,分角色朗读课文。


playing sports,climbing mountains,listening to music,wa tching TV,playing the pipa,drawing cartoons.学生进行朗读抢答,然后教师带读,可每小组进行接龙比赛。

如:T:What are your hobbies?

S1:I like playing sports and music.What are your hobbies?

S2:1like climbing mountains and listening to music.What are your hobbies?S3:I like listening to music and watching TV.

S4:I like watching TV and playing the pipa.What are your hobbies?S5:I like playing the pipa and drawing cartoons.Wh at are your hobbies?S6:I like drawing cartoons and flying kite s.What are your hobbies?

6.将学生分成六人一组,如下举行讨论自己的加好朋友以及他/她的爱好:S1:My best friend is Xu Wei.S2:What are his hobbies?

S1:He likes flying kites.What are your hobbies?




1.教师请六七名学生上台站成一排,共同玩接龙游戏规则如下:第一名学生A迈出一步说:I like…然后退回原处,第二名学生B迈出一步说:A likes…I like…然后退回原处,第三名学生C迈出一步说:A likes…B likes...I like...依次进行.


进行行抢答。如:S1:He likes singing.S2:He likes running.

S3:He likes climbing mountains.S4:She likes dancing.…


1.学生把Let’s talk部分的内容读给家长或朋友听。



Unit4I have a pen pal

playing sports climbing mountains listening to music watching TV playing the pipa drawing c


What are Peter’s hobbies?

He likes reading stories.


Unit 4 I Have a Pen Pal


B Let’s learn &

Listen, match and say



2.听、说、认读句子:Does he live in China?No,he doesn’t.He lives in Australia,but he studies Chinese.










2.师生用单词卡片进行问答练习。如:T:What is your hobby?S:I like reading stories.

T:Does your uncle live in Beijing?

S:No,he doesn’t.T:Where does he live?

S:He lives in Changsha.

T:Does your uncle like doing sports?S:Yes,he does.



I do word puzzles.What does Chen Jie do?引导学生回答:Chen Jie does word puzzles,too.教师板书并教读单词does。后缀es可用另一种颜色笔标出并将动词原形do写在一旁。T:How do you go to school?S:I go to school on foot.

T:Does your father go to work on foot?S:No,he doesn’t.

T:How does he go to work?S:He goes to work by bus.

教师引导学生回答He goes to work by bus。教师板书并教读单词goes,后缀es可用另一种颜色笔标出并将动词原形go写在一旁。教师指导学生拼写单词。引导学生比较动词原形和第三人称单数形式,并用这两种形式造句以便加深印象,让学生在比较中逐步掌握。如:I go to work by bike.He goes to work by bike.

3.教师出示做中国菜的图片说:Look!Chen Jie’s pen pal cooks Chinese food for he,然后板书并教读单词cooks,后缀ies用另一种颜色笔标出并将动词原形cook写在一旁。

4.教师手拿英语书问:Do you like studying English?学生回答:Yes,we do.教师说:John’s pen pal studies Chinese.教师板书并教读单词studies,后缀ies可用另一种颜色笔标出并将动词原形study写在一旁。




b.以s,x,ch,sh或o结尾的动词,在后面加es,如watch —watches,teach—teaches。




f.动词be在主语是第一人称单数时,be改为am;在主语是第二人称时,be改为are;在主语是第三人称单数时,be改为is。出示更多动词,让学生根据语法规律,变换动词形式。7.教师播放Let’s learn部分的录音,学生跟读。



1.教师让学生先看图,用铅笔在图旁边标上相应的人名和动词词组,然后播放Listen,match and say部分的录音,学生根据录音匹配好人名和动词短语,教师再次播放录音核对答案。第三遍录音学生跟读,然后学生和搭档自由练习对话。最后,教师让学生擦掉人名和动词短语,大声表演对话。

教师让学生听写词语,如:she,by,goes,bus,work,to,然后学生把上述词语组合成句子,如:She goes to work by bus.






Unit4I have a pen pal

do—does cook—cooks

Does he live in China?

No,he doesn’t.

He lives in Australia,but he studies Chinese


Unit Four I Have a Pen Pal


B Let’s try & Let’s talk


能够听、说、读、写句子does he live in Sydney?No,he doesn’t.Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking?Yes,he d oes.并能在实际生活中运用。









播放歌曲My new pen pal,师生齐唱。


T:Where are you from?

S:I’m from China.

T:What do you do on Sundays?S:I often read books.T:H

ow do you go to school?S:I go to school by bike.

T:Do you go to school by subway?S:No,I don’t.

T:Do you have a pen pal?S:Yes,I do.


教师先引导学生看问题,然后播放Let’s try部分的录音,学生回答问题。教师再次播放录音,让学生找出回答问题的关键信息,核对答案。最后让学生反复听轮,尽量听出原文并进行复述。Let’s talk


I have a pen pal.She lives in Beijing.I live in Wuhan.She lik es climbing mountains,singing and swimming,but I like drawi ng cartoons and dancing.We often write emails.

教师根据这名学生的介绍问其他学生:Does his pen pal live in Beijing/Wuhan…?帮助学生回答:Yes,he/she does./No,she doesn’t.She lives in…教师板书并教读句型:Does he/she live in…?Yes,he/she does./No,she doesn’t.2.教师用单词卡片指导学生进行替换练习。如:Does he live in the city?Does she live in the country?

3.教师出示简单字谜游戏,教学生玩,学生完成后,教师说:These are word puzzles.教师板书并教单词word puzzles。注意单词中word puzzle的发音,可用拆分法:puz-zle。教师问:

Do you like doing word puzzles?引导学生回答:Yes,I do.4.教师出示远足图片,提问:What are they doing?引导学生回答:They are going

hiking.教师板书并教读单词go hiking。教师可做适当解释和拓展。继续提问:Do you like going hiking?引导学生回答:Yes,I do./No,I don’t.

5.教师向一位学生提问:Do you like doing word puzzles and going hiking?学生回答:No,I don’t.教师向全班提问:Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking?学生回答:Yes,he/she does./No,she doesn’t.教师板书句子:

Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking?Yes,he /she does./No,she doesn’t.


①What do the two Johns like?②What is Wu Yifan doing?

③Where does Wu Yifan’s pen pal live?




如:watch TV,read newspaper,Shanghai等。请一名学生上台抽取一张卡片,这名学生把抽到的卡片正反面内容展示给其他学生看,再请一名学生只看正面并进行提问:Does your uncle/aunt like watching TV...?Does your uncle/aun t live in...?其他学生用Yes,he/she does.No,he/she doesn’t.来回答。 2.教师让学生将个人信息填在卡片内。Name:___________I am a boy/girl.I live in____________.I lik e______________.I go to school___________.

请一名学生上台从一堆卡片中抽取一张,告诉台下学生:It’s a boy/girl.学生分成两组,轮流提问,如:Does he/she like drawing pictures?Does he/she go to school by bus?等等,看哪一组先猜出填写卡片的人是谁。

3.学生分组讨论自己的兴趣爱好,然后完成Let’s talk下面的练习。


1.让学生听Let’stry和Let’s talk部分的录音,并积极与他人交流。



Unit4I have a pen pal

word puzzles go hiking Does he/she live in…?

Yes,he/she does.No,he/she doesn’t.

Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking?

Yes,he does./No,he doesn't.


Unit Four I Have a Pen Pal


B Read and write,Let’

s check

Let’s wrap it up


1.能够熟练掌握Read and write部分的短文内容。




1.重点:熟练掌握Read and write部分的短文内容。







1.教师出示cooks,studies,does,goes的单词卡片,要求学生根据第三人称单数变化规则说出它们的动词原形。教师出示cooks Chinese food,studies Chinese,does word puzzles,goes hiking的图片,要求学生能根据图片上的内容做出肯定或否定回答。如:

T:Does he cook Chinese food?S:No,he doesn’t.T:Does he study Chinese?S:Yes,he does.

2.学生和搭档一起完成Read and write部分的兴趣爱好练习,教师注意监督学生尽量使用所学语言进行问答练习,并填写在书本上。最后请几位学生汇报。如:I like singing and dancing.But John doesn’t.He goes hiking every weekend.He does word puzzles.He lik es it very much.…


1.教师出示Read and write部分的教学挂图,将学生分成四个大组,每—组负责一份阅读工作,选出一名小组长负责组织,具体工作如下:①阅读海报内容;②总结出海报关键词;③总结出时间、地点、人物和联系方式;④以简单明了的方式汇报。


3.学生独立完成Read,answer and write部分的练习,教师核


4.教师播放Read and write部分的录音,学生跟读,教师适当讲解学生不理解的地方。可适当拓展类似海报的书写要求,如简洁明了等。每小组朗读本组负责的海报内容。


6.教师让学生大声朗读Tips for pronunciation部分的句子,然后播放此部分的录音,学生静听,感受自己读出来的感觉与录音中的区别。


1.教师引导学生观看图片,猜一猜图片可能涉及哪些话题。然后播放Let’s check部分的录音,学生根据录音内容选出与录音匹配的图片。



Let’s wrap it up

1.学生阅读Let’s wrap it up部分的短文,并画出文中的所有动词。






让学生把Read and write部分的录音读给家长或朋友听。


Unit4I have a pen pal

Shall we dance?

See you on the playground.We can share.


Unit Four I Have a Pen Pal


C Story time


1.能够理解Story time的故事。

2.能够分角色自如表演Story time中的故事。





Unit4 My home公开课教案设计 Period 1 Let’s Learn & Let’s do 一、教学目标: (一)知识与技能 1.能听说认读单词study bathroom living room bedroom kitchen 2.能用Is she/he in the...?询问人物的位置。 3.能听懂let’s do部分的指令,并做出相应的动作。 (二)过程与方法 学生看多媒体课件或教学图片,通过听说读认发现表示房间的单词以room结尾的规律,掌握背单词的方法与技巧。 (三)情感态度与价值观 初步培养学生对家的热爱和责任感。 二、教学重点: 听说认读单词study bathroom living room bedroom kitchen 三、教学难点: 单词study bathroom bedroom的发音 三、教学过程: Step1、warming up 1.Greeting with Ss. 2. Enjoy a song At home 3. Answer the question Step2、Presentation 1.Look and say I’m the squirrel/dog/fish.Which picture is my home? 2.Teach some new words 教师带领学生观看PPTT图片并教学新单词及相关句型。 ——A:Where is Amy?

——B:She is in the (1)拆分教读单词bedroom,并板书。 (2)利用math、thin总结出“th”发音,教学bathroom板书,学生认读单词。 (3)教学单词kitchen,并板书。 (4)P PT遮挡各个房间,引导学生运用Is she in the...?Yes,she is./No,she isn’t.引出单词study板书并教学。 (5)同样的方式教学living room 3.Work on Let’s learn 学生听录音,跟读课文。 4.Work on Let’s do 教师播放录音,学生跟唱。 Step3、Practice 1.Pair work It is 9 o’clock now. Where is Amy? B: Is she in the...? A: Yes,she is./No,she isn’t. 2.Do some exercises Step4、Summary 老师让学生看黑板上的板书,与学生一起回顾本课所学有关的单词和重要的句子。 Step5、Homework 抄写今天所学的新单词十英一中并熟读句子。


六年级英语上册Unit4教案(新版苏教版) 六年级上册第四单元 第1课时教案 Teachingcontents教学内容 Storytie Teachingaisandlearningobjectives教学目标 能听懂、会读、会说e-boo,obilephone,nespaper,radio,telephone,e-friend, anyhere,could,并能运用于语句中。 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语could/couldnot…以及动词过去式的表达。 能正确地解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论过去和现在会做的事情。 Focusofthelessonandpredictedareaofdifficulty教学重点和难点 教学重点:能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下复述课文内容。 教学难点:could/couldnot…的正确理解和运用。 Teachingprocedures教学过程

Step1Freetal1.Iasandyouanser: T:hatdidyoudoyesterday? S:I… youasandIanser: S:hatdidyoudoyesterday? T:Guess! S:Didyou…? T:Ienjoyedyoldphotosyesterday.Doyouanttohavealoo? 【设计意图:通过我问你答和你问我答两个环节和学生进行对话,在复习过去式的表达的同时将本课的几个短语进行了预设,并为接下来句型的引出做了铺垫。】 Step2Presentation T:Loo!Theseareyphotos.Longlongago,Icoulddoanythings. T:Thirtyyearsago,Icouldrideabie. Tentyyearsago,Icouldplaybasetball. Tenyearsago,Icouldsi. Hoaboutyou? ________yearsago,Icould________ T:youreallydidagoodjob.Let’sgetorechallenges.Areyouready?【设计意图:先通过教师


第一单元 Unit 1 Unit 1 How Tall Are You? 主备人:刘茹 教学内容:教材P4--P11。 单元学情分析: 本课时的教学重难点在于让学生学会用英语的比较级,并能熟练的将其运用于实际生活中,询问身边的人或者事物的年龄、身高、重量以及长度并用比较级的句型来回答。本课时的主要语言项目是用英语表述自己的身高和体重,通过A部分五个英语词汇的掌握,把新授词汇融入到新句型当中。教材在Let's do部分设计了三位学生的身高比较,让学生通过做动作或实际比较可以很快理解并熟练掌握这些相关内容,达到能实际运用的目的。六年级的学生对英语学习兴趣整体有所下降,两极分化比较严重。所以本学期应做好后进生的转化工作。教师应该面向全体学生,以学生的发展为宗旨,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位,注意分层教学,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯。 教学目标: 1.通过第一单元的学习,学生能对身体或事物的高矮、大小、重轻、长短进行描述和问答。 2.四会(听、说、读、写)掌握的单词有:taller, shorter, older, younger, stronger, thinner, bigger, smaller, longer, heavier等。四会掌握的句子有:How tall are you? I’m 164 cm tall. You’re shorter than me. You’re 4cm taller than me. How heavy are you? I’m 48kg. I’m thinner than you, and shorter. 3.能够运用计量单位kg和m,能根据所给的数据,运用比较词than进行事物或身体的比较或描述。 教学重点:让学生学会用英语的比较级,并能熟练的将其运用于实际生活中,询问身边的人或者事物的年龄、身高、重量以及长度并用比较级的句型来回答。本课时的主要语言项目是用英语表述自己的身高和体重,通过A部分五个英语词汇的掌握,把新授词汇融入到新句型当中。教材在Let's do部分设计了三位学生的身高比较,让学生通过做动作或实际比较可以很快理解并熟练掌握这些相关内容,达到能实际运用的目的。 教学方法:合作交流,情境交际。 教具学具:录音机、幻灯片、卡片。 课时安排:9课时。 第一课时总序第一课时 课题:unit 1 课型:会话 编写时间:年月日执行时间: 年月日 教学内容:教材P4 教学目标: 1.能听、说、读、写taller、longer、older、younger 、shorter,than 单词,发音准确。

新版pep六年级英语下册Recycle Mike’s happy days

新版PEP六年级英语下册Recycle Mike’s happy days教案 一课时(day1) 一、教学目标: 1、复习冠词a和an的用法区别。 2、能分辨单词的词性和所属范畴,会给单词分类。 3、掌握常见的时间状语和地点状语。 4、复习购物的交际用语和常见的表达方式。 5、会用形容词描述自己或他人的外部特征及个性特征。 二、重难点: 重点:1、复习所学名词和形容词的用法。 2、复习、巩固有关询问时间、地点、价格、交通方式等。 难点:1、掌握所学知识在实际情景中的灵活运用。 2、、提升学生的语言表达能力。 三、教具准备:多媒体课件、本课动画 四、教学过程: Step1 warm-up 打招呼。 Step2 preview 检查作业,检测学生对上一单元所学知识的掌握情况。 学生同桌之间相互询问对方的旅游经历。 如:Where did you go /visit on your holiday? I went to/visited…on my holiday. Step3 presentation 1、看图说话。 接上面的对话,教师说:Mike had an 8-day holiday on a farm.Do you think he had a good time there?Were there anything interesting?Now,Let’s open the book. 教师出示课本第一幅挂图,让学生仔细观察图上都有什么东西,标出相应的英语单词。 然后教师指名学生逐一回答问题。 What can you see on the farm? I can see some sheep on the farm. What are they doing? They are eating the grass. What can you see on the farm? I can see some cows and horses on the farm. What else can you see? I can see an umbrella and some fruits. 指名学生到黑板上罗列出每个物品的名称。 然后,请学生数出每种物品的数量,在名词前面加上冠词或数量词。 提醒学生注意区分冠词a和an的用法区别。 1、单词归类。 请学生仔细观察课本上的五组单词,仿照第一组的例子,给剩下四组单词归类,并给每组再

四年级上册unit 4 A let's talk 教案

Unit 4 My home A Let’s talk 【学习目标】 一、能力目标: 1. 能用Is she in the … ?Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t. 询问物品或人物的位置,同时作出判断。。 2. 能在情景中恰当运用句型:Where is she? She’s in the kitchen. 3. 能在语景中理解新词living room, study, kitchen, 并能正确发音。 二、知识目标: 1. 能熟练朗读并模仿本节课对话。 2、能表演本节课对话。 3、能在实际生活中运用本节课对话 4、了解知识点:Is she in the study? No, she isn’t. 【学习重点、难点】 教学重点:句型Is she in…? Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t. 词汇:isn’t 教学难点:发音it is 连读,isn’t 【学习过程】 一、热身(Warm-up) 1.播放歌曲《where is the animals》,生跟唱。 二、呈现(Presentation)(此环节用时10分钟) (一)话题交流,导入新课 1.操练句型:I have a cat. She is cute. 1)T: Do you like animals? I have many animals. T: Look, I have a cat, she is cute.( 师出示一玩具猫。生跟读。课件出示句子。)师分别进行快慢读(拍手读),然后请生个人读。 2)师出示更多小动物,用以上句型说话。师示范后,生自己选小动物说话。 2. 出示完动物后出示一橡皮擦。T: I have an eraser, where is it now? Is it in my hand or in my box? 师与生完猜一猜游戏,并解释it。 2.T:The cat want to play a game with us. (躲猫猫游戏。出示房子图片,this is my house , she is in the house , where is she? 出示图片介绍3个房间。

新版pep六年级上册Unit 4教案

Unit 4 I have a pen pal 第一课时 A Let’s learn & Do a survey 一、教学目标: 1、能够听、说、认读句子:What are your hobbies? I like reading stories.I also like singing and doing kung fu . 2、能够听、说、读、写动词短语的ing形式:dancing , singing , reading stories , playing football , doing kung fu . 二、教学重、难点: 1、教学重点:掌握五个动词(短语)的ing形式。 2、教学难点:reading stories, doing kung fu 的拼写,hobbies 的读音。. 三、课前准备: 1、教师准备录音机及录音带。 2、教师准备单词卡片。 3、课件。 四、教学步骤: Step 1: Warm-up 1.Free talk: T:How are you ? S: I’m fine . T: How do you come to school ?

S: On foot . 2.Let’s chant . Step 2: Presentation 1.教师呈现单词卡,T:I like swimming and running .Swimming and running are my hobbies .板书并教学生词hobbies和句子What are your hobbies ? 2.出示卡片,提问部分学生。 T:What are your hobbies ? S1: I like ... 3.学生运用新句型问教师,教师回答I like dancing . 通过PPT 出示新单词dancing , 教学新词。 4.运用新句型及PPT教学:singing ,reading stories . 5.运用身势语言及PPT教学:playing football ,doing kung fu . Step 3: Practice 1.Listen to the tape and read after it . 2.PPT出示Let’s chant ,学生齐拍手练习,如:What are your hobbies? What are your hobbies? Dancing, dancing, I like dancing... 3.运用新句型进行问答: -What are your hobbies ? -Ilike …


How to Get to the Science Museum We are going to the science museum tomorrow. The science museum is next to the hospital. It’s near our school. So we can go there on foot. First, go straight from our school. Next, turn left at the post office and walk for five minutes. Then turn right at the bookstore. We can find the hospital on the right. Walk straight, and we’ll see the science museum. Don’t Be Against(违反)the Traffic Rules(交通规则) I go to school from Mondays to Fridays. I go to school by bike at 7:30 in the morning.I have to cross two busy roads. I know the traffic rules well. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Stop and wait at a red light. Go at a green light. I always ride on the right side of the road. I am never against the traffic rules. My weekend plan Hi, I am Amy.I am going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I am going to do my homework.In the afternoon, I am going to play football with my friends. In the evening, I am going to watch TV with my parents.On Sunday morning, I am going to take a dancing class.In the afternoon, I am going to watch a film. In the evening,I am going to read books.I love my weekend.


Unit 1 How can I get there? 一:重点单词和短语 Science科学, museum博物馆, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital ,tasty, buy, London Eye伦敦银, stomach胃,crossing十字路口, turn left, turn right, go straight=walk straight直走.next to紧挨着/与。。。相邻, far from(离。。。远), near在。。。附近,behind(在。。。后面), in front of(在。。。前面), between…and…(在。。。和。。。之间) 二:按要求写单词: hot(反义词)cold , cool(反义词)warm,too(同音词)to/two can not(缩写)can’t right(反义词)left/wrong buy(同音词)by/bye sea(同音 词)see first(基数词)one four(序数词)fourth did (原形)do /does three(序数词)third give(过去式)gave 三:重点句型分析 1. Where is the museum shop? 此问句是由特殊疑问词where 引导的一个特殊疑问句,where意为“在哪里,到哪里”,用来询问地点,放在句子的开头。询问“某人或某物在哪里”的基本句型是:“ Where +is/are+ 主语?”,where is 后接名词或代词的单数形式,where are 后接名词或代词的复数形式。表示地点的词:museum博物馆, post office邮局, bookstore书店, cinema电影院, hospital医院restaurant餐馆bank银行bus stop 公交车站lake湖library图书馆zoo动物园school学校park公园garden花园hotel旅馆 2. It’s nea r the door. 此句中near是表示位置的介词,意为“旁边,附近” ,其同义句是:It’s next to the door.它在门的旁边。表示位置的短语:next to the bookstore挨着书店near the hospital在医院附近near the post office在邮局附近over there 在那边on Dongfang Street在东方大街上in front of the school在学校前面 3. How can we get there? 此句用来询问“怎样去某地”,后面直接跟地点。回答时,可以用“ Turn left, turn right, go straight.”等句来回答。 同义句:1.Can you tell me the way to+地点? 2.Where is the +地点? 3.Which is the way to +地点 4. Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital. 此句是指路的句型。常用到的句型有:turn left, 向左转turn right, 向右转go straight直着走。同时表示在某处的介词用at. 5.Is the Thames far from here? No, it isn’t. 此句是个be动词开头的一般疑问句,其回答要用Yes或No. 句中的far from意为“离……远”。反义词组为next to.


Unit 4 My home 第一课时 教学内容:A Let's learn Let's do C Let's sing 教学目标: 1. 能听懂,会说句子This is my home y home 并能简单描述自己的房间 2. 听、说、认读单词:study, bathroom, living room, bedroom, kitchen。 3. 能听懂一些简单的指示语,并能按指令做出相应的动作 4. 会唱歌曲My Bedroom 教学重点:听、说、认读单词:study, bathroom, living room, bedroom, kitchen 。 学习表示指令的词组。 教学难点:单词study, bathroom, bedroom 的发音。教具准备:1. 教材相配套的教学挂图[ Unit 4 Let 's lea]rn/A

2. 教材相配套的教学录音带 3. 教师自制的单词卡 4. 教师使用的study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen 图片。 5. 教师使用的课文挂图P46页Let 's lear部n分。 教学过程: 一、热身、复习 ( Warm-up / Revision ) A. Learn these sentences Where is the doll? It is in the box. Where is the doll? It is on the box. Where is the doll? It is under the box. Where is the box? It is on the table. B. Ask and answer Where is the farmer? Where is the monkey? Where is the elephant? He is in the van. It is under the taxi. It is in the car.

六年级上册英语教案-Unit4(Lesson19) 人教精通版

Language Knowledge: 1、Can listen, speak and read the new words. 2、Can listen ,speak and understand the sentences. L anguage Skills: Can use the main sentence and practice theses. Sentiments: 1、Stimulates the interest of learning English. 2、To promote students interest and confidence. 3、To develop students`ability of listening and reading. Moral Aims: We love our home and family. Process and methods:Make a situation 、pairwork、activities. Learning Strategy: Listening、speaking、reading、activities. Key Points: 1、Can listen speak and understand the sentences. 2、Can use the new words and sentences and practice these. Teaching Aims: Teaching pictures, words cards. Teaching Procedure: Step 1, Warm-up A.Free talk teacher say; We will learn Unit4 January is the first month. Lesson 19.Ok, Let’s look at the screen and listen to the song.



新版P E P小学六年级英语上册单词表Unit 1 Science 科学/ ′saiEns/ sci知→知识,-ence表示抽象名词;’系统的知识” Museum 博物馆/ mju:′ziEm/ muse-词根:艺术,艺术品,Muse-缪斯女神。-um 表示地点名称的字尾 post office 邮局post(邮递)office(办公室;营业处)Bookstore 书店/ ′bukstR:/ store(商店) Cinema 电影院/ ′sinEmE/ 联想记忆:此(ci)处影院太糟糕,遭到哪(ne)吒的痛骂(ma)。see a film 看电影 Hospital 医院/ ′hRspitEl/ hospit表示“客人”;al名词后缀,表示地方Crossing 十字路口/ ′krRsiN/ cross(n. 交叉,十字) Turn 转弯/ tE:n/ 联想记忆:兔(tu)耳(r)能turn(转动)Left 左/ left/ lift(举起)loft(阁楼) Straight 笔直地/ streit/ str(词根:拉扯,拉紧) Right 右/ rait/ light(光)night(夜晚)might(力量)Ask 问/ B:sk/ mask(面具)cask(木桶) Sir (对男子的礼貌称 呼)先生 / sE:/ Interesting 有趣的/ ′intristiN/ inter(埋)rest(休息)interest(兴趣,爱好) Italian 意大利的/ i′tAljEn/ Restaurant 餐馆/ ′restErRN/ 联想:在饭店休息(rest)时看见,一(a) 油桶(u象形)让蚂蚁(ant)爬满 Pizza 比萨饼/ ′pi:tsE/ Street 大街;街道/ stri:t/ 联想:绿化的街道(street),两旁都是树(tree) Get 到达/ get/ GPS 全球(卫星)定位系统 Gave (give的过去式) 提供;交给 / geiv/ Feature 特点/ ′fi:tFE/ feat(做)+ure(构成抽象名词)→做事的状态→做事特征。 Follow 跟着/ ′fRlEu/ 联想:fo=佛,ll=理论,o=噢,w=万,可联

人教版(SL新起点)六年级英语上册-Unit 4 Feelings 教案

人教版(SL新起点)六年级英语上册Unit 4 Feelings 教案 单元教学目标: 能力目标: 1. 能够听懂与情感相关的词汇和简单用语。 2. 能够用英语询问并表达自己或朋友的内心情感。 3. 能够用日记的形式记录自己在日常生活中的情感。 4. 能够通过听和读掌握字母组合ough的发音规律。 5. 能够根据学到的语音知识正确拼读单词并辅助记忆单词。 知识目标: 1. 能够听、说、读、写与情感有关的八个单词。 2. 能够听、说、读、写与情感有关的交际用语。 3. 能够了解字母组合ough在单词中的发音规律,并能正确读出相关的单词和句子。 4. 能够在仿写练习中正确书写句子,正确使用标点符号和书写格式。 其他目标: 1. 能够积极运用所学知识进行表达和交流,进一步提高语言表达能力,顺利完成本单元的各项活动。 2. 通过本单元的学习,能够理解并尊重他人的情感,逐渐学会调控自己的情绪,做一个身心健康的人。教学重难点 1. 描述感觉感受原因。 2. 故事阅读理解和复述。 3. 语音的学习。 Lesson 1 一、教学内容 1. 本课学习表达感觉、感受的词汇: surprised, angry, happy, worried sad, excited, nervous, proud. 2. 本课谈论感觉感受及描述原因。 How are you? I’m nervous. Why? I’m going to sing in front of my class.

二、教学目标 1. 能够初步听懂、会说、认读本课词汇。 2. 能够围绕本课句型进行交际和表达感受感觉。 三、教学重点 1. Words: surprised, angry, happy, worried, sad, excited, nervous, proud 2. Sentences: How are you? I am surprise… 四、教学难点 1. 部分不规则动词的过去式: win-won, give-gave, come-came, draw-drew, bite-bit, take-took 2. 一般过去时和一般现在是两种事态的进一步理解和运用。 五、教学手段 1. 教学录音磁带; 2. 教学挂图; 3. 学生和教师用单词卡片; 4. 教师自制相关教具(如:自制课件、小奖品等)。 六、教学方法 情境教学法、听说法、翻译法、语言交际法 七、教学步骤 1. Show some words: surprised, angry, happy, worried sad, excited, nervous, proud. 2. Ask the Ss to look at the words, read them in pairs. (Read them, and pick up the ones you can’t read.) The teacher shows the words in using the computer. 3. Ask the Ss to try to check the answers. 4. Learn the new words. 5. Practice: 1) Read the words. 2) Try to learn the words by your heart. 3) Guessing game. 6. Listen to part (A) and finish it. 7. Ask the Ss try to check the answers. 8. Listen to part (B) and repeat it. 9. Make a new dialogue according to part (B). 10. Act the dialogue.


人教版小学英语六年级下册教案 Unit 1 How tall are you ? 单元教学目标 1、能力目标: (1)能听懂会说认读本单元关于形容词比较级的单词。 (2)能听、说、读、写Let’s learn中黑体部分的内容和Read and write中要求的内容。 (3)能用目标语言完成本单元的任务型活动。 2、知识目标: (1)能听、说、读、写单词及短语:taller stronger older younger shorter heaiver thinner longer bigger smaller句型:How tall are you ?I’m 164cm.You’re shorter than me. You’re 4cm taller than me .How heavy are you ?I’m 48 kg. I’m thinner than you , and shorter . (2)能够听、说、读Part A、Part B部分Let’s learn、Let’s talk中的单词和句子。 (3)了解Story time 、Good to know等部分的内容。 3、单元教学课时安排:六课时 第一课时 一、教学目标与要求 1、能够听、说、认读本课时的主要词组:taller stronger older younger shorter。 2、能认读句型:How tall are you ?I’m 164cm.You’re shorter than me. You’re 4cm taller than me . 二、教学重点与难点 1、重点掌握形容词比较级的构成。


小学四年级上册英语Unit4教案 Unit4 I li*e in a big house 教学目标 1、掌握好一般疑问句的变化方法 2、学习如何表达自己喜欢做某事 教学重点 1.如何表达自己喜欢做某事。(like的用法) 2. Ha*e/has的区别。 3. 一般疑问句的变化方法。 教学难点一般疑问句的变化方法 (一)词组 like to after school in a flat play computer games take a shower ha*e meals watch TV read books do one?s homework grow flowers Let’s = let us ha*e a bath (二)单词辨析 (1)some / any的用法区别 Any和some都有“一些”的意思,它们既可以修饰可数名词复数,又可以修饰不可数名词。但是,它们在用法上有所区别 1. Some常用在肯定句种,而any常用于否定句中和疑问句中。 例如:I ha*e some books. 我有一些书.(肯定句)I can‘t see any juice. 我没看见果汁.(否定句) Do you ha*e any friends at school? 你在学校有朋友吗(疑问句)

2. 在表示请求、邀请、语气委婉、希望得到对方肯定回答时,多用some不用any。此时,句中常出现情态动词can, may, could, would等。例如:Would you like some soup? 你想要一些汤吗? 3. any也可以用于肯定句中,此时后面接可数名词单数,意为“任何一个”,起强调作用。 例如:Any student can answer this question. 任何一个学生都能回答这个问题。 Some, any用法歌诀肯定句,用some,否定、疑问用any. 但有两点特殊记:若表请求、邀请或委婉,疑问也要用some. 若表“任何一个”接单数,肯定也要用any. (2 )ha*e / has (有)的用法区别 第一人称:我,我们 I, we 第二人称:你,你们 you 第三人称:除第一、第二人称之外的其他人称 第三人称单数:he, she, it, Kitty, Alice, Ben ha*e(第三人称单数)——has (3 )too和also的用法区别 课文应用:Do you li*e in a flat, too? 重点解析:also和too意义上没有区别,都是“也”的意思;用法一般都是用于肯定句中; also放句子中间或句首,但不能放句末;too只能放句末。 例如:


Unit4 Then and now 【教材分析】 本单元的话题是“过去和现在”,通过对比Mike一家人过去与现在的学习、工作和生活等方面,让学生感受科技如何改变生活。本单元在第三单元的基础上,对一般过去时做进一步呈现,而一般现在时的句型在五年级上学期已经学过,把这两个时态放在一起对比呈现,是一个教学难点,在教学中教师要启发学生通过观察、对比等方式,总结归纳两种时态的用法并尝试在正确的语境中使用。【教学目标】 1.让学生听懂、会说、会读本单元中出现的单词:ago, office, newspaper, news, watch, e-book, with, yesterday 2. 能听懂、会读、会说句型: --- ago, he\she--- Now he\she--- What day is it today? 3. 能通过观察初步理解感知一般过去式的一般现在时在一起出现时的表达方 法 4. 能理解对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下正确的使用这些时态。 【教学重难点】 1.一般过去时与一般现在时的比较与运用 2.字母er在单词中的发音 【教学准备】 图片、光盘、录音机 【课时划分】 第一课时Story time 第二课时Grammar time/ fun time 第三课时Cartoon time 第四课时Sound time Checking time 第五课时复习本单元内容


Period 1 【教学内容】 Unit4 Then and now 第一课时 【教学目标】 1.听说读单词then and now ,e-book, mobile phone, newspaper, radio, telephone, e-books, anywhere, could,并能运用于语句中。 2.掌握动词过去式的发音及用法,会说…years ago,…could/ could not…Now,… 3.能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。 4.通过过去和现在的对比,感受个人的成长和社会的进步。 【教学重点】 1.能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容【教学难点】 1.能正确使用一般过去时和一般现在时表达过去和现在的事情。 【课前准备】 1. 光盘单词卡片,课文图片,PPT 2. 板书准备:预先写好课题6A Unit4 Then and now 【教学过程】 Step 1. Warming up 1.T: Do you know the song? S: Where is time going? T: Yes, time flies quickly. We are growing up, and the things around us are changing. We know, the world is changing. 2. T: Then what is changing? Do you have your idea? Step2. New learning 1. T: Perfect. I like your ideas. Now I’ll show you a fami ly. Do you know them?



Unit 4 My home 【单元学习内容】 本单元学习的主题是询问物品的位置。 【单元学习目标】 一、能力目标: 1、能够在真实或模拟的情境中运用句型Where is...? Is she in the study? Where are...? Are they on the table? 来询问物品位置。 2、能够在情境中运用句型Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t. Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. 进行回答。 3、能够正确说出元音字母u在单词中的发音,并能够根据其发音规律拼读学过的语音例词。 二、知识目标: 1、能听、说、认读单词bedroom、study、kitchen、bathroom、living room、bed、table、sofa、fridge、phone。 2. 能熟练朗读并模仿本单元的对话。 3. 能理解Let’ s do内容,并按照指令做出相应的动作。 4. 知道元音字母u在单词中的发音. 5. 学唱歌曲。

通过学习本单元内容养成整齐摆放物品的好习惯。 【单元学习重点、难点】 本单元重点学习句型是:Where is...? Is she in the study? Where are...? Are they on the table? 及相应回答。本单元难点是复数的用法,It has...的用法。 【课时安排】 第一课时:A Let’s talk Let’s play 第二课时:A Let’s Learn Let’s do 第三课时:A Let’s spell 第四课时:B Let’s talk Ask, answer, and write 第五课时:B Let’s learn Let’s play 第六课时:B Read and write Let’s check Let’s sing Story time 第一课时 【学习目标】 一、能力目标: 1. 能用Is it/she … ?询问物品所在。 2. 能准确选择合适的语言表达自己的意愿,并能作出准确地回答。


牛津版六年级上册英语Unit4教案 2017年牛津版六年级上册英语Unit 4教案 Teaching Aims(教学目标): 1.能听、说、读、写本课的核心词汇:neighbour, son, daughter, noisy,dig, make a noise 2.能熟练掌握核心句型:Did you play with Sam last weekend? Yes, I did. Do you know them? 3.询问别人邻居的情况及邻里关系,体会邻里关系的重要性。 Teaching Importances and Difficulties (教学重难点): 1.能在语境中正确运用本单元的核心词汇。 2.能用Do you ?和Did you ?询问别人和邻居的相处情况。 3.在句型Did you ?中动词用原型。 4.了解字母a,u,o及字母组合ar在单词中的发音规律,拼读简单的单词。 Teaching Tools(教学用具): 录音机、自制课件、照片等 Teaching Procedures(教学过程): StepⅠ.Warm up and revision(热身与复习) 1. Greetings.

2. Play a game : quick eyes StepⅡ.Presentation and practice (自主探究) 1.生词关T: Please write the meanings on your paper neighbour ______ son______ daughter________ writer________ weekend______ play chess_________ The Greens__________ The Wus_________ 2. T:Show the pictures,learn the new words: neighbour/daughter Ss:read these words after teacher. 3. Work in groups to read the new words. Recite the new words, then recite in groups。 4. Watch the screen and learn to say the sentences. 5. Ask pupils to practise in groups . Sept Ⅲ. Learn the story (学习课文) 1、自读课文,找出不会读的单词或不理解的地方,用笔圈出来。 2、听录音,跟读两遍。(要注意语音语调哦!) 3、组内交流,翻译句子,然后对子互查。 4、我会总结本课的重点句型。 Step Ⅳ. Show(展示交流)选择自己喜欢的内容展示。 Task1: 识记单词和短语。 Task2: 句型讲解。

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