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Why China needs to become a nation of innovation

Why China needs to become a nation of innovation
Why China needs to become a nation of innovation

Why China needs to become a nation of innovation?

Since the Reform and Opening Up, China has always been attempting to become an innovation-oriented country, for it is universally recognized not only by the Chinese government but also by Chinese people that innovation is the essence of the cultural development, national power strength and educational revolution.

First of all, the innovation, considered as the backbone of Chinese traditional culture, can dramatically change the history and fate of the nation. In fact, the innovative spirit has all through the years played an important role of China’s cultural development with the most recent few decades being especially obvious. Ranging from Confucius’philosophy system based on kindheartedness and justice to the contemporary technology strategy focusing on creativity, innovation has greatly prompted the civilization of China. That is to say, innovation is not merely one part of Chinese good traditions, but it is the reason why China has experienced and is experiencing the rises and falls due to the position of innovation in her development regime. As far as I am concerned, the innovation, or creativity, can influence upon the cultural development of our nation by two means, positively and negatively. To be more specific, the positive impacts of innovative spirit on culture include progress of civilization, trend of thought in literature and so on. For example, in 1978, China’s Reform and Opening Up policy absorbed at that time a variety of creative thoughts and foreign voices to reform the outdated ideas and cultures. The Reform, covering different domains such as industry, medicine, agriculture and technology, has gained great success because of persistence on innovation. During the Reform, the novel production relation theory proposed by Karl Marx fundamentally completed the liberation of social productive forces. Once the spirit of innovation roots and spreads, it will rock our culture and bring significant changes to the development of our nation. Unfortunately, if the innovative thought becomes radical, it will bring negative influence upon our culture and society. At present, the radical innovative thoughts might cause conflicts between the emergent culture and the traditional culture, leading to the destruction of the existing civilization or technology. Nevertheless, this conflict is not due to the thought of innovation itself, but due to the abuse of innovation and can be controlled by ourselves. At a deeper level, the innovation on the cultural development is the motive power of innovation on material civilization. Only the innovative culture is possessed by a nation, can it be thriving and prosperous in the long-term.

Secondly, China also needs the technology innovation.For the whole country, new technology can improve the productivity. The more efficient, the more productive. In the trade area, we can sell products in a higher price to exchange the lower price’s products. That means new technology can create more wealth. In the military area, we can use the new innovation to create a weapon, such as, tanker or plane. These new weapons can improve the power to win a war. Even we control the plane without soldiers to attack the target in enemy. New technology can reduce the rate of death in a war. For a single person, new innovation is also benefit to us. In the medical area, a new technology innovation can cure a hard disease which can’t be cured in old past days. A lot of patients will restore instead of wasting more medicine and human resource. While in the daily life, the new technology can help people to do many dangerous and hard jobs. When we want to paint the wall of high buildings, we can ask the robot to do it. When we move a heavy bag, we can make use of new mechanism to finish the task. New innovation makes the life comfortable and people could live in easy and happy ways. So China needs the innovation of technology.

Thirdly, China also needs the education of innovation. Good education cultivates many technological people. So education innovation is very important part of innovations. The education innovation contains two main elements of gains: One is the more efficient to teach, the other is more various to teach. On the one hand, with the development of Internet, many people can stay at home instead of going to classroom. The new method of education improves more people to accept the knowledge in the convenient situation. The knowledge is not restricted in the time and the places. More and more people are beneficial with the way ignoring the ages. Even we can communicate one-to-one. One teacher is responsible for one student. Student is fully cared and teacher also reduces the pressure from many other students. On the other hand, we can teach more knowledge. In traditional education, we teach students as the books. But now, education of innovation enables to tell people more kinds of knowledge in different areas. We can have meaningful and various nutrients from kinds of subjects. If you like to study the history, you can learn it and nobody will prevent you. You don’t need to care about the scores and the exams. On the two elements, we can teach more effectively and cultivate more talents. So education creation in China can improve the prospect of the whole country.

To sum up, China’s ambition of becoming a nation of innovation will be fulfilled only if the significance of innovation is highly valued, because innovation is a key influencing factor of the cultural, national strength and education system. Further, China needs to seek for its own way of developing a unique innovative spirit with all the lessons that are learned from western countries. What is more important, we need to regard innovation and development in the long run and from multiple perspectives, and in the years ahead, our nation will be a land of opportunity attracting more and more foreigners to work and study in China.

仁爱版七上《Topic1 Welcome to China》练习题

七年级上Unit 1 Topic1 Welcome to China 一、根据下列字母写出相应的大、小写。(每个1分,共15分。) G A d B F c e K j H I Y Q u L 二、把下列人名按字母顺序重新排列。(每个1分,共10分。) Diana Amy Gill Belle Faith Carla Emma Maria Jane Yukio 三、根据汉语意思补全下列单词或根据英语单词写出汉语意思。(每小题1分,共10分。) 1、th s 这,这个 2、Miss 3、t cher 老师,教师 4、my 5、s 看见,看到 6、dad 7、Ch a 中国8、here 9、w lc me 欢迎10、meet 四、单项选择。(每题1分,共15分。) ( )1、- Good morning! - A. Hello! B. Thank you. C. Nice to meet you. D. Good morning! ( )2、- Nice to meet you, Kangkang. - A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Hello! C. Good morning! D. Yes, I am. ( )3、在字母表中,第1,5,9,14个字母分别是。 A.b, e, h, n B. a, e, i, n C. a, e, f, l D. a, d, g, m

( )4、星期六下午康康在故宫碰到一个外国人,康康可以对他说: A. Good morning! B. Nice to meet you. C. Thank you! D. Welcome to China! ( )5、你的铅笔掉在了地上,你的同桌帮你拾起来,你应该对他说: A. Welcome B. Thank you! C. Hello! D. Hi! ( )6、美国职业篮球联赛的英文缩写是。 A. BBC B. NBA C. VOA D. CBA ( )7、- How do you do? - A. Good morning! B. Nice to see you. C. How do you do? D. Thanks. ( )8、- Hello! Wu An, is my teacher, Miss Wu. -Nice to meet you. - A. I B. you C. this D. how ( )9、- How are you? - A. I'm Jane. B. How are you? C. Fine, thank you. D. Thanks. ( )10、书写下面的字母时二笔完成的大写字母是。 A. E B. W C. M D. I ( )11、下列字母都能一笔完成的是。 A. A B D E B. C F L M C. O L G C D. X S P U ( )12、下列字母书写时在四线格中须占一二格的是。 A. a z s n B. l i g f C. p x w y D. b k h l ( )13、如果下午你在公园见到朋友,应该说: A. Good afternoon! B. Good morning! C. Goodbye. D. See you. ( )14、- Here you are. -

仁爱版七年级Topic 1 Welcome to China!教案

Topic 1 Welcome to China! Section A The main activities are 1a, 2a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a, 2a和3a。 Ⅰ. 教学目标 1.(1)Learn the letters Aa-Gg. (2)Learn some new words: good, morning, welcome, to, China, thank, you, hello, I, am, are, yes, no, not, nice, meet, too 2. Learn about greetings and introductions: (1)—Good morning. —Good morning. (2)—Welcome to China! —Thank you./Thanks. (3)—Hello/Hi! —Hello/Hi! (4)—I’m … Are you …? —Yes, I am./No, I’m not. I’m … (5)—Nice to meet you. —Nice to meet you, too. Ⅱ. 教具 录音机/字母卡片 Ⅲ. 五指教学方案 第一步介绍(时间:6分钟) 本节课是开篇,教师应向全体学生说明以下两点:1.学习英语的重要性。2.学习英语的正确方法。目的:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学习效率。 第二步呈现(时间:9分钟) 呈现简单的打招呼用语,并进行听说练习,学以致用。 1. (运用真实情境,让学生学会如何与他人简单地打招呼。) (1)(教师向一学生做手势以示打招呼。) T: Hello! S1:Hello!(启发学生回答。) (板书Hello!让学生猜测其意思并掌握。) hello (师生互动操练Hello!) T: Hello! Ss:Hello! (2)(用同样的方式教学Hi!板书并要求学生理解。) —Hello! = —Hi!(非正式)


Unit 1 Making New Friends Topic 1 Welcome to China! Section D Ⅰ. Material analysis 本课是本话题的最后一课,主要是通过Grammar和Functions两部分来巩固Sections A~C已学过的内容:be动词am, is, are的用法;表示问候、感谢、欢迎等功能句;26英语字母的书写及大小写的转换;最后通过Project 板块让学生制作并使用名片交友的活动综合运用本话题所学的知识,学会用英语做事情。本节课老师将采用多媒体教学,以培养学生的学习兴趣,辅助整节课的教学。 Ⅱ. Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims 引导学生复习本话题Sections A~C的单词; 引导学生熟练读写26个英语字母及大小写; 引导学生总结be动词am, is, are的一般现在时在不同情况下形式的变化及am的缩写形式:I am Kangkang. = I’m Kangkang. This is Miss Wang. —Are you …? —Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 引导学生用英语表达问候、告别、感谢、欢迎、介绍及辨认他人等交际功能的基本表达法进行交流。 2. Skill aims 能听懂有关问候、告别、介绍等的表达方式; 能听懂简单的日常用语并作出适当的反应; 能运用表示问候、告别、介绍等的表达方式进行简单的交流; 能正确地朗读对话,并能注意语音语调; 能够在图片的帮助下进行阅读,理解大意,并按要求进行语言活动; 能正确书写字母和单词,并能用大小写字母对所学单词进行较自如的转换。 3. Emotional aims

Welcome to China教案高品质版

Unit 1 Making new friends Topic 1 Welcome to China! Section B The main activities are 1a, 2a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a, 2a和3a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. (1) Learn the letters Hh-Nn. (2) Learn some new words: Miss, this, is, Mr.=mister, see, my, mom, teacher, how, do 2. Learn about greetings and introductions: ①Miss Wang, this is Michael. Michael, this is Miss Wang. ②—Nice to see you. —Nice to see you, too. ③—How do you do? —How do you do? Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 小黑板/教学挂图/录音机/字母卡片 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:10分钟) 通过复习字母Aa-Gg和上节课所学功能用语,导入本节课主要功能用语。 1. (让学生做上节课的字母接力游戏,复习字母Aa-Gg。也可以让两位学生在黑板上听写,要 求遵守四线格上书写的规则。特别强调学生在书写时要用手写体。) 2. (教师用小黑板展示上节课所学功能用语,让学生配对。) T: Match the sentences in Column A with those in Column B. (教师给以适当汉语提示。) A B 1.Hello! a.Thanks. 2.Welcome to China! b.Nice to meet you, too. 3.Good morning! c.No, I’m not. I’m Wei Hua. 4.Nice to meet you. d.Hello! 5.Are you Kangkang? e.Good morning! 3. (师生对话,导出新词。) T: Good morning, S1! S1: Good morning, … T: Oh. I’m …, you can call me Mr./Miss … (教师给以汉语提示。) (教师板书并教学Mr./Miss,要求学生掌握。) Mr. = mister Miss Ss: Good morning, Mr./Miss …


幼儿园大班国庆活动:welcometochina 我们的祖国真大,北方是冬爷爷的家,十月就飘大雪花,南方是春姑娘的家,一年四季盛开着鲜花,我们的祖国真大,在同一个时刻,有的游泳,有的滑雪,有的围着火炉吃西瓜。 活动名称:e to china 活动形式:集体 活动班级:大班 活动目标: 1、通过创设情境活动让幼儿初步了解中华民族人文地理方面的有关知识; 2、激发幼儿“爱我中华”的美好情感以及做一个中华小公民的自豪之情。 活动准备: 1、物质准备:关于中国各方面的图片,课件,中式服装,脸谱等。 2、心理准备:调动幼儿各种感官去感受中华民族的人文地理 3、角色分配:a——教师b——珍妮小姐活动流程:一、课件导题神秘会客 以课件“到中国来旅游”激趣,并请出神秘来宾——珍妮小姐以导入课题。 二、瑰宝历数骄傲自豪

1、共同诗画版图和两大河流,并对轮廓、人口等进行简单介绍 祖国地图像雄鸡, 头在东北尾在西, 台湾海南两支脚, 南海宝岛像米粒。 (b:中国好大) (a:我们中国领土有960万平方公里,还有悠长的海岸线,领空领海资源丰富) 我们的祖国真大, 北方是冬爷爷的家,十月就飘大雪花, 南方是春姑娘的家,一年四季盛开着鲜花, 我们的祖国真大, 在同一个时刻,有的游泳,有的滑雪, 有的围着火炉吃西瓜。 长江(the yangts river]黄河(the yellow river] (a:长江是我国第一长河,黄河是第二长河,是中华民族的摇篮,是母亲河,养育了数亿人。) 由此引出人口儿歌: 中国人口十三亿, 人口分布不均匀, 西边少来东边密。 (b:你们中国真了不起,人口多,民族多,就像一个大家庭)


Unit1 Topic1 Section A参考教案 Section A The main activities are 1a, 2a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a, 2a和3a。 Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1.(1)Learn the letters Aa-Gg. (2)Learn some new words: good, morning, welcome, to, China, thank, you, hello, I, am, are, yes, no, not, nice, meet, too 2. Learn about greetings and introductions: (1)—Good morning. —Good morning. (2)—Welcome to China! —Thank you./Thanks. (3)—Hello/Hi! —Hello/Hi! (4)—I’m … Are you …? —Yes, I am./No, I’m not. I’m … (5)—Nice to meet you. —Nice to meet you, too. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 投影仪/教学挂图/音频设备/字母卡片/小黑板 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Introduction 第一步介绍(时间:6分钟) 本节课是开篇,教师应向全体学生说明以下两点:1.学习英语的重要性。2.学习英语的正确方法。目的:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略。 Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:9分钟) 呈现简单的打招呼用语,并进行听说练习,学以致用。 1. (运用真实情境,让学生学会如何与他人简单地打招呼。)

仁爱版英语七年级上册Unit 1 Topic 1《Welcome to China》综合检测题

Unit1 Topic1综合检测题 第一部分基础知识运用 Ⅰ、单项选择.(15分) ()1、—____ is he? —He is my friend、 A、What B、Where C、Who D、How ()2、Mary and Joy are ____ Class One、 They are ____ the U、S、A、 A、from;in B、in;from C、to; from D、 in;to ()3、—____ —Yes, I’m Mike、 A、What’s your name? B、What are you? C、How are you? D、 Are you Mike? ()4、—Is this ____ car? -Yes,it’s ____ English car、 A、a;an B、a; a C、an;an D、 an;a ()5、—What are those? —____ are cakes、 A、That B、These C、It D、They ()6、—What’s that ____ English? —It’s a desk、 A、from B、to C、in D、/ ()7、—____ is she? -She’s ten、 A、How old B、How C、Where D、 What ()8、—Is her name Kate? —____

A、Yes, she is、 B、No,she isn’t、 C、Yes,it’s、 D、No,it isn't、 ()9、I'm in Class 4、Are you in Class 4,____? A、please B、too C、and D、 excuse ( )10、This is my teacher,Miss Chen、____ is from Hebei、 A、She B、He C、Her D、His ( )11、Linda is fifteen ____ old、 A、a year B、the year C、years D、 year ()12、—Welcome to our school、 —____ A、OK、 B、Thanks、 C、Excuse me、 D、Hello、 ( )13、—Thank you、 —____ A、You’re welcome、 B、That’s OK、 C、Thanks、 D、A and B、 ( )14、当你被介绍认识某人后,你应该说: “____”。 A、Good morning! B、Thank you! C、Nice to meet you! D、How are you? ( )15、当别人称赞你时,你应该说: “____". A、Thanks、 B、Good、 C、Yes、 D、No、 Ⅱ、情景交际。(10分) A、从Ⅱ栏中选出Ⅰ栏各句子的应答语。(5分) ⅠⅡ ( )16、Where is he from?A、No、I’m Mr、Wang、()17、Wha t’s his name?B、That’s OK、

湘教版-英语-七上--Topic1 Welcome to China(SectionA作业)

英语-上册-打印版本 Unit 1 Making New Friends Topic 1 Welcome to China! Section A ★基础篇★ Ⅰ. 写出下列字母的大小写。 A B C D E F G _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Ⅱ. 写出下列字母的左邻右舍,请注意大小写。 1.__________ Bb__________ 2. __________Ee__________ 3. __________Ff__________ 4. __________Cc__________ 5. __________Dd__________ ★强化篇★ Ⅲ. 根据首字母和中文提示完成下列单词并朗读。 1. g________________ 好的 2. m________________ 早晨;上午 3. y________________ 你 4. n________________ 令人愉快的 5. m________________ 见到 6. w________________ 欢迎 7. C________________ 中国8. t________________ 谢谢 Ⅳ. 根据上下文提示填空。 1. Kangkang: Good morning! Welcome to ________(中国). Jane: ________ ________(早上好)! ________ (谢谢) you. 2. Michael: Hello! Maria: Hello! Michael: I’m Michael. ________ ________(你是)Maria? Maria: ________, ________ ________.(是的,我是) 3. Kangkang: Hello! ________ ________(你是)Maria? Jane: ________, ________ ________(不,我不是)I’m Jane. Kangkang: Oh, ________ ________ ________ ________(很高兴见到你), Jane. Jane: ________ ________ ________ ________, ________. (我也很高兴见到你) 参考答案: Ⅰ. 略。 Ⅱ. 1. Aa Cc 2. Dd Ff 3. Ee Gg 4. Bb Dd 5. Cc Ee Ⅲ. 1. good 2. morning 3. you 4. nice 5. meet 6. welcome 7. China 8. thank Ⅳ. 1. China; Good morning; Thank 2. Are you; Yes, I am. 3. Are you; No. I’m not; Nice to meet you; Nice to meet you, too. 英语-上册-打印版本


《Unit1MakingNewFriendsTopic1WelcometoChina!SectionD》 Ⅰ.Teachingaimsanddemands教学目标 1.(1)Reviewgreetings: ①Goodmorning/afternoon/evening! ②Hi!/Hello! ③—Howareyou? —I’mfine,thankyou./Fine,thanks.Andyou? ④—Howdoyoudo? —Howdoyoudo? ⑤—Nicetomeet/seeyou. —Nicetomeet/seeyou,too. ⑥—WelcometoChina! —Thanks./Thankyou. (2)Reviewintroductions: ①—I’m…Areyou…? —Yes,Iam./No,I’mnot.I’m… ②Thisis… (3)Reviewfarewells: ①—Seeyoulater. —Seeyou.

②—Goodbye. —Bye. 2.ReviewthelettersAa-Zz. Ⅱ.Teachingaids教具 教学挂图/小黑板/字母卡片/录音机 Ⅲ.Five-fingerTeachingPlan五指教学方案 Step1Review第一步复习(时间:8分钟) 通过复习上节课所学功能用语,创设情境导入新课。 1.(师生互动和生生互动复习上节课所学问候语及告别语,巩固问候语及告别语的英文表达法。) T: Let’sreviewgreetingsandfarewells. T: Hi,class!(教师作挥手打招呼状。) Ss: Hi,Mr.…/Miss… T: Nicetomeet/seeyou.(教师作握手状。) Ss: Nicetomeet/seeyou,too. T: Howareyou? Ss: I’mfine,thankyou. T: Seeyoulater./Goodbye.(教师作挥手告别状。) Ss: Seeyou./Bye. (让学生两人一组练习问候语和告别语。) 2.(教师出示2中的挂图,让学生观察这几幅图中的情境,并根据情境两人一组做对话练习。) T:

Topic 1 Welcome to China Section C 第1课时

乌丹四中七年级英语教师教学流程 Unit 1 Making New Friends Topic 1 Welcome to China Section C 第1课时 ●情境导入,引出目标: Good morning everyone . Let’s make a conversation about meeting in the morning 1:能够掌握字母O----T 2:能够掌握词汇:afternoon Mr. how goodbye fine and later 3:学习并掌握用英语表达问候、再见的交际用语 ●交流预习,表现问题:教师引导学生根据预习指南,实行结构化预习。 二、预习指南: 1:听磁带跟读字母及单词的读音(多读,根据自己的情况而定,准确为准) 组内解决存有的一些问题,并记录本组存异之处待群议。 2:认真观察文本中2a中字母的书写,一定注意笔顺要准确,要书写漂亮哦 2:记忆单词,开始能够同组员一起,根据读音找寻拼写方法。然后口头形式检测 3:听磁带,跟读1a ,2b. 然后小组熟读且明大意,一定记录本组共性待群议的问题。 4:小组用最快速度根据合作完成1b中人物的对话,并听磁带纠正。 三、预习检测: 大家已经用心学习了好久哦,独立完成一下文本中出现的知识吧,要细心哦,相信自己一定能够的,加油! A:请你按照准确的书写方法写下字母Oo----------Tt ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ B:是否记住了下面的短语和句子呢?尝试一下吧 下午好__________ 你好吗?___________________________ 你还好吗?_______________________ 感谢你______________________ 再见________________ ______________________ ________________


Unit 1 Topic 1 (满分100分时间90分钟) 第一部分听力(20分) Ⅰ.听录音,选出你所听到的字母或单词。每个字母或单词读两遍。(5分) ( )1. A. thank B. and C. dad ( )2. A. UK B. USA C. NBA ( )3. A. morning B. afternoon C. fine ( )4. A. hi B. hello C. how ( )5. A. nice B. Miss C. meet Ⅱ.听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读两遍。(5分) 6. ____ 7. ____ 8. ____ 9. ____ 10. ____ Ⅲ.听录音,选择你所听到的句子。每个句子读两遍。(5分) ( )11. A. Fine, thanks. B. I’m OK. C. I’m fine. ( )12. A. Good morning. B. Goodbye. C. Good afternoon. ( )13. A. This is my teacher. B. This is Maria. C. This is my mom. ( )14. A. Nice to meet you. B. How are you? C. How do you do? ( )15. A. Here you are. B. Welcome to China. C. Are you Michael? Ⅳ.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。(5分) ( )16. A. Fine, thanks. B. How do you do? C. And you? ( )17. A. Good afternoon. B. Hello! C. Nice to see you, too. ( )18. A. Yes, I am. B. Thank you. C. I’m OK. ( )19. A. Good morning, Jane. B. Thanks. C. Goodbye, Jane. ( )20. A. Hi! B. Thank you. C. This is Alice. 第二部分基础知识运用(45分) Ⅰ.单项选择。(10分) ( )1.下列大小写字母不对应的一组是____。 A. F—f B. M—w C. E—e D. Q—q ( )2.下列字母中一笔写成的是____。 A. p B. t C. m D. i ( )3.下列各组字母中含有相同读音的一组是____。 A. A, S B. H, I C. L, Y D. M, X ( )4. —Welcome to Beijing! —____ A. Welcome to Beijing, too. B. . Fine, thanks. D. Yes, I am. ( )5. Mom, this is my teacher, Miss Lin. Miss Lin, ____ A. thank you. B. how are you? C. this is my mom. D. hi. ( )6. —____ —Fine, thank you. A. How do you do? B. Nice to meet you. C. Are you Mr. Wang? D. How are you? ( )7. —____ you Mingming? —____, I’m not. A. Are; Yes B. Am; No C. Are; No D. Am; Yes ( )8.下列各组字母中全部是元音字母的是____。 A. a, e, o, r B. a, i, u, e C. o, u, e, n D. b, e, c, t ( )9.下列字母书写格式正确的是____。 A. B. C. D. ( )10.当别人帮助了你, 你应该说“____”。 A. OK. B. Nice to meet you. C. Thank you. D. Yes.

Welcome to China

Welcome to China! 【单词】 good 好的;令人愉快的oh 哦,啊Ms. 女士 morning 早晨;上午nice 令人愉快的;友好的afternoon 下午 I 我meet 结识;遇见goodbye 再见 am 是too 也;太;很bye 再见 welcome 欢迎hi 喂fine 健康的;晴朗的 to 到,对,向;在......之前thanks 感谢,谢谢and 和 China 中国Mr.=Mister 先生OK 好,行 thank 谢谢see 遇见;看到;明白here 在这里 you 你;您;你们mom 妈妈 the 这(那)个;这(那)些this 这,这个 the USA 美国is 是 the UK 英国my 我的 hello 喂,你好teacher 老师 are 是how 怎样 yes 是,同意do 做 no 不,不是;没有dad 爸爸 not 不;没有Miss 女士,小姐 【字母】 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------———————————————————————————————————————---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------———————————————————————————————————————---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------——————————————————————————————————————---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------———————————————————————————————————————----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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