当前位置:文档之家› 2014-2015八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Have you packed yet?Period 2教案 鲁教版五四制

2014-2015八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Have you packed yet?Period 2教案 鲁教版五四制

Unit 8 Have you packed yet?Period 2

Teaching objectives:

1. Learn to talk about the recent events.

2. Can make a list of the things you have done and the ones you haven’t done yet.

3. Train the reading and speaking abilities.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Warming up

The teacher introduces the recent events about himself / herself.

T: I am very busy recently. I have so many chores to do every day. But I am busy with my work every day. So I haven’t done most of them. I have already done… I haven’t done…yet.

Then the teacher asks:

How about Crystal? What chores does she have to do? Read 3a, underline the different chores.

Step 2. Reading (Section A 3a)

(1) This activity provides reading practice using the target language.

Show the key vocabulary words on the screen by a projector.

chop v.砍;劈 wood n.木头;木材 light v.点燃;点着

village n.乡村;村庄 well n.井;水井 farm n.农场;农庄

(2) Read the words and ask students to repeat again and again until they

can pronounce the words fluently and accurately.

Before reading the e-mail message, ask the students what chores do you

usually do? Please tell me.(do my homework, clean my room, water the

plants, clean our classroom etc.)

(3) Go through the instructions with the class. Look at the e-mail message.

Let a student read the e-mail aloud to the class.

Correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the student is providing

a good model for the rest of the class.

Get students to read the e-mail message individually, and underline

the different chores on their own.

(4) Check the answers with the class.


1.do my homework 2.take the dog for a walk

3.water my mom’ s plants 4.do some shopping

5.chop wood 6.light the fire 7.collect water

8.feed the animals

(5) Let students read the e-mail again for further comprehension.While they

are reading.Walk around the classroom, offering help if they have any

words or phrases they don’ t understand.


1. chore—small duty or piece of work, especially ordinary everyday task

(in the home, on a farm, etc.)

2. chat—talk about unimportant things

3. kid—child; young person

4.well—(here n.)shaft, usually lined with brick or stone, for obtaining

water from an underground source

5. anyway—in any possible way; by any possible means

Step 3. Pair work (Section A 3b)

(1) This activity provides reading, writing, listening, and speaking practice

using the target language.

Look at the pictures of the three people and read their names aloud to the

class.Then point to the chart.Let students read the information in it.Make

sure students understand the information in the chart by asking questions

and point out things.

T: Look at the three picture s above the chart.Under each person is a list of the things he or she has done or will do today.Now look at the

chart.What do you see in the first column?

S1: Numbers. Cloc k times.

T: That’s right. Those ar e clock times.

Those times show what the three people were doing at 9:00, at 10:00 and

so forth. It is 12:00 noon now. So the 1:00 and 2:00 times show things they

will do later today. What has Steve already done?

S2: He’ s already done his homework.

He’ s already bought a newspaper.

He’ s already fed the dog.

T: That’s correct. What things hasn’t he done yet?

S3: He hasn’t watered the plants. He hasn’t cleaned his room.

T: OK. Very good.

(2) Go through the instructions with the class. Put students in several groups.

Say: Each student in a group will decide to be one of the people. The other

students in the group will ask questions to find out which person in the

chart he or she has decided to be. Make sure students understand how to

do the exercise.

Look at the example in the box. Invite a pair of students to read it aloud

to the class.

SA: Have you bought a newspaper?

SB: Yes, I’ve alre ady bought a newspaper.

Ask students, which of the three people could it be? Can you find out? Yeah.It could be Steve or Elise.

(3) Get students to do the work in groups.

While they are working, move around the classroom checking the work of each

group. Ask two groups to do the work as the examples.

Group 1: Have you watered the plants?

S1: Yes. I’ve already watered the p lants.

Group 2: Have you fed the dog?

S2: No. I haven’ t fed the dog yet.

(Person 1: Kathy; Person 2: Elise)

Step 4. Pair work (Section A 4)

This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice

using the target langua ge.

(1) Go through the instructions with the class.

(2) Invite a good student to give an example of things that he or she has


hasn’ t done this week: I have done my homework.But I haven’ t done

some shoppin g.

(3) Put students in some groups of three. Let students complete the work

in groups.

(4) Finish the table.

(5) Review the task.Get some groups to share the results of their surveys.

Sample answers

You Li Hong (student’s name)Wang Bin (student’s name)

Things I have done Science project Plan Cleaning.

Things I haven’t done yet h omework Shopping Washing Optional


(6) Ask students to write their own schedules, listing the time of day they

do each thing. Then get students to work in pairs. Student A thinks of

one activity. Student B gets five tries to guess the activity. Then

student B thinks of an activity and student A guesses what it is.

Step 5. Conclusion

(1) In this class, we’ve learned some key vocabulary words such as chop, wood,

light, village, well, farm.

(2) We’ve also done a lot of reading, writing and speak ing practice using

the target language.


(1) Get students to talk about the things they have done and they haven’ t done

yet this week in pairs.

(2) Preview Section B 1a / 1b / 2a / 2b.

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