当前位置:文档之家› 英语定语从句高考英语汇总练习




1.Women_______drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of havig heart disease than those_________don't.






2.We saw several natives advancing towards our party,and one of them came up to us,_______we gave some bells and glasses.

A.to which

B..to whom

C.with whom

D.with which (06湖南卷)

3.I was given three books on cooking,the first________I really enjoyed.

A.of that


which C.that D.which (06浙江卷)

4.I saw a woman running towards me in the dark.Before I could recognize who she was,she had run back in the direction ______she had come.

A.of which

B.by which

C.in which

D.from which (06重庆卷)

5.Look out! Don't get too close to the house _____ roof is under repair.




which D.that (06福建卷)

6.-----Do you have anything to say for yourself?

-------Yes,there's one point______we must insist on.






7.She was educated at Beijing University,________she went on to have her advanced study abroad.

A.after that

B.from that

C.from which


which (06陕西卷)

8.----Mom,what did your doctor say?

-----He advised me to live________the air is fresher.

A.in where

B.in which

C.the place

where D.where (06四川卷)

9.The owner of the cinema needed to make a lot of improvements and employ more people to keep it running,________meant spending tens of thousands of pounds.




D.which (06江苏) 10.There is much chance _____Bill will recover fom his injury in time for the race.






11.If you are traveling ______the customs are really foreign to your own,please do as the Romans do.


which B.what C.when D.where


12.We're just trying to reach a point ________both sides will sit down together and talk.






13. If a shop has chairs_______women can park their men,women will spend more time in the shop.






14. He transplanted the little tree to the garden___it was the best time for it.






15. I can think of many cases_______students obviously knew a lot of English wods and expressions but couldn't write a good essay.






16.I walked in our garden,________Tom and Jim were tying a big sign onto one of the trees.






17.------Is that the small town you often refer to?

------Right,just the one______you know I used to work for years.






18. ______is mentioned above,the number of the students in senior high school is increasing.





19.Helen is much more kind to her youngest child than to the others,_______,of course,makes the other unhappy.





20.Is this museum________some German friends visited the day before yesterday?




D.the one



顾名思义,专有名词是指:个人、事物、机关等所专有的名称,如,the Great Wall,America…它们是不能随意变动的。而普通名词中则包括个体名词,如pen, worker…它表示单一的个体人或事物。

集体名词,如:family, class, team,它表示的是由若干个个体组成的集合体;物质名词,如:water,paper…它表示的是一种物质,原材料;而后一种是抽象名词,如:work, time…它表示着一种在实际生活中看不见、摸不到,但却与实际生活紧密相关的某些动作、状态、品质的抽象概念。


专有名词 John, the Communist Party of

普通名词类名词 nurse, boy, worker, pencil, dog, table

集体名词 class, family, army, police, team, people

物质名词 water, steel, glass, cotton, wood, sand

抽象名词 happiness, love, work, life, courage, honest


主语 My family is now in New York.

表语 His father is a scientist.

宾语 We love our great motherland.

宾语补足语 He made London the base for his work.

定语 The girls are making paper flowesrs.

状语 The car cost him 1000 dollars.

同位语 Mr Brown, a famous scientist, will come here.

名词在使用中的难点在于名词的数,即可数名词与不可数名词的实际应用。不可数名词不能用数字计算,所以它通常只有单数形式。它包含有专有名词、物质名词、抽象名词等,如:English, air, water, cotton, work…可数名词是可以用数量加以计算的名词,所以它具有单数形式和复数形式两种。可数名词复数形式的构成规律是:

1. 一般情况加s,如:pen—pens, doctor—doctors, boy—boys,其读音规则是在清辅音后读[s],在元音和浊辅音后读[z]。如:map—map ,boy—boys.

2. 在以s,sh,ch,x结尾的名词后面加es,如:bus—buses,class—classes, 其读音为[iz]。

3. 以ce,se,ze,(d)ge结尾的名词加s,其读音为[iz]。

4. 以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,要将y变为i再加es,读作[z],如:factory—factories, country—countries, family—families.但要注意的是以元音字母加y结尾的名词的复数形式只加s,如:boy—boys, day—days。

5. 以o结尾的名词的复数形式一般要加es,但如果o前面是元音字母或外来词,缩写词以o结尾的则只加s,如:tomato—tomatoes, hero—heroes; photo—photos, radio—radios, piano—pianos

6. 以f或fe结尾的名词的复数形式要将f或fe变为v再加es,如:knife—knives, leaf—leaves, 但有些例外的词如roof的复数形式是roofs。

7. 不规则名词的复数形式是要单个记忆的,它没有规律可循,如:man—men, woman—women, child—children, foot—feet, tooth—teeth, mouse—mice

8. 单复同形的名词有:fish, sheep, deer…

9. 单数形式但其意为复数的名词有:people,police等。名词还有格的变化,

其主格可作主语,宾格可作宾语。还有所有格,用来表示人或物的所有,以及领属关系。表示有生命的名词的所有格其单数形式是加's其复数形式是s',如其结尾不是s的复数形式仍加's,如:a student's room, students' rooms, Children's Day.

在表示时间、距离、世界、国家……名词的所有格要用's,如:a twenty minutes' walk.但无生命名词的所有格则必须用of结构,如:the capital of our country, the colour of the flowers


( ) 1 She was very happy. She in the maths test.

A. makes a few mistake

B. made a few mistakes

C. made few mistakes

D. makes few mistake

( ) 2 We need some more____. Can you go and get some, please?

A. potato

B. potatos

C. potatoes

D. potatoe

( ) 3 _____are____for cutting things.

A. Knife/used

B. Knives/used

C. Knife/using

D. Knives/using

( ) 4 What big____ the tiger has!

A. tooth

B. teeth

C. tooths

D. toothes

( ) 5 Please remember to give the horse some tree___.

A. leafs

B. leaves

C. leaf

D. leave

( ) 6 -Can we have some ___?

-Yes, please.

A. banana

B. oranges


D. pear

( ) 7 On the table there are five____.

A. tomatos

B. piece of tomatoes

C. tomatoes

D. tomato

( ) 8 They got much ___ from those new books.

A. ideas

B. photos

C. information

D. stories

( ) 9 He gave us____ on how to keep fit.

A. some advices

B. some advice

C. an advice

D. a advice

( ) 10 When we saw his face, we knew___ was bad.

A. some news

B. a news

C. the news

D. news



高中英语---定语从句 一定义及相关术语 1.定语从句:修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。定语从句一般紧跟在它所修饰的词之后。 2.先行词:被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词。 3.关系词:引导定语从句的词叫关系词。关系词有关系代词和关系副词。关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose, as等;关系副词有when, where, why等关系词在定语从句中有三大作用 1. 连接作用——连接先行词和定语从句。 2. 替代作用——在定语从句中替代从句所修饰的先行词。 3. 成分作用——在定语从句中作主语、宾语、定语或状语。 The man who is shaking hands with my father is a policeman. 二关系代词引导的定语从句 引导定语从句的关系代词主要有who, whom, whose, which, that等。它们分别代替前面的先行词,并在定语从句中作主语、宾语或定语。 1. who 指人,在定语从句中作主语。 That is the teacher who teaches us physics. 2. whom 指人,在定语从句中做宾语,可省略,在口语或非正式文体中常可用who 来代替。 Li Ming is just the boy (whom) I want to see. 3. which 指物,在定语从句中做主语或宾语,做宾语时常可省略。 Football is a game which is liked by most boys.

4. that 指人时,相当于who 或whom;指物时,相当于which.。在定语从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时常可省略。 He is the man that/who lives next door. Where is the man (that/whom) I saw this morning? 、 The season that/which comes after spring is summer. The dress (that/which) Ann bought doesn’t fit her very well. 5. whose 指人、物皆可,与后面的名词有所属关系,在定语从句中做定语。 I visited a scientist whose name is known all over the country. 注意:指物时,常用以下结构来代替: The house whose windows are broken is empty. =The house the windows of which are broken is empty. Do you like the book whose cover is yellow? =Do you like the book the cover of which is yellow? 三“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句 关系代词在从句中作介词宾语时,可以跟介词一起放在从句与主句之间(that, who不可以),也可以把介词放在从句中有关动词的后面,使关系代词紧跟它所修饰的先行词。 The school (which/that) he once studied in is very famous. =The school in which he once studied is very famous. This is the boy (whom/who/that) I played tennis with yesterday. =This is the boy with whom I played tennis with yesterday. 注意:1. 含有介词的短语动词一般不拆开,介词仍放在短语动词的后面。如:look for, look after, take care of 等。 2. 介词后的关系代词不可用that和who,若介词放在关系代词前,关系代词指人时只可用whom指物时只可用which;关系代词是所有格时用whose。


2016-2020高考英语试题分类汇总-定语从句(解析 版) 【2020年】 1.(2020·江苏卷)Many lessons are now available online, from __________ students can choose for free. A. whose B. which C. when D. whom 【答案】B 【解析】考查定语从句。句意:许多课程现在都可以在网上找到,学生们可以从中免费选择。此处是非限定性定语从句,先行词是many lessons,关系词在从句中做介词from的宾语,应使用关系代词which 引导。故选B。 3.(2020·天津卷)Dr. Rowan, __________ secretary resigned two weeks ago, has had to do all his own typing. A. whose B. of whom C. of which D. which 【答案】A 【解析】考查定语从句。句意:罗文博士的秘书两周前辞职了,他现在只能自己打字。______ secretary resigned two weeks ago是非限制性定语从句,修饰Dr. Rowan,引导词在从句中作定语,表示“Dr. Rowan’s ”,表示“……的” ,应用关系代词whose引导该从句,故选A。 3.(2020·新课标Ⅲ卷)In ancient China lived an artist61 paintings were almost lifelike. 【答案】whose 【解析】考查定语从句。句意:中国古代有一位画家,他的画几乎栩栩如生。此处为定语从句修饰先行词artist,且先行词在从句中作定语,故应用关系代词whose。故填whose。 【2019年】 1.【2019·江苏卷】We have entered into an age _______ dreams have the best chance of coming true. A. which B. what C. when D. that 【答案】C 【解析】考查定语从句。句意:我们已经进入到了一个时代,在这个时代梦想实现的机会最大。句中先行词为an age(一个时代),且先行词在从句中做时间状语,所以关系词用when。故选C。 2.【2019·天津卷】Their child is at the stage__________ she can say individual words but not full sentences. A. why B. where C. which D. what 【答案】B 【解析】考查定语从句。句意:他们的孩子正处于能说单个单词而不能说完整句子的阶段。句中she can


复合句的概念:由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成。 宾语从句 一.概念:在句中起到宾语的作用。 二.宾语从句在句中的位置: (1)作动词的宾语: 例:I heard that he joined the army. She did not know what had happened. (2) 作形容词的宾语 例:I am afraid that I have made a mistake. (3) 作介词的宾语 例:Our success depends on how well we can cooperate with one another. 三.常见考点分析: (一).连接词:1.引导陈述句用that(在口语或非正式文体中常常省略)。 2.引导一般疑问句用if或whether。 注意:下列几种情况通常使用whether: (1).在具有选择意义又有or或or not时,尤其是直接与or not连用时,往往用whether; 例:I don’t know whether he will come back or not. (2).在介词之后用whether; 例:They are talking about whether he will win the game. Everything depends on whether you agree with us. 3.引导特殊疑问句,只需用原来的特殊疑问词。 (二). 语序:尤其要注意,宾语从句的语序必须是陈述语序:即主语一定在谓语前面。 尤其要注意whether, if以及wh-(what, why…)疑问词引导的宾语从句的语序。例:She wants to know whether I like the film. Do you know why winter is colder than summer? (三). 时态:1.主句中谓语动词是现在或将来时态时,从句中主语不受主句位于时态的影响。例:She says that she will leave a message on his desk. She says that sh has never been to Beijing. 2.当主句谓语动词是过去时态时,从句中的时态一般为表示过去的某种时态(如一般过去时,过去进行时,过去完成时,过去将来时)例:He said there were no classes yesterday afternoon. He said he was going to take care of the baby. 3.主句谓语动词是过去时态,宾语从句叙述某一客观真理时,宾语从句用一般现在时。例:She said that her father is twenty-eight years older than her. The teacher told us that light travels much faster than sound. (四). 否定转移:当宾语从句表示否定的意义时,若主句主语为第一人称且谓语动词是think / believe / suppose / expect等时,应在主句上加以否定。 例:I don’t think you are right. I don’t believe that he has finished his work. (五). 注意if或when引导的宾语从句和状语从句的不同。if / when引导宾语


高考英语定语从句常见考点归纳 定语从句是中学英语教学的重点,也是学生学习的难点,同时又是高考考查的热点。纵观近年各地高考试题,就能发现考点大多集中在带有"插入语"的定语从句;which 、as 引导的非限定性定语从句;where 、when引导的定语从句以及定语从句和强调句、同位语从句的区别等方面。 对定语从句的考查不单纯考查其语法结构,而是把它融入到一定的语境中,考查考生的实际综合运用能力。 高考试题中,主要从以下角度考查定语从句: 定语从句的考点之一 that用法 正确区分关系代词that引出的定语从句功能强,除不能作定语(用whose)外,其它几个功能都可用that。但命题角度主要以that与which指物时的区别为重点进行命制。例如: (1)——Do you have anything in mind _________ you’d like for supper? ——Well, _________ is OK with me. A. that ; anything B. which ; everything C. what ; whatever D. where ; something 选A。 (2)The wrong you've done him is terrible, for ______ you should make an apology to him, I think. A. this B. which C. what D. that 选B。 定语从句的考点之二 判断成分,是关系代词还是关系副词 正确区分关系代词(that或which)与关系副词when(表时间)、where(表地点)、why(表原因)。 重点根据定语从句中所缺成分 (即关系词在定语从句中作状语时,使用关系副词when (on which); where(in which); why(for which);在定语从句中作作主语、宾语或表语时,使用that或which。)来确定是用关系代词还是关系副词,绝不能因先行词是时间名词就用when,是地点名词就用where,是reason就用why来确定。 因此,认准先行词只是选择关系词的一个方面,更重要的是看其在后面定语从句中充当什么句子成分例如: (3)He should stand near the stage ________ he could watch and follow the play. A. where B. when C. that D. there 选A。 (4)Do you think the reason _______ he gave is believable. A. for which B. which C. why D. what 选B。 (5)We are living in an age _______ many things are done on computer. A. which B. that C. whose D. when 选D。


高考英语专题定语从句知识点真题汇编及答案解析 一、选择题 1.Dr. Rowan, ______ secretary resigned two weeks ago, has had to do all his own typing. A.whose B.of whom C.of which D.which 2.She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her students ________ allows them to communicate freely with each other. A.which B.where C.what D.who 3.Take an active part in programs you enjoy______you can meet various kinds of people. A.what B.when C.that D.where 4.They overcame some difficulties and completed the work ahead of time, ________ was something we had not expected. A.that B.which C.it D.what 5.He bought a new building _____top is different from those of the others around. A.what B.which C.that D.whose 6.5G is an exciting mobile technology, ________ will give a massive boost to smart cities and vehicles. A.where B.when C.that D.which 7.My brother bought a telescope, ______ he could study the star in the night sky. A.of which B.through which C.in which D.on which 8.Last week, only two people came to look at the house, _______ wanted to buy it. A.neither of them B.both of them C.none of whom D.neither of whom 9.We came to a place ______ they had never paid a visit before. A.in which B.to which C.what D.which 10.He pointed out such a crucial detail about the experiment ______ we could never neglect. A.as B.that C.where D.when 11.Detectives are investigating the company, three of ________ senior executives have already been under arrest. A.its B.which C.those D.whose 12.You'll find taxis waiting at the bus station ________ you can hire to reach your host family. A.which B.where C.when D.as 13.The growth of economy is influenced by a number of factors, ________are beyond our control. A.most of them B.most of that C.most of what D.most of which 14.We won’t forget the heroes ________ lost their lives whi le fighting against a forest fire. A.who B.whose C.when D.why 15.The commander got a chance to visit the mountain_____ top was covered with thick snow ,____ he had been dreaming of for years. A.that; which B.whose ; which C.of which ; what D.of whom ;that


(英语)定语从句练习题含答案及解析 一、定语从句 1.This is the bike_______I lost last week. A.that B.what C.who D.whose 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:这是我上周丢失的那辆自行车。此句是一个定语从句。bike为先行词,当先行词为物时,引导词应该用that/which,故答案为A。 考点:考查定语从句。 2.Norman Bethune was a great man _____ gave his life to help the Chinese people. A.which B.who C.whose D.what 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 句意:诺尔曼白求恩是一位伟大的人,他毕生致力于帮助中国人民。空格前名词man意为“人”,是先行词,后面是用来修饰这个名词,是定语从句部分,先行词指人,在定语从句中做主语,可以使用关系代词who/that,不能使用which(指物)/whose(指所属关系),what不能用来引导定语从句,故选B。 3.Linda will never forget the words her father told her. A.that B.who C.where D.what 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 句意:Linda将永远不会忘记她父亲告诉她的这些话。that关系代词,引导定语从句,先行词可以为人或物;who关系代词,引导定语从句,先行词为人;where是关系副词,引导定语从句,在从句中作地点状语;what什么,常引导名词性从句,不能引导定语从句。根据句子结构可知,这里是一个定语从句,修饰空前的the words,指物,且在从句中作宾语,故应选A。 4.This is the most beautiful picture __________ I have ever seen. A.that B.which C.what D.who 【答案】A 【解析】 句意:这是我见过的最漂亮的画。考查定语从句。先行词被最高级修饰时,引导词应用that。 结合句意和语境可知选A。


高中英语定语从句讲解及练习 定语从句是高中重点知识,也是高考常考点,大家也不容易掌握,这篇文章主要教你关系代词引导的定语从句 关系副词引导的定语从句判断关系代词与关系副词限制性和非限制性定语从句等内容,有例题讲解定语从句在句中做定语,修饰一个名词或代词,被修饰的名词词组或代词即先行词。定语从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系词(关系代词或关系副词)引出。 关系代词有:who, whom, whose, that, which等。 关系副词有:when, where, why等。 18.1 关系代词引导的定语从句 关系代词所代替的先行词是人或物的名词或代词,并在句中充当主语、宾语、定语等成分。关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的人称和数要和先行词保持一致。 1)who, whom, that 这些词代替的先行词是人的名词或代词,在从句中作主语和宾语。例如: Is he the man who/that wants to see you? 他就是你想见的人吗?(who/that在从句中作主语) He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday. 他就是我昨天见的那个人。(whom/that在从句中作宾语) 2)whose 用来指人或物,(只用作定语, 若指物,它还可以同of which互换)。例如: They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down.那人车坏了,大家都跑过去帮忙。 Please pass me the book whose (of which)cover is green.请递给我那本绿皮的书。 3)which, that所代替的先行词是事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等。例如: A prosperity which / that had never been seen before appears in the countryside. 农村出现了前所未有的繁荣。(which / that在句中作宾语) The package (which / that)you are carrying is about to come unwrapped. 你拿的包快散了。(which / that在句中作宾语) 18.2 关系副词引导的定语从句 关系副词可代替的先行词是时间、地点或理由的名词,在从句中作状语。 1)关系副词when, where, why的含义相当于\"介词+ which\"结构,因此常常和\"介词+ which\"结构交替使用。例如: There are occasions when (on which)one must yield.任何人都有不得不屈服的时候。 Beijing is the place where(in which)I was born.北京是我的出生地。 Is this the reason why (for which)he refused our offer?这就是他拒绝我们帮助他的理由吗? 2)that代替关系副词,可以用于表示时间、地点、方式、理由的名词后取代when, where, why和\"介+which\"引导的定语从句,在口语中that常被省略。例如: His father died the year (that / when / in which)he was born.他父亲在他出生那年逝世了。 He is unlikely to find the place (that / where / in which)he lived forty years ago. 他不大可能找到他四十年前居住过的地方。 18.3 判断关系代词与关系副词 方法一:用关系代词,还是关系副词完全取决于从句中的谓语动词。及物动词后面无宾语,就必须要求用关系代词;而不及物动词则要求用关系副词。例如: This is the mountain village where I stayed last year. 这是我去年呆过的山村。 I'll never forget the days when I worked together with you.我永远不会忘记与你共事的日子。 判断改错: (错)This is the mountain village where I visited last year. (错)I will never forget the days when I spent in the countryside. (对)This is the mountain village (which)I visited last year. (对)I'll never forget the days (which)I spent in the countryside. 习惯上总把表地点或时间的名词与关系副词where, when联系在一起。此两题错在关系词的误用上。 方法二:准确判断先行词在定语从句中的成分(主、谓、宾、定、状),也能正确选择出关系代词/关


【英语】中考英语定语从句真题汇编(含答案) 一、定语从句 1.Teenagers like reading the books ________ are written by Guo Jingming. A.who B.what C.whose D.that 【答案】D 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 试题分析:句意:青少年喜欢读郭敬明写的书。who先行词是人; what 不能引导定语从句;whose 先行词是人或物,作定语; that先行词是人或物。此句先行词books表示物,关系代词该用that,所以选D。 2.I think the film Amazing China is ________film __________I’ve ever seen. A.the most exciting;which B.more exciting;which C.more exciting;that D.the most exciting;that 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 句意“我认为《厉害了我的国》是我看过的最令人振奋的电影”。根据I’ve ever seen可知,第一空处用最高级,排除B和C;第二空处考查定语从句,先行词为film,且先行词被形容词最高级修饰时,用that,故选D。 【点睛】 在定语从句中先行词that和which都指物,只用that不用which的情况: 先行词为all, much, something, everything, nothing, little, none, the one时。 先行词被形容词最高级修饰时。 当先行词被the only, the very, the just修饰时。 先行词中即有人又有物时。 3.When we speak of culture, we mean a way of life_________ a group of people have in common. A.what B.who C.where D.that 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 句意:当我们说起文化的时候,我们指的是一群人共同拥有的生活方式。考查定语从句的引导词。根据句意:当我们说起文化的时候,我们指的是一群人共同拥有的生活方式。逗


高考英语专题定语从句知识点单元汇编 一、选择题 1.You were really between a rock and a hard place ______ you had to choose between your career and your relationship. A.when B.where C.before D.until 2.She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her students ________ allows them to communicate freely with each other. A.which B.where C.what D.who 3.Though it is 30 years_______we last met, I still remember the scene_______we got separated on a rainy day. A.before; where B.before; which C.since; when D.since; where 4.Such a film ___________ was shown in the cinema yesterday is not suitable for children. A.as B.that C.which D./ 5.Optimism is the essential ingredient of top performers,__________we assume separates the high achievers from the rest. A.as B.who C.which D.that 6.John invited about 40 people to his wedding, most of are family members. A.them B.that C.which D.whom 7.My brother bought a telescope, ______ he could study the star in the night sky. A.of which B.through which C.in which D.on which 8.Companies should understand the risks _______ they are exposed and monitor their control environments adequately. A.on which B.in which C.to which D.with which 9.Last week, only two people came to look at the house, _______ wanted to buy it. A.neither of them B.both of them C.none of whom D.neither of whom 10.Sales director is a position _______ communication ability is just as important as sales. A.which B.that C.when D.where 11.She brought with her three friends,none of ________ I had ever met before. A.them B.who C.whom D.these 12.China Today attracts a worldwide readership, ________ shows that more and more people all over the world want to learn about China. A.who B.whom C.that D.which 13.The Molalla High School has a wall of Post-it notes ________ students write kind messages for kids to take when they have a bad day. A.that B.which C.when D.where 14._______ is known to all, grammar is not a set of dead rules. A.That B.Which C.As D.It 15.The art festival is an annual event ______ the students can show off their talents.


一定语:修饰名词或代词的词、短语或从句称为定语。汉语中常用‘……的’表示。定语主要由形容词担任。此外名词、代词、数词、副词、介词短语以及动词不定式(短语)、分词也可以做定语。 a beautiful city; a bag full of money.注意:汉语的定语无论多长都放在被修饰词的前面,而英语中的定语则不然,是一个词时,放在被修饰词的前面,若是两个以上的词组、短语或从句则放在被修饰词的后面, thirty women teachers ; his father; the girl in red. the boy from America Our monitor is always the first student to enter the classroom. falling leaves; fallen leaves; the boy playing basketball; the book bought by my mother; a reading room; a swimming pool He is the man who you are looking for. 二:定义及相关术语 1.定语从句:修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。定语从句一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词之后。 2.先行词:被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。 3.关系词:引导定语从句的词叫关系词。关系词有关系代词和关系副词。关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose, as等;关系副词有when, where, why. 1. I have an apple. An apple is red. I have an apple that/which is red. ↑↑ 先行词关系代词 2.I like some friends. Some friends like sports. I like friends who like sports. ↑↑ 先行词关系代词 3.I like music. The music is quiet. I like music that/which is quiet. ↑↑ 先行词关系代词 关系词通常有下列三个作用:A、引导定语从句,连接主从句;B、代替先行词;C、在定语从句中担当一个成分。 (二)关系代词引导的定语从句 1.who 指人,在定语从句中作主语。 The boys who are playing football are from Class One. Those who want to go to the museum must be at the school gate at 7 tomorrow morning. Yesterday I helped an old man who had lost his way. That is the teacher who teaches us physics. 2.whom 指人,在定语从句中做宾语,常可省略。 Mr Liu is the person ( whom ) you talked about on the bus. Li Ming is just the boy ( whom ) I want to see. The professor ( whom ) you are waiting for has come. The girl ( whom ) the teacher often praises is our monitor. 注意:关系代词whom 在口语或非正式文体中常可用who 来代替,也可省略。 The man ( whom / who )you met just now is my old friend. 3.Which 指物,在定语从句中做主语或宾语,做宾语时常可省略。 Football is a game which is liked by most boys. He likes to read books which are written by foreign writers. The house which is by the lake looks nice. This is the pen ( which ) he bought yesterday.


中考英语定语从句常见题型及答题技巧及练习题(含答案) 一、定语从句 1.Tony, tell me the result of the discussion ______ you had with your dad yesterday. A.what B.which C.when D.who 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查定语从句。定语从句先行词the discussion是物,在定语从句you had with your dad yesterday中作had的宾语,故用which引导此定语从句,所以选B。 2.---How do you like the Sun Island?Is it worth visiting? ---Sure. It’s one of the best places I have ever been to. A.which B.that C.who 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 句意:----你觉得太阳岛怎么样?值得一游吗?----当然。这是我去过的最好的地方之一。考查定语从句引导词。本句先行词places是物,引导词在定语从句中作宾语,可知用that或which引导此定语从句,但先行词有最高级修饰时,只能用that引导此定语从句。故选B。 【点睛】 定语从句是用作定语的从句。被定语从句所修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。定语从句紧跟先行词(名词或代词)之后。引导定语从句的词叫引导词,引导词分为关系代词 (that/who/whom/which/whose)和关系副词(when/where/why)。引导词连接先行词和定语从句,在定语从句中充当一定的成分(关系代词充当主语或宾语,关系副词充当状语)。先行词是物时,用that或which引导定语从句;当先行词是人时,用who或that 引导定语从句。(一)、当先行词是物时,只用that的情况:1.当先行词被序数词或形容词的最高级修饰时。2.当先行词为两个或两个以上分别指人和物的名词时。3.当先行词本身是all的,用that.(all that=what).(that在定语从句中充当宾语可以省略)4.先行词为something, anything, nothing, everything, thing等不定代词时,用that。5.当先行词前有all, much, little, many,(a) few, every, some, any, no, only, the very,one of, the only, the last, the next等修饰语时。(二)、先行词既有人又有物时,或当先行词在以who或which开头的特殊疑问句中时,用that引导以避免混淆。7.当先行词是在定语从句中作表语时,用that。 3.The leaders from eight countries attended the Shanghai cooperation organization summit in Qingdao got the welcome of the Chinese people. A.whom B.what C.who D.which 【答案】C


【篇一】高考英语定语从句知识点 概念引入 欣赏含有定语从句的名言: Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. 笑是太阳,它从人们的脸上赶走冬天。 Don’t trust the first sign that you see. 不要相信你看见的第一个迹象。 All is not gold that glitters. 发光的未必都是金子。 Nothing is impossible to the man who has will. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。 God helps those who help themselves. 自助者天助。 【篇二】高考英语定语从句知识点 一、定语从句的功用和结构 在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。被定语从句修饰的词叫做先行词,定语从句必须放在先行词之后。引导定语从句的关联词有关系代词和关系副词。 This is the present that he gave me for my birthday. 这是他给我的生日礼物。 Do you know everybody who came to the party? 你认识来宴会的每一位吗? This is the place where Chairman Mao once lived.

这是毛主席曾经居住的地方。 二、各个关系代词和关系副词的具体用法 1. who 指人,在定语从句中作主语或宾语。 I prefer singers who can write their own lyrics. 我更喜欢能写自己歌词的歌唱家。 These are musicians who make us happy. 这些是能让我们高兴的音乐家。 People who eat a balanced diet are healthier. 平衡饮食的人是健康的。 2. whom指人,在定语从句中作宾语。 Do you know the young man (whom) we met at the gate? 你认识我们在门口遇到的那个年轻人吗? Mr. Lee (whom) you want to see has come. 你想见的李先生已经来了。 3. whose 指人,在定语从句中作定语。 The girl whose mother is ill is staying at home today. 她妈妈病了的那个女孩今天呆在家。 I know the boy whose father is a professor. 我认识他的父亲是教授的那个男孩。 4. which指物,在定语从中作主语或宾语。 A dictionary is a book which gives the meaning of words. 字典是给单词释义的一本书。

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