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银监会 英语面试题大全及完整版答案

银监会 英语面试题大全及完整版答案



3,say sth about the CBRC

4,why do you choose CBRC?









13、你最喜欢的一个subject, why?(我就说我喜欢我的专业,然后阐述了一下)



16、As a bank customer, any suggestion to improve banks service?

17、from the view of customer, how do banks improve their service?


19、英语题:What's your favorite book, tell me the name;did you recommend to your colleage;

20、How do you descripe yourself?

21、How will U do to fit in this position?

22英语题:Please describe yourself and how will you be fit for the new position? 23.英语题:你喜欢不喜欢读书,哪一本,你觉得这本书对你工作有什么启示?


I can't express my opinion well, I'm sorry...

英语教师面试问题 合集

1、你打算怎么样给小朋友上课? How are you going to give lessons to little kids? A: a good lesson is based on the teacher’s fully prepared. B: I think I am going to use all kinds of materials that are available like CD player, pictures, word cards, TV, magazines, games ects in my lessons. C: I am going to use different teaching meathods to help children with different learning styles. 2、你觉得教小学生跟教中学生有什么不同? What is the difference between teaching elementary school children and the junior high school children? A: when teaching little kids a teacher has to be more patient. B: He/she has to use lots of songs, games, body language to help student learn English.The forms of each lesson should be different. C: Teaching junior high school kids is a little bit different. I can introduce some grammer. I can give them more written work and I can have more discussions with the children. 3、如何让小学生对英文感兴趣? How are you going to keep the students interested in learning English? /如何将你的课上得有趣?How are you going to keep your lessons interesting?


1.Which one of the following five is least like the other four? Cat - Lion - Dog - Turtle - Elephant 这道题很简单,cat (猫)、lion(狮子)、Dog(狗)和elephant(大象)都是哺乳动物mammal,而turtle,乌龟是在海滩上下了乌龟蛋,然后埋好再孵化的,因此是卵生动物。所以应该选D,乌龟! 2.If you rearrange the letters UGNAIA, you would have the name of a: River - Country - City - Animal - Plant Guiana,南美洲北部一地区,分属英、荷、法三国。英属圭亚那于1966独立成为圭亚那。所以,这道题的答案应该是B 国家country. 3.What would be the next group of letters in this series? aaaa ... bdzb ... cgac ... djzd ... ???? enae - ekze - elxe - emae - eize - I don't know 这一组数字,看起来很奇怪,到哪里找规律呢?这可要测你的智能了。先看每组的第一个字母,abcd,简单,是按字母顺序嘛!那么下一组的第一个单词一定是e;再看第二个字母:adgj,有规律吗?没错,abcdefghij,规律就是,每个字母间相隔两个字母,所以依此类推,下一组单词的第二个字母应该是kln,当然,应该选备选答案中的A 4.What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five:


牛津八年级·普及版》2010—2011学年度下学期 全程跟踪测试卷初二英语辅导报答案 8B Unit 1随堂练习(上)初二英语辅导报答案 Comic strip &Welcome to the unit I. 1. in the bowl 2. half an hour ago 3. play with... 4. 在过去的100 多年里5. in different times 6. no longer / more 7. since last year 8. 写一篇关于……的报告 II. 1. eaten 2. has cleaned 3. changes; has changed 4. will begin 5. to choose 6. watched 7. is watering III. 1—7 CCABADC IV. 1—5 CBADC Reading I. 1. since then 2. know... very well 3. get / be married 4. in some ways 5. from time to time 6. in the centre of 7. 在过去8. 下中国象棋9. 使某人高兴10. 是个大问题11. 减少污染12. 改变很大 II. 1—5 CACBD 6—10 DCABC III. 1. better 2. goes, went 3. to play 4. doesn’t move, won’t move 5. made 6. were, has turned 7. to have 8. are married, got married IV. has lived, since, was, lived, southern, married, moved, has changed, has turned into, misses, meets, when, reduce, difficult, feels V. 1—5 BCABB 6—10 CACAB 11—15 ADDCD VI. 1—5 ADCAB Vocabulary I. 1. new / young 2. unlucky 3. slow / slowly 4. impossible 5. down 6. unusual 7. closed 8. disagree 9. different 10. dishonest 11. cold 12. kind II. 1. impossible 2. dishonest 3. different 4. disliked 5. full 6. cheap 7. impolite 8. careless 9. quiet 10. hot


1.为什么要选择教师这个行业? 我之所以选择就是这个行业,首先这是我从小到大的梦想。我特别崇敬老师。我上中学的时候曾经遇到一位非常优秀的老师,她的人格力量在短短的一年里影响了我的人生理想。因此,我考大学时义无反顾的选择了师范专业。立志做一名优秀的人民教师。其次,我个人很喜欢和孩子们相处。喜欢校园的工作环境和氛围。 2.你认为一个优秀的教师应该具备哪些素质? 首先要爱岗敬业,热爱和关心学生,其次要有扎实的专业水平和教学能力,另外还要拥有开朗的个性,,良好的道德品质。因为自己也是从学生时代过来的,从学生的角度来说,学生喜欢能够尊重学生,理解信任学生,民主公正,学识渊博,有耐心,真诚值得信赖的老师。而不喜欢偏心,不平等对待学生,照本宣科、心胸狭窄,辱骂体罚学生的老师。 3.你怎么理解为人师表? 所谓“为人师表”,在我看来,至少要具备两个方面:即“学为人师,行为世范”。 教师不仅要教书,更要育人,以自己模范的品行来教育和影响学生,成为学生的典范。教师把学生造就成一种什么人,自己就首先应当是这种人,成为学生的榜样;必须先受教育,躬行自明。在学生的心目中,教师是智慧的代表,是高尚人格的化身。教师的言行就是道德的标准。同时,青少年学生又具有“向师性”强、可塑性大的特点,他们往往把教师的一言一行、一举一动都化作自己学习的内容,仿效的榜样。因此, 教师从思想到作风,从言行到举止,处处都应带头做得最好,成为“学生之范”。 4.你同意“没有不合格的学生,只有不合格的教师”这句话吗? 本句话源于教育家陈鹤琴老先生的名言“没有教不好的学生,只有不会教的老师” 我不完全赞同。这句话说的太过绝对,造成不合格学生的原因有很多,每位学生自身条件和生活环境都是完全不同的,因此出现不合格的学生老师不能完全负责。但是老师对待资质不高和成绩不好绝对不能视而不见听而不闻,任其自生自灭,对待此类学生,老师应该积极努力帮助学生找到落后的原因,平时多关心,多辅导,尽快帮助学生把成绩赶上来。 5.你的座右铭是什么? 我的座右铭是,只有辛勤的付出和努力,才会有秋天的收获。 6.谈谈你自己的个性特征,是否外向,内向,是否有幽默感 我想,每个人的性格都是双向的,有外向的一面,也有内向的一面,要看所处的环境,所面对的人。 我本人是比较文静的,尤其在师长面前,比较内向。而在同学和朋友面前,则很开朗活泼。我自认为,还算是是一个比较幽默的人。 如果当了老师,我希望自己幽默中不失严肃,严肃中有幽默。与学生做朋友,但也会保持一定的距离,师是师,友是友。 1..怎样当好班主任?


(C) 1. Which letter comes next? A C F J . A .H B .M C .O D.Q (C) 2. From what number can you take half and leave nothing? A. 1 B. 9 C.8 D. 5 (B) 3. What dog never barks? A. big dog B. hot dog C. small dog D. red dog (C) 4. Mr. White has two sons, and each of them has a sister. How many children does he have? A. one B. two C. three D. four (B) 5. What three letters make a man of a boy? A. old B. age C. boy D. mum (A) 6. In what mouth do woman talk the least A. February B. September C. January D. June 7. I meet three men on a bus. A speaks English. C only talks whit B. b can speak Chinese and English. What dose C speak? (Chinese) (C) 8. The words he gives on the computer is above my head. A 一目了然 B 终于醒悟 C 无法理解 D 头脑发昏 (A) 9. I don't like going after the dog. A 在人背后 B 无事生非 C滔滔不绝 D 当着她面 (C) 10. He is going after the dog. A. 拦截 B. 玩 C. 追逐 D. 戏弄 (D) 11. You can play with Bill. He is not in the same class. A.他与你不是同班 B他是个生手 C他棒极了 D他不是你的对手 (C) 12. He’ll succeed because he’s always at his books. A学识渊博 B博览群书 C刻苦学习 D意志坚强 (B) 13. He is the out fish of water. A离开水的鱼 B不和群 C需要水的鱼 D水中鱼 (B) 14. The little boy runs and runs until he blue in the face. A浑身发热 B筋疲力尽 C鼻青脸肿 D精神焕发 (A) 15. Ten to ten the train will be late. A很可能 B十分之一 C十二点五十 D十比一 (b) 16. I don’t like Mr. Chan. He is an old woman. A老太婆 B喜欢啰嗦的人 C没妻子的老头 D女人气的男人 (D) 17. If I go to see my uncle, I can read his books .It’s in two twos. A一分为二 B一文不名 C三心二意 D一举两得 找出水果名 18 would you show me the map, please? Apple 19 I arrived home long before you. Melon 20 A thief stole money and a computer last night. Lemon


英语辅导报新目标初一版:下学期期中测试题听力部分(共20分) I. 听录音,选择最佳答语。(5分) 1. A. There are four people. B. They're at the zoo. C. They're going to watch the flowers. D. There are two children. 2. A. She's the girl's daughter. B. He's the boy's father. C. She's the girl's mother. D. He's the boy's son. 3. A. She likes elephants best. B. She wants to see the elephants. C. She's afraid of monkeys. D. She doesn't want to see the monkeys.

4. A. He is reading in his room. B. He wants his mother to go with him. C. He doesn't agree with his sister. D. He's going to see the monkeys. 5. A. The sun. B. A river. C. A tree. D. A house. II. 听录音,选择相应的图画。(5分) III. 听短文,回答下面的问题。(10分)

1. How many classes are there in No. 64 Middle School? There are ______classes. 2. Where's the park? It's between a ______and a______. 3. When do the students go to the park? They go there________________. 4. Where do the students like to read? They like to read ______the______around their school. 5. Why do the students like their school? They like their school because it's______ ______. 笔试部分(共80分) I. 词汇。(20分) A.根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. Let me______ you an interesting story. (tell) 2. There is a supermarket ______ "Price-low" in the town center. (call) 3. They're very ______to the foreigners. (friend) 4. Can we call _______ Bob for short? (he) 5. There are some ______ in the basket. (tomato) 6. This isn't your shirt. ______ is green. (you) 7. He likes to write stories and wants to be a ______. (report)


英语智力题及答案智力开发多篇合集 英语智力题及答案智力开发多篇合集由***投稿推荐,但愿对你的学习工作能带来参考借鉴作用。 在平时的生活中多做一些智力题,会帮助自己提高自己的智商,做英文的智力题还能顺便提高自己的英语水平,下面就是我给大家带来的英语智力题及答案,希望能帮助到大家! 英语智力题及答案 1.which one of the following five is least like the other four? a,cat –b.lion –c.dog – d.turtle – e.eleph 这道题很简单,cat (猫)、lion(狮子)、dog(狗)和elephant(大象)都是哺乳动物mammal,而turtle,乌龟是在海滩上下了乌龟蛋,然后埋好再孵化的,因此是卵生动物。所以应该选d,乌龟! 2.if you rearrange the letters ugnaia, you would have the name of a: river - country - city - animal - plant guiana,南美洲北部一地区,分属英、荷、法三国。英属圭亚那于1966独立成为圭亚那。所以,这道题的答案应该是b 国家country. 3.what would be the next group of letters in this series? aaaa ...bdzb ...cgac ...djzd ...????

enae - ekze - elxe - emae - eize - i don't know 这一组数字,看起来很奇怪,到哪里找规律呢?这可要测你的智能了。先看每组的第一个字母,abcd,简单,是按字母顺序嘛!那么下一组的第一个单词一定是e;再看第二个字母:adgj,有规律吗?没错,abcdefghij,规律就是,每个字母间相隔两个字母,所以依此类推,下一组单词的第二个字母应该是kln,当然,应该选备选答案中的a 4.what would be the next picture in this series? choose one of thefollowing five: 找这个图的规律,要有合适的方法,我们先盯住图中的一个方块来看:比如说就看其中的绿色方块,它好象是在一个格子一个格子的往下移动,在看看红色的方块,是在一个格子一个格子地往上走,所以整个图其实是在做逆时针的转动,每次转动一个格子。因此,下一幅图应该是d。 5.didiidid is to 49499494 as diidiidd is to: a) 94494499 b) 49949944 c) 49499494 d) 94944949 e)49944949 这道题是在测试你的速度和反应能力的,其实,我们只要把字母和数字对照一下,很快就能找到:d代表4,而i代表9,所以diidiidd就是数字49949944,选择(b)。 6.what would be the next picture in this series? choose one of thefollowing five: 这个题应该选择e。黑色的小方块先是在大方框的四角上做顺时针旋转,而后在四边中间上做顺时针旋转,下一幅图,就应该是黑块在下边框中点


内容摘要:你打算怎么样给小朋友上课?How are you going to give lessons to little kids? I think I am going to use all kinds of materials that are available like CD player, pictures, word cards, TV, magazines, games ects in my lessons. 关键词:教师面试题 一.幼儿英语教师面试技巧 面试可能问的问题: 你教了几年书? How long have you been teaching? I have been teaching for... 有教小学的经验吗? Did you have any experiences teaching in elementary school/primary school? Yes, I did. or No, I didnt. 你打算怎么样给小朋友上课? How are you going to give lessons to little kids? I think I am going to use all kinds of materials that are available like CD player, pictures, word cards, TV, magazines, games ects in my lessons. I am going to use different teaching meathods to help children with different learning styles. 能否示范一下?


2020年八年级英语寒假作业答案导读:本文是关于2020年八年级英语寒假作业答案,希望能帮助到您! 英语学习(一) Ⅰ.1.exercises 2.swim 3.twice 4.health 5.playing Ⅱ.1. is going to play 2. How many hours 3.Where does like 4.How often do 5.Do have free time Ⅲ.1 - 5:CCACB 6 - 10:CABAB Ⅳ.1 - 5:AABCA 6 - 10:BAAAA Ⅴ.1 - 5:DAEBC Ⅵ.1 - 5:BBABC 英语学习(二) Ⅰ.1.bought 2.tasted 3.yourself 4.be 5.was Ⅱ.1. What was doing 2. Did stay;Yes did 3.did't buy anything 4.Who did go 5.What time did wait Ⅲ.1 - 5:CBAAC 6 - 10:BBBCA Ⅳ.1 - 5:CBAAC 6- 10:BAACB Ⅴ.1 - 5:DAFBC Ⅵ.1 - 5:BABBC 英语学习(三) Ⅰ.1.healthy 2.to eat 3.pieces 4.traditional 5.Finally Ⅱ.1.Don't put any 2.How much yogurt 3.When is 4.doesn't like a lot 5.Will ;follow

Ⅲ.1 - 5:CAACA 6 - 10:BBAAA Ⅳ.1 - 5:BCCCA 6 - 10:CACBA Ⅴ.1 - 5:CEABD Ⅵ.1 - 5:ACCAD 英语学习(四) Ⅰ.1.grow 2.mean 3.talking 4.musician 5.violinist Ⅱ.1. What are be 2. Where are 3. Is he;No isn't 4. What are do 5. is famous for Ⅲ.1 - 6:AABCCC 6 - 10:BCBAB Ⅳ.1 - 5:CABCC Ⅴ.1 - 5:DCEBA Ⅵ.1 – CABBC


英语智力题及答案智力开发大全合集 在平时的生活中多做一些智力题,会帮助自己提高自己的智商,做英文的智力题还能顺便提高自己的英语水平,下面就是小编给大家带来的英语智力题及答案,希望能帮助到大家! 英语智力题及答案 1.Which one of the following five is least like the other four? A,Cat –B. Lion –C. Dog –D.Turtle –E.Eleph 这道题很简单,cat (猫)、lion(狮子)、Dog(狗)和elephant(大象)都是哺乳动物mammal,而turtle,乌龟是在海滩上下了乌龟蛋,然后埋好再孵化的,因此是卵生动物。所以应该选D,乌龟! 2.If you rearrange the letters UGNAIA, you would have the name of a: River - Country - City - Animal - Plant Guiana,南美洲北部一地区,分属英、荷、法三国。英属圭亚那于1966独立成为圭亚那。所以,这道题的答案应该是B 国家country. 3.What would be the next group of letters in this series? aaaa ... bdzb ...cgac ... djzd ... ???? enae - ekze - elxe - emae - eize - I dont know 这一组数字,看起来很奇怪,到哪里找规律呢?这可要测你的智

能了。先看每组的第一个字母,abcd,简单,是按字母顺序嘛!那么下一组的第一个单词一定是e;再看第二个字母:adgj,有规律吗?没错,abcdefghij,规律就是,每个字母间相隔两个字母,所以依此类推,下一组单词的第二个字母应该是kln,当然,应该选备选答案中的A 4.What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of thefollowing five: 找这个图的规律,要有合适的方法,我们先盯住图中的一个方块来看:比如说就看其中的绿色方块,它好象是在一个格子一个格子的往下移动,在看看红色的方块,是在一个格子一个格子地往上走,所以整个图其实是在做逆时针的转动,每次转动一个格子。因此,下一幅图应该是D。 5. DIDIIDID is to 49499494 as DIIDIIDD is to: A) 94494499B) 49949944C) 49499494D) 94944949 E)49944949 这道题是在测试你的速度和反应能力的,其实,我们只要把字母和数字对照一下,很快就能找到:D代表4,而I代表9,所以DIIDIIDD 就是数字49949944,选择(B)。 6.What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of thefollowing five: 这个题应该选择E。黑色的小方块先是在大方框的四角上做顺时针旋转,而后在四边中间上做顺时针旋转,下一幅图,就应该是黑块


一、听力测试 (A) Listen and choose the right pictures according to what you hear.(根据所听内容,选择正确图片)(共5分每小题1分) ()1. ()2. ()3. ()4.

()5. (B) Listen and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. (根据所听内容,选择正确答语)(共5分每小题1分)()6. How does the boy contact his English friend? A. By writing letters. B. By making phone calls. C. By sending e-mails. ()7. What was wrong with Xiao Feng? A. His hand was hurt. B. His leg was hurt. C. His arm was hurt. ()8. What are they talking about? A. Earthquakes. B. Fires. C. First aid. ()9. What are they talking about? A. Earthquakes. B. Accidents. C. Electricity. ()10. When is safer to leave the high building? A. When the ground shakes suddenly. B. When the ground stops shaking.


英语教师招聘面试题目 I will try my best to use all the teaching methodologies I learned at school to reach each child. Stories, poems, riddles, jokes, songs are all good for little kids. I will have them practice English as a whole class, group work, pair work or independent work. ,m Whatever works out for the children I will do it. There is never one way to success. How have you handled a situation where a student is consistently late to your class Your answer should highlight your ability to deal immediately with a potential issue in a calm and controlled manner. Include details about questioning the student to find out the underlying cause of the problem, explaining the negative impact of his/her behavior to the student and coming to an agreed commitment to appropriate behavior in the future. "The purpose of discipline is to facilitate learning and foster better relationships and respect between the students. It is also intended to help students become more self- directed, self-disciplined and accountable for their behavior. I have found that students respond poorly to forceful discipline but well to discipline that is helpful. My philosophy is to provide clear limits and rules that are communicated to the students so that they have a clear understanding of what is expected of them. The rules are discussed and agreed upon to encourage accountability from the students........." How do you build rapport with your class Teacher interview questions and answers about establishing rapport should include an understanding of the role of rapport in contributing to effective teaching. Demonstrate what behaviors you use to develop rapport such as sense of humor, Document number:NOCG-YUNOO-BUYTT-UU986-1986UT showing interest in the students, availability, encouragement and relating lessons in

2020-2021年 英语八年级英语上册阅读理解20(附带答案解析)

2020-2021年英语八年级英语上册阅读理解20(附带答案解析) 一、八年级英语上册阅读理解专项练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读理解 Bike-sharing is a new and great idea for short trips in the city. It can also help to keep the city clean and green. A new report finds that shared bikes in China make people interested in riding bikes again. Now more and more Chinese people would like to choose shared bikes to take short trips. On the one hand, it is easy to find them on the streets and the heavy traffic won't influence(影响) the riders too much. On the other hand, riding a bike is also a kind of exercise, so it is good for the rider's health. The report says that as soon as they appear, fewer and fewer people take short trips by car. Now not only young people who were born in the 1980s and 1990s love shared bikes, but also people over sixty do! At weekends, the number of the riders in Shenzhen reaches the top of all cities in China. On weekdays, the number of people who use shared bikes to travel to work is going up in Shanghai. Someone thinks that bike sharing will help to improve the cities' environment. It helps to solve the traffic problems. Also, it will help to make better use of space in cities. The most important thing is that it can make the city get less pollution. So would you like to try to ride a shared bike to travel, too? (1)What's the main idea of the second paragraph(段落)? A. Where people like to take short trips. B. How people take short trips in China. C. When people take short trips by bike in cities. D. Why people choose shared bikes to take short trips. (2)What does the underlined word "them" refer to? A. Buses. B. Taxis C. Shared bikes. D. Cars. (3)Which of the following is NOT bike sharing's advantage(优点) according to the passage? A. It is good for the environment. B. It helps solve the traffic problems. C. It helps make good use of space in cities. D. It helps people save more money. 【答案】(1)D (2)C (3)D 【解析】【分析】主要讲了人们短途旅行选择共享单车的原因及好处。 (1)细节题。根据On the one hand, it is easy to find them on the streets and the heavy traffic won't influence(影响) the riders too much. On the other hand, riding a bike is also a kind of exercise, so it is good for the rider's health.可知人们短途旅行选择共享单车一方面不会影响交 通,另一方面对骑自行车的人的健康是有好处的,故选D。 (2)细节题。根据句意可知人们在街道上很容易发现共享单车,故选C。 (3)细节题。根据Someone thinks that bike sharing will help to improve the cities' environment. It helps to solve the traffic problems. Also, it will help to make better use of space


英语教师面试常见问题及答案 教师在的时候也会被问到很多问题,下面为大家搜索了英语教师面试常见问题及答案,希望对大家有所帮助。 How long have you been teaching? 回答:I have been teaching for... Did you have any experiences teaching in elementary school/primary school? 回答:Yes, I did. or No, I didnt. How are you going to give lessons to little kids? 回答:I think I am going to use all kinds of materials that are available like CD player, pictures, word cards, TV, magazines, games ects in my lessons. I am going to use different teaching meathods to help children with different learning styles. Can you demonstrate one lesson?

回答:Sure. If I teach days of the week, I will teach children a song: Sunday, Monday...(用twinkle twinkle little star 的tune) What is the difference between teaching elementary school children and the junior high school children? 回答:well, when teaching little kids a teacher has to be more patient.He/she has to use lots of songs, games, body language to help student learn English.The forms of each lesson should be different. Teaching junior high school kids is a little bit different. I can introduce some grammer. I can give them more written work and I can have more discussions with the children. 首先,应该公正,平等地对待差生,尊重他们的人格,听取他们___,从而对他们产生一种激励作用。对差生,要多几分尊重,多几分理解。


英语智力题–吴馨怡 1.Which one of the following five is least like the other four? Cat - Lion - Dog - Turtle - Elephant 这道题很简单,cat (猫)、lion(狮子)、Dog(狗)和elephant(大象)都是哺乳动物mammal,而turtle,乌龟是在海滩上下了乌龟蛋,然后埋好再孵化的,因此是卵生动物。所以应该选 D,乌龟! 2.If you rearrange the letters UGNAIA, you would have the name of a: River - Country - City - Animal - Plant Guiana,南美洲北部一地区,分属英、荷、法三国。英属圭亚那于1966独立成为圭亚那。 所以,这道题的答案应该是 B 国家country. 3.What would be the next group of letters in this series? aaaa ... bdzb ... cgac ... djzd ... ???? enae - ekze - elxe - emae - eize - I don't know 这一组数字,看起来很奇怪,到哪里找规律呢?这可要测你的智能了。先看每组的第一个字母,abcd,简单,是按字母顺序嘛!那么下一组的第一个单词一定是e;再看第二个字母:adgj,有规律吗?没错,abcdefghij,规律就是,每个字母间相隔两个字母,所以依此类推, 下一组单词的第二个字母应该是kln,当然,应该选备选答案中的 A 4.What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five:

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