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在思想品德上, 本人积极要求进步,遵纪守法,廉洁自律,具有良好的社会公共道德和职业道德;有较强的集体荣誉感及团队协作精神,能尊敬师长、团结同学、助人为乐。并且有坚定的政治方向,关注国家的时势要闻,积极向党组织靠拢,使我对我们党有更为深刻的认识.用真诚的热心经常去关心和帮助他人!





















平时友爱同学,尊师重道,乐于助人。以前只是觉得帮助别人感到很开心,是一种传统美德。现在我理解理解的是,乐于助人不仅能铸造高尚的品德,而且自身也会受益,帮助别人的同时也是在帮助自己。我现在领悟到,与其说品德是个人的人品操行,不如说是个人对整个社会的责任。一个人活在这个世界上,就得对社会负起一定的责任义务,有了高尚的品德,网 ziojianding就能正确认识自己所负的责任,在贡献中实现自身的价值。







成功之我见 My definition of success

成功之我见 My definition of success

M definition of suess 成功之我见,我眼里的成功

toda i am ver glad to be here to share ith ou M ideas of suess.

hat is suess? it is hat everone is longing for. sometimes suess ould be rather simple. inning a game is suess; getting a high grade in the exam is suess; making a ne friend is suess; even no i am

standing here giving M speeh is someho also suess.

hoever, as a person’s hole life is onerned, suess bees ver pliated. is fortune财富 suess? is fame名望 suess? is

high soi al status suess? no, i don’t think so. i believe suess is the realization of people’s hopes and ideals. noadas, in the modern soiet there are man people ho are regarded as the suessful. and the most obvious明显

harateristis of hem边缘 are mone, high position and luxurious 奢侈life.

so most people believe that suess and all that the do is for this purpose. but the problem is ether it is real suess.

e all kno there are alas more mone, higher position 职位and better ondition 情况in front o

f us. if e keep hasing追赶them, here is the end? hat ill satisf令人满意 us at last? therefore, e an see, to get the real suess e must need somethin

g inside, hi

h is the realization of people’s hopes and ideals.

different people have different ideas about suess; ause peoples hopes and ideas var from one another. but i am sure ever suess is dear对**珍惜 to everbod, ause it is not eas to

e b, ause in the proess过程 o

f our striving努力 for suess, e got both our bod and soul tempted灵魂试探, meanhile e are enlightened 启迪b the most valuable qualities of human beings: love, patient病人, ourage and sense of responsibilit. these are the best treasures. so no i am ver proud that i have this opportunit事件 to stand here speakin

g to all of ou. it is M suess, ause i raise up to hallenge挑战 M hope.

hat is suess? everone has his on interpretation解释 as i do. but i am sure ever suess leads to an ever-brighter永远明

亮 future. so ladies and gentlemen, believe in our hopes, believe in ourselves, e, ever one of us, an make a suessful


ish ou all good suess!


M definition of suess

b bao jinlong



it is eas to desribe suess in terms of mone, fame and reputation. but i believe that suess is not external. i

believe that suess es from ithin. M definition of suess is to be true to ourself, and be true to others. that means, that

ou must herish our personal ideal even in the fae of adversit.

i also believe that suess is not disriminator. suess is not restrited to suh a lass of people, in fat, it ma be ahieved b an person irrespetive of his rae, reed, gender and eonomi bakground. a good example of suess is that of beethoven. he

is one of the orld's most famous posers, et he as deaf. he

ould not hear the majesti piees of musi that he reated. et,

in the fae of this adversit, he as able to maintain his

ideals--that of posing musi.

to exemplif hat suess means to me, i pose a question to

all of ou. hat brings us together here toda? i believe that

it is the beaut of the spoken ord. the effet of pause and the sound of rhetori are unique to the spoken ord. i believe the beaut of the spoken ord is even stronger for those ho have diffiult in expressing themselves. these people are relusive

and had their emotions hidden ithin them. i one ent to australia and i sa to pitures, one as dran b a normal hild, the other as dran b a hild ith soial inhibitions. the piture dran b the normal hild as simple and plain. the other as

life-like, full of details and imagination. hat this shos is that these are ideas, emotions and feelings that are loked internall in these


M ideal is to be the ke, spreading the beaut of the spoken ords to these hildren. these hildren have been negleted, but i feel that i an and should help these hildren to find themselves and be able to express themselves.

i realize that this is a diffiult task, and there are man obstales on the a. but i believe in M ideals and i ill stik

to them--even in the fae of adversit. e should never have a premature abortion of ideals--let the hild, let our ideals, stand the hallenge. for a life ithout ideals is not living.

thank ou!












M definition of suess

toda i am ver glad to be here to share ith ou M ideas of suess. hat is suess? it is hat everone is longing

for.sometimes suess ould be rather simple. inning a game is suess; getting a high grade in the exam is suess; making a ne friend is suess; even no i am standing here giving M speeh is someho also suess.

hoever, as a person s hole life is onerned, suess bees ver pliated. is fortune suess? is fame suess? is high soial status suess? no, i don t think so. i believe suess is the realization of people s hopes and ideals.noadas, in the

modern soiet there are man people ho are regarded as the suessful. and the most obvious harateristis of them are mone, high position and luxurious life. so most people believe that s suess and all that the do is for this purpose. but the problem is ether it is real suess. e all kno there are alas more mone, higher position and better ondition in front of us. if e keep hasing them, here is the end? hat ill satisf us at last? therefore, e an see, to get the real suess e must need something inside, hih is the realization of people s hopes

and ideals.

different people have different ideas about suess; ause people s hopes and ideas var from one another. but i am sure ever suess is dear to everbod, ause it is not eas to e b,

ause in the proess of our striving for suess, e got both our bod and soul tempted, meanhile e are enlightened b the most valuable qualities of human beings: love, patient, ourage and sense of responsibilit. these are the best treasures. so no i am ver proud that i have this opportunit to stand here speaking to all of ou. it is M suess, ause i raise up to hallenge M hope.

hat is suess? everone has his on interpretation as i do. but i am sure ever suess leads to an ever-brighter future. so ladies and gentlemen, believe in our hopes, believe in ourselves, e, ever one of us, an make a suessful life!

ish ou all good suess!


M definition of suess

M definition of suess

hen e ere hild, mabe e have the same dream: making a lot of mone, buing our parents a big house, oning a pan-..and so on. hoever a dream is just a dream, for most people, hih an never e true. after all, e are not all bill gates, having a patent.

in this orld, ith pries are going up, mone an never be enough. at 20 ears old, after thinking it tie, i find that hat i ant is not a lot of mone, our parents need is not a big house hih is old and heerless, i am afraid that our future famil ant is not ou have a pan making ou ver bus. so M suess is that our parents don't orr about for us, and e needn't ork da after da just for mone. it is enough if our mone an pa for our life. as a saing hih often be talked time is just like the ater in the sponge. squeeze it, and ou ill have it . i think it also goes for mone.

a suessful man, having a permanent salar, an get on ell ith his orkmates. if he has a fe das off, he an take his ife and hildren to go bak home to visit his parents, and share happiness and sorro ith them. at that time he an forget the

situation hen he as laughed in the pan last time, and present ork pressure. then he an have good feelings to ork next month. of ourse, as a man, he should be strong, at least in faing diffiulties. hoever, it should beteen he is outside but not

at home. no matter hat diffiult ou meet, ou should tell it to ou famil, and then do it like a man. onl ou do it like this a an our families feel the are important to ou. and ou ill feel their support to ou.

don't sa ou have generation gaps ith our parents. the

have also been our age 20 ears ago. ho an't the understand ou? it is just beause of our silent. a suessful man, he an take

his ife and hildren to go on a trip or have a pini no matter hether it is luxur. mabe the just ares the feelings ith ou.

as ou an think, ho long have ou apanied them?

this is M definition of suess--have a permanent job, kno ho to love parents, ho to love famil, and ho to deal ith the ork and famil ell.


M definition of suess

M definition of suess in our life, everone ants to be suessful and everone has his on ideas of suess. some people think suess is being rih, and others ma think it is being poerful. hoever, in M opinion, i think suess is being happ.

not everone an be rih or poerful, but ever an being happiness.

there are alas these people ho are ver rih or poerful at last, but not happ an more. beause of in the proess of suess, the missed a lot, friends, interests, the pan of families, for example. in this ase, an e sa the are suessful? of ourse,

the’re not. knoing ho to be happ isn’t enough for suess. e also have to kno ho to bring others happiness. ma be a simple thing an ork out as telling a joke for others or do some volunteer ork. there is a saing: “a real inner is the one ho ontribute most to the soiet, rather than the one ho is the most rih or famous.” in a ord, if ou an be the person ho not onl is happ himself but also brings others happiness, then, i think, ou ma be the next inner.

成功之我见 M definition of suess

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