当前位置:文档之家› 新目标九年级第二单元测试题2






II 知识运用


( )1. My grandfather us stories when I was young.

A. was used to tell

B. is used to telling

C. used to tell

D. used to telling ( )2. My teacher often tells us not to be afraid of___ mistakes.

A. do

B. doing

C. make D .making

( )3. You used to play the piano very well,_____?

A. used you

B. didn’t you

C. wasn’t you

D. did you

( )4.When I walked past his office at 11 o'clock last night ,I saw the lights in it still ________ .

A. in

B. on

C. at D .off

( )5. Many students in our class are _____ of the dark ,but I am ______ in it .

A. terrified ; interested

B. interested; terrified

C. terrifying ;interesting

D. interesting ;terrifying

( )6 .I don't 1ike to go to sleep____the 1ight on.

A. in

B. to C with D .and

( )7. Would you mind ______ the door? It’s too hot here.

A.to open

B. openning

C. opening

D. opened

( )8. She is ______ girl.

A. an 18—years—old

B. an 18—year—old

C. a 18 years old

D. a 18—year—olds

( )9--Don’t you usually walk to school?

-- . I sometimes ride to school.

A Yes , I do.

B No , I do

C Yes , I don’t

D No, I don’t

( )10 .The boys don’t know ___________ .

A how do they swim B. how swim C. they how swim D. how to swim ( )11. ---What do you think of your Chinese teacher ? –

--She is always ______ with us .

A. excited

B. afraid

C. kind

D. patient

( )12. ______ you have passed your exam ,you should study hard .

A. Even though

B. Because

C. When


( )13. My brother ________ works in that factory .he has become a bus driver.

A.not longer

B. not any longer C .no longer D. not any more

( )14. 14. I spent half an hour______ my homework.

A. finish doing

B. finishing doing

C. to finish doing

D. finishing to do ( )15.His brother is good at football,and he is ____ his schoo1 team.

A. at

B. in

C. on

D. of

( )16. He _____ has time for concerts, does he?

A. hard

B. hardly

C. already

D. ever

( )17. My life _____ a lot in the last few years.

A. change

B. changed

C. has changed

D. have changed

( )18. He will go there _______ me, because I am too busy at home.

A. instead

B. instead of

C. with

D. taking

( )19. W e were very sad to hear that the car accident the deaths of over 30 poeple.

A made

B put

C caused

D gave

( )20.The dog several days ago. I felt very sorry for its .

A died, death

B died, died

C death , died

D death , death


My grandfather is eighty years old. He often 1 how thing have changed. He says that life 2 be better.

Families aren’t the same as 3 used to be. Lots of people have divorced(离婚). 4 a husband and a wife are having problems with their marriage, they won’t stay together 5 . And mothers used to stay at home and 6 their children, but no more now. Everyone’s working, so they don’t have 7 for children.

And the cars! No one 8 anymore, everybody drives. But people used to walk to school every day, even in winter.

And peopl e don’t talk to 9 anymore. They are too busy to talk, too busy to eat, too busy to think ……

Life used to be simple, 10 it isn’t anymore.

( )1.A.complains about B.is angry with C.tries his best D.talks with ( )2.A.is used to B.used to C.was use to D.use to

( )3.A.they B.that C.this D.it

( )4.A.Because B.Since C.When D.If

( )5.A.any more B.another C.anything D.anybody

( )6.A.make a decision B.look after

C.are interested in D.pay attention to

( )7.A.time B.money C.school D.home

( )8.A.takes a bus B.walks C.by car D.on foot

( )9.A.themselves B.each other

C.their sons D.their parents

( )10.A.and B.or C.but D.so


It 1 (seem) that Jenny has changed a lot. She used to be short when she 2 (be )a little girl. but now she 3 tall. She used 4 (be ) very shy ,but now she is outgoing. And she likes to sing and dance. She 5 (not use)to do sports when she was a little girl, she used to play with her dolls. But now

she likes gym very much. She does sports every day ,such as doing morning exercise and running.

1 2 3 4 5



Once there lived a man in a small town. He often said, “If I have lots of gold, I shall be the happiest man in the world.”

One day he was traveling in North Africa. He lost his way and he was so hungry and thirsty that he couldn’t walk any more. There were only ston es and sand around. Just then he saw a bag on the sand. He took it up. But when he opened it, he saw it was full of gold.He left the bag on the sand and cried, “ What is the use of gold to a hungry man?”

( )1. What did the traveler love best?

A. Food

B. Drinks

C. Stones

D. Gold

( )2.When he lost his ways in the desert(沙漠) of North Africa, ______.

A. he had nothing to eat or to drink

B. he saw stones and sand around him

C. he was happy to find a bag of gold

D. he found a bag full of drinks

( )3. “He lost his way” means_____.

A.“he didn’t know where he was and where to go

B.“he didn’t know where he came from”

C.“he didn’t know how to return home”

D. “he lost what he had on the way”

( )4. When he found a bag full of gold he felt_______.

A. happy

B. hungry

C. thirsty

D. sad

( )5. What’s the most useful to a hungry man?______.

A. Food

B. Gold

C. Bread

D. Stones


Long ago, people in Rome(罗马)talked to one another in Latin(拉丁文). Pupils in school learned to read and write in Latin. Books are in Latin.

Some Romans went to other parts of the world. They took their language with them. Soon Latin was used in many countries. It became a world language.

People in other countries did not talk in Latin the same way. In each land, they changed the language a little. As time went by, they made more changes. At last they did not talk in Latin any more. New languages had come from the old one.

People do not talk to one another in Latin today, but they still use many Latin words. You do, too. Street, wall, city, and salt are some of the Latin words we use. You are a pupil in school. Pupil is a Latin word. It means “little doll”.

6.Latin was used by people in long ago.

A.Rome B.the United States


7.The word in the passage that means what people speak

And write is .

A.math B.Chinese

C.English D.language

8.Which of the following does this passage lead you to


A.It is not good to change a language.

B.Pupils in schools today play with dolls.

C.Many people can read Latin today.

D.Most of people could read Latin many years ago.

9.What happened to Latin when it was taken to other

Countries at the beginning?

A.In each land, people talked about each other.

B.In each land, they changed the language a little.

C.In each land, the children had to speak some Latin.

D.In each land, they changed the language a lot.

10.The main idea of the whole passage is that .

A.Romans did not like to stay at home

B.people in old Rome talked a lot to each other

C.Latin changed as it moved from land to land

D.although Latin moved from land to land, it didn’t Change

五、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词. (每小题1分,共5分)

1. His family was too poor to a to buy him books.

2. The students (闲聊) about the film shown last night.

3. If you want to be healthy, it’s n(必要的) for you to eat some vegetables and fruit.

4. You must pay attention to your (错误).

5. We must make full use of time. We mustn’t w(浪费)time.


1. Remember ________ (bring) your homework here tomorrow.

2. He thought his daughter had made a good (decide).

3. We (use) to getting up early in the morning at school.

4. we find it easy (learn) English well.

5. Don’t give up( try) , you will make it in the end.


1. I think it’s necessary for children to communicate with parents more often.


I think for children with parents more often.

2. I used to play the guitar.(一般疑问句)

you to play the guitar?

3. It seems that she has changed a lot.(改为同义句)

She seems a lot.

4. The little girl often wore a skirt in the past.(改为同义句)

The little girl a skirt.

5.The basket was no longer under the tree.(同义句)

The basket was under the tree .


1. 我过去总是想的太多。

I think too much.

2. 我最怕在课堂上发言。

I to be of speaking in class.

3. 他毕业以后制造了许多麻烦。

He lots of after he left school.

4. 她爱她的儿子,并为他感到自豪。

She loves her son and in him.

5. 你应该更关注你的学习而不是玩电脑游戏。

You should more to your study playing computer games.


在每个人的成长过程中,谁都或多或少有一些变化,请以“How I’ve changed!”为题写一篇短文,介绍一下你的过去与现在的不同。80词左右。


九年级上册语文期末考试试题 一、语文基础知识及其运用(20分) 1、加点字注音无误的一项() A.滞.留(zhì)麾.下(huī)诘.难(jié)重蹈覆辙.(zhé) B.旁骛.(wù)亵.渎(xié)聒.噪(guō)一抔.黄土(péng) C.睿.智(ruì)陨.落(yǔn)相契.(qiè)廓.然无累(guó) D.扶掖.(yè)恣.睢(zì)别墅.(yě)庶.竭驽钝(shù) 2.词语书写无误的一项() A.脑羞成怒泥民百姓断章取义谀词 B.狼狈不堪刻骨铭心无与伦比嗤笑 C.歇斯底里根深帝固怀古伤今潮迅 D.涕泗横流一愁莫展面面相觑桑梓 3.下边有语病的一句() A.任何个人的成绩和人民群众的伟大创造比起来都不过是沧海一粟。 B.事实证明,一个人知识的多寡,成就的大小,关键在于勤的程度。 C.在知识的海洋中,使我们感到自己的深深不足。 D.学校希望通过多种渠道,大力开展法制教育,防止青少年违法犯罪。 4.下列句子中加点的成语使用不正确的是() A.富有创造性的人总是孜孜不倦 ....地汲取知识,使自己的学识渊博。 B.这些石刻狮子,有的母子相抱,有的交头接耳,有的像倾听水声,千态万状,惟妙惟肖 ....。 C.生活中,人们往往因立场和角度不同而对事物的看法有所不同乃至完全不同,这种情形是屡见不鲜 ....的。 D.人类在与大自然的较量中,最直接、最经常的对手是悄无声息 ....的气候。 5.在下面语段横线上依次填人关联词语,最准确的一项是 ( ) 在一定条件下,科学知识之所以正确是因为经过了实践的检验。条件变化了,原有的科学知识会被人们用新的实践去检验,会被修改和发展成新的科学知识。但人们之所以要不断学习是因为原有知识统统“过期变质”,是因为新条件下产生的新知识能使人们的知识、思维和智慧更上一层楼。 A.如果从而并非而 B.如果从而不仅而且 C.虽然但是不仅而且 D.虽然但是并非而 6.下面对苏轼的《江城子·密州出猎》的解说,不恰当的一项是() A.“左牵黄,右擎苍”一句,运用借代的修辞手法,塑造了词人出猎时左手牵黄犬,右手托着苍鹰豪迈潇洒的形象。 B.“锦帽貂裘,千骑卷平冈”一句,描写猎队武士的装束打扮,并以千骑飞驰的勇武气势来烘托亲率猎队的词人自己。 C.“持节云中,何时遣冯唐”一句,运用典故表达了诗人以冯唐自况,企盼有朝一日得到信任和重用,戍边杀敌,报效朝廷。 D.“西北望,射天狼”一句,用代表“贪残侵掠”的天狼星暗喻数犯边境的辽和西夏,表达词人渴望抗敌戍边的雄心。 7. 下列句子中标点符号使用没有错误的一项是() A.程老师是个二十多岁的姑娘,头发剪得短短的,眉毛也是粗粗黑黑的,嘴巴棱角分明,模样有点像男孩子。 B.那时候大家简直好像马上就会看见他挥着手帕喊着:“喂!菲利普”! C.我孩子时候,在斜对门的豆腐店里确乎终日坐着一个杨二嫂,人都叫伊“豆腐西施。”


Unit 1 How can we become good learners? 学习目标 认知目标: 1. Talk about how to study. 学会讨论各种学习方法和策略。 2. Find out your suitable learning methods. 找出适合自己的学习方法。 情感目标: 通过对学习方法的学习,培养学生用正确而科学的方法做事的能力,明白“一份耕耘, 一份收获”。 技能目标: (1)熟练掌握下列词汇:aloud pronunciation discover repeat note pronounce increase speed partner create active connect review knowledge wisely born attention (2)熟练掌握下列短语:work with friends ask the teacher for help read aloud look up practice pronunciation connect…with…pay attention to (3)掌握下列句型: How do you study English? I learn by working with a group. Do you learn English by reading aloud? Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation. How can I read faster? You can read faster by reading word groups. How can I improve my pronunciation? One way is by listening to tapes. But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits. 重点、难点(Key points and difficulties) 1. 学会运用how来询问做事方式 2. 学会运用by + doing的结构表达做事方式。by 介词,表示“通过……方法 或途径”,译成“靠、通过”。by后面可以加名词或动名词短语。 3. 动名词的构成:

新目标九年级英语Unit2 Section A 教案

Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark. Time:the 2nd to 3rd week Class: Class 1 and 4 Subject:English Teaching tools:tape-recorder,color chalk,small blackboard Teaching goals: ①To learn about the use of “ used to” ②To talk about what you used to be like ③To talk and listen about past likings ④To Read about past life Section A Goals ●To learn about the use of “ used to” ●To talk about what you used to be like Procedures Warming up by learning “used to ” Hi, everyone. Today we’re going to study Unit 2. Its title is I used to be afraid of the dark. In the title we fi nd a phrase “used to ”. What does it mean? How is it used in 黑暗。“used to”的疑问形式和否定形式: —Did you use to be afraid of the dark? —Yes,I used to be afraid of the dark. —Did he use to be afraid of the dark? —No,he did not use to be afraid of the dark. _There used to be a church here ,didn ‘t there ?


九年级(上)期末数学试卷 一、选择题(每题3分) 1.一元二次方程x(2x+3)=5的常数项是() A.﹣5 B.2 C.3 D.5 2.如图所示的几何体的左视图是() A.B.C.D. 3.有三张正面分别写有数字﹣1,1,2的卡片,它们背面完全相同,现将这三张卡片背面朝上洗匀后随机抽取一张,以其正面数字作为a的值,然后再从剩余的两张卡片随机抽一张,以其正面的数字作为b的值,则点(a,b)在第二象限的概率为() A.B.C.D. 4.下列关于矩形的说法,正确的是() A.对角线相等的四边形是矩形 B.对角线互相平分的四边形是矩形 C.矩形的对角线互相垂直且平分 D.矩形的对角线相等且互相平分 5.小明乘车从广州到北京,行车的平均速度y(km/h)和行车时间x(h)之间的函数图象()A.B. C.D. 6.如图,小强和小明去测量一座古塔的高度,他们在离古塔60m的A处,用测角仪测得古塔顶的仰角为30°,已知测角仪高AD=1.5m,则古塔BE的高为()

A.(20﹣1.5)m B.(20+1.5)m C.31.5m D.28.5m 7.若两个相似三角形的面积比为2:3,那么这两个三角形的周长的比为() A.4:9 B.2:3 C.:D.3:2 8.如图,正方形OABC的两边OA、OC分别在x轴、y轴上,点D(5,3)在边AB上,以C为中心,把△CDB旋转90°,则旋转后点D的对应点D′的坐标是() A.(2,10) B.(﹣2,0)C.(2,10)或(﹣2,0) D.(10,2)或(﹣2,0) 二、填空题(每题4分) 9.在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,BC=3,AB=12,sinA=______. 10.我们知道,平行光线所形成的投影称为平行投影,当平行光线与投影面______,这种投影称为正投影. 11.已知关于x的一元二次方程x2+bx+b﹣1=0有两个相等的实数根,则b的值是______.12.反比例函数y=的图象,当x>0时,y随x的增大而增大,则k的取值范围是______.13.如图,菱形ABCD中,对角线AC与BD相交于点O,OE∥DC交BC于点E,若AD=8cm,则OE的长为______cm. 14.如图,已知△ABC和△ADE均为等边三角形,点D在BC边上,DE与AC相交于点F,如果AB=9,BD=3,那么CF的长度为______.


人教版二年级下册数学第二单元测试卷 一、算一算,连一连,帮小动物们上车.(14分) 二、填一填.(35分) 1. 一共有( )个苹果,每( )个分成一份,一共分成了( )份.用除法算式表示:( )÷( )=( ). 2.3056÷=读作( ),其中30是( ),5是( ),6是( ). 3.( )416?= 6?( )24= 3?( )18= ( )515?= ( )312?= 4?( )=20 4.在________里填上“>”“<”或“=”. 33?________6 45+________45+ 82÷________22? 11+________11÷ 93÷________93- 42-________42÷

5.在________里填上“+”“-”“×”或“÷”. 30________65= 25________520= 6________424= 18________92= 19________221= 27________93= 6.把表格补充完整. 三、判断.(对的画“√”,错的画“×”)(10分) 1.在除法里,除得的结果叫差。( ) 2.3065÷=,表示把30平均分成6份,每份是5.( ) 3.计算124÷=( ) 时,要用乘法口诀三四十二.( ) 4.求15里面有几个3,列式为155÷=3.( ) 5.被除数是6,除数是2,商是12.( ) 四、想一想,填一填.(15分) 1.每条船上有5人,3条船上一共有( )人. 2.15人坐3条船,平均每条船上有( )人.

3.一共有15人,每5人坐一条船,需要()条船. 五、解决问题.(26分) 1.明明在课余时间养小白兔.(12分) (1)每只小白兔喂4根胡萝卜,这些小白兔一共要喂多少根胡萝卜? (2)明明有30根胡萝卜,平均每只小白兔可以分到多少根胡萝卜? (3)明明准备28根胡萝卜喂这些小白兔,小白兔吃完后剩下3根胡萝卜,平均每只小白免吃了几根胡萝卜? 2.康乃馨每5枝扎成一束,玫瑰每6枝扎成一束,如果只买一枝花,买哪种花便宜?(6分)


Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 一、Words mooncake lantern stranger relative pound folk goddess whoever steal lay(laid-laid)dessert garden tradition admire tie hunted ghost trick treat spider Christmas lie(lay-lain ) novel eve dead business punish warn present warmth spread 二、Phrases ⒈the Water Festival ⒉the Dragon Festival ⒊the Chinese Spring Festival ⒋the Lantern Festival ⒎eat out ⒏give out ⒐lay out ⒌on the Mid-Autumn Festival ⒍Mother’s / Father’s Day ⒑call out ⒒.care about ⒓wash away ⒔shoot down ⒕come back ⒖fly up to ⒗end up ⒘wake up. ⒙dress up ⒚end up ⒛remind sb. of 21 think of 22. in the tradition of 23. in the shape of. 24 . the spirit of 25. the beginning of 26.the importance of 27. play a trick on sb. 28. one …the other …29. in need 30.not only …but also …31.put on 32.sound like 33.be similar to 34.each other 35.at night 36.as a result 37. go to…for one’s vacation 三、Sentences 1. What a great day! 2. I know that the Water Festival is really fun. 3. I wonder whether June is a good time to visit HongKong. 4. How pretty the dragon boats were. 5. It is also a good idea to help parents to do something instead. 我认为它们看着很有意思。 6. I think that they’ re fun to watch. 7. What do you like about… ? 8. What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival? 关于端午节,你最喜欢什么? 9. How+adj. /adv. + 主+ 谓! How fantastic the dragon boat teams were! 龙舟队多棒啊! 10. What do/does+sb. + think of sth. ?  What does Wu Yu think of this festival? 吴宇觉得这个节日怎么样? 四、Grammar ⒈宾语从句 ⑴宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语。三大考点:引导词、时态和语序。 ①由连接词+ 主语+ 谓语 构成 宾语从句可作谓语动词的宾语,也可做介词的宾语。 eg, He said he was good at drawing. (动词宾语) He asks him how long Mike has been down . (动词宾语) Miss Zhang is angry at what you said. (介词宾语) 常由下面的一些词引导: ②由that 引导that只有语法作用,没有实在的意义,在口语 和非正式文体中可以省略。例如: He said (that) he wanted to stay at home. She doesn’t know (that) she is seriously ill. I am sure (that) he will succeed. ③由if , whether 引导表示一般疑问意义(带有是否、已否、对否等) I don’t know if / whether Wei Hua likes fish. 我不知道韦华是否喜欢鱼。 I want to know if (whether) he lives there. He asked me whether (if) I could help him. ④由连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which、连接副词(疑问词) when, where, why, how引导。这些连接代词和连


九年级上学期期末试卷 一、选择题: 1. 如图是北京奥运会自行车比赛项目标志,则图中两轮所在 圆的位置关系是( ) A. 内含 B. 相交 C. 外切 D. 外离 2. 抛物线()212 12+-- =x y 的顶点坐标是( ) A. ()2,1 B. ()2,1- C. ()2,1- D. ()2,1-- 3. 在ABC ?中, 90=∠C ,若2 3cos = B ,则A sin 的值为( ) A. 3 B. 2 3 C. 3 3 D. 2 1 4. ⊙O 的半径是5cm ,O 到直线l 的距离cm OP 3=,Q 为l 上一点且2.4=PQ cm ,则 点Q ( ) A. 在⊙O 内 B. 在⊙O 上 C. 在⊙O 外 D. 以上情况都有可能 5. 把抛物线2 2x y -=向上平移2个单位,得到的抛物线是( ) A. ()2 22+-=x y B. ()2 22--=x y C. 222 --=x y D. 222 +-=x y 6. 如图,A 、B 、C 三点是⊙O 上的点, 50=∠ABO 则BCA ∠ 的度数是( ) A. 80 B. 50 C. 40 D. 25 7. 如图,在ABC ?中, 30=∠A ,2 3tan = B ,32=A C , 则AB 的长为( ) A. 34+ B. 5 C. 32+ D. 6

8. 已知直线()0≠+=a b ax y 经过一、三、四象限,则抛物线bx ax y +=2 一定经过( ) A. 第一、二、三象限 B. 第一、三、四象限 C. 第一、二、四象限 D. 第三、四象限 9. 如图是一台54英寸的液晶电视旋转在墙角的俯视图,设 α=∠DAO ,电视后背AD 平行于前沿BC ,且与BC 的距 离为cm 60,若cm AO 100=,则墙角O 到前沿BC 的距 离OE 是( ) A. ()cm αsin 10060+ B. ()cm αcos 10060+ C. ()cm αtan 10060+ D. 以上都不对 10. 二次函数()012 2 ≠-++=a a x ax y 的图象可能是( ) 11. 已知点()1,1y -、()2,2y -、()3,2y 都在二次函数12632 +--=x x y 的图象上,则1y 、 2y 、3y 的大小关系为( ) A. 231y y y >> B. 123y y y >> C. 213y y y >> D. 321y y y >> 12. 某测量队在山脚A 处测得山上树顶仰角为 45(如图),测量 队在山坡上前进600米到D 处,再测得树顶的仰角为 60, 已 知这段山坡的坡角为 30,如果树高为15米,则山高为( ) (精确到1米,732.13=) A. 585米 B. 1014米 C. 805米 D. 820米 二、填空题: 13. 抛物线322 +-=x x y 的对称轴是直线 . 14. 如图,圆柱形水管内积水的水面宽度cm CD 8=,F 为? CD


二年级语文·下册 第二单元综合测评卷 (时间:60分钟满分:100分) 一、给加点的字选择正确的读音,用“√”表示。(6分) 泥泞.(lìnɡ nìnɡ)的.确(díde)软.(rǎn ruǎn) 荆.棘(jīn jīnɡ) 销.售(xiāo shāo) 饲.养(cì sì) 二、读拼音,写字词。(21分) 大头哥哥带着棉花糖mèi mei()去野餐。阳光sǎ zài ()hòu bèi()上真wēn nuǎn()啊。湖边的jǐnɡ sè()太美了,微风吹过,碧绿的湖水泛起层层bō wén()。他俩坐在柳树下吃东西,棉花糖带来了妈妈mǎi()的ɡān tián ()的苹果,大头哥哥带来了可口的liánɡ cài()。看美景,吃美食,这样的时光让人liàn liàn bù shě()。 三、比一比,再组词。(6分) 波()披()作() 昨() 峰() 锋() 像()橡()景() 惊() 菜() 彩() 四、按要求填空。(4分)

1.“甘”字共画,第四画是,组词:、。 2.“匹”字的笔顺是,读音是,第三画的名称是,组词:。 五、词语搭配,连一连。(8分) 一株出色的枝条冒着迷路的孩子 一匹高大的绿毯背着年迈的大娘 一片细长的骏马踏着蒙蒙的细雨 一根柔软的柳树抱着路上的荆棘 六、给下列句中加点的词语选择正确的意思。(4分) 大方:①对于财物不计较;不吝啬。②(言谈、举止)自然;不拘束。 1.小平今天的演讲很精彩,举止大方 ..,声音洪亮。() 2.我今天没带橡皮,小红很大方 ..地借给了我。() 自然:①自然界。②表示理所当然。 3.动物和植物都是大自然 ..的成员。() 4.她平时上课认真听讲,回家及时复习,自然 ..能考出好成绩。()


Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to. Language goals: 1. Learn how to express preferences and causes. 2. Write a review of a book, a movie or a CD. New languages: 1. Rosa likes music that’s quiet and gentle. 2. --- What kind of music do you like? ---I like music that I can sing along with. 3. --- What kind of singers do you love? --- I love singers who write their own music. 4. ---Why do you like this CD? ---This music is great because you can dance to it. Difficult points: Relative clauses with that and who Teaching aids: computer, video, recorder Teaching periods: Period 1: Section A 1a /1b /1c 2a /2b /2c/ Grammar Focus /4 Period 2: Section A 3a /3b SectionB.1/2a/2b/2c Period 3: Section B 3a /3b /3c/4 /Self check1, 2 Period 4: Reading Period 1 Teaching procedure: Step 1. Lead-in and warming up Play different kinds of music. Let students listen and tell the names of singers and songs. a. Play the first song for students, ask like this: T: Do you like this piece of music?


九年级数学上册期末测试题 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1.下列关于x 的方程中,是一元二次方程的有( ) A .221 x x + B .02=++c bx ax C .()()121=+-x x D .05232 2 =--y xy x 2.化简 1 321 21++ -的结果为( ) A 、23+ B 、23- C 、322+ D 、223+ 3.已知关于x 的方程2 60x kx --=的一个根为3x =,则实数k 的值为( ) A .2 B .1- C .1 D .2- 4.要使二次根式1-x 有意义,那么x 的取值范围是( ) (A )x >-1 (B ) x <1 (C ) x ≥1 (D )x ≤1 5.有6张写有数字的卡片,它们的背面都相同,现将它们背面朝上(如图 2),从中任意一张是数字3的概率是( ) A 、61 B 、31 C 、21 D 、3 2 6.已知x 、y 是实数,3x +4 +y 2 -6y +9=0,则xy 的值是( ) A .4 B .-4 C .94 D .-94 7、下列图形中,既是轴对称图形,又是中心对称图形的是( ) A B C D 8.已知两圆的半径分别是5cm 和4cm ,圆心距为7cm ,那么这两圆的位置关系是( ) A .相交 B .内切 C .外切 D .外离 9.如图3,⊙O的半径为5,弦AB的长为8,M是弦AB上的动点,则线段OM长的最小值为( ) A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 10.已知:如图4, ⊙O 的两条弦AE 、BC 相交于点D,连接AC 、BE. 若∠ACB =60°,则下列结论中正确的是( ) A .∠AO B =60° B . ∠ADB =60° C .∠AEB =60° D .∠AEB =30° 二、填空题(每小题3分,共24分) 11.方程 x 2 = x 的解是______________________ 12.如图所示,五角星的顶点是一个正五边形的五个顶点.这个 五角星可以由一 个基本图形(图中的阴影部分)绕中心O 至少经过____________次旋转而得到, 每一次旋转_______度. 13.若实数a 、b 满足1 112 2+-+-= a a a b ,则a+b 的值为 ________. 14.圆和圆有不同的位置关系.与下图不同的圆和圆的位置关系是_____.(只填一种) 15.若关于x 方程kx 2–6x+1=0有两个实数根,则k 的取值范围是 . 16.如图6,在Rt △ABC 中,∠C=90°,CA=CB=2。分别以A 、B 、C 为圆心,以2 1AC 为半径画弧,三条弧与边AB 所围成的阴影部分的面积是______. 17.已知:如图7,等腰三角形ABC 中,AB=AC=4,若以AB 为直径的⊙O 与BC 相交于点D ,DE ∥AB ,DE 与AC 相交于点E ,则DE=____________。 18. 如图,是一个半径为6cm ,面积为π12cm 2的扇形纸片,现需要一个半径为R 的圆形纸片,使两张纸片刚好能组合成圆锥体,则R 等于 cm 三.解答题 19.(6 分)计算:÷ (6分)解方程:2(x+2)2=x 2 -4 图2 O A B M 图3 图4 图5 图7 图 6 12题图


九年级英语下·RJ Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Language Goal 【语言目标】 Talk about how things affect you Knowledge Goals 【知识目标】 Key Words drive,friendship,king,power,banker,pale,queen,examine,nor,palace,wealth,grey,lemon,uncomfortable,weight,shoulder,goal,coach,kick,courage,pull,nod,agreement,disappoint Key Phrases would rather,drive sb.crazy/mad,the more…the more…,be friends with sb.,leave out,call in,neither…nor…,to start with,let…down,kick sb.off,be hard on sb.,rather than,pull together Key Sentences 1.The loud music makes me nervous. 2.Sad movies don't make John cry. 3.Money and fame don't always make people happy. 4.She said that the sad movie made her feel like crying. Key Grammar Learn to use “make+sb.+infinitive without to; make+sb.+adj.” Ability Goals 【能力目标】1.Develop listening,speaking,reading and writing skills by using the target languages. 2.Learn to talk about how things affect you by using “make sb.do sth.” and “make sb. adj.”. Moral Goals With the help of this unit's study,students should


Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 必记单词 Mooncake 月饼 Relative 亲属亲戚 Lay 放置安放产(卵)下(蛋) Tie 领带v 捆束 Lie v 存在平躺处于 Business 生意商业 Stranger 陌生人 Steal 偷窃取 Admire 欣赏仰慕 C hristmas 圣诞节 Dead 死的 Present 现在礼物adj 现在的 短语归纳 1. watch the races 观看比赛 2. five meals a day 一天五顿饭 3. put on five pounds 增胖5磅 4. in two weeks 两周后 5. sound like fun 听起来很有趣 6. be similar to 与…相似 7. from …to…从…到… 8. throw water at each other 互相朝对方泼水 9. wash away bad things 冲走坏事 10. have good luck 交好运 11. has/have been celebrating 一直庆祝 12. fpr centuries 数个世纪 13. in the shape of …. 呈…形状

14. many traditional folk stories 许多传统的民间故事 15. the most touching 最感人的 16 shoot down nine suns 舍下九个太阳 17. plan to drink it 计划喝掉它 18. try to steal the medicine 企图偷药 19. refuse to give it to him 拒接把它给他 20. fly up to the moon 飞向月球 21. call out her name 呼唤她的名字 22. so…that …如此…以至于… 23. lay out her favourite fruits and desserts 摆放她最喜欢的水果和甜点 24. the tradition of admiring the moon 赏月的传统 25. as a result 因此,结果 26. on the third Sunday of June 在六月的第三个周日 27. take them out for lunch 带他们出去吃午餐 28. more and more popular 越来越流行 29. help sb. do/to do /with sth. 帮助某人做某事 30. dress up as ghosts 装扮成鬼 31. play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人 32. give sb a treat 款待某人 33. treat sb.nicely 对待某人友好 34. treat sb.with kindness and warmth 用善心和热情对待… 35. on October 31st 在10月31 日 36. think of 想起 37. the true meaning of Christmas 圣诞节的真正意义 38. the importance of sharing 分享的重要性 39. a novel written by LuXun 一篇鲁迅写的小说 40. think about himself 考虑自己 41. care about 在乎,关心 42. warn sb. (not) to do 告诫某人(不)去做某事。 43. expect (sb ).to do 期待(某人)干某事 44. remind sb of…使某人想起…


人教版数学九年级上册期末考试试卷 一、选择题(本题共有12小题,每小题3分,共36分) 1.2cos45°的值等于() A.B.C.D. 2.某种零件模型如图所示,该几何体(空心圆柱)的主视图是() A.B.C.D. 3.二次函数y=﹣2(x﹣3)2+1的顶点坐标为() A.C. 4.在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,若AC=4,AB=5,则cosB的值() A.B.C.D. 5.某校安排三辆车,组织九年级学生团员去敬老院参加学雷锋活动,其中小王与小菲都可以从这三辆车中任选一辆搭乘,则小王与小菲同车的概率为() A.B.C.D. 6.下列性质中正方形具有而菱形没有的是() A.对角线互相平分B.对角线相等 C.对角线互相垂直D.一条对角线平分一组对角 7.如图,在?ABCD中,E是BC的中点,且∠AEC=∠DCE,则下列结论不正确的是() A.S△AFD=2S△EFB B.BF=DF C.四边形AECD是等腰梯形D.∠AEB=∠ADC

8.某市商品房的均价原为18150元/m2,经过连续两次降价后均价为15000元/m2.设平均每次降价的百分率为x,根据题意所列方程正确的是() A.18150(1﹣x)2=18150﹣15000 B.18150(1﹣x2)=15000 C.18150(1﹣2x)=15000 D.18150(1﹣x)2=15000 9.关于二次函数y=﹣2x2+3,下列说法中正确的是() A.它的开口方向是向上 B.当x<﹣1时,y随x的增大而增大 C.它的顶点坐标是(﹣2,3) D.当x=0时,y有最小值是3 10.一个三角形的两边长为3和6,第三边的长是方程(x﹣3)(x﹣4)=0的根,则这个三角形第三边的长是() A.3 B.4 C.3或4 D.3和4 11.如图,菱形OABC的顶点A在x轴的正半轴上,顶点C的坐标为(3,4).反比例函 数(x>0)的图象经过顶点B,则k的值为() A.32 B.24 C.20 D.12 12.已知二次函数y=ax2+bx+c的图象如图所示,那么一次函数y=bx+c和反比例函数y=在同一平面直角坐标系中的图象大致是() A.B.C.D.


新版新目标英语九年级 知识点总结 集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]

1. used to 过去常常 2. be afraid of 害怕 3. from time to time 时常,有时 4. turn red 变红 5. take….up 开始做 6. deal with 对付、应付 7. not….anymore 不再 8. tons of attention 很多关注 9. worry about 为…..担忧 10. be careful 当心 11. hang out 闲逛 12. give up 放弃 13. think about 考虑 14. a very small number of…. 极少数的…… 15. be alone 独处 16. give a speech 做演讲 17. in public 当众18. all the time 一直,总是 19. on the soccer team 在足球队 20. be proud of 为……骄傲 21. no longer 不再 22. be interested in 对…….感兴趣 23. make a decision 做决定 24. in person 亲自 25. to one’s surprise 令某人吃惊的是 26. change one’s life 改变某人的生活 27. even though 尽管 28. take care of 照顾 29. think of 关心、想着 30. take pride of 为……感到自豪 31. pay attention to 对…..注意,留心 32. one of…… …….之一 33. in the last few years 在过去的几年里 固定词组: 1. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 2. be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事 3. give up doing sth. 放弃做某事 4. have to do sth. 必须做某事 5. make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 6. try to do sth. 尽力做某事 7. adj. + enough to do sth. 足够……而能做某事 8. be prepared to do sth. 准备做某事 9. see sb. doing sth. 看见某人在做某事 10. take up doing sth. 开始做某事 11. begin to do sth. 开始做某事 12. require sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事 13. decide to do sth. 决定做某某 14. make a decision to do sth. 决定做某事 15. It’s hard to believe that…… 很难相信………. 16. It has been + 一段时间 + since + 从句自从……以来已经有很长的时间了 17. dare to do sth. 敢于做某事 18. It’s + adj. sb. + to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是……的 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section A 1. Mario, you used to be short, didn't you 马里奥,你以前个子矮,是吗 (1)used to do 的反意疑问句。 used to do 的反意疑问句的附加疑问句部分要使用didn't。He used to play the piano, didn't he? 他过去常常弹钢琴,是吗? (2)used to“以前经常;过去常常”。 used to do sth to 为不定式,后跟动词原形,used to do sth. 过去经常做某 事 be used to to 为介词,后跟动名词,be used to doing sth. 习惯做某


南宁三中2010—2011年度新概念期末测试 I. 单项选择。(共30题,每题1分,共30分) 1. As soon as he comes back, I’ll tell him when _________ and see him. A. you will come B. will you come C. you come D. do you come 2. The road is covered with snow, I can't understand ______ they insist on going by motorbike. A. why B. whether C. when D. how 3. Leave your key with a neighbor _____ you lock yourself out one day. A. ever since B. even if C. soon after D. in case 4. After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town ________ he grew up as a child. A. which B. where C. that D. when 5. —Did you take enough money with you —No, I needed __________ I thought I would. A. not so much as B. as much as C. much more than D. much less than 6. I like these English songs and they ________ many times on the radio. A. taught B. have taught C. are taught D. have been taught 7. The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics _______ by 2006. A. has been completed B. has completed C. will have been completed D. will have completed 8. Tim is in good shape physically _______he doesn't get much exercise. A. if B. even though C. unless D. as long as 9. John shut everybody out of the kitchen ________ he could prepare his grand surprise for the party. A. which B. when C. so that D. as if 10. If I ____ you, I _____ more attention to English idioms and phrases. A. was; shall pay B. am; will pay C. would be; would pay D. were; would pay 11. John, look at the time. ______ you play the piano at such a late hour A. Must B. Can C. May D. Need 12. I love _____, but I hate ____ in a crowded swimming pool like this. A. to swim; swimming B. swimming; swimming C. to swim; to swim D. swimming; to swim 13. You _________ her in her office last Friday ,she's been out of town for two weeks.

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