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Innovation in teaching deaf

Innovation in teaching deaf
Innovation in teaching deaf



Innovation in teaching deaf students physics and astronomy in Bulgaria

Milen Zam?rov1,Svetoslava Saeva2and Tsviatko Popov1

1Department of Physics Teaching,St Kliment Ohridski University of So?a,Bulgaria

2Department of Speech Therapy,Neo?t Rilski Southwest University,Bulgaria

E-mail:milen zamphirov@abv.bg


This paper presents a new strategy to be implemented in Bulgarian schools in

teaching physics and astronomy to students with impaired hearing at grades7

(13-year-old students)and8(14-year-old students).The strategy provides

effective education for students with hearing disabilities in mainstream

schools as well as for those attending specialized schools.A multimedia CD

has been developed,which offers a large number of basic terms from the

corresponding?elds of physics and astronomy,accompanied by textual

explanation and various illustrations.The terms are explained in Bulgarian,

Bulgarian Sign Language and English.This multimedia product can be used

by children with hearing disabilities,as well as by children without disorders.


Introducing students with hearing disabilities to the basic concepts of physics and astronomy is a dif?cult and complex process because of the abstract nature of the terms used.Sometimes even adults with hearing disabilities experience dif?culties in understanding.

Description of the specialized multimedia sign dictionary‘Humans and nature, physics and astronomy’developed by the authors

Sign languages differ from each other in the same way as spoken languages do.Thus,Bulgarian Sign Language3is different from its British,Spanish, Russian etc counterparts.Sign languages differ even when countries share a spoken language(e.g. 3Website:https://www.doczj.com/doc/bc2371243.html,,USA,Australia).However,there are similar signs because sign languages are visual languages.

There are educational systems that use signs as part of their programme.Such a language programme is Makaton,which offers the teaching of people with communication and learning dif?culties,but Bulgarian Sign Language is the language of deaf people,who are members of the deaf culture.Sign language is a product of communication between the members of the deaf society with its own grammar and structure like any other spoken language.There are countries which have accepted the sign language of the deaf members of society as their second of?cial language(https://www.doczj.com/doc/bc2371243.html,A,Sweden).Bulgaria is not yet one of these countries.

In Bulgaria,physics and astronomy as school subjects are taught from7th grade onward(13-year-old students).

98P H Y S I C S E D U C A T I O N42(1)0031-9120/07/010098+07$30.00?2007IOP Publishing Ltd

Innovation in teaching deaf students physics and astronomy in Bulgaria

Our dictionary contains386items,repre-sented by776signs,and27articles offering ad-ditional information.A number of pictures are also included.Additionally,corresponding arti-cles,de?nitions and terms contain hyperlinks.

Most of the terms are illustrated with additional images.

The multimedia CD has been developed using HTML and Javascript.The signs are shown in FLASH clips.The audio has been dubbed and edited in Cool Edit Pro so that parasitic noise is wiped out and the voice of the performer is clear.The recorded video has been edited in Ulead Video Editor and then imported to FLASH with minimal compression.The FLASH clips are created in Macromedia Flash.Both HTML and FLASH formats have been chosen to suit the platform-independence of the product, i.e.it can be played on Windows as well as on Unix machines with a graphical environment and browser installed.The CD is also trilingual—it uses Bulgarian,English and Bulgarian Sign languages.Hyperlinks between the Bulgarian and the English sections are supported as well,so that Bulgarian students without hearing disabilities are given the opportunity to learn English.

At the same time,students with hearing disabilities are able to achieve easier understa-nding of physics terms through visualizations of the Bulgarian pronunciation of the English term. Hence,students develop the skills to lip-read terms in both spoken languages—English and Bulgarian.

Thus,once organized as multimedia educa-tion on the subjects of physics and astronomy,it allows students with hearing disabilities as well as those without such disabilities to use a broad infor-mational store,including pictures and video links to the concrete terms.

The hypertext used in the product provides an opportunity to research additional information concerning a particular topic selected by clicking with the mouse on a related button.The dictionary is also useful to users without hearing disabilities,who are interested in the world of deaf people and the ways they form their opinions and understanding of the world.

Rules observed while developing new signs

(1)brevity in sign performance;

(2)closest meaningful richness of content;(3)closest and adequate perception of space;

(4)closest and adequate perception of the parts

of the body.

Goals of the‘Humans and nature,physics and astronomy’dictionary

(1)to facilitate the educational process on these

subjects for students with hearing disabilities

in specialized schools and mainstream

schools where children with hearing

disorders are integrated;

(2)to support the visual perception of students

with hearing disabilities of a selection of

terms referring to certain conditions,

phenomena,processes and quantities;

(3)to direct the attention of teachers,parents and

students to the interesting world,culture and

language of people with hearing disabilities;

(4)to contribute particularly to introducing

bilingualism to help children with hearing

disabilities who are in mainstream schools

where students with hearing disabilities have

been integrated,

(5)to raise awareness in society of educational

methods and perception of information for

deaf people;

(6)to enrich the existing Bulgarian Sign

Language with speci?c terms from the?eld

of natural sciences.

Even in the group model of integration(currently in Bulgaria there are three classes being educated using this method),students practise verbal communication with their teachers and peers and sign language among themselves.

The individual integrations are different:there are students who are not familiar with sign language;however,there are some who even teach their schoolmates sign language and communicate through signs everywhere—at school,at home, etc.In this type of situation,the family environment is of great importance,especially the method of communication that the family choose. It is important to pay attention to the educational aspects of this process[8],as well as to the psychological aspect and development in time of education in a speci?c environment—hearing or that of peers with hearing disabilities[5].The strategies of education at home and at school should be complementary[7].

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Figure1.Gravity.The sign for


Figure2.Gravity.The sign for attraction.

Bilingual education of students with hearing disabilities has its supporters and opponents[3]. It is a fact that long-term efforts in education particularly designed for these students achieve higher results than verbal education[2,4]. Scientists have researched the connection between bilingualism,intelligence and thinking.Nowadays it is accepted that there are‘cognitive bene?ts including enhanced creative thinking,cognitive ?exibility,and metalinguistic awareness’[1].

Many pedagogues take up the challenge to teach students with hearing disabilities.All of them are supposed to use methods and strategies different to those used for teaching students without these disabilities[6].All teachers should use different approaches,strategies and methods to attract and keep the attention of their students,and some of the language approaches for people with hearing disabilities are very effective in teaching physics and astronomy.

It is important to mention that the role of the teacher when using the multimedia dictionary in classes is of great importance.The teacher


Figure3.Brownian motion.The sign for


Figure4.Brownian motion.The sign for motion. explain,elaborate and communicate the informa-tion effectively to every student in accordance with the student’s individual needs.

Description and performance of signs in Bulgarian Sign Language

The presentation of the terms consists in very simple compact signs illustrating the essence of the word or phrase.For example,the term‘gravity’is presented by signs‘force’and ‘attraction’,and not by the sign used for‘fall’(?gures1and2).‘Attraction’is conveyed by pointing to the body of the signer,because in the cosmos it is not moving down,as it seems to the observer on Earth,but in all directions.

In the?rst sign(?gure1)of the term‘gravity’the second?nger of the left hand outlines the shape of the muscle.This is the sign for‘force’.In the second sign(?gure2)the?ngertips of both hands move continually.The movement of the hands is toward the body.This shows the attraction of the object.

100P H Y S I C S E D U C A T I O N January2007

Innovation in teaching deaf students physics and astronomy in


Figure 5.Space stations and drills.The sign for

space.Figure 6.Space stations and drills.The sign for arti?cial satellite.

The explanation of a particular term is led by its meaning and not by its literal translation.For example ‘Brownian motion’can be explained with signs for ‘particle’and ‘movement’,but not with the letter ‘B’from the two-hand Bulgarian alphabet and ‘movement’,because this does not match the meaning of the term (?gures 3and 4).In the ?rst sign (?gure 3)the tip of the ?rst ?nger is placed under the tip of the second ?nger.This is the sign for ‘particle’,‘little’.In the second sign (?gure 4),the palms of both hands move sideways.The sign is shown this way because of the essence of the term—the Brownian motion is the motion of the particles.Brown was the discoverer of this motion and this can be easily explained by the teacher.

Some physics terms consisting of a single word can be explained by three gestures,and terms consisting of several words (for example ‘space stations and drills’)can be represented by two signs (?gures 5and 6).The ?rst sign of the term ‘space stations and drills’depicts


Figure 7.Double star.The sign for the number


Figure 8.Double star.The sign for star.

(?gure 5).The palms of both hands point to the person performing the sign.They move up and sideways,showing the in?nity of space and the universe.Eyes are directed upwards.

The second sign depicts the space station (?gure 6).The left hand forms a ?st and is static.The back of the wrist points to the interlocutor.This hand signi?es the Earth.The ?rst,third,fourth and ?fth ?ngers of the right hand are bent and only the second one is straight and points down.This hand is the satellite which orbits the Earth.The sign is a combination of the sign for ‘universe’and the one for ‘arti?cial satellite’.It becomes necessary because of the location of the stations and drills around the Earth—similar to the case of arti?cial satellites.

Physics terms are presented as singular;however,sometimes the sign indicates plurality.This results from the necessity to re?ect the richness of the term.For example the term ‘double star’is singular,but the sign should show plural,since it signi?es two bodies rotating round each other (?gures 7and 8).In the ?rst sign,the index

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M Zam?rov et


Figure 9.The sign for ‘light’.The Sun.

?nger and the middle ?nger show ‘two’(?gure 7).In the second sign,the index ?nger and the thumb draw the rays of the star high above the head (?gure 8).

It is no surprise that in the Bulgarian Sign Language several signs can mean one particular word or a combination of words (which is clearly seen in the Swedish sign language).For example,in spoken Bulgarian some synonyms are used throughout the communication process.In addition,when a foreign language is being learnt,one of the goals of the educational process is to develop the student’s ability to express one notion in different ways.This is a sign of the richness of a language and indicates good prospects for its further development.A term may be explained through the different characteristics and the speci?cities it possesses.For example,‘Sun’(?gure 9)is shown by rays of light:but that does not mean that the Sun is not warm or does not have the shape of a disc.One or several characteristics of an object are chosen and these are presented visually.The tips of the ?ngers of the right hand are held together focusing on a point and then they move away from each other,signifying the spreading of the Sun’s rays.The sign is performed high above the head of the performer.

The signs for measuring devices are devel-oped using a common system:each of them is presented by the sign for its ?rst letter in the Bul-garian two-hand alphabet plus the sign for ‘meter’(measuring device),for example,‘aerometer’:‘A’+‘meter’;barometer:‘B’+‘meter’.

The term ‘barometer’is described with two signs (?gures 10and 11).In the ?rst sign,the letter ‘B’in the Bulgarian two-hand sign


Figure 10.Barometer.The sign for the letter ‘B’from the Bulgarian two-hand


Figure 11.Barometer.The sign for ‘device’.

is shown (?gure 10).In the second sign (?gure 11),the thumb and the index ?nger of the left hand form a semi-circle (the device)and the index ?nger of the right hand moves from left to right and vice versa (the pointer of the device).

It is additionally explained what exactly a device measures and how [9].

Basic terms can be combined with each other,thus allowing a greater number of physics terms via terms derived from those already suggested.For example,sign No 1for exposure and signs No 1and No 2for gamma rays can be combined as No 1,No 2and No 3for ‘exposure to gamma rays’[9].

In general,most physics terms consist of two or more signs (?ve at most).All signs can be used when students are taught the term for the ?rst time,thus avoiding a misunderstanding of the word.During the following classes,the teacher and the students can use one or two signs for the term that are most typical of its meaning.This has been suggested,since during the regular class,



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Innovation in teaching deaf students physics and astronomy in


Figure 12.Physics lesson with students in the 7th grade.time is not suf?cient for both teaching new signs and practising terms previously acquired.

Sample photographs of students using the CD are shown in ?gures 12and 13.


(1)A new method has been developed which

facilitates education in subjects under the heading ‘Humans and nature,physics and astronomy’for students with hearing

disabilities in grades 5(11-year-old students),6(12-year-olds),7(13-year-olds)and 8

(14-year-olds)of specialized and mainstream schools.

(2)A new technique has been developed that

helps with overcoming the differences in using different formulae of sign language.(3)There is a need to refer to the formal

character of the physics term.

(4)The sign methodology developed can be used

successfully in educating children in


Figure 13.Astronomy lesson with students in the 8th grade.

curriculum subjects such as biology,chemistry and geography.


A multimedia sign dictionary for physics and astronomy education for students with hearing disabilities in grades 7(13-year-old students)and 8(14-year-old students)of specialized and mainstream schools is created to meet the needs of the students,their parents and teachers from the specialized and mainstream schools by providing a visual presentation of terms from the ?elds of physics and astronomy,and the related ?elds of biology,geography and chemistry.

The multimedia CD is an interactive tool,which can be very useful and helpful to students.It can depict dynamically various physical processes and phenomena that are otherwise dif?cult to describe in words.The categorization of the terms in the CD provides the students with

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M Zam?rov et al

hearing disabilities with quick access to adequate information in accordance with their level of knowledge.Furthermore,complex and abstract terms are visualized,which proves extremely helpful during the educational process.

The innovative strategy introduced is highly effective.It has been used by students with hearing disabilities for self-education in physics and astronomy.The information presented in the dictionary(the textbook and the CD)became an object of interest for hearing people and for those with hearing disabilities.The education of people with disabilities should not be accepted as trivial,as just a part of the school plan and school programme,but as an opportunity to widen the viewpoint of the student with disabilities.

The challenge for teachers of the deaf is to ensure that images are as realistic as possible, providing a stimulus for the study of everything that surrounds us—the world,the Earth,the universe and all the laws and rules that we obey. Received10April2006,in?nal form11June2006



[1]Andrews J et al2004Deaf People.Evolving

Perspectives from Psychology,Education,and


[2]Bouvet D1990The Path to Language.Bilingual

Education for Deaf Children(Paris:

Multilingual Matters)

[3]Kent D2003American Sign Language(USA:

Franklin Watts)

[4]Lewis W(ed)1995Bilingual Teaching of Deaf

Children in Denmark(Aalborg,Denmark:

Doveskolernes Materialecenter)[5]Marschark M1993Psychological Development of

Deaf Children(New York:Oxford University


[6]McAnally P et al1987Language Learning

Practices with Deaf Children(USA:Publisher

Pro ed.)

[7]Moores D and Meadow-Orlans K(ed)1990

Educational and Developmental Aspects of


University Press)

[8]Watson L et al1999Deaf and Hearing Impaired

Pupils in Mainstream Schools(Cambridge:

David Fulton Publishers)

[9]Zam?rov M and Saeva S2005Multimedia

Specialized Bulgarian Sign Language(So?a:


Milen Zam?rov has a bachelor’s degree

in physics and master’s degree in special

pedagogics.He is a PhD student in the

Department of Physics Teaching,Faculty

of Physics,at St Kliment Ohridski

University of So?a,Bulgaria.He is a

coordinator of a day-care centre for

children with special needs and is

interested in methods of physics teaching

for deaf students,and space


Svetoslava Saeva is Senior Assistant

Professor of speech-hearing rehabilitation

at South West University,Neo?t Rilski,

Blagoevgrad,Bulgaria.She is a PhD

student in speech-hearing rehabilitation.

She is interested in special strategies for

teaching deaf and hard-of-hearing

students the school subjects English

language,physics and


Tsviatko Popov is Associate Professor in

methods of physics teaching.He is also

Head of the Department of Physics

Teaching,Faculty of Physics,at

St Kliment Ohridski University of So?a,

Bulgaria.His science interests are in the

?eld of the physics of plasma.

104P H Y S I C S E D U C A T I O N January2007


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创新英语演讲稿 篇一:Innovation创新-英语演讲稿 What we cannot afford to lose We cannot lose innovation There is a wonderful word which expresses the most original motions and desires among human-beings. With solving any kind of imperfections, our world has moved ahead. This is the word “innovation” that we cannot afford to lose. We chicaned every detail of the innovation. Thousands years before, we created fire when we took a stone to knock another one. Since Han Dynasty, four great inventions had been created and it is one of the greatest signs that China become to the ancient civilized country. And nowadays, thousands of software, products, architectures and public facilities have upgraded more than that about 100 years ago. So how did these happen What will you do if you are not satisfied with your tools anymore What will you do if old mode cannot afford to develop in a company There is no doubt that we should innovate no matter where we are and what we do. Not because of the design itself, but actually

创新 Innovation

Topic of PresentationTitle of Presentation 八个关于在中国创新的迷思 8 innovation myths in China 马祺 尼尔森大中华区总裁 Mitch Barns The Nielsen Company

八个关于在中国创新的迷思 8 innovation myths in China 1) 中国≠创新1) China ≠Innovation 2) 在中国创新= 成功的保证2) Innovation in China = success guaranteed 3) 中国≠其他国家3) China ≠Other countries 4) 创新者> 追随者4) Innovator > Follower 5) 跨国企业= 创新者 5) Multinational company = Innovator 6) 本土企业= 追随者6) Local company = Follower 7) 本土品牌= 低端品牌7) Local brand = Mass 8) R&D研发花费= 成功8) R&D Spending = Success

迷思一:中国缺乏创新 Myth #1: China is not an innovator 2) 在中国创新= 成功的保证2) Innovation in China = success guaranteed 3) 中国≠其他国家3) China ≠Other countries 4) 创新者> 追随者4) Innovator > Follower 5) 跨国企业= 创新者5) Multinational company = Innovator 6) 本土企业= 追随 者 6) Local company = Follower 7) 本土品牌= 低端品牌7) Local brand = Mass 8) R&D研发花费= 成功8) R&D Spending = Success 1) 中国≠创新1) China ≠Innovation


Innovation With the development of social economy, innovation has received more and more attention as to the obbligato role of innovation in social development. Why do so many people think that innovation is important? Later on, I will demonstrate this problem from three aspects. First of all, for individuals, innovative thinking has a significant impact on the future of human beings. People make progress by way of innovation day by day. Furthermore, for enterprises, innovation is the basis of the survival and development. Innovation can improve production efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises. Last but not least, for countries, innovation is the soul of national prosperity and national progress. Without innovation, countries couldn't survive in the world. So how do we promote innovation? As far as I am concerned, both individuals and governments should take an active part. For individuals, we should enhance the innovative thinking and improve the ability of innovation. In addition, we should actively participate in innovation activities. For governments, they should encourage social innovation, providing preferential policies and favorable conditions. Merely in this way, can we create a social environment conducive to innovation virtually. By the way, what do you think of this topic?

Innovation 创新 英语作文

I n n o v a t i o n With the economic globalization becoming increasingly intensive, innovation has become one of central topic around the world. Many countries see it as the key to develop their economy. Innovation is an inexhaustible source of motive power for the development of a nation, and a necessary quality for the growth of a man. What can we benefit from it? Innovation can enhance overall national economy, which is important to heighten our nation status in the world. Israel is about the size of China’s B eijing, yet Israel is the most advanced economics in the Middle East because of its strong innovation supported by advanced education. Although over half of land is in state of drought, Israel has the most advanced irrigation technologies. Some well-known products were invented there, such as router, Povos, Intel Core processor and so on. Always following others’ footsteps, you will never surpass him. Being yourself and dare to innovate will be your best choice. Without innovation, Steve Jobs would not have built up Apple which got where it is today. Each new design product of Apple, conceptual unit as a whole or endless after part, is able to bring you surprise and brighten your eyes. That Apple created smartphone, which have a giant influence on peoples’ lives, also makes one of the most highly valued companies in the world. Additionally, if factories have the abilities in innovation, the factories will be booming. As a result, they can provide our people with more jobs and it will make our nation more stable. What is more, a majority of new products may be available through innovation. Therefore, it is also significant factor for improving our living standards. Owing to such benefits, no wonder more and more countries focus on innovation today. Recognizing its importance is only the first step to advocate innovation, and some effective measures should be taken for it. There is no doubt in saying that without innovation, we will lack the competence we need to have a foothold in society. Therefore, only through innovation can we make ourselves competent and competitive. It is high time that we set our mind free and stride forward to make ourselves join the stream of innovation. Our country should continue to enlarge the recruit of graduate. For another, the conditions of scientists and skilled workers should be further improved. Only in this way, our nation has a brighter future.

新题型 作文 The Importance of Innovation

The Importance of Innovation 2011年12月17日四六级写作,之前2011年12月17日的四六级作文,有如下特点: 1、全英文给题,无中文提纲 2、文章给出一句名人名言或是俗语谚语,对其进行评论 3、文章主题与“人生哲理、优秀品质”相关,不再是以往的校园、学习或社会热点。四六级作文如果同时满足以上三条特点,那么以下的5篇练习题的针对性是很强的。 学习建议:建议同学们参照范文进行比较,看看文章思路、遣词造句方面有没有可以改进的地方;然后进行范文背诵,找到套路,让你的考场作文大放异彩。Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Importance of Innovation by commenting on Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s famous remark ““Mindless habitual behavior is the enemy of innovation.”You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. The Importance of Innovation “Mindless habitual behavior is the enemy of innovation. ” I assume that you are familiar with Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s famous remark. It is o bvious that a man who always stick to habit and experience can hardly create new things . Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s remark aims at informing us of the significance of innovation. Why does innovation play an indispensable role in our life ? innovation can promote the advancement of both individuals and society as a whole. Only those who are innovative can make continuous progress and maintain a competitive edge. Quite a few examples can be given to prove the importance of it, and I can think of no better illustration than the following one: how could Steve Jobs, a genius who changed the way of modern communication, recreation and even our life, launch so many powerful electronic products constantly without creative spirit? We should always bear in mind t hat the consciousness of innovation is of great significance to us all. Hence, we need to develop a habit of discovering new things,using new methods and applying new thoughts in our work, study or simply everyday life. “Innovation is the spirit of human being’s progress.” A philosopher once said. (202 words) “不用心思的习惯性行为是创新的敌人”我觉得你对Rosabeth Moss Kanter的这句名言很熟悉。很明显,一个总是遵循习惯和经验的人是很难创造出新事物的。 Rosabeth Moss Kanter 的这句名言目的在于告诉我们创新的重要性。为什么创新在我们的生活中扮演如此重要的角色呢?创新可以促进个人和整个社会的进步。只有那些创新的人才能去的持续的进步并且保持竞争优势。相当多的例子可以用来证明创新的重要性,我想不出比一下这个例子更好的了:斯蒂夫.乔布斯,这个改变了我们的通讯方式、娱乐方式甚至是生活方式的天才,如果没有创新精神,他怎么可能持续地发布功能强大的电子产品呢? 我们应该牢记在心,创新对于我们每个人都非常重要。因此,在我们的工作、学习甚至是生活中,我们要养成发现新事物、使用新方法、运用新思维习惯。“创新是人类进步的灵魂”一位哲学家也曾这么说过。 Unity breeds success


A very impressive interview, thank you, Pouline, Chloe and Lynn. Now let’s come to the conclusion part. In this part, I’ll talk from two aspects. One is key to success. That’s why Nokia Lumia 800 can successful got the gold award in Innovation competition. The second part is predicting the future. We will predict the future of Nokia from its current position. IDSA gave the gold award to Nokia Lumia800 and provided reasons like: it established Windows phone; combined hardware with the Windows Phone user interface and the principle of the design team. I think the primary reason for Nokia to win the award is design thinking. The IDEO’s CEO Tin Brown gave a definition of “design thinking” like this, “Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer's toolkit to integrate the needs of people,


创新,创业和金融市场周期 虽然硬盘的数据不难发现,金融危机的出现有实质性的负面投资者愿意资助创新创业的影响。特别是这种资金匮乏令人担忧的广泛认可创新企业所谓的“绿芽”需要- 在全球范围内的经济衰退后,重新点燃经济增长。越来越多的证据表明一个强大创业,开拓创新,经济增长之间的关系。本文件首先回顾了关于创新和之间的关系的证据创业。然后将这些活动了解市场周期的后果。我们顺便看看,金融因素影响创新投资决策和创新 特别是创业型企业。然后我又到当前的经济危机的影响。突出四个关键观察: ?当前全球经济危机的创新融资的一个戏剧性的效果,无论是通过风险投资,首次公开发行(IPO),或企业风险投资。 ?这是不是第一次这样的危机,在创业融资。这些模式反映的事实,出现财政拮据限制高潜力企业家。 ?这些资金周期是严重的,因为高潜力企业的重要性创新。 我讨论的影响,越来越多的政府计划,寻求结束鼓励企业家和风险资本融资。过于频繁,这些努力都忽略了上面所讨论的关系。 1.简介:金融危机和创新 1.A.危机的简短摘要 当前的经济危机一直是显着的,它的强度和广度。国家统计局经济研究所(NBER 2008)宣布美国经济已经进入衰退期为12月然而,经济条件已经一直处于下降通道,在许多发达国家世界[两个概述,看到福斯特和马格多夫(2009)和希尔森拉特和所罗门(2009)]经济衰退以来,美国房地产泡沫有着千丝万缕的联系。当联邦储备降低利率以刺激经济在2001年科技泡沫之后9/11,低利率敞开了大门宽松的信贷中的住房市场。从2002年到2004年,作为利息率仍然低,次级贷款成为家常便饭。消费者趁着有利获得抵押贷款和金融机构的信贷条件,推广新的贷款产品和金融仪器。例如,借款人能够获得住房贷款批准几乎没有首付,而贷款人可以放弃时,他们通过他们自己的既得利益,贷款质量向机构投资者。的需求和房屋价值攀升到2006年,但2007年中期,一个信贷危机爆发。杂乱无章的借贷行为的后果和监管不力的系统迅速赶上全球金融市场。2008年的秋天,当投资银行,如贝尔斯登和雷曼兄弟塌陷的压力下,贬值的抵押贷款支持证券,信贷紧缩迫在眉睫。越来越多的房主拖欠贷款或被迫取消抵押品赎回权的时候,例如,他们不能增加按揭付款。贷款人发现自己抵押贷款支持证券,旁边没有什么值得。破灭的房地产泡沫和烦恼大型机构举行他们引发流动性危机,借贷几乎陷于停顿,信用体系完全抓住。2009年9月18日,美国。政府出面用USD700亿美元纾困计划,希望能拯救金融系统的总崩溃的边缘结束“有毒”资产,注入足够的资金进入银行迅速启动信贷市场的周期。该政府接管房利美(Fannie Mae)和房地美(Freddie Mac)的救助了美国国际集团(AIG)在9月和有效对超过价值5万亿美元的债务时,结合其他银行的债务担保。在其他国家发生类似的纾困陷入困境的银行,最主要的是瑞士和美国 英国。在过去的一年中,政府的干预,以刺激经济已成为常规,几乎预期,但许多发达国家的经济仍然脆弱。巨额债务织机,股票市场依然动荡,并担忧失业,通货膨胀的危险,挥舞基本行业继续削弱消费者的信心。虽然在某些市场有复苏的迹象,关键如住房部门仍然依赖于政府的支持。 1.B.创业和创新的影响轶事 虽然硬盘的数据不难发现,金融危机的出现有实质性的负面投资者愿意资助创新创业的影响。特别是这种资金匮乏令人担忧的光的广泛认可需要创新企业- 所谓的“绿芽”- 重新点燃经济增长之后,全球性的经济衰退。以介绍方式,可以被看作是一个高潜力的企业家融资景观谱,更先进的企业获得大量资金从不同的逐渐变大


以创新为主题的英语作文 1、How to Be Creative Being creative is to have the skill and ability to produce something new . To be honest creative is of immune significance which advances the development of economy and thus gives people pleasure and enjoyment . Do you want to be creative ?if yes here are some suggestion . First of all you should be brave . You should dare break the traditional thoughts without hesitation .You should rid yourself of the idea that what others have put forward is the best and try to doubt it .In other words seeing a good thing or idea you should try your best to creat better rather than only speaking highly of it . In addition you should be confident As the old saying goes "opportunity only knock on the door of a pepared and confident mind ."Or rather the person who are hesitant about anything can't grasp the chance for the reason that creation will flash away if not written down timely .Only when you are confident about yourself can you grasp the idea passing through your mind.


What we cannot afford to lose We cannot lose innovation There is a wonderful word which expresses the most original motions and desires among human-beings. With solving any kind of imperfections, our world has moved ahead. This is the word “innovation” tha t we cannot afford to lose. We chicaned every detail of the innovation. Thousands years before, we created fire when we took a stone to knock another one. Since Han Dynasty, four great inventions had been created and it is one of the greatest signs that China become to the ancient civilized country. And nowadays, thousands of software, products, architectures and public facilities have upgraded more than that about 100 years ago. So how did these happen? What will you do if you are not satisfied with your tools anymore? What will you do if old mode cannot afford to develop in a company? There is no doubt that we should innovate no matter where we are and what we do. Not because of the design itself, but actually for its intended purpose. If there was no Apple, everyone could not imagine how to contact others easily and enjoy a better Internet surfing.

Innovation 创新 英语作文

Innovation With the economic globalization becoming increasingly intensive, innovation has become one of central topic around the world. Many countries see it as the key to develop their economy. Innovation is an inexhaustible source of motive power for the development of a nation, and a necessary quality for the growth of a man. Whatcan we benefitfrom it? Innovation can enhance overall national economy, which is important to heighten our nation status in the world.Israel is about the size of China’s Be ijing, yet Israel is the most advanced economics in the Middle East because of its strong innovation supported by advanced education. Although over half of land is in state of drought, Israel has the most advanced irrigation technologies. Some well-known products were invented there, such as router, Povos, Intel Core processor and so on.Always following others’ footsteps, you will never surpass him. Being yourself and dare to innovate will be your best choice. Without innovation, Steve Jobs would not have built up Apple which got where it is today. Each new design product of Apple, conceptual unit as a whole or endless after part, is able to bring you surprise and brighten your eyes.That Apple created smartphone, which have a giant influence on peoples’ lives, also makes one of the most highly valued companies in the world. Additionally, if factories have the abilities in innovation, the factories will be booming. As a result, they can provide our people with more jobs and it will make our nation more stable. What is more, a majority of new products may be available through innovation. Therefore, it is also significant factor for improving our living standards. Owing to such benefits, no wonder more and more countries focus on innovation today. Recognizing its importance is only the first step to advocate innovation, and some effective measures should be taken for it. There is no doubt in saying that without innovation, we will lack the competence we need to have a foothold in society.Therefore, only through innovation can we make ourselves competent and competitive. It is high time that we set our mind free and stride forward to make ourselves join the stream of innovation. Our country should continue to enlarge the recruit of graduate. For another, the conditions of scientists and skilled workers should be further improved. Only in this way, our nation has a brighter future.


I n n o v a t i o n创新英语 作文 集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#

I n n o v a t i o n With the economic globalization becoming increasingly intensive, innovation has become one of central topic around the world. Many countries see it as the key to develop their economy. Innovation is an inexhaustible source of motive power for the development of a nation, and a necessary quality for the growth of a man. What can we benefit from it Innovation can enhance overall national economy, which is important to heighten our nation status in the world. Israel is about the size of China’s Be ijing, yet Israel is the most advanced economics in the Middle East because of its strong innovation supported by advanced education. Although over half of land is in state of drought, Israel has the most advanced irrigation technologies. Some well-known products were invented there, such as router, Povos, Intel Core processor and so on. Always following others’ footsteps, you will never surpass him. Being yourself and dare to innovate will be your best choice. Without innovation, Steve Jobs would not have built up Apple which got where it is today. Each new design product of Apple, conceptual unit as a whole or endless after part, is able to bring you surprise and brighten your eyes. That Apple created smartphone, which have a giant influence on peoples’ lives, also makes one of the most highly valued companies in the world. Additionally, if factories have the abilities in innovation, the factories will be booming. As a result, they can provide our people with more jobs and it will make our nation more stable. What is more, a majority of new products may be available through innovation. Therefore, it is also significant factor for improving our living standards. Owing to such benefits, no wonder more and more countries focus on innovation today. Recognizing its importance is only the first step to advocate innovation, and some effective measures should be taken for it. There is no doubt in saying that without innovation, we will lack the competence we need to have a foothold in society. Therefore, only through innovation can we make ourselves competent and competitive. It is high time that we set our mind free and stride forward to make ourselves join the stream of innovation. Our country should continue to enlarge the recruit of graduate. For another, the conditions of scientists and skilled workers should be further improved. Only in this way, our nation has a brighter future.

英语演讲 传统和创新(tradition and innovation )

Tradition and Innovation Good morning, my fellow students and dear teachers. The stories of our fathers and mothers lie in the long tradition, while the future script of our children will be written by innovation. One nation would not be itself any more if it does not inherit their tradition, which is one of the most important ingredients for the culture of a nation. The influence of tradition on the main stream thoughts is still dominant, but there were good ones as well as bad ones. Tradition is the result of our ancestors’ adaption to environment. Part of tradition still suits nowadays, such as the solar term is the guide of weather. But somehow, tradition will make people shut down their will to take a step forward which may stop the development of the economy. So, our attitude towards tradition should be dialectical, take the essence to its dregs to keep its positive energy. Innovation is an important power that will help us improve the society in many aspects. First, innovation is the way that people use their intelligence to create new things by breaking the old. Thus, innovation can activate our economy by creating new growth point and new jobs. Second, politics should suit the economy if one country wants to keep its economic growth. Politics should change along with the economy, if politics remain the same, it will have negative effects on the economy, and thus, innovation in politics is needed. Third, I want to talk about my major, Industrial Design, because a lot of things occur to at the first sight of the word “innovation”. Innovation is also needed in improving our daily life. A great example is the Apple Company and its brilliant products. Design is to produce something new and new means in some way. Einstein said: “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”And apple is one of those who make their products as simple, cheap and functional as they can. You know you’ve achieved perfection in design, not when you have nothing more to add, but when you have nothing more to take away. Tradition is the innovation of the past, and innovation is the new tradition. Innovation is the blast that will bring new towards old. Innovation is the best way for our nation to invest in the future.

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