当前位置:文档之家› 纯电动汽车车内电磁辐射仿真与试验



The effect of electromagnetic radiation on human safety has been attracted widespread attention at home and abroad.There is a large proportion of electric-electronic equipment in electric vehicle,and the electromagnetic environment inside the vehicle is complex.The electromagnetic safety of the vehicle is not only related to human health,but also can determine the healthy growth of electric vehicle industry.At present,the research on electromagnetic radiation of electric vehicle mainly focuses on the effect of electromagnetic compatibility of the whole vehicle by electromagnetic radiation,and there are few studies on electromagnetic safety.The electromagnetic radiation has a long-term additive effect on human health,in order to protect the health of drivers and passengers,and to promote the sound development of electric vehicle industry,it is of great significance to simulation and analysis of electromagnetic radiation in electric vehicles.

In order to understand the distribution of the electric field intensity in the interior of electric vehicle.This paper compares the model simulation with the actual measurement method.First of all,the theory and standard of electromagnetic radiation in electric vehicles were discussed based on the electromagnetic theory,and the impact of electromagnetic radiation on human health were pointed out.Subsequently,for one electric vehicle,this paper confirmed its main radiation source,theoretically analyzed the radiation mechanism of the radiation source,and determined the extraction method of the radiation source excitation. Then three-dimensional modeling between the vehicle body and the main radiation source was achieved by using Pro/Engineer and FEKO co-simulation,and the electric field intensity distribution of the main radiation source in the vehicle interior space was simulation and analyzed.At the same time,with reference to the relevant national standards for electromagnetic field measurement,a set of test plans for that electric vehicle was developed. Using the EHP-50F low-frequency electromagnetic field measurement probe and a test system established by the car diagnostic tool KT700,a spot measurement test was conducted on real vehicles to get the actual electric field intensity distribution data.Finally,the correctness of the simulation method for the study of the electric field intensity distribution in the vehicle is verified by comparing the actual measurement data with the simulation results.

The result shows that the intensity of the electric field in the vehicle decreases with the increase of the horizontal height during driving,and the higher the height,the faster it goes down.At the same time,the suggestions of an effective rectification proposal for reducing the electromagnetic radiation in the vehicle automobile design and production are put forward according to the conclusions of this paper.

Key words:battery electric vehicles,electric field intensity,radiation source,simulation, measure


第一章绪论 (1)

1.1课题背景及意义 (1)

1.1.1课题的研究背景 (1)

1.1.2研究电动汽车电磁辐射的意义 (1)

1.2国内外研究现状 (3)

1.3论文研究内容和主要工作 (7)

1.4本文结构 (8)

第二章纯电动汽车电磁辐射相关理论及标准 (9)

2.1电磁学理论基础 (9)

2.1.1电磁辐射的产生与传播 (9)

2.1.2麦克斯韦方程组 (9)

2.1.3边界条件 (10)

2.1.4电磁学数值计算方法 (11)

2.2电磁辐射对人体健康的影响 (13)

2.2.1电磁辐射的生物效应 (13)

2.2.2低频电磁辐射对人体健康的影响 (13)

2.3电磁防护相关标准 (15)

2.3.1我国电磁限值相关标准 (15)

2.3.2国际电磁限值相关标准 (16)

2.4本章小结 (17)

第三章纯电动汽车辐射源的选取与建模 (18)

3.1纯电动汽车辐射源 (18)

3.1.1纯电动汽车结构组成 (18)

3.1.2主要辐射源 (19)

3.2辐射源建模 (20)

3.2.1导线电磁辐射机理 (20)

3.2.2激励源提取 (22)

3.3本章小结 (25)

第四章纯电动汽车车内电场强度仿真分析 (26)

4.1汽车模型创建 (26)

4.1.1Pro/Engineer (26)

4.1.2FEKO (26)

4.1.3车身模型创建 (27)

4.2辐射源添加激励的整车电磁仿真 (29)

4.2.1导入激励源 (30)

4.2.2设置求解面 (30)

4.2.3仿真分析 (31)

4.3电磁模型构造法仿真 (32)

4.3.1建模仿真 (32)

4.3.2结果分析 (35)

4.4对比分析 (37)

4.5本章小结 (38)

第五章纯电动汽车实车测量试验 (39)

5.1测量要素 (39)

5.1.1车辆状态 (39)

5.1.2测量位置 (40)

5.1.3测量场地与环境 (40)

5.1.4测量频率 (41)

5.2测量设备与系统搭建 (41)

5.2.1测量设备 (41)

5.2.2系统搭建 (42)

5.3测量实现 (43)

5.3.1室外测量 (43)

5.3.2室内测量 (43)

5.4测量结果与分析 (44)

5.5仿真与测量结果对比分析 (45)

5.6本章小结 (47)

总结与展望 (48)

参考文献 (50)

攻读学位期间取得的研究成果 (55)

致谢 (56)

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