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新世纪英语第五册 book 5 unit1-4课后练习答案

新世纪英语第五册 book 5 unit1-4课后练习答案
新世纪英语第五册 book 5 unit1-4课后练习答案


Working with words and expressions:

1) beloved, 2) classics 3) survivor 4) workaholic 5) manufacturing

6) odd 7) finances 8) boarded 9) replacement 10) natural

1) asking around 2) straighten out 3) pick out

4) grabbed at 5)loo k…in the eye6) and all that


1)until 2)interests 3)sandwiches 4)overweight

5)beloved 6)boarded 7)workaholic 8)compete

9)finally 10)precisely 11)coronary 12)acquaintances 13)survived 14)inquiring 15)deceased


He died. He worked himself to death, finally and precisely, at 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning, on his day off.

His friends and acquaintances were not really surprised. To them, He was a perfect Type A, a workaholic, a classic.

Phil worked six days a week, five of them until eight or nine at night, during a time when his own company had begun the four-day week for everyone but the executives. He played a golf game every month but it was work. Other than this, he had no outside “extracurricular interests”.

His survivors included his wife Helen and three children. Helen, forty-eight years old, had given up trying to compete with his work years ago. Among his “beloved” children, the eldest son didn’t know him well, and the daughter had no shared topics with him. Only the youngest son, who was twenty, tried to grab at his father and tried to mean enough to him to keep the man at home.

At the funeral, the sixty-year-old company president said that the fifty-one-year-old deceased had meant much to the company and would be missed and would be hard to replace.And by 5:00 p.m. the afternoon of the funeral, the company president had begun to make inquiries about the replacement.


Working with words and expressions:

1) ill-fitting 2) stain 3) devoured 4) rotting

5) cracked 6) chronic 7) dripping 8) sore

9) enslaved 10) corrective


1) wears away/eats away 2) come off

3) help out 4) eats away

5) going up 6) at best

7) off and on


1. smell

2. marriage

3. chronic

4. smelly

5. unemployment

6. mattress

7. cornbread

8. malnutrition

9. cracked 10. luxuries 11. insects 12. diapers

13. future 14. alcohol 15. bars


What is poverty? Read the story of a single mother of three, and you’ll understand what it means.

She was married once, but later her husband lost his job and life became increasingly difficult. After giving birth to the last baby, her marriage came to an end.

In order to save her children from suffering, she summoned up her courage and went to ask for help.

She got seventy-eight dollars a month for the four of them. After the rent, most of the rest went for food.

There was no money left to get the refrigerator fixed and the milk went sour; no money for hot water, and even in winter she had to do washing in icy cold water. She had chronic anemia caused from poor diet, a bad case of worms, and needed a corrective operation, but there was no

money for iron pills, or better food, or worm medicine, to say nothing of having an operation. She had no money for grannies; no money for paper handkerchiefs and her children were seen with runny noses all the time. She tried her best to use only the minimum electricity. She stayed up all night on cold nights, because she had to watch the fire, for fear that one spark on the newspaper covering the walls would cause a fire and the sleeping children would die in flames.

She saw no bright future. Sooner or later, the boys would end up behind the bars of their prison or turn to the freedom of alcohol or drugs and find themselves enslaved. And what awaited the daughter was, at best, a life like that of the mother.

Indeed, poverty is an acid that drips on pride until all pride is worn away. Poverty is a chisel that chips on honor until honor is worn away.


Working with words and expressions:

1) pray 2) escorted 3) swirled

4) grin 5) deceived 6) punctuated

7) wail 8) rejoicing 9) moans

10) serenely

2.1) by leaps and bounds 2) a sea of

3) holding out 4) take his name in vain

5) held up 6) am ashamed of


1) congretion 2) souls 3) escorted 4) revival

5) sinners 6) sermon 7) rocking 8) altar

9) surrounded 10) whisper 11) serenely 12) ashamed 13) namc 14) burst 15) rejoiced


When Hughes was going on thirteen, his aunt took him to the church for a revival meeting, hoping that his soul would be saved by Jesus Christ. His aunt told him that when he was saved, he would see a light, and something would happen to him inside! She also said he could see and hear and feel Jesus in his soul. Young Hughes believed in the literal meaning of these words. He sat there calmly in the hot, crowded church, waiting for Jesus to come to him.

After the sermon by the preacher, all the children went to the altar one after another. This meant that they were saved. But Hughes kept sitting there. He was still waiting for Jesus to come, wanting something to happen to him. Now the whole congregation was praying for him alone. The pressure on him was increasing and he began to feel ashamed of

himself, holding everything up so long. In order to avoid further trouble, Hughes decided to lie and say that Jesus had come. So he got up and was saved finally. That night, lying in bed, Hughes cried in agony. He felt guilty because he had lied in public and he didn’t believe in Jesus any more.

Unit 4

Working with words and expressions:


1. grin

2. browse

3. shivered

4. hearty

5. nerves

6. courtship

7. pinching

8. napping

9. blinking 10. bragging


1.live off

2. cut loose

3. shot out

4. were weighed down

5. stopped short of

6. washing them down with

7. shake … out

8. come up to 9. hosing down


1. cracking

2. living

3. refrigerator

4. quart

5. change

6. porch

7. race

8. cleaning

9. casually 10. hearty 11. Eventually 12. saw

13. browsing 14. scared 15. courtship


Life is full of miracles. Sometimes, a chance meeting can lead to a happy marriage.

When he was twenty, he was college poor. One day, he went to buy some beer and on his way back he saw his neighbor, a Japanese woman, cracking walnuts on her front porch. He walked slowly and she looked up, smiling. He smiled back and said hello, and returned with the beer to his apartment, his heart still with the girl.

So he raced his heart downstairs, but stopped short of her house, because he didn’t know what to say. After a while, with studied casualness he walked past the girl who was cleaning up the shells, but he only came up with a hearty hello and walked away. He was troubled by his own indecision. Then, he returned, walking past her again. They smiled to each other, but again nothing was said before he returned to his apartment.

Later, they began to talk, sit together on the porch, and snack on the sweet bread he baked personally. Then they held hands. Eventually, he married the woman he found cracking walnuts on an afternoon.

Had he not gone for the beer, or had he met someone else instead of her, his life would have been totally different.


大学英语听说第五册答案 Unit 1 Messages: Ps 2 -3 Ex. I 1c 2b 3c 4c 5d P3 Ex. II. 1) Friday 2) can’t make the meeting on Tuesday afternoon. 3) Friday 4) Grandmother died. Got to go to the funeral. 5) Strike 6) Cancel the last order. 7) London 8) Phone her as soon as Dawson’s back. 9) supply 10) will explain later P7 Message 1. Ask Mr Hudson to call Ms Alvarez’s secretary at the Columbia Towers Hotel. 2. Ask Mr Hudson to call All Canada Airlines at 604-551-097 3. 3. Ask Mr Hudson to call Laura Smith back Wednesday night. P7 1F 2T 3T 4T 5F P8 1. Call Peter before 11 in the morning. He wants to talk about the weekend. 2. Tell Mr Barrett that Bob Hudson is back in his office. 3. Can’t baby-sit on Friday night, but her friend Mary Ann who has lots of experience in baby-sitting can and her phone number is 892-2971. P.9 1c 2d 3c 4c Unit 2 Experiences P 11 I : 1c 2a 3d 4b 5c P12. 1. good things ……do hard physical work 2. co-workers …complain….when there was nothing to do 3. pride and satisfaction….praise from co-workers. Pay….a job was being done. 4. his time had been well spent. P17-18 1c 2b 3d 4b 5d P18. 1b 2c 3d 4c P19 1T 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F 7F 8F 9T 10F What happened Why was ….What did… Jane Rustled across..foot…dark a snake Screamed ….woke up night everyday Tony Stuck …subway car…total Between two stations…Got off the train…the next darkness dark and hot station…far from where he wanted to go Unit 3 Biography P 21 1d 2a 3d P22 4d 5c P22 1. 1899 2. a reporter on Kansas City Star 3. serving as an ambulance driver for the Red Cross 4. he got to know many of the American writers and artists in Paris. 5.1925 6. A Farewell to Arms. 7. the 1930s 8. The Old Man and the Sea


新编英语教程第五册课后练习题答案 Answers to the exercises in Unit 1 II. Paraphrase 1.A writer who is particular about the exactness of an expression in English will never feel happy with a word which fails to express an idea accurately. 2. To a certain extent, the process of finding the right words to use is a process of perfection where you try to search for words that may most accurately express your thoughts and feelings, and words that may most effectively make your listeners and readers understand your thoughts and feelings. 3. Finding the most suitable word to use is in no sense easy. But there is nothing like the delight we shall experience when such a word is located. 4. Once we are able to use language accurately, we are in a position to fully understand our subject matter. III. Translate 1.After citing many facts and giving a number of statistical figures, he finally drove home his point. 2. It took us half a year more or less to carry through the research project. 3. What he said was so subtle that we could hardly make out his true intention. 4. His new book looks squarely at the contemporary social problems. 5. The younger generation today are very much alive to the latest information found on the Internet. 6. It is a matter of opinion whether a foreign language is more easily learned in one’s childhood or otherwise. 7. Never lose heart in the face of a setback; take courage and deal with it squarely. 8. Rice, meat, vegetables, and fruit constitute a balanced diet. Language Work III. 1. clumsy-unskillful 2. deft-skilful 3. loose-vague 4. subtle-tricky 5. precise-accurate 6. shift-alteration 7. vague-ambiguous 8. scrupulous-conscientious 9. ignorance-want of knowledge 10. disadvantages-drawbacks 11. cultivating-developing 12. mistaken-erroneous 13.unimportant-trivial 14. dark-dim 15. flexible-adaptable 16. fine-subtle 17. sentimental-emotional 18. essence-quintessence 19. coercion-compulsion 20. fascinating-absorbing


项目管理5大过程组,42个过程一句话讲解 启动过程组: (1)制定项目章程:诞生项目,并为项目经理“正名”; (2)识别干系人:搞清楚谁与项目相关; 规划过程组: (3)制定项目管理计划:编制项目执行的蓝图; (4)收集需求:收集要做什么; (5)定义范围:确定要做什么; (6)创建工作分解结构:细化交付成果到可管理的程度; (7)定义活动:把工作包分解为可估算、可管理的活动; (8)排列活动顺序:确定工作执行的先后顺序; (9)估算活动资源:确定到底需要什么才能完成工作; (10)估算活动持续时间:确定完成工作所需要经历的时间; (11)制定进度计划:描绘出整个项目的实施进程; (12)估算成本:确定完成工作所需要付出的代价; (13)制定预算:批准完成工作所需要付出的代价; (14)规划质量:确定合格的标准; (15)制定人力资源计划:需要什么人、需要多少人; (16)规划沟通:项目干系人需要什么,如何给到他们; (17)规划风险管理:定义如何对待风险; (18)识别风险:风险,你在哪里; (19)实施定性风险分析:揭开风险的面纱; (20)实施定量风险分析:揭开风险的真相; (21)规划风险应对:定义如何应对风险; (22)规划采购:买什么,如何买; 执行过程组: (23)指导与管理项目执行:按图索骥; (24)实施质量保证:通过过程保证质量; (25)组建项目团队:让巧妇能为有米之炊; (26)建设项目团队:激发团队的潜能; (27)管理项目团队:大家好才是真的好; (28)发布信息:把信息传递给需要的人; (29)管理干系人期望:沟通并满足干系人的需求; (30)实施采购:购买要买的东西; 监控过程组: (31)监控项目工作:盯着,不停地盯着; (32)实施整体变更控制:让变更在可控之内; (33)核实范围:让用户接受项目成果; (34)控制范围:让范围在可控之内; (35)控制进度:让进度在可控之内; (36)控制成本:让费用在可控之内; (37)实施质量控制:让结果满足既定的合格标准;


U1 Vocabulary work 一 1.given 2.at a glance 3.fluency 4.Given 5.hopefully 6.For its part 7.define 8.looked him up 9.no good 10.quoted, context 11.guidance 12.immediate 13.disgust

https://www.doczj.com/doc/bd4523783.html,e across 15.put into practice 16.scope 二 1.washed his hands of 2.given 3.putting…into practice 4.was confronted with 5.countering 6.were reduced to eating 7.at a glance 8.took refuge in 9.less practicable 10.countered 11.dedication 12.in disgust

14.for their part 15.gave up 三 1.Without suitable entertainment, these young people often get bored and take refuge in drinking and taking drugs. 2.The school washed its hands of the students’ beha vior during the spring recess. 3.The innocent girl was reduced to crying at his cruel remarks. 4.Many difficult words are out of the scope of his learner’s dictionary. 5.The thief admitted his guilt as soon as he was confronted with evidence. 6.The incident should be viewed in the wider context of the political turmoil of that time. 四 1.has come down 2.came to


第一课 Vocabulary work 一 1. given 2. at a glance 3. fluency 4. Given 5. hopefully 7. define 8. looked him up 9. no good 10. quoted, context 11. guidance 12. immediate 13. disgust 14. come across 15. put into practice 16. scope 二 1. washed his hands of 2. given 3. putting…into practice 4. was confronted with 5. countering 6. were reduced to eating 7. at a glance 8. took refuge in 9. less practicable 10. countered 11. dedication 12. in disgust 13. relied on 14. for their part 15. gave up 三 1. Without suitable entertainment, these young people often get bored and take refuge in drinking and taking drugs. 2. The school washed its hands of the students’ behavior during the sp ring recess. 3. The innocent girl was reduced to crying at his cruel remarks. 4. Many difficult words are out of the scope of his learner’s dictionary. 5. The thief admitted his guilt as soon as he was confronted with evidence. 6. The incident should be viewed in the wider context of the political turmoil of that time. 四 1. has come down 2. came to 3. comes out 4. come up with 5. come in 6. came across 7. has come about 8. come off 9. come to 10. give up 11. was given back 12. gave away 13. gave out 14. give in 15. gives off/out cloze 1. express 2. both 3. intended 4. still 5. where 6. personal 7. of 8. them 9. make 10. before 11. still 12. before 13. fluent 14. while 15. enough 16. on 17. in 18. In 19. Find 20. Who 21. carefully 22. to


Lesson 1 Vocabulary 1. Manhood:the state of being human 2. White lie:harmless or trivial lie,esp.one told in order to avoid hurting sb. 3. black sheep:person regarded as a disgrace or a failure by other members of his family or group 4. To upset: to defeat 5. Affirmation:stating sth.as truth firmly and forcefully 6. To strain: to make the greatest possible effort 7. Off base: mistaken 8. (a) want (of) : lack of 9. Ringing cry: rallying call Paragraph 1. The job of arousing manhood within a people that have been taught for so many centuries that they are nobody is not easy. It is no easy job to educate a people who have been told over centuries that they were inferior and of no importance to see that they are humans, the same as any other people. 2. Psychological freedom, a firm sense of self-esteem, is the most powerful weapon against the long night of physical slavery. If you break the mental shackles imposed on you by white supremacists, if you really respect yourself, thinking that you are a Man, equal to anyone else, you will be able to take part in the struggle against racial discrimination. 3. The Negro will only be free when he reaches down to the inner depths of his own being and signs with the pen and ink of assertive manhood his own emancipation proclamation. The liberation of mind can only be achieved by the Negro himself/herself. Only when a negro is fully convinced that he/she is a Man/Woman and is not inferior to anyone else, can he/she throw off the manacles of self-abnegation and become free. 4. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love. Power in its best form of function is the carrying out of the demands of justice with love and justice in the best form of function is the overcoming of everything standing in the way of love with power. ability and 5. At that time economic status was considered the measure of the individual’s talents. At that time, the way to evaluate how capable and resourceful a person was to see how much money he had made (or how wealthy he was). 6. …the absence of worldly goods indicated a want of industrious habits and moral fiber. A person was poor because he was lazy and not hard-working and lacked a sense of right and wrong. 7. It is not the work of slaves driven to their tasks either by the task, by the taskmaster, or by animal necessity. This kind of work cannot be done by slaves who work because the work has to be done, because


一、选择题 1.Were you in the supermarket?—___________. A.Yes , I were. B. No, I wasn’t. C.No, I was. 2.Where did you go yesterday?—I went to __________. A.the supermarket B.a schoolbag C.orange 3. What’s your favorite color? It’s _______. A. book B. banana C. blue 4. Did you have a good time in your summer vacation? A. Yes, I did. B.Yes,I do. C.No, I did. 5. What did you do in your summer vacation? A.I visit Big Ben. B.I visited the Great Wall. C.I do my homework. 6. I’m from _____. A. the USA B.summer C.the Shanghai 7. Do you like your school,Sally ? A. No,you do. B.No,you don’t. C.Yes,I do. 8.Where are you from, Miss Panda? A.I’m from China. B.I’m here. C.Yes. 9. Excuse me , Sir. How can I get to the zoo? A.In China. B. Go straight,then turn right C.At school. 10. Thank you. —_________. A.You’re right. B.You’re welcome C.Thank you. 11.Are you from Australia?_________ A.Yes ,you are. B.No,I am. C.Yes,I am. 12.Were you in Beijing in summer? A.I am sorry. B.No,I was in Hainan. C.Yes,I am in Beijing. 13. What’s your favorite month? ___ __ ___ A.Sunday B.Tuesday C.March 14. When is your birthday, Li Hong? It’s __ _ _. A.April. B.Monday C.eight 15. How is the weather in spring? It’s ______. A.warm B.cold C.cool 16. When is Children’s Day? A.May 1st B.June 1st C.July 1st 17.翻译词组“向左转”。_________ A.Turn left. B.Turn right. C.Turn on. 18.翻译“十月份”___ ___ A.September B.October C.November 19.It’s Mid-Autumn Day. 翻译:-_____________- A.今天是国庆节。B.今天是中秋节。 C.今天是劳动节。 20.What’s your favorite food,Panda? _________ A.Fish B.Grass C.Bamboo 21.Where are you from, Kangaroo? I’m from _____. A.Australia B.China C.Janpa



项目管理五大过程组(图表概括和详细) 项目管理五大过程组: 1、启动过程组:获得授权,定义一个新项目或现有项目的一个新阶段,正式开始该项目或阶段的一组过程。 2、规划过程组:明确项目范围,优化目标,为实现目标而制定行动方案的一组过程。 3、执行过程组:完成项目管理计划中确定的工作以实现项目目标的一组过程。 4、监控过程组:跟踪、审查和调整项目进展与绩效,识别必要的计划变更并启动相应变更的一组过程。 5、收尾过程组:为完结所有过程组的所有活动以正式结束项目或阶段而实施的一组过程。 单个项目的项目管理过程 一、启动过程组 1、制定项目章程 制定项目章程是制定一份正式批准项目或阶段的文件,并记录能反映干系人的需要和期望的初步要求的过程。在多阶段项目中,这一过程可用来确认或优化在以前的制定项目章程过程中所做的相关决策。 2、识别干系人 识别干系人是识别所有受项目影响的人或组织,并记录其利益、参与情况和影响项目成功的过程。 二、规划过程组

3、制定项目管理计划 制定项目管理计划是对定义、编制、整合和协调所有子计划所必需的行动进行记录的过程。项目管理计划是关于如何对项目进行规划、执行、监控和收尾的主要信息来源。 4、收集需求 收集需求是为实现项目目标而定义并记录干系人的需求的过程。 5、定义范围 定义范围是制定项目和产品的详细描述的过程。 6、创建工作分解结构(WBS) 创建工作分解结构是把项目可交付成果和项目工作分解成较小的、更易于管理的组成部分的过程。 7、定义活动 定义活动是识别为完成项目可交付成果而需采取的具体行动的过程。 8、排列活动顺序 排列活动顺序是识别和记录项目活动间逻辑关系的过程。 9、估算活动资源 估算活动资源是估算各项活动所需材料、人员、设备和用品的种类和数量的过程。 10、估算活动持续时间 估算活动持续时间是根据资源估算的结果,估算完成单项活动所需工作时段数的过程。 11、制定进度计划


第一课 大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(1u)(2010-07-20 13:49:10)转载 标签:答案教育分类:大学英语 V ocabulary work 一 1. given 2. at a glance 3. fluency 4. Given 5. hopefully 7. define 8. looked him up 9. no good 10. quoted, context 11. guidance 12. immediate 13. disgust 14. come across 15. put into practice 16. scope 二 1. washed his hands of 2. given 3. putting…into practice 4. was confronted with 5. countering 6. were reduced to eating 7. at a glance 8. took refuge in 9. less practicable 10. countered 11. dedication 12. in disgust 13. relied on 14. for their part 15. gave up 三 1. Without suitable entertainment, these young people often get bored and take refuge in drinking and taking drugs. 2. The school washed its hands of the students’ behavior during the spring recess. 3. The innocent girl was reduced to crying at his cruel remarks. 4. Many difficult words are out of the scope of his learner’s dictionary. 5. The thief admitted his guilt as soon as he was confronted with evidence. 6. The incident should be viewed in the wider context of the political turmoil of that time. 四 1. has come down 2. came to 3. comes out 4. come up with 5. come in 6. came across 7. has come about 8. come off 9. come to 10. give up 11. was given back 12. gave away 13. gave out 14. give in 15. gives off/out cloze 1. express 2. both 3. intended 4. still 5. where 6. personal 7. of 8. them 9. make 10. before 11. still 12. before 13. fluent 14. while 15. enough 16. on 17. in 18. In


Lesson1 1.The job of arousing manhood within a people that have been taught for so many centuries that they are nobody is not easy. It is no easy job to educate a people who have been told over centuries that they were inferior and of no importance to see that they are humans, the same as any other people. 2.Psychological freedom, a firm sense of self-esteem, is the most powerful weapon against the long night of physical slavery. If you break the mental shackles imposed on you by white supremacists, if you really respect yourself, thinking that you are a Man, equal to anyone else, you will be able to take part in the struggle against racial discrimination. 3.The Negro will only be free when he reaches down to the inner depths of his own being and signs with the pen and ink of assertive manhood his own emancipation proclamation. The liberation of mind can only be achieved by the Negro himself/herself. Only when he/she is fully convinced that he/she is a Man/Woman and is not inferior to anyone else, can he/she throw off the manacles of self-abnegation and become free. 4.Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love. Power in the best form of function is the carrying out of the demands of justice with love and justice in the best form of function is the overcoming of everything standing in the way of love with power. 5.At that time economic status was considered the measure of the individual’s ability and talents. At that time, the way to evaluate how capable and resourceful a person was to see how much money he had made (or how wealthy he was). 6.…the absence of worldly goods indicated a want of industrious habits and moral fiber. A person was poor because he was lazy and not hard-working and lacked a sense of right and wrong. 7.It is not the work of slaves driven to their tasks either by the task, by the taskmaster, or by animal necessity. This kind of work cannot be done by slaves who work because the work has to be done, because they are forced to work by slave-drivers or because they need to work in order to be fed and clothed. 8.…when the unjust measurement of human worth on the scale of dollars is eliminated. …when the unfair practice of judging human value by the amount of money a person has is done away with. 9.He who hates does not know God, but he who has love has the key that unlocks the door to the meaning of ultimate reality. Those who harbor hate in their hearts cannot grasp the teachings of God. Only those who have love can enjoy the ultimate happiness in Heaven. 10.Let us be dissatisfied until America will no longer have a high blood pressure of creeds and an anemia of deeds. Let us be dissatisfied until America no longer only talk about racial equality but is unwilling or reluctant to take action to end such evil practice as racial discrimination.


第一课 如果无故旷工长达一个月的话一ヶ月ぐらい無断欠勤とすると、現在の社会の状況からみて、おそらく復職したいことが難しいだろう。 虽说中了彩票,但只不过宝くじが当たったといっても、六等の 3000 円でしかないので、飛び上がって喜ぶほどのことはない。 在日逗留期间,我无论如何私は日本滞在中、何としても日本一美しいと言われる富士山を見てみたい。 轮船犹如一叶扁舟あらしの中で汽船はさながら小船のように舞い狂い、今にも転覆しそうで、心配でならない. 我光是抚养妻子儿女妻子を扶養してもう精一杯だけでも、そんな奢侈なものを買って経済能力がない。 我从小由外婆一手带大子供からお祖母さんに手に掛けてくれたので、両親としっくり行ってなかった、このこと通して、両親の不易がありがたい。 尽管我们父子俩相处了30年も私たち親子が一緒に暮らして30年けれども、父と一度たりとも心行くまで話し合ったことがない。 爷爷受不了空前的炎热朝早々、爺さんが空前の暑さが忚えないで、気が遠くなってしまった。みんながあわてて病院に運んだ。 妹妹结婚后一直没有孩子妹は結婚してずっと子供に恵まれなかったが、やっと去年妊娠した。高齢出産の妹が無事に出産することを願ってやまない。. 那地方很安静あの辺が静かで、空気もいいし、買い物や交通も便利なので、老人には住み心地のいいところだと思う。 第二課 考上高中以后僕は高校に入ってから、音楽活動に努めるかたわら、陸上部に入ってスポーツにも力を入れ、日々充実した生活を送っている。 他把她的来信彼女からの手紙を燃やしつくすと、彼は静かにこの町を後に立ち去って行った。 精心策划了二ケ月もかかって、練りに練った陰謀も自分の妻の告白であっけなく失敗に終わった。 那个村庄有一对ある村に老夫婦がいて、一人娘をはなはだ可愛がっていたが、その娘は


Part A Ex1 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.D Ex2 1.Friday 2.Can’t make the meeting aon Tuesday afternoon. 3.Friday 4.Grandmother died.Got to go to the funeral. 5.Strike 6.Cancel the last order. 7.London 8.Phone her as soon as Dawson’s back. 9.supply 10.Will explain later. Part D 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.F Part E Message1 Call Peter before11in the morning.He wants to talk about the weekend. Message2 Tell Mr.Barrett that Bob Hudson is back in his office. Message3 Can’t baby-sit on Frinday night,but her friend Mary Ann who has lots of experience in baby-sitting can and her phone number is892-2971. 1.C 2.D 3.C 4.C Unit2 Part A Ex1 1.C 2.A 3.D

5.C Ex2 1.good things,do hard physical work 2.co-workers,complain,heavy,when there was nothing to do 3.pride and satisfaction,praise from co-workers,pay,a job was being done 4.his time had been well spent Part D A story 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.D A passage 1.B 2.C 3.D 4.C Part E Conversation1 1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.F 8.F 9.T 10.F Conversation2 Jane:rustled across,foot,dark night;a snake;Screamed,woke up everyday Tony:stuck,subway car,total darkness;between two stations,dark and hot;Got off the train,the next station,far from where he wanted to go Unit3 Part A Ex1 1.D 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.C

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