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小学英语教学调查报告 今年暑期,我系开展了三下乡活动,此次活动的目的是为了解社会对二十一世纪的建设人才提出了新的要求,小学英语因此也提到了日程上来。由于大部分地区均为首次开设小学英语课程,处于摸索阶段。许多关于如何开展英语课程问题困绕了着教育工作者。小学生为这次变革的主体又是怎样看待英语课的呢?他们心目中的英语课堂又是怎样的呢?对此,我们开展了关于小学英语教学的问卷调查,经过具体汇总,共收集有效问卷90份,结果显示如下: 喜欢上英语课的学生占75%,持无所谓态度的占15%,害怕上英语课的占10%。另外,在英语课堂上,遇到不会的问题愿意主动向老师提问的占45%,不确定会主动向老师提问的占25%,不会主动向老师提问的占30%。此外,认识到英语对他们的重要性的占80%,认为学习英语对他们毫无作用的仅占20%。最后一项调查主要是针对小学英语课开设情况的调查,结果显示,85%的学生认为英语课开设正常。 经过不同成绩水平、来自不同学校、不同家庭背景几个不同层次的学生代表的谈话以及与班主任的交流,同时也结合本人亲身观察,不难发现,大部分学生害怕老师提问,不敢开口,导致课堂气氛沉闷的原因有:一、对英语不感兴趣二、不喜欢英语老师三、确实不知道答案四、知道答案,但不知道如何用英语表达五、和班上同学不熟,害怕回答错误,被同学嘲笑。其中我们了解到对上英语课持无所谓态度的主要原因是感觉课堂氛围不活跃,老师教学方式很老套。 对此,我们小组一致认为活跃课堂气氛是提高英语水平的关键因素。通过与学生的交流我们还得知,部分学生本身原来基础就比较弱,而课程内容

逐步加深,无法接受难度加深的知识,导致考试不及格,丧失信心,久而久之对英语丝毫不感兴趣;对于不喜欢英语老师的同学,我们通过与班主任的交流得知,他们在班上成绩还不错,但纪律表现不是很好,常常遭到班主任的批评,身为班主任兼任课老师,难免有时语言会带有些杀伤力,一不小心伤害了学生们稚嫩的自尊心,因此导致学生对老师产生厌恶情绪;同时我们也不难看出绝大部分学生是因为知道答案而不知道如何用英语表达而不敢在课堂上开口,这主要有以下几点原因:首先,任课老师很少用英文教学,长此以往,学生只习惯听中文而不习惯英文;其次,学生接触英语的机会少之又少,班级从不开展任何关于英语口语的活动,学校开展的活动,很少涉及到这方面,即便是有,但只注重表面形式,而忽略了本质。再次,由于不正确的考试制度和过分的评比,让老师们将教学重点转向语法和阅读部分,忽略了口语练习,据了解,任课老师很少上Speaking部分,即便上也不会将其列入教学重点,只是稍稍带过而已,实质上学生们只是听老师的简单叙述而没有真正参与其中,未能得到真正的锻炼。 针对以上原因,我们提出以下措施: 一、以兴趣激发为目的。 “有趣味、有吸引力的东西使识记的可能性几乎增加一倍半。”因此,在教学过程中,教者始终注意运用多种手段和方法,激发学生的学习兴趣。如在新课导入时设计了诵读小韵文环节,这样不仅帮助学生复习了一些水果的表达法,为本课的学习作知识铺垫,而且抑扬顿挫的节奏极大地调动了学生的学习情绪,使他们精神亢奋地投入到课堂教学中,为本课的学习作了心理铺垫。接下来的新授环节中,为了巩固所学的新单词和新句型,教者又采取了填一填、唱一唱的形式,在活跃的课堂气氛中,学生感受到了学习英语


小学三年级英语阅读训练及答案 Trees Planting Day March 12th is Trees Planting Day. Many people go out to plant trees. They plant trees on the hills, in the parks or along the roads. First, they dig holes, then put the young trees into the holes and put the earth back. At last, they water the young trees. They know trees are people’s friends. They will take good care of them. 生词点拨:dig——挖 water——浇水 March——三月 Put back——放回 take care of——照顾 小试身手:根据短文内容判断句子正误 ()1. on trees planting day, many people go out to plant flowers. ()2. we can plant trees on the hills. ()3. we should take good care of trees. 根据短文内容选择正确的答案 ()4. when is Trees Planting Day? . A. May 1st B. May 12th C. March 12th D. May 13th ()5. what do people do on the day? A. the visit their friends B. they buy presents for their friends C. they plant trees D. they play with each other. ()6. why do people plant trees? A. they plant trees for fun


小学六年级英语阅读试题及答案 (2011-08-28 09:21:49) 一、Read and judge阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。 Passage 1 Many parts of the world have four seasons. They are spring, summer, fall and winter. Spring follows winter. It becomes warmer and the days become longer. Plants begin to grow and many animals have babies. Summer is the hottest season. It does not get dark until late. Plants grow fast. In fall the days get shorter. The weather turns cooler. Trees may lose their leaves. Some birds fly to warmer places. Winter is the coldest season. It gets dark early in the evening. Plants stop growing and many trees are bare(光秃)。 1. All parts of the world have four seasons.( ) 2. Many animals have babies in spring.( ) 3. Summer is the hottest season.( ) 4. The day become longer in fall.( ) 5. Winter comes. The plants stop growing.( ) Passage 2 Mary and Kate are sisters. They just had a physical examination(体检)。These are some 1. Mary is Kate’s sister.( ) 2. Kate is older than Mary.( ) 3. Mary has long and brown hair.( ) 4. Mary is 10kg heavier than Kate.( ) 5. Their eyes’ colour are same.( ) Passage 3 On Sunday morning, Mr Baker takes Mike and Joan to a plane. He opens the door of the plane and lets the children in. Soon the plane begins to up. Joan looks out of the window, “Oh, we’re like birds in the sky!” She says. She looks at the houses, but they are like toy houses. Mike looks out of the window, too. He sees some buses. They look like toy buses. The people on the ground look very, very small, too. Then the plane comes down and down, and stops on the ground. Mike and Joan are very happy. 1. Mr Baker takes Mike and Joan to a plane because they’re going to school. ( ) 2. The children see some birds in the sky.( )


小学英语教学现状调查报告 下面是小编为您准备的小学英语教学现状调查报告,供大家参考和借鉴噢!希望能对您有所帮助。后续精彩不断,敬请关注! 小学英语作为一门新设的学科在云和县起步较早,在教 育局领导及有关部门的重视下,我县在xx年秋季全面在各小学(三年级起始)开设小学英语课程。小学英语发展势头良 好,开设英语的学校由原来的2所发展到5所再到现在的16所,英语课程自设立以来正在逐步走向完善,为了进一步提升、规范该课程的教学理念、教学研究及教学管理,让小学 英语学科上一个新的台阶,xx学年教研室小学英语学科做了 以下一些调查研究工作。 一、师资情况调查 为了更好地了解我县小学英语教学现状,本学年特对各 小学英语师资情况进行调查。统计到06年7月,我县小学共有35位英语教师,其中专职小学英语教师24人,英语专业 师范类高校毕业生32人、非英语专业师范类高校毕业生3人;按课标规定每周3课时计算,按现有三至六年级学生计算, 师资严重不足。 (表略) 从上表可以看出,我县小学英语教师年龄较轻,有95%的教师在35岁以下;职称偏低,小高职称仅占5%;年轻教师缺乏教学经验,课堂常规抓不好,教学效果不理想。英语教师的 综合素质和业务水平大部分能满足教学需要,但仍有个别教 师教学基本功不够扎实,口语问题尤为严重。对小学生的英 语学习影响较大。另外,英语教师任课班级过多,一般都有 6-8个班级,而且部分学校的班额很大,面对300-400名学生,我们的老师无法顾及每一个学生,一是教师的精力有 限,二是学生的时间有限,学生中两极分化现象越来越明

显。现在有的学校的三年级英语课每周只开两节课。英语学习需要大量重复,课时不足势必制约着教学质量。 二、教学调研 为了检测小学英语学科教学质量以及了解三年来学校对小英学科的管理情况,按照教育局的要求,教研员深入课堂第一线。本学年共下校调研16所小学,进小学课堂听课56节。通过听课的方式了解教师的课堂教学情况;并通过问卷调查与座谈的方式了解学校在英语教学中存在的困难以及任课教师对小学英语教学的建议;通过抽测的形式了解学生在口语、听力以及笔试方面存在的问题,并形成调研报告送有关部门参考。并就教学中存在的问题提出了相应的对策。 (一)教师素质在提升 1、英语教学有起色、一年来,县实验小学和江滨实验小学各举行了英语周系列活动,将教学内容以不同的方式搬上舞台,使学生在活动中再次认识了教材。并在一定程度上向课文延伸,是学生了解到英语国家的语言与文化。 2、英语教师年轻,精力旺盛,课堂中发现大多数教师热情高涨,学生学习积极性高、兴趣浓厚,课堂气氛良好。 (二)质量检测进一步完善 为了检测我市小学英语教学质量,根据教育局的要求,本年度对有关学校的教学情况进行了诊断性测试并进行了分析。 1、xx年11月对县小和江滨两所学校三年级学生进行口试。本次抽测发现、1)部分学生答非所问;2)许多学生对单词和句子的认读能力低下;3)个别学生不能将图片与单词很好地联系起来。课堂教学中出现低效现象;部分学校教学管理上存在着较多的问题。 2、xx年12月和xx年56月分别两次对全县四年级学生进行了抽测,旨在了解本阶段所教学单元中的关键词的落实情况和26个英语字母的教学情况。


小学三年级篇英语阅读理解专项训练-40 篇(含答案) (1) It 's eight o'clock. The children( But they are walking to school today. It usually( 通常) stays at homein the this morning. It 's nine o'clock. at night( 晚上). But he is reading an 孩子们) go to school by car every day. ' s ten o 'clock. Mrs. Green morning. But she is going to the shops Mr. Green usually reads his newspaper interesting( 有趣的) book this evening. ( )1.When do the children come to school? A. At 8:00. B. At 7:00. C. At 9:00. ( ) 2.How are they come to school today? A. By car. B. By bus. C. Walking ( ) 3.When is Mrs. Green going to the shops? A. At 8:00. B. At 10:00. C. At 9:00. ( ) 4.When does Mr. Green read his newspaper? A.At 8:00. B.At 7:00. C:At 9:00. ( ) 5.What is Mr Green do this evening? A.Reading a books. B.Writing a letter. C.Watching TV. (2) Mike is a good student. He gets up at six thirty every day. He likes to wear his blue sweater. He goes to school at seven fifteen. He has English class at eight o'clock. He likes English very much. He has lunch at home. In the afternoon, he always plays football on the school playground. He does homework after dinner. He goes to bed at nine o 'clock. 判断正(门误(F) ( ) (1) Mike gets up at 6:20 every day. ( ) (2) Mike has a blue sweater. ( ) (3) Mike has lunch at school. ( ) (4) Mike likes to play football. ( ) (5) Mike does homework after school. (3) Tomand John are good friends. Tomis 12. John is 13. They are good students. They like hamburgers. Miss White is their English teacher. 判断正(门误(F) ( )1. Tom and John are good friends. ( )2. Tom is 12. ( )3. John is 12. ( )4. They like eggs. (4) Hi, my name is Tom. I 'm 9. I like English very much. My sister is Amy. She's 5. My father is 39. Mymother is 37. They love me. I love my family. 阅读理解并选择合适的选项 ( )1. My name is _______ . A. Amy B. Tom ( )2. My sister is _____ . A . 9 B .5 ( )3. My mother is _______ .



小学英语阅读能力问卷调查分析 [摘要]:通过对小学生英语阅读能力状况的调查,旨在探索、寻求提高学生阅读能力的有效手段和方式。通过调查、分析发现小学生英语阅读现状不容乐观,存在词汇量的记忆与积累是英语阅读的最大拦路虎,极大的影响了学生的阅读兴趣,阅读量不足,没有掌握良好的阅读方法等问题。因此,英语阅读教学中,教师要从积累词汇,使学生对英语产生阅读兴趣;指导阅读方法;培养良好的阅读习惯等方面着手,从整体上提高小学生的英语阅读能力,提升小学生的英语素养。 [关键词]:阅读、能力、提高、分析 一、调查目的 之所以对学生阅读能力的发展状况进行调查与分析,是因为对今后小学英语阅读教学的研究、教改,有一定的指导或借鉴意义。 二、调查内容(附:调查问卷) 设计“小学生阅读调查问卷(四、五年级)”,从积累词汇提升学生阅读兴趣、阅读习惯、阅读目的、阅读方式、阅读态度等几个方面问卷调查,并用开放性问题了解影响课外阅读的原因。 关于小学生英语阅读问卷调查 1、你怎样记住英语单词的汉语意思? A 、看单词表的汉语意思 B、看图猜意思 C 、据老师的动作猜词意 2、你一般通过什么方法记单词? A 、跟老师多读 B、根据音标读单词 C、在单词的旁边注汉字或拼音。 3、你用什么方法读懂简单的英语句子。

A、等老师讲解 B、根据以往的知识自己解决 C、放弃不管了 4、你能够认读多少个英语单词? A、五十来个 B、一百来个 C、五百来个 5、你一般记忆单词会用多长时间? A、过目不忘 B、一段时间 C、读后就忘了 6、你常常写单词吗? A、经常写 B、有时候写 C、从来不写 7、你看到图片上的实物能够用英语说出来吗? A、学过的会说出来 B、偶尔说 C、从来都不会说 8、你见到英语老师会主动用英语打招呼吗? A、会主动问好的 B、老师问了才说 C、不敢说 9、你会试着读出文具盒、笔记本、T恤衫等实物出现的英语句子吗? A、会试着读一读 B、偶尔看一看 C、从来都不会读 10、你能够听懂老师平时在英语课堂中的指令吗? A、全部都能听懂 B、偶尔听懂一些 C、根本听不懂 11、当英语老师用英语发出一些指令后如果你不明白其中的意思,你会怎么做? A、再听一遍 B、看老师的动作提示 C、等老师用汉语翻译 12、你会提前读一读英语书中的单词或句子吗? A、不会 B、偶尔 C、经常读 13、在读英语句子或短文时遇到不认识的单词你会怎样做? A、根据上下文猜词 B、查字典 C、不管,继续读 14、你能够读懂英语课本上的短文吗? A、能够全部读懂 B、能够读懂几个句子 C、只能读懂几个单词 15、当你遇到一篇英语短文,你的第一反应是: A、大概的扫一眼 B、细细的读一读其中是内容 C、很反感,根本不理会 三、调查方法及对象 从我校四、五年级的7个教学班中,每班各抽取10名学生进行书面答卷。学生在没有准备情况下,在规定时间内完成调查问卷。 四、调查结果及分析


小学六年级英语阅读理解专项习题 1. Poor Man! Look at this man. What is he doing? He’s carrying a very big box. The box is full of(充满) big apples. He wants to put it on the back of his bike and take it home. Can he do that? No, I don’t think so. Why not? Because(因为) the box is too full(满) and too heavy(重). Look! What’s wrong? He drops the box. Poor man! Exercises: A. Read carefully and write “T” for True and “F” for False beside the statements. ( )1. The box is not very big. ( )2. The box is full of apples. ( )3. He puts the apples in the bag. ( )4. He can carry the box home. B. Choose the best answer, A, B, C or D, to these questions. ( )1. What is the man doing? He is _________. A. eating some apples B. carrying a box C. riding a bike D. making a box ( )2. What’s in the box? A. Some books. B. Some bikes. C. Some apples. D. Some boxes. ( )3. Can he carry the box? A. Yes, he can. B. Yes, he is. C. No, he can’t. D. No, he isn’t. ( )4. Is the box full or empty? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. It’s empty. D. It’s full.


For the things that have been done in a certain period, the general inspection of the system is also a specific general analysis to find out the shortcomings and deficiencies 小学英语教学调查报告正 式版

小学英语教学调查报告正式版 下载提示:此报告资料适用于某一时期已经做过的事情,进行一次全面系统的总检查、总评价,同时 也是一次具体的总分析、总研究,找出成绩、缺点和不足,并找出可提升点和教训记录成文,为以后遇到同类事项提供借鉴的经验。文档可以直接使用,也可根据实际需要修订后使用。 那末,伴随教育事业的不断向前发展以及英语教学的改革,广大教师是如何看待这一问题的呢?为提高其英语教学的质量他们又是怎样的呢?他们是如何评价英语教学工作以及学生的英语学习的呢?带着这一系列的问题,我对廉江市的一部分小学教师进行了深入的问卷调查以及对他们进行深入的采访,本次调查中,被采访教师x 人,几乎包括了本市各个地区的教师,这样可以更加全面地了解本市的小学教学的情况,因而具有较大的代表性. 这次小学英语教学调查,主要包括以

下两个部分: 第一部分:是教师的英语教学情况的咨询,主要包括以下问题: 1、你认为小学英语教学中教学的难点是什末? 答;因为我国小学英语教学普及的时间不是很长,所以英语教学所存在的问题很多,主要问题是;如何提高学生适应学习英语的能力,如何将学引入课堂,引导他们正确地进行英语学习的问题。 2、你是如何确定英语教学的? 答;英语教学中最重要的是要有正确的教学思路,一套完整可性的教学方案教学模式,在英语教学备案中要根据本地方的实际情况以及学生的实际情况,要作到灵


三年级英语阅读训练 1,I’m Tom. I’m ten years old. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother , my sister and I . My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. My sister is five years old. It’s five o’clock, look ,my mother is washing. My father is reading. My sister and I are playing football. I like playing football. 阅读理解,判断下列句子与短文意思是否相符,相同的写“T”不相符的写”F” ( ) 1, There are five people in my family. ( ) 2, My father is a doctor ( ) 3, My sister is playing basketball. ( ) 4, My sister is ten years old. ( ) 5, I like playing football. 2,On the playground. You can see some girls, a boy and a teacher in it. The boy is Tom. He has golden hair and blue eyes. He is from America. He can speak English very well. He is playing badminton with the teacher. The girls are Chinese. They are playing volleyball. We are good friends. 阅读理解,判断下列句子与短文意思是否相符,相同的写“T”不相符的写”F”


小学生英语阅读情况调查问卷班级性别 心爱的同学,你喜欢英语吗?用英语阅读可以使人 开拓视野、增长知识。下面,请你参加英语阅读情况调查活动,可要根据自己的实际情况如实作答哟! 选择题:请在()里填序号: ()1、你喜欢英语阅读吗? A、非常喜欢 B、比较喜欢 C、大凡 D、不喜欢 ()2、你平时在什么情况下说英语?() A、主动 B、老师要求 C、家长监督 ()3、你喜欢观察、阅读见到的各种英文吗(如广 告、通知、标牌、海报、电视等)吗?() A、喜欢 B、不喜欢 C、有时喜欢 ()4、你是否乐意通过英语阅读了解更多风趣的人 和事,开拓自己的视野?() A、是 B、不是 C、偶尔 ()5、当你阅读时,你习惯于 A、默读 B、出声读 C、用手或笔指着读 D、边读边用笔画线 ()6、你是否利用词典等工具书帮助阅读?() A、能 B、有时能 C、不能

()7、你每天是否都有相对不变的时间听英语或者读英语? A、是 B、不是 C、有时 ()8、除了英语课,我们学校是否开展英语活动如读英语小报、讲英语故事、英语黑板报等等活动? A、从没有 B、很少有 C、每年一、两次 ()9、你对英语学习的态度是____ A、非常感兴趣 B、比较感兴趣 C、大凡 D、没有兴趣 ()10、对于英语阅读严重性你的认识是 A、非常严重 B、严重 C、大凡 D、无所谓 ()11、你大凡每天看英语课外书多长时间? A、20---40分钟 B、10---20分钟 C、偶尔看看 D、从来不看 ()12、你在什么情况下会进行英语阅读? A、主动阅读 B、老师要求 C、家长监督 D、从来不读 ()13、阅读时遇到不认识的词或不明白的地方,你会怎么办? A、根据文中内容,猜测意思 B、查字典 C、请教他人 D、忽略


编号:TQC/K916 小学英语教学调查报告完 整版 Daily description of the work content, achievements, and shortcomings, and finally put forward reasonable suggestions or new direction of efforts, so that the overall process does not deviate from the direction, continue to move towards the established goal. 【适用信息传递/研究经验/相互监督/自我提升等场景】 编写:________________________ 审核:________________________ 时间:________________________ 部门:________________________

小学英语教学调查报告完整版 下载说明:本报告资料适合用于日常描述工作内容,取得的成绩,以及不足,最后提出合理化的建议或者新的努力方向,使整体流程的进度信息实现快速共享,并使整体过程不偏离方向,继续朝既定的目标前行。可直接应用日常文档制作,也可以根据实际需要对其进行修改。 那末,伴随教育事业的不断向前发展以及英语教学的改革,广大教师是如何看待这一问题的呢?为提高其英语教学的质量他们又是怎样的呢?他们是如何评价英语教学工作以及学生的英语学习的呢?带着这一系列的问题,我对廉江市的一部分小学教师进行了深入的问卷调查以及对他们进行深入的采访,本次调查中,被采访教师x 人,几乎包括了本市各个地区的教师,这样可以更加全面地了解本市的小学教学的情况,因而具有较大的代表性.


小学三年级英语阅读短文(三篇) (*) The new NBA season (赛季) began on October 27,2010. What catches our eye the most this season? The Miami Heat (迈阿密热火队) has the “Big 3”. Who are the “Big 3”? They are Dwyane Wade, LeBron James and Chris Bosh. They all play for the Miami Heat. Three great players are on one team. This doesn’t happen often in the NBA. Let’s listen to what one NBA fan thinks about it. Wang Yuchen, 10, is from Shanghai. “I often watch the NBA games on weekends. My fa*orite player is LeBron James. This season, the Miami Heat is powerful (强大的). I hope the ‘Big 3’ play together better and better,” he says. (*) You work hard to learn English. Do you know American kids are learning Chinese? In many US schools, students take Chinese lessons. How do they learn Chinese? Let’s go to the Muir Elementary School in the US. Maddi, 6, and Stephen, 6, are first graders in this school. They


小学英语阅读能力问卷调查分析 [摘要]:通过对小学生英语阅读能力状况的调查,旨在探索、寻求提高学生阅读能力的有效手段和方式。通过调查、分析发现小学生英语阅读现状不容乐观,存在词汇量的记忆与积累是英语阅读的最大拦路虎,极大的影响了学生的阅读兴趣,阅读量不足,没有掌握良好的阅读方法等问题。因此,英语阅读教学中,教师要从积累词汇,使学生对英语产生阅读兴趣;指导阅读方法;培养良好的阅读习惯等方面着手,从整体上提高小学生的英语阅读能力,提升小学生的英语素养。 [关键词]:阅读、能力、提高、分析 一、调查目的 之所以对学生阅读能力的发展状况进行调查与分析,是因为对今后小学英语阅读教学的研究、教改,有一定的指导或借鉴意义。 二、调查内容(附:调查问卷) 设计“小学生阅读调查问卷(四、五年级)”,从积累词汇提升学生阅读兴趣、阅读习惯、阅读目的、阅读方式、阅读态度等几个方面问卷调查,并用开放性问题了解影响课外阅读的原因。 关于小学生英语阅读问卷调查 1、你怎样记住英语单词的汉语意思? A 、看单词表的汉语意思 B、看图猜意思 C 、据老师的动作猜词意 2、你一般通过什么方法记单词? A 、跟老师多读 B、根据音标读单词 C、在单词的旁边注汉字或拼音。 3、你用什么方法读懂简单的英语句子。 A、等老师讲解 B、根据以往的知识自己解决 C、放弃不管了 4、你能够认读多少个英语单词? A、五十来个 B、一百来个 C、五百来个

5、你一般记忆单词会用多长时间? A、过目不忘 B、一段时间 C、读后就忘了 6、你常常写单词吗? A、经常写 B、有时候写 C、从来不写 7、你看到图片上的实物能够用英语说出来吗? A、学过的会说出来 B、偶尔说 C、从来都不会说 8、你见到英语老师会主动用英语打招呼吗? A、会主动问好的 B、老师问了才说 C、不敢说 9、你会试着读出文具盒、笔记本、T恤衫等实物出现的英语句子吗? A、会试着读一读 B、偶尔看一看 C、从来都不会读 10、你能够听懂老师平时在英语课堂中的指令吗? A、全部都能听懂 B、偶尔听懂一些 C、根本听不懂 11、当英语老师用英语发出一些指令后如果你不明白其中的意思,你会怎么做? A、再听一遍 B、看老师的动作提示 C、等老师用汉语翻译 12、你会提前读一读英语书中的单词或句子吗? A、不会 B、偶尔 C、经常读 13、在读英语句子或短文时遇到不认识的单词你会怎样做? A、根据上下文猜词 B、查字典 C、不管,继续读 14、你能够读懂英语课本上的短文吗? A、能够全部读懂 B、能够读懂几个句子 C、只能读懂几个单词 15、当你遇到一篇英语短文,你的第一反应是: A、大概的扫一眼 B、细细的读一读其中是内容 C、很反感,根本不理会 三、调查方法及对象 从我校四、五年级的7个教学班中,每班各抽取10名学生进行书面答卷。学生在没有准备情况下,在规定时间内完成调查问卷。 四、调查结果及分析


No. 1 Anny sat in their backyard(后院), thinking. She was trying to think of a way to earn money during the summer vacation. Suddenly, she had an idea! Her parents paid her to walk their dog every day. Maybe other people would pay her to walk their dogs. Anny went to many houses and asked the people if she could exercise their pets. Some of the people didn't have a dog. Ohters wanted to walk their own pets themselves, but five people did hire Anny. She was delighted. Every morning that summer she walked the dogs. By the end of the vacation, Anny had saved eighty dollars. ( ) 1.The best title is ______________. A.Traveling During the Summer B. Waiting for School to Begin B.C. A Girl Finds a Pet D. Getting Paid to Walk Dogs ( ) 2. During the vacation Anny saved _________. A. five dollars B. eighty dollars C. one hundred dollars D. ninety dollars ( ) 3. To earn money, Anny _______________. A. washed windows B. sold papers C. went to school D. walked dogs ( ) 4. When Anny was working, she was __________. A. outside B. in a car C. in a lake D.inside a house ( ) 5. The underlined word "delighted" means "_________". A.very tall B. very happy C. sick D. cold Key dbdab 2 篇 lot of boys and girls in Western Countries are wearing the same kinds of clothes, and many of them have long hair, so it is often difficult to tell whether they are boys or girls.


罗定职业技术学院外语系英语教育专业毕业设计之教育调查报告 《关于小学学习英语兴趣的调查报告》 姓名:邹建毅 学号:___10502170148__ 班级: 510(1)班 实习小组: C组 实习单位:高州市谭头镇简垌小学 校内指导教师:万宏平 罗定职业技术学院外语系

关于小学英语学习兴趣的调查报告 1.前言 本人于2014年9月至2015年1月在广东省高州市谭头镇简垌小学实习。简垌小学是一所农村小学,学校比较偏僻的地方,学校创始于1984年。在校担任五年级班主任和五年级语文,并教三、四、五年纪的英语。为了更好的知道学生对英语学习的兴趣,为了更好的教学,俗话说:“知己知彼,百战不殆”,所以在我实习单位进行了英语学习兴趣的调查问卷。 2.调查目的和方法 2.1 调查目的 随着社会的不断发展,英语学习变得更为广泛和基础,小学课程最基本的目的是激发学生学习兴趣,让学生通过良好的学习方法,培养正确的学习动机和积极向上的学习兴趣。为了进一步研究小学生对英语学习的兴趣,我特别对自己所执教的三、四、五年级3个班共80名学生进行了调查与分析。 2.2 调查方法 问卷调查法:在班主任监督下,发放无记名调查问卷(问卷见附件)。共发放问卷80份,收回60,经检查有效问卷为52。 3.调查发现 3.1 发现小学生学习英语的兴趣及关键所在 3.2 发现小学生学习英语的态度 3.3 发现小学生对英语老师的看法 4.调查结果分析及对策 4.1小学生学习英语的兴趣及关键所在 结果分析:全部学生都喜欢英语,但是学生喜欢英语程度随着年级的增加而递减,体现了三年级学生刚学英语对英语有好奇心。喜欢英语的绝大多数是觉得上英语课有趣,其次是自己的成绩好,有两个同学选其他的学习如建筑一样,要打好基石。学生基础没打好,时间越久就越跟不上,逐渐失去自信心,没有动力学习英语。绝大部分学生学习英语的主要动力是对英语感兴趣,喜欢英语。


小学六年级北京版教科书英语阅读资料 1:At midnight on New Year's Eve, my parents and I were in the flower fair. There were some roses, lilies, tulips, peach flowers, bluebells and some different kinds of plants. The flowers were beautiful. And there were some different kinds of toys. We bought a toy Micky Mouse. It's lovely and cute. And we bought some peach flowers. Because the flower fair is big, so we felt tired.The first day of Sprig Festival. My mother and I made some dumplings. In the evening we ate some dumplings and noodles. Because the noodles bring long life. During Spring Festival, I had some lucky money. There were about 1000 yuan. I felt very happy! ( ) 1. My parents and I were in the flower show at midnight on New Year's Eve . ( ) 2. We bought a lovely and cute toy. ( )3. We were happy and we didn’t feel tired. ( ) 4. In the evening we ate some dumplings and cakes. ( ) 5. I was very happy at Spring Festival. 2:The Spring Festival was on February 7th this year. Because Spring Festival is the most important festival in China, so my parents cleaned and decorated our house with me before spring festival. We also bought lots of things in the supermarket.3On the eve of the Spring Festival,we had a big dinner. After dinner, I put on my new clothes,then my father、my mother and I went to the Flower Fairs.Wow!There were lots of kinds of flowers in the Flower Fairs,they were lilies、tulips、peach flowers...,how colourful and beautiful they were!So we took some photos here.We bought some flowers, then we went home happily. We watched TV until midnight. At twelve o’clock, we cheered to welcome the new year and wished each other good luck。.During Spring Festival I got lots of lucky money, so my favourite festival is Spring Festival. I hope every day is Spring Festival. ( ) 1. When was the Spring Festival this year ? A. February 9th B. February 7th C. January 7th D. January 9th ( ) 2. What is the most important festival in China ? A. Easter B. Christmas C. Spring Festival D. Mid-autumn Festival ( ) 3. What did we do after the dinner on the eve of the Spring Festival? A. We watched TV at home B. We Play games together C. We went to the flower show D. We went to the Flower Fairs. ( ) 4. What did I get during the Spring Festival ? A. Luck money B. flowers C. some sweets D. some cakes

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