当前位置:文档之家› 关于我对广告的看法,我对广告的认识_英语作文_1







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英语作文 英语利与弊 模版

英语作文英语利与弊模版 对比观点题型(1)要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1.有一些人认为。。。 2.另一些人认为。。。 3.我的看法。。。 The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more, ③-------------理由二). Moreover, ④---------------(理由三). While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),⑥------------------(理由二). Thirdly (finally),⑦------------------(理由三). From my point of view, I think ⑧----------------(我的观点). The reason is that ⑨--------------------(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice . (2)给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点 Some people believe that ①----------------(观点一). For example, they think ②-----------------(举例说明).And it will bring them ③-----------------(为他们带来的好处). In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing,④-------------(我不同意该看法的理由一). For another thing, ⑤-----------------(反对的理由之二). Form all what I have said, I agree to the thought that ⑥------------------(我对文章所讨论主题的看法). net 阐述主题题型要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述. 1.阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义. 2.分析并举例使其更充实. The good old proverb ----------------(名言或谚语)reminds us that ----------------(释义). Indeed, we can learn many things form it. First of all,-----------------(理由一). For example, -------------------(举例说明). Secondly,----------------(理由二). Another case is that ---------------(举例说明). Furthermore , ------------------(理由三).


对金钱的看法英语作文 【篇一】对金钱的看法英语作文 Money is very important for us but is not the most important things in our life.Many things are more important than money ,such as friendship ,love ,and family ,and so on .We can use money to buy many things but for people's hearts.A people only care the money ,which is very sorrowful.Gradually,he will lose many things that is more important than money.And last,he will become lonely. Sometimes money can let many people gather and make friends with you .However,you have to know they may be not your true friends and they just want you money.A true friend never care whether his friend is poor or rich.A firend in need is a friend indeed.Having some sincere friends is the true happiness. Anyway,money can solve lots of problems but it can't bring you happiness because it can't buy a true heart.Please remember that some things in the world is invaluable.So don't live only for money. 【篇二】对金钱的看法英语作文 Money is regarded by some people as the most importent thing in life. It is even regarded as the symbol of wealth and social position. For example, with plenty of money a man can do whatever he wants to. He can afford expensive cars and luxurious houses, and he can travel around the world and visit as many interesting places as he wants to. In their eyes, money is everything in life.

广告 英语作文

广告 Advertisement can be a service to people. First, it is informative,and can help people buy and sell goods. Second, it can widen people ‘s knowledge, and make people more experienced. Lastly, people can enjoy themselves through those programs which advertisements have bee n put into.(分条举例说明广告的益处。) Some advertisements, however, are not very useful to people, somet imes even harmful. An advertisement like this, for example, may put thousands of women and girls into trouble. “Disillusioned with life, love, marriage?You need help. Phone me.” And the Sav ior gives hi s phone number to his sheep. In modern times, many advertisements are subjective rather than obje ctive, persuasive rather than informative.(说理客观。) The only pu rpose of these advertisements is to persuade people to buy their poor ly made products. Therefore, it is wise for people to make sure the advertisements are telling the truth.(根据提纲中第三段的主旨来写如何正确利用广告。)


关于优缺点英语作文 对于我们来说,正确地认识自身的优缺点是很重要的,因为这个认识有助于我们自身的提高。关于优缺点英语作文怎么写,你知道怎么写吗?如果不知道,就一起看看小编整理的内容吧! 关于优缺点英语作文1 My Strengths and Weaknesses It’s important to know our goodness and badness because it can help us to improve ourselves better. Therefore, we should know ourselves as much as we can. I think I have three main merits. They are filial piety, honest and hardworking. Filial piety and honesty are the two basic qualities that people should have. And working hard can help to get knowledge and improve myself. However, no one is perfect. I have some week points, too. For example, I never make plans for my life and study. As a result, sometimes I am a little laziness because I don’t have tasks that must be finished. I hope I can change and be better. 关于优缺点英语作文2 Everybody has strenghth and weakness.I am a friendly,warm-hearted,generous and easy going girl.I am always ready


What Attitude Should We Take to Money With the arrival of market-based economy, money is becoming more and more important in our life. Hit with this trend, many people come to believe that money is above everything else in their life. But their belief could not arouse any echo in my mind. It is true that money is a key ingredient in one’s struggle towards happiness, without which, for example, there would be no way to go to college or form a family. On any scale of one’s daily worry, in fact, there is almos t nothing heavier than money. If we see it in its true colors, however, money is nothing but a means to an end. Money can buy us food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health; diplomas, but not knowledge; and days of joy, but not the whole life of happiness. And moreover, laying any undue stress on money may lead one to stop at nothing in making it, as can be easily seen in the cases of most corrupt officials. Therefore, it is necessary to take a correct attitude towards money. On the one hand, money is vital to our daily life, in which case, it is wise of you to spend not where you may save. On the other, money is something to be plowed into something more important, so it is better to spare not where you must spend. In sum, money means something but not everything to our life. 我们该采取什么态度来面对钱 随着市场经济的到来,钱是越来越重要在我们的生活中。在这种情况下,许多人认为金钱是高于一切的生命。但他们的信仰不能引起任何反响在我的脑海。 这是真的,钱是一个关键因素,在一个的斗争对幸福,没有它,例如,将没有办法进入大学或形成一个家庭。在任何规模的日常烦恼,事实上,几乎没有什么比金钱更重。如果我们看到它的真面目,然而,钱只不过是达到目的的手段。我们的钱可以买到食物,但不是食欲;药,但不是健康;文凭,而不是知识;和快乐的日子,但不幸福的一生。此外,铺设任何过分强调钱可能导致一个不使它,就可以很容易看到的情况下最腐败的官员。 因此,有必要采取正确的态度对待金钱。另一方面,钱是至关重要的日常生活,在这种情况下,它是您明智的花不是你可以节省。另一方面,钱是被投入到更重要的事情,所以最好是不要你必须花。总之,钱意味着什么,但不是一切我们的生活。


如何英文广告 【写作任务】 假设你是李华,你现在为新开业的瘦身餐馆以“Once tasted, always loved”为题写一则英文广告。餐馆提供平衡的饮食,以饺子为特色,饭菜健康美味。该餐馆设在湖边,风景优美。电话:5558888. 要求:1. 介绍餐馆的特色和优势 2.可适当增加细节,使行文连贯 3. 词数:120词左右 【写作指导】 一、审题定调 本写作任务要求写一篇英文广告,属于应用文。广告是商品销售的一种宣传方式,目的是使消费者对某种商品产生兴趣,从而说服和诱导消费者产生消费行为的一种手段。广告语言的最大特点是具有鼓动性和吸引力。人称以第三人称为主,时态以一般现在时为主。 二、谋篇布局 广告一般由标题、正文、和随文三个部。标题词数要少,要能引起读者的兴趣。正文要对标题进行阐释和证实,内容要有吸引力。随文又叫附文,是传达企业名称、地址、购买商品的方法等附加广告信息的文字,一般出现在广告的结尾。 本写作任务分三段来写。 第一段:引入广告的目的 第二段:具体介绍餐馆的特色和优势 第三段:说明餐馆的地点和联系方式

三、组织语言 1. 第一段:引入广告的目的。 2. 第二段:具体介绍餐馆的特色和优势。 3. 第三段:说明餐馆的地址和联系方式。 【范文展示】 A Once tasted, always loved ①Would you like to eat delicious food without worrying about putting on weight? ②Then our slimming restaurant is right for you, and I’m sure that you will be pleased with it. We offer a balanced diet with energy-giving food as well as protective food. ③In our restaurant, traditional food is served, such as dumplings and noodles. ④We also


If a product is of good quality and meets people's needs, people will buy it. Advertising is unnecessary and is no more than a type of entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Advertisements, in various fields, are sprouting up in the screen at present. Some individuals ignore the influence the advertisements have on their shopping decision. I concede advertising plays an indispensible role in folks' life, not only a type of amusement. Frankly, it is determined by consumers' taste that which products they would like to purchase. In terms of loads of consumers' goods in the shopping shelves, a majority of folks, undoubtedly, turn to be more objective and balanced. That is to say, it is a prevalent tendency that the customers prefer the high-quality and more economical items, instead of being addicted to the advertisements. However, advertisements should not be thrown away from our daily life. Obviously, the advertising industry produces a wealthy of touching, original and stimulating advertisements for us. They function as an entertaining show and a funny break among the TV series or other programs. Additionally, another type of advertisements can teach us some educational lessons, such as keeping away from smoking, giving


对广告的看法英语作文 在现代社会中广告随处可见,那么你能谈谈对广告的一些看法吗?下面为大家带来对广告的看法英语作文,欢迎大家参考! Advertisements appear everywhere in modern society. There are many way to advertise and ads come in different forms. Newspapers and billboards carry advertisements; some products are announced on TV and radio which have a wide audience. Advertising is a big industry and many agencies are set up for furnish a variety of services for it. However, advertising is not welcome sometimes. A most irritating thing is to watch advertisements before and during films on TV. There are so many of them that they make you forget what you are sitting there for. The ironical thing is that advertisements of one type of things are often shown one after another so that you are confused as to which product you should choose.What's more, advertising is not always truthful. The advertisers exaggerate the benefits of the merchandise they want to sell in order to gain more profits. Thus the consumers fall victim to such advertising.


What are some major advantages and disadvantages of these modern i n v e n t i o n s—p e r s o n a l c o m p u t e r a n d t h e I n t e r n e t? Our society is an informational one which is different from past. As human history developing, personal computer and the Internet come into being. They change our lives to a certain extent and they have some advantages and disadvantages for us. It has made our lives easier since personal computer and the Internet existed. Thanks to personal computer, we no longer have to compute complicated data using varieties of formulas because a computer could do all of these for us. I major in basic medicine and I need to handle data in processes of our experiments. Personal computer vastly saves my times and energies since I use professional software to work out complex data. Also, Internet helps us saving times. For example, if we don’t have leisure to go shopping out of our homes, we search the Internet. It presents us with desirable things and then we could buy them online. The couriers carry the goods we buy to where we live in, thus we can get what we buy without going out. Personal computer and the Internet shorten distance of people as well. For instance, one goes abroad contact his parents with long-distant video and it relieve the homesick he has. While they have many advantages, personal computer and the Internet also have some disadvantages. At first place, some people become reluctant to communicate with others due to addiction in computer games or Internet and they may be unsocial with their friends and their parents. Secondly, excessive enthrallment(沉迷) in computer and Internet could lead to unhealthy mental state. Fact shows that one may exist depression after long-term isolate with other people, thus cause some negative effects like suicide. Thirdly, if someone fixes his eyes on monitor too long, his eyesight will be impaired. This also hurt his health physiologically. Since personal computer and the Internet have advantages and disadvantages at the same time, the using of them has tow-side effects. We should take advantage the good side of them and avoid the bad side of them to the greatest extent.


英语作文范文 关于金钱和快乐的一篇作文 What You Dtdn t Know about Money and Happiness ver the past 15 years,researchers have studied the connection between money and happiness. Their findings shatter many misconceptions. Here are five of the most surprising results. 1. Everyone needs a few luxuries to be happy. A six-figure income affords a family many pleasures-- a more luxurious home, perhaps a trip to Disneyland or a fancier car. But do such things make you happier? Pleasure is not the same as happiness. Pleasure is a temporary release. Happiness comes from experiences in which one’s mental and emotional energies are invested. Just as happy families value pleasures that involve personal effort, so they value possessions that have personal meaning, like Grandma’s wedding ring. Unhappy people,however, are more likely to prize possessions because of their cost or utility, a car that handles well or an


高中英语作文:广告的利与弊 导读:本文高中英语作文:广告的利与弊,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 With the development of advertising, ads have been connected with people’s life. Is it good or bad? We had a discussion. Some people think advertisements don’t tell the fact about the products advertised. Also, they take up too much time on TV and the radio, and cover too much space in newspapers and magazines, which waste a lot of paper. What’s worse, there are some false advertisements that cheat people into buying their things. Therefore, they believe advertisements should be stopped. Some other people think advertisements can help us make better choices about what to buy by offering us the latest information about various goods. Moreover, many well-done advertisements are popular and entertaining, which appeal to the consumers. However, too many advertisements can be annoying. So we should develop advertising properly. In my opinion, ads is like a two-side sword. Anyway, we can be wise if we are able to distinguish between fiction and fact. 随着广告业的发展,广告已经与人们的生活联系在一起。广告是好还是坏?我们进行了一个讨论。有些人认为广告没有告诉关于这个产品的实际。同时,广告在电视和收音机上占用了太多的时间,在报纸和杂志上也占用了太多空间,浪费了很多纸。更糟的是,一些虚假广告欺骗人们去买他们的东西。因此,他们认为广告应该被取缔。


●Advantages: 1.Beginning: ●There are number of benefits. ●Clearly, the advantages include (but not limited to)… ●Well, I suppose that there are quite a few clear benefits. ●Clearly there are a number of obvious merits. ●Obviously, there are a number of positive features. 2.1st ●But it goes without saying that the most apparent would be that…This is obviously favorable because… ●Although I guess that the most visible would be that … ●However, I guess that the most evident would be that… ●That’s beneficial primarily because… ●It is beneficial for a variety of reasons. ●Its most obvious advantage is… 3.2nd ●Supplementary to this, a second plus point maybe that… ●At the same time the second bonus might be… ●As well as this further favorable aspect would be that… ●This is definitely advantageous because… ●And it’s advantageous because …as well ●It’s valuable also because… ●And of course, it’s positive also due to the fact 4.End: ●Those are the main merits associated with… ●There are other benefits as well, but basically these are the main ones. ●I guess that’s it. ●Disadvantages:(shortcoming/ negative aspects/ drawbacks/ weakness/ weak point/ unfavorable quality/ limitation) 1.Beginning: ●There might be some risks involved. ●Apparently, some hazards may be involved. ●I think it’s fair to say that there are a few negative aspects. ●I’m sure most people would agree that there are some drawbacks. 2.1st ●One major concern about this is… ●I guess the most impractical characteristic would be that…


the advantage and disadvantage of the advertisement 广告的利与弊中文翻译,英文见下方 广告在当今社会中无处不在。看起来无论你走到哪里,她都会映入你的眼帘:超市、地铁、车站、公共建筑的墙体、垃圾桶甚至t恤衫。广告的内容可以关于任何东西:从卖电话到租房,从治疗疑难杂症到办假证。/(从家用物品到大型机器、从玩具到航天器) 毫不夸张的说,我们生活在一个广告世界里。作文地带-有翻译的英语作文网 广告的优点很明显。它给我们提供大批量的商品和服务,供我们做出最好的选择。对于商家而言,他们可以利用广告展示自己商品的特点,以便抓住消费者的视线来获取利润。 然而,我们也不能小视广告的缺点。①太多的广告会搞乱我们的生活并浪费我们宝贵的时间。它们打断电视节目,塞满我们的信箱,损毁了我们对自然的欣赏代替兴趣。人们通常对它们感到负担而不是满足。②另一方面,有些广告是非法的,传递错误信息并意在欺骗那些想急于解决问题的人。 该到了我们采取紧急并有效措施来抑制这一现象的时候了。①我们应加大市场监管的力度。关键是我们要严格规范市场秩序以避免有些人钻市场管理的漏洞。②任何利用广告欺骗消费者的人都应受到惩罚或入狱。③我们应教育人们遵守法律并把诚实守信放在首位。只有把这些措施付诸实践,我们的社会才会被净化成一个居住的天堂。 the advantage and disadvantage of the advertisement 英文,中文翻译,请见上面。 advertisement is omnipresent in our modern society. it seems wherever we go, such small ads will greet our eyes: the supermarket, the subways, the stop sighs, the walls of public buildings, the garbage cans, and whatsoever. the ads can be about everything from selling mobile phone, renting houses, treating difficult diseases to producing fake diplomats. (from domestic articles to machinery, from toys to aircrafts.)it’s no exaggeration that we live in the world of advertisement. however, we cannot belittle the disadvantages of the ads. ①to many ads do spoil our daily life and waste our time. they interrupt the tv programs, filling our letterbox, and ruin our appreciation of nature in place of interests. people often feel burdened with the ads instead of satisfying with them. ②on the other hand, some of the ads are illegal, spreading false information and planning to treat people who are eager to solve their problems. it’s high time we took urgent and effective measures to curb this phenomenon. ①firstly, we should intensify the effects to supervise the ads markets. it’s crucial that we must regulate the ads market strictly to avoid someone’s availing himself or herself of the loophole of the market management. ②secondly, whoever takes advantage of ads treating consumers should be punished or imprisoned. ③thirdly, we should educate people to abide by the law and give priorities to honesty and credit. only when putting these measures into practice, will our society be purified into a paradise for us to live in.

高中英语作文:广告的负面影响The Negative Sides of Advertisement

高中英语作文:广告的负面影响 The Negative Sides of Advertisement Today, as the development of the media, people are affected by the advertisements greatly. When we are walking on the street, we can see the ads everywhere, they are spread by the newspaper, the radio and so on. The most obvious are the ads attached in the buildings. When we see the advertisements, we will be attracted by them and have the strong desire to buy the products. But the negative sides of advertisements will mislead the customers. Some products exaggerate the function, when people use them, they will realize that they are cheated and waste the money. The worst situation is that people use the fake products and get sick seriously, their health is under threat. So we must check out the advertisements before we buy the products. We should ask the doctor or see the customers’real reaction. 今天,由于媒体的发展,人们受到广告的很大影响。当我们在街上走的时候,可以看到广告无处不在,广告通过报纸,广播等等方式传播。最明显的广告就是贴在建筑物上面的。当我们看到这些广告,我们会被吸引,会有强烈的愿望要去买这些产品。但是广告的负面对误导消费者。一些产品夸大了功能,当人们使用,就会发现被骗,浪费了钱。最糟糕的情形就是人们使用了虚假产品,染上重病,他们的健康受到了威胁。因此我们必须在买产品前检查清楚。我们应该咨询下医生或者看看消费者的真是反应。

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