当前位置:文档之家› 广州版英语初三上错题集





1._________ wonderful music Mozart wrote and played!

A. What

B. What a

C. How

D. How a

2.The lazy girl has hardly achieved anything these years, _________?

A. does she

B. has she

C. doesn’t she

D. hasn’t she

3.Mrs. Black warned her son ______ after drinking.

A. never to drive

B. never drives

C. never drove

D. to never drive

4.Before he went abroad, he spent as much time as he could________ English.

A. learning

B. learned

C. to learn

D. learn

5. He had bread for breakfast this morning, _______ he?

A. hadn’t

B. didn’t

C. wasn’t

D. doesn’t

6.I have been to that tall and modern building _______ my father works.

A. which

B. where

C. that

D. when

7. We can’t have him ____ like that all day.

A.to work

B. working

C. to be worked

D. work

8. I ____ a bus to school when it was raining.

A.am used to take

B. used to taking

C. use to take

D. was used to taking

9. They were made ____ fourteen hours a day.

A. work

B. working

C. worked

D. to work

10. Missing the train means __________ for an hour.

A. to wait

B. to be waited

C. being waited

D. waiting

11. It is said that the gravity on Mars is only about __________ of the gravity on earth.

A. three-eights

B. third-eighths

C. three-eighths

D. third-eighth

12. The life we were used to __________ greatly since 1992.

A. change

B. has changed

C. changing

D. have changed

13. ----What did you do with the door?

---- The door was painted ______.

A.whitely B white C. with white D. with white hands

14. I don’t think your watch is ______ .

A. worthy the price

B. worth the price

C. worth of the price

D. worthy to buy

15. Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see_______.

A. who is he

B. who he is

C. who is it

D. who it is

16. The people at the party were worried about Janet because no one was aware ______ she had


A.where that

B. of where C of the place where D. the place

17 . ----_____ in this town? ----- I think Mr. Kim is the richest man.

A.Whom do you think is the richest man

B.Who do you think is the richest man

C.Do you think who is the richest man

D.Who you think is the richest man

18. _______ good marks always ______ me feel on top of the world.

A. Getting; makes

B. Getting; make

C. To get; to make

D. To get; make

19. The teacher suggested I _________ my lessons after class.

A. going over

B. went over

C. go over

D. gone over

20. The river through our city, which is about _________, is clean again.

A. 6000 metres long

B. 6000-metres-long

C. 6000-metre-long

D. 6000 metre long

21. Do you know any other foreign language ________ English?

A. except

B. but

C. beside

D. besides

22. Do you know what was ___________?

A. happened to him

B. he doing at the time

C. Mr. Li’s father

D. his favorite sport

23.—John finished doing the work on time. —_________.

A. So he did

B. so did he

C. So did John

D. She did so

24. _______________ Doctor Li gave us.

A. What useful advice

B. What a useful advice

C. How useful advice

D. How a useful advice

25. -- Jim isn’t a lazy boy, is he?

-- ____________. He always fails to finish his homework on time.

A. Yes, he is.

B. Yes, he isn’t.

C. No, he is.

D. No, he isn’t.

26. I didn’t know _____________ next.

A. how to do

B. what to do

C. how I could do

D. what could I do

27. The ___________ you work, the ____________ you will be.

A. harder, more successful

B. harder, more successfully

C. more hardly, more successful

D. more hardly, more successfully

28. I wish I _______________ a bird flying in the sky.

A. am

B. was

C. were

D. are

29. The book is _______ for a seven-year-old child to read..

A. too much difficult

B. too more difficult

C. much too difficult

D. more too difficult

30. Water turns into ice when the temperature is _______ zero.

A. under

B. above

C. beneath

D. below

31. Don’t laugh at her. She is _______ any of the others in your class.

A. as clever a student as

B. as a clever student as

C. so clever a student as

D. so a clever student like

32. Jack and Tom are very good at Maths, but to my great surprise, _____ of them passed the

maths exam this time.

A. either

B. none

C. neither

D. no one

33. You speak English well, you ________ in an English-speaking country for a long time.

A. must

B. can be

C. have to

D. must have been

34. The strict father ______ his son stay at home to do his homework even on Sundays.

A. forces

B. tells

C. makes

D. wants

35. This is _________ that all of us believe. It’s very important.

A. such useful information

B. so useful an information

C. so useful information

D. such a useful information

36. I’ve finished writing the novel, ____ is to be published next month.

A. that

B. what

C. when

D. which

37. My first job __________ took me 3 months to finish is the most important working experience for me.

A. which

B. that

C. it

D. what

38. She is the engineer __________ work is considered to be the best here.

A. who

B. whom

C. whose

D. /

39. I remember my happy childhood ________ I spent with my grandpa in the countryside.

A. when

B. which

C. on which

D. what

40. I don’t know the boy _________ your father talked.

A. whom

B. to who

C. about whom

D. /

41. I have to catch the early bus in the morning, so I __________ up early.

A. used to get

B. used to getting

C. am used to getting

D. am used for getting

42. ——It’s too cold. Would you mind________the window?

——________. But don’t do it now.

A. to close; Sure

B. closing; Good idea

C. closing; Better not

D. closing; Of course not

43.We picked ___________ they did.

A. twice as many apples as

B. twice apples as many as

C. as many apples twice as

D. as twice many apples as

44.-- I haven’t met Jim these days. Wh ere is he?

-- Not only he but also his parents _______ Wuhan. They will stay there for another two weeks.

A. has been to

B. have been to

C. has gone to

D. have gone to

45. The teacher suggested I _________ my lessons after class.

A. going over

B. went over

C. go over

D. gone over

46. —How long have you learnt English? —________four years ago.

A. For

B. Since

C. From

D. After

47. No one knew Mr. Beson's address ________ his daughter.

A. except

B. excepts

C. only

D. besides

48. —The final game will be on TV at four in the morning.

—________ up early and you won’t miss it.

A. Get

B. Getting

C. To get

D. Gets

49. Who ________ this watch _______ to?

A. is, belong

B. is, belonged

C. does, belong

D. does, belonged



1.Jeff's ___________ (explain) to this question doesn't make sense to me.

2._____________ (fortunate), he fell off the bike and hurt himself.

3.-- How far is it from here? -- It’s about ten __________(minute) walk.

4.He was only _________ responsible for the accident. (part)

5.Our first impression of many people is based on ___________. ( appear)

6.They are busy ___________ (practice) using computers now.

7.What influenced you when you made your ________(choose)?

8.Let’s meet at the ________ (enter) to the park.

9.I was __________ (shame) to tell him that I had failed.

10.The checkout assistant was busy________ (complaint) and made a mistake.

11.It is ________ that he did is such a bad thing to his best friend.(believe).

12.They are __________ (health) children because they don't have enough to eat.

Keys: 1.explanation. 2.Unfortunately 3.minutes’ 4.partly 5. Appearance 6.practising

7.choice 8. entrance 9. ashamed 10. complaining 11. unbelievable 12. unhealthy


1.I am very a________ about the result of the examination for I didn’t do quite well in it.

2.You have to express your ideas in a b______________ way because time is limited.

3.The thumbs-up g_____________ means good job or I agree.

4.Do n’t t_________ the monkeys in the zoo. It’s dangerous.

5.Jessy is crazy about o_________ games and spends much time in front of the computer.

His parents and teachers are worried about him.

6.They have many pets, i____________ three dogs and two cats.

7.Living close to school is c_____________, you can get to school quickly every day.

8.This handbag s__________ your hairstyle perfectly.

9.I hope our criticisms and suggestions will p_______ you and give you much help.

10.Few people s_________ after the terrible earthquake.

11.Swimming is a sport that d___________ both speed and strength. demands

12.Nothing s__________ him ─ he's always complaining. satisfies

13.Have you seen the latest art e___________? exhibition

14.The students looked p______ at that time when their teacher was teaching them the new

grammar points. puzzled

15.Twenty plays will be p_________ at the New Year concert next month. presented

16.Both of them were invited to the opening c________ of a new company. ceremony

17.Children are all full of c________ about the world around them. curiosity

18.The old photo of my grandmother r________ me of her childhood. reminds/reminded

19.The teacher s________ a mistake in his homework and asked him to correct it. spotted

20.She has changed so much that I didn’t r_________ her at the first sight. recognize

21.The ice is too thin to b_____ your weight. bear

22.The old man l______ the soil first before planting the seeds in the field. loosened

23.Success d_______ a lot on how hard you are working. depends

24.When his mother saw his poor report, she s________ deeply. sighed

25.Theatre is a place that people can see the p______________ of plays, operas and

concerts. performances

26.Can you tell me who the c_________________ of the orchestra is? conductor

27.After a group d__________, the manager made a decision to increase their salary.


28.He was so angry that he p_________ off the postcard on the wall. pulled

Key:1 anxious 2.brief 3.guesture 4 touch 5.online 6.including 7.convenient 8.suits

9.profit 10. survived


1. 人类应该与大自然和睦相处。

Human beings should live __________ __________ with the Nature.

2. 你应该把注意力集中在你所阅读的文章上。

You should __________ your ___________ __________ what you are reading.

3. 第一次见面要给人留下好印象, 关键是什么呢?

What’s the ________ _________ __________ a good __________ _________ others when you first meet them?

4. 那些工人一到汶川就开始工作了。

The workers started working____________ ____________ ___________they __________ in Wenchuan.

5. 她年龄太小了,不能照顾自己。

She is _____________ young ____________ ______________ ______________ herself.

6. 他们把老人打倒在地并抢走了他的手表。

They knocked the old man down and _______ ________ _______ his watch.

7. 首先,同学们要集中精神去听录音。

________ _______ ________, students should pay attention to __________ to the tape.

8. 约翰觉得不舒服,贝蒂将要马上代替他出席这次会议。

John feels ill. Betty will attend the meeting ____________ __________ him right now.

9. 他的老师对他很严格。

His teacher _______ _______ ____________ him.

10. 吃太多的盐可能增加心脏病发作的危险。

_______ to much salt may increase the _______ of heart attack.

11. 你是否已经决定到什么地方去度假?

Have you ______ _______ where you'll spend your holidays?

Keys:1.in peace 2.focus…attention on 3.key to making …impression on4.as soon as…arrived

5.too…to look after

6.robbed him of

7.First of all…listening

8.instead of

9.is/was strict with

10.Eating…risk 11.decided on

12. 两国的交界处有士兵和坦克防守着。

There is a small border between the two countries that ____________ ______________ by soldiers and tanks.

13. 广雅中学的历史可以追溯到1888年。她是由张之洞创立的。

Guangya Middle School, _____________ ____________ _____________ to 1888, was set up by Zhang Zhidong.

14. 他过去住的小村庄已经发展成了大城市。

The small village ____________ he used to live ____________ ______________ ___________ a city.

15. 没有人类曾经踏上过火星。

No man _____________ ever ______________ _______________ _______________ Mars.

16. 把胡萝卜切碎后再放进锅里。

_______ _________ the carrots before you put them into the pot.

17. 这些箱子太重了,我不得不叫人把他们从架子上搬下来。

These boxes are too heavy. I have to _______ ________ ________ from the shelf.

18. 他是一个著名歌星。他的出现总是引起人们的注意。

He is a famous singer. His appearance always __________ __________ ___________ catches people’s eyes

19. 我忘带钥匙了。

I ____________ my _________ ____________.

20. 人们为了找到迷路的孩子,搜寻了所有的地方。

People ___________ _____________ ______________ the lost child.

keys: 12. is defended 13. which dates back 14. where has developed into

15. has set foot on 16. Cut up 17. have them moved/carried

18. catch people’s attention 19. left key(s) behind 20. searched everywhere for


三年级英语(上)错题集 1.This is my friend.(改成一般疑问句) _______ _______ your friend? 2.My tail is long.(改成否定句) My tail ______ ______. 3.My name is Eddie.(对划线提问) _______ ________ your name? 4.I’m eight .(对划线提问) __________________________? 5.Are you fat?(否定回答) No,________________________. 6.She’s my English teacher . (改成一般疑问句) __________________________? 7.I’m a teacher.(改成否定句) __________________________. 8.We can sing and dance in the hall.(改成一般疑问句) ___________________________________________? 9.Is this girl tall?(改成否定句) _____________________________________. 10.Peter’s mother is happy.(对划线提问) _____________________________________? 11.Alice is short.(改成否定句,句意不变) ______________________________ .

12.The cake is white.(对划线提问) ______________________________? 13.The bananas are ten yuan.(对划线提问) _____________________________________? 14.It’s a ball.(对划线提问) ____________________? 15.There are books in the library.(对划线提问) ______________________________________? 16.That’s our school.(改成疑问句) _____________________________________? 17.Open your books.(改成否定句,句意不变) _____________________________________. 18.This is a big hall.(改成否定句) _______________________________. 19.We can read in the library.(对划线提问) ____________________________________? 20.Is this school big and beautiful?(改成肯定句) __________________________________________. 21.My good friend is Alice.(换种说法,句意不变) _____________________________________________. 22.This is a nice cake.(改成疑问句) _______________________________________. 23.Is he your brother?(肯定回答)


暑期班三年级英语错题集(朱俊豪)一,单项选择题。 ()1.Where'syourcap,MikeIt's________thetreenow. A.on B./ C.in ()2._____yourrulerIt'sunderthebook. A.What's B.Is C.Where's ()3._____nicepicture! A.How B.What C.Whata ()4._______They'recows. A.What'sthis B.Arethey C.Whatarethese ()5.Aretheychickens_______ A.Yesthey're B.No,theyare C.Yes,theyare ()6.Icanseesome______onthetree A.orangesBbirdsCcars ()7.It'sseveno'clock.It'stimefor______ A.breakfast B.lunch C.bed ()8.YangLi,it'stime______meet. A.to B.for C.at ()9.I'mseven._______you A.What's B.Whatabout C.Howare ()10._______aretheyThey'rerobots. A.What B.Where C.Who ()11.Putthe______inthe_______. A.chair;bag B.jacket;bed C.pen;box

()12.________,Where'smytoytrain A.Sorry B.How C.Excuseme ()13.I_______mydress.Whereisit A.can'tknow B.can'tlook C.apie ()14.Mum______ismyfriend.David. A.it B.she C.thisis ()15.Isthe_______yourbrother A.boy B.sister C.girl ()16.Who'sthat_______________myaunt. A.man;He's B.woman;She's C.girl;She's ()17.AreyoutwinsYes,________ A.weare B.Iam C.we're ()18.Mybrotheris_______thelibrary. A.on B.under C.in ()19._______anewschoolbag A.Thisis B.Isthat C.Itis ()20._______isitAnewpencil. A.How B.Where C.What ()21.______areyou,BobbyIt's_______ A.Whatcolour B.Where C.What ()22.This_______apencil. A.'s B.isn't C./ ()23.Wouldyoulike________apples A.a B.an C.two. ()24.Therulers________tooshort.


九年级单项选择专练 C1. --- ____ do you study for a test? --- I study by listening to tapes. A. What B. Which C. How D. Where B2. I _____ really quiet. Now I’m very outgoing. A. use to be B. used to be C. use to D. used to A3. Ann ____ to choose her own clothes, but she isn’t allowed to get her ear pierced穿耳洞yet. A. is allowed B. allow C. allowed D. is allowing D4. ---What ___ you do if you had a million dollars? --- I’d give it to charity. A. will B. did C. were D. Would ①提出将来会发生的事:主句:主语+would/should/might/could+动词原形 从句:if+should+动词原形/were to+动词原形 eg. If he should go to Harvard University, he would make full use of his time. 如果他要上哈佛大学的话,他就会充分利用他的时间了。 ②提出现在的条件:主句:主语+would/should/might/could+动词原形 从句:if+动词过去式 eg. If he studied at this school, he would know the enviornment around the school very much. 如果他在这所学校学习的话,他会很了解周边环境。 ③提出过去的未发生的条件:主句:主语+would/should/might/could have+动词过去分词 从句:if+had+动词过去分词 A5. --- Have you ever ____ another country? ---- Yes, I have. A. been to B. gone to C. be to D. went to B6. --- _____ would you like to go ? --- I’d like to go somewhere warm. A. Which B. where C. What D. How B7. He looks sad. Let’s ____ . A. to cheer him up B. cheer him up C. to cheer up him D. cheer up him C8. ----Jack,you look tired today. What’s wrong?


易错题 一、选择题: 1.Is your sister happy ______ sad A. and B. to are you I’m fine, thank you . B. How C. How old and Jenny _______ hot. A. are B. is C. am 4. Look! My brother ______ sad. A. am B. is C. be 、 5. I am ________ short, I’m tall. B. No C. Not color is the pen A. It’s yellow. ’re yellow. C. Is it yellow 7. Is that a blue cat ________. It’s a blue cat. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t . C. No, it is . 8. _______ is that It’s a blue chair. A. What B. What color C. How 9. Are you sad _____________ A. Yes, we are. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, I do. # 10. What is this ____________. A. It’s red . B. It’s a pencil. C. It’s pen. color is this It’s _________. A. an orange B. orange C. an orange orange cat _________ yellow. It’s green. A. is B. are ’t this _______ apple Yes, it is. A. a B. an C. that ______ very happy. A. am B. is C. are ( are nice ________.


八年级英语上册典型错题及解析 ( )1. Good food and exercise ______ me to study better. A. help B. helps C. helping D. to help 此题为判断和理解型试题, Good food and exercise 是两项事物,因此主语不是第三人称单数形式,因此,答案为 A. ( ) 2. Is her lifestyle the same ______ yours or different? A. as B. in C. at D. to 本题考查固定短语 the same as 的用法,答案为A. ( )3. My father likes football. But he ____ it. He only ____ football matches on TV! A. plays, watches B. play, watch C. doesn’t play, watches D. plays, doesn’t watch 本题考查一般现在时的用法,首先根据题中My father likes football.和But的提示, 判定第一个空应选择doesn’t play,又根据on TV而得到答案watches, 故答案为C. 4. Grandma is pretty healthy because she ___________ every day. 根椐所给词语和题意理解为:grandma 身体健康的原因是每天锻炼身体,因此,本题答案为: exercises. 5. You must ________ to eat less meat. must是情态动词,其后应该接动词原形,根椐题意,本题答案为try. 6. A: I ______ _________ ________ (feel) well now. B: You should go to the doctor. 根据You should go to the doctor. 推断出答案应该是:am not feeling。 7. He believes that I should __________(have) a good habit. should 为情态动词,其后应该加动词原形,因此答案为have. 8. 我妈妈说我应该晚饭尽量少吃肉。 My mom said that I should __________ _________ eat less meat for dinner. 本题考查动词短语try to do sth. 意为: 尽量/努力/试图做某事, 所以答案为try to. 9 What do you usually do _______ Saturdays?( ) A. at B. on C. in B, 表示在星期几,用介词 on。 10. I’m sorry I have to _______ for the English test.( ) A. study B. studies C. studying A, have to 后面接动词原形。 11. Thanks for ___________.( ) A. asking B. ask C. asks A for是介词,其后应该接动名词作介词宾语。 12 A: Must I clean my room, mom? B: No, you ______.( ) A. don't B. needn't C. aren't B 用must 提问时,否定回答应该用:needn't。 13. ( ) The girl isn’t short. She is __________ than before. A. short B. tall C. taller D. shorter C,根据题意,又than经常与比较级连用。


中考英语单选各种难题易错题 A. What fine weather B. What a fine weather C. How a fine weather D. How fine a weather 解析:选A. 此题容易误选B. weather是不可数名词,前面不能有不定冠词。英语中经常考查的不可数名词有work, news, adivice, information等。 ( ) 2. Which is the way to the __________? A. shoe factory B. shoes factory C. shoe’s factory D. shoes’ factory 解析:选A. 此题极易误选B, C, D. 英语中名词单数可以修饰名词,如: an apple tree →two apple trees. 但注意 a man teacher→two men teachers。 ( ) 3. This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them。 A. are studying B. is studying C. be studying D. studying 解析:选A. 此题容易误选B. class, family, team等单词如果表示整体谓语就用单数,表示个体就用复数,从语境及其后面的代词them可以看出,class表示个体,故选择A。 ( ) 4. We will have a _________ holiday after the exam。 A. two month B. two-month C. two month’s D. two-months 解析:选择B 此题容易误选C, D. 在英语中数词中间用连字符号加名词单数,构成符合名词,在句中只能作定语,如果选择C, 需要把逗号放s后面。 ( ) 5. There is no enough ________ on the corner to put the table。 A. place B. room C. floor D. ground 解析:选B. 此题最容易误选A.。 room在句中是空间而非房间。句意:角落里没有摆桌子的空间了。 ( ) 6. We can have _____ blue sky if we create _____ less polluted world。(苏州2010) A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the 解析:选A. 此题容易误选C, D. 根据句意:如果我们创造一个没有污染的世界,那么我们就用一个蓝色的天空。


小学三年级英语错题 集

英语错题集 1.r bbit i ea aper 2.Look!The boy can in the water.(swing,swim) 3.英译中:go there 4.字母邻居: S ; H ; T U X 5.读句子排顺序: ()Its name is Ming. ()Ming can hear a dog. ()It is white. ()Ming can’t hear the bird. ()I have a cat. ()Ming is eating a fish. 6.选词填空:your little my pink 1)Who’s he?He’s my brother. 2)Is this ruler?Yes, it’s my ruler.Thank you. 7.选择题: ()They are big. They are brown. They have long tails. What are they? A. Cats. B. Monkeys. C. Lions 8.今天天气很热,妈妈想让你把窗打开,可以说: 9.你想对玛丽讲你喜欢游泳,可以说: 10.圈出表示动作的单词:We like making snowmen in winter.

11.There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, ,summer,autumn and winter. Winter is very cold. The wind blows and blows. I don’t like winter. I like autumn best. It is cool and dry. The leaves are not green. Some are yellow. Some are brown. The leaves fall down. They look like butterflies. I can eat much fruit in autumn. And Mid-autumn Festival is in it. I can eat mooncakes, taros and beans. I feel happy in autumn. 1)I like . A. autumn B. summer C.winter 2)I winter, but I autumn. A.like…don’t like B.like…like C.don’t like…like 3)I like eating in autumn. A.taros B.mooncakes C.A and B 12.Here we are. Let’s get (in/off) the bus. It is sunny today. Let (us/is) go out. 13.Look at the light. It’s the traffic light. It has three colours, red , yellow and green. You can see the red light. Please stop. The light is yellow. You must slow down, wait, wait, wait. The light is green. The car go very fast. You can go. You must walk on the zebra crossing. 1)This is a light. It has colours. ,yellow and . 2)There are many on the . 14.How many ? Two. A. dresses B.dress 15.My name is Alice. I am a pupil. My name is Danny. I am a pupil, .A.to B.two C.too 16.I a new bag. My brother a new bag, too.


英语单选易错题(二) 1.I’d like to live somewhere ____ the sun shines all year long. A. which B. that C. where D. in which 2.I ______ to go for a walk, but someone called and I couldn’t get away. A. was planning B. planned C. had planned D. would plan 3. —Did you go to Qingdao for vacation last summer? —I_________ to go, but I got sick at the last minute. A. planned B. was planning C. had been planning D. have planned 4.—We are informed that the Weifang International Kite Festival starts at 7:00. —Oh, I didn’t expect it was so early! I ______ to go out for dinner with my friends first. A. was planning B. am planning C. have been planning D. have planned 5. —I didn’t do well in the exam. What about you? — I did _____ you. Maybe even worse. A. not better than B. not worse than C. as well as D. no better than 6. If you _____ the medicine you _____ better now. A. took ; would feel B. had taken ; felt C. had taken ; would feel D. took ;would have felt 7. —Your book, Tommy? —No, Mom, it’s my friend’s. —Remember to return it to ____ name is on it. A. what B. which C. whose D. whosever 8. — I hope you enjoyed the film last night. — How on earth do you know I went to a film? I _____ you. A. won’t tell B. didn’t tell C. haven’t told D. hadn’t told 9. Gone forever ____ when we used foreign oil. A. the days are B. the days were C. are the days D. were the days 10. They waited and waited. _____ they had been looking forward to. A. Then the hour came B. The hour then came C. Then came the hour D. Then did the hour come 11. He must have finished the work by the end of last month, ___________? A. hasn’t he B. didn’t he C. hadn’t he D. mustn’t he 12. Be careful with such things. If you _____, you’ll drop them. A. don’t B. aren’t C. won’t D. do 13. ___________ a fine day, Shenzhou VI will be launched on time according to its planned time. A. Being B. It being C. To be D. It is 14. It will be five years ______ we meet again. A. since B. after C. before D. when 15. — Did you scold him for his mistake? — Yes, but _____ it. A. I’d rather not do B. I’d better not do C. I’d rather not have done D. I’d better have not done 12. We Chinese can work wonders, that is, we can make ____. A. impossible possible B. the impossible possible C. impossibly possible D. the impossible possibly 13. Whether we’ll hold the sports meet depends on the weather, _____?


17-18学年第一学期三年级错题汇总 姓名:班别: Unit 1 一、选择填空。 ( ) 1. – I have a pencil. -- _________________ A. Me too. B. What’s your name C. I’m Miss White. ( ) 2.—Wu Yifan, close your book. -- _____________ A. Hello! B. OK! C. Bye! ( ) 3. –Hi, I have an __________. A.bag B. eraser C. pencil ( ) 4. – Hello, Sarah! -- _________________ A.Bye! B. I’m Mike. C. Hi, Wu Yifan. ( ) 5. – What’s your name -- _____________ A.My name’s Chen Jie. B. No. C. Hi. 二、小朋友,下面是两组对话,只是次序打乱了,请把它们整理成通顺,合理的对话,并把答案代号写在括号内。 第一组:第二组: ( ) My name’s John. ( ) Hi, I’m Sarah. What’s your name ( ) Hello, I’m Mike. ( ) Nice to meet you, too. What’s your name ( ) Nice to meet you. ( ) Bye, Miss White. ( ) My name is Chen Jie. ( ) Goodbye! Unit 2 一、选择填空。 ( ) 1. – Miss White, this is John. -- _____________ A.Hi, John. B. OK! C. Bye! ( ) 2. – Let’s paint! -- ________________ A.Hello. B. Good afternoon. C. OK! ( ) 3. – Goodbye, Mr Yu. A.Good. B. Morning. C. Bye, Chen Jie. ( ) 4. Hi, mum. This is John. -- ______________ A.Nice to meet you. B. What’s your name C. I am Wu Yifan’s mum. 二、小朋友,下面是两组对话,只是次序打乱了,请把它们整理成通顺,合理的对话,并把答案代号写在括号内。 第一组:第二组: ( ) Good morning, Mr. Jones. ( ) Nice to meet you, too.


Exercise 6 of unit 7 of 8A 一.单词拼写 3.Jack, can you see something(shine)in the bushes? What is it? 4.Most of the water pipes were (freeze) in Wuxi last winter. 5.The kids were(scream) when they saw MIckey Mouse stand on the stage. 8.Wuxi is a beautiful place called “”(陆地)of Fish and Rice. 二.单项填空 ()1.What it is this morning! Let’s have a day out. A.good weather B.a bad weather C.bad weather 三.动词填空 2.You’d better(not skate) on the river. The ice is not thick. Exercise 1 of unit 6 of 8A 一.词汇运用 2.The birds with colourful(羽毛)are singing in the tree. 二.单项选择 ( )9.The wolves will protect their team if there is . A. dangerous B.danger C.in danger D.more dangerous 三.动词填空 4.That old place(change)into a nature reserve in five years. 四.完成句子 6.如果我们不采取措施,世上将不可能有稀有的麻雀留下了。 Therein the world if we don’t do anything. Exercise 2 of unit 6 of 8A 二.单项填空 ( )2.There aren’t anythe number of eagles. A.changes on B.change on C.change in D.changes in ( )6.---Whatthe number of the students in your school? ---About two thousand. A number of themfrom England. A.is;are B.is;is C.are;is D.are;are ( )9.Sixty per cent of her pocket moneyfrom her grandparents. A.gets B.are https://www.doczj.com/doc/b59768159.html,e https://www.doczj.com/doc/b59768159.html,es 四.完成句子 1.这会导致野生动物越来越少的生存空间。 This willfor wildlife. 2.这个保护区为大量的野生动物提供食物和庇护所。 The reservea lot of wildlife. Exercise 6 of unit 6 of 8A 二.单项选择 ( )2.You can call the teacher86862408 or email him163@https://www.doczj.com/doc/b59768159.html, A.in;on B.on;at C.at;in D.at;of ( )4.We all found important to take action to protect the nature after listening to that


1. That was not the first time he us. I think it’s high time we _strong actions against him.(2005) A. betrayed…take B. had betrayed…took C. has betrayed…took C. has betrayed…take 答案:C 解析:根据前半句句意,我们知道“背叛”不知发生一次,尽管行为发生在过去,但由后半句句意可知,其结果是现在仍处于被“背叛”的情形,与现在仍有关系,故用现在完成时。 2. “It seems that she was there at the conference.” The sentence means that _. .(2009) A. she seems to be there at the conference. B. she seemed to be there at the conference. C. she seems to have been there at the conference. D. she seemed to being there at the conference. 答案:C 解析:本题考查半助动词It… that…结构的转换,过程中动词结构的对应如下: Sb. Seems to do/ be doing/have done It seems that sb. Does/is doing/ was doing

3.I doubt _he is the murderer because he is not on the scene at that moment. A. why B. that C. whether D. when 答案:B 解析:在肯定句中,及物动词doubt后面也可接that引导的宾语从句,但表示疑虑或”不大相信’. 4.Bit by bit, a child makes the necessary changes to make his language _. A.as other people B.as other people’s C. like other people D. like other people’s 答案:D 解析:as 和like 都可以表示“像……一样”,但as是连词,后跟从句,like是介词,后跟名词或名词性短语。 5. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, _a sudden loud noise. A. being there B. should there be C. there was D. there have been 答案:B 解析:该句是一个省略if的倒装的虚拟条件句,课还原为“if there should be…”,表示对将来的假设。


大家知道,现在的中考英语试题总体不难,只要不放弃英语学习的学生都可以考及格以上,但欲考接近满分却并非易事。因为为了适当拉开学生距离,命题老师往往也会出一两个所谓的压轴题,以把那些真正的英语尖子生选拔出来。有时候我们学生与重点高中失之交臂,就是失分在下面我精选的难题上。 ( ) 1. ________ it is today! A. What fine weather B. What a fine weather C. How a fine weather D. How fine a weather 解析:选A. 此题容易误选B. weather是不可数名词,前面不能有不定冠词。英语中经常考查的不可数名词有work, news, adivice, information等。 ( ) 2. Which is the way to the __________? A. shoe factory B. shoes factory C. shoe’s factory D. shoes’ factory 解析:选A. 此题极易误选B, C, D. 英语中名词单数可以修饰名词,如:an apple tree →two apple trees. 但注意a man teacher→two men teachers。 ( ) 3. This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them。 A. are studying B. is studying C. be studying D. studying 解析:选A. 此题容易误选B. class, family, team等单词如果表示整体谓语就用单数,表示个体就用复数,从语境及其后面的代词them可以看出,class表示个体,故选择A。( ) 4. We will have a _________ holiday after the exam。 A. two month B. two-month C. two month’s D. two-months 解析:选择B 此题容易误选C, D. 在英语中数词中间用连字符号加名词单数,构成符合名词,在句中只能作定语,如果选择C, 需要把逗号放s后面。 ( ) 5. There is no enough ________ on the corner to put the table。 A. place B. room C. floor D. ground 解析:选B. 此题最容易误选A.。room在句中是空间而非房间。句意:角落里没有摆桌子的空间了。 ( ) 6. We can have _____ blue sky if we create _____ less polluted world。(苏州2010) A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the 解析:选A. 此题容易误选C, D. 根据句意:如果我们创造一个没有污染的世界,那么我们就用一个蓝色的天空。 ( ) 7. —Are you ______ American or English? —English.. We are working in Wuhu. (芜湖10) A. a B. \ C. the D. an 解析:选B 此题容易误选D. 句中American是形容词而非名词,如果句中改为Are you __________ or an English man? 就选择D。 ( ) 8. You like playing basketball, and he likes running, _______? A. don’t you B. doesn’t he C. do you D. does he 解析:选择B. 此题容易误选A. 其实不是对前面的句中进行反问,而是对he likes running 进行反问。 ( ) 9. —Why not take ____umbrella with the sign “Made in China”?It is _____ useful umbrella? —What _______ good advice it is! A. an; an; a B. an; a; \ C. a; an; a D. \; an; a 解析:选B. 大多数学生容易做错此题。记住an用在元音音素前而不是元音字母前,记住了这一点就知道了an umbrella 和a useful umbrella. 在最后一句中advice是不可数名词,前面不能接不定冠词。故选择B ( ) 10. — When shall we meet again next week?


一、辨音: 1、root shoe ( ) 2、plant car ( ) 3、box book ( ) 4、ladybird dragonfly ( ) 5、know no ( ) 6、fly library ( ) 7、biscuit live ( ) 8、read me ( ) 9、knock Coke ( ) 10、egg fat ( ) 11、new two ( ) 二、翻译下列词组: 一块大橡皮__________________________ 八张椅子____________________________ 六只小盒子__________________________ 四个小婴儿____________________________ 十个矮个子___________________________ 七个高个子的老师______________________ 三、按要求写单词: 1、单/复数: knives _________________ toy __________________ they ___________________ box __________________ crayon _______________ library ________________ 2、反义词: hot _________________ short _________________ old __________________ clean ________________ Hand up. ______________ open ________________ old ___________________ 3、同音词: here ______________ 四、选择题: ()1、How old is Alice? ___________ eleven. A、He’s B、She’s C、I’m ( ) 2、It is _______. A、flower B、milk ()3、Look at _______ ball. It’s red. A、a B、the C、an ( ) 4、________ is he ? He is fine . A、How old B、How C、Who ( ) 5、_________ is she ? She is six years old . A 、How old B、How C、Who

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