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摘要 [目的]探讨提高山樱花[Cerasus serrulata(Lindl.) G. Don ex London]种子发芽率的有效方法。[方法]采用机械破皮和赤霉素浸泡山樱花种子。机械破皮处理为:用剪刀剪破种子的外种皮,使种仁露出,分别用清水、2 g/L赤霉素浸泡破皮和没破皮的山樱花种子24 h,然后在温度为20 ℃、湿度为80%的恒温箱中催芽。赤霉素浸泡处理为:山樱花种子沙藏90 d后,分别用1 000、2 000、3 000 mg/kg赤霉素及清水浸泡24 h,放在在恒温箱中催芽,温度为

20 ℃,相对湿度80%。[结果]机械破皮和赤霉素浸泡均能提高其发芽率,破皮可使其提高到67.21%;用1 000、3 000 mg/kg赤霉素处理能使发芽率提高到77.19%、72.58%,但用1 000 mg/kg赤霉素处理的种子出芽后生长较快,而用3 000 mg/kg赤霉素处理的种子生长较慢,且

生长点有黄花现象,说明赤霉素浓度过高会抑制幼苗生长。[结论]推荐使用1 000 mg/kg赤霉



中图分类号 S688 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2014)13-03835-01

Abstract [Objective] To explore effective methods of seed germination. [Method] Use mechanical hulling and steeping seeds in GA3. Mechanical hulling: cut the episperm of seeds,uncover the kernel, steep seeds with cut and complete episperm in clean water, 2 g/L GA3 for 24 h, then germinate in the thermostat (20 ℃, humidity 80%). GA3 treatment: place seeds in sands for 90 days, steep seeds in 1 000, 2 000 and 3 000 mg/kg GA and clean water for 24 h, the germinate in the thermostat (20 ℃, humidity 80%). [Result] Both mechanical hulling and GA3 treatment can improve the germination rate, hulling improves the rate to 67.21%, GA3 treatment (1 000, 3 000 mg/kg) improve the rate to 77.19% and 72.58%, but seeds treated with 1 000

mg/kg GA3 grow faster, while the later grow slowly, yellow flowers appear on the growth points, i.e. higher concentration of GA3 inhibits growth of young seedlings. [Conclusion] Treatment with 1 000 mg/kg GA3 is recommended.

Key words C. serrualta; Hulling; GA3 ; Germination rate

山樱花[Cerasus serrulata(Lindl.) G. Don ex London]又称山樱、野山樱,属于蔷薇科樱属落叶乔木,其广泛分布于黑龙江、河北、山东、江苏、浙江、安徽、湖南、贵州等地海拔500~1 500 m的山谷或林中。其分别范围广,生态适应性强,根系发达,能正常开花结实,可用作樱花嫁接的砧木,但是由于其外重皮厚,自然休眠期较长,常规播种发芽率很低,目前还没有被广泛使用[1-5]。为此,笔者在研究其种子形态特征的基础上,采用破除外种皮(破皮)

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