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今天,大不列颠的商业船队再也不是海上霸王了:我们在世界商船总量中所占的比重已由原来的40%降到现在的大约8%。不过,就商业船只的总吨位而言,英国商业船队仍保持着继续扩展的势态,其装载总量比起1914年已增加2/3以上。在我国的传统产业258 中,几乎还只有海运业至今依然保持着常盛不衰的记录。

与英国其他各行业情形不同的是,海运业的船主们花了大本 钱投资。60年代初期,英国的海运公司利用政府资助和减税等有利条件大发其财。在1966至1976年间,英国海运业的投资率每天竟超 过100万英镑。到70年代初,几乎每个星期就有一艘新的英国船只 在世界的某个港口下水。结果是英国拥有了一支非常现代化的商 业船队:我们的船只的平均年龄只有6年,而且一半以上的船只投 入使用还不到五年。在目前这一阶段,英国海运业的经营者们在投 资建造最先进的船只这方面是走在了其他国家的竞争对手的前头。


19世纪中叶,帆船与汽船之间的竞争愈演愈烈,已到了你死我 活的程度,由竞争所带来的降价使得许多历史悠久的船运公司纷纷破产。于是,船运公司老板们联合起来,共同建立起一种比较稳定的行业秩序,并订立了一个航运价格管理制度。换言之,每一种需要运载的货物都有一个由全体船主商定的统一价格。这实际上是一种卡特尔组织,但英国船主们却给它取了“船业协会”这么一个更文












例如,集装箱本是美国人的发明,但却是英国船主们投资首创了国际远洋集装箱海运业务。集装箱运输节省时间,因为装货作业在工厂或仓库里即可完成而不必在码头上完成。集装箱运输也非常安全可靠,有利于防盗;除箱体外面的编号外,集装箱上没有任何表明箱内所装是何货物的标记。要有效地利用集装箱这一技术革命的成果,必须拥有可与之配套的先进的公路和铁路运输系统,而这是大多数第三世界国家所不具备的条件。此外,集装箱货船造价高昂,每艘船大约为5 000万英镑。

东方轮船运输公司的高技术、高投资战略远远不能完全解除第三世界的威胁。发展中国家并不想通过商业途径同西方船队竞争,他们希望强制实行一套相关的法规来保证他们在海运贸易中占有可观的份额。这一要求已在联合国贸易和发展会议上正式提出。根据该组织制订的海运法规,两个贸易伙伴之间的贸易货物的80 9/6应均分给双方国家的商船队来运输。这样便只剩下20%的生意给那无数的国际远洋货轮去争抢了,而英国各航运公司总收入的40 9/6要从这些国际贸易中赚取。联合国贸易和发展会议的这一规定目前尚未生效,因为尚无足够数量的国家对它予以正式承认。可是,一旦这一规定得到各国普遍承认,那对于英国的海运业将是一个沉重打击。












英国的造船厂目前正为波兰制造着24艘轮船。波兰人之所以倾向于英国是因为受到英国为他们提供2 800万英镑的资助款这一厚赠以及英国造船商将负责为他们筹集所有的贷款这一承诺的引诱。所以,当我国商船队正受到共产党国家商船的威胁的同时,我们的政府却在用英国纳税人的钱来帮助他们降低造船成本。对于发展中国家的商船队,我们也在采取同样的做法。印度现在已经是第三世界的一个海运强国,但英国却准备无偿地为印度人打造六艘船只。



I .
1)Britain is sorry that she has lost her dominance on the high seas. Britain was proud of being the lord of the sea for along time, but now she regrets that she no longer enjoys a naval supremacy.
2)Shipping is a major successful industry in Britain because it makes over £l 000 million a year in foreign exchange earnings, which is of vital importance for the country. The reasons for the success are that the British ship-owners have put in big investment and that there has been a conference fixing prices to avoid cut-throat competition.
3)The stiff foreign competition comes from two main directions: from the Russians and the Eastern bloc countries who are massively expanding their merchant navies and doing t

heir best to step into the international shipping trade by severely undercutting Western shipping companies, and from the merchant fleets of the developing countries, who are struggling to take over a big share of the trade between Europe and Africa, Asia and the Far East-routes over which Britain used to have a total dominance.
4)A "conference" is in fact a cartel, whose role is to fix prices for all the member nations and companies. 5)The oil-tanker fleets.
6)Because freight liners carry all sorts of different cargoes, so if there is a slump in" one particular industry, they may depend on others and survive.
7)The Third World countries regard a merchant navy as a symbol of their national power and have expanded their fleets at an incredible rate. Yes, they are.
8)They turn to high-technology investment. Yes, they are for the time being.
9)On one hand, Russia wants to earn hard currencies, on the other, a deeper motive is that it desires to increase its sphere of influence in the world.
10)The major problems are the Soviet Union's massive expansion of its merchant navy and undercutting of Western shipping companies, and UNCTAD, which guarantees the developing countries a major slice of the shipping trade. The problems also show that the capitalist world is divided rather than united as one.

1)cutting their way into the international shipping trade by charging much less freight rate than the Western shipping companies
2)who are determined to take the biggest share of the trade
3)Britain has important interests in these trade routes.
4) They make it more difficult to make a large amount of money when economic conditions are favorable.
5)But they make it easier to survive when economic conditions are unfavorable.
6)More and more oil tankers the world over lay idle.
7)Much of the fleet carries goods between foreign countries.
8)British companies are doing much business on the line between Japan and Australia.
9)Developing countries consider a merchant navy very important because it is a sign of their economic power, so after they have set up a national airline, the next thing they would like to have is a merchant fleet.
10)Neither the growth in Russia's trade nor that in world trade would demand such a rapid development of Russia's cargo-liner fleet.
11)These ships would certainly make it possible for she Soviet Union to exert its influence on countries far away from its territory.
12)When these smaller shipping companies go bankrupt, a big part of the few old industries that have been doing well and earning huge profits will close down.

Ⅲ. See the translation of the text.

1)NATO--North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织(北约)
2)OAS—Organization of American States美洲国家组织
3)OAU—Organization of African Unity非洲统一组织(非统)
4)ASEAN—Association of Southeast Asian N

5)OPEC—Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国组织
6)SALT—Strategic Arms Limitation Talks限制战略武器会谈
7)UNESCO—United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization联合国教科文组织
8)M.I.T.-Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院
9)BBC—British Broadcasting Corporation英国广播公司
10)V.I.P.-very important person重要人物
11)GMT—Greenwich mean time格林威治平均时
12)GNP—gross national product国民生产总值
13)KGB—Komite Gossudarstvennoi Bezopastnosti(Committee of State Security)国家安全委员会(克格勃)(苏联)
14)ICBM—inter—continental ballistic missile洲际弹道导弹
15)radar—radio detecting and ranging雷达
16)laser—light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation激光

1)the sea and shipping:merchant navy,merchant fleet, sea routes,the high seas,tonnage,ship—owners,shipping companies.merchant ships,shipping managers,sailing-ships.steam-ships,shipowners,shipping conference, shipbuilding boom.shipping industry,oil-tanker fleet, charter rates,tankers,bulk carriers,dry cargo,bulk—carrier fleet.shipping sectors,freight—liner services,liner— freight vessels,agreed routes,ports, shipment, liner ship,freight rate,cargo—liner fleet,sea—lanes,shipping fleet,shipping lines.
2)economy and trade:foreign exchange,balance of payments,in deficit,shipping trade,undercut,invest,grant. tax concessions,competition,oil prices,depression。crisis,demand,slump,bankruptcy,customer,manufactured goods,cross—traders,profitable,foreign currency. high—technology investment,investment,container service, warehouse,a code number,trading partners。revenue,liner trade,seaborne trade,profit,hard currency. imports,payment,trading ties,international business

1)grab the headlines 2)were being elbowed out 3)the lion's share 4)cash in on 5)made a big killing 6)having weathered 7)is around the corner 8)the pinch of poverty 9)big lO)throw in the towel 11)made up 12)a slump


10)ability 能力。指能力,常常指能把事情干好;capability指潜在的。

1)mercantile 2)fleet,shipping,marine 3)significant,key 4)ships 5)vital 6)freight 7)slump 8)grow, increase 9)lines 10)plus 11)to drive 12)coordinated

1)Oil is considered the lifeline of industry.
2)The Soviet Union has already carved its way into the trade with the African countries.
3)The recession is biting deeply into the auto industry.
4)They tried to cash in on the internal conflict of the country.
5)Admiral Jellicoe said that if something was not done promptly to stop the losses,the Allies would have to throw in the towel before the end of the year.
6)They were elbowed out 0f the competition.
7)Big trouble lies just around the corner.
8)Officials insist that the country will be able to weather the boycott.

1)Oil is the vital lifeline of the national economy in many Middle Eastern countries.
2)The Third World countries are bent on developing their industries independently.
3)Some Western countries were afraid that the oil—producing countries would drive them out of business by undercutting them.
4)The British government promised to put up the money needed to solve the problem 0f unemployment.
5)Saudi Arabia’s proved reserves of on are by far the greatest in the world.
6)The Chinese people stood the test of the Cultural Revolution.
7)These veteran soldiers have all weathered the test of many battles during the Second World War.
8)We are still a long way from the goal of the four modernizations.
9) Many scientists and technicians are out to learn foreign languages so as to be able to read first-hand reference materials.
ll)A new telegraph building will be completed and put into service soon.
12)Iraq's expansionism was under attack from the press all over the World.
13)The military expenditures of that country increase at a rate of 4% to 5% every year.

first, were, perhaps, thousand, the, Navy, coal, in, switch, which, all, to, of, tons ||growth, automobile, wars, surge, these, and, determined, by, shortest, oil, East, western || closure, following, Egypt, after, 1967, a, known, crude

XII. Omitted.

The Shipping Industry in China
Since the founding of the People's Republic of China is1949, its shipping industry has witnessed an enormous expansion.
In the last thirty years and more, the shippment of passengers and freight has increased

by over 1600%, passenger turnover by over nine times, and freight turnover by round about ninety times. The total tonnage of ships and barges has risen by over fifty times, and the volume of freight handled at ports and harbours both along the coastline and on the Yangtze River has become more than twenty times larger. As for navigational engineering, ships and harbours, machine-production industry, communications navigation, shippment monitoring, succouring and salvaging, and the research and education involved, all these sectors have developed at a rapid rate. In the total volume of freight turnover of all means of transportation, the shipping industry ac-counts for over 40% in the early 1980s, which is high above its share of less than 20% in the 1950s. As for the foreign trade freight, the shipping industry is also playing a more and more important role.
At present, China' s merchant navy is capable of arriving at more than 400 ports in the world. China has built up a relatively massive shipping system.

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