当前位置:文档之家› 闽教版英语第六册教案



Unit 1 Our School

Lesson 1

Teaching aims:

1.Knowledge aim:

Enable the Ss to grasp the phrases and sentences:

First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, office

Where is your classroom? On the third floor.

How many floors?

2.Ability aim:Talk about the Summer Vacation. Improve the student?s listening skill.

3.Emotion aim:Improve the Ss?abilities of communication and cooperation.

Main points:

Foster the Ss? asking and answering abilities.

Difficult points:

Use “first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth; Where is your classroom? On the third floor.”correctly.

Teaching materials:

Tape recorder, pictures, cards.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Warm-up/ Review

1. Greetings: Hi, …. Nice to see you again .

Ss : Nice to see you , too .

Greet everybody in class .

2. Sing the song: Ten little baby ducks

3. Revise the cardinal numeral from 1-12.

Step 2 Learn to say

Write the cardinal numeral on the blackboard. Then write the ordinal numeral near them. Help the Ss find the differences between them. Let the Ss listen and repeat.

Step 3 Practice

Ask the Ss to look and say with the teacher.

Divide the Ss into two groups to play a game. “Who is quickly?”

Ask four Ss to act out the game. “Put the numbers in order.”

Revise the phrases: music room, computer room, art room. School, library, classroom, dining room.

Step 4 Look and say

Listen to the tape & look at the English books and point.

The new word: office.

Say: This is our classroom building. Where are the teachers? offices?

It?s on the …floor.

Listen to the tape again & repeat.

Step 5 Ask and answer

1.Do “Look and say” on Page2

2.Do “ask and answer” on Page4

Step 6 Homework

Listen to the tape & repeat for some times .

Finish off the activity book of Lesson 1.




Lesson 2

Teaching aims:

1.Knowledge aim:

Revise the phrases and sentences: First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, office

Where is your classroom? On the third floor.

Master the new sentences: Where is your birthday? My birthday

is August 2nd.

2. Ability aim:Talk about the home town. Improve the student?s listening skill.

3.Emotion aim:Improve the Ss?abilities of communication and cooperation.

Main points:

Foster the Ss? asking and answering abilities.

Difficult points:

Use “When is your birthday? My birthday is August 2nd.”correctly. Teaching materials:

Tape recorder, pictures, cards

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Warm-up/ Review

1. Show the cards to the Ss to revise the words:First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, office

2. Sing the song: Happy birthday to you

3. Ask the Ss in pairs to act out the dialogs on P


Step 2 Learn to say

1.The teacher asks some Ss to introduce where the room is.

2.Revise the cardinal numeral. Present the short form.

3.Revise the months of the year.

4.Say: Today is April 1. It?s my birthday. When is your

birthday? ...Help the students answer: My birthday is ….

5.Practice this for several times.

Step 2 Learn to say

Practice the dialogue in pairs.“When is your birthday? My birthday is August…”

Play the tape for the Ss to listen for two times.

Listen to the tape & repeat for some times.

Ask the Ss to look and say with the teacher.

Divide the Ss into two groups to act out the two dialogs.

Ask two Ss to act out the dialogs for some times.

Step 3 Ask and answer

Ask the Ss to look and say with the teacher. When is your birthday? My birthday is August…When is your father?s/mother?s…birthday?” Then let the Ss play the game.

Step 4 Do a survey

Fill in the chart on Page 6 and talk with your partner about it.

Step 5 Listen and circle the right answer

Play the tape for the Ss to listen and circle.

Play again for the Ss to check the answer.

Step 6 Homework

Listen to the tape & repeat for some times .

Finish off the activity book of Lesson 2


Unit 2 Emotions

Lesson 3

Teaching aims:

1.Knowledge aim:

Enable the Ss to grasp the phrases and sentences: angry, tired, sad, scared, proud.

I?m very happy. He/She is very sad.

2.Ability aim:Talk about the emotions. Improve the student?s listening skill.

3.Emotion aim:Improve the Ss? abilities of communication and cooperation.

Main points:

Foster the Ss? asking and answering abilities.

Difficult points:

Use “I?m very happy. He/She is very sad.” correctly.

Teaching materials:

Tape recorder, pictures, cards.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Warm-up/ Review

Greetings to the Ss.

Ask and answer between the teacher and the Ss.

“Where is your birthday? My birthday is August 2nd.

When is your father?s/mother?s…birthday?

My father?s/mother?s birthday is….

A song: A happy song.

Step 2 Learn to say

The teacher shows the word cards to the Ss and says: angry, tired, sad, scared, proud. Listen and repeat. Then present the sentences: I?m happy/ sad/scared…. You are angry/tired….

Step 3 Practice

Listen to the tape & look at the English books and point.

Listen to the tape again & repeat.

Ask the Ss to look and say with the teacher.

Divide the Ss into four groups to read.

Ask some Ss to say the sentences on Page 9-10.

Sing the song: A happy song

Step 4 Look and write

At first, let Ss finish the exercises. Then the teacher puts the answers on the blackboard.

Step 5 Homework

Listen to the tape & repeat for some times .

Finish off the activity book of Lesson 3.

Lesson 4

Teaching aims:

1.Knowledge aim:

Revise the phrases and sentences: ask, answer, elephant

Miss Kangaroo wanted to see her.

Mr. Elephant was very angry.

Mr. Cat, Mr. Dog and Miss Kangaroo were all scared.

2.Ability aim:Can simply talk about the activities of visiting the zoo in the past tense.

3.Emotion aim:Improve t he Ss? abilities of communication and comprehension

Main points:

Foster the Ss? asking and answering abilities.

Difficult points:

Can understand the story.

Teaching materials:

Tape recorder, pictures, cards.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Warm-up/ Review

Show the cards to the Ss to revise the words and sentences: angry, tired, sad, scared, proud.

I?m very happy. He/She is very sad.

Ask the Ss in pairs to act out the sentences on P10.

Step 2 Learn to say

The teacher shows a card of elephant to the Ss and says : This is a photo. I took it in the Jiufeng Zoo. Teach the word: elephant

Open the book, listen to the tape and read the story. Explain the difficult sentences to the Ss.

Play the tape for the Ss to listen to the tape & repeat for some times . Divide the Ss into three groups to act out the story.

Ask three Ss to act out the story .

Step 3 Listen and circle the right answer

Play the tape for the Ss to listen and circle.

Play again for the Ss to check the answer.

Step 4 Homework

Listen to the tape & repeat for some times .

Finish off the activity book of Lesson 4 .

Unit 3 A Spring Outing

Lesson 5

Teaching aims:

1.Knowledge aim:

Enable the Ss to grasp the phrases and sentences: outing , climb , mountain , camera , water ,spring outing , climb a mountain, take a camera , take some pictures , sports shoes, wear a hat .

What are you going to …?

I?m going to …

We?re going to …

2.Ability aim:Talk about the things with “I?m / We?re going to…”. Improve the student?s listening and speaking skill.

3.Emotion aim:To cultivate the Ss?emotions of loving life and nature. Main points:

Talk about the things with “I?m / We?re going to…”.

Difficult points:

Use “be going to...” correctly.

Teaching materials :

tape recorder ; some cards

Teaching steps :

Step 1 Warm-up

T:What day is it today ?

S:It's Tuesday .

T:What day is it tomorrow ?

S:It's Wednesday .

T : Which season is it now ?

S: Spring

Step 2 Presentation

1 Show a picture to teach “Spring outing ,camera , etc.”

What are you going to take with you ?

I?m going to take …….

Divide the class into four groups to make the sentences like this .

2 Show a picture to the Ss and say : Miss Gao and her students are going for a spring outing .

What is Miss Gao going to do ?

What are they going to do ?

They are going to climb mountain .

Step 3 Listen and read

Play the tape for the Ss and repeat .

Ask the Ss to answer :

What are they going to do on April 2nd ?

What are they going to do there ?

Step 4 Rhyme

Ask the Ss to read the sentences

Listen to the tape and repeat .

Ask the Ss to read in many ways .

Step 5 Homework

1.Finish off the activity book of Lesson 5.

2.Make some sentences with “I?m / We?re going to…”.

Lesson 6

Teaching aims:

1.Knowledge aim:

Enable the Ss to grasp the phrases and sentences: Get on , move , cheese .

The student are getting on the bus .

The bus is moving .

They are climbing the mountain .

2.Ability aim:Talk about the things with “be going to…”and “be doing”correctly. Improve the student?s listening and speaking skill. 3.Emotion aim:To cultivate the Ss?emotions of speaking English. Main points:

Talk about the things with “be going to…”and “be doing”correctly. Difficult points:

Improve the student?s listening and speaking skill.

Teaching materials :

tape recorder ; some cards

Teaching steps :

Step 1 Warm up


Read the rhyme “Spring in Me”

What are they going to ready for Spring outing ?

What are you going to do ?

What are you going to take ?

What are you going to wear ?

Step 2 Let’s learn

Show a picture to the Ss and ask :

What …s the date today ?

What are they doing ?

They are going for a spring outing .

How are they going ? By bike , by bus , or on foot ?

Look! The Ss are getting on the bus .

Ask the Ss to compare “get on and getting on , move and moving ”Then introduce sing and singing , climb and climbing , take and taking , etc.

Step 3 Practice

Ask the Ss to read the sentences after the T

Then ask the Ss to make sentences as possible as they can like this . Step 4 Look and say

Listen to the tape and repeat

T say the sentence and Ss point

Ask one S to read and others follow him .

Step 5 Homework

Listen to the tape and read the dialogues

Finish off the activity book of Lesson 6.

教学反思:经过按话题进行分类整理的词语更贴近生活,更易于学生的实际应用,因此也就更容易被学生掌握。本单元的教学活动集中在Talking about the present这一项目上,所以,是分类整理记忆已学词语的好时机。在利用一些图画练习各类动词的同时,学会现在进行时的词语构成和用法。老师还可以在黑板上边画简笔画,边让学生猜图中人物的动作。同时重音和语调的教学也不应停留在形式上,而应当与交际需求结合起来。在这方面,教师的绘声绘色的演示大概是最重要的因素了。教师在操作性训练过程中应当让学生逐步体

会重音与说话人态度以及所表达的意义的关系。应当让学生反复体会语句的重音应落在说话人最需要传递的信息上。在本单元的重音练习中,getting on the bus,climbing the mountain,taking a picture等就是最需要传递的信息,在进行朗读训练时要加以强调,增强学生的语感。

Unit 4 Easter

Lesson 7

Teaching aims:

1.Knowledge aim:

Enable the Ss to grasp the phrases and sentences: Easter, paint , hide , look for .

She is going to paint the eggs .

She is painting the eggs .

2.Ability aim:Talk about the things with “be going to…”and “be doing”.

3.Emotion aim:To understand the condition about Easter.Develop the Ss learning the culture about other countries.

Main points:

Talk about the things with “be going to…”and “be doing”.

Difficult points:

Improve the student?s listening and speaking skill.

Teaching materials :

two color eggs , tape recorder ; some cards

Teaching steps :

Step 1 Warm up

1 Greetings

2 Chant together : “What Is Blue ?”

3 When is New Year / Easter ?

Step 2 New words

1 T: Easter is coming. Here comes an Easter Bunny.

Look, she is hopping to us.

T: Hello, I am Easter Bunny. Nice to see you.

T&C: Nice to see you, too.

T: What?s in your hand?

T1: Its a basket.

T&C: Basket, basket, It?s a basket.

T: What?s in your basket?

T1: Let me show you. This is an egg.

T&C: Easter egg, Easter egg, It?s an Easter egg.

T : How many colors can you see?

T&C: Let?s count. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. There are seven.

T1: What colors are they?

T&C: They are red, blue, green, pink, orange, purple and yellow.

T: Easter eggs are so beautiful.

2 Show the Ss an egg and paint it , ask :

What am I doing ? ( I am painting )

Use the same way to introduce : I am hiding the eggs . Please look for the eggs .

Step 3 Hide and Seek

1 T ask a S to hide the eggs and T close her eyes until the S have hidden the eggs . T open her eyes and ask : Where are they ? I?m looking for the eggs .

2 Exchange to play the game .

Step 4 Homework

Listen to the tape and read the dialogues.

Finish off the activity book.

Paint an egg .

Lesson 8

Teaching aims:

1.Knowledge aim:

Enable the Ss to grasp the phrases: Bunny, cute , chocolate , Easter card , Easter Bunny , Easter present , chocolate egg, chicken egg . 2.Ability aim:Can talk about the Easter.Improve the student?s listening and speaking skill.

3.Emotion aim:To cultivate the Ss?emotions to learning east?s culture. Main and difficult points:

Improve the student?s listening and speaking skill.

Teaching materials :

tape recorder ; some cards

Teaching steps :

Step 1 Warm up

1. Greetings.

2. Chant: "Easter Bunny"

Step 2 Make an Easter egg

(Play as very sad.)

T: Easter Bunny, why are you so sad?

T1: Easter is coming. I have to make many Easter eggs. May be I can?t finish.

T: Oh, Easter Bunny is busy making Easter eggs. Boys and girls, can

you help her?

C: Yes, we can.

T: Do you know how to make the Easter egg? (Have some children answer.) Easter Bunny, can you tell us how to make?

T: Of course. At first, roll the newspaper into a ball. Is the egg beautiful? T: No, because it has no clothes.

T: Now, let me make clothes for it---color the egg. Draw some lines or pictures you like on the white paper .Third, envelop the newspaper ball with the picture. Look, is the Easter egg beautiful now?

T&C: Yes, its very beautiful. I want to try.

(Guide the children make Easter egg and say "Color the egg, lots of fun "at the same time.)

Step 3 Hide and find eggs

T1: (Play as a little sad.)

T: Easter Bunny, you have many Easter eggs now. Why are you still unhappy?

T1: Because I have to hurry to hide the eggs.

T: Oh, you have to hide the eggs. Boys and girls, Would you like to help her again?

C: Yes.

T: I want to divide you into two groups. Scissors, cut! Cut! Cut! Later, group1 follows Easter Bunny to hide the eggs. Group2 follows me and waits for a minute, then lets go to have an egg

hunt. OK?

C: OK.(Take the children to play in the garden.)

T: Put on the headband please. Group2, would you please close your eyes.

T1: Group1, are you ready? Lets go to hide the eggs. (Play the music: "Easter Bunny") "Easter Bunny hop! Hop! Hop! Hide the eggs, down and up."

T: Group2, please take your basket. Lets go on an egg hunt.

Step 4 Homework: Encourage the kids to make Easter egg at home.

Unit 5 Sports

Lesson 9

Teaching aims:

1.Knowledge aim:

Enable the Ss to grasp the phrases :

Sports Day,meter,high jump,long jump.

The sentences: What are you going to do on Sports Day?

I?m going to…We?re going to….

Are you going to….?Yes,I am. / No,I?m not.

2.Ability aim:Can say something about sports ,can talk about what they are going to do on Sports Day.

3.Emotion aim:Encourage the Ss to do more exercises,to keep healthy. Main points:

Talk about “What are you going to do on Sports Day?”

Difficult points:

The use of “be going to….”

Teaching materials :

tape recorder ; some cards and pictures.

Teaching steps :

Step 1 Warm up

1.Sing the song:Spring Has Arrived.

2.Listen and act:

play basketball / football / ping-pong,swimming,jumping,running…Step 2 Presentation

1.To learn the words and the phrases.

1)To learn the phrase “Sports Day” and the sentence:“I?m going to….”T: We have a Sports Day in our school every year.(Write “Sports Day”on the blackboard.) What are you going to do on Sports Day? Ss: I?m going to….

2)To learn :100 meters and 200 meters.

3)To learn:high jump,long jump

2.To learn the text.

1)Listen to the tape,and point to the sentences.

2)Listen to the tape again,then answer the questions:

What is Wang Tao going to do on Sports Day?

What is Chen Ling going to do on Sports Day?

What is Hu Ping going to do on Sports Day?

3)Listen to the tape and repeat.

Step 3 Consolidation

1.Finish off“Look and Say” on page 4


2.Let?s chan t: Sports Day.

3.Ask and answer:

A: What?s your favorite sport? B: My favorite sport is….

A:What are you going to do on Sports Day? B: I?m going to…. A:Are you going to….? B: Yes,I am. / No,I?m not. Step 4 Homework

1.Listen to the tape and read the dialogues.

2.Finish off the activity book.

Lesson 10

Teaching aims:

1.Knowledge aim:

Enable the Ss to grasp the phrases :shout,win

The sentences:

Peter is running 100 meters.

Hu Ping is doing high jump.

Chen Ling is doing long jump.

2.Ability aim:Can understand and use “be doing” correctly. 3.Emotion aim:

To cultivate the Ss?abilities to do something independently. Main and difficult points:

The use of “be doing….”

Teaching materials :

tape recorder ; some cards and pictures.

Teaching steps :

Step 1 Warm up

1.Chant“Sports Day” together.

2.To review the words and the phrases: Sports Day,100 meters, 200 meters, high jump,long jump,swimming,jumping,running.

3.Play a game----Listen and act.

Step 2 Presentation

1.Put the picture on the blackboard,point to Peter and ask: “Who is

he?What is he doing?”Make the stu dents answer: “He is Peter.He is running 100 meters.”Write “Peter is running 100 meters.”on the blackboard.

To learn “Hu Ping is doing high jump.Chen Ling is doing long jump.”in the same method.

2. Look at the text,to learn the words:win,shout.

3. Listen to the tape,read after the tape,try to remember the sentences: “Peter is running 100 meters. Hu Ping is doing high jump.Chen Ling is doing long jump.”

4.Ask and answer.(Part 2 on page 46.)

Step 3 Consolidation

1.Look and say.

2.Listen and circle the right answer.

3.Learn to write.

Step 4 Homework

1.Listen to the tape and read the text.

2.Finish off the activity book.


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