当前位置:文档之家› 功夫熊猫1中英文台词


[00:37.12]Legend tells of a legendary warrior... 传说中有位传奇大侠
[00:41.20]whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. 他武艺高强 一身传奇功夫
[00:45.31]He traveled the land in search of worthy foes. 他云游四方寻找实力相当的对手
[00:59.72]l see you like to chew. Maybe you should chew on my fist! 你好像挺爱吃 那你干脆吃本大爷一拳
[01:05.07]The warrior said nothing,for his mouth was full. 大侠一声不吭 因为嘴里塞满了吃的
[01:09.04]Then he swallowed. And then he spoke. 等他咽下去了 就开口了
[01:12.61]Enough talk. Let's fight! "少废话,尽管出招"
[01:14.63]Shashabooey! 拿命来
[01:19.37]He was so deadly in fact, 他杀气腾腾
[01:21.05]that his enemies would go blind from overexposure to pure awesomeness. 他那生猛招式让对手眼花缭乱双目失明
[01:25.00]My eyes! - He's too awesome! - And attractive.-我看不见了 - 他也太猛啦- 极具魅力
[01:28.53]How can we re-pay you? 我们该怎么报答你呢?
[01:30.36]There is no charge for awesomeness. Or attractiveness. "路见不平,拔刀相助" 无需回报!
[01:35.18]aha 啊!
[01:35.94] moving -飞
[01:37.43]lt mattered not how many foes he faced. 无论他面对多少对手
[01:39.70]They were no match for his foe destiny! 他们都会沦为他的手下败将
[01:48.30]Never before had a panda been so feared! And so loved. 从来没有哪个熊猫这么威风过 这么受崇拜
[02:01.34]Even the most heroic heroes in China,the Furious Five,bowed in respect to this great master. 就连盖世豪杰 盖世五侠,也对这位大师顶礼膜拜
[02:08.86]We should hang out. 一块乐乐去?
[02:10.86]Agreed. 没意见
[02:13.86]But hanging out would have to wait. Because when you're facing the ten thousand demons of shimen Mountain,不过没时间找乐子了. 因为一旦面对石门山成千上万的大小恶魔
[02:21.06]there's only one thing that matters and that's... 唯有一件最重要 那就是...
[02:25.49]Po! Get up! You'll be later for work! 阿宝 起来 得赶紧开工了
[02:27.91]What? 什么!?
[02:36.75]Po! Get up! 阿宝 快起来
[02:54.67]Po. What are you doing up there? 阿宝 你在上面干嘛呢?
[02:57.30]Nothing. 没干嘛
[03:01.01]Monkey! Mantis! Crane! Viper! Tigress! Roarrrr! Ahh...金猴、螳螂、 仙鹤、 灵蛇、 娇虎
[03:11.65]Po. Let's go. You're late for work. 阿波 快点 你要迟到了
[03:15.65]Coming! 来啦
[03:26.28]Sorry,Dad. 对不起 爸爸
[03:28.57]Sorry doesn't make the noodles. 说"对不起"不能帮你做面条
[03:31.53]What were you doing up there? All that noise. 你刚才在上面干嘛? 那么吵
[03:34.11]Nothing. l just had a crazy dream. 没干嘛 只是做了一场梦
[03:36.69]About what?

-What were you dreaming about? 什么梦? - 嗯?-你梦见什么了?
[03:39.69]What was l...? l was dreaming about
...noodles.我梦见? 呃 -我梦见了...面条
[03:47.49]Noodles? You were really dreaming about noodles? 面条! 你是真的梦见面条了吗?
[03:51.46]Uhh...Yeah. What else would l be dreaming about? Careful! That soup is sharp. - 是啊 我还能梦见什么呢小心 那面条扎嘴
[03:56.88]Oh,happy day! My son,finally having the noodle dream! 噢 我好开心我儿子终于梦见面条啦
[04:01.61]You don't know how long l've been waiting for this moment. 我盼星星盼月亮终于盼来了这一刻
[04:06.94]This is a sign,Po. 这是个好兆头
[04:09.37]A sign of what? 什么好兆头?
[04:11.09][04:11.23]You are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret ingredient of my Secret lngredient Soup. 你就快准备好了 我可以完全放心的把我的秘方 仙汤的秘方传给你了
[04:17.93]Then you will fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant! 然后你就可以水到渠成的 从我手里接下这面条铺
[04:23.46]As l took it over from my father,who took it over from his father.who won it from a friend in mahjong. 就像我从我父亲手里接下它 我父亲从我爷爷手里接下它.我爷爷打麻将赢下它
[04:29.21]Dad,Dad,Dad,it was just a dream. 爸爸 爸爸 爸爸 那只是一个梦
[04:32.13]No,it was the dream. 不 那是远大梦想
[04:34.76]We are noodle folk. Broth runs through our veins. 我们是做面条的 血脉里流淌着汤汁
[04:37.22]But,Dad,didn't you ever want to do something else? Something besides noodles?可是爸爸你有没有想过做点别的事? 除了面条以外的事?
[04:44.41]Actually,when l was young and crazy, 其实啦 我年少轻狂的时候
[04:47.09]l thought about running away and learning how to make tofu. 倒是想过出去闯闯 去拜师学做豆腐
[04:51.51]So why didn't you? 那怎么没去?
[04:52.90]Because it was a stupid dream. 因为那是痴人说梦
[04:54.81]Can you imagine me making tofu? 我做豆腐?还不如买块豆腐撞死
[04:59.16]Tofu. 呵 豆腐
[05:01.02]No! We all have our place in this world. 不! 各司其职 各归其位才是
[05:04.48]Mine is here,and yours is... 我属于这儿 而你呢...
[05:07.42]l know,is here. 我知道 我也属于这
[05:08.95]No,it's at tables 2,5,7,and 12 不 是2号、5号、7号、12号桌
[05:12.19]Service with a smile. 记得要微笑服务
[05:26.43]Well done,students... if you were trying to disappoint me. 身手不错 徒儿们! 只可惜还是让我失望
[05:47.45]Tigress,you need more ferocity! Monkey,greater speed. Crane,height. Viper,subtlety. Mantis... 娇虎 你不够凶猛! 金猴 你不够快 仙鹤不够高,灵蛇不够敏捷 螳螂...
[05:54.10]- Master Shifu. - What?! - 禀告师父 什么事?
[05:56.07]lt's Master Oogway. He want

s to see you. 是乌龟大师 他想见您
[06:06.47]Master Oogway,you summoned me? ls something wrong? 乌龟大师 您要见我 出什么事了吧?
[06:19.04]Why must something be wrong fo
r me to want to see my old friend? 难道一定要出什么事我才能和老朋友见面吗?
[06:24.09]So,nothing's wrong? 那么 没出事?
[06:25.92]Well,l didn't say that. 这个嘛 我也没这么说
[06:38.34]You were saying? 你刚才说...?
[06:48.10]l have had a vision. 我有一个预感
[06:50.38]Tai Lung will return. 大龙会杀回来
[06:54.12]That is impossible! He is in prison. 这怎么可能 他在大牢里
[07:01.51]Nothing is impossible.万事皆有可能
[07:04.89]Zeng! Fly to Chorh-Gom prison and tell them to double the guards,小善!快飞到长岗监狱,叫他们加倍看守
[07:09.26]double their weapons,double everything! 加倍武装 该加倍的都加倍
[07:11.84]Tai Lung does not leave that prison! - 决不能让大龙越狱
[07:14.14]Yes,Master Shifu! - 遵命 师父
[07:15.08]One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. 越想逃避宿命 越会在半道上跟宿命撞个正着
[07:22.25]We must do something! We can't let him march on the valley,take his revenge! 必须想办法 不能让他闯进山谷 他是想复仇
[07:26.53]He'll, he'll... 他会... 他会..
[07:27.69]Your mind is like this water,my friend.When it is agitated,it becomes difficult to see. 你的思绪就像这池水. 朋友.稍有外界触动就很难清澈明朗
[07:34.18]But if you allow it to settle...the answer becomes clear. 可如果让它静下来.答案顿时变得清晰了
[07:42.59]The Dragon Scroll. 神龙秘笈
[07:44.75]lt is time. 是时候了
[07:47.19]But who? Who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power? 可找谁呢? 该把这孕藏无限神功的秘密托付给谁呢?
[07:51.92]To become the Dragon Warrior? 谁将成为神龙大侠?
[07:57.09]l don't know. 我也不知道
[07:58.80]Excuse me. Pardon me. Sorry. 不好意思 过一下
[08:02.36] Oo...oo sorry. Hey, watch it Po.喂! 当心点
[08:05.41]- Sorry. - Suck it up! - 对不起 收腹!
[08:07.00]- Sorry. - A thousand pardons. - 对不起 我太失礼了
[08:09.63]What? 什么?
[08:11.56]Master Oogway's choosing the Dragon Warrior! Today! 乌龟大师要选神龙大侠 就今天
[08:16.17]Everyone! everyone, go! Get to the Jade Palace! One of the Five is gonna get the Dragon Scroll! 各位 各位 快去翡翠宫 威猛五侠 有一个会拿到神龙秘笈
[08:20.99]We've waited a thousand years for this! Just take the bowl! 这我们可是等了好久啊 快带着面条去吧
[08:24.61]This is the greatest day in kung fu history! Don't worry about it.Just go! 今天可是武林的大日子 还给什么钱呢! 快去吧!
[08:28.09]Po! Where are you going? 阿宝 你要去哪儿?
[08:30.66]To the Jade P

alace. 我去翡翠宫
[08:33.84]But you're forgetting your noodle cart. 那也别忘了推着小车卖面条
[08:35.96]The whole valley will be there,and you'll sell noodles to all of them. 山谷的村民都会去 人手一碗面条 那就赚翻了
[08:40.78]Selling noodles? 还
[08:42.90]But,Dad,You know l was kind of thinking,maybe l... 爸爸 其实我在想 也许我...
[08:47.08]Yeah? 什么?
[08:47.98]I was kind of thinking, maybe l... - 怎么? - 我在想也许我...
[08:49.85]Ahh...Haa..? 呵呵
[08:51.60]...could also sell the bean buns. They're about to go bad. ...也许我还能卖豆沙包 不然都要发霉了
[08:57.72]That's my boy! l told you that dream was a sign. 这才是乖儿子 .我就说那个梦是个好兆头
[09:02.06]Yeah. Glad l had it. 是呀 美梦一场
[09:09.39] l'm a kung fu warrior! - Me,too! - 我要当神龙大侠 - 我也是
[09:12.08]There's spots at the top. - Let's go. - 山都连上天了 - 快 赶紧走了
[09:18.18]Come on. Come on! 快啊 加油
[09:50.46]Ah! Yeah! Almost there. 就快到了
[09:53.79]What? 哦?
[09:54.08]No! Oh,no! 不 噢 不!
[09:58.39]Sorry,Po. - We'll bring you back a souvenir. - 你好可怜! 我们会给你带些纪念品
[10:04.94]No, I'll bring you back a souvenir.不,我给你带纪念品
[10:14.15]It's a historic day. Isn't it Master Oogway? 今天将会是历史性的一天 是吧? 龟仙人。
[10:19.73]Yes. The one I feared I would not live to see. Are your students ready? 是啊 没想到我能活着看到这天。你的徒弟们准备好了吗?
[10:26.79]Yes, Master Oogway.一切就绪了 龟仙人.
[10:28.66]Now know this old friend...记好了 老朋友
[10:31.62]Whomever I chose will not only bring peace to the valley, but also to you.选中的人不但会给山谷带来安宁 还能抚平你的心灵
[10:42.97]Let the tournament begin! 武林大会正式开始!
[11:00.26]No, no, no, wait! I'm coming. no, wait! yes o 别关 别关 我来了 该死
[11:09.40] Hey! Open the door. 把门打开
[11:11.77] Let me in! 让我进去
[11:16.16]Citizens of the Valley of Peace. It is my great honour to present to you,和平谷的村民们,很荣幸为你们介绍
[11:22.38]Tigress, Viper, Crane, Monkey, Mantis. The Furious Five! 老虎 毒蛇 仙鹤 猴子 螳螂 传说中的中原五侠客
[11:41.56]They're The Furious Five! Aah..aah... ouch! 哇! 中原五侠客
[11:44.40]Warriors prepare! 请各就各位
[11:46.88]Blast, No, Quick Po. 先等等 别开始
[11:49.34]Ready for battle. 比武即将开始
[11:51.94]The thousand tons of fire! Ho...ha...howw! 千吨烟火齐发
[11:57.04]Wow... Look at that! Hey! Get out of the way! Uhh...Oh...ohh! Ah...ah...aah! Hiyaah...ouch! 快看那招式 嘿! 闪开点
[12:31.88]And finally, Master Tigress. 最后上场的是...悍娇虎
[12:37.01]Believe me citizen

s, you have not seen anything yet. 相信我 村民们 你们还没见到真正的绝招
[12:42.87]I know! 还用你说
[12:44.51]Master Tigress faces Iron Arms and its Blades of Death. 除了强壮的体魄和犀利的眼神外还有其致命的虎爪功
[13:00.78]I sense the Dragon Warrior is among us. 我感受到了...龙斗士...气脉
[13:09.50]Citizens of the Valley of Peac
e, 和平谷的村民们
[13:13.73]Master Oogway will now choose the Dragon Warrior. 龟仙人将挑选龙斗士的继承者
[13:19.33]Hah...butta... No, no, no wait! Yaa...ahh. 就选了! 等一等
[13:41.31]Po! What are you doing? 阿波 你在干什么!
[13:44.16]What does it look like I'm doing? 你说我是在干嘛?
[13:45.85]Stop! Stop! I'm going to see the Dragon Warrior. 我要去看龙斗士
[13:52.38]But I don't understand, you finally have the noodle dream.我不明白你怎么了 你好不容易才做了关于面条的梦
[13:56.79]I lied. I don't dream about noodles, Dad. 我撒谎了 老爸 我没梦到面条
[14:03.39]I love Kung Fu...uuu! 我爱武功
[14:10.68]Oh come on son. Let's get back to work. 好了 儿子 回去工作吧
[14:25.02]Heay...okay. Ahh...aahh...aah. 好吧
[14:31.04]! Po!...Heay...heay...hey. 儿子
[14:57.55]Oh...Somebody... Oh. What's going on? ... Where? 我是要...我在哪?
[15:06.60]What are you pointing...? 干嘛指着我?
[15:09.81]OK. Sorry. 噢 好吧 对不起
[15:12.44]l just wanted to see who the Dragon Warrior was. 我就是想看看谁是神龙大侠
[15:15.13]How interesting. 这可真有意思
[15:17.72]Master,are you pointing at me? 大师 您指的是我吗?
[15:20.02]- Him. - Who? - 是他 - 谁?
[15:24.06]- You. - Me? - 你 - 我?
[15:27.20]The universe has brought us the Dragon Warrior! 天际环宇已经把他送来了 神龙大侠
[15:32.85]- What? - What?! What?! - What?! - 什么? - 什么?!- 什么? - 什么?!
[15:45.83]Stop,wait! Who told you to...? 站住 等等 谁让你们抬轿?
[15:56.76]Master Oogway,wait. 乌龟大师 等等
[15:59.50]That flabby panda can't possibly be the answer to our problem. 那个焉儿叭肌的熊猫 不可能是我们要找的神龙大侠
[16:03.76]You were about to point at Tigress and that thing fell in front of her! 你原来要指的是娇虎 可那个肉团正巧掉下来
[16:07.57]That was just an accident! 这只是个意外!
[16:08.83]There are no accidents. 从来就不存在什么意外
[16:25.91]Forgive us,Master. We have failed you. 请原谅 师父 我们辜负了您
[16:30.03]No. lf the panda has not quit by morning 不 如果明天早上那熊猫还不走
[16:33.14]then l will have failed you. 那就是我辜负你们
[16:54.72]Wait! Wait,wait,wait! l bring a message from Master Shifu 等等等等 我捎来了功夫大师的信
[17:03.70]What?! 什么?!
[17:05.10]''Double the guard?!'' 加强

[17:06.65]''Extra precautions?!'' 特别防御
[17:08.15]''Your prison may not be adequate?!'' ''你的监狱也许不够坚固''
[17:13.56]You doubt my prison security?! 那么你是怀疑我的监狱不安全?
[17:17.06]Absolutely not. 小的绝对没这个胆
[17:19.63]Shifu does. l'm just the messenger. 师父交代的 小的只是送信的
[17:22.35]l'll give you a message for your Master Shifu. 那你也替我捎个信给你那个什么师父
[17:26.53]Escape from Oh
orh-Gom prison is impossible! 想从长岗监狱逃走 绝对不可能
[17:34.91]lmpressive,isn't it? 很壮观 是不是?
[17:37.18]lt's very impressive. 那是 真是很壮观的是
[17:40.14]lt's very impressive. 相当的壮观
[17:41.60]One way in,one way out. One thousand guards and one prisoner.同一道门进 同一道门出. 一千名看守 看守一名囚犯
[17:48.16]Yes,except that prisoner...is Tai Lung. 是啊 只不过那个囚犯 是 大龙
[17:56.68]Take us down. 放我们下去
[18:00.76]What are you doing? 你干什么?
[18:17.07]Oh,my. 真要命
[18:22.42]Behold Tai Lung. 看吧 这就是大龙
[18:27.21]l'm just gonna wait right here. 我看我还是在这儿等吧
[18:30.34]lt's nothing to worry about. lt's perfectly safe. 这没什么好怕的 这儿安全得很
[18:34.52]Orossbows! At the ready! 弩弓手 待命
[18:36.90]Orossbows? 弩弓手
[18:38.86]Hey,tough guy,did you hear? 嘿 硬汉 你听说了吗
[18:41.08]Oogway's giving someone the Dragon Scroll,and it's not gonna be you. 乌龟终于要把神龙秘笈给人了 不过那个人不是你
[18:45.80]What are you doing? Don't get him mad. 哦 你干什么 别激怒他
[18:47.93]What's he gonna do about it? l've got him completely immobilized. 他还能怎么着? 我早就已经让他动弹不得了
[18:55.70]Did l step on the wittle kitty's tail? 噢 我是不是踩到小猫咪的尾巴了?
[18:59.38]l'm good. l've seen enough. 好啦 我已经看够了
[19:02.30]l'll tell Shifu he has nothing to worry about. 我会跟师父说 他没什么可担心的
[19:04.89]No,he doesn't. 是啊 多余担心
[19:06.38]l'll tell him that. 我一定转告
[19:08.68]Can we please go now? 我们赶紧走吧?
[19:27.13]Dragon Warrior! Dragon Warrior!Dragon Warrior! Dragon Warrior!
[19:35.67]Wait a second! 等等
[19:41.97]l think there's been a slight mistake. Everyone seems to think that l'm... 我想这一定是搞错了 大家好像都以为我是...
[19:49.76]The Sacred Hall of Warriors! No way! 这是奇侠圣殿 我没做梦吧
[19:53.51]Look at this place. 瞧这多气派
[19:56.53]Master Flying Rhino's armor,with authentic battle damage! 飞天犀牛大师的盔甲 上面还留着刀枪伤痕-
[20:03.18]The Sword of Heroes! 勇者大刀
[20:05.17]Said to be so sharp yo

u can cut yourself just by looking. 听说绝对锋利 看一眼就会被割伤 噢
[20:09.46]The lnvisible Trident of Destiny! 这是隐形天命三叉戟
[20:15.19]l've only seen paintings of that painting. 我只见过这幅画的冒牌货
[20:27.43]The legendary Urn of Whispering Warriors. 呢喃武士们的灵坛
[20:30.75]Said to contain the souls of the entire Tenshu Army. 据说装着整个天守大军的亡灵
[20:37.08]Hello. 有人吗
[20:38.40]Have you finished sight-seeing? 观光到此结束了吗?
[20:40.66]Sorry,l should have come to you first. 对不起 我应该先来看你的
[20:42.93]My patience is wearing thin. 我的耐心是有限的

[20:44.18]Well,l mean,it's not like you were going anywhere. 这! 反正你也没地方可去
[20:47.74]- Would you turn around? - Sure. - 你转过身? - 行
[20:50.64]How's it going? 嗨 你好
[20:50.99]How do you get 5,000... Master Shifu! 怎么把五千个... 哦是师父!
[20:55.98]Someone... broke that. 有人...打碎了它
[20:58.37]But l'll fix it. Do you have some... 不过我会把它粘好 你这有没有...?
[21:01.49]...glue? 胶水
[21:05.13]Whooo.... Aah...ouch...ooo! I've a splinter. 扎手了
[21:06.95]So you're the legendary Dragon Warrior? 你就是传奇的神龙大侠?
[21:09.87]- l guess so. - Wrong! - 呃 我猜是吧 - 错!
[21:11.69]Wrong! You are not the Dragon Warrior. You will never be the Dragon Warrior until... 你不是神龙大侠 你永远成不了神龙大侠 除非...
[21:16.26]...you have learned the secret of the Dragon Scroll. 除非你掌握了神龙秘笈里的秘决
[21:20.83]So,how does this work? Do you have a ladder,or a trampoline,or...? 哦 那么 我该怎么拿? 你有没有梯子? 或者蹦床?
[21:28.70]You think it's that easy? That l'll just hand you the secret 哼哼 你以为这么容易 我会把无限神功的秘决
[21:32.60]to limitless power? - No,l... 随随便便给你? - 不 我...
[21:34.18]One must first master the highest level of kung fu. 首先必须要达到功夫的最高境界
[21:37.99]And that is impossible if that one is someone like you. 显然最不可能达到这种境界的就是像你这样的
[21:42.00]Someone like me? 像我这样的?
[21:43.21]Yes,look at you! This fat butt! Flabby arms! 对 瞧瞧你 屁股圆肥 胳膊松
[21:47.94]Those are sensitive in the flabby parts. 人家这团肉最怕疼 还有这肚子
[21:50.62]And this ridiculous belly. 大得像个草坪
[21:52.81]And utter disregard for personal hygiene. 不干不净 完全无视个人卫生
[21:56.83]Now,wait a minute. That's uncalled for. 赶紧打住 没这么寒碜人的
[21:58.96]Don't stand that close. l can smell your breath. 别站这么近 你的口臭扑鼻
[22:01.17]Listen,Oogway said l was... 听着 乌龟说我是...
[22:02.81]The Wuxi Finger Hold. Not the Wuxi Finger Hold! 无

须铁指扣! 别用无须铁指扣
[22:06.66]Oh,you know this hold? 这招你知道?
[22:08.92]Developed by Master Wuxi in the Third Dynasty. 无须大师在秦朝发明的 我知道
[22:11.78]Then you know what happens when l flex my pinky. 那你一定知道我动一下小指会怎么样
[22:14.61]No,no! - You know the hardest part of this? - 别! - 知道最难的是什么?
[22:18.13]The hardest part is cleaning up afterwards. 最难的是完事后怎么清理干净
[22:22.12]OK,OK,take it easy. 懂了 求你放过我吧
[22:24.07]Now listen closely,panda. 你给我仔细听好了 熊猫
[22:26.82]Oogway may have picked you,but when l'm through with you, 乌龟是选中了你 不过等你在我这儿领教过之后
[22:30.46]l promise you,you're
going to wish he hadn't! Are we clear? 在我这儿领教过之后 你就会后悔被选中了 听明白了吗?
[22:34.69]Yeah,we're clear. We're so clear. 是 很明白 很明白 明明白白
[22:38.27]Good. 很好
[22:40.01]l can't wait to get started. 我都等不及了
[23:21.63]- Let's begin. - Wait,wait,wait. - 我们开始吧 - 等等
[23:24.81]What? 什么?
[23:27.18]- Now? - Yes,now. - 对! 现在
[23:29.57]Unless the great Oogway was wrong and you are not the Dragon Warrior. 除非你认为乌龟大师错了 你不是神龙大侠
[23:33.62]Oh,OK,well...I don't know if l can do all of those moves. 哦 好吧 我...我不知道 那些招术我是不是全都会
[23:38.66]Well,if we don't try,we'll never know,will we? 嘿嘿 如果不试一下就永远不会知道
[23:42.30]Yeah,it's just,maybe we can find something more suited to my level. 呃 是呀 只是也许我们 可以找一些更适合我这样水平的
[23:46.48]What level is that? 你是什么水平?
[23:47.63]Well,l'm not a master,but... let's just start at zero. Level zero. 呃 反正我不是大师 不过...我们可以从“零”开始 没水平
[23:53.33]No. There is no such thing as level zero. 呵 不! 你上哪儿都找不到“没水平”这个水平
[23:57.99]- Maybe l can start with that. - That? - 我从这个开始吧 - 这个?
[24:00.60]We use that for training children and propping the door open when it's hot. 我们是用来训练小孩的 或者大热天用它来顶门的
[24:06.08]But if you insist... 可如果你非要用它
[24:07.57]The Furious Five! 哇 威猛五侠
[24:10.12]You're bigger than your action figures. Except,you,Mantis. You're the same. 真人比玩具娃娃大多了 可除了你 螳螂 差不多一样小
[24:17.81]Go ahead,panda. Show us what you can do. 来吧 熊猫 给我们露一手
[24:22.67]Are they gonna watch,or should l wait till they get back to work? 他们都要看吗? 要不等他们先撤了再说吧
[24:25.78]Hit it. 出拳吧
[24:27.25]OK,yeah. l mean,l just ate. So l'm still digesting. 好吧 不过我

刚吃饱 我还在消化
[24:31.63]So my kung fu might not be as good as... later on. 所以我的功夫可能会... 打点折扣
[24:35.25]Just hit it. 赶快出拳
[24:37.68]All right. 好吧
[24:39.28]What you got? You got nothing,'cause l got it right here. 谁怕谁呀 你就等着我露一手吧
[24:42.58]You picking on my friends? Get ready to feel thunder. 你敢欺负我朋友? 我打得你满脸桃花开
[24:45.74]Come on, crazy feet. What're you going to do about crazy feet. 我用脚丫子问候你 我看你怎么办
[24:48.62]Come on. l'm a blur. I'm a blur. You've never seen bear style. 出招吧 我左晃 我右晃
[24:51.52]You've only seen praying mantis. 你没看见过熊猫拳吧 你只见过螳螂捕蝉什么的
[24:53.63]Or monkey style. 或者我们该试试猴子耍宝
[24:55.93]Or l could come at you snickety-snake. 或者来几下金蛇狂舞
24:58.55]Would you hit it! 你倒是给我打呀!
[25:00.69]All right. All right. 好吧 好吧
[25:08.06]Why don't you try again? A little harder. 再试一下 打重点
[25:12.80]How's that? 怎么样? 哇
[25:24.65]That hurts. 好疼
[25:28.54]This will be easier than l thought. 要赶走他好像并不难
[25:36.25]I'm feeling a little nauseous! 有点头昏
[25:39.91]Those are hard! 这铁家伙 看来我要...
[25:44.21]My tenders. 我的鸡鸡
[26:13.61]How did l do? 我表现如何?
[26:15.72]There is now a level zero. 总算见识“没水平”了
[26:19.72]There's no words. - Don't deny that. - 我真是无语了 - 可不是吗
[26:22.32]I don't understand What was Master Oogway thinking? 我真不明白乌龟大师是怎么想的
[26:24.97]The poor guy's gonna get himself killed. He is so mighty! 那个可怜虫会送命的 他是那么的“威风”
[26:29.91]The Dragon Warrior fell out of the sky on a ball of fire! 神龙大侠坐着火球从天而降
[26:34.76]When he walks,the very ground shakes! 他一走动 大地都会颤抖
[26:38.61]One would think Master Oogway would choose someone who knew kung fu. 按理说 乌龟大师会选一个真正会功夫的人
[26:42.99]Yeah,or could at least touch his toes. Or even see his toes. 是呀 至少手能碰到脚趾头 或者能看到自己的脚趾
[27:10.29]OK. 好了
[27:21.43]Great. 糟糕
[27:37.10] Oh hey. Hi. You're up. Am now. 嗨 你醒了 被你吵醒的
[27:41.35]I was just..er...Some day,huh? That kung fu stuff is hard work,right? Are your biceps sore? 我只是想 有时候 那功夫真够难的 对吗? 你二头筋酸吗?
[27:50.24]l've had a long and rather disappointing day,so... Yeah,l should probably get to sleep now. 今天一天真是又长又叫人泄气 所以...是呀 我现在也许真该睡一会儿了
[27:59.24]Yeah,yeah,yeah. Of course. - OK,thanks. - 是呀 是呀 当然 那好 - 谢谢
[28:01.84]lt's just... Man,l'm

such a big fan! 我只想说 我好崇拜你们
[28:04.39]You guys were totally amazing at the Battle of Weeping River. Outnumbered a thousand to one,but you didn't stop. You just... 弃河大战的时候 你们表现神勇 面对千倍敌人 你们毫不退缩 你们...
[28:13.92]Sorry about that. 请多包涵
[28:16.56]Look,you don't belong here. 呃 听着 你不属于这儿
[28:19.69]l know. l know. You're right. I don't have... I just...My whole life l dreamed of...我知道 我知道 你说的对 我...什么都不会 我只是...我从小就有一个梦...
[28:26.91]No,l meant you don't belong here. l mean,in this room. This is my room. Property of Crane. 不不不 我的意思是你不属于这儿 就是这房间 这是我的房间 仙鹤房产
[28:35.06]OK. Right,right. 哦 懂了 对对
[28:37.99]So,you want to get to sleep. Yeah. Keeping you up. We've got big things tomorrow. 那么 对 你想睡觉了 对 打扰了 明天还有大事要做呢
[28:44.76]All right. You're awes
ome. Last thing l'm gonna say. Bye-bye. 好吧 你很牛 我就说这些了 OK 拜拜
[28:51.74]What was that? I didn't say anything. 说什么呢? 我什么都没说
[28:55.55]OK. All right. Good night. Sleep well. 那好 走了 晚安 做个好梦
[29:01.71]That seemed a little awkward. 真有点尴尬
[29:05.40]Master Tigress! didn't mean to wake you. Just a... 娇虎大侠 我没想吵醒你 只是...
[29:07.83]You don't belong here. - Yeah,of course. This is your room.你不属于这里 是呀 是呀 当然 这是你的房间
[29:11.59]l mean,you don't belong in the Jade Palace. 我是说 你不属于我们翡翠宫
[29:15.44]You're a disgrace to kung fu,and if you have any respect for who we are and what we do,你是武林的耻辱 如果你 还懂得尊重我们这些大侠 尊重武林
[29:21.54]you will be gone by morning. 那你明天一早就离开
[29:28.57]Big fan! 我崇拜你
[29:37.54]l see you have found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom. 看来你已经发现了这棵天资神明圣桃树
[29:42.75]ls that what this is? Sorry. l thought it was just a regular peach tree. 就是这棵树? 不好意思 我还以为是平常的桃树
[29:49.60]l understand. You eat when you are upset. 这我理解 你心情烦燥 所以你就吃
[29:54.03]Upset? l'm not upset. What makes you think l'm upset. 心烦? 我没心烦 你怎么觉得我心烦
[29:58.98]So why are you so upset? 你到底心里在烦些什么?
[30:06.42]I probably sucked more today than anyone in the history of Kung Fu. In the history of China. 我大概是武林史上最差劲的了 中原史上最差劲的
[30:12.72]In the history of sucking.- 差劲史上最差劲的
[30:14.66] Probably. - 大概吧
[30:15.61]And the Five...man, you should have seen them, they totally hate me.五侠客们 他们恨死我了 恨

[30:19.94]Totally. How's Shifu ever going to turn me into the Dragon Warrior? 宗师怎么可能把我变成龙斗士呢?
[30:26.65]I mean I'm not like the Five, I've got no claws. No wings, no venom. 我又不像五侠客那样 我没有利爪 没有翅膀 没有毒液
[30:32.47]Even Mantis got those thingies. May be I should just quit and go back to making noodles. 就连幻影螳螂都有那样的胳膊 也许我应该放弃 回家做面条算了
[30:41.96]Quit. Don't quit. Noodles. Don't noodles. 放弃 别放弃 面条 别做面条
[30:48.86]You are too concerned with what was and what will be. 你太在乎过去和将来了
[30:54.58]There's a saying. Yesterday is history,Tomorrow is a mystery, But today is a gift. 俗语说 过去的 已经过去了 未来的 还未可知现在 今天却是上苍的礼赠
[31:04.75]That is why it is called the "present". 我们可以把握的是当下
[31:37.05]Oh No! What's happening? - 噢! 不 - 发生什么了?
[31:39.89]To your battle stations! Go! Go! Go! Fire Cross-Bow! Fire! Fire! 弓弩手 发射 发射
[32:04.72]Tai Lung's free. I must warn
Shifu. 太郎自由了 我必须去警告宗师
[32:08.49]You are not going anywhere. Neither is he! - 哪也不准去 - 可是他...
[32:10.80]Let go of me. Bring it up! 升起来
[32:13.41]Wait! Bring it back! 把他打回去
[32:34.84]He's going this way. He won't get far. - 他过来了- 他过不来的
[32:37.88]Archers! 弓箭手
[33:47.53]We Dead. So very, very dead. 我们死定了 这下死无全尸了
[33:51.09]Ha..Ha. Not yet, we're not. Now! 现在说还早了 火箭发射
[34:40.03]Can we run now? - 现在能跑了吗?
[34:41.96]Yes. - 是的
[35:03.72]l'm glad Shifu sent you. 很高兴师父派你来
[35:07.46]l was beginning to think l'd been forgotten. 我还以为他们把我忘了
[35:10.33]Fly back there and tell them...the real Dragon Warrior is coming home. 你飞回去告诉他们 真正的神龙大侠要回家了
[35:28.19]Good morning,Master! 早上好 师父
[35:30.64]Panda! Panda! Wake up! 熊猫 熊猫 快起来!
[35:37.68]He's quit. 他放弃了
[35:42.80]What do we do now,with the panda gone? Who will be the Dragon Warrior? 现在怎么办? 师父 熊猫走了 谁做神龙大侠呢
[35:47.91]All we can do is resume our training and trust that in time, the true Dragon Warrior will be revealed.我们现在唯有继续练功 不久以后 真的神龙大侠一定会出现
[35:55.11]What are you doing here?! 你在干什么?
[35:57.92]Hi! Good morning,Master! l thought l'd warm up a little. 嗨 早上好师父 我是想先热一下身
[36:02.24]You're stuck. 你卡住了
[36:04.82]Stuck? Nah. What? Stuck? 卡住? 没有啊
[36:08.02]Nah. This is one of my... Yeah,l'm stuck. 不 这是我的... 是 我卡住了
[36:11.08]Help him. - Oh,dear. - 去

帮他 - 真要命
[36:14.58]Maybe on three. One,two...three. 我数3... 1、2、3
[36:20.61]Thank you. - Don't mention it. - 谢谢 - 不用客气
[36:22.34]No,really,l appreciate... - Ever. - 真的我好感谢... - 打住
[36:25.30]You actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night? 你真的以为你用一个晚上就能学会大劈叉吗?
[36:29.71]lt takes years to develop one's flexibility! And years longer to apply it in combat!韧柔性需要苦练好几年 然后再花好几年 把它用在格斗中
[36:45.80]Put that down! 你快把它放下
[36:48.03]The only souvenirs we collect here are bloody knuckles and broken bones. 我们这儿收集的纪念品 只有关节被打碎的骨头
[36:52.75]Yeah! Excellent. 耶 好过瘾
[36:56.06]Let's get started. 我们开始吧
[36:59.53]Are you ready? - l was born re... - 准备好了吗?
[37:02.79]l'm sorry,brother. l thought you said you were ready. 对不起老弟 你不是说准备好了吗!
[37:07.01]That was awesome! Let's go again! 这实在太牛啦 我们再来
[37:34.76]l've been taking it easy on you,panda. But no more. Your next opponent will be me. 我一直对你很客气 现在不会了 你下一个对手就是我
[37:41.82]All ri
ght! Yeah,let's go! 好啊 耶 出招吧
[37:45.28]Step forth. 往前一步
[37:48.93]The true path to victory is to find your opponent's weakness and make him suffer for it. 真正的成功之道是发现对手的弱点, 然后让他痛不欲生
[37:54.29]Oh,yeah! 啊 好爽啊
[37:55.21]To take his strength and use it against him ..until he finally falls...or quits... 吸取他的力 给他垂直打击 直到他被打垮 或者放弃
[38:02.35]Don't worry,Master. l will never quit! A real warrior never quits. 放心师父 我决不放弃 真正的大侠决不会放弃
[38:17.46]lf he's smart,he won't come back up those steps. 他要是聪明 就不会再爬上台阶
[38:21.05]But he will. 可他会爬的
[38:22.22]He's not going to quit,is he? 他不会放弃 对吗?
[38:24.44]He's not going to quit bouncing,l'll tell you that. 他不会放弃往下翻滚
[38:36.92]l thought you said acupuncture would make me feel better. 我记得你好像说针灸会让我舒服
[38:42.83]Trust me,it will.lt's just not easy finding the right nerve points under all this...Fat? 相信我 没错的 只是很难找准穴位 因为你身上有太多的...肥肉?
[38:47.72] - Fur. l was going to say fur. Sure you were. - 毛 我要说的是毛 才怪
[38:51.34]Who am l to judge a warrior based on his size? Look at me. 我可不会光凭大小论英雄 不是吗
[38:55.95]l'm over here. 你瞧我 我在这儿
[38:58.28]Maybe you should look at this again. 也许这图你应该再看一遍
[39:01.19]Oh,OK. 哦 明白了
[39:06.56]Stop it. Stop! 不要 不
[39:09.03]l know M

aster Shifu is trying to inspire me and all....but if l didn't know better, 我知道师父这么做是想鼓励我 可我要是不了解他
[39:14.48]l'd say he was trying to get rid of me. 我会以为他是想赶我走
[39:20.12]l know he can seem kind of heartless.....but he wasn't always like that. 我知道他表面上铁石心肠 可实际上是菩萨心肠
[39:26.37]According to legend, there was once a time when Master Shifu actually used to smile.据传说 很久很久以前 师父脸上时常挂着微笑
[39:32.78]No! - Yes. - 骗人 - 不骗你
[39:34.71]But that was before. Before what? Before Tai Lung. 可后来出事了 出了什么事? 大龙的事
[39:39.69]We're not really supposed to talk about him. 是呀 我们其实不应该议论他的事
[39:41.90]Well,if he's going to stay here,he should know. 可是如果熊猫要留在这儿的话 就该知道
[39:45.32]Guys,guys,l know about Tai Lung. 各位各位 我知道大龙的事
[39:47.24]He was a student. The first ever to master the thousand scrolls of kung fu. 他是师父的徒弟 徒弟中他第一个掌握了千卷功夫书
[39:52.70]And then he turned bad,and now he's in jail. 后来他变坏了 被关进大牢
[39:56.50]He wasn'tjust a student. 他不只是个徒弟
[40:03.58]Shifu found him as a cub...and he raised him as his son.他刚生下来就被师
父捡到了 师父扶养他 把他当儿子
[40:12.17]And when the boy showed talent in kung fu... 发现了他的功夫天份之后
[40:16.37].Shifu trained him. 师父就训练他
[40:19.41]He believed in him. He told him he was destined for greatness. 对他满怀信心 并告诉他 他注定成大器
[40:23.98]lt was never enough for Tai Lung. He wanted the Dragon Scroll.可是大龙心比天高 他想要神龙秘笈
[40:31.64]But Oogway saw darkness in his heart and refused. 乌龟大师看出了他内心的阴暗面 拒绝了他
[40:36.23]Outraged,Tai Lung laid waste to the valley. He tried to take the scroll by force. 气急败坏的大龙重创和平谷 他妄图把秘笈抢走
[40:45.11]And Shifu had to destroy what he had created. But how could he? 师父不得不摧毁 他一手栽培的徒儿 可又不忍心下手
[41:03.92]Shifu loved Tai Lung like he had never loved anyone before. Or since. 师父从来没有象爱大龙那样爱过任何人 从来没有
[41:26.82]And now he has a chance to make things right. To train the true Dragon Warrior. 现在他有机会弥补当年的过错 训练出真正的神龙大侠
[41:34.44]And he's stuck with you. A big fat panda who treats it like a joke. 而你成了绊脚石 你这又肥又大的熊猫 把训练当儿戏
[41:42.38]That is it! 闹够了!
[41:43.43]Wait! My fault! l accidentally tweaked his facial nerve. 等等 都怪我 我扎到他的面部神经了
[41:47.92]And may have also stopped his heart. 碰巧把

[41:54.06]lnner peace. lnner peace. lnner...in...in...in... lnner peace. 静下心来 静下心来 静下...静...静下....静下心来
[42:09.26]Look whoever is making that flapping sound quiet down?! 是谁在那儿拍拍打打 快给我安静
[42:18.51]lnner... 静下心...
[42:22.53]Oh,Zeng. 哦 是小善
[42:26.54]Excellent. l could use some good news right now. 太好啦 我正想听些好消息
[42:36.09]Master! Master! l have... lt's... lt's very bad news. 大师 大师 我... 我有个...有个很坏的消息
[42:44.42]Shifu. 哦 师父
[42:46.84]There is just news. There is no good or bad. 消息就是消息 没有好坏之分
[42:50.21]Master,your vision. Your vision was right. 大师 你的预言 你的预言成真了
[42:53.63]Tai Lung has broken out of prison. He's on his way. 大龙从牢里逃出来了 他要杀来了
[42:58.06]That is bad news... 这真是坏消息
[43:01.62]..if you do not believe that the Dragon Warrior can stop him. 如果你不相信神龙大侠能阻止他 那就是坏消息
[43:06.19]The panda? Master,that panda is not the Dragon Warrior. 那个熊猫!? 大师 那熊猫根本就不是神龙大侠
[43:10.54]He wasn't meant to be here! lt was an accident. 他根本不该来这儿 那完全是个意外
[43:13.86]There are no accidents. 从来就不存在什么意外
[43:16.20]Yes,l know. You've said that already. Twice. 我知道 这你说过两
[43:21.26] - Well,that was no accident,either. Thrice. 两回 那这也不是什么意外 三回了
[43:25.68]My old friend, 我的老朋友
[43:27.50]the panda will never fulfill his destiny,nor you yours, 那熊猫无法完成他的使命 你也无法完成你的使命
[43:32.07]until you let go of the illusion of control. lllusion? 除非你不再幻想去控制命运 幻想?
[43:36.71]Yes. Look at this tree,Shifu. 对 你看这棵树 师父
[43:40.18]l cannot make it blossom when it suits me, 我不能随心所欲催它开花
[43:43.27]nor make it bear fruit before its time. 也不能逼它提前结出果实来
[43:46.92]But there are things we can control. 可有些事我们能控制
[43:49.77]l can control when the fruit will fall. 我能让果子提前掉下来
[43:53.10]And l can control... 我也能决定
[43:56.68].where to plant the seed. 去哪儿种它
[43:59.83]That is no illusion,Master. 这并不是什么幻想 大师
[44:03.27]Yes. 是啊
[44:05.22]But no matter what you do 可是无论你做什么
[44:08.17]that seed will grow to be a peach tree. 那种子还是会长成桃树
[44:10.72]You may wish for an apple or an orange,but you will get a peach. 你也许想要它长出 苹果 橘子 可是你只能得到 桃子
[44:16.02]But a peach cannot defeat Tai Lung! 可是 桃子 无法打败大龙
[44:19.52]Maybe it can. lf you are willing to guide it. To nurture it. To believe in it

. 也许他可以 只要你愿意引导他 精心培育他 而且相信他
[44:28.94]But how? How? 可 怎么做 怎么做?
[44:31.78]l need your help,Master. 我需要你帮助 大师
[44:33.46]No,you just need to believe. 不 你只需要学会相信
[44:37.21]Promise me,Shifu. Promise me you will believe. 请答应我 师父答应我 你会学会相信
[44:43.25]l will try. 我... 我会尽力
[44:47.48]Good. 很好
[44:49.81]My time has come. 我的时辰到了
[44:54.31]You must continue yourjourney without me. 接下来的路你要自己走 老夫先去了
[44:59.33]What?...what?...what are you... Wait! Master. You can't leave me. 什么!什么!什么...你要...您不能离开我 大师
[45:11.57]You must believe. Master. 你必须要相信 大师
[45:44.61]I'm not scary. - Yeah,Sound like fun.you may be a wolf, - 我是说 是呀 老狼 算你狠
[45:50.03]you may be the scariest bandit in Haijin Province... 算你是人见人怕的大恶霸
[45:53.05].but you're a lousy tipper.'' 可你给小费太小器啦
[45:55.20]Really? So how did you get out of there alive? 真的吗? 那么你是怎么活着脱身的?
[45:58.91]l mean,l didn't actually say that... 其实我没真正说出来
[46:01.52].but l thought it... in my mind. 我就那么想的 只是心里想想
[46:05.29]lf he could read my mind,he'd be,like,''What?'' 要是他能看到我的心思 他会说 怕你啦
[46:09.29]Order up! Hope you like it. 请慢用 爱吃就好
[46:12.92]This is really good! - No,come on
. 味道真是好极了 这算什么
[46:15.78]Try my dad's Secret lngredient Soup. He actually knows the secret ingredient. 你们该尝尝我老爸的秘方仙汤 那是祖传秘方
[46:20.30]What are you talking about? This is amazing! 你就别谦虚了 这可是极品
[46:23.12]You're a really good cook. - l wish my mouth was bigger. 你的厨艺一流 只可惜我的嘴太小
[46:25.84]Tigress,you've got to try this. 娇虎 你一定得尝尝
[46:28.16]lt is said that the Dragon Warrior can survive for months 据说神龙大侠连着几个月不吃东西
[46:31.29]on nothing but the dew of ginkgo leaf and the energy of the universe. 依然能生存 仅靠银杏叶的露珠和天地环宇之气
[46:36.54]l guess my body doesn't know it's the Dragon Warrior yet. 我的身体还不知道自己是神龙大侠
[46:41.19]l'm gonna need a lot more than dew and universe juice. 我可不能光靠露珠和那个环宇之气
[46:50.90]What? - Nothing... Master Shifu. 干嘛? 没什么 你像师父
[46:55.64]Never be the Dragon Warrior unless you lose 500 pounds and brush your teeth! 你成不了神龙大侠 除非你减四百多斤肉 天天刷牙
[47:01.68]What is that noise you're making? Laughter? l never heard of it! 你发什么怪声? 笑声? 我从来没听过
[47:05.53]Work har

d,panda,and maybe someday...you will have ears like mine. 好好练 熊猫 没准哪天 你会长出像我一样的耳朵
[47:11.10]That's good. 你真逗
[47:13.55]Ears. lt's not working for you? l thought they were pretty good. 耳朵 不好笑吗? 挺好玩的
[47:17.72]lt's Shifu! Of course it's Shifu. What do you think l'm doing? 是师父 当然是师父 我还能模仿谁?
[47:23.32]Master Shifu! 哦 是师父啊
[47:25.43]You think this is funny? Tai Lung has escaped from prison! and you're acting like children! 你们觉得这好玩? 大龙从牢里逃出来了 你们还在这儿胡闹
[47:33.51]What? - He is coming for the Dragon Scroll, and you are the only one who can stop him. 什么? 他是来抢神龙秘笈的而你是唯一能阻止他的
[47:50.49][47:40.90]And l was saying you got no sense of humour. l'm gonna... stop him. 我刚才还说你不会幽默啦 我要阻止大龙
[47:47.24]What? You're serious? And l have to...? 你没开玩笑吧? 我要...哦 不
[47:50.07]Master Oogway will stop him,like he did before. He'll do it again.乌龟大师会阻止他 就像他上次那样
[47:54.30]Oogway cannot! Not anymore. 乌龟大师办不到 他不在了
[47:58.82]Our only hope is the Dragon Warrior. 我们唯一的希望就是神龙大侠
[48:02.21]The panda? - Yes,the panda! - 那熊猫? - 对 那熊猫
[48:03.73]Master please,let us stop Tai Lung. This is what you've trained us for. 求你了师父 让我们阻止大龙 你训练我们就为这个
[48:07.55]No! lt is not your destiny to defeat Tai Lung. lt is his! 不 打败大龙绝对不是你们的使命 而是他的
Where'd he go? 他哪儿去了?
[48:20.86]You cannot leave! A real warrior never quits. 你不能逃跑 真正的大侠决不放弃
[48:24.86]Watch me. Come on. 那你看着 现实点
[48:29.48]How am l supposed to beat Tai Lung? l can't even beat you to the stairs. 我怎么能打败大龙? 我连逃跑都办不到
[48:33.52]You will beat him because you are the Dragon Warrior. 你能打败他 因为你是神龙大侠
[48:37.46]You don't believe that. You never believed that. 你根本不相信 你从来就不相信
[48:41.07]From the beginning,you've tried to get rid of me. Yes! l was. 我一来到这儿 你就一直想赶我走 是的 当初是
[48:46.43]But now l ask you to trust in your master as l have come to trust in mine. 可现在我要你相信你的师父 就像我相信我的乌龟大师
[48:52.63]You're not my master. And l'm not the Dragon Warrior. 你不是我师父 我也不是什么神龙大侠
[48:56.40]Then why didn't you quit?! You know I was trying to get rid of ,yet you stayed. 那你当初怎么不放弃 你明知道我想赶你走 可你留下了
[49:01.06]Yeah,l stayed. l stayed because every time you threw a brick at my head 对 我留

下了 我留下 是因为每次你踩我脑门
[49:06.48]or said l smelled,it hurt,but it could never hurt more 或者说我臭 我很伤心
[49:11.18]than it did every day of my life just being me. 可是比这更伤心的 那就是至今我还是原来的我
[49:15.25]l stayed because l thought,if anyone could change me... 我留下 是因为我想 如果有谁能改变我...
[49:19.75].could make me... not me...it was you. 让我变得不是我 那人就是你
[49:24.46]The greatest kung fu teacher in all of China! 因为你是最伟大的功夫大师!
[49:27.75]But l can change you! l can turn you into the Dragon Warrior! And l will! 我的确能改变你 我的确能把你变成神龙大侠 一定能
[49:33.29]Come on. Tai Lung is on his way here right now. 得了吧 大龙现在就要杀过来了
[49:36.72]Even if it takes him a hundred years to get here,how are you... 就算他一百年才跑到这儿 你要怎么做...
[49:40.46]...gonna change this into the Dragon Warrior? 才能把这堆肉变成神龙大侠? 啊?
[49:46.58]How? How? How?! - l don't know! 怎么做? 怎么做?- 说呀!? - 我不知道
[50:02.21]l don't know. 我不知道
[50:11.69]That's what l thought. 我就说嘛
[50:47.86]This is what you trained me for. 苦练就是为了这一刻
[50:55.42]Tigress! 娇虎
[51:03.66]Don't try and stop me. 谁都别想拦我
[51:09.55]We're not trying to stop you. 我们不是想拦你
[51:13.98]What? 什么?
[51:14.43]We're coming with you! 我们是和你一起去!
[52:29.26]What? l eat when l'm upset,OK? 干嘛? 我心烦就爱吃东西
[52:34.53]No need to explain. l thought you might be Monkey. He hides his almond cookies on the top shelf.噢 你不用解释 我还以为你是金猴 他把杏仁饼
[53:00.23]Don't tell Monkey. 别告诉金猴
[53:02.62]Look at you. - Yeah,l know,l disgust you. - 你瞧瞧你 - 是呀 我知道 我老让你上火
[53:06.36]No,l mean,how did you get up there? 不不 我是说 你是怎么上去的?
[53:09.10]l don't know. l guess that... 我不知道 我猜...
[53:12.74]l don't know. l was getting a cookie. 我... 我就是想吃饼干
[53:14.81]Yet you are ten feet off the ground. 可你一下子就能跳那么高
[53:17.82]And you have done a perfect spilt. 还做了个大劈叉
[53:20.53]No,this? This is just...an accident. 这个也算 这只是...一个意外
[53:27.41]There are no accidents. Come with me. 从来就没有意外 你跟我来
[53:41.03]l know you're trying to be all mystical and kung fuey... 我知道你们教功夫的都神秘兮兮
[53:45.07]...but could you at least tell me where we're going? 可你好歹告诉我这是去哪儿?
[53:55.92]You dragged me...all the way out here...for a bath? 大老远 把我拖这儿来 让我洗澡?
[54:06.82]Panda, we do not wash our pits in the Pool of Sacred T

ears. 你在这圣泪池洗胳肢窝可是大不敬啊
[54:12.93]The Pool of... 什么? 什么池?
[54:14.48]This is where Oogway unraveled the mysteries...of harmony and focus.乌龟大师就是在这里解开了 功夫之道的玄机
[54:19.30]This is the birth place...of kung fu. 这里是 功夫 最初的 诞生地
[54:36.86]Do you want to learn kung fu? 你是不是想学功夫?
[54:39.28]Yeah! 想
[54:40.48]Then l am your master! 那么我就是你的师父
[54:43.73]OK! 好啊
[54:46.85]Don't cry. 不许哭
[54:48.32]OK. 不哭
[54:54.18]When you focus on kung fu, when you concentrate...you stink. 你一心想学功夫 全身心投入 结果糟透了
[55:00.93]But perhaps that is my fault. 可也许这都是我的错
[55:03.04]l cannot train you the way l have trained the Five. 我不能用教那五个徒儿的方法教你
[55:06.73]l now see that the way to get through to you...is with this. 我悟到让你开窍的办法... 是用这个
[55:11.01]Oh,great,'cause l am hungry. 太好了 我都饿扁了
[55:15.16]Good. 很好
[55:15.86]When you have been trained,you may eat. 等你练完了 才能吃
[55:19.36]Let us begin. 开始吧
[56:31.04]After you, Panda. 吃吧 熊猫
[56:33.23]Just like that. No sit-ups. No, ten-mile hike. 就这么简单? 没有啥机关 不用先徒步十里?
[56:38.47]I vowed to train you and you've been trained. You are free to eat. 我发誓要训练你 你也完成了 可以随便来吃了
[56:46.19]Enjoy Hey! 好好吃
[56:53.12]I said you are free to eat. Have a dumpling. 我说你可以随便吃了 吃个饺子吧
[57:05.42]You are free to eat. 你可以随便吃了
[57:07.72] Am I? - 我可以吗?
[57:08.59]Are you? - 你可以吗?
[58:34.29]I am not hungry. 我不饿了
[58:40.23]Master. 师父
[59:17.98]Cut it! 割断绳索
[59:30.70]Where is the Dragon Warrior? 龙斗士在哪里
[59:32.75]How do you know you are not looking at her? 你怎么知道 你面对的这位不是呢?
[59:35.53]You think I'm a fool. 哈哈 你以为我是傻子吗
[59:41.76]I heard how he fell out of the sky on a ball of fire. 我听说他乘着火球从天而降
[59:45.27]But he's a warrior unlike anything in the world has ever seen. 他是一个战士 是世间唯一的
[59:49.81]Po? 阿波?
[59:50.82]So that is his name. Po! 他叫这个名字啊 阿波!
[59:55.05]Finally, a worthy opponent. The battle will be legendary. 最终 我们会来一场世纪之战 铸就传奇 世世流传
[01:00:21.20]We got this, help her. 我们来抓 你去帮她
[01:00:46.54]Monkey! 金猴
[01:00:48.60]Go! What was I thinking? 快去 我这是何苦呢?
[01:01:02.21]Mantis! Now! 螳螂 快上
[01:01:54.04]Shifu taught you well. 师父教的不错
[01:01:59.11]But he didn't teach you everything. 可他没全教给你们
[01:02:07.06]You have done well,panda. 你表现很好 熊猫
[01:02:09.05]Done well? D

one well! l've done awesome! 很棒? 很棒! 我很强大!
[01:02:14.45]The mark of a true hero is humility. 但凡真正的英雄都懂得谦虚
[01:02:18.49]But,yes,you have done...awesome. 没错 你很好 很强大
[01:02:29.01]Guys? Guys?! They're dead! 兄弟们? 喂! 他们都死了!
[01:02:33.93]No,they're breathing. They're asleep? But their eyes are open. 不不 还有气 睡着了? 不 眼睛还睁着
[01:02:37.41]We were no match for his nerve attach. 我们斗不过他的点穴神功
[01:02:39.51]He's gotten stronger. 他的武功更强了
[01:02:41.35]Who? Tai Lung? Stronger? 谁? 大龙? 更强了?
[01:02:44.83]He's too fast.他出招太快了
[01:02:46.63]Sorry,Po. 对不起 阿宝
[01:02:49.32]l thought we could stop him. 我还以为能够阻止他
[01:02:51.47]He could have killed you. 他本可以杀了你们
[01:02:53.21]Why didn't he? 可为什么没杀?
[01:02:54.58]So you could come back and strike fear into our hearts. But it won't work. 好让我看见你们这副惨相被吓住 可他休想得逞
[01:02:59.43]lt might. l mean,a little. 哦 吓着我了 吓着一点
[01:03:03.41]l'm pretty scared. 其实我好怕
[01:03:04.77]You can defeat him,panda! 你能打败他 熊猫
[01:03:06.71]Are you kidding? lf they can't?! 你开玩笑吧? 连他们都斗不过他!
[01:03:09.37]They're five masters. l'm just one me. 他们是五大高手 我是一大低手
[01:03:12.19]But you will have the one thing that no one else does. 可你将拥有一件任何人都没有的法宝
[01:03:20.72]You really believe l'm ready? 你真认为我准备好了?
[01:03:23.52]You are... 是的
[01:03:25.02]..Po. 阿宝
[01:04:15.00]Behold the Dragon Scroll. 此乃神龙秘笈
[01:04:18.74]lt is yours. 它归你了
[01:04:21.26]Wait. What happens when l read it? 等等 我看了之后会怎么样?
[01:04:24.10]No one knows. But legend says you will be able to hear a butterfly's wing beat. 没人知
道 可据说连蝴蝶拍打翅膀你都能听出来
[01:04:28.49]Really? That's cool. 哦 真的? 好酷啊
[01:04:30.83]Yes. And see light in the deepest cave. 没错 在黑洞中只有你能见到光
[01:04:33.60]You will feel the universe in motion around you. 你还能感受天地环宇的每一丝太阳
[01:04:36.83]Wow! Can I punch through walls? Can I do a quadruple back flip? - Focus. - 我能打穿墙壁吗? 我能连做四个后空翻吗? - 专心
[01:04:44.10]Read it,Po,and fulfill your destiny. 读完它 然后完成你的使命
[01:04:46.77]Read it and become...the Dragon Warrior. 读完它 你能成为 神龙大侠
[01:04:57.89]lt's impossible to open. 好像打不开啊
[01:05:01.13]OK. Come on,baby Come on now. 开呀给我开 开呀你
[01:05:05.44]Thank you. 谢谢
[01:05:07.37]l probably loosened it up for you though. 我咬松了 所以你打开了

OK,here goes. 好了 开卷
[01:05:22.20]lt's blank. - What?! - 空白的 - 什么?!
[01:05:26.89]- Here,look. - No,l am forbidden to look upon... - 你看 看 - 不 有规矩 我不能看
[01:05:35.68]Blank. l don't... 空白的 我真...
[01:05:39.16]l don't understand. 我真不明白
[01:05:42.58]OK. So,like...Oogway was just a crazy old turtle after all.算了 依我看 乌龟八成是个老疯子
[01:05:48.46]No. Oogway was wiser than us all. 龟大师是智者
[01:05:51.26]Oh,come on! Face it,he picked me by accident. 哦 现实点吧 他选中我 纯属意外
[01:05:55.37]Of course l'm not the Dragon Warrior. Who am l kidding? 我才不是什么神龙大侠 我骗谁呀?
[01:06:00.65]But who will stop Tai Lung? 可谁能阻止大龙呢?
[01:06:02.09]He'll destroy everything and everyone. 他会摧毁一切 摧毁所有人
[01:06:04.90]No. 不
[01:06:06.76]Evacuate the valley. You must protect the villagers from Tai Lung's rage. 撤空和平谷 我们必须保护村民不受大龙的威胁
[01:06:12.46]What about you,Master? - l will fight him. - 那你呢 师父? - 我跟他斗
[01:06:14.71]What? - l can hold him off long enough for everyone to escape. 什么? -我能抵挡他好一阵子 这样大家就能逃走
[01:06:19.10]But,Shifu,he'll kill you. 可师父 他会杀了你
[01:06:21.90]Then l will finally have paid for my mistake. 这样我也能弥补过错了
[01:06:24.64]Listen to me,all of you. 你们都跟我仔细听着
[01:06:27.11]lt is time for you to continue your journey without me. 接下来的路你们要自己走 多保重
[01:06:30.99]l am very proud to have been your master. 能做你们的师父 我非常自豪
[01:06:54.54]We've got to get them out safely. 我们要带大家安全离开
[01:06:57.24]Come,little one. Let's find your mama. 过来小家伙 我帮你找妈妈
[01:06:59.65]Viper,gather the southern farmers. Mantis,the north. Crane,light the way. 灵蛇 集合南面的村民 螳螂 北面 仙鹤 你引路
[01:07:24.16]Look,it's the Dragon Warrior. 瞧 是神龙大侠
1:07:33.50]Hey,Dad. 嘿 爸爸
[01:07:37.42]Po! 阿宝
[01:07:44.23]Good to have you back,son. 你回来就好 儿子
[01:07:49.10]Good to be back. 很高兴回来
[01:07:51.33]Let's go,Po. 我们走吧 阿宝
[01:07:55.62]So for our next shop,it's time to face it... 我们得另开一家铺子了 实际点吧
[01:07:58.28]The future of noodles is dice-cut vegetables...no longer slices. 面条将来的趋势嘛 蔬菜都得切成块 不再是切成丝
[01:08:04.61]Also,l was thinking,maybe this time we'll have a kitchen you can actually stand up in. 另外 我还寻思着也许这回 厨房得盖得大些这样你就能舒坦点
[01:08:19.61]Po,l'm sorry if things didn't work out. lt just wasn't meant to be.阿宝 我也怪不好受的 你没能如愿 也许你就没那个

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