当前位置:文档之家› 天一新城总体规划_无锡_中国


建筑设计:斯米特-汉莫-拉森建筑事务所 ARCHITECTS: schmidt hammer lassen architects
距决定的。这样一来,公共区域和住宅区将透入更多的 阳光,通风效果也大大改善,公寓将获得更佳的景观视 野。 整个设计过程中, 我们通过计算机模拟通风、 日照、 空气湿度和水流情况,以确保建筑体量获得理想的效 果。计算机模拟为应对当地气候提供了最好的选择,从 而在考虑可替代能源之前尽可能地减少能耗。 节能

原有的生态系统。 天一新城通过集中的总体规划为景观环境建设留出 了大量的用地。 规划围绕着3个主要的景观元素展开。 新 城外环是保持自然状态的景观,规划将首先重建场地内 原有的生态系统和主要的野生湿地景观。内环绿带是休 闲区,集中了所有的娱乐设施并为市民提供服务,最大 程度地减少了与住区的距离。而且,中央花园为城市中 心留下一片绿色宁静的场所。中心景观带令所有的建筑 都能直接亲近绿色空间。 水 从更大范围的景观规划到个体住宅的设置,这个项 目都将水资源的利用作为关注的焦点,以做到悉心地规 划和保护。 来自两条河流的水系流经水渠、苇塘、池塘组成的 密集网络穿过场地。 在这个过程中, 水得以自然净化。 水 渠将用来灌溉景观区和收集地表水,形成清洁的场地环 境。水渠从建筑前通过,水中的光影反射在居住区和建 筑之间营造令人愉悦的微气候。 这个项目整体的设计目标是通过被动式和简单低成 本的技术手段实现绿色低能耗的总体规划。早期计算机 模拟和测试的应用为设计提供了新的解决办法。 否则, 将 无法确定这样的建筑形式和规划方案。在设计进程的每 一个阶段,设计目标都与可持续发展有关。□ (王靖 译)
节能理念的基本原则是创造简单易行的低成本解决 方案。基于当地气候条件和适宜技术,最可行的办法是 在大面积的斜坡屋面上结合利用太阳能集热和太阳能板 发电,为总体规划提供绿色能源。 项目规划 天一新城是一个步行尺度的城市。所有的公共设 施,例如幼儿园、学校、购物和公共交通,都位于规划 的中心, 与任意住户的距离步行不超过5分钟。 因而, 机 动车流量减至最小。新的总体规划提供了恰当的混合功 能,给居民的日常生活需要提供服务。在展现一个令人 耳目一新的城市邻里街区的同时,天一新城总体规划也 在独特的现有景观环境中营造出一片宁静的自然氛围。 景观 场地原是工业用地,经历了多年的严重工业污染。 通过总体规划的实行,场地将改善污染状况并恢复重建
天一新城位于无锡市郊,用地曾是工业园区。我们 希望建造一个可持续的新城,利用被动式节能技术将能 耗减至最低,以保护自然资源,营造一个崭新的健康生 活环境。 设计伊始,我们根据当地的气候确定建筑的体量。 建筑单体适应场地,结果形成了独特的建筑轮廓。 场地北侧的建筑体量较高,以遮挡冬季的凛冽寒 风,南侧较低,以增强夏季的通风,获得最大范围的日 照。 锯齿型的平面增加了单体建筑的南立面,使得更多 房间可以获得南向采光。同时,合理的楼面面积减小了 建筑的进深,主要起居空间朝南布置。 锯齿形平面对建筑的轮廓有直接影响,形成了陡峭 的斜坡屋面。这些都是根据当地规范确定的最小日照间
Tian Yi new town is a visionary new development located in a post industrial zone within the larger urban sprawl of Wuxi. Our approach to the project was to create a sustainable new neighbourhood that would passively minimize the use of energy, protect the natural resources and create a healthy new living environment. Early on in the process, the massing of the buildings was shaped to optimize the benefit of the local climate. The characteristic profile of the buildings is a direct consequence of the adjustment of the individual dwelling to its location. The overall massing on site is higher to the north to shield against the hash winter wind and lower to the south to encourage the summer breeze into the plan and get the most out of facing the sun. The ziggurat plan achieves a longer south facade for the individual buildings, by which more rooms achieve the attractive south orientation. At the same
time, the rational floor area creates slimmer buildings with the majority of the living spaces facing south. The ziggurat plan has a direct influence on the profile of the buildings, which will all have steep slanting roofs. This is due to the buildings being located according to the minimal distances stipulated in local sun regulations. As a positive effect more sunlight will penetrate both the public areas and the dwellings. Also the wind circulation within the plan will be greatly improved, and the apartments will enjoy more generous views. Throughout the process, our ideas were tested through computer simulations of wind, sunlight, humidity and water flow, to ensure that the massing we created would have the desired effect. The simulations provided the best possible response to the local climate, thereby reducing the need for energy as much as possible before considering alternative sources of energy.
Energy The energy concept is based on the need to create simple cost-effective solutions. Considering the local climate and available local technology the most feasible solution was to incorporate both solar heating and solar panels on the large sloping roof surfaces, thus providing green energy to the masterplan. Program Tian Yi is laid out as a pedestrian city; all public amenities such as childcare, schools, shopping and public transport connections are located in the centre of the plan within a maximum 5-minute walking distance of any dwelling. Hence, car traffic within the plan is minimized. The new masterplan offers an appropriate mix of functions that will cater for all daily needs of the inhabitants. The Tian Yi masterplan will at the same time offer a vibrant urban neighbourhood as well as a tranquil natural setting in the unique existing landscape.
1 总平面/Site plan 2 建设中/Under Construction 3 夜景/Night view
世界建筑 2010/06


Landscape Originally, the site was a post industrial setting, heavily contaminated by years of industrial use. Through the implementation of the masterplan, the site will be decontaminated and the original ecosystem re-established. The Tian Yi new town is a compact masterplan leaving a large part of the land for landscaping. The plan is shaped around three major landscape features. The outer ring is left as uncultivated landscape; the original ecosystem and the wild wetland landscape that was initially on the site will be re-established. An inner green ring is designed as a play zone in which all leisure facilities and civic functions are located to minimise the travel distances within the plan. Moreover, the garden area in the middle provides a green and tranquil retreat in the centre. The central landscape plan allows all buildings direct access to green spaces. Water From the larger landscape planning to the
installations of the individual house, the project has a strong focus on water as a resource that has to be carefully considered and protected. The water from the two rivers will be led through the site in a dense network of canals, reed-beds and ponds. During this process, the water will be naturally cleaned. The canals will be used both for irrigation of the landscape areas and for surface water drainage to give a clean water environment on site. The canals will run in front of the buildings, reflecting light into the living areas and providing a pleasant microclimate between the buildings. The integrated design process aimed at creating a masterplan that through passive means and cost- effective local technological solutions would make a green low-energy masterplan. The use of simulation and testing early in the process created new solutions. They shaped the buildings and the plan in a way that would not have been achieved otherwise. At every stage in the process, design objectives were linked to sustainable objectives.□
4 3D 模型 /3D model 5 细部/Details 6 建设中/Under construction 7 外景/Exterior view

世界建筑 2010/06

客户/Client: 阳光壹佰置业集团有限公司/Sunshine 100 Real Estate Development Group 设计竞赛 /Competition: 2007 年-国际邀请赛一等奖 / 2007-1st prize in invited international competition 状态/Status: 建设中, 一期已完成/Under construction, phase 1 completed 面积 /Area: 720 000 m2 工程设计 /Engineer: WSP
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日照分析总体规划 /Sunlight Analysis Masterplan

8 日照分析总体规划/Sunlight analysis masterplan(图片来源/Diagrams courtesy of WSP Group) 9 外景/Exterior view
世界建筑 2010/06

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