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1,Talk about your views on the teaching profession.(说一说你对教师职业的看法)Although I am not a teacher yet.I have been trying to be an excellent teacher.I have the following views on the expression of teaching.

First,the duty of this profession is to teach.As a teacher must have the spirit of dedication,teachers should care about the healthy growth of students.

Second,the occupation of teacher has obvious demonstration effect,and students tend to imitate teachers.So,a teacher must pay attention to being a good example.

Third,teachers communicate more with teenagers,which has a great influence on their development.So,teachers should to establish a correct outlook on life,world view and values.

2,What do you think a teacher’s job will involve?(你认为教师工作应该包括哪些方面)

I think the content of teachers’work can be divided into two categories from

a macro perspective:one is to teach,which means imparting knowledge,teaching students basic knowledge and skills,and learning methods; the other is to educate,which means moral education,including a correct outlook on life,world view and values.

In addition,there are a head teacher work,including class construction and management,individual education for students.

3,What books and magazines do you like to read?(你喜欢读哪些书和杂志?)

I like to read some educational books and magazines in my spare.My favorite book is the education of love.As far as I am concerned,as a teacher,we must love our students.Because love students,we are willing to be patient with students,we will try to overcome difficulties to help students,we will respect students.Because of the love we have for our students,we can overcome all kinds of difficulties in teaching.

4,What is the meaning of teaching for you to realize your life value?(教书对你实现人生价值有什么意义?)

I think the value of life lies in being useful to the society.The meaning of life lies in making one’s contribution to the society.A teacher’s duty is to teach and promote the healthy growth of students,which is in line with my values.So, teaching helps me realize the value of my life.

5,What is the meaning of failure?What do you consider your greatest failure?(失败的意义是什么?你认为你最大的失败是什么?)

I think failure is the opposite of success.People tend to describe failure as anything that doesn’t reach their goals.As the saying goes,failure is the mother of success.In my opinion,failure is a necessary stage for success.It lays a solid

foundation for success.Failure and success depend on each other.The biggest failure is that I failed in the college entrance examination.That failure provided an opportunity for me to improve my learning methods in the future.This makes my study more effective in the future.Therefore,I think failure is as important to me as success.

6,How to communicate with different types of parents?(如何与不同类型的家长沟通?)

I think communicating with parents should first understand the following points:

First,respect for parents is the first principle of communication,as well as teacher’s most basic quality performance.Second,teachers should have a strong sense of service.Third,attention should be paid to the way of https://www.doczj.com/doc/bf3887106.html,ually,students should be evaluated first before they are discouraged.In addition,the teacher should carry on the investigation analysis to the students’family,achieves knows in the mind to the parents situation.In this way,it can be easy to communicate with different types of parents.

7,As a new head teacher,how do you establish your authority?(作为一个新教师,你如何建立你的权威?)

The head teacher is the core leader of the class and plays an important role in the system construction and cultural construction of the class.The head teacher plays the role of both mother and leader in his work.Therefore,in addition to the carefulness and patience of the mother,the head teacher also needs the dignity of the leader.In particular,the new head teacher should pay attention to establish their own authority,otherwise,you will encounter more difficulties in the future work.If I am a new head teacher,I will start to establish authority from the following aspects:

First of all,I will establish my authority in knowledge.Knowledgeable teachers are easy to be recognized and respected by students.

Secondly,I will appoint some competent student cadres to work out the class management system and strictly implement it.

Lastly,I will actively organize and participate in class activities,fully communicate with students,respect students'opinions,and truly achieve democratic management.

I believe this will establish the authority of my new head teacher,and the future work will be better done.

8,Why are students biased?(为什么学生会偏科?)

There are many factors that cause students to be biased.The first is interest. Students tend to be biased because of their different interest in learning.The second is the environment.When students are in the lower grades,their preferences are easily influenced by the environment,and the preferences of the people around them will have an impact on the students.Third is the teacher,

many students because the teacher appears partial subject phenomenon.There are many other factors that can cause students to be biased.Therefore,the teacher should treat the student equally in the teaching needs,avoids the student to appear partial subject.

9,What will you do if the students are always late?(如果学生总是迟到,你会怎么办?)

I think:due to various emergencies in life,being late is always inevitable.If a student is only late once in a while,I will not hold him accountable.I just tell him that he cannot be late.

If a student is often late,I will ask him after class to understand the reason, and try to overcome the difficulties together with him,so as not to be late again in the future.

10,As a teacher,how to communicate with students?(作为一名教师,如何与学生沟通?)

As we all know,students are the object of teacher education and the focus and subject of education work.How effectively to communicate with students will affect the relationship between teachers and students,will affect the completion of the teaching purpose.In order to communicate effectively with students,I will do the following:

First,I will take the initiative to chat with students,and learn about their situation. Second,I will respect students’opinions and ideas in communication.

Third,I will stand in the students’point of view to consider the problem, understand the students’ideas.

11,As a new teacher,how would you handle the relationship between your colleagues?(作为一个辛老师,你将如何处理同事间的关系)

As a new teacher,I not only need to deal with the relationship between teachers and parents,but also need to deal with the relationship between colleagues.It is very important.It will affect my work enthusiasm and work efficiency.in order to deal with the relationship between colleagues,I will do the following:

First,improve my own moral qualities and be honest and trust worthy with others. Second,try to develop the same interests and hobbies as colleagues and participate in school activities together.

Third,in teaching,you can keep your own teaching philosophy,but you must respect your colleagues.

12,What do you think of the stay-at-home children?(你是如何看待留守儿童的?)Left-behind children are a common phenomenon in poor and remote areas. This kind of students need more attention and care than ordinary students.With regard to left-behind children,I will do the following:

First,contact the parents of left-behind children to find out the specific situation of the students.At the same time,guide parents to care more about their


Second,I will give these children parental care,timely support and guidance in life and study.

Third,I will encourage them to take part in group activities,in which they will establish friendships and increase communication with other children.

13,What would you do if a student made it difficult for you in class?(如果一个学生在课堂上给你制造麻烦,你会怎么办?)

Nowadays students are rebellious,many students ask difficult questions in class,especially,for new teachers.If I encounter this kind of problem,I will do the following:

First,I will keep calm and not panic,so as to avoid chaos in class.

Then,if I can solve his problem right away,I will give an answer immediately.If I can’t solve his problem right away,in order not to affect other students’study,I will solve it after class and ask him to find me in the office.

After class,I will certainly look up information,find out the correct answer,give the students a reply.In addition,I will consolidate what I have learned,broaden my horizon of knowledge and avoid being questioned by students.

14,If you organize an outdoor activity and someone passes out,what do you do?(如果你组织了一次户外活动,有人昏倒了,你会怎么做?)

As a teacher,I must keep calm in such an emergency.Based on the safety of students,I will start from the following:

First,I will let a competent class continue to organize the activities instead of me to avoid chaos.

Second,I will take the fainting students to see the school doctor.If the school doctor thinks it is necessary,I will take them to the hospital to ensure the safety of the fainted student.

Third,after the event,I will review and reflect on what caused today’s events and learn from them to avoid this situation next time.

15,When you have a class,a student asks you a question you don’t know,what would you do?(在课堂上,有学生问了一个你不知道的问题,你会怎么办?) In this case,I will deal with it calmly.It’s normal for new teachers to have problems that they can’t solve.But in the classroom,the first task is to ensure that the teaching is not interrupted.So,I will do the following:

First,I will give the student credit for asking a good question.

Second,I will tell the students that in order not to effect others’study,I will help him solve it after class.

Third,after class,I will look up information or consult other teachers immediately, and give students answers timely.

16,What would you do if a student fell asleep and snored while you were in class?(如果有一个学生在你的课堂上睡觉并打呼噜,你会怎么办?)

This situation can easily lead to classroom disorder and group heckling.If that were the case,I’d start with the following:

First,I will organize students to carry out other activities to avoid onlookers. Then,I will go up the sleeping student and gently wake him up.

Lastly,after class,I will take the initiative to communicate with the student to find out why he sleeps in class,and help him solve problems.And make sure he doesn’t sleep in class again.

17,If the headmaster asked you to organize a summer camp,what would you do?(如果校长要求你组织一次夏令营,你会怎么办?)

Summer camp is conductive to the cultivation of students’emotion and sure of teamwork.This is a very meaningful activity.The headmaster gave me this activity as a sign of great confidence in me.I’m sure I’ll get it organized.

First,I’ll communicate with the leaders to clarify the theme and purpose of this summer camp.And I will find an experienced teacher to understand the activity process and specific matters.

Then,I will write the activity plan,and report to the leader for approval,and modify the activity plan according to the feedback.

At last,in the specific implementation of the activity,I will clearly divide the responsibilities of each person and consider every detail of the whole process in detail.

18,What do you think of choosing school?(你是怎么看待择校问题的?)Nowadays,the problem of school choice has appeared in many big cities. Parents use a variety of methods to get their children into good schools.

In my opinion,the reason for this situation is the uneven distribution of educational resources.Right now,our great educational resources are concentrated in a small number of districts and schools,but every student and very parents wants to have them,and that creates a school choice craze.

19,Some people say that teaching is an art,others say that teaching is a technology.What do you think of these statements?(有人说教学是艺术,也有人说教学是技术。你怎么看待这些说法的?)

I think teaching is both an art and a technique.Teaching is a very professional profession,which needs a solid foundation of education and knowledge.Not everyone can do it.So,teaching is a technology.But the object of teaching is the students,each student is a different individual.The way of teaching is different for every student.So,teaching is an art.

20,What do you think of the statement:Teach a man to fish rather than give him fish?(你怎么看待:授人以鱼不如授人以渔?)

As we all know,give people fish and you feed them for a day.Teach them how to fish and you feed them for a lifetime.This sentence also applies to teaching,in teaching,we teachers need to teach not only knowledge,but also learning

methods.Teaching students knowledge can only meet the needs of students’temporary development,but teaching students methods can promote students’lifelong development.So,I think teaching learning methods is more important than teaching knowledge.

21,What do you think of noble school or noble class?(你是怎么看待贵族学校或贵族班的?)

Nowadays,in some areas there are aristocracy schools,and in some schools there are aristocracy classes.Most of the students in these schools and classes come from cadre and wealthy families.I think this phenomenon is caused by the imbalance of educational resources.This phenomenon is easy to produce students’psychology of comparison,and it will promote their desire to possess materials.All these are not good for students’physical and mental health.

22,Some people say that children nowadays are becoming more and more selfish. What do you think?(有人说现在的孩子变得越来越自私,你是怎么看待这个问题的?)

I think it exists,but it won’t be universal.I believe that only a few children are selfish and most of them are kind and generous.

Basically,now there’s only one child in a family.Parents always spoil their only their only child,which makes it easy to get into the bad habit of selfishness.

However,as the quality of parents generally improve,this phenomenon will be less and less.They will educate their children more scientifically.So,most kids get more modest.

23,How do you understand the saying“knowledge is both an end and a means”?(你是怎么理解知识既是一种结果也是一种手段?)

This sentence tells us about the duality of knowledge itself.First,knowledge is a property with a purpose.Students learn to master knowledge for the purpose. Knowledge also has the properties of tools,and the knowledge learned can be used as a means to continue learning and to master skills.So,knowledge is a means too.

24,What kind of class teacher would you like to be?(你想成为什么样的班主任?)Each kind of head teacher has his own way of managing the class,the common head teacher has the following:first,laissez-faire type of head teacher, this kind of head teacher does not deal with the situation in the class in a timely manner and perfunctorily deals with the students.Under this kind of head teacher,children will become selfish and the class will be loose and difficult to form a group.

Second,democratic class teachers,this kind of head teachers deal with class affairs in a fair and just manner and treat students equally.Under this kind head teacher,children will become responsible and the class will be very united and democratic.

Third,authoritarian head teacher,this type of head teacher shows that he is

in charge of anything in his class,no matter how big or small.Under the type of the class teacher,pupils will become undetermined and timid.

As a new teacher,I want to be a democratic head teacher and try my best to make the students grow up healthily.

25,As a new teacher,how to improve the ability to control?(作为一个新教师,你会如何提高课堂管控能力?)

Now the class emphasizes“double subject”teaching,students are the main body of the class,the teacher is playing a leading role in the class.Teachers’ability to control the class directly affects the teaching progress and quality.In order to improve the ability to control the class,we should do the following: First,we should try our best to enrich our stock of subject knowledge.A wealth of knowledge will make us more comfortable in class.

Second,should we learn how to go to class.Having good class skills will make our class more exciting,more clearer.

In addition,a harmonious teacher-student relationship will also help us improve the ability of controlling class.

26,What do you think of the standard of a good class?(你认为一个优秀的班级的标准是什么?)

First,judging whether this class is a good class depends on whether it meets the teaching objectives.Teaching objective is the purpose and soul of teaching activities,and all teaching activities must take teaching objective as the center.

Second,whether the teaching content is scientific reasonable determines the quality of teaching activities.

Third,whether the teaching strategies and mental development.

Lastly,whether a class is a good or not depends on whether this class has aroused the enthusiasm of the students to learn.


2017教师招聘考试面试答辩:答辩题目与解析汇总 (五) 《分子与原子》答辩试题及解析 1.分子与原子是微观内容,学生不容易理解,本节课你是如何解决这一问题的? 【参考答案】 首先,在导入部分我运用每个学生都容易理解的蔗糖溶于水的现象说明分子的客观存在性;其次,对于分子的难理解知识,采用多媒体动画的方式使微观概念具体化;最后使用了表格进行对比区分,得出分子是保持物质化学性质的最小粒子。通过这样具体的形式呈现给学生,有利于学生的理解。 2.化学课上,两个学生由于讨论中观点不统一,争论的面红耳赤,你怎么办? 【参考答案】 首先我会前去了解情况,若观点有很大分歧,可以先让两位同学梳理自己的观点,把争执的问题作为集体讨论的话题,共同讨论获得最后的结果。其次,我会给予他们发展性的评价,多鼓励学生积极参加讨论和探究,开发创新思维。 以上为《分子与原子》答辩试题及解析,考生要全面了解考官提问方向,从而更好的备考。 《化学反应速率》答辩题目与解析 化学反应速率是高一化学知识,在教师招聘考试中,高中面试说课或试讲会考到本节课,而答辩作为面试的重要一环节,考生不容忽视。不管是说课还是试讲均会考到答辩,中公讲师为大家准备《化学反应速率》答辩题目与解析,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 1.对于化学反应速率的学习,你是采用什么方法导入新课的,为什么这样做? 【参考答案】 对于化学反应速率的学习,我采用的是情景创设法导入新课,利用生活中的现象:爆炸、溶洞的形成、铁生锈、牛奶变质,让学生联系生活实际来感受化学变化是有快慢之分的。由此引出本节课将要学习的内容——用化学反应速率来表示化学反应的快慢。 因为直接经验是学习间接经验的基础,我们借助生活中的例子将学生生活中的直接经验搬到课堂上来。这样可以帮助学生很好的将理论知识消化理解,同时使用多媒体的方式也能很好的激发学生的学习兴趣,营造起浓郁的学习氛围。 2.化学教学提问的基本要求是什么?


最新英语学科(小学)资格证练习篇目--14篇(含各个课型的试讲真题及对应教案和试讲稿解析) 一、 1.题目:语音教学试讲 2.内容: Hush, little baby, don’t say a word, Papa’s going to buy you a mockingbird. If that mockingbird won’t sing, Papa’s going to buy you a diamond ring. If that diamond ring turns to brass, Papa’s going to buy you a looking-glass. If that looking-glass gets broke, Papa’s going to buy you a billy-goat. If that billy-goat runs away, Papa's going to buy you another today. 3.基本要求 (1)朗读所给语篇; (2)配合教学内容适当板书; (3)针对划线部分所给的形式,设计相应的语音呈现与操练的教学活动; (4)用英文试讲; (5)试讲时间10分钟。 二、 1.题目:听力教学试讲 2.内容 Do you want to know about my morning? Well, I usually get up at around 6:15. I do my homework at 6:30 and then, I eat breakfast at around 7:30. At around 8 o’clock. I go to school. School starts at 9 o’clock. Please write and tell me about your morning. 3.基本要求: (1)朗读所给段落; (2)配合教学内容适当板书; (3)针对选取段落内容,设计相应的听力理解教学活动; (4)用英文试讲; (5)试讲时间10分钟。 三、 1.题目:Traffic light 2.内容: Red light, red light stop, stop, stop; Yellow light, yellow light wait wait wait;


第一部分:词法 考点一、名词 一、名词的复数: 1.名词变复数的规则形式 1).一般情况下直接加s book------books cup-----cups 2).以辅音字母+y结尾的,先变y为i再加es . city-------cities family-----families 3).以s、x、sh、ch结尾的加es . bus-----buses wish------wishes watch------wathes 4).以o结尾的多数加S 初中阶段只有三个单词加es . tomato-----tomatoes potato------potatoes hero-----heroes 5).以f、fe 结尾的,先把f、fe变v 再加es . leaf----leaves self---selves shelf----shelves life----lives thief---thieves 2.少数名词的复数形式是不规则的。 man----men woman---women child----children foot-----feet tooth----teeth mouse---mice 3.单数和复数形式相同。 deer---deer fish----fish sheep----sheep Chinese ----Chinese Japanese---Japanese 4.某国人的复数。 1). 中、日不变。Chinese----Chinese Japanese---Japanese 2). 英、法变。 Englishman----Englishmen Frenchman----Frenchmen 3). 其余s加后面。 American -----Americans German----Germans Australian---Australians 二、不可数名词: 1.不可数名词: 1).不能直接用数字表数量 2).不能直接加a或an 3).没有复数形式 4).可用some、any 、lots of、plenty of 、much 修饰 5).可用“量词短语”表示 2.不可数名词的数量的表示方法: a / 数字+ 量词 + of + 不可数名词 a piece of paper a cup of tea a glass of milk 三、名词的所有格: 1. ’s 所有格。 1).用and连接两个并列的单数名词表示共有关系时,这时只在最后一个名词后加“’s.” This is ____________________(Mary and Lily) bedroom . 2). 1).用and连接两个并列的单数名词表示各有关系时,这时分别在每个名词后加“’s.” These are ________________(Tom and Jack ) school bags . 3).以s结尾的名词,变所有格时在s后加“’”,不以s 结尾的复数名词,仍加“’s” Teachers’ Day Children’s Day 4).表示店铺、医院、诊所、住宅等名称时,常在名词后加’s 代表全称。 at the doctor’s at the Bob’s 5).由some、any、no、every与one、body 结合的复合不定代词something 、anything 等和else 连 用时,所有格应加在else的后面。 This is _________________(somebody else ) pencil . 6).表示时间、距离、国家、城市等无生命的名词,也可在词尾加’s 来构成所有格。 an hour’s ride two weeks’ time China’s capital 所有格: 1).of 用来表示无生命的名词所有格。the map of China the door of the room 2).双重所有格: of + 名词所有格 of + 名词性的物住代词


幼儿教师招聘面试环节答辩常见题 1一堂好课的标准是什么? 从发展性教育的角度出发,好的课堂教学的基本特征就包括以下几个方面: 1、教学目标:以促进学生的发展为根本宗旨 ⑴基础目标指国家颁布的课程标准中所确定的学生必须掌握的学科基础知识、基本技能及基本学习能力和相应的思想品德。 ⑵提高目标主要表现为学生的主体发展。主体性发展目标主要包括自主性、主动性和创造性三个方面。主体性强的学生不仅表现出强烈的创新意识,而且具有创新思维能力和动手实践能力。 ⑶体验目标好的课堂教学注重通过教师与学生间的情感交流形成民主和谐课堂教学心理气氛,让各个层次的学生都能获得创造或成功的心理体验,感受生活的乐趣和愉悦 2、教学内容:科学合理 教学内容是课堂教学质量的根本保证,好的课堂教学的教学内容具有如下特征: ⑴教师正确理解并根据学生的实际发展水平和特点创造性地使用教材,合理确定重点和难点,精选具有基础性、范例性和综合性的学科知识。 ⑵内容具有挑战性,能激发学生的学习兴趣和求知欲望。 ⑶重视教学内容的文化内涵,体现科学性、人文性和社会性的融合。 ⑷关注教学内容的实践性,密切联系社会实际和学生生活实际。 3、教学策略与方法:学生主动地学习 现代课堂教学以学生为主体,强调通过学生的主动学习,促进学生的主体性发展。 4、教学能力:良好的教学基本功 教师较强的教学能力也是好的课堂教学的重要特征。教师的教学能力表现在: ⑴课堂驾驭能力 ⑵实践操作能力 ⑶语言表达能力 。 3、做好一个教师固然离不开敬业、爱生、专业知识扎实,除了这些,你认为教学的最重要特质是什么? 首先、敬业、爱生、专业知识扎实,我认为一个好教师还要乐业,这一点也很重要。 其次,健康尤其是心理和精神健康、再有就是需要得到社会的认可和支持。学生满意,喜欢听!我个人认为师德、人品及个人的修养。良好的表达能力及为人处事能力;爱心与责任心。 4、你赞同“教学有法、但无定法、贵在得法”这种提法吗?为什么? 同意“教学有法、但无定法、贵在得法”这种提法,教学的方法有很多,但要因材施教。我很赞同,因为学生是人,作为个体,都有其特殊性。老师要想教好学生,一定要有扎实的基本功,同时也要注意方法,好的方法和得体的方法可以让学生更好的接受老师传授的知识,如孔子也提出了因材施教的主张。 5:请给我们谈谈你自己的一些情况 回答:简要的描述你的相关工作经历以及你的一些特征,包括与人相处的能力和个人的性格特征。如果你一下子不能够确定面试者到底需要什么样的内容,你可以这样说:“有没有什么您特别感兴趣的范围?” 6 你认为自己最大的缺点是什么? 回答:我认为自己的长处是能够热衷于某件事情,并且始终乐此不疲,能够专心致志直到完成。从某方面来讲,这也是我的短处,有时过分热衷于某件事,有时对一些事的看法可能会有失偏颇。其实我也了解自己的这一点,因此,今后会经常反思和检讨的。


小学英语试讲稿模板、小学英语教师招聘面试试讲稿模板Good morning ladies and gentleman. I’am No.____. May I begin? Good morning boys and girls. How are you? I am fine, too. Thank you. Sit down please. 导入提问What’s your favourite season? Yes, you please. OK now sit down thank you. First, Let’s sing a song. “What’s your favourite season?” summer winter spring and fall.. Ok, stop. Do you like it? 根据歌谣提问What’s your favourite season? Do you? Sorry You? Sorry It’s doesn’t matter Now, this class, we’ll learn about-______ in the new unit. Unit____(板书并慢速口述標題) Before our class, I’ll devide you into two groups(手势)group girls and group boys. Now look ,this for boys, this for girls. If you can ask me question correctly and actively, you can get one apple. Clear, yes. Ok now, let’s begin our class 由旧识引入新内容What’s the weather like today? What the temperate today? Can you? Oh sorry, ok thank you sit down, Let’s listen to a tape and to know the temperate today. Listen carefully, Let’s report. 针对听力提问题引入要学的新内容。Can you speak in English? Ok please follow me. Boys, girls, group 1 and group 6. Great. Who can spell it? Let’s listen carefully. (do body language) Can you get it? It’s 23 degree. It’s warm. Which season is it. Can you guess? Yeah Great. It’s spring. The trees turn green. There are many flowers grass. Right? Spring(升)spring(降)boys girls role 1 role 2 great. Now Let’s spell together. Ok. SPRING S-P-R-I-N-G 训练句型。Listen to me. What’s your favourite season? Who likes Spring?(示意举手)Oh you six like Spring. You are good friends. Let’s listen what the weather like in USA. Listen again. Can you? Oh, it’s cool.what the temperate? 10 degree. Great 1 apple for you. Can you speak in English? Sorry? Now Look. It’s fall. It call in fall. Fall fall. Group 2 group 4 role 4 role 6 great. Now let’s spell it together. F-a-l-l fall. The tree turn yellow. The leaves fall down. Right? Now let’s listen. What’s the weather in Harbin? Listen again. The temperate is? Can you? 10 degrees. Oh Maybe. It’s -10 degrees(-读法?)It’s cold( body language) It’s too cold in Harbin. What’s the season in Harbin? Yes,I’ll tell you Winter(板书)Winter winter, you two groups. Two groups. Wonderful. You four you four yes you four. My favourite season is Winter. Because I can make a snowman. Now boys and girls. Please ask and answer, use the sentence and words.(指向新内容)Ok?


【题3】英语学科 作为小学英语教师,你认为如何给小学生上好英语课? 【参考答案】 小学生的年龄一般是六至十二岁,属于童年期,正处于心理发展变化的关键时期。在这一时期,儿童的心理变化和大脑思维最活跃。根据儿童时期的特点,我认为在小学英语课上应该做好以下几点: 1.重视持续培养和激发学生学习英语的浓厚兴趣。 在英语教学过程中,要把握好小学生的初步兴趣,这种初步兴趣就是学生在开始学习英语时有一种很强的好奇心,而这种初步兴趣是极不稳定的。作为教师要使学生对学习英语的兴趣持续下去,并升华为热情和爱好,就要在教学活动中下工夫,要懂得童年期的心理特征,要懂得小学生对学习英语的兴趣主要不是来源于英语语言本身,更多的则是来自于英语教学活动的形式。如果教师所设计的教学形式不符合小学生的认知规律和心理特征,那么,学生对英语学习的初步兴趣就会丧失殆尽,更谈不上对英语的热情和爱好了。 2.在教学活动中,要有和谐的语言教学氛围。 在课堂上,教师态度和蔼,平易近人,语言里要流露出安慰和鼓励,这样才能提高学生的学习热情和树立学好英语的信心。任何训斥、讥笑和讽刺都不利于双边活动的开展,还将削弱学生学习英语的积极性。在教学活动中,教师还应该积极地关心、帮助学生,积极引导他们参加集体活动。对有困难的学生更要耐心帮助,同时鼓励他们要互相关心和帮助,使教学活动得以顺利进行。 3.要重视学生基本技能和学习习惯的培养。 在培养技能方面,教师在教学活动中不能灌输大量的语言知识,要充分利用图片、挂图、实物、幻灯、录音、录像等开展多种形式的英语游戏、学唱英语竞赛、表演、学唱英语歌曲等活动,做到寓教于乐,使学生置身于情境之中,使学生的听力、英语的口头表达能力及实际运用英语的能力得到巩固和提高。要重视英语的基础训练,从而使学生获得一些运用英语的基本技能。 在培养习惯方面,教师在开展灵活多样的教学活动的同时,要多为学生创造一些运用英语的语言环境,让学生多听、多说、敢于大胆开口,要体现出学生的主体作用,使学生养成良好的语言习惯。书写也是小学英语教学的主要内容和目的之一,从小学起教师就应当狠抓


第三篇教材教法与教案知识结构图 第三讲英语 经典教案示例一: In a Fast-food Restaurant Ⅰ.教学内容 In a Fast-food Restaurant Waiter: Hello, can I help you? Mum: Yes. What would you like, Dick? Dick: I'd like a hamburger. Mum: Me, too. Waiter: Would you like something to drink? Mum: Oh, yes. Two glasses of orange juice, please. Dick: Mum, can I have an ice cream?

Mum: Sure. Two hamburgers, two glasses of orange juice and an ice cream. Waiter: OK. Here you are. 38 yuan, please. Mum: Here the money. Waiter: Thanks. 生词:fast-food restaurant hamburger 句型:What would you like? Would you like something to eat/drink? Ⅱ.教学目标 1. 能听、读、说fast-food,restaurant,hamburger,并了解其含义。 2.能灵活运用重点句型,并清楚其运用的场合和语气。 (1) What would you like? (2) Would you like something to eat/drink? 3.能模仿本文对话,并能在一定的语境中运用所学语言进行交际。 4.培养学生的注意力和观察力,激发学生积极思维,挖掘学生运用语言的创造能力。Ⅲ.教学重难点 1.重难点句型: (1)What would you like? (2)I'd like ... (3)Would you like something to eat/drink? (4)...,please. 2.掌握有关食物名称的词汇。 Ⅳ.教具准备 食物图片:ice cream, hamburger, cake, bread, juice, milk, water, hot dog, French fries等。食物和饮料:hamburger,cake,bread,milk,orange juice,cock cola等。 道具:服务员工作帽、围裙、托盘,多媒体课件一套。


四川教师招聘考试面试答辩历年真题及答案 1.为什么要选择教师这个行业? 【易尚解答】:我读的是师范类的专业,当一名优秀的老师是我最大的愿望。现在公司之类的工作不够稳定,教师稳定性比较高,尤其是好的学校很重视对教师的培养,所以未来会有很大的发展空间。 2.你最尊敬的教育家是谁,为什么? 【易尚解答】:我最崇拜的教育家是素有英语教育界泰斗之称的——张道真。我之所以崇拜他,原因有三。 第一高尚的人格魅力。76岁高龄的张道真教授,在国内外英语教育界享有盛誉。他把毕生的经历都献身于教育并研究教育,正是他带领着我们走着英语教育改革的每一个步伐! 第二科学、实用的英语教学方法。他提出了一系列的方法来改变这种状态。而这些行之有效的方法被广泛应用到实际教学中。 第三严谨治学的思想前瞻性。张教授提倡考试要改革,听说与读写,二者并举, 甚至听说占有更重要的地位。思想深邃的张道真教授,以其独特的人格魅力,科学的工作态度,严谨的治学思想,征服了我,我要秉承他老人家的

思想和态度,在未来的英语教学之路上,默默奋斗,勇敢向前,创造英语教学的辉煌,是我学习的榜样! 3.你最赞赏的教学方法是什么?【易尚解答】:以学生为主体,激发学生学习兴趣,使课堂生动活跃的教学法是我赞赏的教学方法。教学过程中,用一些平常生活中最常见的例子来跟学生解释,容易吸引学生的注意力,提高学生的学习兴趣。我想每一种教学方法都有它的独特之处,如果用得好了,用得恰当可以使课堂变得丰富多彩! 4.为什么学生会偏科?【易尚解答】:学生偏科有很多因素,我着重从以下三点来分析,第一兴趣,第二环境,第三 老师。如果具体分析,第一兴趣,学生因为兴趣爱好不同容易出现偏科现象; 第二是环境,低年级容易受周围环境的影响,周围同学经常在一起讨论的科目会影响自己对某学科的偏好。第三老师,部分学生因为某科老师而出现偏科现象。当然也会有其他因素。回答完毕。 5.做好一名教师固然离不开敬业、爱生、专业知识扎实,除了这些,你认为教学的最重要特质是什么? 【易尚解答】:做一名好老师除了敬业、爱生、专业知识扎实之外,老师拥有开朗的个性,良好的品德,比较渊博的知识更为重要。


小学英语教师资格证面试教案模板:《Colours》 教学目标: 1、Knowledge aim:听懂、会说问候语Good morning.以及介绍别人用语This is ... 2、Ability aim:在实际情景中能区分并运用以上各问候语、介绍别人用语 3、Emotional aim:进一步培养学生学习英语的兴趣和敢于开口、勇于运用的习惯。 教学重难点: 教学重点:学生学习早上(上午)问候语Good morning. 及介绍人物用语This is …。 教学难点:介绍人物用语This is …一句的发音较难,口型和发音不易到位,教师要适当提示,切不可盲目纠正发音,从而挫伤孩子的学习积极性。 教学过程: 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) (1)教师播放第一单元的歌曲Hello,师生共唱。教师边唱边用体态语示范和学生问候,并鼓励学生边唱边和周边的同学打招呼。 (2)用所学打招呼用语,师生互相问候。Hello/Hi, what’s your name? Hello/Hi, I’m .… 新课展示(Presentation) (1)教师告诉学生英语的打招呼用语有很多,除Hello/Hi 以外,在

早上或上午可用Good morning. 来进行。同时教师出示表示上午的图片,或在黑板上画一个升起的太阳,并在旁边标上时间7:30和Good morning.一句。(在图案旁边板书Good morning.)然后教师用学生的英文名字,以不同的身份和学生打招呼。用Hello/Hi, A.和Good morning, A.两种方法同时进行(A代表人名)。 (使学生了解到,这两种方法都是在打招呼,但不同点在于Good morning.可用于上午或早上,Hello/Hi 可用于所有时间段。) (2)播放录音,让学生听录音,然后让学生翻开书本,看图片了解书中的大意。 (3),教师指导学生进一步理解对话内容,并用中、英文提问,引导学生用学过的句子练习回答This is … 。 (教师向学生打招呼:T: Good morning. I’m Miss Wang /Mr. … What’s your name? 学生回答S: My name’s … 同时出示一张Miss Green的图片,教师用This is Miss Green. 教师反复强调This is… (5)教师介绍卡通人物Kitty, Mickey并进行交流,并用简笔画,并让学生先简单了解称谓词Miss, Mrs , Mr。并告诉学生This is 是介绍人物的方法,本句的发音较难,口型和发音不易到位,教师要适当提示。(在简笔画旁板书This is….) (6)学生跟读并模仿Let’s talk 部分的内容。 (7)给学生分小组,扮演对话中的人物或其他人物,进行实际交流。教师可鼓励学生说Miss, Mrs, Mr(此时,学生可以运用教材中人物的图片)并让学生draw and say的练习,训练学生运用This is 的句型介


小学英语教师面试试题(1) I. Read the following PaSSage and translate it One day, a teacher took his PUPiIS to a ChiCken farm to Pay a visit. When they Came near the incubator, ChiCk just got out of its egg shell. “' WOnderfUI to See a little thing come out from the egg shell, isn 'it ? ” the teacher said. Yes, sir.” Said one of the boys, but it would be more WOnderfUI if We knew how a ChiCk gets in to its egg shell before hand." II. Read this dialogue and express their disappointment and joviality.


小学英语教师面试试题( 1 ) Part I 译文 One day, a teacher took his pupils to a chicken farm to pay a visit. When they came near the incubator( 孵卵器), chick just got out of its egg shell. 一天,老师带学生到养鸡场参观,当他们走近孵化器时,刚好一只小鸡破壳而出。 “It 's wonderful to see a little thing come out from the egg shell, isn't it ?”the teacher said. “看见一个小生命从蛋壳里出来,岂不是很奇妙的吗?”老师说。“Yes, sir.” said one of the boys, “ but it would be more wonderful if we knew how a chick gets in to its egg shell before hand.” “是的,老师。”一个男学生说,“可是,如果我们知道它是怎样事先钻进蛋壳里的那就更奇妙了。”


小学英语教师需具备的素质(一) 近几年,我国小学开设英语课程的地区日益普遍,小学英语教师短缺现象也日益明显。为适应小学英语教学的具有较高学历、较高水平的教师队伍的要求,一些高校的小教大专班应运而生。由于目前尚未制定出统一的教学大纲,其培养目标也有待进一步的探讨和研究。 国家英语课程标准(实验稿)》(以下简称《标准》)把英语课程分为九级目标,其中1—2级是小学阶段的目标,4年级学生应完成一级目标,5.6年级学生应完成二级目标。《标准》对实现各级目标具体要能做什么也作了详细的描述。1级目标的总体描述是:对英语好奇心,喜欢听他人说英语;能根据教师的简单指令做游戏、做动作、做事情;能做简单的角色扮演;能唱简单的英文歌曲,说简单的英语歌谣;能在图片的帮助下昕懂和渎懂简单的小故事;能交流简单的个人信息,表达简单的情感和感觉;能书写字母和单词;对英语学习接触的外国文化习俗感兴趣。2级目标的总体描述是:对英语学习有持续的兴趣和爱好;能用简单的英语互致问候、交换有关个人、家庭和朋友的简单信息;能根据所学内容表演小对话或歌谣;能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的故事;能根据图片或提示写简单的句子;在学习中乐于参与、积极合作、主动请教,乐于了解异国文化和习俗。要使小学生的英语学习达到以上目标,英语教师的素质是关键。作为一名未来的小学英语教师,究竟应该具备哪些素质呢? 小学英语教师首先是一名小学教师,应该具有普通教师应该具备的知

识、技能和情意几方面素质。因而,一定的思想道德素质、文化知识素养、教育能力素养、身心健康素质应该是小学英语教师的基本素质结构。此外,小学英语教师还应该具备一定的专业素质。由于小学阶段英语教育及教育对象的特殊性,小学英语教师的专业素质指从事小学英语学科教学的教师应具备的专业知识和教学技能方面素养的总和。本文所探讨的专业素质主要指英语专业知识、英语教学相关的理论素养、英语教学能力和教研能力四个要素。 一、英语专业知识 扎实系统的专业学科知识是构成教师向学生“授业”的基本内容。英语是小学英语教师的专业,对于从事未来小学英语教学的教师来说,掌握系统的英语专业知识是适应未来英语教学的保障。尽管小学英语教学的内容是一些基础知识和基本技能,但教师如果没有扎实、系统的英语专业知识是很难胜任未来的小学英语教学工作的。英语专业知识一般指英语语言、文学、文化方面的内容,还包括准确而流利的英语语音语调,一定的贴近儿童生活的词汇量,牢固的语法修辞及文体方面的知识以及本国与英语国家的历史地理、风俗习惯、文化传统、社会制度、政治结构、价值观念等领域的文化知识。掌握这些专业知识是小学英语教师首先要具备的专业素养。 系统而扎实的语言基础知识和良好的言语技能是小学英语教师应具备的语言素质。语言基础知识包括英语语音、词汇、语法、功能、话题、文化修养几方面。良好的言语技能包括听、说、读、写、译等几方面。


教师招聘考试面试题目及参考答案 (A组) 1、请你列举新课程改革倡导的学习方式,并就每一种学习方式加以简单说明。(30分) 【答案要点】 新课程改革倡导自主学习、合作学习和探究学习的学习方式。 自主学习(意义学习)是相对于被动学习(机械学习、他主学习)而言的。概括地说,自主学习就是“学生自我导向、自我激励、自我监控”的高质量的学习。 合作学习是指教学条件下学习的组织形式而言的,相对的是“个体学习”与“竞争学习”。合作学习是指学生在小组或团队中为了完成共同的任务,有明确责任分工的互助性学习。 探究学习(发现学习)则是相对于接受学习而言的。探究学习的特征是从学科领域或现实生活中选择和确定研究主题,在教学中创设一种类似于学术(或科学)研究的情境,学生通过实验、操作、调查、信息搜集与处理、表达与交流等探索活动,自主地、独立地发现问题、获得知识、技能,发展情感与态度,特别是探索精神和创新能力。 【评分办法】

本题共30分。三种学习方式每一种10分,其中说出名称占3分,学习方式的说明占7分。 2、近几年来,“留守学生”越来越引起人们的关注。由于家庭教育缺位,父爱母爱缺失,沟通交流缺少,有效监护缺乏,使得“留守学生”的情感、心理、生活、学习乃至人格方面出现了诸多问题,影响了他们的健康成长。作为班主任,你将如何对待本班的“留守学生”?(30分)【答案要点】 ①建立留守生专档和联系卡制度,做好家校沟通。 ②建立帮扶助学机制,指导师生、生生互助活动。 ③利用班团会时间,对学生进行理想、前途、法制教育。 ④树立班级理财“小专家”典范,指导学生学会节俭。 ⑤开展形式多样的活动,让留守学生切实感受到学校大家庭的温暖。 ⑥建立督导评估和表彰体制,激励、引导学生积极上进。 【评分办法】 本题共30分。以上六个方面,答出四点即可得30分,答出三点得24分,答出两点得18分,答出一点得12分。其他的表述方式,评委参照上述答案要点酌情给分。


小学英语教师公开招聘考试试题及答案 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

小学教师业务考试英语试题及答案 分值:100分时间:100分钟 一、单项选择:下面每题四个选择中只有一个答案,请选出,并填入答案卡内。(1—30小题,每小题1分,计30分) 1. Binbin gets up ____ about 8:30 _____ Saturdays. A. on, at B. in , onC.at, on 2. —What’s he like —. He likes beef. B. He’s Mr Carter C. He’s short. 3. How is the cinema from here A. much B. many C. far 4. I'd like Kate soon.A. to write B. to write to C. to writing to 5. ---What Amy ---She's writing an e-mail to her pen-friend. A. did…doB. is…doing C. is…going to do 6. ---Your homework is very good. . Yes, it is B. Thank you C. No , thanks 7. I'm eleven years old. My little sister is nine. So .A. She 's older than me. B. She's taller than me. C. I'm two years older. 8. You and I like swimming . We have the same .A. both…hobbies B. are…hobbies C. both…hobby 9. --- _____ is this walkman ---______ my daughter’s.A. Who, It’s B. Whose, Its C. Whose, It’s 10. ---Would you like _____ tea --- Yes, just . some, little B. any, a little C. some, a little 11. Come in and have a look. This is ________ . Lucy’s and Lily B. Lucy’s and Lily’s C. Lucy and Lily’s


全国小学英语教师编制考试专业知识 第一部分:词法 考点一、名词 一、名词的复数: 1.名词变复数的规则形式 1).一般情况下直接加s book------books cup-----cups 2).以辅音字母+y结尾的,先变y为i再加es . city-------cities family-----families 3).以s、x、sh、ch结尾的加es . bus-----buses wish------wishes watch------wathes 4).以o结尾的多数加S 初中阶段只有三个单词加es . tomato-----tomatoes potato------potatoes hero-----heroes 5).以f、fe 结尾的,先把f、fe 变v 再加es . leaf----leaves self---selves shelf----shelves life----lives thief---thieves 2.少数名词的复数形式是不规则的。 man----men woman---women child----children foot-----feet tooth----teeth mouse---mice 3.单数和复数形式相同。 deer---deer fish----fish sheep----sheep Chinese ----Chinese Japanese---Japanese 4.某国人的复数。 1). 中、日不变。Chinese----Chinese Japanese---Japanese 2). 英、法变。 Englishman----Englishmen Frenchman----Frenchmen 3). 其余s加后面。 American -----Americans German----Germans Australian---Australians 二、不可数名词: 1.不可数名词: 1).不能直接用数字表数量 2).不能直接加a或an 3).没有复数形式 4).可用some、any 、lots of、plenty of 、much 修饰 5).可用“量词短语”表示 2.不可数名词的数量的表示方法: a / 数字+ 量词 + of + 不可数名词 a piece of paper a cup of tea a glass of milk 三、名词的所有格: 1. ’s 所有格。 1).用and连接两个并列的单数名词表示共有关系时,这时只在最后一个名词后加“’s.” This is ____________________(Mary and Lily) bedroom . 2). 1).用and连接两个并列的单数名词表示各有关系时,这时分别在每个名词后加“’s.” These are ________________(Tom and Jack ) school bags . 3).以s结尾的名词,变所有格时在s后加“’”,不以s 结尾的复数名词,仍加“’s‖ Teachers’ Day Children’s Day 4).表示店铺、医院、诊所、住宅等名称时,常在名词后加’s 代表全称。 at the doctor’s at the Bob’s 5).由some、any、no、every与one、body 结合的复合不定代词something 、anything 等和else 连用时,所有格应加在else的后面。 This is _________________(somebody else ) pencil . 6).表示时间、距离、国家、城市等无生命的名词,也可在词尾加’s 来构成所有格。 an hour’s ride two weeks’ time China’s capital 2.of 所有格: 1).of 用来表示无生命的名词所有格。the map of China the door of the room 应届生求职季宝典开启你的职场征途简历撰写笔试真题面试攻略专业技能指导公务员专区


教师招聘面试答辩题目及答案 1、请你列举新课程改革倡导的学习方式并就每一种学习方式加以简单说明。 新课程改革倡导自主学习、合作学习和探究学习的学习方式。自主学习意义学习是相对于被动学习机械学习、他主学习而言的。概括地说自主学习就是“学生自我导向、自我激励、自我监控”的高质量的学习。合作学习是指教学条件下学习的组织形式而言的相对的是“个体学习”与“竞争学习”。合作学习是指学生在小组或团队中为了完成共同的任务有明确的责任分工的互助性学习。探究学习发现学习则是相对于接受学习而言的。探究学习的特征是从学科领域或现实生活中选择和确定研究主题在教学中创设一种类似于学术或科学研究的情境通过学生自主、独立地发现问题、实验、操作、调查、信息搜集与处理、表达与交流等探索活动获得知识、技能发展情感与态度特别是探索精神和创新能力。 2、近几年来“留守学生”越来越引起人们的关注。由于家庭教育缺位父爱母爱缺失沟通交流缺少有效监护缺乏使得“留守学生”的情感、心理、生活、学习乃至人格方面出现了诸多问题影响了他们的健康成长。作为班主任你将如何对待本班的“留守学生” ①建立留守生专档和联系卡制度做好家校沟通。 ②建立帮扶助学机制指导师生、生生互助活动。 ③利用班团会时间对学生进行理想、前途、法制教育。 ④树立班级理财“小专家”典范指导学生学会节俭。

⑤开展形式多样的活动让留守学生切实感受到学校大家庭的温暖。 ⑥建立督导评估和表彰体制激励、引导学生积极上进。 3、请你谈谈你心目中优秀教师应该具备哪些素质。 【答案要点】①学识广博专业功底深厚。②胸怀理想、充满激情和诗意。③充满爱心、受学生尊敬。④追求卓越、富有创新精神。 ⑤勤于学习、不断充实自我。 1、新课程改革提出的三维教学目标是指哪三个层面你对三维教学目标的内涵是如何理解的 【答案要点】新课程改革提出的三维教学目标包括知识与技能过程与方法情感态度与价值观三个层面。三维教学目标的内涵“知识和能力”目标是教学的基本依据。我们要深入钻研新课标了解新课标中的知识能力要求与旧大纲比较有什么变化从而正确把握新课程标准在“知识与能力”方面的要求。“过程与方法”目标是新课标所特有的。新课改倡导“探究性学习”强调在实践过程中学习。“过程”重在“亲历”。教学中要让学生亲历过程使学习过程成为学生生活世界的一部分。“方法”应是具体的而不是抽象的应伴随着知识的学习技能的训练情感的体验审美的陶冶如影随形而不能游离其外。因为独立于具体的知识技能学习的“方法”是很难产生迁移的。“情感态度价值观”目标体现的是学科知识的人文性强调的是给学生广博的文化浸染她的内涵比起旧大纲的“思想性”目标要丰富得多深刻得多。不同的学科“情感态度价值观”有不同的要求她不仅包括学习兴趣、信心、习惯的

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