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A Thesis for Classification Number:Bachelor’s Degree Restricted Circulation

The Story Teaching in the English Teaching for

Primary School


Field of Research:Literature

Name of Author: Gao Jie

Registration Number: 0925804045

Name of Supervisor:

Title of Supervisor:

Foreign Languages Department

May 25, 2013




系院: 外语系

学科门类: 文学

专业: 英语

学号: 0925804045














新课程标准中对小学阶段英语课程的目标做出了如下的描述:“激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们初步建立学习英语的自信心。”随着中国新课程改革的步伐,许多教育工作者进行了大量的研究, 并提出了各种各样的教学方法,其中“故事教学”就是众多方法中的有效方法之一。

故事教学符合小学生的心理特点,有利于激发学生的学习兴趣和学习动机,是小学老师经常使用的一种教学策略。故事教学在老师的正确操作下,能够激发学生学习英语的积极性, 丰富学习内容,提高学生学习效果,实现真正的英语教学目的。







The Story Teaching in the English Teaching for Primary School

The Story Teaching in the English Teaching for Primary School


According to the primary school curriculum standards, the purpose of primary school English teaching is to arouse the students' interest in learning English and enthusiasm, develop students? ability of doing things and establish init ial confidence in English learning. With the peace of the new curriculum reform in China, researchers have done a lot of work and introduced many effective English teaching methods, and the “Story T eaching” is one of them.

The story teaching fits pupils' psychological characteristics and it can stimulate students' interest and motivation in English learning. It is a teaching strategy frequently used by teachers in primary schools. Under the correct instruction of the teachers, the story teaching can stimulate students' enthusiasm, enrich students' learning contents, enhance students' learning efficiency, and thus truly achieve the purpose of English education.

The subjects of the study are 106 third- grade students from No.8 Ordinary Primary School in Changji, Xinjiang, with an average age of 9 to 10. During and at the end of the study, questionnaires and test were employed in this experiment and the results were analyzed to compare the different learning effect between the traditional teaching and the story teaching.

The conclusions are got as follows:

1. Students? have a positive attitude toward story teaching.

2. Students can enhance their enthusiasm and interest in studying English through story


3. Compared with the teaching activities under the guidance of the traditional teaching method, students can enhance their English grades by story teaching.

Key words: Story teaching; Effective teaching; Primary School English teaching



摘要..................................................................................................................................... I Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... II Introduction .. (1)

1. Literature Review (2)

1.1 Story Teaching (2)

1.1.1 The Definition of Story Teaching (2)

1.1.2 The Characteristics of Story Teaching. (2)

1.1.3 The Function of Story Teaching (3)

1.2 Principles that Story Teaching Should Follow (3)

1.3 Related Studies both at Home and Abroad (4)

2. Methodology (6)

2.1 Statements of Research Questions (6)

2.2 Subjects (6)

2.3 Instruments (7)

2.4 Procedures (7)

3. Results and Analysis (8)

3.1Data Analysis Based on the Questionnaire (8)

3.2 Data Analysis Based on the Test paper (12)

4. Discussion (14)

4.1 Findings (14)

4.2 Implications (14)

Conclusion (16)

References (17)

Acknowledgments (18)

Appendix Ⅰ (19)

Appendix Ⅱ (22)



Recently, researchers begin to pay more and more attention to the importance of story teaching in English learning and teaching, and English elementary education develops unceasingly as well as the teaching methods. The crucial period for language development is during the primary school education period, therefore setting up and having English classes in this period is not only in accordance with the physiological and psychological characteristics of learners, but also in accordance with the rules of language acquisition and may effectively promote the development of the learner's mother tongue and the foreign language proficiency synchronically.

The story teaching has been widely used in the primary school English teaching. Listening to stories is a shared social experience. Children share laughter, sadness, excitement and anticipation. This builds confidence and encourages social and emotional development.

The story teaching is not set in stone. It would develop children?s cooperation and coordination ability, stimulate students' interest in learning English and enhance the quality of teaching. All the educationalists and practitioners hold a positive attitude towards stories, therefore it is meaningful to apply stories into English teaching and learning especially for kids. As a young learner, learning or acquisition of a foreign or second language means little difference. The content of learning will be of great importance. Stories can not only satisfy the young learners psychologically and physiologically, but can also provide contexts for understanding the culture, which will generate positive attitude to the second language and provide the context for memorizing words and phrases and so on, as well as a basis for further learning. Stories contribute a lot to language proficiency development.

This paper intends to find out the effectiveness of adopting story teaching in the primary school English teaching. Specifically, hypotheses are as follows:

1. What are students? attitudes towards story teaching?

2. Can students enhance their enthusiasm and interest by using story teaching?

3. Can students enhance their grades by using story teaching?

As a way of experiencing the world, the story teaching can arouse more and more teachers' interest and be regarded as one of the most effective ways to be applied into English teaching in the primary schools.

The Story Teaching in the English Teaching for Primary School

1. Literature Review

This chapter reviews the definitions, characteristics, functions and principles on story teaching. It also includes that research on story teaching at home and abroad. This chapter will conduct a literature review to get an enlightening insight.

1.1 Story Teaching

1.1.1 The Definition of Story Teaching

The story teaching is a mode of English teaching. Through creating a story situation, it can make students complete the story freely, and develop students? language ability by repeating the story. Teachers based on the teaching content interspersed with some brief short story in order that every student might understand and attract students' attention and stimulate interest in the students? lectures. It is an easy teaching method to understand and study a language. The story teaching method is particularly suitable for low-grade students in the classroom teaching, the story is the portal of the children to understand the world, and its charm is endless for children. According to the age characteristics and learning strategies of the pupils, teachers can make up interesting stories out of the new teaching contents to create lively and vivid language environment and stimulate the pupils? interest in English.

There are two common story teaching ways in primary English teaching. The first way of teaching is to put the story in front of each unit, and then teachers use a small story to present the main teaching content of this unit, after that, all the learning content and learning activities are carried out by stories. The second way of teaching is to put the story on the back of a unit, take it as a material to review and help students to develop new knowledge points, and cultivate the students' interest in English reading and the ability of expression, provide students with a further opportunity to learn English.

1.1.2 The Characteristics of Story Teaching.

This part, we put forward four features of story teaching on English teaching.

First of all, Hendrickson has pointed out that language, pragmatics and cultural features are contained in English story, it could greatly limits for learners to provide comprehensible input, at the same time can help learners intelligibility output.1In short, we create the situations in the story, the character of story, as well as language which could help students better understand the language and the use of language.

In addition, stories in English teaching are more lively, simple and bright. How happened of the hero in the story? He has become the focus in students? eyes, and


students have desired for further study, under the guidance of teachers, students are self-initiative to learn language by themselves.

Next, story teaching also has the characteristics of the expansibility, as well as language learning, the story teaching is not set in stone, it also can be used as a way of classroom import, while can be used as the final expanding links. While the teacher tells a wonderful English story, students can perform it by using the English vocabulary, sentence patterns that they have learned.

Finally, as other forms of activities in English teaching, the ultimate goal of story teaching is to enhance children's English ability. English stories are playing an important role in children's sociality, individuality, aesthetic, and many other aspects

1.1.3 The Function of Story Teaching

The story teaching has been widely used in the primary school English teaching. This method can stimulate students' interest in learning English and enhance the quality of teaching, and the story teaching in primary school has the following important role in English teaching.

Firstly, s tory teaching can enhance students? English learning abilit ies, enhance the s tudents? fluency by listening to stories, telling stories and role playing stories, and the students? attitude towards English has changes and their enthusiasm for English has been provoked.

Secondly, s tory teaching develops children?s cooperation and coordination abilit ies, students show themselves in acting story, not only raises awareness of cooperation with others, but also can cultivate their interpersonal skills.Under the guidance of the teacher, it can establish students? confidence of learning English.

In many cases, the teachers should pay more attention to this lesson, rather than read a certain key words and read accurately in a sentence, or understand its Chinese meaning. In fact, this all original intention is good, but goes down for a long time, students will take the English language only as homework to do, and have no desire to use or express English. Story teaching put English letters, words, sentences and discourses in a vivid story in English learning, while students are listening to stories, as well as they are learning English. Teachers put story into the moving plot to attract them and stimulate students' learning interest and learning motivation.

1.2 Principles that Story Teaching Should Follow

The story should be combined with students? age characteristics. Junior students? lively, active and image thinking are strong; they learn English mainly out of interest. Therefore, when the teacher design English teaching process, they should pay attention to the stories? interesting, and based on students' life experience and cognitive level.

The story teaching should adhere to stories? richness and repetition. The richer the language of story is, the brighter the character will be; the more changeable the plot is, the stronger students? performance will be. But as a way of teaching, teachers should obey teaching purpose and students?level to guide students perform the story, for example, the best form of activities is group performance.

In the story teaching, truth is a kind of beauty. Authentic language, thinking, emotion will make our teaching more real, more effective. The effectiveness of story teaching is in the real situation and true emotion, true knowledge. In the story, we emphasize that the students' true feelings, language is no longer useless book knowledge, but in real life can be used for a tool for communication. Story teaching brings a real scenes and real life situations, reproducing the textbooks content and images. When students are using their true emotional experience and causes they can place themselves in a real learning situation.

1.3 Related Studies both at Home and Abroad

Xiamen University, Professor Ji Yuhua originated a "folder" foreign language in mother tongue. To teach foreign language by using the method of story teaching, it plays an important role in making students comprehend English language. This teaching method selects children as the main subjects, to attract children's curiosity in vivid stories.

A narrative or story in its broadest sense is anything told or recounted; more narrowly, something told or recounted in the form of a causally-linked set of events, account, tale, the telling of a happening or connected series of happenings, whether true or fictitious. The story or storytelling has received a lot of consideration from educationalists and practitioners for a long time. Heo (2004) contends that within the narrative inquiry field, with a way of understanding, organizing and communicating experience as stories lived and told, we live out stories, tell stories of those experiences and revise them through retelling and reliving them. Dewey (1934, 1938) claims that stories open the continuous path of reconstructing and recreating the meaning of the world. He also admits as the basic feature of human experience of the people.12Bruner (1978, 1990) contended that a story constructs the outer landscape of action and the inner one of thought and intention. Storytelling gives individuals opportunities to understand others in a social context and clarify their own thinking. Individuals may

1Dewey, J. 1934. Art as experience. NY: Capricorn.

2Dewey, J. 1938. Experience and education. NY: Touchstone.

enrich their own stories of experience and be engaged in mutual interdependence and growth by retelling, rewriting or creating a story (Crick, 2003).1

Clegg (2003) reviewed Realbooks in the Primary Classroom and suggested there should be more stories in primary ELT. He said that children love listening to, reading, talking and writing stories. Stories are therefore a huge motivator using and learning a second language.2He valued that stories comprise every second language acquisition theorists would like to see in language learning and act as a springboard for all kinds of cross curricular language use. He also assured stories reinforce children's ideas of the importance of books in society and children's emotional and social development.

Stories are so all-pervasive that people practically cease to be aware of them. According to Polkinghorne (1988), the products of our narrative schemes are everywhere in our lives. In other word, our cultural and social environments are full of stories. He pointed out that man creates narrative descriptions for themselves and for others about their own past actions, and provides storied accounts sensing the behavior of others. He contended people construct imaginative “what if” scenarios to inform their decisions, therefore on the receiving end, people are constantly accepting stories during the conversations or in the written and visual media. He claimed people are told fairy tales as children, and read and discuss stories in school.3Barthes (1966) asserted that “The narratives of the world are without number...the narrative is present at all times, in all places, in all societies; the history of narrative begins with the history of mankind; there does not exist, and never has existed, a people without narratives".4Wright (1995) comments the relationships between children and stories are as follows: We all need stories for our minds as we need food for our bodies... Stories are particularly important in the lives of our children: stories help children to understand their world and share it with others. Children's hunger for stories is constant. Every time they enter the classroom they enter with a need for stories.5

Obviously many of educationalists and practitioners believe stories benefit children or young learners greatly. They value stories highly. Stories provide a variety of advantages for young learners to have access to individual suitable ways of learning English.

1Crick, N. 2003. Composition as experience: John Dewey on creative expression and the origins of …mind?. College Composition and Communication 55(2): 254-275.

2Clegg, J. 2003. `Realbooks in the Primary Classroom?: a review.

3Polkinghorne, D. E. 1988. Narrative Knowing and the Human Sciences. Albany, NY: State University of New York. 4Barthes, R. 1966. …Introduction to the structural analysis of narratives?. In Sontag (ed.) A Barthes Reader. New York: Hill and Wang. 1982.

5Andrew Wright. Storytelling with children [M].Oxford University Press, 1995

2. Methodology

In order to know the students?attitudes and views toward story teaching in the English teaching for primary school, author made an experiment to analyses and discusses the results. The chapter mainly consists of the research questions, the selection of subjects, the instruments and description of data collection and analysis.

2.1 Statements of Research Questions

This paper intends to explore the effectiveness and feasibilities of adopting story teaching in primary school English class. Specifically, hypotheses are as follows:

1. What are the students ?attitudes towards story teaching?

A large number of literatures show that the story teaching in primary school English teaching was welcomed by the students, but whether it will be popular with the students in the experimental teaching remains to be tested and verified.

2. Can students enhance their enthusiasm and interest by using story teaching?

The conclusion from teaching course at this point would give us some inspirations in the primary school English teaching and how to stimulate students' motivation and enthusiasm for learning English.

3. Can students enhance their English grades by using story teaching?

According to the literature review, story teaching may bring about almost idealistic effect on the learning and teaching. Therefore the third task of the research is to investigate whether the story teaching method can enhance students? grades in English learning.

2.2 Subjects

The subjects of the study are 106 third-grade students from No.8 Ordinary Primary School in Changji, Xinjiang, with an average age of 9 to 10. Class 4 and 6 are selected as the experimental class. There are 51 students in Class 4 which includes 27 boys and 24 girls, and 53 students in Class 6 which includes 26 boys and 27girls. These students of two classes will use the same workbooks and textbooks and they will be divided into two groups. Moreover, I have taught them, so I am very familiar with them and we get along very well. In addition, the reason why Class 4 and Class 6 are selected as the subjects is that the consistence of the students in the two classes is the most similar to each other. According to final exam grades of previous term, it indicates that there is no obvious difference in the English level between the two classes; therefore, we will regard the group 1 (class 4) and group 2 (class 6) as identical groups. The first group will be instructed by using the traditional teaching method in English teaching according to

the development of students' abilities and applying foreign language into practice, while the second group will adopt the story teaching method.

2.3 Instruments

Two instruments were used in this experiment: a questionnaire, a test paper.

The questionnaire is based on Tang Xiaoling?s The Effects of Storytelling on Primary School Students’ Enhancement of Spoken English (Tang Xiaoling, 2006). The questionnaire is utilized to investigate the students? opinion and attitude by using story teaching method in English learning. The results of s tudents? attitudes and opinions about story teaching method applied in classroom will be collected and analyzed.

The test paper is based on Ye Xiang (2012)1.The test paper after the experiment will be the most crucial one to reveal the results of research. The total grades of the whole paper are used to compare the effectiveness under the traditional teaching method with that under story teaching method in primary school English teaching.

2.4 Procedures

The present study involves 4 phases.

In the first phase, questionnaire will be addressed to all the students? attitude to story teaching method and effects of teaching. The aim to do this is to survey the students' ideas, beliefs, attitudes and preferences in story teaching, so as to make sure what is in common about the influences of psychological, cognitive and individual variables among primary school students.

The second phase is to investigate the students?English levels. The two selected classes may be considered to compare their English grades at the end of experiment. The students? answer will be collected and analyzed.

The third phase is collecting and analyzing the experimental data.

The last phase is forming experiment report, analyzing the report, and explaining of the whole research.

1叶翔.《万卷英语小学英语AB试卷三年级下册人教版通向哈佛》. 河海大学出版社,2012.

3. Results and Analysis

In this chapter, all the data collected from the questionnaire. The result of the test will be resorted to demonstrate the significant difference between the two experimental groups and to verify the hypotheses of the research. What is followed will be the discussion of the research results and the answers to the research questions.

3.1Data Analysis Based on the Questionnaire

Questionnaire is utilized to investigate students? opinion s and attitudes by using story teaching in English teaching. According to the data collected, the students' attitudes toward story teaching and the students' views on classroom teaching of English become clear to us. We could see students' attitudes on learning English and themselves are a little different from ours. The possible strengths and weaknesses of the two approaches in the eye of these Chinese children become outstanding.

In answering Question 1, about 16 percent of the students say that they listen to English tapes for no more than 15 minutes every day and 65 percent of them do between 15 minutes to 30 minutes. About 6.8 percent of the students say that they listen to English tapes for no more than 2 hours in a week while 5.9 percent of students say they listen to English tapes for more than 2 hours in a week. To be sure, 6.3 percent of them do listen to tapes everyday for more than half an hour. According to Question 3, 33 percent of them use English only in class, while 19 percent of them may use English in class or after class with classmates, 12 percent of them may use English in class or with foreigners, thirty-six percent students use English with foreigners or their parents.



1 3


A 16% 33%

B 65% 12%

C 6.3% 36%

D 6.8% 19%

E 5.9% 0%

Total 100% 100%

Note Q1--Question Items AI---Answer Items

In answering Question 2, 35 percent of students choose stories with pictures as their interesting reading and 6 percent of them choose stories without pictures as their interesting reading. 30 percent of them think that their interesting reading is about nature

and 29 percent of them are interested in reading about science, the data suggest that varieties of children's interest in books or knowledge or they reflect individual difference in learning. However, something becomes obvious, no matter whether they are storybooks with pictures or without pictures, even knowledge about nature and science for children is generally adapted to be like interesting and funny stories. As to Question 4, if the books are in a second language, 62 percent of them choose stories with pictures and 12 percent of them choose stories without pictures as their interesting reading, 16 percent of them claim their favorite reading is about nature and 10 percent of them prefer to books about science. Question 2 and Question 4 reflect that stories are what in common students' preference for contents are. Most of them love stories no matter in what language they are.



2 4


A 35% 62%

B 6% 12%

C 30% 16%

D 29% 10%

Total 100% 100%

Note Q1--Question Items AI---Answer Items

As for the desired learning content of a foreign language in Question 5, 14 percent of students choose dialogues, 16 percent of them choose words, and 8 percent of students choose chants. Concerning stories and jokes they fall into 38 percent and 24 percent respectively. This may root in students' different learning styles and other different characters. For Question 10, 36 percent of students are willing to take part in activities in created situations. 10 percent of them prefer to learn English by chant. 20 percent of students prefer to learn English by listening to stories and 34 percent of students are willing to study the course book literally. Obviously, students' interests vary as well as their learning methods.



5 10


A 14% 10%

B 16% 36%

C 38% 20%

D 24% 34%

E 8% 0%

Total 100% 100%

Note Q1--Question Items AI---Answer Items

As to Question 6, 72 percent of them think that they have been studying English since they began to learn English and only 28 percent of students say that they have stopped for some time but continue to learn English. As for why they are studying English in Question 7, only 13 percent admit that their parents want them to while 53 percent owe it to the value of learning English and 34 percent to their interests. When being asked if they are interested in English in Question 8, 75 percent claim they are, 10 percent claim they are uncertain and 15 percent admit that they are not interested in it. Concerning Question 9, 7 percent think that it is difficult to learn English while 33 percent contend it is easy to learn English. 60 percent tend to agree that a learner can study English well by hard working. In Question 11,it would be glad to see that 84 percent of the students claim that they have confidence in learning English well while only 13 percent are uncertain and 3 percent of the students claim that they have no confidence in learning English. These figures show that most of the young learners have realized the importance of learning English and they have confidence in and hold positive attitudes towards learning English. However, 45 percent say they are satisfied with their English while 29 percent say that they are not. 26 percent admit that they are uncertain in answering to Question 12, which reminds the teachers that they should try to encourage the students and create more chances for them to achieve success. Being asked in Question 13 that if they preview their lessons before class, 54 percent say that they would be willing to strictly follow the teachers' demands. 29 percent admit that they would fulfill the teachers' about it most of the time. However there are about 9 who would not prepare their lessons and 8 percent who have to be to do it by their parents, obviously, the teachers' arrangements have influence on students' behavior. Therefore teachers should pay more attention to the meaningfulness and effectiveness of the assignment so as to enhance English learning.



6 7 8 9 11 12 13 AI

A 28% 13% 75% 33% 84% 45% 54%

B 78% 53% 15% 7% 3% 29% 29%

C 0% 34% 10% 60% 13% 26% 9%

D 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 8%

Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Note Q1--Question Items AI---Answer Items

When talking about listening to stories in Question 14, 83 percent claim that they like to listen to stories and 10 percent say that they do not mind listening to stories, 7 percent say that they do not like listening to stories. However, when being asked if they are willing to tell a story in English, there are 55 percent who are willing to, 25 percent who are not willing to and 20 percent who do not mind telling a story in class or not as is stated in Question 15. In Question 16, 43 percent admit that they could imitate the teacher and tell a similar story and 33 percent think that they could not imitate the teacher and tell a similar story while 24 percent are uncertain about it.



14 15 16


A 83% 55% 43%

B 7% 25% 33%

C 10% 20% 24%

Total 100% 100% 100%

Note Q1--Question Items AI---Answer Items

So, according to the data collected from the questionnaire, the conclusion will be that most of the students perceive that stories are important in learning and they love stories. They hold positive attitudes toward stories but they prefer to listen to stories instead of telling stories. The students expect and suggest more stories or interesting contents in classroom teaching of English. From the questionnaire, the fact that social and parental views about English influence the children a lot. Most of them realize the importance of learning English although they are not clear what advantages learning English would bring. Most of them are interested in English and teachers play a leading role in helping them to learn English. However, although most of us view that child do

not have psychological drawbacks and are willing to communicate with or speak English, they are in fact lack of confidence in learning a second language. At the same time, they are uncertain about the learning strategies, they depend much on teachers. They dislike the fact that teachers teach the course book literally. In fact, some of the teachers in China have also realized the effectiveness and efficiency of telling stories not included by course books and they are applying stories to class teaching.

3.2 Data Analysis Based on the Test paper

The most significant purposes of this test paper are to compare the efficiency of the story teaching method and traditional teaching method in listening, word and translation aspects. It also attempts to contrast the difference of the effectiveness on other aspects between traditional learning and story teaching method in primary school English teaching. The data from these tests are listed as follows:


Test Content

Result of Test

Group1 (traditional method) Group2 ( story teaching method)



Total grades







Correct rate


Listening 36 1775 89 38 1923 96 Word 14 701 93 14 719 95 Translation 8 414 83 9 440 88 Total average grades 88 Total average grades 93

The total average grades of the two groups are 88 and 93, group 2 is better than group 1, in listening part, 89 percent students in group 1 toward right answers, while 96 percent students in group 2 toward correct answer. At the first glance, group 2 is better than group 1 about 7 score, in word part, about 93 percent students? answers are right in group 1, and 95 percent students in group 2 toward correct answers. This data suggests that there is no significant difference in the word part between the two classes, although the group 2 seems little better than the group 1, we can see that students prefer to listen to stories instead of using word to tell stories. What is more, in translation part about 83 percent students in group 1 toward right answers, and about 88 percent students? answers are right in group 2, group 1 is much lower than that group 2 about five score. It is not difficult to draw a conclusion that there is a very significant difference between the total average grades of the two groups in the test, students enhance their grades by using story teaching.

All mentioned above demonstrates that adopting the story teaching method really have more advantages than traditional teaching method in primary school English teaching. At the same time, what Table3.6reveals is that adopting story teaching method results in much better performance in listening and translation than traditional teaching method. The grades of the two groups in these aspects have very significant difference. It will be more efficient to teach listening and translation by adopting story teaching method. Therefore, we can get some results from this data are that story teaching method have more effectiveness and influence than traditional learning method in English teaching.

4. Discussion

4.1 Findings

Now it is time to answer the research questions.

Question1: What are students ?attitudes towards story teaching?

By analyzing the result of the research, the answer to this question suggests that student' attitudes regarding story teaching would be positive. Although their attitudes are inimical at the beginning, they were interested in different kinds of stories.

Question 2: Can students enhance their enthusiasm and interest by using story teaching?

The literature study and the research project are favorable to such a conclusion that students can enhance their enthusiasm and interest through teaching of story.

Question 3: Can students enhance their grades of studies by using story teaching?

Evidences from the research show that story teaching would also bring about significant enhancement under the guidance of the story teaching method. Students would enhance their grades of studies by using story teaching.

4.2 Implications

Students in primary schools prefer story teaching method in learning English. In the questionnaire, although the students have varies of preferences, almost 80% of the students claim that they are interested in adopting stories in English classroom. The plots of stories and what happens next arouse students' interest in English learning. They do not need to know the meaning of every word. All the students from Group 2, who were taught by story teaching method had benefited from story teaching method. They not only get into a wonderful, clear and colorful world by stories but also achieve great program in the story process, they have better opportunities to learn English. Therefore, their abilities in listening and speaking will be enhanced.

According to the results of the test, we can see that students learn to English by story teaching in English classroom, not only listening and word but also translation abilities of Group 2 are better than those of Group 1, which suggests that the story teaching method benefits the students more than traditional method in English learning.

One interesting fact is that the students' preferences for teaching materials vary, which deserves our attention in the overall teaching of English and make us think. Whether it is a bright way to design a course book which includes all the materials the students? desire but the teacher ma y select what to teach in class and what to learn after class so as to satisfy all the students' requirements. Another interesting fact is that our primary school students prefer to listen to stories instead of telling a story at first. As a rule, children are talkative and are willing to express their ideas. Should the social


小学英语评课用语集锦 根据学生的年龄特征和本课的特点,从培养学生的语言能力入手,鼓励学生用学过的句型学会询问朋友,家庭成员及老师的一些情况,用游戏,介绍,问与答等多种活动激发学习积极性,通过层层深入的学习活动,帮助学生调用原有的知识,培养学生的思维与使用英语的能力. 教师在设计这堂课时,从叫学生上台来叙述,问答开始就为新课的导人打好基础,到最后的巩固都作了精心的设计,紧紧围绕教学目标一般现在时的句型而展开.大多数学生在教师精心设计的一层进一层的教学活动中,以极大的热情和兴趣参与 新课导入将学生的心理活动引入到一个新的知识情境——Children‘s Day,让学生对所要学习的知识产生认识上的需要。学生欣赏着生动的电脑画面,听着优美动听的歌曲,以无比喜悦的心情进入英语课堂,促使学生积极主动地进入学习状态。通过Free Talk贴近生活,让学生产生共鸣。 注意衔接,善于质疑。开头复习了已学过的各种节日,然后利用黄金时间马上进行主要知识的学习,紧扣本节课的重点—Festivals,新旧知识衔接自然。依靠多媒体技术,整合教学资源。 课堂设计新颖,任务性强。李老师在组织学生练习句型what do you do at Easter?创造性地设计了一个贴近学生实际的教学活动-——“做一做,玩一玩,说一说”。吸引和组织他们积极参与。老师将学生们分成若干组,提前为各组准备了一乒乓球(当作蛋)和大量彩笔,让学生一起合作画出自己的巧克力蛋,各组把画好的巧克力蛋交给老师。 李老师教学基本功扎实,能够正确使用英语进行教学,语言清晰,表达准确。教学态度真诚,师生关系融洽。在教学内容方面,也比较丰富,尝试以学生为主体,寓学于乐。有自己的独到之处,让学生或老师们记忆深刻,久久不忘。 1、新旧知识衔接的同时应该揭示课题。 2、教师应加强对重点词和重点句的阅读。 3、课堂教学缺少学生操作性活动,没有面向全体学生。 4、信息量大,重点内容的教学相对贫乏。教师应该善于发挥主导作用,使教学引人入胜,轻松自如,调动起学生的学习积极性,从而使学生学得津津有味。 5、板书重点不突出,知识点不明确。一堂课板书的内容是突出教学重点,与整堂课中教师的讲授,练习等有机结合,相互衔接,教师应该把重点内容板书在黑板上,让学生一目了然,清晰构建知积要点。 6、课堂设计应力求简洁,避免重复。总之,无论从网络课的创新,从任务型教学的设计,还是从临场应付能力的实际操作,整堂课都值得研究与借鉴。 老师在语言表达,语调控制,课堂组织上的表现极其出色,值得我们学习。这节课教学目标达成,教学效果很好,学生和听课老师都跟着教学思路,学到了东西。由于张老师与学生没有时间接触,学生对软件操作生疏,再有时间的原因,人工智能尝试的环节未能深入,我想这部分内容可以缩减,作为课后尝试。 我觉得这节课非常的难上,学生对课题的接触面很少。开头与机器人聊天兴致很高,但由于英语程度不够,后面就兴趣不大。学生对图灵测试不能很好的理解,这部分内容可以让学生通过网络搜索,然后讨论过后,再讲解效果会好些。 游戏能够进入课堂,我感觉很好,以后我们在Flash教学中也可以加入游戏内容。但是由于时间问题,学生不能尽兴,没有深入,课堂容量也偏大了些。 这节课的容量很大,对初一的学生来说,软件安装使用的能力不够。对于人工智能的应用,还可以举比如自动存取款机,家用电器设置等贴近生活的例子。 本课是实践性很强的课,与理论如何更好的结合,让学生主动参与,激发学生的兴趣是我们思考的方向。这样的课,我们要注重培养学生的思想意识和创造性。 我觉得导入很好,学生的英语程度应该是可以的,也能够与机器人进行交流。图灵测试的讲解至少能让学生记住它。这堂课能够激发学生的兴趣,并能让学生始终保持这种兴趣。我想,学生对课堂的兴趣是非常重要的。 本课准备得很精心,语言表达和课程设计都很出色。课堂容量大,结构紧凑,达成教学目标。导入部分非常好,能激发学生兴趣,也紧扣本课主题课堂组织有条理,思路清晰,语言自然,让人有如沐春风的


小学英语教学小故事 做孩子们心目中的“super English teacher” 宝塔区东关小学崔改梅 每个孩子都有自己崇拜的歌星,影星。那些人都是孩子心目中的super star。这种感情就像S.H.E在歌曲中唱的一样,“你主宰,我崇拜,没有更好的办法,我只爱你,you are my super star !”super star像一块磁体一样牢牢吸引着无数的fans。在英语课堂上如果教师就是那super teacher,孩子们就是那一群fans的话,那么我们一直追求的有效课堂、有生命力的课堂不就实现了吗?是啊,提高课堂教学的效率就从我这个super English teacher做起。 三年级的英语课基本上下午都安排,下午上英语课,孩子们在课堂上表现得萎靡不振,连跟我读课文也变的拖泥带水,整个课堂就像是一只瘟鸡。我用提高嗓门法,全班站立上课法都没收到良好的效果。打又不行,算了就来点幽默也算是自嘲吧。我停止讲课对一个正在打瞌睡的男孩子说:“Hello, boy, are you sleeping ? Is it time for sleeping?”其他学生明白了我的意思都笑了起来,这一笑,也把瞌睡给赶跑了,孩子们就像打了支强心针又焕发活力了,课堂教学又有了最初的生命力。三年级学生读英语的拖腔是我一直在努力纠正的问题,可是效果一直不行,一次课堂教学中我实在听不下去了,我对学生说:“孩子们,现在我们国家的火车都提速了,你们读英语的速度是不是也该考虑加快点呢?”孩子们都笑了。在以后的课堂教学中,他们只要读慢了,我就说该提速啦!孩子们立刻心领神会。值得欣慰

的是,现在三(3)班英语朗读比刚开学时好多了。三年级小学生刚开始学英语,孩子们在背单词背对话都出现困难,每次在让孩子们背之前我会先背给他们听,他们其中有些人特佩服我这个super English teacher,其实孩子们的那几个单词和课文对我来说还真是小case.孩子们见老师都会背了,自己也不太好意思偷懒了,除了那些实在差的,大部分学生都能背出了。 现在无论在何时无论在何地,只要遇到我的学生,他们都会亲切地喊我Miss Cui 这一声我听的心里暖暖的。做一个super English teacher,让孩子们彻底爱上英语,为此我会一直努力着。


的这一特征,课上,我充分利用图片,让他们游戏、表演、竞赛,在愉快的、有意义的情景中发现、归纳、创造。 复习食物类单词时,我借助图片让学生做游戏,巩固所学的语言知识。我把学生分成A、B、C三组,A组代表fruit,B组代表food。 我先对A组说:“I like fruit very much,What’s your favourite fruit” A组的一位学生说:“I like I have a mango , please” 我就把带有mango的图片递给A组的这位同学。 以同样的方式将带有的食品的图片交给A、B二组,然后要求持图片的学生随意地站成一个圆圈,让C组做游戏。 我说:“Put the fruit on the desk,Put the food on the chair。” C组评出他们中谁做得对,谁做错了,把自己的图片错放在别人的地方,对方就得到这张图片。 接下来叫A组学生说出fruit包括哪些,依次类推。哪组说错单词,哪组就要对方图片,最后决出哪组的图片多,教师就奖励冠军队。 这样,不仅参加游戏的学生的热情高涨,就是在座位上的学生也积极参与学习过程。 -------------------------------------------------------- 让每个孩子都成为主角 蔷薇 在英语课堂上,教师机敏的教学机智应表现在对孩子主体的尊重,表现为对孩子的体验的理解等,而更多地则表现在让每一个学生都成为主角。 英语课上,每次积极举手的往往都是那些英语佼佼者,但是那些不敢举手的中等生或差生更需要关注。 记得一次,我上课提问,有一个学生平时成绩很一般,上课极少举手,可这一次我从他期待的眼神中,发现他很想回答,但又不敢举手。我带着鼓励的语气叫了他,他的回答有些紧张,发音也有些错误。我纠正了他的发音,鼓励他再说一遍。他看看我,又看看其他同学,低着头想了想。正在我以为他会放弃的时候,他抬起了头对我说:“老师,你能不能把问题再说一遍。”


★小学英语故事教学_共10篇 范文一:英语教学小故事果园小学王燕 俗话说“兴趣是最好的老师”,这一点在英语教学中尤为重要。首先在课前,我是以歌曲导入。在英语课堂教学中,歌曲是必不可少的。针对孩子们天生活泼好动的性格,用英语歌曲导入,组织课堂教学,效果很好。对于低年级的同学来说,他们爱表演,所以我给每首歌都编了简单的动作,例如“Twinkle,twinkle,littlestar.”;“Thefarmerinthedell.”;“TenlittleIndians.”(动作示范)等等,尽管有些动作很简单,但是学生却很乐于参与。我也曾让他们根据歌曲的意思自己编动作,孩子们更是喜欢,甚至有些孩子编的动作比我编的还要好。对于低年级的学生来说,他们活泼好动,利用英文歌曲,加上简单的动作就可以形成较好的课堂组织教学形式了。 对于游戏,孩子们也是乐此不疲的,我在平常的英语教学中,“猜一猜”、“传话筒”、“模仿秀”、“吊小人”等游戏都是常做的。我在设计游戏时还要考虑到游戏的难度及适用度,尤其是一些具有挑战性、竞赛性的游戏,孩子们更是喜欢。利用游戏教学,能够真正地实现“在玩中学,在学中玩”。 “书本是死的,人是活的”,所以我在教授内容时,为了激发学生的学习兴趣,对教材进行适当地删除添补,把一些内容提前或者推后。比如说,在第一堂英语课上,我们不要急着要学生记单词、学句子,可以把一些有趣的活动提前。如把“Standup,sitdown.”这一环节提前,激发学生学英语的兴趣,让他们觉得学英语原来是如此地有趣。再比如说添补,例如我在教学生学习动物词时,添加了一些书本上没有的但是学生较感兴趣的动物单词。如“lion,ox,wolf”等等。还可以要求学生根据学过的单词,自己编一个小故事,主题为“森林里的故事”。例如:“以前,在大森林里面,有一只调皮的monkey....”,鼓励他们利用学过的表示动物的单词,自己编故事。激发学生的创新意识。为了保持小学生们学习英语的持久兴趣,在英语课上,我把他们所学的其它学科的相关内容融入


小学英语课评课稿 她是一位年轻的英语教师,今天是她的汇报课,这次汇报课对她的成长是一个难得的实践和展示机会。 她今天的教学内容是快乐教材中What color is it?学生是三年级的。整节课她能围绕Color这一主题开展教与学双边活动,教学效果良好。主要表现在: 一、准备充分。 为了上好这节课,她精心设计了符合低年级学生年龄特征的多媒体课件rainbow和儿童歌曲、数字卡片、动物头饰、特色实物等。能够主动开发教学资源,也说明教师自身的能力。 这些教学手段的实施,能够贴近学生生活,使学生喜闻乐见。进而打开了尴尬紧张的局面,同时激发了学生学习英语的兴趣。 二、教态自然。 低年级学生好动同时好奇心强,她能以丰富的语言(包括肢体语)、灵巧的动作、亲切的表情来开展教学,生动积极和富有亲和力,教师自身必须有激情,才能使学生感染到热情。 这些教学手段的实施,能够使师生之间的交流自然流畅,塑造了一种融洽和谐民主的教学气氛,从而达到无障碍交流的水平。同时在音乐和动作中使学生语言和动作更加协调,更加自然,印象更加深刻。 三、教学方法 1、任务型教学: 就是在用中学,学中用,学以致用的一种交际英语教学模式。这种教学能够使情景和英语能够有机结合,体现语言的工具性和人文性。张老师能够抓住任务型教学的核心,learning by doing。本节课不再是传统的书本英语和哑巴英语,而是以听说领先,口语突破的方式来实现综合语言运用能力这一英语教学总目标。 2、合作学习法

就是新课标提出的一种互动交流和协作式的学习方法,这节课张楠老师能有计划、有目的、有针对性地组织学习学生进行。使师生之间的交流不再是个人对个人的单独交际,而是变成了教师个人对学生小组集体的控制和管理,简化了师生互动的程序,从而实现了教学效率的提升。 合作学习:避免了以前的单独提问的挂一漏万效果,使学生被小组包围,在小组集体中得到锻炼和发挥,同时避免了个体回答的紧张,同时通过合作走向小组之间的竞争,使学生为小组的荣誉而全力以赴的投入,使学生的积极性也得到大幅度的提高。 3、趣味教学法。 游戏活动使麻木单调的教学增加了一些轻松愉快的色彩。为了更好调动学生的学习积极性,这节课她能交替开展多个不同形式的游戏活动。 这些游戏既有一定创意,又符合了低年级学生心理特征和教学规律,更能将课堂教学气氛引向高潮,让学生欲罢不能,学习情绪自然高涨。 四、教学层次:清晰,过渡自然。 张老师用引领使学生参与,用示范使学生体验,用互动使学生交流,用评价使学生实践,用启发使学生合作,也就是课标提出的参与、体验、交流、合作与实践的学习方式,有效的教学过程使得本节课有质有量,十分丰满 针对学生具有好动、好玩、好奇、好胜的特点,利用tpr教学模式和chant学习,开展玩中学,乐中学,比中学,趣味教学贯穿始终,过渡自然。 张楠老师作为一名教学新兵,这堂汇报课的教学是比较成功的,但是为了更好的实践高效课堂的理念,就需要我们精益求精,不断探索。 下面谈一下教学存在的主要问题:


小学英语老师教学故事我课堂教学中最难 忘的一件事 我是一名新任教师,现在是5年级两个班的英语老师,从业至今也有将近1年的时间,我每天都很认真地设计好教学流程,希望为学生上好每一节课,虽然看似是一成不变的课堂教学,但实际上学生的有些突发状况也是我预料不及的,而我也不得不偶尔改变我的教学来适应学生,这其中就有一件令我特别难忘的事。 我所带的5年级是众所周知的纪律不太好的班级,无论我每次上课,都必须要维持很长时间的纪律,这也使我很苦恼。还记得那天早上打过上课铃,我像往常一样拿着课本满怀热情地走进教室,可是, 学生就好像是没有听见上课铃一样坐在位置上我行我素,直到我在讲台上站了有1-2分钟,学生们还是没有安静下来,我的热情一下子就被学生的态度泼灭了。我原本想像往常一样对学生发一顿火,然后让他们安静下来认真听课,突然,我改变了思路,与其强迫让学生乖乖听话,达不到教学的效果,还不如让学生自觉地遵守纪律,主动学习。于是,我将课本轻轻地放在讲桌的一边,安静的等学生自觉地停下来,果然,学生见我不说话立刻就停了下来,教室里特别安静。学生屏息静气地在等我发火,这时,我却说:“同学们,还记得羽泉的《奔跑》么?‘随风飞翔有梦作翅膀敢爱敢做勇敢闯一闯,哪怕遇见再大的风险再大的浪也会有默契的目光’你们有梦想么?”学生纷纷回答:“有。”“你们打算怎么样实现梦想呢?”我又接着问。“好好学

习。” “那你们现在是在好好学习么?”这时,学生们不说话了,我又接着说:“同学们,你们大多数都是在庙李居住,你们没有优越的条件,没有可以与市区孩子相抗衡的能力,更没有不认真听讲的资格!市区的孩子上课可以不认真,因为他们有优越的条件可以通过各种形式的辅导班来弥补,而你们呢?家庭好点的也只能报一个一般的辅导班,这样就能实现梦想么?”见学生都不说话,我继续对他们说:“同学们,有这样一句广告词:‘我是一个没有伞的孩子,所以我不得不在雨中奔跑’,既然我们没有优越的条件,那就应该更加努力,学习中会遇到很多困难,这些困难都是可以克服的,就像《水手》里唱的那样:他说风雨中这点痛算什么,擦干泪不要怕至少我们还有梦!”当我说到这里时,我发现已经有好多学生开始拿出课本认真地看单词了,有些则低头沉思,学生的反应让我很满意,在接下来的教学中,更让我吃惊的是竟然没有一个人说话,每个学生都很认真的听讲甚至包括每次上课都捣乱的那几个学生,他们在这一节课上听得特别认真,不知不觉已到下课时间,学生竟然有些留恋不舍。自那以后,每次上英语课学生都特别兴奋,课堂纪律特别好,让我惊讶的是几个平时都不写作业,也不背书的学生竟然会主动背书,按时交作业,下课后还主动围在我身边对我说:“老师,我想每节课都上英语。”我想我说的话确实是对学生起到了激励的作用。


小学生英语教学故事范文(三篇) 导读:本文小学生英语教学故事范文(三篇),仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【篇一】 我从事小学英语教学工作已有一段时间了,在此期间,我通过自己的学习摸索及向他人的借鉴,我总结了自己的一些教学形式, 虽然有着一定的效果,但总体上来说,还有更多需要改进及加强的方面。尝试着失败,享受着愉悦,总之就是把心态摆正,去发现学生的可爱之处,上英语课也就不会那么烦恼了。在英语教学中我也积累一些教学心得,体现在:英语课堂中我喜欢采用多样化活动教学。就是把歌曲、简单的动作、游戏、画画、比赛等融入到课堂中,激发学生的求知欲,活跃课堂气氛,使每堂英语课真正地“活”起来。“兴趣是的老师”,对小学生尤其是这样,他们还没有行成良好的学习意志,在课堂中很喜欢乱动,在课前,我喜欢找一些和本课内容相关的歌曲导入。在英语课堂教学中,歌曲是必不可少的。针对孩子们天生活泼好动的性格,用英语歌曲导入,组织课堂教学,效果很好。对于游戏,学生们也是乐此不疲的,我在平常的英语教学中,“猜一猜”、“模仿秀”、“开火车”等游戏都是常做的。我在设计游戏时还要考虑到游戏的难度及适用度,尤其是一些具有挑战性、竞赛性的游戏,孩子们更是喜欢。利用游戏教学,能够真正地实现“在玩中学,在学中玩”。【篇二】

多样化活动教学就是把小故事,歌曲,笑话,比赛等融入到课堂中,激发学生的求知欲,活跃课堂气氛,使英语课真正活起来。俗话说"兴趣是的老师",这一点在英语教学中尤为重要。首先在课前,我是以歌曲导入。在英语课堂教学中,歌曲是必不可少的。针对孩子们天生活泼好动的性格,用英语歌曲导入,组织课堂教学,效果很好。对于低年级的同学来说,他们爱表演,所以我给每首歌都编了简单的动作。尽管有些动作很简单,但是学生却很乐于参与。我也曾让他们根据歌曲的意思自己编动作,孩子们更是喜欢,甚至有些孩子编的动作比我编的还要好。对于低年级的学生来说,他们活泼好动,利用英文歌曲,加上简单的动作就可以形成较好的课堂组织教学形式了。对于游戏,孩子们也是乐此不疲的,我在平常的英语教学中,"猜一猜"、"传话筒"、"模仿秀"、"开火车"等游戏都是常做的。我在设计游戏时还要考虑到游戏的难度及适用度,尤其是一些具有挑战性竞赛性的游戏,孩子们更是喜欢。利用游戏教学,能够真正地实现"在玩中学,在学中玩"。"书本是死的,人是活的",所以我在教授内容时,为了激发学生的学习兴趣,对教材进行适当地删除添补,把一些内容提前或者推后。比如说,在二年级的一堂英语课上,我不是急着要学生记单词、学句子,而是把课文中的小诗编成一首顺口的儿歌,学生熟悉了这首有节奏的韵律诗,也就学会了课文中的新单词,这样就降低了学习课的难度。可以把一些有趣的活动提前。如把"Stand up,sit down."这一环节提前,激发学生学英语的兴趣,让他们觉得学英语原来是如此地有趣。还有在教授四年级教材的时候,学生学习了


篇一:评八里小学英语课评课稿 评八里小学英语课评课稿 三元桥小学朱琳玲 第一次听八里中心小学的乔老师的英语课,感触颇深。 乔老师执教的这节英语课思路非常清晰,从free talk中自然导入本课的课题,由学生熟知的节日引入新学节日,从熟悉的节日所做的事,再引导学生学习诸如“visit friends”等一类新学的动词词组,乔老师并没有单纯地说教,而是通过各式图片从视觉方面着手,刺激学生的感官,根据心理学研究,人对初次接触的材料会具有很深的印象。这样,学生对于每个节日的风俗习惯就能够灵活掌握了。 她还通过游戏让学生猜相关的节日,进一步巩固新学词句,游戏中所提供的key words,也为接下来所教授的新句型提供了可说的材料。有点不足之处可能还有一些节日的风俗有点相似,给学生猜带来了一定难度,毕竟是新授单词最好还是要多呈现和挖掘该节日相关特征。另外,个人觉得学生的主观能动性调动的可能还不够,也可能学生到了高年级参与性,学习英语的积极性明显低于中低年级的同学,这就要求我们老师要想方设法多方位刺激学生的思维,让学生成为课堂真正的主人。很多学生都能说的很好,这主要和老师夯实基础密不可分。乔老师在整个教学过程中,都很注重学生语音语调的培养,让学生不断模仿自己的读音,学生整堂课听的也很认真,课堂小练笔,学生完成的情况还不错,但发现留给学生思考的时间可能有点短。主要是所填内容确实比较多,再加上毕竟是新授课很多同学对相关知识掌握的还不是很牢靠,乔老师这节课的许多操练形式非常丰富多样,值得我好好学习。 在乔老师课上学生学习英语的积极性和热情被完全调动起来,这样的课堂氛围更体现出新课程标准提出的和谐和民主,让孩子们快乐学英语。 每次听课都觉得自己成长不少,收益良多,希望自己能够多和其他老师取长补短,不断积累经验上好以后的每一节英语课。 篇二:小学英语教师评课稿 小学三年级英语课观课稿 宋林平老师的这节课非常成功,是我们学习的典范。 这节课亮点很多,听了这节课,我受益匪浅。开篇儿歌的朗读,不仅可以激发学生的兴趣,还可以培养学生的语感和对单词的熟悉程度。让学生迅速地进入英语学习的氛围。而且儿歌的训练还为后面单词的操练做了很好的铺垫,通过熟悉的儿歌操练单词,学生朗朗上口,印象深刻,兴趣也很浓。 宋老师很注重难点的分解,将难点在各个环节中各个击破,以及前后知识之间的联系。如:dinner is ready.这句话有两个生词,一下子教下来学生肯定很难接受,宋老师就在开始的时候,通过课堂常用语are you ready?将ready输入,学生对于ready一词的发音已经不成问题。dinner is ready.这句话也就容易多了。再如chopsticks一词是一个合成词,对于高年级学生来讲这都是一个难点,何况是三年级的小朋友,但是宋老师却巧妙的将儿歌four,five,six,pick up sticks.拿出来。 sticks学生已经很熟悉,并且会有恍然大悟的感觉,不仅教会了学生学习的方法,也帮助学生更好地理解儿歌。起到一个相辅相成的作用。对于我们听课老师来讲,除了耳目一新,佩服他的设计之外,也从中学到了很多。 宋老师的每一步教学总是问后面的教学做铺垫的,儿歌是这样,句型也是如此。如:她复习了句型:what can you see?让学生进一步熟悉这个句型,为后面单词的引出和操练做了一个很好的铺垫。give me____.这个句型,她则通过食物激发学生的兴趣,同时也给学生创造了运用语言的环境,培养了学生运用语言的能力,给我们充分展现了情境教学的魅力。这一点在其他单词的教学上也有很好的体现,所以说宋老师的课除了让学生学会知识之外,更重要的是提升学生运用知识的能力。


小学英语故事教学法的几个步骤 Step1.创设故事教学环境 故事教学与单词教学、对话教学、歌曲教学相比,对教学的准备要求更高些。故事教学 需要精心创设环境、恰当使用教具,否则难以收到预期的效果。在创设故事教学环境时,教 师可根据故事的具体要求布置教室,如在墙上挂一些场景画、人物画、或者把图片、实物展示出来,也可在黑板上画上故事情节的连环画。这些教学准备让学生有一种身临其境的感觉, 对教学效果有着不可忽视的作用。在进行故事教学前,教师可采用唱英文歌,或用游戏复习单词或句子,或是问一些与故事内容有关的简单问题,以导入故事情节。 Step2.整体感知故事内容 整体式语言教学理论认为,应在“自然”、“真实”、“完整”的语言环境中进行学习,让 学生感知整个语篇的“意义”。学生在感知语篇意义的过程中,建立起外语的语感。教师可 以采用录音、录像或口述等方式,通过语言、音乐、图画等视觉与听觉的多方位输入,使学 生对整个故事有一个大致的、生动的了解。在感知的过程中,教师要引导学生思考,并激发 学生去想象,让学生根据已有的知识经验和先前的准备工作,边听边猜测,从而主动建构语言知识。 Step3.扫除语言障碍 学生在整体感知故事后,对故事已有一个基本的轮廓,接下来教师要采用多种教学法帮 助学生解决故事中出现的新单词、新句子、新语法。为了突破重点和难点,教师可利用先前 准备的各种实物、图片,借助手势、眼神、表情等帮助学生再次感知整个故事,同时也要调 动学生动用各种感官来体验故事;可让学生表演故事中角色的动作或模仿声音;可在故事情节关键地方,让学生预测故事下一步的发展;可在关键词句出现的地方,停下来让学生猜测词义或句意。教师也可采用集中识字法,让学生反复,重点地听准生词或词组的读音,提高发音的准确性,并理解生词或词组的含义。教授语法也可以采取利用单词、词组学习的形式。扫除了语言障碍后,学生才能对故事留下深刻的印象,才能更深入地理解故事内容。 Step4.学生复述故事 故事复述,是一种先听后说的活动,是为了更好地锻炼学生说的能力,记忆、思维和创新能力,复述的形式多种多样: 教师可以展示有关故事的图片、故事书、实物等,让学生根据所给提示进行复述,也可 以让学生利用关键词,短语或重点句子把故事情节串起来。 把全班分成若干小组,每个小组给予一个角色,小组一起进行角色练习后,学生接力复述故事,这样做可以帮助害羞的学生演起来会感到更自然、更安全,也可以让基础差的学生模仿他人,给予他们一个学习与锻炼的机会,同时培养了学生的合作学习能力。 学生个体进行复述故事比赛。 在复述故事时要注意以下两点:(1)复述不是背诵,教师应要求学生根据自己的理解和 已有的知识经验,用自己的语言讲述故事大意,借此培养学生的语言运用能力。(2)复述不是表演。教师可以给学生一个相对开放、自由、民主的空间,允许学生相互讨论、合作、交 流、互助,让学生自由充分地发挥,不断探究,相互摩擦,激发出创新的火花。 Step5.学生表演故事 的天性。而表演英国儿童教育专家Jayne Moon的研究表明,孩子具有“go for meaning” 故事为小学生使用英语提供了包含丰富意义的情景,赋予语言以生命力。在学生对故事情节有了一个比较详细的了解以后,就可以让他们进行角色表演了。教师要把时间留给学生,让每个学生都有机会练习说英语。教师可把学生按故事角色分成小组,使用他们会说的语句重建英语情景,这样就可完成从情景到语言,再从语言到情景的过程。表演故事一方面是输出语言,用所学的语言进行交流,达到培养学生英语综合运用能力的目的;另一方面,教师可


小学英语教学故事 时间过得飞快,转眼间,我已从事英语教学十一年了。俗话说“家有半斗粮不当孩子王”,教师作为“孩子王”,整日与孩子在一起,其中的酸甜苦辣只有自己清楚。作为“孩子王”我彷徨过,迷惘过,烦恼过,但更多的是收获和成长。在这短短的几个月时光中,我深深的体会到了这份工作的纯真与美好。望着那一张张天真可爱的笑脸,一切的烦恼与忧愁刹那间消退,生活的诗画便在眼前飞扬,使心田灿烂,温馨甜美……我觉得小学教师是一个纯真和美好的职业。 作为英语老师,我深深地感受到身上神圣的使命感,但同时也感到这份职业带来的压力。刚刚踏上这个岗位时,我感到手足无措,要干的事很多,但我又不知道如何着手。渐渐地,我从观察其他老师并向他们讨教中进入状态,从孩子们天真无邪的笑脸和积极的表现中找到了自信。 可喜的是经过半年的学习、积累、探索,我在英语教学上日趋成熟,逐渐收放自如,形成了一套自己的教学方法。 “兴趣是孩子们最好的老师。”使学生带着浓厚的兴趣去学习,将会使教学工作取得事半功倍的效果,这是我教学中最深刻的体会。我任教的年级为三、四年级,他们接触英语的时间不长,对英语充满了好奇与向往。在教授新课前,我采用歌曲和TPR热身活动导入新课,目的是激发学生兴趣并通过一些活动复习旧知引入新知。在教授单词课时,我使用了大量的图片、实物、头饰、

音乐等作为教学工具,设计了丰富多采的教学游戏,如:what’s missing、guessing game、boom game等等,让学生在玩中学、在学中玩,身心愉悦地上英语课,在不知不觉中就掌握了知识。在教授句型课时,我设计情景并采用角色扮演,在情景中交际学习语言,如在教授uint3 My Friends 描述朋友的句型完毕后,利用现场资源4人为一小组进行活动:描述自己在班中的朋友并请其他组员猜一猜。Chant是一种很好的操练句型和单词的方式,如在uint6 Meet My Family中教授职业单词和询问职业句型What’s…?就可以把下一课时的chant 提前,加入到本课时教学中。在教授读写课时,我知道记单词是学生最头疼的事,我把读音和书写结合起来,能读就能拼。为了记忆一些单词,我也自创了一些方法,如记忆chicken这个单词,我就自编故事帮助学生记忆:“小c和小c在肯德基(ken)碰面了说了声hi。”并让学生复述,复述完后他们都笑了,他们都说这样记单词很有趣,在此后的听写中这个单词也其本全对。 除了课堂教学外,作业的辅导和课外活动也是重要的内容。刚开始,我布置的英语作业有写的和听录音、读课文,第二天抽查有许多学生不能完成,心里十分着急。后来我向其它英语教师讨教,在他们的建议下,我对英语书面作业基本要求在校完成并当场讲评。读课文利用早读、课前我放录音他们跟着多读,并让他们自读,不会读举手问,最后请几个学生读,读得流利奖给一个小印章,如果能背诵则奖给三个小印章。


小学英语课堂故事教学案例分析 一、背景介绍 如何以故事为载体,训练学生的阅读能力,培养学生创造性的思维能力,是每个小学英语教师在设计教案、组织教学中应该注意的问题。然而,不少教师在对课文进行分析时,仅就文章细节和某些事实向学生提问,即根据文章内容提出一些直接的或命令式的问题,这对于培养学生的注意力、观察力和记忆力是必要的;但仅停留在这一层次上,无益于学生创造性思维能力的提高。在英语课堂中,我们要以学生为中心,以培养交际能力为目的,以多媒体为辅助工具,发展学生的创造性思维。使课堂成为师生间和学生间进行思想和情感交流的场所。牛津英语教材的故事中蕴涵着丰富的具有创造性的思维和创造意识的素材,从中挖掘创造性思维的因素,可以有效地训练学生的思维能力。 本堂课的课题"Alittle,greenman"是一则故事,主要句型为动词过去式的结构。重点是故事的阅读理解,难点是动词过去式的变化。为了让学生掌握重点,解决难点,训练学生的独立学习和阅读能力,提高学生语言交际能力和质疑能力,增强学生的学习热情。在教学过程中,我设计了多媒体课件,以交际法为主,有目的,有计划地对学生进行语言信息的输入,运用多媒体声、色、形结合的特点,为学生创设了活动情境,交际的空间,诱导学生的好奇心和求知欲,丰富学生的想象力。 二、案例实录 1、利用话题,引入教学,培养学生创造性思维能力 教学一开始,我就问学生What'syourfavouritething?这个话题学生比较熟悉,贴近他们的生活,纷纷举手发言。 S1:Myfavouritethingisdoll. S2:Ilikefootballbest. 随后,我让学生猜猜:What'smyfavouritething?学生非常感兴趣,一方面很想知道我的最爱是什么,另一方面也想表现出自己非常了解我,于是他们的思考热情和发言欲望得以初步激发。以下是部分学生的回答: S1:Yourfavouritethingismoney.(你最喜欢钱。) (学生和听课的老师都笑了) S2:Yourfavouritethingisus.(你最喜欢我们。) (我点头说:Yes,Iloveyou.在说这句话的时候,我用真诚的眼光望着学生,与学生进行心理交流。) 这些书本上永远找不到的回答非常符合实际,表明学生的确了解我。这一话题的引出,通过教师的问,学生的答、猜,既一下子抓住了学生的注意力,启发了他们的独立思考,又为师生间创造了一个情感交流的场所,拉近了师生间的距离。充分体现了语言交际性的特征。 在引出了spaceship,本故事中一个重要因素后,我又以spaceship为话题,提出以下问题: What'stheanothernamefor'spaceship'? S1:UFO. (原本我并没有百分百的肯定会有学生回答出这个问题的,可事实证明学生的知识面真广,教师不应该小看他们,一定要给他们提供表现自我的机会。我立即翘起大拇指予以表扬,其他学生都以羡慕的眼光看着他。) 随后我又问学生:


英语课堂教学中的即时评价 灵溪一中教育集团姚仁环 发表于《中小学外语教学》2005(11):1-3 评价是英语课程的重要组成部分,科学的评价体系是实现课程目标的重要保障。英语课程的评价应根据课程标准的目标和要求,实施对教学全过程和结果的有效监控。因此,我们有必要构建多元化、整体化、过程化的评价体系。多元化评价主要有以下几种形式:课堂教学即时评价、学段终结性评价、等级考试、自我评价和小组评价以及学分确认等。在以往的教学中,教师往往对这些评价形式关注不够,尤其忽视课堂教学即时评价。课堂教学即时评价包括对学生提问和答问的评价、对学生作业的评价以及阶段性和单元性考查等。 笔者选择“初中英语课堂教学中的即时评价”作为研究课题,结合课例的实际情况,将课堂教学中的即时评价定位为对学生提问和回答的评价,以及对学生课堂学习活动成果的评价。 在实际操作中,笔者挑选了初一和初二年级的三位教师作为观察对象。三位教师中,一人曾被评为县教坛新秀,另两人为县英语优质课的获奖者,她们的课堂具有一定的典型性。同时这三位教师所使用的教材既包括我校刚刚开始使用的人民教育出版社编写的《新目标英语》,也包括已使用多年的人民教育出版社编写的JEFC教材。 一、课例简介

二、数据分析 1.教师课堂即时评价频数统计与分析 上述三表中的统计数据显示,教师课堂教学即时评价主要集中在学生活动后这一环节;同时,教师在学生活动前、活动中和活动后所进行的评价在方式上各有侧重。将课堂教学即时评价集中在学生的任务活动后,说明了教师更为重视活动的结果。教师在学生活动前、活动中、活动后所进行的即时评价

在方式上各有侧重,这说明教师注意到了过程评价和结果评价的不同之处,并有意识地选择自己认为最佳的评价方式进行评价。 从上述诸表中还可以看出,教师在学生活动前和活动中主要采用口头语言和体态语言两种评价方式。这两种评价方式的作用更多地表现为激励和指导,以促使学生在活动中不断进行自我完善。 2.教师即时评价方式和对学生反馈的分析 从以上反馈数据中可以发现,不同年级、不同班级甚至不同个体对教师的课堂即时评价均有不同的反馈。统计数据显示,初一学生对介质性的即时评价比初二、初三的学生表现出更为浓厚的兴趣,而初二、初三学生对交流探讨式的即时评价更为感兴趣。统计数据还显示,学生在理解的基础上,对教师那些真诚的口头即时评价,尤其是所作出的表示肯定和欣赏的表情和动作都能做出积极的反馈。但是笔者在课堂中也观察到,部分学生因为听不懂老师的课堂用语而没有办法对老师的即时评价做出反馈。同时,学生对教师所作的一些程序化或模式化的即时评价(如Good! Very good!)显得非常冷漠。 从课堂教学即时评价的有效性这一视角观察课堂教学,通过分析和研究学生对即时评价的反馈,笔者认为上述三个课例反映了以下几个主要特征: (1)三位教师均采用任务驱动进行教学,他们十分重视对学生所进行的活动做出即时评价,同时注重过程评价,并凸现指导和鼓励的作用。 (2)课堂教学即时评价基于学生正在进行的活动,注重与学生进行情感和认知方面的沟通,注重以学生的全面发展为本这一原则,以提高课堂教学即时评价的有效性。 (3)教师在课堂教学的各个环节中进行了形式多样的课堂即时评价,很少使用单一的即时评价方式。(4)教师虽然尽力在即时评价中关注每一个学生,但是每一节课均有约15名学生游离于评价之外。(5)教师对评价方式和评价内容均做了充分准备,但是由于个性或习惯方面的原因,三位教师均出现了一些否定性和形式化的负面评价。 三、观察与反思 笔者以三个课例为载体,对课堂教学即时评价的有效性进行了初步分析与思考。通过反思,笔者认为存在以下几个值得探讨的问题: 1.如何界定课堂教学即时评价的作用 不同的即时评价内容和评价方式在课堂教学中的作用有所不同。活动前和活动中的即时评价旨在对学生进行及时的指导和激励,因此更应关注每一个学生在原有基础上的改进。活动后的即时评价除了展示和评判以外,也应关注教学活动和学生个体发展的可持续性。


1教育教学故事 一次在快要上完一节还算满意的课后,一个学生突然举手示意。原本以为他要提出针对本课的疑问,没想到是向我告状。告状的内容是他身旁的小李同学偷偷地看了大半节课的课外书。因为他坐的是最角落的位置加之我在平时有不许学生在课堂上随便告状的规定,所以始终曾未发现。正当这时下课铃声响起,为了不耽误给其他学生布置作业,我只说了句:“下课后,小明同学帮我把录音机提到办公室去。”在回办公室的路上,我一边走在他身旁,一边和他进行了这样的对话:“上课看的是什么书啊?”小李:“《马丁的早晨》。”“哦,那这书讲的是什么故事啊?”小明:“一个叫马丁的魔术师的故事。”“哦?他会变魔术?变什么呢?”小明:“变很多种人。”“那具体说说啊。”他开始莫不做声,估计在努力回想,但似乎因为语言组织能力不是很好,没有立刻回答,这时也恰好走到了办公室。让他放下录音机后我问:“你这节课共看了几页呢?”小明翻了翻书说:“好几十页。”我说:“不错呢,一节课可以看那么多。如果你一节课能学那么多知识该有多好啊(自言自语),那你在课上有听到我讲了些什么吗?”小明:“ruler。”(以前的旧知识,在这节课中运用于新旧知识的结合环节)我又接着说:“不错,一心能二用,边看书边还可以听课,说明你脑袋不赖啊。”小明不好意思地低下了头。我立刻又问:“那你能用英语说说这尺是什么颜色的吗?”(颜色是这节课的新授内容)小明不是很自信地回答:“red?”我竖起拇指表扬道:“Very good!”(接着便拿出了另外几种颜色的词语卡片,如我所料有大部分都读不出,我便反复耐心地教,耐心的纠正)不到5分钟,那孩子已经掌握的差不多了。我又问:“你觉得那书好看吗?”小明有些不太明白意思地点了点头。我说:“说明你是看的懂那本书的,对吗?”小明回答:“是。”“那如果你没有很好的语文基础,能看懂里面的内容吗?”小明摇了摇头。“你知道吗?如果你英语学好了,能看懂更多更有趣的书呢。想看吗?”小明说:“想。”“那以后上课...... ”小明没等我说完就说:“我会认真听讲的。”我点着头鼓励他:“好,我会在上课时看着你的表现的,别让我失望哦!”“嗯。” 从那次事情后,我在上课时就格外注意起像小明那样虽然聪明但注意力不容易长时间集中的孩子来,有时候因为喉咙疼,还会请他们来帮我做布置作业的小话筒(我轻声向他们传达作业内容,让他们大声向全班同学宣布),发现他们在上课时的表现比以前有了很大的进步,而且我上课也更有效率了。卡尔?罗杰斯有句名言:一旦真诚、对个人的尊重、理解学生的内心世界等态度出现了,振奋人心的事情就发生了。爱学生就要尊重学生,尊重学生的人格,理解学生的要求和想法,理解他们的幼稚和天真;用充满爱的眼睛欣赏学生……即使是成绩最差,行为最随便的孩子,他们也有自尊,也要我们所说的“面子”。很多课堂上的突发事情其实并不需要立刻处理,如果留到课后,给学生和自己的思想一片天空,让谈话沟通给彼此的心灵一个自由,那么我想教与学就将不再是心血来潮和灵感突发的过程了。


小学英语评课稿 听了方睿老师执教的Primary English for China Book 9 < A rainy weekend > 一课,形式看似简单,内容却丰富,给我一些课堂口语教学的启示。 一、采用适当的教学模式,做到因材施教。方睿老师以往承担低段教学所运用的教学模式和教学方法受到老师们一致地认可和欣赏。她热情大方的教态,悦耳动听的韵律歌,活泼有趣的游戏以及美观新颖的教具都成为她英语课堂牢牢抓住学生注意力和培养学习兴趣的法宝。而这次听方睿老师的课,同样给我耳目一新的感觉。这堂课里,我感觉方睿老师随着她的学生年龄的增长,变换了教学模式和方法,增添了些许成熟优雅,师生情感和谐发展。比如,课前的歌曲由儿歌变成了同学们喜欢的流行歌;教学设计中少了机械操作的游戏,更多地引导学生连贯流利地用英语表达他们的思想。 二、简单的形式,丰富的内容。方睿老师的这堂课给我以清晰实在的印象。这堂课教学步骤并不多:歌曲之后老师引导学生谈论天气,Say something about a windy day. What can we do on windy days? 接着选择单词造句,然后表演前一天的短文故事,最后是拓展阅读。但是,老师却给学生创造了大量的口语表达的机会。在她的课堂上,更多地听到的是学生的声音,而不是老师的声音;更多地听到的是运用英语表达思想的声音,而不是机械齐读的声音。在同学们的口语表达中,也感受到了她的学生有着丰富的词汇量。这与方睿老师具有新的教学理念以及她平时扎实的教学是分不开的。 三、夯实基础知是保持学习兴趣的基础。色彩鲜艳,新颖美观的教具是方睿老师吸引学生的法宝之一;而这堂课,方睿老师一个课件一张嘴,同样也牢牢地抓住了学生的注意力,引导着学生大量地进行口语表达。我想,此中不仅体现了她有着较高的教学艺术,也反映了她的学生有着扎实的基础知识。试想一个听课如天书的学生,是很难在一个没有游戏,没有五颜六色的图片的课堂上保持注意力的。我随手翻看了两、三个学生的课本,每课都记着老师补充的同类词汇,每课都有学生回家朗读背诵的家长签字。因为有着每天一步一个阶梯的艰辛,才能享受明天登上峰顶欣赏美景的喜悦。 需要探讨的地方: 课堂上师生对话较多。如果能增加生生对话,小组活动,可以给少数性格羞涩的学生提供更多口语练习的机 小学英语评课稿 https://www.doczj.com/doc/c1586503.html,/cindyswp/blog/item/b0d5443865c397f5b311c775.html 一. 评王晓燕老师的课。 王老师这节课基本上体现了素质教育所提倡的以老师为主导,以学生为主体,以训练为主线的三为主的教学思想和民主教学思想,结合低年级学生喜欢做游戏的特点,通过Let?s do 、Let?s sing Let?s guess、快速反应、直观演示等多种活动途径,进行愉快教学,充分调动了学


小学英语教学小故事 小学生的荣誉感很强,好胜心更强,遇事总想比个高低,争个优先。我抓住儿童心理的这一特征,课上,我充分利用图片,让他们游戏、表演、竞赛,在愉快的、有意义的情景中发现、归纳、创造。 复习食物类单词时,我借助图片让学生做游戏,巩固所学的语言知识。我把学生分成A、B C三组,A组代表fruit ,B组代表food。 我先对A组说:“ I like fruit very much ,What' s your favourite fruit ?” A 组的一位学生说:" I like man goes.Miss Xu.ma ny I have a mango , please ?” 我就把带有mango的图片递给A组的这位同学。 以同样的方式将带有的食品的图片交给A、B二组,然后要求持图片的学生随意地站成一个 圆圈,让C组做游戏。 我说:"Put the fruit on the desk ,Put the food on the chair 。” C组评出他们中谁做得对,谁做错了,把自己的图片错放在别人的地方,对方就得到这张图片。 接下来叫A组学生说出fruit包括哪些,依次类推。哪组说错单词,哪组就要对方图片,最后决出哪组的图片多,教师就奖励冠军队。 这样,不仅参加游戏的学生的热情高涨,就是在座位上的学生也积极参与学习过程。 让每个孩子都成为主角 蔷薇 在英语课堂上,教师机敏的教学机智应表现在对孩子主体的尊重,表现为对孩子的体验的理 解等,而更多地则表现在让每一个学生都成为主角。 英语课上,每次积极举手的往往都是那些英语佼佼者,但是那些不敢举手的中等生或差生更 记得一次,我上课提问,有一个学生平时成绩很一般,上课极少举手,可这一次我从他期待 的眼神中,发现他很想回答,但又不敢举手。我带着鼓励的语气叫了他,他的回答有些紧张, 发音也有些错误。我纠正了他的发音,鼓励他再说一遍。他看看我,又看看其他同学,低着头想了想。正在我以为他会放弃的时候,他抬起了头对我说:“老师,你能不能把问题再说—遍。 我笑着又说了一遍,他盯着我勇敢地说出了答案。虽然他仍然有些紧张,但是讲得很准确。 坐下时,我给了他一张贴画。从他自豪、兴奋的表情中,我坚信他在学习英语的征途中已经 迈出了成功的一大步。 老师对学生的关注和尊重,能使一个学习困难的学生产生成就感,树立起学好英语的信心。 (紧接第3页) 岳老师写了两个大大的“我”在黑板上,让学生比较。学生都认为“我”的“斜钩”长一点的好。 “请你说说为什么吧?”岳老师启发学生。 有的说:“我认为,这就好比电视剧里的演员,主角只有一两位,戏多一些,所以应该舒展; 配角很多,戏少一些,所以应该紧缩。电视剧里没有主角,观众不会满意,字里没有主笔,字也不会美观。”孩子们想得多有趣呀! 长期以来,许多老师对写字教学老感到头痛,总觉得写字是很枯燥的,很难激起学生的兴趣。 岳老师的写字教学为我们开辟了一条新路子,用形象化的语言、形象化的动作,把孩子带入 美妙的境界,既帮助学生掌握写字的技能技巧,又培养了学生的想像能力和审美能力。这样充满灵气的写字数学。学生能不喜欢吗? “颜色”的故事 张勤利 今天我上有关颜色的六个单词green,black,yellow ,blue,red,white,根据以往的教 学经验,除yellow和white的发音容易记住外,其余的四个单词发音较难,怎样才能让他们很快地记住呢? 随着***,我走进教室,拿出事先准备好的教具,开始教有关颜色的单词。我一边出示教具, 一边让学生跟我读单词,并将生词板书在黑板上。当我教green这个单词时,学生们一齐指向一个男孩,不断地吼:Green, Green. Green ........ 课堂混乱起来,连平时不怎么说话的学 生也站起来,指着他大声说。本来我心里有点恼火,但看见大家热情高涨,也不好灭大家兴致,何不顺水推舟,借助学生的英文姓名帮助大家记住这些单词呢?想到这儿,我将其余的 颜色单词和学生姓名结合起来读、记,然后用学生手里有颜色的实物加以巩固。一堂课下来,

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