当前位置:文档之家› 考研原题:翻译就像一座桥---参考译文



翻译就像一座桥,桥两端,气候悬殊,风光迥异。两端之间,原隔着险峻的山谷,湍急的溪流。两旁的人,各忙各的,世代相传,分别发展出一套不同的习俗风尚以及语言文化来。有一天,这不同文化习俗的人,忽然想起要跟对岸打个招呼。怎么办?要渡过峡谷,不得不起一座桥,谁来起桥?终于来了,一群傻里傻气的志愿者。问他们:“你们可知道,干这份工作,必须吃得起苦,干劲十足?”他们点点头,充满信心地说:“我们有的是干劲,我们也不怕吃苦。” 再问道:“这份差事,待遇并不好,赶起工来,日以继夜。说老实话,你们可知道付出的劳力与报酬并不相符?”答道:“我们不是想发财。”

Translation is like a bridge with a very different climate and landscape at both side of it. A Steep valley together with a fast moving steam separates people who are busy with their own business for generations, making different customs and linguistic culture between the two. One day, people on one side desire to say hello to those on the other suddenly. What should they do? A bridge must be built to cross the valley, but who will be the builder? Finally, here comes a group of silly volunteers. They are asked,“The job needs great efforts to do it well, do you know?”They answer confidently with heads nodding,“We can endure the hardship and be passionate on it.”“Don’t you mind that what you gain will not equal to what you pay?”Another question was thrown. “In addition, it requires working day and night to meet the deadline.”“We don’t mean to make a fortune on it.”They reply.

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