当前位置:文档之家› 2009年烟台市初中学生学业考试英语试卷及答案








1.A B C 2.A B C 3.A B C 4.A B C 5.A B C


6.A.The yellow one.B.Size L.C.A cheap T-shirt.


B.No.it’s hard to un derstand.

C.I think it helps.

8.A.That’s very kind of you.

B.I don’t think s o.

C.It doesn’t matter.

9.A.Thanks a lot.B.You’re welcome. C.Are you sure?

10.A.We have no photos.

B.Taking photos is not allowed.

C.We aren’t in the photos.

(三)听下面五组对话和对话后面的问题,选择正确答案。每组对话读两遍。(每小题1分)11.A.Yes.she can.B.Yes.but a bit late.C.No.she can’t.12.A.On the way to a town. B.In a village.C.In a town.

13.A.To visit her friend.B.To learn English.C.To have a meeting.14.A.At 9:10.B.At 9:20.C.At 9:30.

15.A.By train.B.On foot.C.By bus.


16.What does the man like?

A.Playing tennis.

B.Working with kids.

C.Coaching a team.

17.What does he do on Saturday?

A.He teaches music lessons.

B.He cleans up the streets.

C.He makes Chinese dishes.

18.He can make good dishes,can’t he?

A.Yes, he can.

B.No, he can’t.

C.We don’t know.

19.What kind of work will he do?

A.To look after the sick.

B.To read for the kids.

C.To chat with the old people.

20.How many times should he work in a week?

A.Once.B.As he likes.C.At least twice.


26.What _______ exciting news it is! Is _______ news true?

A.an;the B.an;a C./;the D./;a 27.—Where is my pen? Have you seen _______ ?

—Oh.sorry.I have taken _______ by mistake.

A.it;yours B.them;his C.it;mine D.them;hers 28.一You must be tired out after the climbing.

一Oh, _______.I felt too tired to move.

A.not a bit B.not a little C.not at all D.not nearly 29.—Don’t play with the knife,_______ you’ll cut your hand.

—sorry, I _______.

A.so;can’t B.and;won’t C.but;mustn’t D.or;won’t 30.一I saw Ann _______ a green dress at the school meeting.

一I think she looks better _______ red.

A.dressed;in B.put on;wear C.wearing;in D.wear;put on 31.The train hasn’t arrived yet.Could you tell me _______ ?

A.why the train is late

B.that the train can come on time

C.when will the train arrive

D.why does the train arrive late

32.一Who’s won the first prize in the competition?

—Henry _______. He has _______ it for a week.

A.is;won B.is;got C.has;had D.has;been given 33.I’ve found some pictures of the most interesting places _______ you can visit during the winter holidays.

A.where B.which C.what D.that

34.一After reading the story about Jin Jing,I was very _______.

一_______ .She’s real ly brave.

A.relaxed;So was I B.impressing;So did I

C.impressed;So was I D.relaxing;So I did

35.We are sure that scientists will _______ a way to solve the difficult problem.A.put up B.come up with C.look up D.come up 36.—Will you please take a message for Mike?


A.Yes,the message is important

B.Th at’s very nice

C.Thanks for telling me

D.I’ll be g1ad to

37._______ well you drive,you must drive carefully.

A.No matter where B.In order that

C.No matter how D.As soon as

38.She couldn’t _______ her words _______ by the students.

A.get;understanding B.get;understood

C.make;to understand D.make;understand

39.Don’t laugh at her.She is _______ any of the others in your class.

A.as clever a student as B.as a clever student as

C.so clever a student as D.so a clever student like

40.一Look at the four signs.Which sign tells us the way out of a building?

一It’s _______ .


New rules and behavior standards(规范)for middle school students came out in March.A middle schools going to start new rules 41 who the top students are.The best students will 42 have high marks.they will also be one, who don’t color their hair,smoke or drink.The following are more of the new rules:

Tell the truth.Have you ever copied 43 work in an exam? Don’t do it again!That’s not something 44 students should do.If you are playing computer games in your room,don’t tell your parents you are doing homework.

Do more activities at schoo1.Good students love animals and 45 others.April is

Bird-Loving Month in China.Is your school doing anything to celebrate it? You should join! That way you can learn more about animals and 46 them.When more people work together,it brings us more 47.

Learn to co-operate.When your basketball team is 48,only working together can make your team 49 .Be friendly to the people you are with.Try to think of others, not only yourself.Be open to new ideas.Have you ever thought that people could live on the moon? Maybe you’ll 50 Earth II someday.Don’t look down upon new ideas. All the ideas are important.You should welcome them.because new ideas make life better for everyone.

Pay attention to your safety.You should not walk 51 outside,especially at night.52 where the public phones are.If 53 happens,you can find them quickly.If you take a bus to a place far away,please don’t sleep.This prevents a stranger 54 money from you.”

Use the Internet carefully. The Internet can be very useful for your studies.55 not everything on the Internet is fit for kids.You may enter healthy websites for your homework or just for fun.

41.A.to allow B.to make C.to divide D.to decide 42.A.neither B.both C.not only D.only 43.A.anyone else B.someone else’s C.your partners D.any other ones

44.A.honest B.calm C.brave D.hard-working 45.A.call for B.take care C.call on D.care for 46.A.what to feed B.how to protect C.how to play with D.how to get on 47.A.happier B.happiness C.happily D.happy 48.A.lost B.winning C.beating D.losing 49.A.stronger B.less unusual C.more unfamiliar D.more specially 50.A.notice B.find out C.discover D.live 51.A.alone B.lonely C.slowly D.fast 52.A.Making sure B.To be sure C.Make sure D.Being sure 53.A.unpleasant something B.anything pleasant

C.dangerous something D.anything dangerous

54.A.to carry B.to steal C.carrying D.stealing 55.A.Therefore B.But C.Since D.Then



Last year,some groups of students in their community(社区)made a survey about “How do people spend their free time?” The following diagrams show some results of it.Diagram(1):Hours for people of different ages who surf the Internet in week.

Diagram(2):Different days people go to the library.(library attendance.)

Diagram(3):Different programs people like.


56.People aged ______ spend the most time surfing the Internet every week.A.7~16 B.17—30 C.31—-55 D.over 56 57.The word “attendance” in Diagram(2)means “ ______ in the library”。

A.the hours people spend B.the number of people

C.the number of books D.the days people spend

58.On weekends,______ people go to the library every week.

A.over sixty B.less than sixty

C.about twenty D.more than one hundred

59.Which of the following is true according to the diagrams?

A.The fewest people like watching music.

B.Sports are the most people’s favorite program.

C.People seldom go to the library on weekdays.

D.Half of the people like watching news or cartoons.

60.The three diagrams show us the results of a survey about ______.

A.what people do every day

B.how people spend their free time

C.people’s different lifestyles

D.people’s different habits


There was a famous church in London.It was 110 meters high.The center of the church was like a bell.The ceiling of the church was painted by a famous artist. A platform(平台)was built so that the artist could put up a ladder(梯子)on it and paint the ceiling.The platform was about 70 meters over the ground.

One day the artist was working hard and had nearly finished one popular corner of the ceiling.Also on the platform was his assistant,who was mixing paints.The artist stepped back so that he could see how his work was progressing.To have a better look at his painting,he stepped back again.Suddenly,his assistant shouted,picked up a small bowl of paint and started to paint the artist’s work on the top.The artist was very angry and rushed forwards to stop him.“What do you think you are doing?” he shouted angrily.“Are you mad?” His assistant

replied.“I sa w you walking backwards to have a better look at your painting.But you didn’t notice that you had reached the very edge of the platform.You were in great danger.I wanted to make you move forwards.If I had not made you run forwards.you would have fallen backwards off the edge of the platform.”


61.The story happened in _______.

A.America B.France C.Germany D.England 62.Why did the artist step back again?

A.To see how his work was progressing.

B.To have a better look at his painting.

C.To paint a bowl in his painting.

D.To pour some paint on his painting.

63.What did the assistant do to stop the artist falling off the platform?

A.He painted a famous painting himself.

B.He ran forwards to stop him.

C.He shouted to the artist and painted his painting.

D.He stopped mixing the paints.

64.Which picture shows the same situation as the underlined sentences in Paragraph 2?

Note:a:artist;b:assistant;c:painting;4.←:the direction of the movement

65.After reading the passage,what do you think the artist would probably do?

A.He would be angry with what the assistant had done

B.He would punish(惩罚)the assistant for having destroyed his painting.

C.He would be thankful to the assistant for having saved his life.

D.He wouldn’t allow the assistant to wor k with him any more.



America’s First Blac k President

Ten-year-old Barack Obama was one of the only three black students at his school in Hawaii.the US.He is different from most of the other students.White girls wanted to touch his hair.A white boy asked him whether his father was people.

”I lied to them that my father was a Kenyan prince(王子).But I kept asking myself who I was,”said Obama.

37 years later,to everyone’s surprise,the boy became well-known.On November 4th,2008,Obama became the first black president in US history.

Obama was born to an African father and a white American woman from a small town in the US in 1961.He grew up in Indonesia and Hawaii.This unusual background(背景)made him wonder who he was.He even wanted to forget this question.

With the help of his friends.Obama finally turned his life around in the university.After leaving from Columbia University in l983,he had a great idea——working hard to bring change to the world.So he moved from New York to Chicago in 1985 and worked in a poor African—American area for three years.After that,he studied laws in Harvard University and graduated in l991.Later.he became the third black senator(参议员)in US history.During his race to the highest post in the US,Obama talked about his background.He called for a United States of America,rather than a white America or a black America.

(69)奥巴马的成功使马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King)的梦想变成了现实.That is:(70)A man should not be judged by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character.”He said at the speech in Chicago after he was elected.



66.When Obama was ten years old,the other students at his school were _______ to him.67.Obama’s father wasn’t a Kenyan prince,was he? ________.

68.From the story we know that Columbia University is in the city of _______.






A/Hl Nl Flu Continues to Spread Worldwide

BEUING,May l0(Xinhua)一The A/H1 N1 continues to spread(传播)around the world as the disease has been confirmed(证实)in more than 4.150 people in 45 countries.Canada and Costa Rica confirmed their first death case on Saturday,so there are altogether 4 countries which have reported confirmed human death cases.

In Costa Rica, a 53-year-old man became the first death case of the A/Hl N1 flu.In the Canadian province of Alberta.local health government said the A/Hl N1 caused the death of a woman in her 30s who died late April.

But health officials said that both patients and the two deaths in the U.S.were having other health problems when they infected(感染)the disease.

In Tokyo,a high school teacher and two teenage students tested positive for the disease at the airport after returning from a school trip to Canada.

Australia’s local health government said Saturday that an Australian woman arriving in Sydney from Los Angeles tested “weak positive”.becoming the country’s first c ase.Also on Saturday New Zealand.the first country in the Asia—Pacific area to confirm A/Hl N1 flu cases.reported two more on Saturday.

Mexico on Saturday raised the confirmed death to 48.(75)Schools in the capital Mexico City will start classes again on Monday, while two states in which new deaths have just appeared will continue the closing of schools for another week.

Are there ways to reduce(减少)the spread of the disease? “Cover your noses and mouths when you cough or sneeze.wash your hands often.Avoid(避免)getting in touch with infected people,”New York health officials said.



71.How many capital cities are mentioned(提到)in this passage? And what are they?


72.In which four countries are death cases found?


73.Why did a teacher and two students in Tokyo get infected?


74.What else should we do to reduce the spread of the disease besides avoiding getting in touch with infected people?







1.A cow has six _________(胃).

2.She made a _________ (请求)for another chance.

3.Bett y’s _________ (描写)about this animal is really nice.

4.Tom got on the bus _________ (立即)as soon as it arrived.

5.Can you _________(买得起)to buy the house?


6.This dish t_________ delicious,doesn’t it?

7.He r_________ to go to the party and I had to go there instead.

8.U_________I am mistaken.I’ve seen you somewhere bef ore.

9.——Have you w_________ yourself recently? 一Yes, 58 kg.

10.You’d better be s_________:we’re not joking.


11.Would you mind _________(not smoke)in public?

12.There were some people _________ (injury)in the fire.

13.Jack does his homework _________ (care),so he often gets poor grades.

14.Have you got used to _________ (ride)a bike to school?

15.With the _________(develop)of science, we can enjoy life better.




Please _________us _________some _________ _________ shopping online.


_________ _________ athletes will_________ _________ in the 11th National Games to be held in Jinan.


_________ seemed _________ he _________ never_________ so hard in his life.


We are ________ ________ that the meeting should be________ ________ till tomorrow.5.人们将永远记住那小女孩身处危险时的甜美微笑。

The little girl _________ always _________ _________ _________her sweet smile when she was in danger.



A:Can I help you?


A:Did you enjoy the book?

B:No,I couldn’t read it. 2 So I decided to give up.

A:Isn’t it interesting?

B:It isn’t the language.It’s the words.They are too small for rne.

A: 3 What can I do for you then?

B:Well.I’d be glad if you could find me another book.


B:Yes,but one with bigger words.

A:How about this one?

B:Oh,Harry Potter.This one is fine. 5 Thanks.


Years ago,if a teenager had some problems in his life,he might write them in his diary.Now a teenager w l the same problems might get on the Internet and write them in his blog.In many ways,a diary and a blog are almost the same.So,what makes a blog d 2 from a diary?

The biggest difference is that a blog is much more public t 3 a diary.Usually, a teenager

likes hiding his diary book and treats it as one full of s 4 .Both diaries and blogs tell what happened to the writer that day.

A blog has both good and bad points(特点).The biggest problem is that anyone can read what you write in your blog.If you are not satisfied with a friend during school and write something bad about him in your diary.he will never know it.H 5 , if you do this on the Internet.that friend may read your blog and get a 6 .So we have to be careful of what we write.

A blog has good points,of course.People choose to write in blogs. They know that their friends will read what they write.If you are f 7 sad one day and write in your diary.no one will know about it.If you write the same words in your blog, your friends may quickly w 8 back to comfort you or offer their help.Blogs help people stay in close contact(联系)and let them know what their friends are doing.

T 9 it’s a good way to write blogs about everyday life.I still p 10 my old diary.九、书面表达(20分)




Dear friends,

We are graduating from school now.Most of our textbook will be useless.What a great waste to throw them away!

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ That’s all, thank you.




1一5 CBABC 6—10 BCCAB 11—15 CABCA 16一20 BABCC

21.sports centres/centers 22.library 23.School 24.polluted 25.summer 26.C 考查冠词。news意为“新闻;消息”时为不可数名词,前面不能用不定冠词修饰;特指上文出现过的事物时,用定冠词the来修饰。故选C。

27.A 考查人称代词与名词性物主代词。第一空用it代替pen;第二空用yours代替your pen,故选A。

28.B 考查短语辨析。not a bit“根本不”;not a little“很、十分”;not at all“根本不”。根据“I felt too tired to move.”可知很累,故选B。

29.D 考查并列连词与情态动同。or表示“否则,要不然”,符合句意。下句指自己以后不会再玩刀了,用won’t,故选D。

30.C 考查非谓语动词和介词。表示“看见某人……”用see sb do/doing sth.。表示“穿……颜色的衣服”用“in+颜色” 故选C。

31.A 考查宾语从句。特殊疑问句作宾语从句时,其语序为:特殊疑问词+陈述句。根据前一句可知,此处是问为什么火车晚点,故选A。

32.C 考查现在完成时。对现在完成时作简短回答时,应用助动词has;由后一句的时间状语for a week可知,此处应使用延续性动词had,故选C。

33.D 考查定语从句。先行词places作从句动词visit的宾语,且其前有形容词最高级修饰,所以关系词应用that,故选D。

34.C 考查形容词作表语和倒装句。主语是人时,可用-ed形容词作表语。句意:”读完金晶的故事,我被深深地打动了。”“我也是,她真的很勇敢。”故选C。

35.B 考查动词短语辨析。put up“张贴、搭建”;conic up with “想出(主意)”;look up“查找”;come up“出现”。根据后面的a way to solve the difficult problem可知应选B。

36.D 考查交际用语。对表示请求的“Will you please...?”作肯定应答时,可用“I’ll be glad to.”。故选D。

37.C 考查让步状语从句。故选C。

38.B 考查使役动词。使役动词get,make都有“使、让”之意,出处应是“使她的话被学生理解”,故选B。

39.A 考查比较结构。在as...as比较结构中,如果形容词后跟单数名训,则结构为:as+形容词+a+单数名词+as..,故选A。

40.C 考查生活常识。选项C中的单词exit为“出口”之意,符合题意。故选C。

41.D 根据句意,应该为决定谁是优秀学生,故选D。

42.C 根据后一分句中的also可知,应该是考查并列连同not only…(but)also…(不但……而且……)。故选C。

43.B else修饰不定代词构成名闻所有格时为“不定代词+els e’s”,故选B。

44.A 诚实的学生是不抄袭别人的东西的,故选A。

45.D call for“去接(某人)、需要、要求”;take care“当心、小心”;call on“访问”;care for“关心”。根据前面love animals,可知这里应用care for,故选D。

46.B 根据前面的“April is Bird—Loving Month in China.”可推知这里是如何保护鸟,故选B。

47.B happiness为名词,作bring的宾语,故选B。

48.D 根据Only working together can m ake your team…,可推知选D。

49.A 动词make后接形容词比较级时,表示“使……更……”,根据句意,应选用stronger,故选A。

50.C 指发现已存在的事物时,用动词discover,故选C。

51.A lonely “寂寞的”;slowly “慢慢地”;fast “快地”。根据后面的especially at night,可知句子强调“独自一人”,只有alone “单独、独自一人”符合句子要求,故选A。

52.C make sure “确保、弄清楚”,后面接从句,应选C。

53.D 形容词修饰不定代词时须后置,dangerous意为”危险的”,符合句意,故选D。54.D prevent sb.(from)doing sth.“阻止某人做某事”,steal意为”偷”,符合句意,故选D。

55.B 本句与前一句”The Internet can be very useful for your studies.”是转折关系,故选B。56.C 根据第一幅统计图可以看出:年龄在31—55岁之间的人上网花的时间最多。故选C。57.B 根据“Differe nt days people go to the library”以及图表所示,可推知选B。

58.A 根据第二幅统计图中Saturday和Sunday所显示的人数点可知选A。

59.D 根据图3所显示的比例可知,喜欢看新闻和卡通的人数占了50%,故选D。

60.B 根据a survey about “How do people spend their flee time?”可知选项B符合题意。61.D 根据短文的第一句“There was a famous church in London.”,可推知故事发生在英国,故选D。

62.B 根据短文第二段中的“To have a better look at his paintin g, he stepped back again.”,可知应选B。

63.C 根据第二段中的“Suddenly,his assistant shouted,picked up a small bowl of paint and started to paint the artist’s work on the top.The artist was very angry and rushed forwards to stop him.”,可知选项C是正确的。

64.A 根据第二段中画线部分所叙述的情形,可知A图是正确的。

65.C 根据故事情节可推测,这位画家在听了他的助手的话后应该会感谢他的助手救了他的性命,故选C。

66.unfriendly/not friendly/not kind/not polite/rude... (答案不唯一,意思符合即可)67.No,he wasn’t

68.New York

69.Obama’s success bas(already)made Martin Luther King’s dream come true.70.People should not judge a man by the color of his skin,but by the content of his character.71.There are three/3.They are Beijing,Tokyo and Mexico City.

72.Canada,Costa Rica,'the US and Mexico.

73.Because they had/made a trip to Canada(答案不唯一,意思符合即可)

74.We should cover our noses and mouths when we cough or sneeze and(we should)wash our hands often.




1.stomachs 2.request/demand 3.description 4.immediately 5.afford 6.tastes 7.refused 8.Unless 9.weighed 10.serious l l.not smoking 12.injured 13.carelessly 14.riding 15.development


1.provide/supply;with:information about

2.Thousands of;take part

3.It:that had:worked

4.in agreement;put off

5.will;be remembered for




1.with 2.different/differ 3.than 4.secrets 5.However 6.angry/annoyed/awful 7.feeling 8.write 9.Though 10.prefer


One possible version:

Dear friends,

We are graduating from school now.Most of our textbooks will be useless.what a great

waste to throw them away!

In my opinion, we’d better leave our used textbooks to the students of lower grades,and we should show our love to those who need our help in order to make our school more harmonious.First,recycling the textbooks can save a lot of natural resources,such as wood and water.Also we can help the students from poor fami1ies.Second,by doing so,students can form good habits of reading and keep books clean and tidy.Third,students can learn to share with others because sharing is also a kind of happiness.What’s more,it’s very helpful for us to form positive attitude of life so that we can make our school life valuable and meaningful.In a word,helping others is helping ourselves.Let’s fill our hearts with love to build a more harmonious campus.

That’s all, thank you.



1.A.It’s said that it’s sunny today.

B.The weatherman says that it’s cloudy today.

C.It’s reported that it’s rainy today.

2.A.Tina is cleaning the room.

B.Mary is doing the laundry.

C.Jenny is making her bed.

3.A.Alice jumps highest in her school.

B.Lucy dances best in her group.

C.Linda runs fastest of the girls.

4.A.Ben dropped into the fiver and got hurt badly.

B.Jack fell off his bike and hurt himself.

C.Mike hurt his back when he fell.

5.A.Henry practices spoken English by studying with a group.

B.John is writing an English letter.

C.David learns English well by listening to the radio every day.


6.What size T-shirt would you like?

7.What about watching an English movie?

8.I’m sorry.I handed in my homework a little late.

9.Please come and join us in the game.

10.What does “No Photos” mean?

(三)听下面五组对话和对话后面的问题,选择正确答案。每组对话读两遍。(每小题1分)11.W:Dick,thank you for inviting me to your birthday party.But I’m afraid I can’t come.M:Oh.Linda.I’m sorry to hear that.

Q:Can Linda go to Dick’s party?

12.W:The trip to the town will last for six hours.

M:I see.Where shall we have lunch?

W:We’ll have lunch in a small village.

Q:Where are they now?

13.W:I’m going to Canada next month.

M:You’re going to visit someone,aren’t you?

W:No.I’m going to learn English there.

Q:What does the girl want to do in Canada?

14.M:Is it nine o’clock now?

W:No,it’s twenty past nine.

M:L et’s hurry up.The meeting will begin in ten minutes.

Q:When will the meeting begin?

15.M:Hi,Emma.How is your new school?

W:It’s great,but I have to take the bus every morning.

M:Well.at least you don’t have to take the train any more!

Q:How did Emma go to school before?

(四)听一段长对活,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(每小题l 5分)

M:Excuse me,madam.I’d like to be a volunteer.Could you help me?

W:Sure.What kind of work would you like to do?

M:I like workings with kids.

W:Good.Do you know how to play tennis? We need someone to coach the team.

M:No,I don’t really like tennis.Anything else?

W:Well,there’s a job cleaning up the streets.It’s every Saturday.

M:Oh.sorry.I have to teach music lessons on Saturday.

W:I see.Her e’s another job.Can you make Chinese dishes?

M:I...I never cook.

W:OK.Maybe this one is all right for you.We need someone to chat with the people at the old people’s home.You can do it any day you like.but at least twice a week.

M:Good idea.Thank you very much.

(五)听短文,根据短文内容完成下面表格。短文读两遍。(每小题1.5分)I’m Betty.When I was a teenager.I rived in London.It was a great place to live.There were interesting things happening all the time一there were theatres,cinemas,lots of sports centres and a great libra ry only five minutes’ walk away.There were some disadvantages,of course.I had to travel a long way to school every day and the pollution was quite bad.but that wasn’t a problem for me.I loved meeting my friends at the weekends at the local parks or going ice-skating.But I that all changed when we moved to a small town in the countryside.At first.I hated it.There were two cinemas but only one theatre,which I was closed in summer when we arrived.I didn’t have any friends there.so I felt very lonely.Once school started,things got better.I made new friends and I learnt to lore my new home.It was quieter and slower than London,but there was still much to do.It was also less polluted.We could enjoy fresh air.So now I like the small town better.


英语期中考试后反思 期中考试结束了,这个学期也过去了一半。为了能够查找教学中的不足, 更好的做好下一步的教学工作,现就期中考试试题特点、学生答题情况、教学 中存在的问题以及改进方案进行认真的分析研究,总结经验教训,为更好进行 今后的教学做好准备。 一、试卷分析 本次测试主要考查的内容为世界历史第一册,按照中考要求,分两个题型,分别是单项选择题20个,非选择题5个。知识分布与难易比例均遵照学业水平 测试要求,综合性稍强。知识点覆盖面广,重点突出,有针对性。 二、考情分析 我所任教的初三1-4班,考试成绩基本与平时教学反馈情况一致。班级之 间差距不大,大致均衡。从卷面上看,大部分学生对基础知识掌握较为扎实, 也能够规范的书写在卷面上,正答率较高。但是班级之间仍有差距,学生个体 成绩也不均衡。 三、反思教学中存在的问题 1、对一些最基本的知识点巩固力度仍然不够,有些同学还存在眼高手低 的现象,会说不会写。 2、对学生考试技巧训练仍不是很到位,不是很扎实,部分学生卷面书写 潦草,审题不仔细、粗心马虎,丢掉了很多不应丢的分。 3、本学期时间紧、任务重,为赶进度,平时的训练量相对较小,没有及 时进行反馈、督促。 4、分层教学做得不够,没有针对性的安排教学内容,因材施教落实不好。 5、部分学生学习态度不很积极,却没有对他们进行及时有效的指导。 四、今后教学中采取的措施 1、抓好落实,对于学过的知识,要采取多种方式进行巩固落实,既要记牢,又要写准,力争基础知识不失分。

2、重视对学生进行学习方法指导。尤其是自主学习的方法和快速准确记 忆地方法。 3、关注每个学生的学习状况,及时与学生交流沟通,针对学生个人情况,展开分层教学,有的放矢。 4、抓好考试规范指导,从平时做起,养成规范答题的良好习惯。包括正 确书写、规范书写、认真审题、全面答题等。 5、注意对学生联系及考试中出现的错题的收集、整理、分析,通过错题 及时查找教学中的不足并加以弥补。 6、继续加强个人教学技术的锤炼,努力由单纯的技术向艺术迈进,提高 学生学习兴趣。精备、精讲、精练,提升学生学业水平。 总之,期中考试让我们看到了成绩,有了继续前行的动力。期中考试也让 我们看到了不足,有了继续完善自我的方向。在今后的教学中,我会扬长改短,争取教学质量再上一个新台阶。


第1页 共16页 第2页 共16页 绝密★启用前 2017年初中毕业升学考试英语试卷 考试范围:xxx ;考试时间:66分钟;命题人:xxx 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 注意事项. 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 第I 卷(选择题) 一、单项选择(题型注释) 1、I want to be ______ engineer when I grow up. A. a B. an C. the 2、Mike lost his school ID card this morning. He is looking for ______ now. A. it B. him C. them 3、I can?t see Lucy because she is ______ the tree. A. in front of B. behind C. next to 4、Our English teacher wants us ______ English stories out of class. A. read B. reading C. to read 5、—Hi, Amy , you live on Center Street. Can you tell me ______? —Sure. There is one called Grandma?s Home. A. where it is B. how I can get there C. if there is a restaurant on it 6、This pair of glasses ______ be Tony ?s. He?s the only one who wears glasses. A. must B. might C. can?t 7、Many people still try to climb Qomolangma every year ______ it is very dangerous. A. when B. if C. though 8、Jim studies better than Tom, but Tom is ______ and he has more friends. A. friendly B. more friendly C. the most friendly 9、A kind of shared bike ______ is called bluegogo is getting more and more popular in Chengdu. A. it B. who C. which 10、—Did you hear someone knock at the door just now? —Sorry, I ______ to my friend on the phone. A. was talking B. talked C. am talking 二、完形填空(题型注释)


东城区某名校英语分班考试试卷 考试时间:60分钟满分100分 一、按要求写单词。(1×10分) 1. she _______ (宾格) 2. country _________ (复数) 3. close ________ (现在分词) 4. three __________ (序数词) 5. China ________ (形容词) 6. I _________ (名词性物主代词) 7. boy _______(复数)8. swim _______ (现在分词) 9. photo _______ (复数)10. mouse ________ (复数) 二、选择填空。(1×10分) ( ) 1. Look! Lucy is ______ a new red dress. She is beautiful today. A. with B. put on C. in D. wear ( ) 2. -- __________? -- My bike is broken. A. What is it B. What is wrong with you C. Where is it D. Whose is this ( ) 3. There are so many people in the shop. You must ________ your things. A. look at B. look after C. put away D. put on ( ) 4. I have two good pen friends. One is an American, ______ is in England. A. the other B. another one C. another D. other ( ) 5. -- _______ are his football clothes? -- Under the bed. A. Where B. Who C. Whose D. What ( ) 6. I can see ______ in Lucy's room. A. other thing B. any other thing C. some thing D. some other things ( ) 7. These are ______. You can buy a pair for your mother. A. woman sock B. women sock C. women socks D. woman socks ( ) 8. -- Thank you very much! -- ________. A. You're right B. All right C. You are welcome D. OK. ( ) 9. -- She must be in red.


初三班主任期中考试总结与反思 九年级上学期期中考试结束了,总结一下前前后后自己的所看所想。 考前两周,进行期中考试动员。本次考试预示着九年级过了四分之一的时间,是达到自己的目标,证明自己能行的时候,所以要开始以期中考试目标为一切行动的目标要求,同学们听了这句话有所触动。接下来就要有要求。中学生指望纯打动思想就能改变他们是不可能的,所以要要求细化。要求学生每天完成的作业量,课余时间的任务量,以及主动问题的习惯培养。纪律是一切行动的保障,在这一周里,班主任必须每天落实教室纪律,按时到校纪律,课堂纪律以及寝室就寝纪律。 考前一周,进行目标落实。这个过程很重要,培养意志力的关键,要让学生明白凡事不是说说而已,范文写作立下志愿,为自己的行动增添动力。当每个人喊出自己的目标的时候,就是自己开始行动的时候,有了自己给自己的压力为动力,学习氛围浓厚了。这时,鼓励,劝导,循循善诱,进一步讲解学习方法,做榜样引导。 考前一天:考场习惯和心态。习惯:细致审题,认真书写,规范答题。心态:题目,我易,他也易,耐心细致比高低;题目,我难,他也难,沉着冷静是关键。抓紧考试的课余时间静下心复习知识点。 第一天结束:总结第一天,鼓励在第二天考好。第一天考试结束后,进教室感觉气氛压抑,想了一会,重新走进教室,要求每位同学坐直,抬头,笑着闲聊了一会,提昂到他们说第一天觉得题太难时,边以鼓励为主,如若还不能改变气氛,便随口编了几句口号,鼓励每位学生:好的心态是决胜的关键。感觉到学生有一个好的精神面貌,个人简历便可以放心了。此时此刻,宁可少复习十分钟,也必须要一个好的精神状态。 反思:班主任必须日日落实纪律,了解学生每天的学习情况,掌握每位学生的表现,不怕耽搁每天十分钟的时间,但一定要勤过问,多关心,严要求。在讲规范答题的时候要细致:要求选择题的答案写在答题卡上。这一点因为失误没讲,所以出现了错误。最后,时刻不忘鼓励学生:好学生是夸出来的。


2019-2020年初中毕业考试英语试题 注:本试题备有答卷纸,请将答案直接写在答卷纸上,考试结束后只交答案卷。 第Ⅰ卷(三个大题,共80分) 一、听力部分(共20小题,计20分) (一)材料中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。 1. A. Some bread. B. Some oranges. C. A bottle of water. 2. A. She works at a restaurant. B. She works very hard. C. She works for eight hours a day. 3. A. Oh dear! What’s wrong? B. That’s all right. C. It doesn’t matter. 4. A. That’s a good idea. B. Wait a moment. C. OK. No problem. 5. A. Don’t go there. B. That sounds good. C. It doesn’t matter. (二)材料中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答每个问题的最佳答案。 6. What do you know about Shelley? A. He was a famous poet. B. He was a poet in the 19th century. C. He only wrote several poems in his life. 7. What does the man want to be now? A. A doctor. B. A lawyer. C. An astronaut. 8. How long has Mr. White taught there? A. For five years. B. For two years. C. For three years. 9. What kind of food does the man want to try? A. Japanese food. B. Chinese food. C. Both. 10. What language does the man speak? A. English. B. French. C. Both English and French. (三)材料中有两段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。 下面请听第一段对话,并回答第11-12小题。 11. What is the man? A. A policeman. B. A road cleaner. C. A repairman. 12. When will the woman give the man a phone call? A. At about five p.m. B. At about five a.m. C. At about four p.m.


小升初分班考试英语试题一 一、根据句意,将所缺单词补充完整,首字母已给出。 1. ——Be quiet please. The boy is s___________. ----Oh, sorry. We won't shout from now on. 2. ——What date is it today? ----It's the s_______ of August. We can enjoy Olympics in six days. 3.——Look! I have a new skirt today. ----How cute you look! Your skirt is more beautiful than m__________. 4.——What do you know about Yao Ming? ----He is one of the tallest basketball p_________ in the world. 5.——I can't learn English well. ----You don't read enough. You should do m_________ reading. 6.——Was he born in S___________? ----Yes. It's the ninth month of the year. And he likes autumn a lot. 7.——Sue's father is a policeman. How a ____________ her mother? ----She is a nurse. She works in that hospital. 8.——Tom is so glad today. He is talking with others h__________ all the time. ----He must have something great. Let's go and ask about it. 9.——What are you going to do this Sunday? ----I am going s________ with my friends. It must be fun to walk in shopping malls. 10.——I am very t_________. I can't walk any more. ----Let me help you. 二、选择填空。 ( ) 1. More than ________ VIPs will come to Beijing for the Olympic Games. A. eight hundreds B. eight hundred C. eight hundred of D. eight hundreds of ( ) 2. I can see Eddie _________ his computer _______ the window. A. at; on B. on; at C. at; through D. on; by ( ) 3. My bike is not here. Will you _________ yours _________me? A. borrow; to B. borrow; from C. lend; from D. lend; to ( ) 4. Do you know___________? A. who he is B. who is he C. what he like D. what does he like ( ) 5. There are about six bridges over Yangtze River in Jiangsu. One is for trains, __________ are all for cars and tricks. A. the other B. the others C. another five D. Others ( ) 6. ——I am very sorry but I can't help you now. ----_________. A. That's right B. You're welcome C. Thank you all the same D. How sorry I am. ( ) 7. _______ weather we are having these days! A. What a bad B. How nice a C. How nice D. What bad ( ) 8. Mr. Green is a new teacher at our school. His job is __________. A. teach our English B. teaching us English


初三英语期中考试作文复习 一, Unit 1 谈论学习 I hear you have some problems in learning English . Don’t worry . I think there are three good ways to learn English well . First , I think you should be interested in what you do(可以改成English ). If you are interested in something , your brain will be more active . If you like music , you can learn English by listening to English songs. Second , you should practice more and learn from mistakes . Practice makes perfect . Don’t be afraid of making mistakes . For example ,Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone by trying many times and learn from mistakes . Third , you should take notes in class. Notes can help you review what you have learned . You can take notes by writing down key words or by drawing mind maps. Learning is a lifelong journey . I believe you can improve your English if you work hard . Yours Tom 2, 你的英国笔友Frank想学汉语,请你给他写一封信,告诉他如何学习汉语。 要求:1. 语句通顺,书写工整。2.可用所提示的词语,也可以适当发挥 3. 词数:60-80(提示词语:go to Chinese classes, make friends, listen to the radio, dictionary, useful, read Chinese stories, talk with, difficult, ask a Chinese teacher for help…)Dear Frank, How’s it going? I miss you. I know you want to learn Chinese now. I have some good ideas. First, you can go to Chinese classes and make Chinese friends. Second , you must listen to the radio in the morning, and read Chinese stories. It's good for your listening and speaking. If you see some words , you can guess the words’ meaning by reading the sentences before and after it , or you can look them up in the dictionary. It's useful for you. Third, you can ask a Chinese teacher for help. Finally , you should practice Chinese more . Don’t be afraid of making mistakes . I hope you can learn Chinese well. Yours 二,Unit 2谈论节日(写作思路:1,节日地位。2,节日习俗。3,节日活动)(一),介绍你Spring Festival. There are many traditional festivals in China. My favorite festival is the Spring Festival . It comes in January or February . The Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals in China. Before the Spring Festival people often prepare something new and delicious food . On the eve of the Spring Festival , people often get together to have a big dinner . Chicken , fish and dumplings are special food . During the Spring Festival, family often go to visit their relatives and friends . Children can get much lucky money . I like the Spring Festival because I can spend a


初三英语期中考试试卷分析及总结 鹅公中学叶月平期中测试阅卷结束后我对英语试卷做了统计分析和调查结果表明英语成绩不够理想。在本次期中测试中我教初三1和4班英语共有2个班三1班共57人参加考试及格38人优秀7人最高分113最低分38三4共63人参加考试及格3人优秀0最高分86最低分17。一、试卷特点试卷紧扣教学大纲的要求着重考察了学生的基础知识以及在掌握知识的同时对基础知识的运用。试卷总体感觉不难但是从学生角度反应出试题具有较大的迷惑性要求学生能够排除干扰因素并且注意知识细节。二、本试卷在命题上的特点听力部分三大题考查了学生的理解日常英语的能力相当部分题目难以直接从录音对话中找到答案学生必须通过思考从词语释义、句意理解或段意理解等不同方式悟出正确的选择内容难度不大而且语速不快但部分学生本来基础知识欠熟练而且没有掌握好答题技巧也就是说没能按老师平时的要求在听录音前做到反复看透听力的题目所以答题反应慢而失分说明学生的听力理解能力还待提高。如单项选择题。试卷要求所有的考点都不是孤立地考语法知识而是将他们放在特定的语境中学生必须看懂题干的全部内容以后经过思考方能选出正确答案。一些中下层生失分多集中在语法方面。完型填空。大部分学生比平常测试的成绩要好一些上层生得分较高其中原因一是短文所描述的内容较容 易理解学生对这方面了解较多。阅读理解。第一、二篇短文内容较为简单所选的答题大体都能一目了然但7选5这题错的较多学生不能把握短文意思而且学生很多审题不清。书面表达。明显检查学生运用语言能力这是学生成绩差距最大的一题15分的题目差的只能得23分普通的一般是56分左右好的约910分关键是学生很多以汉语的思路来写作以至不能正确表达意思从中反映了学生句子结构还不熟练语言表达能力弱语法错误多的缺点。三、学情分析总的来说这次考试成绩不理想优秀率偏低尖子生还没有发挥水平低分较多两极分化的距离还没有缩少。通过整体的分析反映了学生在复习中基本上能领会课堂的要点要求一些知识点在堂上反复出现的掌握得较牢固但是运用这些知识去解决实际问题的能力较差这与课后的练习有关说明了部分学生对课后的练习作业不够重视、缺乏主动性而且解题的依赖性强缺乏独立的思考能力另外对于一些相关的语法知识和句子的构成学生的遗忘率也很高。四、今后的教学措施针对目前学生状况要提高成绩首先要端正学生思想态度在保证课堂质量的同时一定要确保课后的“自我消化”环节尤其是中上层学生只有通过练才能达到知识的巩固、才能学会灵活运用、才能发现问题查漏补缺、才能培养独立的解题能力。结合实际我们的具体计划第一、加强听力方面的练习在有可能的情况下多给学生开展听力训练。认真用好《初三英语听说训 练》平时组织学生定期训练真正提高学生的听力水平。第二、强化单词的记忆并结合目前的情况对优生及中上等的注意培养他们对一些多义词、兼类词的实际运用能力提高他们基础题的解题水平。第三、抓好语法的分类复习在此过程中就当前所暴露出来的弱点开展进行通过分析试题教会学生学会归纳知识并如何把识记的内容用于实践中第四、完形填空及阅读理解部分平时应加强训练同学们的答题速度及答题质量。有针对性地组织学生组织阅读训练期中考试后组织学生用好《初三英语读写训练》确保每周训练12次。第五、争取改变学生凭感觉做动词填空的方式。通过时态语态固定用法等培养学生动词填空的能力。第六、指导学生做好短文填词这一中考题型首字母填空是一项综合能力考查题要求学生能读懂短文然后选用恰当的词进行填空我们需要对学生进行方法指导并多做这类题目才能真正提高学生的能力。第七、书面表达是一个薄弱环节主要是学生组句的能力差语法漏洞多不会审题的原因所以在以后要重视对作文的评讲及优秀范文的分析。 扩展阅读:初三英语期中考试试卷分析及总结报告书 初三英语期中考试试卷分析及总结报告书 期中测试阅卷结束后,我们对英语试卷做了统计分析和调查,结果表明,我校英语成绩不够



2013年广州市初中毕业生学业考试 英语 一、听力(共两节,满分35分) 第一节听力理解(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分) 每段播放两遍,各段后有几个小题,各段播放前每小题有5秒钟的阅题时间,请根据各段播放内容及其相关小题,在5秒钟内从题中所给的A、B、C项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 听下面一段对话,回答第1-2两个小题。 1.How much are the red apples a kilo? A.10 yuan B.15 yuan C.20 yuan 2.What does the man finally buy? A.Apples and grapes B.Grapes and bananas C.Apples and bananas 听下面一段对话,回答第3-5三个小题。 3.What is the relationship between the speakers? A.Teacher and parent B.Teacher and student C.Student and headmaster 4.What is Billy’s problem? A.He often comes to school late. B.He’s always tired in class. C.He sometimes fights with his classmates. 5.How does the woman plan to solve Billy’s problem? A.Buy him a new iPad. B.Move him to a new school. C.Let him use his iPad only on weekends. 听下面一段独白,回答第6-8三个小题。 6.What is the main purpose of the talk? A.To thank customers for coming to the store. B.To tell customers the store is closing. C.To advertise a sale at the store. 7.What clothes are on sale? A.Jeans and T-shirts. B.T-shirts and socks. C.Skirts and coats. 8.What can you do on the 6th floor? A.Choose a computer. B.See a new TV. C.Have a meal. 听下面一段对话,回答第9-12四个小题。 9.When did the boy start trying to lose weight? A.About two months age. B.At the beginning of the year. C.At the end of the summer holidays. 10.What sport did the boy do every afternoon? A.Football B.Swimming C.Tennis 11.What was the worst part of the boy’s diet? A.Watching his friends eat hamburgers. B.Only eating fish, fruit and vegetables.


北京四中新初一分班考试 英语试题(时间为50分钟,试卷满分为100分) 第考场____号原学校性别____姓名___ 一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,共20分) 1. It’s time ______________ (have) classes. 2. I want __________ (put) the vegetables in the basket. 3. Let’s _________(help) him _______(find) his watch. 4. ________ (be) everyone here today? 5. The woman with a dog __________ (be) in a red sweater. 6. The _________ (policeman) are running after a thief. 7. The door is _________ (lock). Nobody can get in. 8. There are some __________ (pear) trees on the farm. 9. Yao Ming is a good basketball __________(play). 10. This is ______________ (Tom and Jerry) room. 11. He is a friend of __________ (Liu Ming). 12. Kate’s aunt has three ________ (child). 13. Let _______ (we) have a rest. Is that OK? 14. Is the new bike his or ________(you)? 15. There are three ____________(woman) coaches in the field. 16. He stands there for one and a half ________(hour). 17. ________ (who) son is the little boy? 18. I have two __________ (watch). 19. The _________ (twin) father is Mr. Gao. 20. Mr. Gao likes _________ (they) very much. 二、语言知识(每小题1分,共15分) 21. – Would you like to go hiking with us? – Yes, ________. A. I would like B. I’d love to C. I’d like D. I like 22. – Mary watched TV last night. – _______. A. So he did B. So did he C. Did he so D. He did so 23. – Do you want another pie? – ______. I’m full. A. No, please B. No, thanks C. Yes, please D. I like it 24. – Would you like ____ sugar _____ your coffee? – Yes, please. A. to have, in B. have, on C. to have, with D. having, with 25. – How long did it take you to ride here? – It took ____ an hour and a half. A. me B. mine C. my D. I


初二英语期中考试反思总结 导读: 反思一初二英语期中考试反思 这次期中考试,学生英语成绩很不理想,两极分化十分明显,部分语法知识的掌握不够牢固,尤其是个别题反复做过几次也没能把握好,阅读理解能力和书面表达能力比较弱。具体有以下几点: 1.部分学生的基础知识不够扎实,学生遗忘知识快,过去滚瓜烂熟的东西一段时间不用就忘了。 2.学生的应变能力有待提高,不能正确写出单词的正确形式。 3.理解能力不强,阅读理解失分较多,不能理解通篇大意。 4.不能熟练运用学过的句型。 造成这种结果的原因是多方面的,但最重要的有下面几方面: 1.对学生要求不够严格;部分学生偷懒。 2.没能充分调动学生的积极性;提高课堂教学效率。 3. 典型题讲解不够,训练不到位。 4.平时检查督促力度不够。 在今后的教学中, 1、继续抓好双基知识的训练,打牢基本功。 2、引导学生梳理知识,掌握语法规则,逐步引导学生灵活运用英语知识的能力。

3、培养学生上课时的听课习惯,要求学生全神贯注,要和老师同步思考出现的问题。 4、讲课时,尽量使用简明、准确、形象、生动的语言,坚持用英语教学,让学生用英语来想英语。 5、在平时要通过阅读,培养学生阅读多种文体的能力,如何从文章中获取信息的能力和运用英语解决实际问题的`能力。在训练中要注意方法的多样化和灵活性,同时,启发他们学会运用多种不同的方法来表达同样的思想,逐步培养良好的英语语感。 6、设计全面、高校的课外作业,并进一步培养学生良好的书写习惯,做到整洁、规范,正确地书写;每周写一篇作文。 7、在教学过程中,还需加大学习力度,积极研究探索教学方法并及时改变,就一定能提高整体英语水平。 反思二初二英语期中考试反思精 本次英语考试以中考题型命题,加强对基础知识的考查,侧重考查学生综合运用语言的能力。命题材料贴近学生生活,难度适中。其中听力笔录要点和书面表达失分较多。我所教两个班级19班比20班在人平,及格率和优秀率方面稍高。 从本次考试所反映的现状来看,今后的教学中应注意: 1.加强单词听写和课文背诵的落实工作,多关注课文文本知识。 2.狠抓基础知识,加强写作训练。书面表达能客观地反映学生英语基础知识掌握情况,并且一直是学生的薄弱环节。


初中英语期中考试总结 本次考试的题型分为选择题和非选择题,其中选择题60分,非选择题40分,共100分。从学生答题的总体情况看,选择题部分做得好一些。由于我所带的八(1)、八(2)两个班为平行班,又加上学生平时没有完整的练习资料,所以此次考试对他们有一些难度,两个班均无人及格.我从学生的试卷里审阅了一下,认为主要存在下面的问题: (一) 词汇与句子失分多。做的最好的准确率也只在50%左右。虽然我平时比较重视词汇的训练和做题方法,但平行班的学生基础较差,有的连题都看不懂,更不用说写了,这对他们来说有很大的难度。所以以后要要求学生熟记单词、多练习,注重理解能力的培养。 (二)语言知识运用存在问题。常用短语记得不牢固,选择题几乎是平时都练习过的、而且很贴近书本知识,但出错还是很严重,这些基础知识还需巩固。 (三)完形填空、阅读理解仍需多加练习,平时这样的题我都讲解的比较详细、也很注重做题的方法,但学生常常说看不懂短文,遇到生单词就想放弃了,在这方面要多做学生的思想工作,比如通读全文,猜词等方法,让他们克服心理障碍,不要求词词,句句都看懂等等。 (四)综合知识不够全面。有五个小题是根据所掌握的文化或背景知识选择正确答案,大多数学生都只做对了2到3道题。

(五)看图写句子、补全对话在平时都练习过,这两类题做的比较好。 (六)书面表达:要求写一封委婉的拒绝信.因课文上学习了相关内容,学生比较熟悉,但用词还不够准确生动,句与句之间的过渡还不够好,以后要多加练习。 通过以上情况分析可以看出,学生对基础知识掌握仍不扎实,如单词的拼写,句子的结构等等,卷面上仍有很多不该出现的错误。语音、选择填空和阅读的答题情况则反映出学生的实际运用语言的能力特别差,没有灵活性,训练太少,没有掌握答题的技巧。 根据期中考试所反映和存在的问题,我在下阶段的教学工作中将采取以下的改进措施: 1、利用好早读课,增强学生听、说读能力。 2、在提高课堂教学效率的基础上,尽可能多地为学生提供练习的机会,特别是加强听力训练和阅读理解的训练。对学习不好的学生尽可能的多创造一些机会。并且坚持每周为学生补充一些相关的习题。 3、针对学生基础知识掌握不扎实的情况,加强单词默写,并每周将前面的单词拿出来复习复习。进行默写。坚持每天一小练,练习做一些基本的语法题。 4、对后进学生采取老师面批、当面辅导的方式,同时在班里寻找成绩优秀并且认真负责的学生和他们结成“一帮一”的对子,每天帮助他们解决学习中出现的问题,督促他们学习。


分班考试英语试题 分班考试英语试题 一、选出下列单词中划线部分读音不同的选项,将其序 号填入题前括号内(5分)(-4分) ( A )1. A. forget B. her C. work D. nurse ( C )2. A. these B. father C. think D. mouths ( A )3. A. any B. catch C. black D. stamp ( C )4. A. book B. good C. food D. classroom ( D )5. A. pens B. teachers C. apples D. cats 二、 根据所给中文、英文释义及首字母提示完成句子(1×5分) 6. How many _____monkeys_______ (猴子) does the zoo have ? 7. He listens to the teacher as ____carefully_______(仔细) as his cousin. 8. The old man lived in a __noisy________(not quiet) street, so he couldn’t sleep well every day.9. W____ednesday_______ (the fourth day in a week) is my busiest day. 10. My ideal school starts at 9:00 a.m. and f_inishes________ at 3:00 p.m.. 三. 根据句意写 出所给单词的`正确形式。(1×5分) 11、Look! One of the children _is swimming________(swim)in the lake.


初二上学期英语期中考试 I. 单项选择(30分) ( ) 1. He _______ TV every day. A. watch B. watches C. watching D. watched ( ) 2. They are in _______ class. A. different B. same C. the same D. difference ( ) 3. --- Can you _____ us a story in English? ---- Sorry. I can’t ____ English. A. tell; speak B. speak; talk C. tell; say D. say; tell ( ) 4. Mary likes______ football match very much. A. to look at B. to see C. looking at D. watching ( ) 5. We have ______ homework to do today. A. many B. lot of C. much D. few ( ) 6. I’m not feeling ______ . I have a headache. A. good B. well C. best D. ill ( ) 7. What’s ____ matter with you ? A. a B./ C. the D. an ( ) 8. Everyone ____ a good time now. A. has B. have C. are having D. is having ( ) 9. ____ in bed is _____ for your eyes. A. Reading; good B. Reading; bad C. Reading; badly D. read; bad ( ) 10. Miss Yang usually______ on Sundays. A. goes shopping B. go to shopping C. go shopping D. to go shopping ( ) 11. Look! Kate with her brothers _____ in the park.. A. skateboarding B. is skateboarding C. are skateboarding D. skateboards ( ) 12. The students are cleaning their classroom. ____ are cleaning the windows, ____ are cleaning the desks and chairs. A. Some; others B. Some; another C. Others; some D. Others; others ( ) 13. --- Do you know the man ___ a big nose. --- Yes. He is my uncle. He ___ big eyes, too. A. has; with B. with; has C. have; with D. with ; have

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