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A Life with Birds

For nearly17years David Cope has worked as one of the Tower of London's yeoman warders(伦敦塔看守),_better(更…)known to tourists as beefeaters.David,64,lives in a three-bedroomed flat right at the top(顶部)of the Byward Tower, one of the gatehouses."From(从)our bedroom we have a marvelous(a.奇妙的,不可思议的)view of Tower Bridge and the Thames,"says David.

The Tower of London is famous for(以..而著名)its ravens(n.乌鸦,黑色的鸟),the large black birds which have lived there for over three centuries.David was immediately fascinated(着迷,吸引)by the birds and when he was_offered(提供)__the post of Raven Master eight years ago he had no_hesitation(犹豫)_in accepting it."The birds have now become my life and I'm always_aware(意识到)of the fact that I am_maintaining (保持)_a tradition.The legend(传奇,传说)says that if the ravens leave the Tower,England will fall to enemies,and it's my job to_make(确保)sure this doesn't happen!"

David devotes(献身于)about four hours a day to the care of the ravens.He has grown to love them and the_fact(事实) that he lives right next to them is ideal."I can keep(关注) a close eye on them all the time,and not just when I'm working."

At first(起初),David's wife Mo was not_keen(对..感兴趣)on the idea of life in the Tower,but she too will be sad to leave when he retires next year."When we look out of our windows, we see history all(所有)around us,and we are taking it in and storing it up for our future memories."


作为伦敦塔的守卫者之一的David Cope在那里工作了近17年,被游客们称为Beefeaters。David,64岁,生活在Byward塔顶部的一个三居室的单元里,一个警卫室。David说:“从我们的卧室看去,我们可以看到伦敦塔桥和泰晤士河的一个美好景色。


David每天大约用四个小时的时间来护理乌鸦。他已经爱上了它们,而他紧挨在它们的旁边生活是最佳选择。“我可以在所有的时间内密切关注它们,不仅仅是在工作的时候。”起初,David的妻子Mo 对生活在塔里的想法并不热衷,但David明年即将退休,她要离开时也会很伤心。“当我们透过我们的窗口向外看,我们看到历史环绕在我们身边,我们正接受它并为我们未来的记忆存储它。”

A Lucky Break

Actor Antonio Banderas is used to breaking bones,and it always seems to happen when he's doing(做)sport.In the film Play It to the Bone he plays(扮演一个…)the part of a middleweight(n.中量级拳击手)boxer alongside Woody Harrelson. During(过程中)the making of the film Harrelson kept(连续) complaining that the fight scenes(场面)weren't very convincing(a.有说服力的,令人信服的),so one day he suggested that he and Banderas should have a fight for real.The Spanish actor wasn't keen(对…热衷)on the idea at first,but he was eventually(最终)persuaded by his co-star to put on his gloves and climb into the boxing ring(拳赛场地).However,when he realized how seriously(认真地)his opponent(对手)was taking it all,he began to regret his decision to fight.And then in the third round,Harrelson hit Banderas so(太…以至于..)hard in the face that he actually broke his nose.His wife,actress Melanie Griffith,was furious(a.暴怒的,强烈的)that he had been playing"silly macho(a.雄壮的,男子气概的)games"."She was right,"confesses(v.承认,坦白)Banderas,"and I was a fool to take(冒险)a risk like that in the middle of a movie."

He was reminded(提醒)of the time he broke his leg during a football match in his native Malaga.He had always dreamed(梦想)of becoming a soccer star,of performing in front of a big

crowd,but doctors told him his playing days were probably over. "That's when I decided to take up(开始)acting;I saw it as another(另外)way of performing,and achieving recognition. What happened to me on that football pitch(场)was,you might say,my first lucky break."


演员Antonio Banderas经常骨折,而且它似乎总是发生在运动时。在影片《拳拳到骨》中,他与Woody Harrelson肩,扮演一个中量级拳击手。在影片制作过程中,Harrelson不停地抱怨整个打斗场面并不是很令人信服,所以一天,他提议他和Banderas应该进行一场真正的打斗。这位西班牙演员起初到这一想法并不热衷,但最终还是被他的搭档说服了,他戴上他的手套,爬上了拳击台。然而,当他意识到他的对手是全心全意投入进来时,他开始后悔自己要打斗的决定。在第三轮,Harrelson狠狠地打在Banderas的脸上,以至于居然打破了Banderas的鼻子。女演员Melanie Griffith他的妻子对他进行这样一场“傻男子气概的游戏”非常愤怒。“她是对的”Banderas 承认道,“我在电影拍摄过程中进行这样一个冒险真是一个傻瓜。”


Taking Pictures of the World

Meet Annie Griffiths Belt,a National Geographic photographer.Belt has worked for National Geographic since 1978,and has taken pictures on almost every continent in the world.In fact,Antarctica is the only continent Belt hasn't seen yet.

Belt's photographs are well known for their beauty and high quality.They also reflect very different cultures and regions of the world.Belt has photographed the ancient city of Petra, Jordan,as well as the green landscapes of the Lake District in England.Recently,her pictures appeared in a book about undeveloped natural places in North America.

Everywhere that Belt goes,she takes pictures of people. Belt has found ways to connect with people of all ages and nationalities even when she does not speak their language.“The greatest privilege of my job is being allowed into peopled lives,”she has said.“The camera is like a passport, and I am often overwhelmed by1how quickly people welcome me!”

Knowing how to break the ice has helped to make Belt a successful photographer,but experts say that anyone can learn to connect with new people.When people speak the same language, greetings and small talk can make strangers feel more

comfortable with each other.When people don't speak the same language,a smile is very helpful.Having something in common can also help break the ice.For example,Belt has traveled with her two children,so when she takes pictures of children or their parents,they all have that family connection in common. Even bad weather can help people to connect when they are experiencing it together.

Belt has some advice if you are thinking about a career in photography.You can volunteer to take pictures for a local organization that can't afford to hire a professional photographer.You can also take a good,honest look at your best photographs.If you're a real photographer,your photos are good because of your personal and technical skills.Belt also recommends studying and learning from photos taken by professional photographers.

Remember,the next time you look at a beautiful photograph, you might be looking at the work of Annie Griffiths Belt.And the next time you meet a new person,don't be afraid to break the ice.The connection you make could be very rewarding.


landscape n.风景,风景画

rewarding adj.值得的,有益的,有报酬的

privilege n.特权,优惠

nationality n国籍,民族

think about考虑

overwhelm vt.征服;使受不了,使不知所措


1.I am often overwhelmed by...我常常被……搞得不知所措。

2.Having something in common can also help break the ice.彼此的共同点也有助于打开话题。








Starting a New Tradition

Shantelle Davis is a nine-year-old girl in New York.On a cold night in December,her family is standing around the kitchen table while she lights a candle.The table is decorated with baskets of fruits and vegetables and ears of com for Shantelle and her two brothers.

“This candle represents umoja,an African word that means being together,”Shantelle says.“That's the most important thing for a family.”

Tonight is the first night of Kwanzaa,and Shantelle is

spending the holiday with her family.More than5million African Americans celebrate Kwanzaa every year from December 26until January I.It's a time when they get together with their families to think about their history and their ancestors in Africa.

Kwanzaa is very unusual because it was started by one man. In1966,an American named Maulana Karenga wanted a holiday for African-Americans to honor their culture and traditions.So he used words and customs from Africa to create a new celebration. He took the name Kwanzaa from the words for“first fruits”in Swahili,an African language.At first,a few American families had small celebrations at home.Now there are also Kwanzaa events in schools and public places,and Kwanzaa has spread to other countries like Canada and Jamaica.

The main symbol of Kwanzaa is a candleholder with seven candles,one for each of the principles of Kwanzaa.Each night, a family member lights one of the candles and talks about the idea it represents:being together,being yourself,helping each other,sharing,having a goal,creating,and believing. The candles are red,black,and green,the colors of Kwanzaa. The parents also pour drinks to honor family members who have died.On the last night of Kwanzaa,there is a big dinner with

African food,and children receive small presents.

Today people can buy Kwanzaa greeting cards and special Kwanzaa clothes.Stores sell Kwanzaa candles and candleholders. Some people don't believe that Kwanzaa is a real holiday,because it's so new.But other people say that customs and celebrations are always changing and that Kwanzaa shows what is important in people's lives.

Shantelle Davis says she likes Kwanzaa because it's fun.“But I also learn new things every year,"she says.


ancestor n.祖宗,祖先

be decorated with由……所装饰

honor vt.尊敬,使荣幸;n.荣誉,尊敬

ears of com玉米穗

candleholder n.烛台


1.It's a time when they get together with their families to think about their history and their ancestors in Africa.这段时间里他们和家人待在一起缅怀他们的历史和非洲的祖先。

2....shows what is important in people's lives.……展现了人们生活中重要的东西。








US Signs Global Tobacco Treaty

1The United States has taken the first step toward approving a global tobacco treaty that promises to help control the deadly effects of tobacco use throughout the world1?Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson signed the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control(FCTC)this week at the United Nations.The Senate must still approve the treaty before the US can implement its provisions.

2The FCTC was developed by the World Health Organization and approved by members of the World Health Assembly,including the United States,last year.Countries that ratify it would be required to enact strict tobacco control policies.

3For instance,cigarettes sold in those countries would have to have health warnings on at least30%of the front and back of every pack3.The treaty calls for higher tobacco taxes, restrictions on smoking in public places,and more promotion of tobacco prevention and cessation programs.It also requires bans on tobacco advertising,though there are some exceptions for countries like the United States,where the Constitution prohibits such an outright ban.

4The impact of the treaty could be huge.The World Health Organization estimates that tobacco use kills nearly5million people worldwide every year.In the US alone,about440,000 people die each year from tobacco-related illnesses;about one-third of all cancers in the US are caused by tobacco use. If current trends continue,WHO estimates,by2025tobacco will kill10million people each year.

5The treaty must be ratified by at least40countries before it can take effect.So far,109countries have signed it,and12have ratified it.


ratify vt批准;认可

enact vt.使(法案等)成为法律;通过(法案等);颁布(法令等) cessation n.停止,休止

advertising n.做广告,登广告

prohibit v.禁止;不准

outright adj.完全的,彻底的


1.The United States has taken the first step toward approving a global tobacco treaty that promises to help control the deadly effects of tobacco use throughout the world.美国朝着批准一项全球性烟草协议迈出了第一步。该协议有望在世界范围


2.Countries that ratify it would be required to enact strict tobacco control policies.批准该协议的国家将被要求制定严格的烟草控制政策。

3.For instance,cigarettes sold in those countries would have to have health warnings on at least30%of the front and back of every pack.例如,在那些国家出售的香烟将必须在每包烟正反面至少30%的地方注明吸烟有害健康的警告。
















Ceremonial bathing has existed for thousands of years and has many forms,one of which is the sauna.The Finns have perfected the steam bath,or sauna,which may be taken,usually in an enclosed room,by pouring water over hot rocks or as dry heat bath.The Japanese,Greeks,Turks and Russians as well as Native Americans have forms of the sweat bath in their bathing rituals.Dry heat and steam baths had advocates in ancient Rome and pre-Columbian Americans used sweat lodges.

The earliest saunas were probably underground caves heated by a fire that naturally filled with smoke as chimney making was unknown at that time.a fire kept in a fire-pit would heat the rock walls of the cave.After reaching full heat,the smoke was let out of the cave and the stones would retain heat for several hours.A few people today say that the smoke sauna,“svusauna”,is the only true sauna experience and that all saunas should have at least a background odor or smoke.Today most saunas use electric stoves,although gas and wood-burning stoves are available.

Saunas are relaxing and stress relieving.Those with muscle aches or arthritis may find that the heat relaxes muscles and relieves pain and inflammation.Asthma patients find that the heat enlarges air passageways of the lung and facilitates breathing.Saunas do not cure the common cold but they may help to alleviate congestion and speed recovery time.The body’s core temperature usually rises a1-2degrees while in the sauna, thus imitating a slight fever.The regular use of a sauna may decrease the likelihood of getting a cold in the first place.

Sauna is goof for your skin as the blood flow to the skin increases and sweating occurs.Adults sweat about2lbs of water per hour on average in a sauna.A good sweat removes dirt and

grime from pores and gives the skin a healthy glow.The loss in water weight is temporary as the body’s physiological mechanisms will quickly restore proper volumes.The cardiovascular system gets work out as the heart must pump harder and faster to move blood to the surface for heat exchange. Heart rate may increase from72beats per minute on average to 100-150beats per minute.

A normal heart can handle these stresses but those with heart trouble wishing to begin to use a sauna should seek a doctor’s advice.The elderly and those with diabetes should check with their doctor prior to beginning to take saunas. Pregnant women should not take saunas,particularly in the first three months.Indeed,everyone just starting out should take short sessions at first to become accustomed to this type of bath.

My Fast Job

I was six when I joined my father and two elder brothers at sunrise in the hayfields of Eufaula,Oklahoma.By the time I was eight I was helping Dad fix up low-income rental properties.He gave me a penny for every nail I pulled out of old boards.

I got my first real job,at JM's Restaurant in town,when

I was12.My main responsibilities were clearing tables and washing dishes,but sometimes I helped cook.

Every day after school I would head to JM's and work until ten.Saturdays I worked from two until eleven.At that age it was unlucky going to work and watching my friends run off to swim or play.I didn't necessarily like work,but I loved what working allowed me to have.Because of my job I was always the one buying when my friends and I went to the local bar Tastee Freez.This made me proud.

Word that I was honest and hardworking got around town.A local clothing store extended credit to me although I was only in the seventh grade.I immediately charged a$68sports coat and a$22pair of trousers.I was making only65cents an hour, and I was already$90in debt!So I learned early the danger of easy credit.I paid it off as soon as I could.

My first job taught me discipline,responsibility and brought me a level of personal satisfaction few of my friends had experienced.As my father,who worked three jobs,once told me,"If you understand sacrifice and commitment,there are not many things in life you can't have."How right he was!

31When the author was a child,he was made to help his father work because___________

A the restaurant was short of hands.

B his family belonged to the low-income group.

C he wanted to earn some money.

D he was stronger than his two brothers.

32At the age of12,the author got a job at a restaurant and often worked till late at night because___________

A he liked that work.

B he didn't like playing.

C he was hard-working.

D he felt rewarded by doing that work.

33The word"Word"in the sentence"Word that I was honest and-hard-working got around town in the fourth paragraph means___________

A statement.

B advice.

C news.

D promise.

34When the author was in the seventh grade,he was in debt because___________

A he did not work any more.

B he bought clothes on credit.

C he was charged too much for the sports coat.


职称英语阅读理解 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-MG129]

【经典资料,WORD文档,可编辑修改】 【经典考试资料,答案附后,看后必过,WORD文档,可修改】 第二十七篇Driven to Distraction Joe Coyne slides into the driver’s seat, starts up the car and heads1 to town. The empty stretch of interstate gives way to urban congestion2, and Coyne hits the brakes as a pedestrian suddenly crosses the street in front of him. But even if he hadn’t stopped in time, the woman would have been safe. She isn’t real. Neither is the town. And Coyne isn’t really driving. Coyne is demonstrating a computerized driving simulator that is helping researchers at Old Dominion University3 (ODU) examine how in-vehicle guidance systems affect the person behind the wheel.4 The researchers want to know if such systems, which give audible or written directions, are too distracting — or whether any distractions are offset5 by the benefits drivers get from having help finding their way in unfamiliar locations.6 “We are looking at the performance and mental workload of drivers,” said Caryl Baldwin, the assistant psychology professor lending the research, which involves measuring drivers reaction time and brain activity as they respond to auditory and visual cues7. The researchers just completed a study of the mental workload8 involved in driving through different kinds of environments and heavy

2014年职称英语 阅读理解(41) +Too Little for Global Warming

第四十一篇 Too Little for Global Warming Oil and gas will run out1 too fast for doomsday global warming scenarios2 to materialize, according to a controversial new analysis presented this week at the University of Uppsala in Sweden. The authors warn that all the fuel will be burnt before there is enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to realize predictions of melting ice caps and searing temperatures. Defending their predictions, scientists from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change3 say they considered a range of estimates of oil and gas reserves, and point out that coal-burning could easily make up4 the shortfall. But all agree that burning coal would be even worse for the planet. The IPCC’s predictions of global meltdown pushed forward5 the 1997 Kyoto Protocol6, an agreement obliging signatory nations to cut CO2 emissions. The IPCC considered a range of future scenarios, from unlimited burning of fossil-fuels to a fast transition towards greener energy sources. But geologists Anders Sivertsson, Kjell Aleklett and Colin Campbell of Uppsala University say there is not enough oil and gas left even the most conservative of the 40 IPCC scenarios to come to pass7. Although estimates of oil and gas reserves vary widely, the researchers are part of a growing group of experts who believe that oil supplies will peak as soon as 2010, and gas soon after. Their analysis suggests that oil and gas reserves combined amount to the equivalent of about 3,500 billion barrels of oil considerably less than the 5,000 billion barrels estimated in the most optimistic model envisaged by the IPCC. Even the average forecast of about 8,000 billion barrels is more than twice the Swedish estimate of the world’s remaining reserves. Nebojsa akicenovic, an energy economist at the University of Vienna, Austria who headed the 80-strong IPCC team that produced the forecasts, says the panel’s work still stands8. He says they factored in9 a much broader and internationally accepted range of oil and gas estimates than the “conservative”Swedes. Even if oil and gas run out. “there’s a huge amount of coal underground that could be exploited.” He says that burning coal could make the IPCC scenarios come true, but points out that such a switch would be disastrous. Coal is dirtier than oil and gas and produces more CO2for each unit of energy, as well as releasing large amounts of particulates. He says the latest


职称英语考试综合B试题真题完整版 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

2016年职称英语综合B真题 第一部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请为每处画线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. All houses within 100 meters of the seas are (at risk) of flooding. A. out of control B. between equals C. in particular D. in danger 2. The idea was quite (brillian)t. A. positive B. clever C. key D. original 3. Stock market price (tumbled) after rumor of a rise in interest rate. A. regulated B. fell C. increased D. maintained

4. We are worried about this (fluid) situation full with uncertainty. A. stable B. suitable C. adaptable D. changeable 5. The (revelation) of his past led to his resignation. A. imagination B. confirmation C. disclosure D. recall 6. Jensen is a dangerous man, and can be very (brutal). A. careless B. strong C. cruel D. hard 7. The coastal has area has very (mild) winter, but the central plains remain extremely cold. A. warm B. severe C. hard D.dry


职称英语考试通关策略 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

【经典资料,WORD文档,可编辑修改】 【经典考试资料,答案附后,看后必过,WORD文档,可修改】 职称英语考试通关策略 考试很多时候除了考查考生的知识能力以外,还要考查考试策略,答题的顺序和时间的统筹安排,现在我就给大家介绍一些考试策略。 概述 1、词汇、阅读理解、完型填空所占分值最高(合计高达75分),放到前面来做,避免万一时间不够,可以确保先抓住大部分分数。 2、词汇、阅读理解、完型填空都是部分来自教材,放到前面来做,记忆比较深刻,答题成功率较高。 3、阅读判断放到最后,这样可以腾出时间给需要查词典即可稳拿分数的词汇题。 词汇篇 1、带上一本好用的词典,因职称英语词汇数量有限,直接查同义词词典,一般前三个义项就会有答案。 2、词组记忆相对容易而查词典找同义词相对较困难,又因试题有4-9题来自教材练习,所以必须记住教材中的词组题。教材词汇练习一共100题,其中有词组的也就20个左右,记住却对没有困难! 3、考试时看到有教材中的词组题则直接答上,其余的查词典。 阅读理解篇 1、熟记教材文章练习题的正确答案,重点掌握去年教材上没有的新增文章。考试时先找教材上的文章,做出来。 2、其他文章,先做考试题目中有人名、地名、国家名、数字、年代等专有名词的题。 3、勾画出考试题目中的关键词(一般是名词,不必认识它也不必查词典),然后到文章中找一样的关键词定位。 4、定位关键词后,对比文章中关键词附近的词或者词组,与答案选项中词或者词组重合得最多的即为正确答案。 5、如果你无法定位关键词,则 1) 如有选项为“以上X项皆是”,即为正确答案; 2) 看四个答案选项中有无大部分相似的。如有,若意思完全相反的其中一个必是答案;若意思并非相反的则较长选项的为答案。如没有大部分相似的,则最长的选项为答案。(根据经验,这是答对概率最大的选择) 6、如果考试题目是针对文章中的某个单词的意思,那么这就相当于是一个词汇题,则同义词词典又派上用场了! 7、如果考试题目是问文章主旨(如作者的观点、替换文章标题等)的,则需要细读文章题目、每段第一句和文章最后一句,并大致搞清意思。然后选择意思最接近的一项答案。 概括大意、完成句子篇 1、概括大意(4题):先看考题要求概括哪4个段落的大意,然后分别细读该4个段落的第一句和最后一句,然后与各个选项对比,选项中大部分词或者词组与段落的第一句或最后一句中词或者词组重合得最多的即为正确答案。概括大意其实就是找文章各段落主题句,而段落主题句往往就是该段落的第一句和最后一句。 2、完成句子(4题):先勾画出每个考试题目中的关键词,然后回到文章中定位(具体方法请参考阅读理解篇做题方法),最后把文章中关键词附近的词和词组与各个答案选项相对比,词和词组重合最多的即为正确答案。完成句子其实就是告诉你一句话的一部分让你找另一部分。利用定位关键词找到了这句话在文章中的位置,则确定另一部分就不难了。


Stress Level Tied to Education Level 1.Stress level is closely related to. social status. 2.The1,031adults were interviewed. on a daily basis for 8 days. 3.Which group reported the biggest number of stressful days? People with college degrees. 4.The less advantaged people are, the greater. the impact of stress on their health is. 5.Less-educated people report fewer days of stress possibly because. Stress is too common a factor in their life. Medical Journals 1.The main readers of medical journals are. health professionals. 2.Which of the following statements is NOT true? Most medical journals publish only online. 3.How many major types of articls are mentioned in the passage? Five. 4.An article dealing with results from different studies on the same topic is called. A research article. 5.Letters to the editor enable readers of a medical journal to express comments on. Articles published in that journal. Need for Emphasis on Treatment 1.Which is true of many AIDS sufferers in developing countries? They are not receiving any treatment. 2.The WHO publishes its World Health Report. Once a year. 3.According to Lee, our response to the AIDS disease is. A matter of great significance. 4.AIDS treatment programs may also result in. more effective prevention. 5.How many people have died of AIDS so far? More than 20 million. Heat and Health 1.More than 600 people died from heat in Chicago. In 1995. 2.What can piople learn from the Mean Heat Index? The average temperature of an extrem ely hot day. 3.A heat wave is a period of time during which. The weather is much hotter than usual. 4.Muscle pain in hot weather means that. Y our body needs more water. 5.For people who are not in good health,heat can. Be deadly. Losing W eight 1.The study showed that most of the girls. Had a healthy body weight. 2.What percentage of the girls considered themselves overweight? Nearly 30 percent. 3.The survey participants were girls. Who were 10 to 1 4. 4.What kind of institution does the lead researcher work with? A hospital. 5.Unhealthy attitudes about weight,body image and food may. Lead to an eating disorder. Pushbike Peril 1.According to the passage, some engineers are trying to improve the handlebars because. they are not noble enough. 2.In paragraph 2, the author mentions a study of serious abdominal iniuries. To tell us why Kristy Arbogast began the projict. 3.Paragraph 3 mainly discusses. how serious injuries occur. 4.The passage implies that. It is not easy to persuade manufacturers to adopt the new design. 5.In which of the following ways the handgrip work? It reduces the dangerous forces in bicycle accidents. Aate-night Erinking 1.The author mentions “pick-me-up”to indicate that. coffee is a stimulant. 2.Which of the following tells us how caffeine affects sleep? Caffeine halves the body’s levels of sleep hormone. 3.What does paragraph 3 mainly discuss? Different effects of caffeinated coffee and decaf on sleep. 4.What does the experiment mentioned in paragraph 4 prove? Caffeine drinkers produce less sleep hormone. 5.The author of this passage probably agrees that. we should not drink coffee after supper. Attitudes to AIDS Now 1.What do activists worry about? People may stop worrying about AIDS. 2.According to the passage, people’s attitude toward the cure of AIDS is. realistic. 3.The Gallup Poll shows that the number of people. Who think AIDS is the country’s top health killer has fallen. 4.According to the Kaiser Poll, which of the following is NOT correct? More and more people die of AIDS now.


Taking Pictures of the World Meet Annie Griffiths Belt,a National Geographic photographer.Belt has worked for National Geographic since 1978,and has taken pictures on almost every continent in the world.In fact,Antarctica is the only continent Belt hasn't seen yet. Belt's photographs are well known for their beauty and high quality.They also reflect very different cultures and regions of the world.Belt has photographed the ancient city of Petra, Jordan,as well as the green landscapes of the Lake District in England.Recently,her pictures appeared in a book about undeveloped natural places in North America. Everywhere that Belt goes,she takes pictures of people. Belt has found ways to connect with people of all ages and nationalities even when she does not speak their language." The greatest privilege of my job is being allowed into people's lives,"she has said."The camera is like a passport,and I am often overwhelmed by how quickly people welcome me!"


试卷一 I. Vocabulary Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 1. It is possible to predict how much energy and water a building will consume, how much _______ will be needed. A. matter B. things C. material D. substance 2. They found that the positive thinkers sold 37 percent more insurance than did the_______ thinkers. A. negative B. positive C. active D. passive 3. In labs around the world, bad bugs are undergoing the ultimate rehabilitation, being _______ from life-threatening viruses and bacteria into lifesaving therapeutic agents. A. translated B. transported C. transformed D. transmitted 4. The fresh air is sometimes humid from the _______rainfall of this area. A. numerous B. abundant C. plenty D. substantive 5. We know that many animals _______ the deep seas at pressures of 15,000 pounds per square inch. A. live on B. live in C. live through D. live up to 6. Speakers and writers of the Germanic languages _______for a great deal of the world's output in everything from economics to literature to military to science and technology. A. account B. allow C. apply D. arrange 7. _______of the great state of Illinois, let me express my deepest gratitude for the privilege of addressing this convention. A. On account B. In honor C. In place D. On behalf 8. The companies that are finding ways to hang on to their older workers _______ from an intangible commodity: wisdom. A. obtain B. earn C. develop D. benefit 9. I raced to_______ Jill. A. keep on B. keep up with C. come up with D. come up to 10. Managers need to monitor inflation trends so they can make good _______. A. decisive B. decisions C. decide D. decided 11. Fluency can be _______ defined as "being able to communicate ideas without having to stop and think too much about what one is saying." A. simple B. simply C. similar D. simplify 12. The number of vehicles has been steadily increasing. _______, more than 100 cities in the United States still have levels of carbon monoxide that exceed legally established limits. A. Continuously B. Consequently C. Constantly D. Consistently 13. A(An) _______ is better than the text and may make the point clear. A. interpretation B. representation C. illustration D. draw 14. Some of the world's best mountain _______ is available within the 500-kilometer long chain of the Southern Alps. A. scene B. scenery C. scarce D. scare 15. After a through research, the police __ most of the missing jewels. A. retreated B. refreshed C. recovered D. reminded 16. A gold-rated building is estimated to have reduced its environmental impact by 50% compared with a(an) __ conventional building. A. equivalent B. alike C. uniform D. likely 17. When pessimists __ in their first attempt, they usually say, "I can't do this." A. feel B. fail C. defeat D. lost 18. Six years __ before she got another note from Teddy. A. went into B. went around C. went by D. went on 19. The company owns a large number of _______ stores. A. export B. bargain C. retail D. trade 20. The cost of self-education has fallen with the multitude of sources of knowledge and information _______ on CD-ROMs and the Internet. A. preferable B. ready C. available D. considerable II. Grammatical Structure Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 21. Put things back _______ you found them.


职称英语考试备考5大方法 第一,过度讲究方法和技巧,而不愿意下真功夫。语言的使用是 一种技能,但这种技能不是专靠技巧能够获得的。太讲究方法和技巧 会被其占用很多的时间和精力,而对学习的内容本身投入较少的时间 和精力,所以反而会影响学习的效果。如有一个参加高等教育自学考 试的青年,他订了十 多种讲自学和考试的刊物,认真学习和研究,讲起方法来一套一 套的,可他每次参考的科目却大多考不及格。这是因为他只顾钻研方 法和技巧,在学习内容上花的时间和精力太少,而且养成了投机取巧、不肯下功夫的习惯。方法和技巧只能适当利用,并且要从自己的学习 实践中摸索出适合自己的方法和技巧才会真正管用。 第二,过度讲究速度和效率,不愿花时间经常重复(复习)已学过 的内容,只求懂了则罢。语言的使用既是一种技能,技能则只有靠熟 能生巧,要持续的重复才会熟练,只有熟练了才会形成一种应用自如、不假思索的技能。 第三,三天打鱼两天晒网,没有恒心,不能长期坚持学习。技能 的熟练要有一个过程,在这个过程中会遇到各种困难,但不能向困难 低头,要坚持不懈地反复学习,持之以恒。 第四,不重视听力训练。语言是有声的,我们对语言的感受首先 是语言的声音作用于我们的大脑,如果不练习听力,仅仅默默地阅读 和背单词,其结果不但听不懂别人讲外语,而且阅读水平也难以提升。 第五,只学而不“用”,完全是以“学”的态度来学外语。语言 的实践性很强,如果只学而不用,就永远也学不好。我们学语言的目 的就是为了应用,要学会在用中学习,这样才能提升兴趣,达到好的 学习效果。 值得特别注意的是,“用”不但仅有意识的用,很多时候是要无 意识的“用”。比如在吃饭、洗碗、聊天、上网、洗脸、洗脚、洗衣


2013职称英语阅读理解英文及译文 2013年新增(一)阅读判断 1.第一篇:Taking Pictures of the world 2.*第十二篇:Starting a New Tradition (二)概括大意与完成句子 1.第五篇:US Signs Global Tobacco Treaty 2.第八篇:How We Form First Impression (三)阅读理解 1.第三篇:Shark Attack ! 2.第五篇:The Travels of Ibn Battuta 12年新增的篇目:第1、8、10、11、16、19、20、26、30、33、34、35、37、38、47篇 13年新增的篇目:第3、5篇。 12年第8篇(C级)第33篇B级,第35篇A级2012年已考 职称英语阅读理解文章译文(参加综合A、B、C级考试需要掌握文章) 3 第一篇讲述关于人们的故事 Telling Tales about People 第二篇课外学习带来很大不同 4 Outside-the-classroom Learning Makes a Big Difference 5 第三篇小心鲨鱼 5 Shark Attack! 6 第四篇火鸡盛宴和感恩节的祝福 6 Feast on Turkey and Good Wishes at Thanksgiving 7 第五篇伊本白图泰游记7 The Travels of Ibn Battuta 8 第六篇看电视与长途汽车旅行9 TV Shows and Long Bus Trips 10 第七篇现代日光浴者10 Modern Sun Worshippers 11 第八篇变化中的中产阶级11 The Changing Middle Class 12 第九篇单亲幼儿最出色12 Single-parent Kids Do Best 13 第十篇艾伦的来信13 A Letter from Alan 14 第十一篇芭蕾舞的发展14 The Development of Ballet 15 第十二篇走私15 Smuggling 15 第十三篇芭比娃娃16 The Barbie Dolls 16 第十四篇睡眠17 Sleep 17


职称英语等级考试试题-综合A6 第三篇Play Play is the principal business of childhood, and in recent years research has shown the great importance of play in the development of a human being. From earliest infancy, every child needs opportunity and the right materials for play, and the main tools of play are toys. Their main function is to suggest, encourage and assist play. To succeed in this they must be good toys, which children will play with often, and will come back to again and again. Therefore it is important to choose suitable toys for different stages of a child’s development. In recent years research on infant development has shown that the standard a child is likely to reach, within the range of his inherited abilities, is largely determined in the first three years of his life. So a baby’s ability to profit from the right play materials should not be underestimated. A baby who is encouraged and stimulated, talked to and shown things and played with, has the best chance of growing up successfully. In the next stage, from three to five years old, curiosity knows no bounds. Every type of suitable toy should be made available to the child, for trying out, experimenting and learning, for discovering his own particular ability. Bricks and jigsaws(七巧板)and construction toys; painting, scribbling(涂鸦) and making things; sand and water play; toys for imaginative and pretending play; the first social games for learning to play and get on with others. Bt the third stage of play development-from five to seven or eight years-the child is at school. But for a few more years play is still the best way of learning, at home or at school. It is easier to see which type of toys the chills most enjoys.


Passage 1 Have you ever seen a moon that looks unbelievably big? 1.To what do we compare the size of the harvest moon? (all of these) 2.The main purpose of the article is to inform. 3.The author knew most people find the moon mysterious. 4.The moon looks bigger if it is near the horizon 5.The autumn moon helps farmers see as they harvest their crops. Passage 2 Strange thing happens to time when you travel. 1.The best title for this selection is How Time Changes Around the World. 2.The difference in time between zones is one hour. 3.From this selection it seems true that the Atlantic Ocean is divided into five time zones. 4.The international date line is the name for the point where a new day begins. 5.If you cross the ocean going east, you set you clock ahead one hour in each new time zone. Passage 3 Holidays in the United States usually occur at least once a month. 1.The government of the United States makes it a rule for workers to have a 3-day weekend almost once a month. 2.Workers in the United States sometimes work from Tuesday to Sunday. 3.Which statement is NOT true according to this passage? All the workers have a half-month vacation. 4.The reason why someone has to divide his vacation into several parts is that no one can be found to take his place . 5.Which of the following is the best title for this passage? Something about the holidays and Vacation in the U.S. Passage 4 Sarah Winchester was a very rich woman. 1.What did Sarah keep doing to her house? Making it bigger. 2.The story says that Sarah?s house had floors. 3.Who did the work on Sarah?s house? Carpenters and plumbers and other workers. 4.How long did the work on the house continue? For 38 years. 5.Sarah?s house was finally finished when she died. Passage 5 The diner is only a humble restaurant, but it has a special place in American life. 1.What?s the main idea of paragraph 2? The attraction of different people. 2.The purpose of the last paragraph is to give a summary of the whole passage. 3.Why do truck drivers like a diner?It’s a haven against loneliness. 4.Diners attract many different kinds of people. 5.Diners are fascinating. Passage 6 In the past two years, millions of Americans have suddenly embraced the bicycles as 1.The word “embrace” in the first sentence is closest in meaning to make use of. 2.It can be concluded that if people continue to concern themselves with air pollution and physical fitness, bicycle sales will continue to rise. 3.The bicycle is enjoying a strong revival. 4.The reader can also conclude that Americans are concerned with the quality of their lives . 5.In the sentence “…and this isn?t America?s first bicycle boom.” The word “boom” means a rapid increase in sale.

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