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根据教育部《武汉理工大学关于选拔普通高校优秀考生进入研究生阶段学习的通知》文件精神,结合学校实际,对普通高校毕业生进入硕士阶段学习提出如下要求。 一、报考事项安排 1.每年报考我校的考生很多,要早复习,早准备。按照考试范围复习。 2.我校考生,到学校考试中心,办理内部试卷。 3.每年有很多考生,不知道考试重点范围,不知道考试大纲要求,盲目复习,浪费时间和精力,复习效果很差,影响考试。 4.每年有很多考生,选择错误的复习资料,解题思路及讲解答案都是错误的,具有误导性,不利于复习。 5.学校为考生正确复习,印刷内部试卷。 6.内部试卷:包含考试范围、历年真题、考试题库、内部复习资料。 7.专业课,学校出题。一定要按照内部试卷复习,每年都有原题出现。 8.内部试卷联系QQ363.916.816张老师。学校安排邮寄,具体事项联系张老师。 二、选拔对象条件 1.普通高校本科毕业生,主干课程成绩合格,在校学习期间未受到任何纪律处分。 2.身体健康状况符合国家和学校规定的体检要求。 三、招生专业计划 1.招生要求和专业,详见《教育部选拔普通高等学校本科毕业生进入硕士阶段学习招生及专业总表》。 2.学校计划招收全日制硕士研究生和非全日制硕士研究生,《硕士学位研究生招生专业目录》公布的拟招生人数(含推免生),实际招生人数将根据国家下达我校招生计划、各专业生源情况进行适当调整。我校部分专业将另设计划用于接收调剂生,具体事项及拟招生人数将在初试成绩公布后另行通知。 四、报名资格审核 1.报考必须按照《教育部选拔普通高等学校优秀毕业生进入研究生阶段学习专业对照及考试课程一览表》以下简称《专业对照及考试课程一览表》选择报考专业,并填写《教育部普通高等学校毕业生进入研究生阶段


第 1 页 共 6 页 (A 卷) 学院 系 专业班级 姓名 学号 (密封线外不要写姓名、学号、班级、密封线内不准答题,违者按零分计) …………………………………………密…………………………封……………………………………线………………………………… 考试方式:闭卷 太原理工大学 矩阵分析 试卷(A ) 适用专业:2016级硕士研究生 考试日期:2017.1.09 时间:120 分钟 共 8页 一、填空选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1-5题为填空题: 1. 已知??? ? ? ??--=304021101A ,则1||||A =。 2. 设线性变换1T ,2T 在基n ααα ,,21下的矩阵分别为A ,B ,则线性变换212T T +在基n ααα ,,21下的矩阵为_____________. 3.在3R 中,基T )2,1,3(1--=α,T )1,1,1(2-=α,T )1,3,2(3-=α到基T )1,1,1(1=β, T )3,2,1(2=β,T )1,0,2(3=β的过度矩阵为A = 4. 设矩阵??? ? ? ??--=304021101A ,则 5432333A A A A A -++-= . 5.??? ? ? ? ?-=λλλλλ0010 01)(2A 的Smith 标准形为 6-10题为单项选择题: 6.设A 是正规矩阵,则下列说法不正确的是 ( ). (A) A 一定可以对角化; (B )?=H A A A 的特征值全为实数; (C) 若E AA H =,则 1=A ; (D )?-=H A A A 的特征值全为零或纯虚数。 7.设矩阵A 的谱半径1)(


Unit 11 Philosophy of Life 课后习题: 1.幸福不在于拥有金钱,而在于获得成就时的喜悦以及产生创造力的激情。 译:Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money, but in the joy of achievements and the thrill of creative efforts. 2.从1994年开始,大学学费已经从1000涨到了3500,以至于许多学生,尤其是那些来自贫困区的学生选 择从事兼职工作来筹集他们昂贵的支出。 译:Starting from September 1994, the college tuition and fees has soared from 1000 to 3500 so that many students, especially those from poverty-stricken areas, choose to do part-time jobs to cope with their expensive expenditure. 3.总统所作的决定,经常是他的判断,他对僚属的信任以及对他们的情绪的关怀的混合体。 译:A presidential decision is always an amalgam of judgement, confidence in his associates, and concern about their morale. 4.风格优雅华丽,曲调流畅委婉,反映出江南人勤劳朴实、细致含蓄的性格特色。 译:The style is refined smooth and indirect, expressing the hard-working meticulous and Spartan character of the people who live south of the Yangtze. 5.保险业最近受到几项不利的经济因素所困而前景黯淡。 译:The insurance industry is cursed with a set of dismal economic characteristics that make for a poor long-term outlook. 6.良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。 译:Although good medicine cures sickness, it is often unpalatable; likewise, sincere advice given for one’s well-being, is often resented. 7.由于不断加重的失业焦虑、有史以来最多地取消房屋抵押赎回权、不断攀升的能源价格,美国人对经济 的信心跌倒了新低。 译:Americans’ confidence in the economy fell to a new low, dragged down by worries about mounting job losses, record-high home foreclosures and zooming energy prices. 8.有趣的是,我发现媒体的规模与声誉和报导的真实性一点相关都没有。 译:Interestingly, there has been no correlation between the size and prestige of the publication and the accuracy of the report. 9.Near-term inflation expectations measured by the survey jumped to the highest since the turmoil following Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in late 1990, which caused oil prices to soar sharply. 译:调查表明近期通胀预期已达最高,这是自1990年底伊拉克入侵科威特导致石油价格猛涨至今最高水平。 10.The slowdown coul d dovetail with Beijing’s own aims to moderate the contentious trade surplus and, at the same time, recalibrate growth away from heavy industry in favour of consumption and services. 译:经济减速能与北京缓和有争议的贸易顺差这一目标相吻合,与此同时,将重工业的增长调整为消费和服务业的增长。 11.But China also n eed to scrutinize all her action exposed to others because it’s the year 2008 and all people are watching this country’s all moves waiting for a chance to sting. 译:但是,中国也要仔细审查她的行动,因为这是2008年,所有的人都在观看这个国家的一切举动,想找机会挑刺。 12.Both developing countries and developed countries have realized the importance of technologies in building more energy-efficient and low-emission industries, however on transferring such technologies, developed nations underline the role of markets, while developing nations urge the combination of roles of markets and government.


Unit 1 was a striking woman with high cheekbones and strong angular features. 马文是一个引人注目的女人, 她有着高高的颧骨,瘦而强健。 though not willowy, Marva was immediately discernible in a crowd—even without the visibility afforded by her height—for she had acquired a poise and sophistication that gave her appearance a deliberate style. 马文老师瘦削而不软弱,就算她没有那么高,在人群中时还是一眼就能识别出来——因为她有着特别的镇静及教养,这些都使她有了一种严谨的风格。 Marva’s opinion, it was important to have a unique imprint. 在Marva老师看来,给人留下独特的印象是很重要的. 4.she was so determined.,or just plain stubborn . 马文老师意志坚定,抑或仅仅是固执。 was excitement building and Marva worked the momentum, like an entertainer who felt the pulse of an audience. 马文老师触动了孩子们兴奋的神经,她就像是一个能够触到观众脉搏的表演者。 had a teacher once who called his students 'idiots' when they screwed up. He was our orchestra conductor, a fierce Ukrainian immigrant named Jerry Kupchynsky, and when someone played out of tune, he would stop the entire group to yell. 曾经有一位老师,他把那些将事情搞砸了的学生称为“白痴”。这位老师名叫杰里,是一位令人望而生畏的乌克兰移民,他当时担任我们的乐队指挥。当有人在演奏中音调不准时,他会让整个乐团停下来,然后大吼。


1.The slogans and characters in the public service messages are more than memorable---they raise awareness, inspire individuals to take action. 2.The outcomes of collegiate education should be measured by the student's performance in classroom as they become proficient in the use of knowledge, acquire a solid basic education and become competent in a specific filed. 3.The beautiful campus provides an ideal space for contemplation and inspiration to aid us in that journey. 4.You will not be expected to undertake this intellectual journey on your own. We have an exceptional faculty and staff, dedicated to the search for knowledge and understanding, who will support and encourage you in your journey. 5.People cannot live apart from nature, that is the first principle of conservationists. And yet, people cannot live in nature without changing it. 6.Flying development of science and technology worldwide,as well as intensity competition in economic and technological fields have addressed a tough challenge to education. 7.The packing industry now finds itself under scrutiny as never before,as tough EU targets are set to reduce landfilling and increase recycling. 8.There is a gap between China and advanced countries in the area of science and technology, so it must depend on science, technology and education to carry out a sustainable development strategy. 9.Some say it is a man's world, but women actually make most purchasing and entertainment decisions, according to a study by market research firm NPD. It's long been accepted that women pick out most of the clothes for the family and decide on home furnishings, but this study of 51000U.S.households showed some surprising facets of purchasing decisions broken down by gender. Men defer to women when it comes to choosing movies, restaurants and television shows, according to the survey. The data indicated that women also decide where to sit in a movie theatre, where to shop for food and which guests come to the family home. In fact, the only areas where men had any clout involved personal electronics purchases, the family car and setting household budgets. The gender differences in purchasing could have implications for advertising, media and education companies, said NPD chief analyst Marshal Cohen, who spearheaded the research. "Anyone who's managing a brand, marketing a product or working for an advertising agency needs to be conscientious in the shifts in consumer dynamics," Cohen said. 10.I found it hard to identify with any of the characters in the films. 11.After months of disappointment, his perseverance was finally rewarded. 12.She made her meaning crystal clear. 13.Like most married couples they have had their ups and downs, but life is likethat. 14.After this cold winter, everyone is yearning for the weather to change. 15.This advertisement is calculated to appeal to children. 16.This riot is only manifestation of people's discontent. 17.Primitive man made himself primitive tools from sharp stones and animal bones. 18.The automobile was improved very rapidly after it was invented and soon displaced horses.


武汉理工大学 单位代码:10497地址:武汉市洪山区珞狮路122号邮政编码:430070 武汉理工大学 单位代码:10497地址:武汉市洪山区珞狮路122号邮政编码:430070


含:高性能舰船技术教育部重点实验室全日制硕士研究生学术学位招生专业: 力学(080100) 01 (全日制)流体力学 02 (全日制)工程力学 结构工程(081402) 01 (全日制)不区分研究方向桥梁与隧道工程(081406) 01 (全日制)不区分研究方向道路与铁道工程(082301) 01 (全日制)不区分研究方向交通运输规划与管理(082303) 01 (全日制)交通规划与管理 02 (全日制)交通工程 物流管理(0823Z2) 01 (全日制)不区分研究方向全日制拟招 生人数: 238 (招收“推 荐免试生” 人数不超过 50%) ① 101思想政治理论 ②201英语一、202俄语、203日 语(选一) ③301数学一 ④825流体力学、866工程力学、 867船舶流体力学(选一) ① 101思想政治理论 ②201英语一、202俄语、203日 语(选一) ③301数学一 ④866工程力学 ① 101思想政治理论 ②201英语一、202俄语、203日 语(选一) ③301数学一 ④866工程力学 ① 101思想政治理论 ②201英语一、202俄语、203日 语(选一) ③301数学一 ④866工程力学 ① 101思想政治理论 ②201英语一、202俄语、203日 语(选一) ③301数学一 ④914交通规划与管理综合、915 交通工程综合(选一) ① 101思想政治理论 ②201英语一、202俄语、203日 语(选一) ③301数学一 ④897物流管理专业综合一


第六单元 Passage One 1.Fourteen years of higher education and a handful of Ivy League degrees, and there I was, stiff and stupid, struck dumb by my own dumbness. 接受了十四年的大学教育并有着几所春藤大学的学位的我,又呆又傻地站在那儿,被自己的沉默惊得目瞪口呆。 2.To consider that while some opportunities are being created, others are being canceled and that while some abilities are being developed, others are being crippled is, within this context, not only outrageous, but inconceivable. 但在这个背景下,如果认为它创造了一些机会,却也毁灭了一些机会,培养了一些能力,却也削弱了一些能力,这不仅离谱,更是难以置信的。 3.There is nothing wrong with taking pride in one’s intellect or knowledge. There is something wrong with the smugness and self-congratulation that elite schools connive at. 对自己的智慧或者知识感到自豪没有任何不对的地方,问题在于名牌大学所纵容的沾沾自喜和自我吹捧。 4.Not the most abject academic failure, not the most heinous act of plagiarism, not even threatening a fellow student with bodily harm—I’ve heard of all three—will get you expelled. 不管是最不幸的学业失败,还是最可恶的抄袭劣行,甚至用身体伤害威胁其他同学,这三种情况我都听说过,都不会让你被开除。 5.Long before they got to college, they turned themselves into world-class hoop-jumpers and teacher-pleasers, getting A’s in every class no matter how boring they found the teacher or how pointless the subject, racking up eight or 10 extracurricular activities no matter what else they wanted to do with their time. 在他们进入大学之前很久就已经把自己变成了世界一流的俯首帖耳、讨好老师的小爬虫,不管他们觉得这个老师多么乏味或者这门课多么没有意义,仍然会每门课上都得优秀,不管他们多么想用课余时间做些自己想做的事,他们还是尽量去参加八到十个课外活动。 Passage Two 6.Certainly many neurotic boomer parents—and their stressed-out,resume-building teenagers—assume that it is always better to choose Harvard over Big State U. 当然很多出生期高峰的父母—和他们过度紧张,忙着增加阅历的青少年孩子们—想当然的认为,选择哈佛永远比选州立大学好。 7.It’s true that big law firms, major teaching hospital, and investment banks—heck, even the offices of FORTUNE—are stuffed with Ivy Leaguers. It’s also true that if you want a career at what passes for the American establishment—Sullivan & Cromwell, McKinsey, Goldman Sachs—a gilt-edged diploma is a distinct


Unit 11 1. Many traditional Chinese believe that high forehead is of great mental power. A. objective B. indicative C. directive D. decisive 2. Our country is in great danger; we must the whole nation to prepare themselves to fight. A. mechanize B. paralyze C. monopolize D. mobilize 3. the bad weather has delayed the flight, so it would be several hours before they could arrive. A. Presumably B. Respectively C. Imaginably D. Plausibly 4. A speech could inspire the audience and achieve the goal the speaker desired. A. productive B. provocative C. instructive D. ingenious 5. he is a very serious and strict scholar, but actually he is not that kind of person at all. A. Virtually B. Seemingly C. Decisively D. Likely 6. It’s difficult to someone politely, but we should try to learn to do so. A. remark B. flatter C. conflict D. contradict 7. A newspaper reader can select what he is interested in and what he thinks is boring or irrelevant. A. scan B. skip C. scrutinize D. dash A. accumulated C. attended D. participated 9. An experienced politician who knew better than to launch a campaign in troubled political waters, she intended to wait for a more occasion before she announced her plans. A. propitious B. provocative C. questionable D. theoretical 10. No matter how the revelations of the coming years may be, they will be hard put to match those of the past decade, which have transformed our view of the emergence of Mayan civilization. A. minor…dramatically B. profound…negligibly C. striking…radically D. bizarre…nominally Unit 12 1. He is innocent of the crime and we will him anyway. A. stand up to B. stand up for C. stand in for D. stand out for 2. A good education is an you can fall back on for the rest of your life. A. indoctrination B. inventory C. obligation D. asset 3. This poem a vision of a future world where human being and animals live in peace and harmony. A. conjures up B. imparts C. nurtures D. disdains 4. Two rakish-but-sweet men in pursuit of her feel . A. repellent B. palatable C. insidious D. ambivalent 5. Building a new socialist countryside has become a thing for China in the new era. A. prophylactic B. paramount C. permanent D. persistent 6. Don’t worry about the stain, it will if you use this brand of washing powder. A. brush off B. flush off C. break up D. lay off 7. He is not trustworthy. His behavior is no for his words.



二、(20分)设三阶矩阵,,. ????? ??--=201034011A ????? ??=300130013B ???? ? ??=3003003a a C (1) 求的行列式因子、不变因子、初等因子及Jordan 标准形; A (2) 利用矩阵的知识,判断矩阵和是否相似,并说明理由. λB C 解答: (1)的行列式因子为;…(3分)A 2121)1)(2()(,1)()(--===λλλλλD D D 不变因子为; …………………(3分)2121)1)(2()(,1)()(--===λλλλλd d d 初等因子为;……………………(2分) 2)1(,2--λλJordan 标准形为. ……………………(2分) 200011001J ?? ?= ? ??? (2) 不相似,理由是2阶行列式因子不同; …………………(5分) 0,a = 相似,理由是各阶行列式因子相同. …………………(5分) 0,a ≠共 6 页 第 4 页

三、(20分)已知线性方程组不相容. ?? ???=+=+++=++1,12,1434321421x x x x x x x x x (1) 求系数矩阵的满秩分解; A (2) 求广义逆矩阵; +A (3) 求该线性方程组的极小最小二乘解. 解答:(1) 矩阵,的满秩分解为 ???? ? ??=110021111011A A . …………………(5分)10110111001101A ??????=?????????? (2) . ……………………(10分)51-451-41-52715033A +?? ? ?= ? ??? (3) 方程组的极小最小二乘解为. …………(5分)2214156x ?? ? ?= ? ??? 共 6 页 第 5 页


武汉理工大学研究生考试试题(2010) 课程 矩阵论 (共6题,答题时不必抄题,标明题目序号) 一,填空题(15分) 1、已知矩阵A 的初级因子为223 ,(1),,(1)λλ-λλ-,则其最小多项式为 2、设线性变换T 在基123,,εεε的矩阵为A ,由基123,,εεε到基123,,ααα的过渡矩阵为P ,向量β在基123,,εεε下的坐标为x ,则像()T β在基123,,ααα下的坐标 3、已知矩阵123411102101,,,00113311A A A A -????????==== ? ? ? ?--???????? ,则由这四个矩阵所生成的子空间的维数为 4、已知0100001000011 000A ?? ? ?= ? ???,则1068A A A -+= 5、已知向量(1,2,0,)T i α=--,21i =-,则其范数 1α= ;2α= ;∞α= ; 二,(20)设1112112121220a a V A a a a a ??????==-=?? ?????? ?为22?R 的子集合, 1、证明:V 是22?R 的线性子空间; 2、求V 的维数与一组基; 3、对于任意的1112111221222122,a a b b A B a a b b ????== ? ????? V ∈,定义 2222212112121111234),(b a b a b a b a B A +++= 证明:),(B A 是V 的一个内积; 4、求V 在上面所定义的内积下的一组标准正交基。 三、(15分)设{} 23210[](),0,1,2i F t f t a t a t a a R i ==++∈=为所有次数小于3的实系数 多项式所成的线性空间,对于任意的22103()[]f t a t a t a F t =++∈,定义:


翻译 Unit Six 1. Fourteen years of higher我十四年的大学教育和在几所常春藤大学工作的经历使得我傻乎乎站在那里笨拙不堪,尴尬不已。有个朋友称这种现象为“常春藤错位: 2. To consider that while some opportunities但是在这个背景下,如果认为它创造了一些机会,却丧失了其他机会,培养了有些能力,却削弱了其他能力,不仅是大逆不道的而且是不可思议的。 3. There is nothing wrong对自己的智慧或者知识感到自豪没有任何不对的地方,问题出现在名牌大学录取通知书进入家门的时刻起,是名牌大学所纵容的沾沾自喜和自我吹捧。 4. Not the most abject academic failure不管是最绝望的课程不及格,还是最可恶的抄袭劣行,甚至对其他同学的身体伤害的威胁等都不会被开除,这三种情况我都听说过。 5. Long before they got to college在他们进入大学之前很久就已经把自己变成了世界一流的俯首帖耳.讨好老师的小爬虫,在每门课上都得优秀成绩,不管他们觉得这个老师多么乏味,不管他觉得这门课程多么没有意义。他们也尽力积累八到十个课外活动,不管多么想用这些时间做别的事情。 6. Certainly many neurotic对于那些在生育高峰期出生,已为人父母的人和她们焦虑不安,整日忙于增加阅历.以使简历内容更加丰富的十几岁的孩子来说,选择哈佛大学当然比重点州立大学更好。因为哈佛大概有优越的教育环境,更好的校友圈子,以及更加诱人的校园招聘机会。 7.lts true that big law firms这也是事实,如果你想在被当做美国经基金基石的公司某得一份职业,如苏利文?克伦威尔律师事务,麦肯锡,高盛等,那么一份镶金的学位证书无疑是一个独特的优势。 8. The advantages of Harvard宾夕法尼亚大学的教育教授Robert Zemsky认为读有名大学是划算的,他这样说r这就好比是旋转木马上的铜环。如果你选择去一个昂贵的高选择性的学校M尔就有更好的机会能够击中铜环。但是你必须得抓住它: 9.So listenup请高校的高年级学生注意听好了:如果你仅仅只是毕业于俄克拉马荷州立大学,你的人生并没有完蛋。而事实上,如果你想长大后成为俄克拉马荷州的州长,你还能近水楼台先得月。 10.Most studies use future income很多研究运用未来收入,因为这是那些被称为经济学家的老家伙最青睐的计算标准。但是,知道一件所购之物的成本效益并不等于知道了它的价值。 Unit Seven 1. However ,does Disney stand然而,迪斯尼到底代表的是全然天真纯洁的娱乐,还是同时带有一些隐藏在大众视野之下的别有所图? 2. Critics mark the idea评论家们着提到高迪斯尼最显而易见的一个问题是其所带来的一些负面的社会影响。 3. The quantitative disproportion如果我们期望能对合适的榜样有所认同的话,就需要认识到迪斯尼电影男女角色在数量上的比例失调。 4. The prevalence of males普遍的由男性扮演的反派角色“应该分析其潜在的对于儿童和有爱心的男性成年人之间关系的负面影响: 5. Critics have discovered评论家们就能在其体系中发现漏洞,并进行恰当的检查。 6. Part of this came from其中一个原因归结于他独特的对于风险和回报的视角,而这个视角让投资者们无法看得到表面上的短线效益。 7?Disney's persona conbined迪斯尼的个性中同时混合了美国小镇居民怀旧的价值观和对现代科技必将改变人类生活的信心。 8.The success of the film这部电影的成功帮助迪斯尼推动了建立高端企业文化的原则, 对公司未来的成功起到了重要的作用。 9.0nly through the talent迫于舆论压力,整容医生也不得不为自己的行为辩护。他们争辩说。被称为“美容外科”的整容术常常只不过是再造外科手术的一种延续而已。 10.He knew that for intuition他知道要令直觉有意义,必须让它实现。而这需要一系列严密的分析及实打实的辛勤工作,同时需要他身边的那些艺术家的真正才华作为支撑。 Unit Eighe 1. The spill is美国海岸警卫队司令泰德艾伦说:漏油是一个阴险狡猾的敌人,这将是一场持久战,为了不远的将来,我们当然会全力以赴。 2. Even when the即使公司采取了正确的措施,也于事无补了。 3. President Barack Obama在墨西哥湾漏油事件发生后,—直置身事外,饱受诟病的奥巴马总统,开始回应国人的愤怒. 4. And all of us bear我们也咎由自取,因为我们过分依赖和需求由高风险钻井开采的廉价


武汉理工大学 研究生学位论文书写格式的统一要求 一、一般格式和顺序 (一)封面:(封一:硕士学位论文格式见附1,专业学位论文格式见附2,博士学位论文格式见附3;封二:通用格式,见附4) 1、题目:应能概括整个论文最重要的内容,具体、切题,不能太笼统,但要引人注目;题目力求简短,严格控制在25字以内。 2、学科专业:以国务院学位委员会批准的专业目录中的学科专业为准,一般为二级学科;专业学位硕士研究生填工程领域或MBA等,工程领域以国务院学位办批准的工程领域为准。 3、指导教师:工程硕士研究生必须填写两名导师,其他研究生一般只填一名导师。 4、密级:注明论文密级为公开、内部、秘密或机密。 (二)独创性声明:单设一页,排在封面后(见附5)。博士学位论文需加此页,硕士学位论文不需要此页。 (三)中文摘要:论文第一页为中文摘要,约800~1000字左右。内容应包括工作目的、研究方法、成果和结论等。要突出本论文的新见解,语言力求精炼。为了便于文献检索,应在摘要下方另起一行注明论文的关键词(3-5个) (格式见附6)。 (四)英文摘要:中文摘要后为英文摘要。内容应与中文摘要相同(格式见附6)。 (五)目录:应是论文的提纲,也是论文组成部分的大、小标题。 (六)主要符号表:如果论文中使用了大量的符号、标志、缩略词、专门计量单位、自定义名词和术语等,应编写成主要符号表。若上述符号和缩略词使用数量不多,可以不设专门的符号表,而在论文中出现时加以说明。 (七)引言(第一章):在论文正文前,内容包括该研究工作在国民经济中的实用价值与理论意义、本研究主题范围内国内外已有文献的综述、论文所要解决的问题等。


A secretary phones to book an airline seat for Mr. Lawrence Macow, from Beijing to New York. (R: Reservations S: Secretary) R: China International Airlines. Good morning. Can I help you? S: I would like to book a seat on a flight from Beijing to New York on the 3rd of July, please. R: Do you want a morning or a afternoon flight? S: There is a flight leaving Capital Airport at 10:30 in the morning. That would be the most convenient. R: I’m afraid that flight is fully booked. I’ll just check to see if there have been any cancellations… No, It’s fully booked at the moment. S: Could you check other flights leaving Beijing for New York in the early morning of the 3rd as well please? R: There are seats available on a flight departing Capital Airport 7:50, arriving New York 20:35 local time. S: And after 9:30? R: There is a flight leaving at 11:50, arriving at New York 0:15 local time. There’re plenty of seats available on that. S: I think the 7:50 service is more suitable. Can I book a seat on it, please? R: Could I have your name, please? S: It’s Macow Initial L. R: First-class or economy? S: Economy, please. R: Single or return? S: single. R: One moment. I’ve booked for you a seat on CIA flight CSA 007, departing Capi tal Airport 7:50 hours, 3rd July. The checking-in time is 6:50, in Terminal 4. S: Thank you. Could you tell me what the weight allowance is? R: 20 kilos per traveler, excluding hand luggage. S: When should I confirm this booking? R: As soon as possible. Booking a Room (A: Assistant B: Secretary C: Hotel Waiter) A: Pacific Hotel. Good morning. Can I help you? B: Good morning. I’d like to book a room, please. A: Just a moment, please. I’ll put you through to Reception. C: Reception. Can I help you? B:I’d like to book a room for Mr. John Black, of China National Textiles Import and Export Corporation. He usually stays at your hotel and you may recognize the name. C: Can you give me the dates, please. B: The 21th of April to the 2nd of May, inclusive. C: I’ll just see what we have available. Yes. What room would you like, single or double? B: A single room with bath. Overlooking the park, if possible. C: Yes, there is a single room with bath available. And it overlooks the park. B: Yes, please. Can you tell me the cost of the room before you ring off? C: $50 per night, exclusive of service charge. B: Thank you. Then I book the room for Mr. Black for those dates. C: O.K. I’ve made a note of the dates. Would you like us to write a letter confirming the bo oking? B: Yes, please. C: And your address, please? B: Niles Co.3362…Street, Rotterdam. C: Thank you. That’s all we need. I hope the letter reaches you in time. Good-bye. B: Thank you. Good-bye. Meeting at the Airport A:Excuse me. Are you Mr.Mike Johnson? B:Yes,I am,from Northern Reflections of Canada. And are you Mr. Lin? A:No sir,I'm not. I'm Liu Yang,Sales Manager at ABC Trading. Hi. Mr. Lin asked me to come and meet you, because he was unexpectedly tied up this morning. He is very eager to meet you,and sends his warmest regards. B:I see. Well,it's very nice to meet you,Liu Yang. And please,feel free to call me Mike. I'm not big on formalities. A:That would be my pleasure. Can I help you with your bags? We've got a limo waiting outside. B:A limo? I see you're trying to butter me up! A:I hope you had a pleasant flight over,Mike. I've traveled the trans-Pacific routes before,and I know how tiring they can be. B:This one was uneventful,except for a little turbulence here and there. In fact,I feel as crisp as a new dollar bill. A:Glad to hear it. Would you like an informal dinner with us tonight? Mr.Lin asked me to inquire. B:It's very nice of him,but truthfully I'd rather just spend a quiet evening in the hotel getting ready for tomorrow's appointment. Mr.Lin won't mind? A:Not at all. He expected you'd want a little R and R first. Just to confirm——you know that tomorrow's meeting is set for 10 a.m.,at our office? I'll pick you up at the hotel at 9:15. B:That'll be fine. Liu Yang,thank you so much. A:It's my pleasure. By the way,are there any sights you'd like to see while you're here? I'd be happy to show you around. B:Well,I have instructions not to mix pleasure with business on this trip. But could we see International Trade Center,and Zhongguancun Science & Technology Park? A:That's no problem. I'll set up appointments for later this week. B:Thank you very much. Saying Goodbye (Mr. Smith has stayed in China for half a month. He is going to leave Shanghai for home tomorrow. The host,Mr. Wang,is going to say goodbye to him.) Wang = W;Smith = S W:So you are leaving tomorrow,Mr.Smith? S:Yes. How time flies! W:It's a pity you're leaving so soon. S:Well,life is just like that! W:I suppose it cannot be helped. S:No,I'm afraid not. Mr. Wang,you are such a nice young fellow and you have been taking good care of me ever since I first visited Shanghai. I don't know how I shall ever go on without you here. I should offer my thanks for all your help. W:It's very kind of you to say so. But really,I don't think I have done nearly enough. S:Oh,you've done a great job. I will look forward to seeing you again when I am back home. W:Really I'm going to miss you and I do hope you will come next time. By the way,how are you getting on with the packing? S:I have almost finished. When are we going to leave? W:The plane is due to take off at 7:30 am. So we must start off for the airport at 6:30. Can you be ready at that time? S:Yes,certainly. W:I must go now. I'll be here tomorrow at 6:30 then. Good-bye for now. (At 7 am next day,they are in the waiting room. An announcement comes over the loudspeaker.“Your attention,please. Flight 6-3-5 is now loading for New York. Passengers for New York by 6-3-5 please board your plane now. ”) W:That's your plane. S:Thanks. What about my luggage? W:It's already on the plane. S:Good. Mr.Wang,I'd like to thank you for looking after me so well. I'm afraid I gave you a lot of trouble. W:Not at all. It was a pleasure to work with you. S:Good-bye. Thank you again. W:Good-bye. We hope you have a good journey.

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