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Negotiations谈判: A negotiation is a process of communication between parties to manage conflicts in order for them to come to an agreement, solve a problem or make arrangements.

Conflicts冲突: A conflict is dispute, disagreement or argument between two or more interdependent parties who have different and common interests.

Stakes利益: Stakes are the value of benefits that may be gained or lost, and the costs that may be incurred or avoided.

Information信息: Information is generally esteemed as a valuable commodity in a sense that it has power to reduce uncertainty.

Power能力: is a social phenomenon ,which endows people with control Negotiation power谈判力: Negotiation power is the ability that one negotiator can make use of to control over and affect the other side’s decision making and to resolve the dispute and attain the target of negotiation.

Trust信任: trust means increasing your vulnerability to another person whose behavior is not under your control in a situation in which the penalty, lose or deprivation you would suffer if the other person abuses or fails to protect your vulnerability is substantially greater than the benefits, reward or satisfaction you would gain if the other person fulfills or protect your vulnerability.

Distributive Negotiation两分法谈判: the most common kind in business activities, are also named as “zero-sum games” because the sum of the two parties’ interests ar e constant, which means A gain is at the expenses of B’s interests.

Coalition谈判联盟: A coalition is defined as two or more parties from different political, social or economic groups coordinate their actions or combine their resources to achieve a particular aim because they believe that together they will have a better chance of reaching their goals the separately.

Culture文化: Culture is also defined as an integrated system of learned behavior patterns that are characteristic of the members of any given society.

Negotiation produce 谈判程序步骤

1.introduction of team member

2.negotiation agenda and its arrangement

3.formal negotiation

4.wrapping up

negotiation produce structure 谈判程序的结构

1.determine interests and issues

2.design and offer options

3.introduce criteria to evaluate options

4.estimate reservation points

5.explore alternative to agreement

6.reach an agreement

structure of business negotiation 贸易谈判的机构


target level谈判三种目标

1.desirable target :is what negotiations wish to attain but in reality ralely reach

2.acceptable target :is what negotiation make all efforts to achieve

3.bottom target :is what negotiations will defend and safeguard which

all their efforts

信息的直接用途:problem solving

信息的间接用途:strategic planning

Where to collect information信息的收集渠道

1.international organization


3.service organization

4.directories and newsletters

5.online service

Four cause of unwilling?不愿意做谈判准备的原因?

https://www.doczj.com/doc/c611526703.html,ck of sensitivity

2.limited cognition

https://www.doczj.com/doc/c611526703.html,ck of familiarty

4.inactivity and gambling mind

four steps 谈判准备的步骤?

1.target decision

2.collecting information

3.staffing negotiation teams

4.choice of negotiation venues

when is the third party desired?什么时候选择第三方加入谈判?

1.power is relatively lower than other counterpart

2.relationship deteriorates and communicate close in a deadlock

3.negotiation goes impasse and no alternative available

4.established norms and standards hinder the process

When to choose third party’s venue(何时选择第三方谈判地点):

1) First, the two negotiating parties are hostile and antagonistic to each other, or even engaged in a fighting against each other.

2) Second, negotiation goes into an impasse and no sign of rapprochement, impossible to carry on negotiation in neither party’s place.

3) Third, a dispute is stirred up when both parties strongly demand to host the negotiation.

Win-win model 双赢模式

1.determine each party’s own interest and needs

2.find out the other party’s interests and demands

3.discuss the possibilities of making concession

4.reach on agreement of compromising or declare failure

win—lose model 输赢模式

1. Determine each par ty’s own interests and stance

2.Defend one’s own interests and stance

3.Discuss the possibilities of making concession

4.Reach on agreement of compromising or declare failure Collaborative Principled Negotiation four basic components(合作原则谈判的四个准则):

1.people: separate the people from problem

2.interests: focus on interests but not positions

3.gaining: invent options for mutual gain

4.criteria: introduce objective criteria

how to tell a criterion is objective 如何客观品评判标准

1.independent of wills and free from sentimental influence

2.valid and realistic

3.at least theoretically accepted by both sides

how to standards for successful negotiation判定谈判成功与否的标准

1.satisfy the both valid interests, resolve the conflicts, protect interests

2.highly efficient

3.improve the relationship

needs theory 需求理论五种

1.physiological needs

2.safety needs

3.love and belonging needs

4.esteem needs

5.needs to for self-actualization

6.needs to know and understand

7.aesthetic needs

law of two level game 双层法规

level 1 international level :relationship of interests and chances of success of negotiation

No change success possible success increasing

Level 2 domestic level :win—sets, the sets gain the necessary majority among the constituents


the larger win—sets make the more likely an agreement at level 1

the smaller win—sets can be a bargaining advantage for a country at level 哪些因素影响谈判力:

1.motivation: A party’s power is increasing with decreasing of its

motivation or the greater a party’s motivation is ,the weaker its relative.

2.dependence: A party’s power is diminishing with increasing of its

dependence on the other party

3.substitutes: one party’s independence increase and thus its power is

strengthened when there are more substitutes available for consideration

How to stimulate motivation(如何刺激对方的动机):

1.offering inducements

2.demonstrating attractiveness

3.getting external third party back

4.placing a time limit

How to increase substitutes(如何增加拟方替代):

1.has alternatives which allow operating without the other party

2.absorb the escalating cost of conflict

3.can continue despite the other party’s discouraging effects on its supporters

https://www.doczj.com/doc/c611526703.html,e expert counsel, persuasion, communication and legal, historial or moral precedents to gain access to alternative

Determinants Affecting a person’s trustful or mistrustful b ehavior(影响人的信任或不信任行为的决定因素):

1. Unchangeable Elements: 1) childhood education; 2) professional or special training

2. Changeable Elements: 1) past credit reward; 2) competence of others to perform a task 3) intentions of others; 4) reward system

Effect or trust 信任的效应结论

Trust stimulates intellevtual development and originality, and leads to greater emotional stability and self-control. trust facilitates accepts and open of expression for establishing sound relationship among negotiating team members as well as between negotiating parties. Negotiations based conversely, mistrust provokes rejection and defensireness, damages vollaboration in a group with wish high level of mistrust, members signal of mistrust and expect mistrust from others, thus produce law level of trust.

AC Model:

1. Competing: mono policing; not listening; exaggerating; attacking

2. Collaborating: sharing information & understanding; enlict finding a creative solution; cooperation; during

3. Compromising: rushing to settle; pragmatism; seeking middle ground; setting for less optional solution

4. Avoiding: skipping meetings; avoid people; withholding information; delaying

5. Accommodating: shading the truth; giving in; bending rules; appeasing

结论:the more stakes and power, the more assertiveness depends on alignment of interest and relationship; the more mutual interests and the more mutual trust, the more cooperativeness


--one-short prison’s dilemma game rarely leads to cooperation

--iterated prison’s dilemma games lead to cooper ation and high trust

两分法分类:reward system; relationship; tangible issues; assumptions; strategy used

How to build a coalition(怎样建立谈判联盟):

1.Setting coalition targets:

(1) parties who can join;

(2) parties who may join;

(3) parties who might join

2. Building coalitions:

(1) Understand the target parties’ interests

(2)Appeal the target parties

(3)Alert the target parties

How to manage the coalition(怎样掌控谈判联盟):

1) Development a collective stance and view

2) Clarify differences.

3) Keep internal warring factor apart.

4) Highlight real interests and deflate unrealistic expectations.

Third parties第三方的种类

1. conciliator function: go-between or matchmaker

2. facilitator focus: process—focus--oriented function: listen, ask them to do, release blocks to the process

3. mediator focus: process—focus--oriented content—focus--oriented function: listen, work together with parties

4. arbitrator focus: content—focus--oriented function: listen, control the negotiation; develop his own solution if needed

5. executive

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