当前位置:文档之家› 五年级英语第八周周练




班级:__________ 姓名:______________


1、How___________ (do) your mother____________ (feel) now?

2、Mrs Black____________ (not work) these days. She________ (have) a bad cough.

3、Tom usually__________ (come) to school at seven in the morning.

4、You shouldn't take_________ (some) medicine. You are fine.

5、My sister_______ (have) a fever. She__________ (take) some medicine .


( )1.一What’s wrong with you,Liu Tao? —I’m ill. I want to___________________ .

A. have some cakes

B. come to school

C. see the doctor

( )2. —_________ his father_________ any medicine?—No. He_________ some water.

A. Do;take; have

B. Does; have; have

C. Does;take;has

( )3. —_________ do you have lunch? — I have lunch____________ eleven thirty.

A. What;at

B. When;on

C. When;at

( )4. —___________ do you________ now? —I don’t feel well.

A. What;feel

B. How; feels

C. How;feel

( )5.一What’s wrong with you?_______ you thirsty?一No, _______ tired.

A. Is; I’m

B. Are;I

C. Are; I’m

( )6. Miss Li__________ a headache. She________ at home now.

A . have;stay B. has;stay C. has;stays

( )7. — Can you____________ me this evening? — Sure.

A. to come

B. come and see

C. to come and see

( )8. — I have a bad cough.一____________

A. Thank you.

B. That’s all right.

C. Tm sorry to hear that

( )9.—__________do you________ now? —I feel cold

A. What;feel

B. How;feels

C. How;feel

( )10. —Do the children brush their teeth_____________ bedtime? 一Yes,they do.

A. before

B. in

C. on

三、从 II栏中选出与I 栏相对应的答语。


( ) 1. Do you brush your teeth? A. He is fine.

( ) 2. I can t eat or drink now. B. They are in the playground.

( ) 3. My parents have a bad cold. C. No, I can,t.

( ) 4. Let me check you. D. OK.

( ) 5. Here is some hot water for you. E. Yes, he does.

( ) 6. How is your father? F. Yes, I do.

( ) 7. Does he help you? G. Thank you.

( ) 8. Can you see anything on the wall? H. I’m sorry to hear that.

( ) 9. Where are the bikes? I. My arm hurts.

( ) 10. What’s wrong with you? J. What a pity*


( ) A. Sorry,I can’t.

( ) B. You should have a rest at home. Take care.

( ) C. How do you feel now?

( ) D. Let’s go and fly kites.

( ) E. OK. Thank you.

( ) F. I feel better now.

( ) G. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Do you take any medicine?

( ) H. Because my head hurts.

( ) I. Why?

( ) J. Yes,I do.


高2019届第九周周练试题 ?单项选择题(本题包括 5小题,每小题3分,共15分)。 1 ?下列关于摩擦力的说法中错误的是 ( ) A ?摩擦力总是阻碍物体的运动,所以摩擦力只能做阻力,不能做动力 B ?两物体间有摩擦力时,一定还有弹力,而且这两个力相互垂直 C. 静止的物体可能受到滑动摩擦力的作用 2 .如图所示,在水平力 F 作用下,A 、B 保持静止。若 A 与B 的接触面是水平的,且 F M 0。则关于A\B 的受力个数可能为( ) A. A 受4个,B 受3个 B . A 受4个,B 受4个 C . A 受3个,B 受4个 D . A 受3个,B 受5个 3 ?现在许多汽车都应用了自动挡无级变速装置,可连续变换速度, 图2为截锥式无级变速模型示意图。两个截锥之间有一个滚动轮, 主动轮、滚动轮、从动轮之间靠彼此之间的摩擦力带动且不打滑。 现在滚动轮处于主动轮直径 D i ,从动轮直径 D 2的位置,则主动轮转 速n i 与从动轮转速n 2的关系是:( ) A .吟伙 B .叫% C. 若主动轮转速恒定,当位于主动轮和从动轮之间的滚动轮从右到左 移动时,从动轮转速降低 D. 若主动轮转速恒定,当位于主动轮和从动轮之间的滚动轮从右到左 移动时,从动轮转速降低 4. 如图所示,小球从竖直砖墙某位置静止释放,用频闪照相机在同一底片 上多次曝光,得到了图中 1、2、3、4、5…所示小球运动过程中每次曝 光的位置?连续两次曝光的时间间隔均为 T ,每块砖的厚度为 d 。根据 图中的信息,下列判断错误的是 ( ) 5. 如图是某中学科技小组制作的利用太阳能驱动小车的装置.当太 阳光照射到小车上方的光电板,光电板中产生的电流经电动机带 动小车前进.若射到小车上方的光电板,光电板中产生的电流经 电动机带动小车前进.若小车在平直的水泥路上从静止开始加速 行驶,经过时间t 前进距离S ,速度达到最大值V m ,设这一过程中 电动机的功率恒为P ,小车所受阻力恒为 F ,那么() A .这段时间内小车先匀加速运动,然后匀速运动 B .这段时间内阻力所做的功为 Pt 1 2 一 1 2 C .这段时间内合力做的功为 mv ; D .这段时间内电动机所做的功为 Fs mv m 2 2 二.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有的小题只有一个选项正确,有的小题有多个选项正确。 全部选对的得3分,选不全的得1.5分,共计24分) 6. 如图7所示一块橡皮用细线悬挂于 0点,用铅笔靠着 线的左侧向右上方 45°方向匀速移 动,运动中始终保持悬线竖直,则橡皮说法正确的是: () /广莎戸 o 慝建 I 1 t 1 1 1 1 ? 1 一 1 2 1 ~~ rr ~1 L - - 1 3 1 1 1 匚 1 4厂 厂 1 1 H 1 1 5 一 5 1 匚 A .位置“1”是小球释放的初始位置 B .小球做匀加速直线运动 -J C .小球下落的加速度为 T D ?小球在位置“ 3”的速度为2T 从动轮 图2


四川省成都市第七中学2014-2015学年高一英语4月第3周周练试题 (扫描版,无答案) Module 3 The Violence of Nature What Is a Tornado? A tornado is a 1)___________(rotate) column of air from a thunderstorm to the ground. The most 2) _______________ (violence) have winds of more than 400 kilometres 3) _______ hour. Almost all of them occur in the US, in the area from Texas in the southeast to South Dakota in the north. Tornadoes can pick 4) ___________ cars, trains and even houses and put them down in the next street – or even in the next town. They can take the fur 5) __________ the back of a cat and the feathers 6) ___________ a chicken. They can destroy houses, but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was. 7) __________ average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, 8) ___________(cause) about 80 9)__________(die) and 1,500 10) ____________(injured). The worst tornado of all time 11) _____________(occur) in 1925, 12)______________(affect) three US states: Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. By the time it ended, more than 700 people 13) _____________________(kill) and 2,700 had been injured. What Is a Hurricane? Hurricanes are strong tropical storms, and they usually occur in the southern Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. There are violent winds of 120 kilometres per hour or more, 14) ____________ cause huge waves, heavy rain and floods. There are on average six Atlantic hurricanes each year and they usually affect the east coast of US from Texas to Maine. The worst hurricane disaster of all time occurred 15) ________ the 8th September 1900 in Galveston, Texas. Winds of 200 kilometres per hour and five-metre high waves hit the city. The disaster killed 6,000 people in a population of 37,000 and destroyed 3,600 buildings. An Extraordinary Event This is a story about the 1900 Galveston hurricane. Charles Coghlan was 16)________ nineteenth-century Irish actor 17) ________ went to live in Canada. He then moved to New York, 18) _________________ he became famous. 19)______ the 1890s, he had moved to Galveston, where he died in 1899, a year before the hurricane 20) ________ (strike). The cemetery 19) _____________ Coghlan was buried was destroyed by the hurricane and Cohglan’s coffin ended up in the sea. - 1 -


五年级(上)英语周周练 五年级(上)英语周周练 一、根据要求改写单词: (近义词)_________(第三人称单数)________ (现在分词)________(现在分词)___________ (反义词)________(同音词)___________ (单三)_________(现在分词)__________ ’t(原形)_________(缩写)_________ ’s(原形)__________(副词)_________ (单三)__________(同义词)________ (形容词)_______(同类词)________ (复数)________(复数)_________ 二、根据要求改写句型: (否定句) ____________________________________ ’stimeforourEnglishclass.(改写,保持原意) ____________________________________ (一般疑问句) ____________________________________ (否定句) ____________________________________

(否定句) ____________________________________ (否定句)(对划线部分提问) ____________________________________ ____________________________________ (否定句) ____________________________________ (一般疑问句) ____________________________________ 9.Kittyiswearinghernewuniform.(用anewdress改为选择疑问句) ___________________________________ ?(一大包薯片) ____________________________________ 三、正确抄写下列句子: Idlikesomefrenchfriesandasmallcokeplease. _______________________________________ heressomepapermissli _______________________________________ helloericwhatdoyouwant _______________________________________


八年级下学期英语周练12 I.单项选择 ( )1.---The earth goes round the sun.----What did he say? I couldn’t hear him.______ A.He says the earth goes round the sun B.He said the earth goes round the sun C.He said the earth went round the sun D.He says the earth went round the sun ( )2.She told us she liked______ piano. A.to play B.playing the C.to play a D.playing a ( )3.The doctor______ after he______ the patient. A.looked worrying; looked over B.seemed like worried; looked after C.looks worried; looked after D .seemed worried; looked over ( )4.There is ______water in the bottle. A.a bit B. a little of C.a few D.a bit of ( )5.The meeting ______in a minute. A.shall begin B.is about to begin C.are going to begin D.were about to begin ( )6.He went to the meeting______ A.instead we B.instead of we C.instead of me D.instead me ( )7. It’s getting warmer and warmer. The flowers start to______ https://www.doczj.com/doc/c76111111.html,e in https://www.doczj.com/doc/c76111111.html,e over https://www.doczj.com/doc/c76111111.html,e out https://www.doczj.com/doc/c76111111.html,e on ( )8. She bought a digital camera online______ she would save a lot of time. A.so that B.as soon as C.no matter D.such that ( )9.______fine day it is today! ---Yes,the sunshine is_____ beautiful that I’d like to go swimming in the sea. A.How ;such B.What a ;very C.How ;so D.What a ;so ( )10.I will phone you as soon as I______ Shenzhen. A.will get to B.get C.get to D.am going to get to ( )11.He watched TV day because of the heavy rain. A. whole B. the whole C. all D. the all ( )12. --Do you believe that paper is made wood? --Yes, I do. And you can see that books are made paper. A. from, from B. from, of C. of, from D. of, of ( )13. –Not only the young but also the old are getting interested webchat(微信) --They can communicate more freely. A. by B. about C. in D. for ( )14.Listen, the music sweet. A. sounds B. smells C. feels D. tastes 三、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Dick said he_____________ (report )some important things to us the day after tomorrow. 2.First of all, you must tell me what you_____________(do)at nine last night. 3.My best friend tells me he _____________(send )some gifts to me for my birthday. 4.Listen ,some beautiful birds _____________(sing )in the tree. 5._________(be )you __________(agree)with your father when I knocked at the door?


八年级下第三周周练数学试卷(有答案) 一、选择(3*8=24) 1.下列各式中,①,②,③,④﹣,⑤,⑥x+y,⑦=,⑧,分式个数为() A.3个 B.4个 C.5个 D.6个 2.点M(﹣3,2)关于y轴对称的点的坐标为() A.(﹣3,﹣2)B.(3,﹣2)C.(3,2) D.(﹣3,2) 3.下列可以判定两个直角三角形全等的条件是() A.斜边相等B.面积相等 C.两对锐角对应相等D.两对直角边对应相等 4.下列分式,,,,中,最简分式的个数是() A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个 5.当x为任意实数时,下列分式一定有意义的是() A. B. C.D. 6.下列式子计算正确的是() A. B. C. D. 7.将中的a、b都扩大为原来的4倍,则分式的值() A.不变B.扩大原来的4倍 C.扩大原来的8倍 D.扩大原来的16倍 8.已知关于x的分式方程=1的解是非正数,则a的取值范围是() A.a≤﹣1 B.a≤1且a≠﹣2 C.a≤﹣1且a≠﹣2 D.a≤1 二、填空(每空2分,20) 9.要使分式无意义,则x的取值范围是.

10.分式表示一个正整数时,整数m可取的值是. 11.填写出未知的分子或分母: (1). (2). 12.若,则m=,n=. 13.若﹣=2,则的值是. 14.已知==,则=. 15.若关于x的方程有增根,则k的值为. 16.若关于x的分式方程﹣2=无解,则m=. 三、解答题 17.计算: (1)﹣ (2)? (3)÷ (4)﹣a+b. 18.解分式方程: (1)﹣=0 (2)+1=. (3)5+=﹣. 19.先化简÷(a+1)+,然后a在﹣1、1、2三个数中任选一个合适的数代入求值.


四川省宜宾市一中2018-2019学年高中英语上学期第7周周练题第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共7小题;每小题2分,满分14分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Every one of us has been hurt by others – either by their words or actions. In those moments, you may feel so much anger that you want to hurt the other person too. But we all know that revenge(报复) doesn’t get us anywhere. So, in order to live a happy life, the best way to deal with the problem is, perhaps, as the old saying goes, to “forgive and forget”. The wisdom of this saying has even been proven in scientific studies. “It is well established that learning to forgive others can have positive benefits for one’s physical and mental Health,”Saima Noreen, a scientist at the University of St Andrews, Uk, told the Huffington Post. And now, Noreen and her research team may have found one more reason that you should stick to this principle – forgiving somebody who has hurt you makes it easier for you to forget the unhappy memory, according to their new study. In the study, researchers asked volunteers to read descriptions of 40 different situations that contained bad actions such as stealing, lying and cheating.


2011年五年级英语第17周周练试卷 一、字母大、小写转换,在四线三格上根据大写字母写出相对应的小写字母或根据小写字母写出相对应的 大写字母。(25分) 1、R c G z D 2、h W p F n 3、I m U t A 4、 v J b Y K 5、 e Q L s X 二、对下列单词进行归类。(10分) horse thin short this nurse thank girl that purple shirt 1 2

3 4 5 三、单词与图片配对。读下面的对话,请把单词前的序号写在相对应的图片下面的括号内。(20分) A B C D E F ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、单项选择。(20分)

()1、Tom is behind Jim,Jim is ______Tom . A. front B.in front ofC.In the front of ()2、There ______white curtains in my room 、 A.are B、is C、aren't ( ) 3、We are rabbits、We ______ a new flat 、 A、have B 、has C、is ( ) 4、This is a picture ______ my family 、 A、on B 、in C、of ( )5、—Where is the closet ? —__________________ 、 A、Near the window B、Under the table C、In the curtain ( ) 6、There is a trash bin ______ the door 、 A、on B、in C、behind ( ) 7、—I have my own room now ! —_________________ A、OK ! B、Yes ! C、Really ? ( ) 8、There ______ a mirror over the desk 、 A、is B、are C、am


八年级英语周练(Unit 5)练习题 命题人:李彦珍时间:2016-10-31 一.汉译英(40分) 1.想起,认为____________________ 2.肥皂剧________________________ 3.计划看新闻_____________________ 4.从……学到许多________________ 5.有一天________________________ 6.查明,弄清楚__________________ 7.游戏节目_______________________ 8.看电影________________________ 9.动作电影_____________________ 10.装扮__________________________ 11.干得好________________________ 12.发行,出版_____________________ 13.尽最大努力做某事______________ 14.代替,替换_____________________ 15.准备好,做某事_________________ 16.……的象征____________________ 17.以……而著名___________________ 18.有趣的信息____________________ 19.一个有教育意义的访谈节目________________________________________ 20.世界各地________________________________________________________ 二.用所给单词的适当形式填空(20分) (1)The tall girl is very famous.She often______________(appear) on television. (2)This unit is _________(simple)that one because there are fewer new words in it. (3)You will be very_________(success)if you try your best. (4)—Is Mr.Smith__________(rich) in his town? --No,he is the poorest. (5)—Are you_________(ready),boys and girls? --Yes, let's start our work! (6).I hope you can have an ________(enjoy)trip in China. (7)What's the secret of your_________(successful)? (8)The old man gave us a ________(wonder) lesson about our life. (9).Listening to music is a very______(relax) thing in our spare time. (10)He plays________(good) in the movie. (11)What can you expect________(learn) from the hero? (12)I hope____________(watch) a movie with my friend. (13)Would you mind_______(drive) ? I'm very tired. (14)Many teenagers hope______(be) a pop star. (15)What's _________(happen) over there ? There are a lot of people. 1 (16).He can't stand___________(share) his bedroom with his brother. (17)They_________(discussion)about the coming sports meeting just now. (18).The latest news________(be) that the girl still can't find her parents. 三.按要求完成句子(每空一词)。(20分) (1)I like to watch the news.(改为一般疑问句) _________ _______ like to watch the news?

八年级数学下学期第7周周练试卷(含解析) 新人教版

2015-2016学年四川省凉山州昭觉中学八年级(下)第7周周练数学 试卷 一.选择题(每题3分,共30分) 1.在式子:、、、、中,分式的个数是() A..2 B..3 C..4 D..5 2.如果把分式中的x和y都扩大10倍,那么分式的值() A.扩大10倍B.缩小10倍C.是原来的 D.不变 3.若代数式的值为零,则x的值为() A.2或﹣1 B.﹣1 C.±1 D.2 4.下列四个多项式中,能因式分解的是() A.a2+4 B.a2﹣a+ C.x2﹣5y D.x2+5y 5.无论x取什么数时,总是有意义的分式是() A. B. C. D. 6.分式﹣可变形为() A.﹣B. C.﹣D. 7.化简的结果是() A. B. C. D. 8.一个正方形的边长为acm,若它的边长增加4cm,则面积增加了()cm2. A.16 B.8a C.(16+4a) D.(16+8a) 9.如图,直线y=﹣x+m与y=nx+4n(n≠0)的交点的横坐标为﹣2,则关于x的不等式﹣x+m >nx+4n>0的整数解为() A.﹣1 B.﹣5 C.﹣4 D.﹣3 10.若a≠0,则的值为() A.0 B.2或0 C.0或﹣2 D.1 二.填空题(每题3分,12分) 11.计算:20152﹣2015×2016=______;93﹣92﹣8×92=______. 12.约分: =______; 化简: =______. 13.如果把多项式x2﹣8x+m分解因式得(x﹣10)(x+n),那么m=______,n=______.14.如图,将△ABC沿CB边向右平移得到△DFE,DE交AB于点G.已知∠A:∠C:∠ABC=1:2:3,AB=9cm,BF=5cm,AG=5cm,则图中阴影部分的面积为______cm2. 三.解答题 15.因式分解: (1)2x2﹣18 (2)y2﹣7y+12 (3)x2﹣y2﹣z2﹣2yz (4)(a2+9)2﹣36a2. 16.化简:


高一英语周练(一) Ⅰ. 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分) 1. He asked me to read an article ______ the history of France ______ an American writer. A.about; from B. on; by C. from; by D. for; with 2. Like other Disney parks, Shanghai Disneyland will______ several “lands”, each offering different experiences. A. make up B. be made up of C. consist D. be consisted of 3. He had seen the film before. That is ______ he did not see it last night. A. what B. that C. why D. because 4. It is said that he is ______ a translation of a French novel. A. occupying in B. occupying with C. occupied in D. occupied with 5. It is said that the first electronic computers ______ in 1958. https://www.doczj.com/doc/c76111111.html,e into being B. came into sight C. come into use D. came into existenc 6. Rising sea levels and drought caused by global warming could ______ large migrations (移民). A. led to B. lie in C. result in D. result from 7. A large quantity of pigs and chickens______ on their farm, which ______ extra income. A.are raised; means B. is raised; means C. are raised; is meant D. is raised; is meant 8. Although ______ to say this, I must still cancel my dinner appointment with you this evening. A. to embarrass B. to be embarrassed C. embarrassing D. embarrassed 9. — I’m sorry. I ______ at you the other day. — Forget it. I was a bit out of control myself. A. ought not to shout B. ought not to have shouted C. mustn’t shout D. mustn’t have shouted 10. The system has been designed to give students quick and easy ______ to the digital resources of the library A. passage B. access C. way D. approach 11. If it is ______ to you, I will visit you next Tuesday. A. convenient B. fit C. easy D. comfortable 12. ______ efforts with confidence will make a full man. A. Concerning B. Occupying C. Contributing D. Combining 13. — Could you find an answer to your problem in the book I gave you? — I looked at it, but it wasn’t really ______. A. much used B. much using C. of useful D. of much use 14. Jenny nearly missed the flight ______ doing too much shopping. A. in front of B. in need of C. as a result of D. as a result 15. In many ways I agree ______ his statement. A. with B. of C. about D. on


江苏省扬州梅苑双语学校2020学年八年级英语第三次周练试题 成绩 一.单选 ( ) 1. What does DIY __________? A. meaning B. mean C. meaningful D. meaningless ( ) 2. Please _________the instructions carefully. A. look B. watch C. see D. read ( ) 3. .---It took us quite a long time to get to the park. --- I agree with you. It was _________ journey. A. three hour B. a three-hours C. a three-hour D. three hours ( ) 4. PRC _________ “People’s Republic of China”. A. stands for B. stands with C. stand for D. stand with ( ) 5. You had better _________wine because you have to drive back home. A. not drink B. don’t drink C. not to drink D. will not drink ( ) 6. This is my twin sister, Lucy. Not only she but also I _________ good at drawing. A. is B. am C. are D. be ( ) 7 Would you _____this picture _____the wall? A. put up , on B. put on , on C. put up, over D. put up, in ( ) 8. My dad asked me to take a course _________French. A. at B. on C. with D. in ( ) 9. Andrew wants to paint the white wall _________blue. A. with B. in C. of D. / ( ) 10. ---The box is too heavy to carry. What’s in it? ----My mother _________it with many books. A. filled B. covered C. used D. asked ( ) 11. Kate should do her homework carefully, _________ Mr Wu will be angry with her. A. and B. but C. so D. or ( ) 12. Please tell Tom _________ too much noise. A. to make B. not to make C. to not make D. not make ( ) 13. --- The cl assroom isn’t _______. Will you please turn on the lights? --- Sure. A. enough bright B. brightly enough C. enough brightly D. bright enough ( ) 14. ---You never remember your parents’ bi rthday, do you? --- ____. I buy presents for them every year. A. Yes, I don’t B. No, I don’t C. Yes, I do D. No, I do ( ) 15. --- I’m sorry for stepping on your foot. --- ______. A. That’s all right B. No, it’s my mistake C. You didn’t hurt me at all D. Yes, don’t worry about it 二完型填空 I have spent years of my life traveling all over the world. When I arrive in a new country or city, usually I am 1 and go to bed. For this reason my first day or night in any 2 place is always quiet and very little happens. But my first night in Algeciras was very different. This night was very 3 and unusual. At that time Alseciras in Southern Spain was a dirty and 4 looked-after city. I arrived late in the evening by boat. As soon as I got off the boat, I went to look for a 5 . I find a small one not far from the boat. This hotel looked dirty and untidy from the outside. But I was very tired and did not know my 6 around the city of Algecras. And so I decided to stay in this 7 hotel on the quay (码头). I also decided to stay in this hotel for another 8 . The moon was full and it was a clear,bright night. From the hotel I could 9 the sea. I could see the huge rock of Gibraltar in the bright moonlight. The hotel had a narrow 10 and no name. When I went through this doorway, I had to climb up narrow and dark stairs to the first floor. I 11 a small cupboard with a desk in front of it. This was the hotel office.


小学六年级语文下册第九周周练 题号一二三四总分 得分 一、积累空间(34分) 1、把下面的字分类。(3分) 栗橱逛番挪醋 平舌音:前鼻音: 翘舌音:后鼻音: 声母是“n”的:声母是“l”的: 2、根据拼音或换部首写字组词。(4分) zhàn ( ) ___ ( ) 锈 ___ ( ) __ ( ) 3、在田字格里写字。(4分) 兜撇噎藤 4、查字典填空。(3分) “鼎”用音序查字法应先查,再查音节;按部首查字法先查部,再查画。它在字典里的解释有:①古代煮东西的器物;②人力;③正当,正在。(1)“鼎力相助”应选();(2)“人声鼎沸”应选()。 5、填空,并选其中的一个写一句或几句连贯的话。(4分) 落()而逃郑重其()千()一发蜂()而至 上面的词语中,形容情况紧急的是:,像这类词语我还积累了、。写话: 6、按要求写句子。(4分) ①在微风吹拂下,柳树摇动着枝条。(写得生动形象些) ②小姑娘的天真的心灵,不正像一个含苞欲放的花蕾吗?(改为陈述句) 7、读读想想,再动笔改改。(3分) ①火红的枫叶在春风中摇动。②你与其坐在家里闷得慌,就到外面走一走。 ③这学期同学们普遍的自觉性提高了。 8、课文回放。(9分) ①人固有一死,或,或。 ②“使卵石臻于完美的,。”让我们懂得了 。告诉我们道理的名言还有很多,如, ③“我希望有一天,地下的烈火,将我连这活棺材一起烧掉,。” 这表现了叶挺的崇高品质。走进这学期的课文,我还认识了许多令人感动的人物。其中___________给我留下了深刻的印象,因为 。 二、交际舞台(5分) 学会生存,学会自我保护是每个人的必修课,可有的人却不以为然,小明就是这样。在学校举行的安全演练中,他懒懒散散,作为同学的你会怎么对他说?他听后又会对你说什么? 三、阅读天地(31分) 短文(一)(15分)青海湖 “青海湖到了,下车看看吧!”导游把我引向了美丽的青海湖。我迫不及待扑向了我向往已久的地方。瞬间,我惊住了,像是无意中扑进了一幅巨大的画卷,失去了中心和方向。我的眼前,一片镶着露珠的绿茵茵的草滩,草滩上生长着一垄垄黄灿灿的油菜花,在这绿色和黄色的背后,又衔接着一派无边无际的蓝色湖水。那草滩的绿,绿得娇嫩;那菜花的黄,黄的蓬勃;而那湖水的蓝,又是蓝得多么醉人啊!它蓝似海洋,可比海洋要蓝得纯正;它蓝似天空,可比天空蓝得深沉。青海湖的蓝,()蓝得纯净,蓝的深湛,()蓝得温柔恬雅。那蓝锦缎似的湖面上,起伏着一层微微的涟漪,像是尚未凝固的玻璃浆液,又像是白种小姑娘那水灵灵、蓝晶晶的眸子。其实,青海湖水()如此湛蓝,()湖面高出海平面三千一百九十七米,比两个泰山还高,湖水中含氧量较低,浮游生物稀少,含盐量在百分之零点六左右,透明度达到八九米以上,湖水就显得更晶莹明澈。我明白了,难怪青海湖水要比其它湖水显得美,青海湖别具一格的美,更醉人呵! 1、给带点的字选择正确的读音,用“”画出。(2分) 似.的(shì sì) 涟漪.(qí yī)湛.蓝(zhàn shèn)晶莹.(yíng yín ) 2、写出下面词语的反义词或近义词。(2分) 娇嫩(反义词)——别具一格(近义词)—— 3、“迫不及待”这个词的意思是:,从“迫不及待”和“扑” 这两词,可以体会到作者的心情。(2分) 4、用“”画出文中的一个比喻句,把比作。我也能写一个 这样的句子:(3分)

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