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Population Genetics and Linkage


Jeffrey C.Barrett

Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute,Genome Campus,




All genetic studies are aimed at understanding the connection between observed differences in phenotype and underlying variation in genotype. While there are many ways of approaching this problem,all are in?uenced by the patterns of variation in the human genome,and an understanding of how they have arisen.Two forces e mutation and recombination e are continually increasing the variation among genome sequences within a population,and this variation is acted upon by drift,population demo-graphy and selection to in?uence phenotypic traits in that population. Analysis of Complex Disease Association Studiesó2011Elsevier Inc.

While mutation and recombination both contribute to the overall variability within a population of genomes,they do so in different ways.Novel mutations create entirely new sequences,and arise in each generation via a number of processes,ranging from cosmic radiation to errors generated during DNA replication or meiosis.Some of these mutations rise to appreciable frequency over time,either stochastically (i.e.,genetic drift)or because selection favors the new allele over the old one.In the absence of recombination these muta-tions could be visualized as a tree (Fig.2.1)with the root representing the ancestral sequence and each individual in a population at the tip of a branch containing all the mutations that had accumulated through the generations of its lineage.Ancient mutations (shared across many of the extant individuals)would lie near the root and more recent mutations would be close to the tips of the branches.Recombination,in contrast,does not introduce any new sequence-level variation to the population but creates mixtures from the existing pool.Individuals no longer have a single lineage in the tree,but instead “jump”from one branch to another at the point of crossing over in every ancestral generation (Fig.2.1).

In order to understand the effects of these processes at the population level (i.e.,all mutation and recombination in the historical generations which led to extant individuals)it is helpful to consider a single generation.During meiosis,pairs of homologous chromosomes cross over to generate a new “recombinant”chromosome consisting of the sequence of one parental chromosome up to the point of crossover,where the sequence transitions to the other parental chromosome.Thus,variants on either side of the crossover point will no longer be inherited together,





region of the genome with ten SNPs (shapes)with zero obligate recombinations (D 0?1

for all pairs of SNPs),

as demonstrated by placing all ten on a single consistent tree

(right).Six observed

haplotypes are shown

(four very common,

two rarer),along with counts from an imaginary population of 100chromosomes (left).SNPs on the same branch have r 2?1,and SNPs denoted by the same shape (circle,triangle,square,star)have r 2>0.8,and would thus be captured by a single tag.The haplotype shown at bottom would represent an obligate recombination between branches containing squares and triangles,located approximately at the dashed line.If such a haplotype had been observed in the population,D 0<


mixed across the daughter chromosomes.There is therefore a relationship between the physical proximity of two variant positions on a chromosome and how likely they are to be inherited together (i.e.,that the meiotic recombination did not occur between them).This concept,called linkage,can be quanti?ed by the recombination fraction ,which is simply the fraction of meioses resulting in a recombinant set of alleles at the two variants,ranging from 0(“linked”)for extremely proximal loci which are nearly always inherited together to 0.5(“unlinked”)loci at opposite ends of one chromosome,or on separate chromosomes.

Whereas linkage refers to the observation that two loci are inherited together (rather than being separated by recombination)in a single generation,the somewhat confusingly named linkage disequilibrium refers to the pattern of correlation between loci at a population level.An imaginary population with no new mutations and an in?nite number of generations would have accumulated many historical recombinations at every position in the genome,resulting in linkage equilibriums,and a complete breakdown of correlation between mutations.By contrast,mutation and recombination in real human populations have occurred a ?nite number of times in particular locations in the genome,and the age,size and demography of these populations have left nearby loci correlated.This residual correlation,not yet ablated by historical recom-bination,is linkage disequilibrium (LD).

The following sections present a discussion of pair-wise measures of LD,their application to complex disease association studies,and develop-ments of large-scale collaborative projects which have generated genome-wide catalogues of LD and enabled genome-wide association studies.


The most straightforward way to summarize LD in a particular region is via simple statistics calculated for each pair of single-nucleotide poly-morphisms (SNPs).Such an approach will generate a matrix of values that are both individually informative and from which broader patterns can be deduced.Consider a pair of SNPs,where the ?rst has alleles A and a ,and the second has alleles B and b .The allele frequencies of these alleles are f A ,f a ?1e f A ,f B and f b ?1e f B ,respectively.We will de?ne a haplotype as a particular series of alleles on one chromosome at consecutive variant sites.So if an individual had genotype AA at the ?rst SNP and Bb at the second,the two haplotypes (corresponding to two chromosomes)would be AB and Ab .If f AB represents the frequency of the AB haplotype,equation (1)shows the standard coef?cient of LD between the two loci.Because the expected haplotype frequency in the absence of LD is


product of the marginal allele frequencies,D AB represents the departure from the uncorrelated state.

D AB ?f AB àf A f B (1)

There are a number of problems with this statistic,however.Equation

(1)focuses on D AB ,but it can be computed for any combination of alleles,and an algebraic rearrangement shows that D AB ?e D aB ?e D Ab ?D ab .The sign of D thus depends on an arbitrary coding of the alleles.Furthermore,the range of D is highly dependent on the speci?c values of the allele frequencies,which makes it dif?cult to compare LD among many pairs of markers with diverse frequencies.For this reason,two derived LD statistics which both are frequency normalized and always positive are more commonly used [1].

The ?rst,D 0[2],is de?ned in equation (2)as the absolute value of the ratio of the observed value of D to the most extreme possible value given the allele frequencies.The second,r 2,is the squared Pearson correlation coef?cient,given in equation (3).Each of these two statistics has particular properties and situations in which they are useful (see next section)but it is worthwhile to consider how they relate to the two generative forces of variation:recombination and mutation.j D 0j ?(

àD AB min ef A f B ;f a f b T


min ef A f b ;f a f B T

D AB >0(2)r 2?D 2AB f A f a f B f b (3)

D 0is sensitive only to recombination,and its principal usage is in characterizing historical patterns of recombination.The upper part of Fig.2.1shows a region of the genome with a number of SNPs that can all be placed on a single,consistent tree.As noted above,the existence of a consistent tree implies the absence of historical recombination.In such circumstances D 0?1between all pairs of SNPs,providing a useful way to translate from pair-wise statistics into a better understanding of contin-uous LD (as re?ected by the large dark swathes in the bottom part of Fig.2.2).If one were to observe a haplotype similar to that in the bottom of Figure 2.1,however,it would be impossible to recreate a consistent tree to explain all the haplotypes,instead requiring an obligate recombination between two branches (squares and triangles,in this case)and D 0<1.Whereas many historical mutations in a recombination-free region have D 0?1,both mutation history and recombination drive r 2?1



with the same shape in Fig.2.1have r 2>0.8).Recombination will clearly reduce r 0;it is mutations on a historical branch,rather than a physical segment,which dictate whether r 2are always within a region of high D 0,but can otherwise be non-contiguous (Fig.2.2).



Given the importance of LD patterns in designing association studies (especially genome-wide),there was great interest in

evaluating FIGURE 2.2

LD plots from Haploview [16]from HapMap data in a 100kb region on

chromosome 7.The middle bar shows the location of all genotyped SNPs in the region,the upper triangle shows pair-wise r 2values,the lower triangle shows pair-wise D 0(white ?0,black ?1).While the D 0is high in two large,mostly contiguous blocks,r 2is close to 1only in sparse fragments within those


theoretical predictions of the extent and distribution of LD among nearby markers.For example,Kruglyak [3]presented coalescent simulations which were based on the best available human pop-ulation model at the time (an ancient population of constant effect size followed by an exponential increase approximately 100,000years ago).These simulations predicted that even for common variants,strong LD would only persist at an extremely local scale (dwindling to zero in less than 100kb).Such extremely local LD would make genome-wide association studies extremely dif?cult,as a very large number of SNPs would be required to capture most or all of the variation;Lander and Schork commented that “Association studies are not well suited to whole-genome searches in large,mixed popu-lations”[4].For this reason,many believed that focused gene-based studies would be feasible far earlier than unbiased,truly genome-wide scans.

These predictions were contradicted,however,by an intriguing pattern discovered by Daly et al.[5]in a region of chromosome 5q31,as part of a study of in?ammatory bowel disease.Rather than seeing the predicted smooth,rapid decline from perfect LD between nearby markers to zero after a few tens of kb,long stretches of consecutive markers were highly correlated,punctuated by sharp breakpoints where even adjacent SNPs were uncorrelated.Within the blocks of high LD,nearly all common variation was represented by only a handful of common haplotypes (despite the possibility of 2N possible haplotypes in a set of N markers).At the inter-block breakpoints,however,haplotypes in one block were randomly shuf?ed with those in the next block.Because this discovery could have signi?cant implications for association study design,it was followed up by several groups [6,7]who consistently observed the same pattern of blocks of high LD with punctate breakpoints (Fig.2.2).

An explanation for these observations was posited as a result of unrelated work which examined individual recombination events observed in sperm meioses [8].Nearly all detected recombinations were con?ned to narrow hotspots rather than being homogeneously distrib-uted across the sequence examined.If generalized to all recombinations that have occurred historically in a population across the whole genome,this would explain the discrepancy from theoretical predictions,which assumed a constant rate of local recombination.Long stretches of the genome are characterized by low levels of historical recombination broken by intense,narrow recombination hotspots.This hotspot view did not,however,win immediate widespread acceptance,nor was the block view of LD considered to fully capture the subtlety of the under-lying pattern of




It became clear that a full resolution of these issues would require a large-scale project to investigate the nature of LD across the entire human genome.The International HapMap Project was formally initiated in October 2002and included researchers from 20groups in six countries with the aim of characterizing millions of DNA sequence variants,their frequencies and the correlations between them in samples from populations with ancestry from Africa,Asia and Europe [9].

Anonymized samples were selected from four populations:90Yoruba (30parent-parent-offspring trios)from Ibadan,Nigeria (abbreviation:YRI);90individuals (30trios)of European ancestry from Utah,collected in 1980by the Centre d’Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEU);45unrelated Han Chinese from Beijing (CHB);and 45unrelated Japanese from Tokyo (JPT).Pilot studies and simulations indicated that complete ascertainment in 45unrelated individuals would represent 99%of vari-ation with MAF >5%in the populations from which the samples were drawn.

When confronted with the choice of SNPs to genotype,the ?rst chal-lenge for the project was the need for a much larger set of variants than existed at the time,with good coverage in as large a fraction of the genome as possible.Building upon the previous work of the SNP Consortium and the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium [10],large-scale shotgun sequencing was undertaken to increase the catalog of observed SNPs.Because the project was focused on common variation,“double-hit”SNPs (i.e.,those where the non-reference allele had been seen at least twice)were preferentially selected with the aim of generating a map with a common (MAF >5%)SNP in each population every ?ve kilobases.

The resulting ?rst generation HapMap [11]yielded insight into a wide variety of areas of human genetics research.Two of the more prosaic,but nonetheless important,advances were the validation of a large number of common SNPs (about 1.2million unique SNPs passed quality control measures)and the opportunity to develop medium-and high-throughput genotyping technologies which enabled the subsequent wave of genome-wide association studies (see chapters on SNP selection chapter 4,study design chapter 3and case studies chapters 18and 19).The project also veri?ed that the previously observed block-like pattern of LD generalized to the entire genome,and was not an artifact of small sample size or lower marker density.Furthermore,population genetics analysis [12]demonstrated that recombination hotspots are ubiquitous in the genome and are



driving force behind the observed LD patterns (with blocks of high LD corresponding to inter-hotspot intervals and sharp breakdowns of LD mapping to hotspots).Recombination rate maps resulting from these models have largely supplanted the earlier block-like models,and provide a useful continuous variable summary of LD.Finally,the genome-wide LD map made it straightforward to select a subset of common markers that captures all (or nearly all)the information con-tained in the full set.This process of thinning out markers based on r 2,or “tagging”(see Chapter 4on SNP selection),made association studies more comprehensive and ef?cient.

A second generation map was published in 2007[13]with over two million additional SNPs which provided better tag SNP selection,more precise estimates of local recombination rates and new insights into natural selection.The open availability of all project data (Fig.2.2)has been a key to the design of complex disease association studies.The project is now being extended (HapMap3)to include samples from a number of additional populations with the hope of providing a comprehensive variation and LD resource to researchers in as many parts of the world as possible.Finally,many of the same partners are involved in the 1000Genomes project,which pushes the HapMap paradigm into the analysis of rarer variation.Deep resequencing (including in the same HapMap samples)aims to provide a similar catalogue of all variants with MAF >1%,including copy number variation and short insertion/deletion polymorphisms in addition to SNPs.These international efforts,beginning with the sequencing of the human genome,extending into the study of variation via the HapMap,and culminating in the ongoing generation of thousands of complete genomes,have transformed human genetics and demonstrated the importance of large-scale collaboration.


The study of linkage disequilibrium is not only important in the design of ef?cient,powerful association studies,but has also yielded new insights into the history of human populations [14]and the biological mechanisms relating to recombination [15].This chapter aims to provide an introduction to the important concepts related to LD,so that they can serve as a foundation for exploring human disease via genetic association studies.The fundamental goal of deciphering the biological underpin-nings of human disease (via association studies or any other experimental design)can only be achieved by ?rst understanding the forces which create and shape variation in human populations,and the patterns which result from those




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