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汉译英难点解析举例第一篇 形形色色的人

汉译英难点解析举例第一篇 形形色色的人&能力与智慧 1.一根筋儿one track-minded. 别跟他较劲了。他一根筋,你还不知道? Stop reasoning with him. Don’t you know he is one track-minded? 2.出众的人a lulu 要说漂亮,我们公司新来的秘书可算是个相貌出众的女孩子了。 Talking about being pretty, our company’s new secretary is indeed a lu lu. 3.两面派two-faced 我知道怎样对付两面派,而且一眼就能看出谁是一贯两面讨好的人。I know how to handle two-faced people and can even tell at the first glance who are in the habit of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds.(注:run with the hare and hunt with the hounds指人两面讨好,不得罪任何一方的做法。) 4.傻大个儿a lummox 听说那个傻大个儿把他们公司的买卖搞得一团糟。 It is said that the lummox has loused up their company’s whole business. 5.收破烂儿的人a rag man 那些收破烂儿的人走街串户,有时也能挣不少钱。 Those rag men going from door to door sometimes may also earn quite a handsome sum of money. 6.乡巴佬a hayseed 她说她决不会嫁给一个乡巴佬,不管他多有钱。 She insisted that she would not marry herself off to a hayseed, no matter how rich he was. 7.不三不四的人riff-raffs 老张的家里总来些不三不四的人,可想而知老张不是什么好东西。


综合教程(第一册)汉译英参考答案 Unit 1 1.他对这次面试中可能提到的问题做好了准备。(confront) He has prepared answers to the questions that he expects to confront during the interview. 2.他悲惨的遭遇深深打动了我们,使我们几乎哭出声来。(touch) His sad story touched us so deeply that we nearly cried. 3.他们俩手挽着手沿着河边散步,有说有笑。(hand in hand) The two of them are walking hand in hand along the riverbank, chatting and laughing. 4.听到这令人激动的消息之后,他眼睛里涌出欢乐的泪水。(well up) When he heard the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes. 5.上海人容易听懂苏州话,因为上海话和苏州话有许多共同之处。(in common)People from Shanghai can understand Suzhou dialect with ease, for Shanghai dialect and Suzhou dialect have much in common. 6.亨利和妻子正在考虑能不能在三年内买一幢新房子。(look into) Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house within three years. 7.女儿再三请求到国外去深造,他最终让步了。(give in to) He finally gave in to his daughter’s repeated requests to further her education abroad. 8.我们在动身去度假之前把所有的贵重物品都锁好了。(lock away) We locked all our valuables away before we went on holiday. 9.虽然咱们分手了,但我希望咱们依然是好朋友,像以前一样互相关心,互相 帮助。(part) Although we have parted from each other, I hope that we will remain good friends and that we will care for and help each other just as we did in the past. 10.在紧急关头,军长召集全体军官开会,制定新的克敌战略战术。(summon)At that critical moment, the army commander summoned all the officers to work out new strategies and tactics which would make it possible to conquer the enemy. Unit 2 1.一个由外交部长率领的政府代表团昨日抵达南非,开始对该国进行为期3天 的友好访问。(head) Yesterday a government delegation headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived in South Africa and began a three-day friendly visit to the country. 2.看看这些讽刺社会弊端的漫画实在好笑。(awfully funny) It is awfully funny to look at these caricatures which satirize social ills. 3.计算机是最有用的教学工具之一,所有的功课以及所有的问题和答案都可在 屏幕上显示出来。(show on a screen) Computers are one of the most useful teaching aids, for all your lessons as well as all


Unit 1 1.餐饮行业与电影行业的共同之处在于其小型企业的失败率很高。 The restaurant industry has one thing in common with the film industry: the high failure rate among its small business. 2.他的伟大在于他具有非凡的能力,集科学家和实业家的品质于一身。 His greatness lies in his outstanding ability to connect the qualities of a scientist with those of an industrialist. 3.像工作单位取代居住地一样,我们的种族身份已被职业身份所取代。这一现象在流动作业的行业中表现得尤为明显。 We have replaced ethnic identity with professional identity, the way we replaced neighborhoods with workplace, which is quite obvious among the mobile professions. 4.显然,任何一家大公司的老板都不可能事事亲力亲为,需要找一些方法把他们的理念传达给他人。 Plainly, in any large enterprise the boss cannot be directly involved in everything, and some means have to be found to transfer his belief to others. 5.没有任何人愿意再过那种自己无法控制、要别人认可、任人摆布的日子了。No one was willing to experience the feeling of being out of control and dependent on someone else’s approval, at someone else’s mercy. 6.人们渴望一种成就感,渴望有能力凭自己的手、自己的脑、自己的意志办成事情。 The human being longs for a sense of accomplishment, and being able to do things, with his hand, with his mind and with his will. 7.政府希望通过大量出售资产来弥补损失。 The government hopes that the sale of a chunk of its assets will help make up for its lose. 8.现代社会里人们的身份更多地由他们所从事的职业,而不是他们所生活的社区来界定。


汉译英 1.广场舞是社区中老年居民以健身、社交等为目的在广场、公园等开敞的地方进行的健身操或舞蹈,通常以高分贝的音乐伴奏。广场舞在中国大陆无论南北皆十分普遍。对于广场舞的确切认识,社会学界及体育界目前均未达成共识。广场舞的高分贝音乐常常造成噪音滋扰,因此许多居民反对在小区中跳广场舞。 The square dancing is a bodybuilding exercise or dance performed in wide and open places such as squares and parks among the middle-aged and old residents in communities, with the purpose of bodybuilding, socializing and so on, generally accompanied with high-pitched music. The square dancing is very popular all over mainland China, whether in the north or in the south. Neither the sociological circle nor the sports circle has currently reached a consensus on the exact perception of the square dancing. The high-pitched music of the square dancing often causes noisy disruption, and therefore many residents are opposed to the square dancing in communities. 2.故宫,又称紫禁城,是明、清两代的皇宫,二十四位皇帝在此生活起居和处理政务。它是世界现存最大、最完整的木质结构的古建筑群(architectural complex)。宫殿墙壁的色调以红色和黄色为主,红色代表快乐、好运和财富,而黄色代表帝王的神圣和尊贵。近十几年来,故宫平均每年接待中外游客600-800万人次,随着旅游业的繁荣,游客人数有增无减,可见人们对故宫的兴趣长盛不衰。 The Imperial Palace, also known as the Forbidden City, was the palace in Ming and Qing Dynasties where 24 emperors lived and handled government affairs. It is the largest and most complete existing ancient wooden architectural complex in the world. The palace wall was painted mainly in red and yellow. Red represents happiness, luck and fortune while yellow symbolizes imperial holiness and dignity. In recent decades, the Imperial Palace is visited annually by six to eight million tourists at home and abroad. Moreover, with flourishing tourism industry, the number of tourists keeps increasing. It shows people’s everlasting and unfading interest in the Imperial Palace. 3.《新闻联播》是中国中央电视台(CCTV)每日播出的一个新闻节目。节目每次播出时长一般为30分钟。它被中国大陆大多数地方频道同时转播,这使得它成为世界上收看人数最多的节目之一。自从1978年1月1日首次播出以来,它就以客观、生动、丰富的纪实手段记录着中华大地每一天的变化。作为中国官方新闻资讯类节目,《新闻联播》以沉稳、庄重的风格著称。 Xinwen Lianbo is a news program broadcast by China Central Television (CCTV) every day. It generally takes 30 minutes every time to broadcast the program. It is relayed simultaneously by most local television channels in the mainland of China, which makes it one of the world’s most-watched programs. Since it was first broadcast on January 1st, 1978, it has been recording the changes of every day throughout China by documentary means that is objective, vivid and rich. As the Chinese official news information program, Xinwen Lianbo is well-known for its


汉译英教程 第十三章词类的转换 汉英两种语言,用词方式各不相同,同一意思在不同的语言中有可能使用不同类别的词表达。如汉语中可用形容词作谓语,而英语必须用动词;汉语单句中可有几个动词。而英语单句中谓语动词通常只有一个,其它汉语用动词的地方,英语中只有变换方式。因此,汉英翻译时不可能总是保持原文词类的原貌,而须根据英语的甩词习惯选择词类。现将常见词类转换现 象介绍如下: 第一节汉语动词的转换 一、转换成英语名词 1.汉语中做主语、宾语的动词英译时可译作名词,这时的名词一般都表动作意义或是动词 转化来的名词。如: a)我们也认识到越来越需要使某些经济部门实行工业化。 We also realized the growing need and necessity to industrialize certain sectors of the economy b)采用这种新装置可以大大地降低废品率。 The adoption of this new device will greatly reduce the percentage ot defective products. c)一切爱好和平的人们都要求禁止原子武器。 All peace loving people demand the prohibition of atomic weapons 2.汉语的一些动宾短语,英译时可采用"名词+of”引导的短语的结构。如: a)他一生的真正使命是想办法为推翻资本社会而作出贡献。 His real mission in life was to contribute,in one way or another,to the overthrown of capitalist society. b)看到这张照片,我想起了我的童年。 The sight of the photo brought me back to my childhood. 3 根据英语句式的要求转译为名词 a)在城市和乡村,托儿所和幼儿园都在大量扩展。 There has been a tremendous expansion of nurseries and kindergartens in both town and villages. b)骄傲自满最终毁了他。 Arrogance and complacence turned out to be his ruin. c)一切旨在保证国际机构特别是联合国机构进行工作的便利条件必须恢复。 There must be restoration of all the necessary facilities for the functioning of international organs,particularly the United Nations


2019年英语翻译中级笔译:汉译英难点解析8 The clear heaven overhead was emptied of all its gold. Dusk spread over it, abruptly darkening the Seven Hills. 译文:天宇澄清,余晖尽敛,夜幕降临,罗马七丘顿时昏暗。 (翁显良译) 赏析:读这样的译文,是否让你想到了盛行于汉魏六朝时期的赋?一般说来,过多的美化译文很容易歪曲原文的意义和精神,而此处译 文却同原文在意义和精神上丝丝相扣,这就是见译者功力的地方了。 These alternations of mood were the despair and joy of Ethan Frome.(Edith Wharton: Ethan Frome) 译文:她这样一会儿一种情绪,叫伊坦时而灰心,时而高兴。 (吕叔湘译) 赏析:将"alternations of mood" 掰开译为"一会儿一种情绪",后面跟上叫伊坦时而如何,时而如何,自然,流畅。对比原文和译文,自能体会译者翻译手段的高超。 Is it necessary to shout ? 译文:说话就说话,非得叫唤不可吗?(吕叔湘译) 赏析:简简单单,普普通通的英文句子,一到吕叔湘先生手里, 他总能译出特色。"Is it necessary to shout"句子本很简单,换作 另一个人来译,八九不离十是类似这样的一句:"有必要大喊大叫吗" 或者更通俗一点"干吗嘲嘲嚷嚷的"也能够说是"信,达,切"了,而吕 先生却并不甘心,为了译出说话人的含蓄,委婉的口气,他将原句译成"非得叫唤不可吗"并在前面加上"说话就说话"这么一句,将说话人 不愿或不敢张扬事态,想好言好语同听话人交流的心理曲曲折折地传达 了出来。


汉英语篇翻译练习答案: 1.Retirement Attitudes toward retirement vary from person to person. Some people think that they will enjoy their time in retirement, but when it comes they may feel a little disappointed. Unwilling to resign themselves to the prospect of being put on the scrap heap, they try to seek alternative outlets for their energies and alternative sources of income that employment can provide. Others have already prepared themselves for the significant change in their lives. Tired out after all exhaus ting life revolving around work, they are anxious to relax in retirement with all the strains relieved. As there is no more need to rush to catch a morning bus and no more anxiety about promotion, they now have enough time to fulfill an old dream, such as writing, painting, growing flowers and traveling around. On the whole, female workers tend to have a more favorable attitude towards retirement than male workers. Withdrawal from employment to complete domesticity is a far less threatening experience for a woman than for a man. 2. Good-bye, My Ill-fated Motherland! The moment I set foot on the deck of the ship, there began my temporary separation from Chinese oil and a feeling of parting sorrow welled up in my heart. At sailing time, I stood on deck watching the ship receding slowly from the bank until I was out of sight of the towering waterfront buildings and the foreign warships on the Huangpu River. Thereupon I turned round with hot tears in my eyes, murmuri ng, “Good-bye, my ill-fated motherland!” Good-bye, my ill-fated motherland! I own what I am to the upbringing you have given me during the past 22 years. I have spent every day of my life in your warm bosom and under your loving care. Y ou have given me joy and sorrow as well as food and clothing. This is where my close relatives were born and brought up and where I have friends here and there. Y ou gave me a wide variety of happiness in my early childhood, but you have also been the source of my sorrow ever since I began to understand things. Here I have witnessed all sorts of human tragedy. Here I have come to know the times we live in. Here I have undergone untold sufferings. I have been struggling, fighting and, time and again, found myself on the brink of destruction and covered all over with cuts and bruises. I have laid to rest, with tears and sighs, some of my close relatives—relatives victimized by old feudal ethnics. Here, besides beautiful mountains and rivers and fertile farmland, we have ghastly prisons and execution grounds as well. Here bad people hold sway while good people suffer and justice is trodden down underfoot. Here people have to wage a savage struggle in order to win freedom. Here man eats man. O the numerous terrible scenes! O the numerous sad memories! O the grand Y ellow River! O the mysterious Y angtze River! Where on earth are your glories of the past? O my native land! O my people! How can I have the heart to leave you! Good-bye, my ill-fated motherland! Much as I hate you, I’ve got to love you as ever. (选自《英语世界》2004年第三期,张培基译)


1. 她是个好学生,但她很害羞,又缺乏自信。She is a good student, but she is shy and lacks confidence. 2. 他承认自己设定的目标不够现实,因此考试成绩也不够理想。He confessed that he had not set realistic targets / goals, so he did not do as well in the exams as he had expected. 3. 如何组织时间,如何结交新朋友是大学新生面临的挑战。(challenge; faced with)How to organize time and how to make friends are challenges that freshmen are faced with. 4.直到大学毕业我才认识到,学习并不是大学生活的全部,大学生活本可以更加丰富多彩。It wasn’t until graduation that I realized college life was not all about studying. It could have been more colorful. 5.大学是人生中最美好的时光。好好享受大学生活,因为这样的时光不会再来。College years are the best years of a person’s life. Enjoy your college life because these moments will never come again. 1. 令很多家长感到困惑的是,为什么孩子们对洋快餐那么感兴趣。What puzzles many parents is why their kids are so crazy about foreign fast food. 2. 到中国之前,你应该对中国的饮食文化有所了解。Y ou should have learnt something about Chinese food culture before you came to China .3. 尽管食品安全问题引起了广泛关注,食品安全仍然面临严峻的问题。Despite all the attention that has been paid to food safety, it still faces serious problems. 4. 除了欣赏美景外,品尝当地的小吃也是一大美事。Apart from appreciating the beautiful scenery, tasting some local food is also a great pleasure. 5. 肯德基、麦当劳等洋快餐的出现对中国的传统饮食产生了不小的影响。The appearance of foreign fast food such as KFC and McDonald’s has had quite an influence on traditional Chinese food. 1 人们往往凭第一印象去判断一个人,虽然有时第一印象并不可靠。People tend to judge a person by first impressions, though sometimes the first impression is not really reliable. 2 他非常感谢那些在他困难时期给过他帮助和支持的人。 He is very grateful to those who offered help and support when he was in trouble. 3 总的来说,中国人比较含蓄,一般不怎么愿意和陌生人交谈。Generally speaking, Chinese people are more reserved; they are less inclined to talk to strangers. 4 正是他乐于助人的品德使他赢得了人们的尊重. It is his virtue of being ready to help others that earns him people’s respect. 5 他们之间建立了良好的关系,这给双方都带来了很多好处。They established a good relationship, from which both of them benefited a lot. 1 虽然父母有教育子女的义务,但很多父母不知道如何扮演好这一角色。Despite the fact that parents have the responsibility to educate their children, many of them have no idea how to play the role well. 2 他主张父母应该成为孩子的朋友,并在言行上保持一致。He advocates that parents should be friends to their kids, and be consistent in what they say and do. 3 父母往往能认识到知识教育的重要性,却忽视了对孩子的情感教育。Parents are generally conscious of the importance of academic education while neglecting emotional education. 4 父母在子女教育方面所起的积极作用是显而易见的。The positive influence that parents may have on their children’s education is obvious and self-evident. 5 对孩子取得的任何进步都要给予肯定,不管是多么小的进步。Be positive about any progress your child is ma king, no matter how small it is. 1 到达山顶后,游客们被眼前的美景惊呆了。Upon reaching the top of the mountain, the tourists were overwhelmed by the beauty of what they saw. 2 他强烈推荐游览华山, 因为与以前爬过的山相比,华山更具有挑战性。He highly recommended visiting Huashan Mountain, because in comparison with the mountains we climbed before, Huashan Mountain is more challenging. 3 国庆期间我们去了黄山,发现黄山的美无法用文字形容。During the National Day holidays we went to Huangshan Mountain, the beauty of which we found is beyond words. 4 对我而言,旅游是有效的放松方式。我去过很多地方,确实觉得旅游带来的益处非常大。For me, travelling is an effective way to relax. I have travelled to many places and really feel that the benefits have been huge. 5 这次故乡之行让我想起了我小时候在那里度过的快乐时光。The trip back to my home town reminded me of the happy days I spent there when I was a child. 1 我们消耗的能量越多,造成的污染也可能越多。The more energy we consume, the more pollution we are likely to produce. 2 事实证明宣传活动是成功的,它把人们的注意力吸引到环境保护上来。The publicity campaign turned out to be quite successful in drawing people’s attention to environmental protection. 3 事实是,不可再生资源正日益枯竭;如何满足未来的能源需求是科学家高度关心的问题。The fact is that we are running out of non-renewable resources. How to meet our energy needs in the future is a major concern for scientists. 4 按照目前的能源消耗速度,能源短缺是不可避免的。At the present pace we consume energy, an energy shortage is inevitable. 5 离开家前,要记得关掉电视和电脑等电器。Always remember to switch off electrical equipment like TVs and computers before you leave the house.


上海基础口译汉译英难点解析 在这个问题上我们兜了这么长时间的圈子了,现在也该说点真格的了We have been beating about the bush on the matter for so long and it’s time to talk turkey. 孩子打嗝了,让他喝口水吧。 The kid is making a belch. Give him a drink. 每次去参加舞会,她都打扮得特别漂亮。 Every time she went to a dance, she would always be dressed up to the nines. 错过他人 bark up the wrong tree 也可能是我错怪了她,不过她确实经常和一个男人出去。 I may have been barking up the wrong tree, but she does go our a lot with a man. 汉译英难点解析:凑合fill the bill 凑合fill the bill 我没有新的,你先拿这个去凑合用吧。 I don’t have a new one, but you may take this to fill the bill. 从小看大,他现在不好好学习,将来也不会有什么出息。 The child is father of the man. From the way he loathes studied you know that he’s not the one among those that will make the mark. 1 ——文章来源网络,仅供参考


英语翻译中级笔译:汉译英难点解析1 导读:本文英语翻译中级笔译:汉译英难点解析1,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 评价,疑虑和问询 1. 崭新的brand new. 他买了一台崭新的轿车 He bought a brand new car. 2. 太便宜了be dirt cheap 这块手表才花了30美元,真是太便宜了。 You bought this watch only for 30 dollars? It’s dirt cheap. 3.费事儿take a lot of doing 做鱼特别费事儿,我可不愿意洗阿,淹阿,钝阿什么的。 It takes a lot of doing to cook a fish. I wouldn’t like to spend a lot of time washing, salting, stewing and whatnots for the cooking of it. 4.知道底细have someone’s number 别跟我瞎吹了,我又不是不了解你的底细。 No big talk with me, I have your number. 5.精品the choicest goods 这家商店卖的手表都是精品,而且种类还特别多。 This shop sells a wide range of watches, all of which are the choicest. 6. 了解一下情况get the lay of the land 经理说他想让我们先去海南了解一下那里的情况,然后再决定投资的事。

The manager said that he would like us to go to Hai Nan and get the lay of the land there before deciding on the investment. 7.掌上明珠the apple of someone’s eye 玲玲是她爷爷的掌上明珠 Ling Ling is the apple of her grandpa’s eye. 8.让人恶心turn one’s stomach / make one sick 听她讲话,看她和男人讲话的那股劲头儿真让我恶心。 Listening to her and seeing the way of her talking with men really turns my stomach. 9. 惹麻烦了be in a jam 小张这次可惹麻烦了,昨天他又让警察给逮着了。 Xiao Zhang’s in a jam now. He was copped out again by the police yesterday. 10.关系很好be on good terms with 据说老张和那个部长的关系特别好 It’s said that Lao Zhang is on very good terms with the minister. 11.甜头儿sugar plum 如果不尝到点甜头儿,她是不会干那种事的 She wouldn’t do that if she hadn’t got sort of sugar plum. 12.什么都敢赌can bet one’s bottom dollar 她绝对不会和他结婚的,这个我什么都敢赌。 I can bet my bottom dollar that she won’t marry him for anything. 13.美中不足a fly in the ointment 我喜欢那套房子,但美中不足的是离上班的地方太远。


1. 她连水都不愿喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。(much less) 2. 他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。(whereas) 3. 这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎么解释?(account for) 4. 他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。(due to) 5. 这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率的提高。(result in) 5. 这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率的提高。(result in) 6. 我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。(pour into) Unit2 1. 尽管她是家里的独生女,她父母也从不溺爱她。(despite) 2. 迈克没来参加昨晚的聚会,也没给我打电话作任何解释。(nor) 3. 坐在他旁边的那个人确实发表过一些小说,但决不是什么大作家。(next to; by no means) 4. 他对足球不感兴趣,也从不关心谁输谁赢。(be indifferent to) 5. 经理需要一个可以信赖的助手,在他外出时,由助手负责处理问题。(count on) 6. 这是他第一次当着那么多观众演讲。(in the presence of sb.) Unit3 1. 你再怎么有经验,也得学习新技术。(never too... to...) 2. 还存在一个问题,那就是派谁去带领那里的研究工作。(Use an appositional structure) 3. 由于文化的不同,他们的关系在开始确实遇到了一些困难。(meet with) 4. 虽然他历经沉浮,但我始终相信他总有一天会成功的。(ups and downs; all along) 5. 我对你的说法的真实性有些保留看法。(have reservations about) 6. 她长得并不特别高,但是她身材瘦,给人一种个子高的错觉。(give an illusion of) Unit4 1. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?(Use "it" as the formal subject) 2. 不管黑猫白猫,能抓住老鼠就是好猫。(as long as) 3. 你必须明天上午十点之前把那笔钱还给我。(without fail) 4. 请允许我参加这个项目,我对这个项目非常感兴趣。(more than + adjective) 5. 人人都知道他比较特殊:他来去随意。(be free to do sth.) 6. 看她脸上不悦的神色,我觉得她似乎有什么话想跟我说。(feel as though) Unit5 1. 他说话很自信,给我留下了很深的印象。(Use "which" to refer back to an idea or situation) 2. 我父亲太爱忘事,总是在找钥匙。(Use "so... that..." to emphasize the degree of something) 3. 我十分感激你给我的帮助。(be grateful for) 4. 光线不足,加上地面潮湿,使得驾驶十分困难。(coupled with) 5. 由于缺乏资金,他们不得不取消了创业计划。(starve of) 6. 每当有了麻烦,他们总是依靠我们。(lean on) Unit6 1. 就像机器需要经常运转一样,身体也需要经常锻炼。(as... so...) 2. 在美国学习时,他学会了弹钢琴。(while + V-ing) 3. 令我们失望的是,他拒绝了我们的邀请。(turn down) 4. 真实情况是,不管是好是坏,随着新科技的进步,世界发生了变化。(for better or worse) 5. 我班里的大多数女生在被要求回答问题时都似乎感到不自在。(ill at ease) 6. 当地政府负责运动会的安全。(take charge of)Unit7

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