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Comparative Study of Address Terms in Chinese and English Cultures透过称谓语的异同分析中西方文化差异

摘 要



Comparative Study of Address Termsin Chinese and English Cultures

摘 要

称谓是言语交际的第一关, 是言语交际策略中最基本的内容。由于文化、历史、社会体制的不同, 中文和英语的称谓习惯也有所不同, 了解这些差异将有助于语言学习者更好地达到交际的目的。

本文将中英称谓语分为姓名称谓、亲属称谓、社交称谓和指代称谓,汉语称谓系统的划分比较复杂、详细,涵盖了几百种称谓语,而英语称谓系统却相对简单、笼统、模糊,具有高度的概括性。在宗法观念、思想观念、价值取向、经济意识形态等方面的差异都很大,导致了汉英称谓系统的差异。 通过对中英称谓语分类比较,探讨造成这些差异的文化因素,以便英语学习者能正确地使用称谓语。全面掌握中英称谓语的不同有助于了解中英文化的差异,使语言学习者克服由于文化差异而导致的语言交际障碍,以便更好地推动中西经济、政治的交流,促进各国的合作与发展,从而推动跨文化交际的顺利进行。




Address terms is the first level and the most basic content of verbal communication. Due to the different cultures, histories and social systems, habits of Chinese and English address terms are different. It is helpful for language learners to communicate with understanding these differences.

In this paper, address terms are divided into the name address, kinship terms, social address and reference terms. Chinese address terms system is complex and detailed, and includes hundreds of address terms. While English address terms system is relatively simple, general, fuzzy and with a high degree of generality. The differences in patriarchal concept, ideas, values, economic ideology result in the differences between Chinese and English address terms system.

English learners can use address terms properly by comparing and classifying Chinese and English address terms and discussing cultural factors which lead to the differences. A comprehensive command of address terms can help to understand the differences between Chinese and British culture, so that language learners can overcome communication difficulties resulting from the cultural differences. It can also better promote economic and political exchanges between Chinese and Western, and encourage the cooperation and development with other nations, and thereby promote the smooth progress of cross-cultural communication.

Keywords: Address terms; Cultural root; Cross-cultural communication



Abbreviation etc. et cetera




摘要............................................................................................................... I Abstract ........................................................................................................ I I Abbreviation ............................................................................................... III Contents ...................................................................................................... IV Introduction .. (1)

Chapter One Literature Review (3)

1.1 Address Terms (3)

1.2 Current Domestic and International Studies of Address Terms错误!未定义书签。

1.2.1 Domestic Research on Address Terms . 错误!未定义书签。

1.2.2 International Research on Address Terms

Chapter TwoComparisonbetween Chinese and English Address Terms错误!未定义书签。

2.1 Comparison of Name Address (8)

2.2 Comparison of Kinship Terms (10)

2.3 Comparison of Social Address

2.3.1General Social Address

2.3.2 Professional Titles

2.3.3 Fictive Kinship Terms

2.4 Comparison of Reference Terms

2.4.1 Address Pronouns

2.4.2 Descriptive Terms

Chapter ThreeComparison betweenChinese and English Cultural Root Leading To the Differences of Address Terms (10)

3.1 Differences in Family Structure and Lineages Concept between China and Western Countries

3.1.1Chinese Big Families with Several Generations Together


List of Figures

3.1.2 Western Dink Families

3.2 DifferentChinese and Western Ethical Thoughts (18)

3.2.1Confucianism in China

3.2.2 Christianity in Western Countries

3.3 Influence of Individualism and Collectivism on Chinese and Western Address Terms (19)

3.3.1Collectivism in China

3.3.2 Individualism in Western Countries

Conclusion (21)

References (23)

Acknowledgements .................................................... 错误!未定义书签。


Chapter One Introduction


Address terms reflect a person's role and status in particular relationships of the human society, and mirror the human relations in a certain socio-cultural or language-specific environment. People are social animals, everyone has corresponding relations with the people around them. Address terms are the cultural symbols of interpersonal relationship, and the signals and bridges to communicate for the daily relationship. They are not only the simple phonetic symbols, but also the comprehensive embodiment of customs of a country and a nation, traditional culture and social, political and economic relations, and imply the history of a nation and the cultural accumulation. They can help people cognize their roles in social groups, and also build, define and confirm the relationship with others. Address terms reflect both the social attributes and values of parties in communication. This is closely related with their social, cultural and ethical values. From the usage of address terms we can see role and identity, social status, close or distant relations, depth ofemotion of two parts of communication. Address terms are both a special part of the language and a cultural phenomenon, so to speak, each has a different level of cultural connotation and as well be dominated by human cultural practices and individual psychology. They are bound up with culture. English and Chinese are different languages with different cultural origins. Therefore, experienced over many years in the history of sedimentation and cultural development, both of them have formed their respective rules and customs, which, different or similar, are the refraction of the cultures and also the contact and interaction between different cultures and civilizations.

Chinese families are extend families which pay great attention to blood relationship. Owing to large kinship networks, and by extension, social networks, coupled with the sense of hierarchy and the concept of traditional officialdom of Confucianism, and also the ideology of collectivism, Chinese address terms are relatively complex, detailed and highly creatable. However, there are almost



DINK families in Western countries, relatively independent. Influenced by equality ideology of Christianity and individualism, English address terms are simpler and more direct.In this paper, address terms are divided into four major categories: name address, kinship terms, social address and reference terms. By the classification and comparison of Chinese and Western address terms, it analyses the differences between the underlying Chinese and Western cultures to promote our cross-cultural communication.


Chapter Two Literature Review

Chapter One Literature Review

1.1 Address Terms

To study address terms, we should first know what address terms are. According to Contemporary Chinese Dictionary(2007: 170), address terms are appellations used in the mutual relations between relatives and other people, as well as to show statues, occupations and so on. While in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (2004: 16), it refers to "the correct title or name that you use for someone when you are speaking to them."

In China, the word "address term" was used in Biography of Xiao Wu Wen- Empress Dowager Liin The Book of the Chin Dynasty originally. "Although all people know it, but her title is just Queen Dowager. It is not enough to express the mind of His Majesty and respectfully answer immortals. Her name should be corrected venerably according to the past regulations"(Biography of Xiao Wu Wen-Empress Dowager Li). The "title" or "name" referred in the sentence means appellation. Terms of address are linguistic forms that are used in addressing others to attract their attention or for referring to them in the course of a conversation (M.H. Keshavarz, 2001: 157). Moreover, Zhao and Song (1996: 71) thought that address terms are words used to address oneself or others. While Chen (2010) assumed that the social address forms, which plays the role of maintaining and strengthening personal relationship, are the recognization about the other's identity, status, role and the relationship between each other. Furthermore, Zhu defined the system of address terms in broad and narrow sense. The former is applied to all humans and materials; and the latter is applied to especially all humans and refers to all kinds of appellations in social communication. Address terms system in narrow sense is interpersonal system of address terms, which falls roughly into kinship terms, social addresses, names and reference terms.

Terms of address, as linguistic means to denote the speaker's position in relation to their addressees, have been accepted as an essential part of most interaction oriented utterances (Kielkiewicz- Janowiak 2000). Beidelman



(1963) pointed out that a change in relational roles should change the choice of address terms relational partners use. This suggests that address terms are meaningful and have functions in the building and maintaining of identity. Li (2000) regarded address terms as an essential part of communication. They are directive for communicators and adsorbing for the relationship between communicators and utterances. Ding (1995) added that address terms can also convey different meanings, emotions and tones through differentiating the relationship of people. However, Fang considered the address terms as a start of communication and also a window of observing social ethic. Confucius said, "If the name is not correct, speech will not be heeded; if the speech is not heeded, nothing will come of it." (Zi Lu, the Analects of Confuciu 2009: 14) The discussed "name" refers to address term, incorrect use of which can hinder effective communication and cannot reach the anticipated purpose. Address terms to some degree are reflection of different national culture, so they play an important role in developing intercultural communication (Xu, 2003). Xia (2004) concluded that as a special part of the language, address term, which is dominant formation, is closely related with the culture.

1.2 Current Domestic and International Studies of Address Terms

The Chinese research of address terms has a long history. Shi Qin of Erh Ya is the earliest ancient book containing commentaries on classics, names, etc. With 3000-year history, it systematically recorded Chinese ancient kinships and more than 200 kinship terms. For example, the sisters of father are aunt, while the brothers of mother are uncles. In modern times, domestic scholars researched address terms from various angles. For instance, from the perspective of social linguistics, Chen (1984) studies the changes of non-relative terms between two generations in Beijing, and Pan and Zhang (2001) made a social survey on extended usage of Chinese kinship terms; from the angle of pragmatic function, Zhu and Ma (2003) analyzed the interpersonal function of address terms; from the cultural and ethical aspect, Yang (1989) gave a discussion about address terms, and Li (1990) talked about Chinese traditional


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