当前位置:文档之家› 中高级、二三级口译词汇翻译词汇


Unit 1

地形多样的国家 a varied land

平坦的高地high flat lands

肥沃的平原fertile plains

美国的总面积达9百万平方公里the United States covers an area of 9 million square kilometers

平缓的山坡the genteel slopes

五大湖the five Great Lakes

辽阔的大草原vast prairies

坎坷起伏的牧场rough cattle-grazing country


远处便出现appear in the distance

从富饶的谷地滑翔而下can almost glide down into the rich valleys

历来以“民族熔锅”著称has long been known as a 'melting pot'

经济上有很大的发展机会great economic opportunities

宗教自由和政治自由religious and political freedom

于是纷纷涌入美国,移民人数越来越多immigrants from many other countries flocked to the United States in increasing numbers

1880年至1914年达到了顶峰reaching a peak in the years 1880-1914


分属300多个不同的部落of the more than 300 separate tribes

如今则分散到各地now are scattered throughout the nation

总是迁居are always on the move

寻找新工作,换换气候,seeking new job opportunities, a better climate

接受正式的读、写训练have formal instruction in reading and writing


地方教育董事会school board


学区school district



文学士 B.A. àBachelor of Arts

理学士 B.S. àBachelor of Science

大学文科liberal arts

学位academic degree


有一些发言权has some voice in

财产税property taxes

可以选修一些有限的课程may have a limited choice of subjects

为(学生)上大学而做准备prepare them for college

(课程)可能每周上两次may meet twice a week

私人资助的培训学校 a privately supported training school

授予(称号、学位等), 赠与, 把...赠与,

协议; 协商, 交换意见confer

每个学院的专业各有不同each serving a special purpose

专业课程specialized study

同教会有关系Many(colleges and universities) have church affiliations.

诸如此类and the like. == and so on

Unit 2

所在地seat, the seat of the national government

宪法The Constitution

规定,供应;预备provision, provisions for freedom of speech


民选政府elective government

极度的;至高的 a. supreme

司法的;公正的;明确的a. Judicial


民众选票popular vote

选票voting ballot




行政的a. executive

立法的a. legislative


众议院House of Representatives

最高法院supreme court

过度的;不正当的;a. undue

权力和职责powers and activities

民有,民治,民享的政府"of, by and for the people"

不尽职守failing to perform their duties properly

严重违法serious violation of law

预料到将来可能要对宪法进行修改saw that the future might bring a need for change 规定了修正宪法的办法provided a method of adding amendments.

逮捕,财产查抄seizure of persons or property

及时审理have a speedy trial by a jury of fellow citizens

防止任何一个部门获得过份的权力prevents any one branch from gaining undue power 在…中确立的原则为基础are based on the principles established in ….

规定法制的准则,让人民自由地过自己的生活provide a framework of law and order in which they are left free to run their own lives.

制定外交政策,并草拟国内法律formulates foreign policy and prepares laws from the

home front

全世界的人民都注视着他the eyes of the whole world are on him

引发一场危机precipitate a crisis

同大国签订条约make a treaty with a foreign power

在生效前before it comes into force

--The same control applies to laws at home.

--Congress has on several occasions refused to ratify

treaties or give approval to laws proposed by the President.

have the feeling that idealism has gone out the politics

会出现势均立敌的局面This can lead to some very close contests.

时兴的话;别出兴裁clever catch phrases

短暂停留whistle stop tours

发表数不清的演说delivers countless speeches

--is an advantage…

--the same is true of members of Congress.

--It is unlikely that …

排除这种可能性rule out such a possibility

--protect the individual against the government

--it has the authority to cancel a law which it considers violates

the Constitution.

--The Court sits for at least four days a week and any individual who has a grievance against the government can apply to it for help.

总司令Commander in chief

武装部队armed forces


总理prime minister





Unit 3

主要地ad. principally

--is often referred to as the 'free enterprise system' and can be

contrasted to a socialist economy

应当指出的是it should be noted that

--government has to some extent always been involved in

regulating and guiding the American economy

--it is their dynamic interaction that makes the economy


主要动力来自于,因而有了市场经济这个名称the primary force being between producers and consumers, hence the market economy designation.

--look for the best value for what they spend

--seek the best price and profit for what they have to sell

增强公共安全感--promote the public security

--assure fair competition

--provide a range of services

不变地, 经常地, 坚持不懈地adv. constantly

making a dynamic rather than a static economy

消费者公开表明他们所关心的种种问题consumers have made their concern known

--and government has responded by creating….

出现的另一种情况in another development

因而, 从而, 这样, 如此adv. thus

尤其是above all

sth. far out number

this latter structure, by far the most important, permits the

amassing of large sums of money by …., making possible large-scale enterprises.

收集, 积聚(尤指财富) vt. amass

公有制public ownership

生产资料means of production




因此hence / therefore




经济衰退economic decline

稀奇的是,竟然出现那样的结果Curious, the game should turn out that way.

Now,承上启下,然后Now what do you mean by it?

各级政府government at all levels

上市的股票listed stock / listed securities

设在,存有house, housed in a large building on Wall Street, does the bulk of trading in listed securities

证券交易所stock exchange

确实地literally / exactly


普通股common stock

优先股preferred stock

经纪行brokerage house / office


海上游go on an ocean cruise

筹措资金finance (the trip)

交易(negotiate) the transaction


妥协compromise (and agree on sth. at …$)

其他知名(证券交易所) …/ distinguished / well-known other exchanges of note

Unit 4






belongings / processions 解说门Commentary Gate

取悦win favor of


用不着讨论there can never be any discussion as to ….

他只可能想到一个名字only one name be possibly suggest itself to him

--sb. Has some knowledge of the work of the greatest writer.

--be unaware of

--make full use of

--in our normal employment of


最高级there is probably no better way for …

such a study is well worth the effort 自…以来have changed since Shakespeare's day.


锁事incidental details

for an equally long time critics have been

理论探讨/说明have been theorizing about

the great mass of comment that has been written upon it

fortunately this is not likely to happen

have long delighted not just …but ….


--All's well that ends well.

似非而是的;难以理解;很难设想a. paradoxical



--is obliged to pay a weekly contribution

出台This plan was brought into being in 1948.

Its aim is to …

--person who is out of work shall receive a weekly sum of money to subsist on

--provide a small pension for those who have reached the age of retirement

--consult the doctor

--register with a doctor of his choice

--paying for their treatment --During illness the patient can draw a small amount every week, to make up for his wages.

--who needs to have his eyes seen to may go to a state-registered oculist

--may draw unemployment benefit until he finds work again, this will probably do by going to a job center

从摇篮到坟墓looks after the people 'from cradle to grave'

the blind and the handicapped(残疾,弱智)

巨大的, 庞大的, <古>极恶的, 凶暴的enormous

It is this social insurance scheme,

together with the Government’s determination to see that there is full employment (or as near as can be), that constitutes what we can all the 'welfare state'

v. 维持生活subsist





全口托牙;假牙dentures / false teeth



--in both cases---(要把两种情况都翻译出来)

被剥削者the exploited


suggest 使人想到

the sight of the birds suggested a new idea for …

I tried to think what could have happened, but nothing suggested itself.


those who wish may become private patients


Unit 5











郊区outskirt, on the outskirts of the city

--this made it availble to ordinary man

--at the turn of the century à at the beginning

--were much too expensive for all but the wealthy

--was himself a born mechanic

--believed in the dignity of the work

--Other industries connected with the automobile were attracted to Detroit, and more and

--more factories sprang up in and around the city.

--made Detroit their headquarters

v. 分散; disperse

是任何人所不及的Americans depend on the automobile like no other


一万亿英里one million million miles

--was a change in fashion in favor of small cars.

--manufacturers have followed the trend.

致力于are commited to building

--as part of a program of energy conservation

--take unleaded gas

--It remains to be seen, however, if the American automobile industry will ever again regain its former glory.

--she likes the security of a definite salary --definite 稳定的

发挥,施展才干v. exert . àa definite direcion in which to exert her abilities --Perhaps the consciousness that ability will be rewarded is also important.

--He does not like to work under pressure or in a competitive environment.

--His real interests lie outside work in his love of music.

自以为是,轻率的a. brash



特许经营n. franchise

方式;煤介n. medium

直觉;预感n. hunch

政府部门the government service

外交机构the diplomatic service


--his satisfaction is to see things happen.

--It is the urge to bring something about that defines the entrepreneur.

--This urge is not unlike that of the painter or writer.

乐趣所在The aesthetic satisfaction is that of seeing things happening effectively, of seeing decisions correctly made.

具体的,实在的; concrete

抽象的; abstract

--This satisfaction is made concrete by money

--Money is the indicator of success but not necessarily the driving factor.

--History is very much on the side of the new activities.

寻求机会;做各种尝试The entrepreneur seeks out opportunities; he tries things out;

--he makes decisions based as much on hunch as on analysis.

--entrepreneurial style of management

--Quite often he starts…

--he has to resign if the company is to survive is the risk element in society, the evolutionary element that brings about change as distinct from the operating element that keeps things ticking over

保持现状, 无进展that keeps things ticking over

--The declining enterprise was kept ticking over by means of bank loans.

--In too many countries they are discouraged as being greedy and selfish.

引申和增词Extension and Amplification

成为收入低下的苦力become unpaid robots

工资猛涨;人口激增 a wage explosion & a population explosion

从生到死from cradle to grave

尤其归功于…. and above all to Henry Ford

每辆售价…first mass-produced Model T cars cost $860

and unemployment, particularly among blacks P86

并在英译中句子里加入'在底特律' 在底特律,失业,尤其是黑人失业


Unit 6

--manual labor was highly valued.

--who work with his head to achieve success in business and industry who was looked up to.

--This is not something that can be put up with.

--having risen to a position where it is no longer necessary to depend on manual labor for a living and genuine delight in what one is able to accomplish with one's own hands The attitude toward manual labor is seen in many aspects of American Life.


--there is every evidence of the fact that the family has been able to afford foreign travel --expensive hobbies

--In addition, … , and even though

--helps him with these things

--It has been an American ideal to rise from a humble beginning to a better position.

--women who do housework by the hour may make nearly as much as stenographers

--the tradition of working with one's hands have contributed to keeping alive the spirit of ….


--articles in magazines are devoted to instruction in gardening….

--person gets a good deal of pleasure out of telling others about his projects, exhibiting them for their neighbors….

--draw the conclusion that…

they do not always realize that the Americans have these things only because they have made themselves.

荒野n. wilderness

仰慕look up to



家务活chores, household chores



n. 速记员stenographer

木工工作carpentry n.

装饰;装潢做沙发套upholster v.

室内装满interior decorating

sew their own clothes

给车子上油grease their own cars

评展会county fair

景观美化的landscaped, beautifully landscaped gardens




a. 开始发展的;初露头角的budding

n. 钉子nail

prohibitive a. expensive

modest a. not much

means n. income

度假别墅vacation houses

n. 运动movement

业余n. amateur

磨损;损耗wear and tear

不分年龄大小, 心灵手巧的人show hopeful handyman of all ages

完美无缺complete in every detail

长远in the long run…

--This is partly because the average English is keen on working…..and partly because…

--The main reason for this is a financial one:

--The high cost of labor has meant that

--costs have reached a level which makes them prohibitive for house-proud English people of modest means

--tackle some of the repairs and decorating themselves.

入不付出live beyond one's means

付了代价;吃了苦头to one's cost

As a result, there has grown up in the post-war years what is sometimes referred to as the ‘DIY movement


--began with home decorating but has since spread into a wider field

--Many a budding 'do-it-yourself' has found to his cost that one cannot learn a skilled craftsman's job overnight.

Driving fast in wet conditions is dangerous, as my brother discovered to his cost.


There is also the wear and tear on the nerves.


--It is not surprising then that…..people have come to the conclusion that….

--more economical than…

This new type of carpet stands up to the wear and tear of continual use.



被,由;受;给by somebody

人才流失brian drain

英雄所见略同. Great minds think a like.

拜金主义者, 贪财者mammonist



Unit 7

Westerners think in 'prose'.


Western thinking is linear, moving from goals to strategy to tactics


or from overview to details.(or the reverse)


In negotiations and other relationships,



both lack sufficient information and cultural background to emphasize well with each other.

view relationships in terms of 'rights'


Contracts are viewed in this light -- the relationship between parties creates obligations. 由双方的关系产生了义务.

tend to be reserved in relating to strangers


tend to be reserved with those whom they have connections


前面的; proceeding

认为v perceive





基本的;隐含的underlying, underlying concerns



搅拌好stir well


n.竞技场, 舞台arena

国际公益事业? international arena

集体的;共同的; a. collective

强有力的a. robust

v. 屈从yield , unyielding

反响repercussion n.

支持uphold v.

逐字地;严格地;实在地;完全地;认真地; literally ad.


global warming








空气中的微粒air-borne particulates







--ask questions to expose a concern, not to get an answer.

--China will comprise a significant portion of your suppliers

--What is happening in China will have consequences for our entire system.

--answer the nature's call

--Judy couldn't put up with his haughtiness any more, so she left him.


--China will need to participate increasingly in the processes that

--steps to reduce global warming

--As I noted above

--Yielding to this pressure would have two highly negative consequences.

--a liberal system of

by contrast, china's participation in upholding the regime will have broad benefits. suffer from….受到….损害

--more than outweigh the benefits enjoyed by the protected producers

--they are also are in a better position to absorb technology from abroad

--environmental challenges/issues have a direct and immediate impact on quality of life.

--address environmental issues

--Global warming as a result o the accumulation of green house gases represents a real threat to the future well-being of all of us who share this planet.

--are responsible for the large majority of

--with the proportions of current greenhouse gas emissions shifting rapidly toward

--China's participation is crucial to the success of any attempt to deal with rising levels of those gases.


those gases---温室气体

--Agreeing on an efficient and equitable approach for addressing this global threat is

an international public good, and its benefits will be enjoyed by all countries, including China.


--slowing the growth of emissions is a public good.

--I'm giving you this advice for your own good.

--could increase the chances of success, possibilities of success

sanguine a. 乐观的;满怀希望的

well-founded concerns 有理由根据的关切

--are taken into account take his age/experience into account

--draw on foreign donors and technology sources 吸收

--competitive and efficient, raising productivity and incomes ,


--be in a position to do sth.


--I am not in a position to help you. 我无法帮你。

--on quality of life





Hearing the news,

When completed

The work done


Not knowing the language

Attracted by reports of

Deeply moved by the play,

The children, exhausted, fell


P116, 句子的后面半部分句子

thus providing more personal and public services.


Working hard, you will succeed.

Used economically,


Granting the achievements to be great, we have no reason to be conceited.


a. 自以为是;自满conceited

Defeated, he remains a popular athlete.

Even if invited, I wouldn't go.


let's start as arranged.

He came back, utterly exhausted.

Unit 8

brief == short, a brief visit


卖淫the visible increase in prostitution

易察觉的palpable a.

felt obliged to explain

偷偷摸摸furtively ad.



在…中prep, amid

n. 疏散evacuation


安慰n. solace

回到;下降;失检;丧失v. lapse


crutch == support


stash v. = store


n. 降落伞parachute




炭疽解毒药anthrax antidote antibiotics



v. 后退;消失recede

吹出气(吞云吐雾) puff away


n. 核武器nuke

a. 不安的unsettling


You never used to see when I was here

I couldn't resist my laughter.

I clarified.

For indeed they are.

Most American office buildings no longer allow smoking on the premises,

driving those who can't resist the urge onto the streets.

The sight of them, lounging on 'coffee breaks' near the entrances to their workplace, puffing away, has become ubiquitous.

Stress is probably better measured anecdotally than statistically.

who amid the scares of 9-11 and its aftermath, have sought solace in cigarettes

At least three friends who'd given up tobacco have lapsed back into the habit,

claiming they couldn't calm their nerves any other way.

Others have increased their previously reduced intakes.

Some, in their quest for a crutch, have begun smoking for the first time.

the frantic puff has become the preferred alternative to the silent scream.

stash a canoe in his closet in case he needs to escape….by river

a firebom

b makes the elevator or the staircase impassable

look into the purchase of a parachute

stock up on such items of antiterrorist chic as flame-retardant ponchos,

anthraxantidote antibiotics and heavy-duty gas masks.

be worried in the wake of the terrorist assaults


The anthrax scare may have receded.

have permanently unsettling effects.

seek reassurance in 'comfort food'

Given the alternatives, smoking seems a reasonable refuge


after all, the long-term threat of cancer seems far more remote these days than the prospect of explosive incineration.

considerable practice

Potential translators must have a high level of aptitude for the creative use of language.

or they are not likely to be outstanding in their profession.

n. 抒情诗lyric

十分怪诞plain weird




doctor = edit












n. 细微差别nuance

Furthermore, real improvements will not come from merely doctoring the program or adding rules.

componentially incalculable advantage over machine

text is filled with irony and sarcasm

the designative and associative meanings of the text to be translated


Provide that




Unit 9

时代the times; age; era

主题subject, theme

携手join hands; hand in hand

推进advance; push on; promote

崇高lofty; high

局面situation; aspect

总体上on the whole


引发trigger; cause

局部战争local war

此起彼伏rise one after another; keep cropping up(突然出现)


妨碍impede; hinder; obstruct

遵守abide by; observe; comply with 联合国宪章the United Nations (UN) Charter

宗旨purpose; aim

违背go against; against

武力冲突armed conflict

少数利益集团 a few interest group

谋利seek gain

时代潮流the trend of times

大多数人民的意志the will of the majority of the people 安居乐业live and work in peace and contentment;

to live in peace and enjoy one's work 创新innovation

创新科技scientific & technological innovation 政治家statesmen

巨大的市场需求an enormous market demand

经济繁荣economic prosperity

当今世界In today's world

世界各国人民people across the world


People across the world should join hands in advancing the lofty cause of the peace and development of mankind.

不断推进continued efforts are made to advance the cause of

重要前提==不可缺少indispensable ==absolutely essential

国家,地区,全球发展national, regional and even global development

稳定的政治局面political stability

就谈不上经济发展there would be no economic progress to speak of

历史和现实都充分说明了这一点This has been fully proved by both the past and the present.

趋向缓和is moving toward relaxation

各种因素various factors

妨碍了有关国家和地区的经济发展All this has impeded the economic development of the

countries and regions conerned.

对世界经济产生了不利影响adversely affected the world economy

遵守….宗旨abide by the purposes of the UN charter

公认的universally acknowledged

指导国际关系的准则norms governing international relations

为实现普遍,持久,全面的和平而努力work for a universal, lasting and comprehensive peace.

而不能…人为的挑起Nobody should be allowed to cause

挑起紧张态势,甚至制造武力冲突tension and armed conflicts against the interests of the

违背各国人民的利益people(accrose the world).

制造紧张态势来谋利seek gains by creating tension

在这样那样的地方here and there.

在座各位all of us here today

爱好和平的人们peace-loving people

持久和平,共同繁荣lasting (world) peace and common (development and) prosperity of all nations and regions

build a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity

对外开放open up to the outside world

长远基本国策long-term basic state policy

一项重大决策 a major decision

全方位multi-directional; all-round

格局pattern; setup


外资foreign capital

开放型经济open economy

商机business opportunity



坚定不移地unswervingly; firmly

unswerving adj. 不歪的, 不偏离的, 坚定的, 始终不渝的


世界贸易组织World Trade Organization(WTO) 立场stand; position

立场始终如一stance remains the same

始终如一constant; consistent

健全improve; perfect

符合consistent with; in conformity with

国情national conditions

体制regime; system

市场准入market access

注入instill; inject

活力vigor; vitality

vigorous a. 精力旺盛的, 有力的, 健壮的

推进现代化建设advance the modernization drive

关于in respect of in terms of

因为in respect that

连续successive, in succession, running, in a row, at a stretch

20多年来over the past 20 years and more

基本上,大体上by and large == on the whole

In terms of cultrual relics, China is one of the richest countries in the world.


China is now the seventh largest trading nation in the world.

China ranks the seventh in the world in respect of foreign trade.


全方位的开放格局已基本形成 a multi-directional opening-up pattern has taken shape in china

连续8年For 8 years in a row

已经广泛开展It has engaged in extensive economic and technological

exchanges and cooperation with other countries and regions.

有力的推动作用This has not only given a strong boost to China's

economic and social development

为各地区企业创造了有利条件created favorable conditions for businesses of other countries and regions

在中国寻求商机,进行合作to seek business opportunities and conduct cooperation in China

任何国家难以在封闭的状态下发展 a country can hardly develop in isolation

坚定不移地实行…unswervingly implement the opening-up policy

更加积极地推进It will more vigorously promote….

在更大范围和更深度上参加.. and take part in ……at greater width and depth.

中国加入世贸组织的谈判已进行了15年Negotiations on China's accession to the WTO have been going on 15 years.

加入世贸组织后, Following its entry into the organization,

会有步骤地扩大在….领域的对外开放China will steadily expand its opening-up in the area of commodities and service trade.

为国内外企业创造公开,公平,平等竞争的条件create a level playing field for open and fair competition between Chinese and overseas enterprises

建立健全符合国际经济通行规则, establish and improve a regime for foreign trade and economic

符合中国国情的对外经济贸易体制cooperation which is consistent with international practice and which suits China's own national conditions

为国外企业来华进行经贸合作提供更多, provide the overseas enterprises in China with increased

更稳定的市场准入机会. and more stable access to the Chinese market so as to facilitate economic cooperation and trade between china and other countries.

注入新的活力China's entry into the WTO will instill new vitality into the economic growth of China, Asia and other countries and regions in the world.

从中受益Chinese people will benefit from China's accession to ….

and so will the people of the countries in Asia and around the world.


失业是城市的常见现象. Unemployment tends to be a city phenomenon.

我们必须培养分析问题,解决问题的能力. We must cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems

Please report your work to the management in a timely manner


在我不知道的情况下…He took it away without my knowledge. 利润分配On profit distribution, that's all I have got to say.

结束了那个时期社会动荡不安的局面. The government put an end to the social unrest and

upheaval of that time.

unrest n.不安的状态, 动荡的局面

upheaval n. 剧变

更多,更稳定的市场准入机会. increased and more stable access to the Chinese market

Unit 10

中美经贸发展the development of China-U.S./Sino-U.S. Economic and Trade Ties Sino-中国的

Sino-Japanese war 中日战争

Sino-British joint venture 中英合资企业

中美关系the Overall China-U.S. Relations

两国交往中最为活跃的一个方面the most active element between the contacts

of the two countries.

中美建交the establishment of diplomatic relations between

China and the United States

中国两国经济上的相互依存不断加强As the economies of China and the United States become increasingly interdependent

经贸关系已成为中美关系的稳定器economic and trade relationship has functioned as a stabilizer for relations between the two countries

(关系)受两国总体关系影响,经历一些波折, has been growing rapidly despite a number of twists and turns

长期以来一直保持较快发展速度. in their overall relations over the years. 随着中国深入改革和扩大开放进程的发展With the deepening of China's reform and the furtherance of its operning up


在中美关系发展中将发挥更大的作用will play an even bigger role in the development of their bilateral relations

bilateral adj.有两面的, 双边的

中美经贸合作的发展十分迅速the two countries have witnessed rapid development in their economic and trade cooperation.

目前,中国是美国的第四大贸易伙伴Currently, China is the fourth largest trade partner of the United

美国是中国第二大贸易伙伴States which, in turn, is China's second largest trade partner.

在投资方面, 美国在对华投资者中名列第二. In respect of investment, the United States is the second largest investor in China.

其次,两国经贸领域的互补性很强Secondly, the two countries are highly complementary

in economic and trade areas,

双方可以彼此分享巨大的市场. making it possible for them to share each other's huge market.

中美的发展水平. …. 存在很大差异. Given their big differences in the level of development….

在劳动力等方面具有各自的比较优势as well as their respective comparative advantages in labor….. respective a. 各自的

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