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Good morning,

Distinguished professors and teahers, ladies and gentlemen, thank ou for attending the oral defense. :

I am XX. First and foremost, I ould like to express m sinere grat-itude to m supervisor, professorXX, for his intelletual guidane, invaluable instrutions and ments on m thesis. It is ith his valuable assistane that I have finall aplished this thesis.

M topi is On the traged figures at historial turning pointsThe hole thesis onsists of 6 parts. The first part ill give a brief introdution of the negative, evasive and onservative attitudes of Kong and Rip as ell as the topi s signifiane in the real soiet. And the seond part is going to analze the figures bakground to sho the historial neessit of the tragedies. In the third part, the tragi heroes failing in the harater aording to their living environment ill be further disussed and the fourth part is to talk about their different tenden of dispositions and behaviors in the soiet. Then the author ill dig into the root auses of the tragedies in the fifth part, and sum up the hole paper to reveal the ideologial eak points of the to ountries separatel in the last part.

Thank ou!


Good evening, all the appraiser mittee members. I e from HUST, majoring in foreign linguistis and applied linguistis. I am *** and m supervisor is prof.***. With her sinere and intelletual guidane, for nearl one hole ear s hard ork, I have finished m paper. Finall, it is the sho time. This evening I ill present m efforts to ou all and I gratefull ele

an orretion.

The title of m paper is A Stud of the Causes of the Gothi Stle in A Rose for Emil from a Feminist Perspetive. I hoose this as m topi due to the folloing reasons. Firstl, I am fond of literature orks , espeiall gothi literature orks. Seondl, I am quite familiar ith this short stor as this is one of the texts i

n our intensive teahing ourse and I have taught this text for more than 3 times . Last but not the least ,as a female , I am keen on the stud of feminism. For the above fats, I selet the subjet of A Stud of the Causes of the Gothi Stle in A Rose for Emil from a Feminist Perspetive as the title of m paper.

I hope b studing this short stor e an kno more about Amerian southern omen in ertain histor and ulture and more importantl help omen in modern soiet get a deeper understanding about ourselves ,help us raise our independene and onfidene and sho more onern for our mental health.

Next , I ill present it to ou. Here is an outline of m presentation. The are literature revie, gothi tradition , the gothi in the stor and the auses of the gothi .

This paper onsists of six parts. Part one presents an introdution to the author William Faulkner and A Rose for Emil b pointing out the purpose and signifiane of this stud. Part to is literature revie hih introdues the relevant researh about this novel at home and abroad and then points out the theoretial basis and methods. Part three gives a timeline of the gothi tradition in literature and explains the main harateristis of gothi orks. Part four explains the three aspets of the gothi in the novel,that is, the death theme, grotesque haraters and msti atmosphere. Part five then explains in detail the auses of the gothi in this novel: patriarhal oppression, the mth of southern ladhood and Emil s attitude toards love. Finall, in the onlusion, the author summarizes the previous

parts and emphasizes the signifiane of the argument of the thesis again. Ok, that s all. No ou ma raise our questions ! I am read! Thank ou !!!


Good morning, all appraiser mittee members. I am **** and m supervisor is ***. With her onstant enouragement and guidane, I have finished m paper. No, it is the sho time. I ill present m efforts to ou and ele an orretion. The title of m paper is On Transformation of Parts of Speeh in Translation.

I hoose this as m topi due to the folloing reasons. Different languages have different standards to distinguish parts of speeh. Eah language has its on speial struture. And there are no equivalent parts of speeh beteen different languages. In order to make the target version more idiomati and standard, the transformation of parts of speeh is alas used b translators. So the transformation of parts of speeh is plaing a more important role in English to Chinese based on different harateristis of English and Chinese. For the above fats, I selet the subjet of On Transformation of parts of speeh as the title of m paper.

I hope b studing this topi e an kno the importane of the transformation of parts of speeh in English to Chinese translation. Through transformation, e an get the better version and improve the translation skills.

The a of thinking and expressing is quite different beteen Chinese and English. English is a kind of stati languages hih tends to use more nouns. While Chinese is a dnami one in hih verbs are often used.

So hen e make translation in English to Chinese, e should kno this point and shift the parts of speeh.

Next, it is an outline of m paper. In the main part of this paper, I divide it into five parts.

Part one presents an introdution to the basi onepts of parts of speeh and transformation.

Part to disusses the definition of translation and emphasizes the importane of transformation of parts of speeh in the ourse of translation. Part three gives four basi as of transformation of parts of speeh through illustrative examples. There are transformed English ords into Chinese verbs, nouns, adjetives and adverbs.

Part four presents some problems about transformation and gives some advise to solve the problems.

Part five dras some onlusions that transformation beteen parts of speeh is neessar for us to ahieve good translation. It is demonstrated that e an have a good master of transformation and improve the translation. In addition, e must ontinuousl stud and explore in all kinds of translation praties. OK! That is all. Thank ou! Please ask questions.

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