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秦狄辉 科技英语写作教程答案答案2001年版

练习 1 (on page 8)

II. 将下列句子译成英语

1.Nonlinear distortion can be caused by too large an input signal.

输入信号太大会引起非线性失真(nonlinear distortion)。

https://www.doczj.com/doc/d98148650.html,ing the definition of slope, we can derive the equation which represents a straight line.


3.The expression f(x + h) – f(x) is frequently used in the study of calculus.

f(x + h) – f(x)这一表达式(expression)经常用在微积分(calculus)方面。

4.An equation which can be written in the following form is known as a linear equation in one


能写成以下形式的方程被称为含有一个未知数(unknown)的线性方程(linear equation)。

5.In a computer, the tendency is to operate at as high a clock rate as possible.

在计算机中,趋势是以尽可能高的时钟频率(clock rate)工作。

6.The voltage across this capacitor is a few hundredths of a volt.

该电容器(capacitor)上的电压(voltage)为零点零几伏(volt )。

7.The output of the factory ten years ago was only one fifth what it is now [或:… only one

fifth its present output].


8.The difference between these two values is 13 parts in 104.


9.Tin does not have as high a melting point as lead (does).

锡(tin)的熔点(melting point)没有铅(lead)高。(要求使用“have as…as”句型)

10.This average velocity is half the final velocity.

这个平均速度(average velocity)是末速度(final velocity)的一半。

11.It is necessary to find how long a time it takes [或:is required; is needed; is necessary] to solve

this equation.


12.This wire is four times thicker than that one.


13.Electricity can be easily changed into other forms of energy.


14.In 1831, Joseph Henry in the United States discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic


1831年美国的约瑟夫·亨利(Joseph Henry)发现了电磁感应(electromagnetic induction)现象。

15.A receiver consists of several units [或:parts].


III.. 改正下列句中的错误

1.The newly designed instrument is good in quality [或:… is of good quality].

原句:The new designed instrument is in good quality.

2.This engine needs to be cleaned [或:cleaning].

原句:This engine needs being cleaned.

3.This running machine will stop of itself in a minute or two [或:… in one or two minutes].

原句:This running machine will stop of itself in one minute or two

4.In this case, the input does not fall; the output does not fall, either. [或:…; neither [nor] does

the output.]

原句:In this case, the input does not fall; the output does not fall, too.

5.The resistance of a conductor depends not only on the material of which the conductor is made,

but also on the size and temperature of the conductor.

原句:The resistance of a conductor not only depends on the material with which the conductor is made,but also on the size and temperature of the conductor.

6.Another comsat was launched on the morning of the 8th of October.

原句:Another comsat has been launched in the morning of the 8th of October.

IV. 将下列内容译成英语

1.The period with which a body undergoes simple harmonic motion is the time required for it to

make one complete oscillation. In the case of a spring, the period is the time the spring spends in going from its maximum extension, through its maximum compression and back to its maximum extension once more. For all types of simple harmonic motion, the period T is given [或:expressed; denoted; represented] by



where the acceleration a is that experienced by the body when it is at its specified position.

物体(body)经受(undergo)简谐运动(simple harmonic motion)的周期(period)是为使它作一完整振荡(oscillation)所需的时间。对弹簧(spring)而言,周期就是弹簧在从其最大的伸长(extension),通过其最大的压缩(compression

过程中所用的时间。对各类简谐运动来说,周期T 表示为2

T=。式中加速度(acceleration)a是物体处于特定位置(specified position)的加速度。

2.××: male, professor, advisor for doctoral students, and academician of the Chinese Academy of

Sciences. He graduated from the Department of Radar at the Institute of the Communications Engineering of the People’s Liberation Army of China in 1953.

After graduation he remained at the Institute as a faculty member. He successively held the posts of head of a teaching and research section, chairman of a department, and vice president of the Institute. From 1984 to 1992 he served as president of Xidian University. He is currently chairman of the Academic Commission of Xidian University and chairman of the Academic Commission of the National Key Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing. He is also member of the Committee of the National Science Fund for Outstanding Youths, and fellow of the Chinese Institute of Electronics.

He has long been engaged in research and teaching in the fields of radar and information processing. In recent years, his research interests focus on statistical signal processing, array signal processing, and self-adaptive signal processing.





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练习 2 (on page 23)

II. 将下列句子译成英语



2.Of the first four chapters, Chapter 3 is the most important.


3.This problem can be solved with great ease.


4.In this case, current leads voltage by 90o.


5.Through the analysis of the parameters of this device [或:By analyzing the parameters of

6.For x > 0, there is no solution to the equation.

若x > 0,则该方程无解。



8.Upon substitution of these values, it is found that v is equal to the velocity of light.


9.Capacitance is measured in farads.


10.This computer is very small in size.


11.These waves travel only in one direction.


12.In their study of electricity, physicists defined electric field intensity.

在研究电学时,物理学家们定义了电场强度(electric field intensity)。

13.This answer appears correct.


14.This coefficient remains to be determined.


15.The two equations below will be used often in later chapters.


16.Here we use two metal balls two meters apart.


17.This paper contains nothing new. [或:There is nothing new in this paper.]


18.The force acts perpendicular to the surface of the table.


19.This rule can be used for [或:… can apply to] all integers, both positive and negative.


20.A neutron has a slightly larger mass than a proton. [或:… has a mass slightly larger than that

of a proton.]


21.Electrons are the smallest particles present in ordinary matter. [或:… particles that exist in

ordinary matter.]

电子(Electron)是存在于普通物质(ordinary matter)中的最小微粒(particle)。


23.Accurate in operation and high in speed [或:In view of their accurate operation and high

speed], computers have found wide applications.


24.Medium-size computers now perform as large computers not long ago [或:of near past] did.


25.The input voltage goes negative and the energy stays constant.

输入电压(input voltage)变为负值而能量则保持不变。

26.These rays seem to come from the image.


27.Impedance in an a-c circuit plays the same role that resistance does in a d-c circuit.

交流电路(a-c circuit)中的阻抗(Impedance)起着与电阻(resistance)在直流电路中相


28.Two parallel wires a distance (of)δapart carry the current i.


29.The equations here are of great importance.


30.We shall use a cable 10 meters long.


III.. 改正下列句中的错误

1.That professor is much [或:very] interested in this topic.

2.These multimeters are much alike in size and weight.

3.This voltage can hardly be measured.

4.In this laboratory, this instrument is better than any other one [或:… than any one else].

5.To repair the machine, the serviceman has to remove the cover. [或:Before the machine can

be repaired, the cover has to be removed.]

6.The preface to this book is well written.

IV. 将下列内容译成英语

1.The primary winding of a transformer is the coil which is fed with an alternating current, and

[或:while] the secondary winding is the coil to which power is transferred via the changing flux. The designations of the primary and the secondary depends only on how the transformer is connected; either winding may be the primary, and the other is then the secondary.

变压器(transformer)的初级绕组(primary winding)是馈有(fee d ….with…)交变电流(alternating current)的线圈(coil),而次级(secondary)绕组是通过(via)变化的(changing)磁通(magnetic flux)传给有(transfer)功率的线圈。初级和次级的名称(designation)只取决于变压器连接的方式;任一个绕组均可是初级,于是另一个就是次级了。

2.×××: male and born in Funing County, Jiangsu Province in 1962. He graduated from Xidian

University and earned the B. Eng. Degree, the M. Eng. Degree, and the Ph. D. degree in 1982, 1985, and 1990 respectively. In 1994 he was exceptionally promoted to professor. Presently he holds the posts of dean of the School of Telecommunications Engineering of Xidian University and director of the Research Institute of Information Science. He is an advisor for doctoral students, a fellow of the Chinese Institute of Communications, a senior member of IEEE, and a

senior member of the Chinese Institute of Electronics. He was granted the title of “Expert with Distinguished Achievements” of both Shaanxi Province and the Ministry of Electro nics Industry. He is a recipient of the Government Special Subsidy.

He is engaged in the research in the fields of mobile communication, personal communication, and so on. He has obtained one “National Invention” patent and won quite a few Science and Technology Progress Awards at provincial and ministerial levels.


……………………………………………………………………………………………………练习 3 (on page 31)

II. 将下列句子译成英语


2. The black hole is invisible, but its presence can be deduced.

黑洞(black hole)是看不见的,但它的存在是可以推断(deduce)出来的。

3. Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light, and require no material for their passage.

电磁波(electromagnetic waves)以光速传播,为其通行(passage)不需要任何物质。

4. From its definition as the ratio of distance to time, speed is expressed in meters per second.


5. Their difference in this case is 13 parts in a million [或:per million; in 106].


6. Our analysis of the diode will be of great significance.


7. This facilitates their use in circuit analysis.


8. The success in design depends on our correct choice of the circuit.


9. It is necessary to take into account their collisions with each other.



11. This law holds (true) for [或:applies to] the bodies the speed of a rocket.


12. We must frequency modulate the carrier.


13.This device is radio controlled.



15.To solve this problem, we must take everything into account, a complicated procedure.


16.An instrument for measuring current, voltage and resistance, the multimeter is widely

used in the work having connection with electricity.


connection with)的工作中。

17.This paper deals with advantages of AC over DC.


18.The answers to these problems appear in the back of the book.


19.This curve shows the fall in[或:of] conductivity with increasing [或:increased]



20.These materials are pressure sensitive.


III. 改正下列句中的错误

1.The features of this device are small size and light weight.

原句:The feature of this device is small in size and light in weigh.

2.Other types of electric motor are also widely used in industry.

原句:Other types of the electric motor is also widely used in industry.

3.No students [或:None of the students] can solve this special kind of equation.

原句:Any student cannot solve this kind of special equation.

4.Not until the invention of the microscope did the real study of bacteria become possible.

原句:Until the invention of the microscope the real study of bacteria became possible.

5.They do not know if this material could stand so large a force [或:… whether this material

could stand so large a force or not].

原句:They do not know if this material could stand a so large force or not.

6.The machine will automatically start to operate again in two hours.

原句:The machine will automatically start to operate again two hours later.

IV. 将下列内容译成英语

1.The second law of motion provides a method for measuring what is called the “inertial mass” of

a body. All one needs to do is [OR: All that is necessary is; One only needs] to apply the same

force in turn to a standard of mass and to an unknown mass and then to compare their accelerations, something that [OR: …, which] can be done anywhere in the universe with t he same results. No matter where we are, we can always tell a wooden ball from a lead ball of the same size by throwing them.

第二运动定律(the second law of motion)提供了度量人们所说的物体的“惯性质量”

(“inertial mass” of a body)的一种方法。人们只需要把同样的力依次(in turn)加到一个质量标准上和一个未知质量上,然后比较它们的加速度(acceleration),这可以在宇宙中任何地方进行而获得相同的结果。不论我们在什么地方,我们总能够通过投掷(throw)来区分开一个木质球(wooden ball)和一个同样大小的铅球(lead ball)。

2.×××,male, born in 1938, professor, and advisor for doctoral students. He graduated from

the Xi’an Military Telecommunications Engineering Institute in 1964 and remained there as a faculty member. He has long been engaged in the teaching and research in the field of radar.

Through close cooperation with quite a few radar research institutes and enterprises, he has successively undertaken or taken charge of more than twenty national defence key preliminary

research projects and engineering projects with many practical achievements, most of which have been popularized and applied, or used to equip the armed forces, thus making contributions to the development of radar technology in China.



练习 4 (on page 39)

II. 将下列句子译成英语

1.This equipment, it is said, was commercially available three years ago. [OR: It is said that ….;

This equipment is said to have been commercially available three years ago.]

这种设备据说在三年前就有卖(commercially available)的了。

2.h fe is a parameter which we think is very important.

h fe是一个我们认为很重要的参数(parameter)。

3.Now we connect a conductor charged with, let us say, positive electricity, to the ground.

现在我们把带有比如说带正电的一个导体接地(connect…. to the ground)。

, it was agreed, should be replaceable by –1 at will.

at will)用—1来替代。

5.Velocity, we have noted before, is a vector quantity.

我们在前面已注意到,速度(Velocity)是个矢量(a vector quantity)。

6.None of these windows can withstand so large a force.


7.All the computers in our laboratory are not very good in quality.


8.No textbooks available [OR: None of the textbooks available] have mentioned this point.


9.Students are familiar with none of these parameters. [OR: No students are familiar with these



10.In this shop all these components are not available.


11.As early as the 1820s, it had been realized that this metal could/can be used in industry.


12.They have been developing a special kind of robot since 1998.


13.Full use must be made

full use of.] (要求使用make use of)

14.It is expected that, by the time the device arrives at that research institute, the technical personnel

there will have studied its principle of operation.

预计到这设备运抵(arrive at)该研究所(research institute)时,那里的技术人员(technical personnel)对其工作原理(principle of operation)已学过了。

15.Attention must be paid to the polarities of this battery. [OR: The polarities of this battery must

be paid attention to.]


16.Sound travels much more rapidly in hydrogen than in air.


17.Some developed countries use as much as 60 kilograms of paper for each person in a year.

有些发达国家(developed country)每人一年中使用多达60公斤(kilogram)的纸。

18.The darker the color, the more heat is/will be absorbed.


19.The greater the resistance of a wire, the more energy will be dissipated in it.


20.Of all this one is most commonly used.


21.This astronomical observatory is the largest in our country.

这个天文台(astronomical observatory)属我国最大。

III. 改正下列句中的错误

1.This experiment begins at eight o’clock/in May/tomorrow.

2.The voltage across the resistor is measured in volts.

3.Both the engineers are busy (in) designing a new type of computer. [OR: … busy with the

design of….]

4.Copper is a kind of matter and so is air.

5.We find this concept very difficult to explain.

6.They will leave for Beijing to attend an international conference on communications.

IV. 将下列内容译成英语

1.When a wire loop surrounds a stationary magnet, no current flows in the loop. What Faraday

and Henry discovered was that moving the magnet causes a current to flow in the loop. It does not matter whether the magnet or the loop is actually being moved; the origin of the current lies in the relative motion between a conductor and a magnetic field.

当导线环(wire loop)环绕静止的磁铁时,在环中没有电流流动。法拉第(Faraday)和亨利(Henry)所发现的是:使磁铁运动能引起电流在环中流动。磁铁或环是否实际上在被运动是没有关系的。电流的起源在于导体和磁场之间的相对运动(relative motion)。

2. A lever is a rigid rod pivoted at a certain point called the fulcrum. Fig. 12-1 shows the most

familiar type of lever, with a load at one end being balanced by an applied force at the other.

The condition for equilibrium is that the torques produced by F in and F out be the same in magnitude.


图12-1画出了人们最熟悉的一类杠杆,处于一端的负载(load)被处在另一段的外力(applied force)所平衡(balance)。平衡(equilibrium)的条件是由F in 和F out产生的力矩(torque)大小相等。

3.×××: male and born in December 1941. He graduated from the Xi’an Military

Telecommunications Engineering Institute (the predecessor of Xidian University) and remained at the institute as a faculty member. From 1981 to 1983 he stayed at the University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. for further studies, engaged in the research on image analysis & processing and radar imaging. From 1989 to 1990 he went to the United States and Britain successively as a visiting scholar. Currently he serves as president of Shenzhen University, being an advisor for doctoral students of Xidian University in the academic area of signal and information processing. He has been in charge of and undertaken quite a few projects, all with high-level achievements.








练习 5 (on page 43)

II. 将下列句子译成英语(要求使用动词不定式)

1.It is quite possible for us to solve this equation.


2.It takes only a few months to design a new type of airplane with the help of a computer.



4.It is left as a problem to the reader to show that this formula holds.


5.The program to be executed is stored in this unit.


6.This valley is used as the foundation on which to build the dam.


7.There are many types of multimeters to choose from.

有许多种类型的万用表(multimeter)可供选用(choose from)。

8.The velocity of light is too great to be measured in/with simple units.


9.Let it be required to find out this angle.


10.Let t o be equal to zero.

设(let)t o等于零(zero)。

11.This equation is very difficult to solve.


12.The farther away the target (is), the longer it takes for the echo to return.


13.We find this problem easy to solve.


14.For this series to converge, x must be less than 1.




16.This is a pen to draw pictures with.


17.For Q2 to conduct, its base must be about 1.8 volts.



III. 改正下列句中的错误

1.Substituting Eq. (7) in/into Eq. (8), we obtain/have/get a=b. [或:Substitution of Eq. (7)

into/in Eq. (8) gives/yields/results in a=b.

原句:When Eq. (7) is substituted in Eq. (8), a=b.

2.Sound travels less fast than light does.

原句:Sound travels much less faste r than light is.

3.Every one/Each of the methods has its advantages and disadvantages.

原句:Every of methods has their advantages and disadvantages.

4. Work equals/is equal to force multiplied by distance [或:Work equals force times distance.

或:Work is the product of force and distance.]

原句:Work equals to force multiplying distance.

5. Usually we can not see the earth’s shadow, because there is nothing for it to fall on.

原句:Usually we can not see earth’s shadow, because there is nothing for it to fall.

7.This equipment has quite a few advantages all its own.

原句:This equipment has quite a few advantage all it’s own.

IV. 根据所给的中文句子,改正英语句子中的错误

1.This new method has the advantages of high efficiency and easy adjustment.


This kind of new method have the advantage of high efficiency ,easy adjustment

2.The sine law of the variation of the light intensity with the cylinder diameter has been



The sine law of the variance of the light intensity brought due to the variance of the

cylinder diamond has been pointed out emphatically.

3.Our method is different from those described/presented in the papers available

on/discussing the same problem.


Our method is different from previous articles discussed the same problem.

V. 将下面的内容译成英语

Xidian University is a national key institution of higher learning/education which integrates engineering, science, liberal arts and management, with information and electronics as the dominant academic areas. It is located in the ancient cultural city of Xi’an and occupies an area of 60 hectares with a beautiful environment on the campus. It has established nine schools and one college, i.e., School of Telecommunications Engineering, School of Economy and Management, School of Electronic Engineering, School of Computer Science and Technology, School of Mechano-Electronic Engineering, Adult Education College, etc. There are 17 departments with/covering over 60 specialties for undergraduates and junior-college/three-year-program students. The University has the right to examine and approve professorship and qualifications for doctoral advisers. It has set up about 34 academic areas for master’s degrees and 14 academic areas for doctoral degrees, of which there are 3 national key areas (i.e., “communication and electronic system”, “signal and information processing”, and “circuit and system”) and 11 ministerial-level key areas.



练习 6 (on page 49)

II. 将下列句子译成英语


A transformer is a device consisting of two or more coils wound on the iron core.

2. 这本书如果使用恰当,对读者是很有帮助的。

The magnetic lines of force representing the magnetic field are concentric circles surrounding

In this case, electrons will possess greater energy [或:the energy electrons possess will be greater], (thus) increasing the brightness of the spot.


Given/Knowing time and speed, we can find out distance.


All these networks have the property of being able to transform impedance levels.


Enzymes increase the speed of chemical reactions without being changed themselves.


By finding two points on the straight line, we can draw the line.


is called solving the equation.

Automation is not a question of machines replacing man.


These integrated circuits were designed with one or two uses in mind.



The equation to the circle with the center at the origin and of radius a is x2 + y2 = a2.


With other gates as loads, the output voltage will be approximately 3.5 volts.

16.在u =2公里/秒和v =11.2 公里/秒的情况下,m0/m1 = 270.

With u =2 km/sec and v =11.2 km/sec, m0/m1 = 270.

III. 改正下列句中的错误

1.By observing the effect of a new drug on the patients, one/we can see its therapeutic effect.

2.Iron is almost as good a conductor as aluminium.

3.It is easy for us to determine the weight of the body.

4.Friction makes the work put into a machine greater than the useful work accomplished by it.

5.On being heated, the air in the bottle will expand.

6.Many of the principles of a receiver also apply to a transmitter.

IV. 根据所给的中文句子,改正英语句子中的错误

1.Only through the study of [OR: Only by studying] the performance of the system, can one/we

appreciate/understand its advantages.


2.If the self-bias circuit is of poor design[OR: is not designed well/properly], chopping

oscillations will take place in the LC oscillator.


3.This paper presents a CAD method for increasing the printing speed and improving the

printing quality.


V. 将下面的内容译成英语

Currently the University has 12853 students of various types, of whom there are 7658 undergraduates and about 900 graduate students. In more than 60 years since its founding, it has produced over 60000 graduates of various types who work in the fields of national defence, electronics,

posts and telecommunications, aerospace and aviation in China, achieving splendid results in the nation’s economic construction.

The University enjoys a well-qualified, high academic level, and reasonably structured contingent of teachers. There is now a teaching and administrative staff of over 3200, of whom there are more than 2100 technical professionals, with 1 academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 26 national or provincial & ministerial-level experts who have made outstanding contributions, and over 600 teachers with senior academic titles.



练习7 (on page 54)

II. 将下列句子译成英语

1.Heat rays are emitted by all (material) bodies no matter how low their temperatures are.

一切物体不论其温度有多低,均发射(emit)热射线(heat rays)。

2.Small as they are, atoms are made up of still smaller units.


3.The measurement of angles is unique in that the unit is dimensionless.


4.The body is in such a state that it can do work.


5.These double-angle formulas can be used any time we have expressed one angle as twice


每当(any time)我们把一个角表示成另一个角的两倍时,就使用这些倍角(double-angle)公式(formule)。

6.The problem was not to be solved until a radically new and different concept was


直到引入(introduce)了一种崭新的(radically new)不同概念后这个问题才得到了解决。7.

8.Every substance, be it [或:whether it be] a solid, a liquid, or a gas, consists of atoms.


9.There are various indications [或:All indications are] that the price of computers will

continue to fall.


10.There is no evidence that energy can be created or destroyed.


11.In this case there is no assurance that the circuit is tuned to that frequency.


12.These experiments lead to the result that with/for a constant force, the acceleration is

inversely proportional to the mass.

这些实验得出(lead to)了这样的结果:若外力不变,加速度(acceleration)与质量(mass)成反比(be inversely proportional to)。

13.The idea that everything is made up of very small particles was known to the Greeks over

two thousand years ago.

两千多年前希腊人(the Greeks)就知道了每样东西都是有很小的颗粒(particle)构成的这一概念(idea)。

14.Since then, there have been speculations whether life exists on other planets.


15.This is due to/results from/arises from/is caused by the fact that there exists capacitance in

the circuit.

这是由于(due to)在电路中存在电容(capacitance)的原因导致的。

16.Besides the fact that the properties of the material should be included in the analytical

model, we must take other factors into account.


17.The term follower comes from the fact that the output voltage follows the signal voltage

quite closely.


https://www.doczj.com/doc/d98148650.html,ing the fact that the curve passes through (2, 1), we can evaluate the constant.


19.The usefulness of the Karnaugh map lies in the fact that adjacent cells can be grouped

visually to eliminate redundant variables.

卡诺图(the Karnaugh map)的有用性(usefulness)在于相邻的方格(adjacent cell)能够看得见地(visually)加以组合起来(group)来消除(eliminate)多余的(redundant)变量。

20.This series of experiments leads to the result that with a constant force, the acceleration is

inversely proportional to the mass.

这一系列的实验得出了这样的结果:若外力恒定,则加速度(acceleration)与质量成反比,III. 改正下列句中的错误

1.Air exerts pressure in every direction.

原句:Air exerts the pressure toward every direction.

2.The hotter the body (is), the more energy it radiates.

原句:The hoter the body will be,the more it radiates energy.

3.This is the largest aircraft that has ever been manufactured in China.

原句:This is the largest aircraft which was ever manufactured in China.

4.Semiconductors will be discussed in Chapter 2.

原句:Semiconductor will be discussed in the Chapter 2.

5.The ability of some elements to give off radiations is referred to as radioactivity.

原句:The ability for some elements to give off radiations is referred as the radioactivity.

6.To do all this, a sound knowledge of computer science is necessary.(is required)

原句:To do all these,sound knowledge of computer science is necessary.

IV. 根据给出的中文句子,改正英语句中的错误

1.The mathematical description of and the full-compensation conditions for the 3-axis

steady-tracking principle are also given.


The mathematical description and the full-compensation conditions of the 3-axes

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